Brave new world book read online. Roman Zlotnikov - Brave New World Brave New World

Plaster 28.10.2020

As he was a fool, so he remained. But you have to admit, you're a lucky fool. How many people died, and not a scratch on you. Oh well, we need the lucky ones. I'm flying to the "mainland" tomorrow. You are flying with me.

I want to fight, - Kazimir snapped.

Kostrov frowned.

I don't give a fuck about what you want, I said you would. And now - get out.

Kazimir ended the war as a captain with six military orders and ten medals. When he, who had barely recovered from the three-day celebration of the Victory, was called to the headquarters, then, holding the door handle, he already knew who he would see there. Kostrov, who had borrowed the office of the chief of staff for half an hour (would he have dared to refuse the lieutenant colonel of state security), traditionally thrust into his hand a mug now filled with German schnapps, and said:

For victory! - And after drinking, he put the mug on the table, wiped his lips and asked: - Are you afraid of me?

Casimir chuckled and shook his head.

And in vain. - Kostrov took some prescription from the table and thrust it to Casimir: - Get acquainted, you are going with me - to establish Soviet power in Western Ukraine. There, proven people with knowledge of Polish and German are worth their weight in gold.

It was there that Kazimir received a nickname, under which he later went through all the file cabinets of Western intelligence. Bandera called him Fangs. Once, after a continuous two-week chase, his opera squad went to a remote farm, where, with one of his mistresses, the famous head of the wire, Zozulya, was resting. The operation was lightning fast and bloody. They killed everyone: Zozulya himself, a dozen of his guards, his young woman, their son. Only the elderly father of the young woman, who was beaten by fragments of a grenade, survived his life as a bean with his daughter and grandson. When Casimir saw the chips of the oak table and the corpses of Zozulya, the woman and the child on the floor, he was suddenly struck by a strange resemblance to that hot June morning, which he tried not to remember. Casimir turned sharply and hit the barrel of the PPSh, which his deputy had already pressed against the old man's chest.

What are you, commander? - he did not understand.

Let's take this with us.

Yes, he’s useless ... - the deputy began, but, having come across a furious look, he stopped.

So Kazimir got his uncle Boguslav. After three days of interrogation, Kazimir took him from the cellars of the Lvov department of the MGB and took him to his apartment. Dyadko Boguslav quickly settled down, made acquaintances with peasant women who brought food to the local market, and once, when Kazimir hardly opened his eyes after a wild booze on the occasion of the successful completion of another operation, he saw a mug of cucumber pickle at his lips, and an affectionate voice said :

Drink, Kazimirushko, your head will feel better.

He stared dumbfoundedly at the mug for a while, then took a cautious sip. Late in the evening, frowningly watching Uncle Boguslav fussily setting the table, Kazimir suddenly said:

I brought your family to the root, and you brine me ...

The old man's legs buckled. Falling down on a bench, he smiled sadly:

In the late forties, Kazimir left for Moscow to study. However, when immediately after graduation he was urgently called from a banquet to the rector of the institute, he was almost sure who he would find in a vast office.

Are you afraid of me? - Kostrov tinkled with a faceted "scoundrel" on Casimir's misted glass.

He grunted, and Kostrov, shining with brand new colonel's epaulettes, muttered good-naturedly:

Fool, traditions must be observed. - And, knocking over a pile, he continued: - I took you to me, on Far East.

Once, returning from another business trip, Kazimir found a brave policeman at the door of his apartment. He threateningly demanded documents, but, seeing a small booklet, turned pale and muttered:

Here, I apologize, your relative ... that ... robbery, you understand, but he resists ... he didn’t give your medals ...

Casimir's eyes darkened. An hour later he was sitting with the investigator who was in charge of the case. He fussily shifted some folders on the table and rumbled with conviction:

Let's find something, why not find it, I'll keep them, bitches, for such a period of time ...

Wait, captain, - Kazimir stopped him, - you just show them to me, on the street, then it's my business.

A week later, the captain called Casimir and asked him to come in. When Casimir entered the office, a embossed silver cup caught my eye, which Uncle Boguslav had brought back from Lvov. He stepped up to the table and with a short, unswinging blow slammed into the fryer who was lounging on a chair. He flew off the wall and tumbled to the floor. The captain shook his head in dismay.

Yes, it’s not him, he’s a cheater, he won this card game, but he knows something about those who took your apartment.

When Casimir's papers were shown to the recovered cheater, he immediately wilted.

Remember, - the captain instructed him, - you will describe the comrade major as a "whooper". You punished him for a large amount, and he paid you off with the church "redhead", and you cleared that he had a lot of it.

After that, Kazimir began to walk in the place indicated by the captain, near the old warehouses, with a large suitcase. On the third day, three people met him: two healthy rednecks and a small, nimble peasant with evil eyes.

Listen, fryer, - began the nimble one, - don't you think that Comrade Stalin ordered such rednecks like you to be planted on a pike? - And he grabbed a Finn. - Drive the "redhead", goat.

Gron - 4

The Duke of Eznelm was poisoning the beast. The hunts in the Estregon thicket, which the duke arranged, were famous throughout the northern march. Like the balls in his castle. As well as his parade rides, the horses in which were matched by color - black, pitch black, or white with black spats on their front legs ... By all accounts, the duke had the most brilliant court, from the southern spurs of the Bannelon Mountains to the northern coast of the Tengen seas. And although the Count of Tammelsmein and the Duke of Jadkey were ready to argue with this, everyone understood that it was more from their own ambition than from a sense of justice. And there were no courtyards on the other side of the Bunnelon Mountains. There, the places were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids by wild barbarians and mountain cannibals, so that the castles there did not in any way resemble the magnificent castle of the Duke of Eznelm, shining with many mirrored windows. Not so much a castle as a palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which for a long time served as a palace fence rather than a fortress wall, and an old rickety donjon, after the reconstruction of the castle, turned from its heart into its own backyards. The same castles still remained a gloomy nest of stern warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger to jump into the saddle and sweep the sword from its scabbard. So what kind of courtyard could there be?

However, the duke's hunts were famous not only because of the pomp of clothes and elaborate ceremonies, but also because the Estregon thicket was nothing more than a long tongue of the Forbidden Forest, an indestructible wall surrounding the Tower of the Lord of Ganiad. Therefore, the animals in it have always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the power of the Owner, reaching its peak in the Forbidden Forest, makes life bubble up in its impenetrable thickets, giving birth to incredibly powerful and unusual beasts. But the Forbidden Forest is not accessible to people. Moreover, this inaccessibility is guarded not so much by prohibitions, but rather by those monsters that fill it. Monsters, once, probably, having an ordinary beast in their ancestors, now unrecognizably transformed, or rather, perverted by the mighty power of the Owner. And the closer to her heart, to the Tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But there are a lot of them on the outskirts. It is not for nothing that the peasants under no circumstances settle closer than the daytime passage from the Forbidden Forest. And the fat meadows on its edges always stand unmowed ...

But the Estregon thicket was granted by the Owner of Ganiad to the fief possession of the Dukes of Eznelm. The animal in it, although it was unnecessarily vicious and large (hares looked like a dog, and roe deer almost like an elk), but still did not differ too much from the usual. And unlike the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, writing was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens were more common in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. In a week, cold autumn rains will charge, the roads will carry, and for almost a month the castles, as well as the cities, villages and lonely farms of the northern brand, will be cut off from each other. Until the first frost hits and a fluffy snow blanket covers the ground. However, while the days were warm, and the trees still carried on their branches lush, almost summer-like, but already quite autumn-like bright and multi-colored foliage.

The duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking from under his hand at the forest distances perfectly visible from this hill. A large retinue stopped the horses about ten paces behind and spoke quietly. The hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the chief huntsman reported that on the western edge of the thicket, the huntsmen stumbled upon the tracks of the Bone Boar. It was one of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, wandering into the Estregon Thicket for some reason.

Here is the e-book of the author, whose name is Zlotnikov Roman Valerievich.
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Gron - 4

"Brave New World": "ALFA-BOOK Publishing House"; M.; 2008
ISBN 978-5-9922-0264-9
Gron is dead. Gron has been resurrected. In the new beautiful world. New life, new friends and no Order. Live and be happy? No matter how. For those who are doomed to fight, the new world is a new challenge, new enemies and ... a force more terrible than the Order. The rulers of the new world, who do not need to hide their power over it. But not only they threaten Gron. Here he has a new, personal enemy, who knows something about him that is unknown to anyone else in this world ...
Roman Zlotnikov
Brave new world
The Duke of Eznelm was poisoning the beast. The hunts in the Estregon thicket, which the duke arranged, were famous throughout the northern march. Like the balls in his castle. As well as his parade rides, the horses in which were matched by color - black, pitch black, or white with black spats on their front legs ... By all accounts, the duke had the most brilliant court, from the southern spurs of the Bannelon Mountains to the northern coast of the Tengen seas. And although the Count of Tammelsmein and the Duke of Jadkey were ready to argue with this, everyone understood that it was more from their own ambition than from a sense of justice. And there were no courtyards on the other side of the Bunnelon Mountains. There, the places were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids by wild barbarians and mountain cannibals, so that the castles there did not in any way resemble the magnificent castle of the Duke of Eznelm, shining with many mirrored windows. Not so much a castle as a palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which for a long time served as a palace fence rather than a fortress wall, and an old rickety donjon, after the reconstruction of the castle, turned from its heart into its own backyards. The same castles still remained a gloomy nest of stern warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger to jump into the saddle and sweep the sword from its scabbard. So what kind of courtyard could there be?
However, the duke's hunts were famous not only because of the pomp of clothes and elaborate ceremonies, but also because the Estregon thicket was nothing more than a long tongue of the Forbidden Forest, an indestructible wall surrounding the Tower of the Lord of Ganiad. Therefore, the animals in it have always been inexhaustible.
Everyone knows that the power of the Owner, reaching its peak in the Forbidden Forest, makes life bubble up in its impenetrable thickets, giving birth to incredibly powerful and unusual beasts. But the Forbidden Forest is not accessible to people. Moreover, this inaccessibility is guarded not so much by prohibitions, but rather by those monsters that fill it. Monsters, once, probably, having an ordinary beast in their ancestors, now unrecognizably transformed, or rather, perverted by the mighty power of the Owner. And the closer to her heart, to the Tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But there are a lot of them on the outskirts. It is not for nothing that the peasants under no circumstances settle closer than the daytime passage from the Forbidden Forest. And the fat meadows on its edges always stand unmowed ...
But the Estregon thicket was granted by the Owner of Ganiad to the fief possession of the Dukes of Eznelm. The animal in it, although it was unnecessarily vicious and large (hares looked like a dog, and roe deer almost like an elk), but still did not differ too much from the usual. And unlike the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, writing was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens were more common in Estregonskaya ...
This hunt was the last autumn. In a week, cold autumn rains will charge, the roads will carry, and for almost a month the castles, as well as the cities, villages and lonely farms of the northern brand, will be cut off from each other. Until the first frost hits and a fluffy snow blanket covers the ground. However, while the days were warm, and the trees still carried on their branches lush, almost summer-like, but already quite autumn-like bright and multi-colored foliage.
The duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking from under his hand at the forest distances perfectly visible from this hill. A large retinue stopped the horses about ten paces behind and spoke quietly. The hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the chief huntsman reported that on the western edge of the thicket, the huntsmen stumbled upon the tracks of the Bone Boar. It was one of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, wandering into the Estregon Thicket for some reason. Usually such powerful and dangerous creatures do not leave the Forbidden Forest. For, being a product of the power of the Owner, they cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force, which, according to philosophers and alchemists, is poured into the world ether and is available everywhere, and not only in the Forbidden Forest, is not enough for them. Therefore, the wild boar, which accidentally got out of the wilds of the forest, native to him, most likely, was already fairly weakened. And the hunt for him could well have cost not too many lives lost. A trophy with luck would be noble. Lord, one lord of a castle out of a hundred could boast that on the wall of his hunting hall hangs something similar to the head of a Bone Boar. Although just the castle of the Duke of Esnelm could boast of such a thing. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of the Hellhound. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if with armor, with monstrous bone growths, the head of the Bone Boar was not there ...
The duke carelessly threw up his hand, wrapped in a thin black husky, and the chief huntsman immediately gave his horse a leg, riding up to the master.
- Your Highness…
- Where is he, Nashprigut?
The chief hunter listened to the barking of dogs barely audible from here.
- They're coming from the east. From Wandering Ford.
- From the east? The Duke shook his head. “But it seems to me that barking is louder in the south.
“That's right, Your Grace, louder from the south. There are at least three packs of ruts. Yes, only they bark gambling. Because the usual beast is driven. And from the east, those are deafer breshut. More shy. As if they themselves are afraid of the one they are persecuting.
The Duke nodded casually.
- Good. Has Gonya already let the pack go?
“No, no, your grace. Waiting for the beast to cheer. And he will rush to the packs that are already chasing him. Put a lot of dogs. Hey. But when they beat him a little, and even the pike beaters arrive in time, that's when Chasing with the pack will be released.
Where are you thinking of taking it?
- And at the Hare beam. The very place.
The Duke bowed his head again in a casual gesture of agreement. And, with a slight movement of his hand, releasing the hunter, he touched the horse, riding to the very top of the hill. He is tired. No, not today, but in general. Even the current such an unusual hunt no longer pleased him ...
About twenty years ago, the fame of the adventures of the young heir to the domain, then still called Viscount Berzhar, thundered throughout the northern March. According to an old custom, also reinforced by an agreement, at the age of twelve he left his father's house and went to the court of Count Tammelsmein. It was officially believed that upbringing in a family could only spoil the boy. For women are weak, and the mother will never agree to step aside and not participate in any way in the upbringing (and therefore not spoil) the future nobleman. In addition, the children of the vassals, who were at the court of the master, served as the best guarantee of the observance of the vassal oaths, and the children of the rulers, sent to the court of rivals, of the agreements concluded. Not a single treaty concluded by former opponents was ever complete without an oral or, if the bitterness of the previous war was too strong, even a written agreement on the exchange of heirs. So often those who were to take possession of the domain really got acquainted with their inheritance already at a quite mature age. Twenty years. For, although it was generally considered indecent to keep at court young men who had reached the age of seventeen and were already knighted, and usually younger ones were sent to replace them, and the older ones were sent home, this rule did not always apply to heirs. And the last war between Eznelm and Tammelsmein was long and rather cruel. So Viscount Berjart, heir to the Duke of Esnelm, stayed at the court of Count Tammelsmein until he was twenty-five years old. Until the moment when his father, the former Duke of Esnelm, died of a blow right on one of the ladies-in-waiting of his wife, nee Baroness Galliand. At that time, Viscount Berzhar approved of such a death of the priest, since he himself was a very famous skirt lifter in the world. By all accounts, he didn't miss a single pretty face in Count Tammelsmein's castle, from the milkmaid to the Countess's lady-in-waiting, and according to rumors, he even got to the count's bedroom. However, rumors are rumors, and the countess in the world was considered a virtuous and strict woman. Although the viscount's sumptuous, jet-black, curly curls, moist, slightly bulging eyes, in the depths of which lurked the most frank and shameless lust, and sensual lips, seduced more than one virtuous soul. And about his crazy feasts, which cost the city of Tammelsmein three burned-out taverns and countless losses in others, were still remembered in the county. As well as the trick with the whipped captain of the city guard. Yes, it was a fun time...
The head hunter listened to the barking of the dogs and the call of the hunters' horns and raised his horn. A thick, deep-pitched roar filled the neighborhood. Our puppet looked back at the duke, but he continued to look down indifferently. And the chief huntsman waved his hand, ordering all the large retinue that accompanied the duke on this hunt to move forward. On the hunt, it was he who was in charge ... well, albeit formally, but in fact, definitely second after the duke. A motley cavalcade of riders set off their horses. The duke followed them with an indifferent glance and again fixed it on the opened panorama.
The Duchy of Eznelm was one of the richest domains. Unlike Tammelsmein and Jadkeya, it was landlocked, but it owned half of the mines laid out in the Bannelon Mountains. And the most convenient pass for communication with Zagorye was also in the lands of the duchy. However, the trade route in Zagorye did not bring much income. The Zagorsk domains were all very small and poor. Well, maybe with the exception of Rasdor. But the Rasdor baron was the eternal enemy of the Dukes of Eznelm and preferred to trade through Zhadkeya. Although it came out further, and more expensive.
For the first couple of years, the newly-made duke enjoyed the opportunities that fell on him with might and main. Those feasts with fireworks, hunting and all sorts of other amusements were still legendary throughout the northern March. But one morning, the duke summoned the chancellor to the bedchamber and demanded to pay the merchant with rare incense, which completely delighted his next passion. The chancellor spread his hands and with sadness in his voice reported that the treasury was empty.
The young duke looked at him in bewilderment.
- So how is it that there is no money?
In his mind, money was always there. It was an immutable law of nature. Money simply could not be! That is, yes, he could miss them, but behind this was not their physical absence, but something else, say, papa's stinginess or the sluggishness of the postal service. The Chancellor sighed. He was already quite tired of the completely crazy expenses of his young master, who managed to lower a fairly tight purse in just two years, which his daddy, despite his equally considerable commitment to all sorts of life pleasures, was able to accumulate.
“Look, your grace,” he rolled out a long scroll, which he took with him to the bedchamber, not too much, though, hoping that it would help him, “in total, we received seventeen thousand eight hundred and seventy-three tolars last year. It took the maintenance of the squad ...
To the chancellor's surprise, about halfway through his speech, the young duke got out of bed, in which he was still lying with the courtesan, and began to carefully examine the scroll, while continuing to listen to the report. When the income and expenditure report for the year was completed, the young duke looked at the scroll for several more minutes, in which all expenses were divided into five items - the army and police, roads and bridges, the salaries of officials and servants, the maintenance of the castle and (these expenses the chancellor specially rendered in a separate article) his own expenses. Raising his head, he asked in surprise:
“So is it that I skipped more last year than it took for everything else put together?”
“Yes, your grace,” the chancellor bowed his head in agreement, his stomach even slightly twitching.
“Fascinating…” The Duke rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“So,” it sounded capriciously from under the canopy of the bed left by the duke, “will you finally buy these vials for me?” I'm already tired of waiting for you to finish these tricky speeches of yours.
The duke squinted towards the bed, and his face suddenly twisted into a grimace of annoyance.
“Go away,” he shouted angrily, “go away!”
“But, kitty ...” a frightened sound was heard from under the canopy, and the next moment a plump little face poked out from there, framed by blond hair and adorned with bright violet eyes, “are you really ...
- Go away, I said! Guard! the duke yelled impatiently. And when two guards burst into the room, rattling their armor shields, he ordered irritably: “Come on, throw this fool out of my bedroom.”
The sobbing "fool", however, was escorted out of the bedroom very respectfully. No one wanted to incur the constable's wrath by disrespecting his wife. She was more than twenty years younger than her husband and had the lovability of a cat in heat. But he did not have a soul in her, forgiving her all her adventures and fiercely defending her honor ... or rather, what seemed to him so. So everything turned out - the young duke had just made himself a new enemy in the person of his own constable. Although, to tell the truth, his wife really was a rare fool who believed that there were only two worthy occupations in the world - to fuck and have fun, and everything else did not deserve any attention.
And the duke from that moment found another area for the application of his seething energy and pounced on the cares of the ruler with the same youthful enthusiasm and irrepressibility with which he had hitherto indulged in amusements. He wandered all over the duchy without knowing he was tired - he built bridges, laid sawmills and fullers, paved roads. He heatedly discussed with the masons where and how to build new watchtowers, and with the owners of mines and smelters - how best to melt the metal. Feasts and fireworks were almost forgotten, and on the hunt now, to the sound of horns, they not only poisoned the beast, but also agreed on the laying of new manufactories and the expansion of old ones. This went on for three years, until the Duke of Jadkey, worried about the unexpected rise of Eznelm, persuaded Rasdor to attack the outlying possessions of the duchy. Rasdorians have always been considered good warriors, and the border vassal barons quickly lost their castles and rushed to Eznelm Castle, asking for help and screaming for the debt of the sovereign. The Duke of Eznelm gave himself up to a new field for himself with the same fervor as all the previous ones. The progress of the Rasdorians was stopped, which, however, was not a very difficult task, since they themselves were not going to move too deep into the duchy, knowing full well that Rasdor was still no match for Eznelmu and the maximum that they could count on , it's on gaining control of the pass.

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Gron is dead. Gron has been resurrected. In a new beautiful world. New life, new friends and no Order. Live and be happy? No matter how. For those who are doomed to fight, the new world is a new challenge, new enemies and ... a force more terrible than the Order. The rulers of the new world, who do not need to hide their power over it. But not only they threaten Gron. Here he has a new personal an enemy who knows something about him that no one else in this world knows ...

Roman Zlotnikov

Brave new world


The Duke of Eznelm was poisoning the beast. The hunts in the Estregon thicket, which the duke arranged, were famous throughout the northern march. Like the balls in his castle. As well as his parade rides, the horses in which were matched by color - black, pitch black, or white with black spats on their front legs ... By all accounts, the duke had the most brilliant court, from the southern spurs of the Bannelon Mountains to the northern coast of the Tengen seas. And although the Count of Tammelsmein and the Duke of Jadkey were ready to argue with this, everyone understood that it was more from their own ambition than from a sense of justice. And there were no courtyards on the other side of the Bunnelon Mountains. There, the places were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids by wild barbarians and mountain cannibals, so that the castles there did not in any way resemble the magnificent castle of the Duke of Eznelm, shining with many mirrored windows. Not so much a castle as a palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which for a long time served as a palace fence rather than a fortress wall, and an old rickety donjon, after the reconstruction of the castle, turned from its heart into its own backyards. The same castles still remained a gloomy nest of stern warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger to jump into the saddle and sweep the sword from its scabbard. So what kind of courtyard could there be?

However, the duke's hunts were famous not only because of the pomp of clothes and elaborate ceremonies, but also because the Estregon thicket was nothing more than a long tongue of the Forbidden Forest, an indestructible wall surrounding the Tower of the Lord of Ganiad. Therefore, the animals in it have always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the power of the Owner, reaching its peak in the Forbidden Forest, makes life bubble up in its impenetrable thickets, giving birth to incredibly powerful and unusual beasts. But the Forbidden Forest is not accessible to people. Moreover, this inaccessibility is guarded not so much by prohibitions, but rather by those monsters that fill it. Monsters, once, probably, having an ordinary beast in their ancestors, now unrecognizably transformed, or rather, perverted by the mighty power of the Owner. And the closer to her heart, to the Tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But there are a lot of them on the outskirts. It is not for nothing that the peasants under no circumstances settle closer than the daytime passage from the Forbidden Forest. And the fat meadows on its edges always stand unmowed ...

But the Estregon thicket was granted by the Owner of Ganiad to the fief possession of the Dukes of Eznelm. The animal in it, although it was unnecessarily vicious and large (hares looked like a dog, and roe deer almost like an elk), but still did not differ too much from the usual. And unlike the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, writing was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens were more common in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. In a week, cold autumn rains will charge, the roads will carry, and for almost a month the castles, as well as the cities, villages and lonely farms of the northern brand, will be cut off from each other. Until the first frost hits and a fluffy snow blanket covers the ground. However, while the days were warm, and the trees still carried on their branches lush, almost summer-like, but already quite autumn-like bright and multi-colored foliage.

The duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking from under his hand at the forest distances perfectly visible from this hill. A large retinue stopped the horses about ten paces behind and spoke quietly. The hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the chief huntsman reported that on the western edge of the thicket, the huntsmen stumbled upon the tracks of the Bone Boar. It was one of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, wandering into the Estregon Thicket for some reason. Usually such powerful and dangerous creatures do not leave the Forbidden Forest. For, being a product of the power of the Owner, they cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force, which, according to philosophers and alchemists, is poured into the world ether and is available everywhere, and not only in the Forbidden Forest, is not enough for them. Therefore, the wild boar, which accidentally got out of the wilds of the forest, native to him, most likely, was already fairly weakened. And the hunt for him could well have cost not too many lives lost. A trophy with luck would be noble. Lord, one lord of a castle out of a hundred could boast that on the wall of his hunting hall hangs something similar to the head of a Bone Boar. Although just the castle of the Duke of Esnelm could boast of such a thing. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of the Hellhound. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if with armor, with monstrous bone growths, the head of the Bone Boar was not there ...

Roman Zlotnikov

Brave new world

The Duke of Eznelm was poisoning the beast. The hunts in the Estregon thicket, which the duke arranged, were famous throughout the northern march. Like the balls in his castle. As well as his parade rides, the horses in which were matched by color - black, pitch black, or white with black spats on their front legs ... By all accounts, the duke had the most brilliant court, from the southern spurs of the Bannelon Mountains to the northern coast of the Tengen seas. And although the Count of Tammelsmein and the Duke of Jadkey were ready to argue with this, everyone understood that it was more from their own ambition than from a sense of justice. And there were no courtyards on the other side of the Bunnelon Mountains. There, the places were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids by wild barbarians and mountain cannibals, so that the castles there did not in any way resemble the magnificent castle of the Duke of Eznelm, shining with many mirrored windows. Not so much a castle as a palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which for a long time served as a palace fence rather than a fortress wall, and an old rickety donjon, after the reconstruction of the castle, turned from its heart into its own backyards. The same castles still remained a gloomy nest of stern warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger to jump into the saddle and sweep the sword from its scabbard. So what kind of courtyard could there be?

However, the duke's hunts were famous not only because of the pomp of clothes and elaborate ceremonies, but also because the Estregon thicket was nothing more than a long tongue of the Forbidden Forest, an indestructible wall surrounding the Tower of the Lord of Ganiad. Therefore, the animals in it have always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the power of the Owner, reaching its peak in the Forbidden Forest, makes life bubble up in its impenetrable thickets, giving birth to incredibly powerful and unusual beasts. But the Forbidden Forest is not accessible to people. Moreover, this inaccessibility is guarded not so much by prohibitions, but rather by those monsters that fill it. Monsters, once, probably, having an ordinary beast in their ancestors, now unrecognizably transformed, or rather, perverted by the mighty power of the Owner. And the closer to her heart, to the Tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But there are a lot of them on the outskirts. It is not for nothing that the peasants under no circumstances settle closer than the daytime passage from the Forbidden Forest. And the fat meadows on its edges always stand unmowed ...

But the Estregon thicket was granted by the Owner of Ganiad to the fief possession of the Dukes of Eznelm. The animal in it, although it was unnecessarily vicious and large (hares looked like a dog, and roe deer almost like an elk), but still did not differ too much from the usual. And unlike the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, writing was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens were more common in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. In a week, cold autumn rains will charge, the roads will carry, and for almost a month the castles, as well as the cities, villages and lonely farms of the northern brand, will be cut off from each other. Until the first frost hits and a fluffy snow blanket covers the ground. However, while the days were warm, and the trees still carried on their branches lush, almost summer-like, but already quite autumn-like bright and multi-colored foliage.

The duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking from under his hand at the forest distances perfectly visible from this hill. A large retinue stopped the horses about ten paces behind and spoke quietly. The hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the chief huntsman reported that on the western edge of the thicket, the huntsmen stumbled upon the tracks of the Bone Boar. It was one of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest, wandering into the Estregon Thicket for some reason. Usually such powerful and dangerous creatures do not leave the Forbidden Forest. For, being a product of the power of the Owner, they cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force, which, according to philosophers and alchemists, is poured into the world ether and is available everywhere, and not only in the Forbidden Forest, is not enough for them. Therefore, the wild boar, which accidentally got out of the wilds of the forest, native to him, most likely, was already fairly weakened. And the hunt for him could well have cost not too many lives lost. A trophy with luck would be noble. Lord, one lord of a castle out of a hundred could boast that on the wall of his hunting hall hangs something similar to the head of a Bone Boar. Although just the castle of the Duke of Esnelm could boast of such a thing. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of the Hellhound. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if with armor, with monstrous bone growths, the head of the Bone Boar was not there ...

The duke carelessly threw up his hand, wrapped in a thin black husky, and the chief huntsman immediately gave his horse a leg, riding up to the master.

- Your Highness…

- Where is he, Nashprigut?

The chief hunter listened to the barking of dogs barely audible from here.

- They're coming from the east. From Wandering Ford.

- From the east? The Duke shook his head. “But it seems to me that barking is louder in the south.

“That's right, Your Grace, louder from the south. There are at least three packs of ruts. Yes, only they bark gambling. Because the usual beast is driven. And from the east, those are deafer breshut. More shy. As if they themselves are afraid of the one they are persecuting.

The Duke nodded casually.

- Good. Has Gonya already let the pack go?

“No, no, your grace. Waiting for the beast to cheer. And he will rush to the packs that are already chasing him. Put a lot of dogs. Hey. But when they beat him a little, and even the pike beaters arrive in time, that's when Chasing with the pack will be released.

Where are you thinking of taking it?

- And at the Hare beam. The very place.

The Duke bowed his head again in a casual gesture of agreement. And, with a slight movement of his hand, releasing the hunter, he touched the horse, riding to the very top of the hill. He is tired. No, not today, but in general. Even the current such an unusual hunt no longer pleased him ...

About twenty years ago, the fame of the adventures of the young heir to the domain, then still called Viscount Berzhar, thundered throughout the northern March. According to an old custom, also reinforced by an agreement, at the age of twelve he left his father's house and went to the court of Count Tammelsmein. It was officially believed that upbringing in a family could only spoil the boy. For women are weak, and the mother will never agree to step aside and not participate in any way in the upbringing (and therefore not spoil) the future nobleman. In addition, the children of the vassals, who were at the court of the master, served as the best guarantee of the observance of the vassal oaths, and the children of the rulers, sent to the court of rivals, of the agreements concluded. Not a single treaty concluded by former opponents was ever complete without an oral or, if the bitterness of the previous war was too strong, even a written agreement on the exchange of heirs. So often those who were to take possession of the domain really got acquainted with their inheritance already at a quite mature age. Twenty years. For, although it was generally considered indecent to keep at court young men who had reached the age of seventeen and were already knighted, and usually younger ones were sent to replace them, and the older ones were sent home, this rule did not always apply to heirs. And the last war between Eznelm and Tammelsmein was long and rather cruel. So Viscount Berjart, heir to the Duke of Esnelm, stayed at the court of Count Tammelsmein until he was twenty-five years old. Until the moment when his father, the former Duke of Esnelm, died of a blow right on one of the ladies-in-waiting of his wife, nee Baroness Galliand. At that time, Viscount Berzhar approved of such a death of the priest, since he himself was a very famous skirt lifter in the world. By all accounts, he didn't miss a single pretty face in Count Tammelsmein's castle, from the milkmaid to the Countess's lady-in-waiting, and according to rumors, he even got to the count's bedroom. However, rumors are rumors, and the countess in the world was considered a virtuous and strict woman. Although the viscount's sumptuous, jet-black, curly curls, moist, slightly bulging eyes, in the depths of which lurked the most frank and shameless lust, and sensual lips, seduced more than one virtuous soul. And about his crazy feasts, which cost the city of Tammelsmein three burned-out taverns and countless losses in others, were still remembered in the county. As well as the trick with the whipped captain of the city guard. Yes, it was a fun time...

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