Oleg divov - new world. New world New world oleg divov

Boilers 21.12.2020

Oleg Divov

New world

Damn, - sighed Nina killed. - Crap! - threw away the crumpled blade of grass and irritably tore off a new one.

We were sitting on the beach. The great Scottish River Tweed rolled past with its ancient waves. And she didn't give a damn that there were two confused young women waiting for the police. And do not care that at the very edge of the water lies a corpse. And even more so, she did not care that in the ruins of the baron's castle, a Siberian cyborg was guarding fragments of a non-federal-made sniper robot.

She flowed and flowed. How it flowed two thousand years ago and how it will flow in a thousand years, when everyone will forget about two women, a corpse, a cyborg and a robot.

I nodded.

August will be back soon? Nina asked hopefully.

I have no idea.

I kept silent.

Are you sure you can't conclude an investigation agreement without him?

Why can't I? Can.

Look, I just don't know: if, for example, I sign a contract with you, am I obliged to say something to the police?

You don't have to anyway. It's the detective's job to convince you to help the investigation. Another thing is that silence can work against you.

No no. Look: I'll tell you everything, but can I tell the police nothing at all? It won't be used against me?

If the police have a suspicion that you are guilty, they will detain you anyway.

Yes, it’s figs with him ... Well, that is, not really ... Will you look after my son, if that?

I also reached for the blade of grass.

What have you done?

Yes, I'm nothing. Not fair. I just know this guy. His name was... his name was Miguel Basch. Don't worry, I didn't even like him. And I told him ... I don’t know, but he behaved as if I had no gender. Strange for an El Dorado, huh? They're hot, making eyes at everyone, and he's an El Dorado. Refugee. Sorry, I'm so crumpled ... In short, we know each other. And I think he was killed because of me. He entrusted me with one secret, not even a secret, but just a hint, and I ... Well, I had a difficult period, you know, in general, I blabbed. No, it's not what you think, there was a threat to another person, I warned him. And you might think that Miguel did it. And now it's been removed. For a long tongue. But I can’t, at least cut me, I can’t tell the police this. Because the police will just start, and then the feds will take over, and Ian will find out everything ...

Wow detective, I thought. What, however, is the acquaintance of our prima donna. What nonsense… Idiocy… No one has been able to stun me like that for a long time. Did Miguel open up to Nina? For what? Wanted to send a message? To whom? To me? Okay, let's figure it out. Now we need to save this fool.

Can you pretend?

What? Ah yes, of course. I'm not a great actress, but anyone who goes on stage is a bit of that... an actor...

Then cry, - I advised very indifferently, already noticing a police car in the distance.

Sob? Ah, I understand.

And he sits, the main thing, staring at his eyes.

I nudged her in the side.

Are you going to cry or what?

Nina immediately went into the most natural hysteria that I have ever seen. Wow "little actress"! I put my arms around her trembling shoulders and whispered softly in her ear:

You know nothing. You are shocked. You are a famous singer, subtle nature. Dogs attacked you, then you saw how a man was killed. You didn’t see him at all, you don’t know if you ever met or not. You didn't have time to look. At first you thought he was hurt, so you helped me pull the guy out of the water and turn him over. But when she saw the wound, she lost her composure. You need peace and quiet. You were still running after me on adrenaline, not thinking a damn thing, and now you have a waste. You…

Yes, I know! Nina said through her teeth and sobs. - In general, let them ask the guys from Everest how nervous I am!

They will ask how. I can see directly how the police will find out from their colleagues from Everest whether Nina Ossi is really capable of bursting into tears at the sight of a corpse. Rather, they will be interested in my past. And my past is such that it would be better not to stutter about it at all.

Although ... And why, in fact, not?

And I dialed federal agent Harris.

* * *

Vera Harris, a neat woman of not her first youth, was still very attractive. Slightly above average height, lean, smooth and strict. The flat, petite-headed haircut clung to her regular skull, hair by hair. A decent straight tweed skirt reached exactly the middle of the knee. Make-up - discreet, in natural tones. The jacket is a little fitted, and that is because it is old-fashionedly long. If it were straight, it would seem baggy, it would involuntarily attract attention, but Vera did not want to attract anything. She always knew exactly what she wanted. At work - only an agent. At home - only his wife and mother. I had no doubt that when she came home, she took off her tweed suit and hid it in the darkest corner of her wardrobe, put on a flowered dress or even a silk kimono, washed hair styling products from her smooth head and turned into a disheveled cheerful bird with an affectionate nickname Lolo or Vivi. She goes to cook dinner for the family using her grandmother's recipes, plays with the children with dolls, and with her husband before going to bed - strip poker. But all this is only until the moment when the alarm goes off in the morning. Then she takes a shower, goes to the dressing room - and reincarnates as Agent Harris.

I really liked this woman. Sometimes I dreamed that I would leave August, ask the feds and be Vera's intern.

We were still sitting on the river bank. Folding chairs were brought for Nina and me. Nina so entered the role that she was dismantled by a serious chill. She wrapped three woolen blankets around her shoulders, warmed her fingers on a large mug of hot tea, and sobbed with annoying regularity. Like a car. Every thirty seconds - squelch squelch. Agent Harris looked at her with undisguised doubt at the meeting, said nothing. And she only asked me questions.


Vera Harris stood with her arms clasped between me and the river's edge. She didn't offer to call a doctor for Nina. She drove the police away from us and a couple of local amateur reporters who came from out of nowhere. I told her exactly how it was: Nina and I walked along the shore, saw a young man, he was fishing, his dogs rushed at us, Vasilisa gave them a thrashing, and then - bam! Bang! .. All to be honest, up to the moment when we found Vasilisa, who killed the sniper robot in the ruins of the baron's castle. What happened next was irrelevant to the investigation. Nina and I are just random witnesses. We saw and know exactly as much as any two local women in our place. Yes, of course, I met this guy many times. He used to fish here every day. Of course, I know where he lives, I've been to that boutique, I always dreamed of picking up shoes for walking in the hills. No, I didn't. Once almost already bought, but the color did not fit. Yes, the victim was a remarkable person. First, no one in Peebles goes fishing every day. Secondly, these ill-mannered dogs of his were remembered not only by all the neighbors, but also by everyone who would take it into his head to take a walk along this bank of the river. Where are the dogs? I don't know, maybe they ran home.


I already wanted to hit Nina. She could have chosen something else if she needed to feign a stress stereotype. I suspect my smile was not at all sympathetic when I told Vera Harris about the subtle nervous organization of the famous singer Nina Ossi. Of course, I also remembered the events on Everest, when Nina was in our group, fired upon by an unknown sniper.


I was plotting sophisticated revenge. Upon returning to the estate, Nina will certainly ask for brandy. FIG she will be, not brandy.


Miss Berg, Vera Harris suddenly said, do you have the right to sign investigation contracts in the absence of your boss?

Yes, - I answered, noting at the same time the emphasized formality of the tone and address.

Actually, Vera and I were on "you". We met under sad circumstances - I as a witness to the murder, she as an agent. But at the next meeting, it turned out that we had a lot in common. When I returned from Shanghai, we met by chance in the city and started talking. With strangers, Vera observed some formalities in communication, of course, but not so official.

Understandable, she said. - Maybe it's for the best. In that case... - she once again looked at Nina, - I won't detain you. I hope that you will visit our glorious country again.

I'm going to stay here until my boss returns. If I need to leave, I will let you know.

Vera squinted at Nina. She didn't say anything about her. And she didn’t even hint that she was counting on working with me if I took something out of Nina.

Genre: ,

Age restrictions: +
Publication city: Moscow
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ISBN: 978-5-699-84105-9 Size: 504 Kb

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They started killing and won't stop. They need to quickly eliminate those of their own who are no longer needed, and all strangers who stand in the way. Federal security barely has time to count the bodies, and no one understands what the main stake in this deadly game is. Happiness for everyone? Don't be ridiculous, says Della Berg, you've been swindled. The question is what for.

Yes, life in a liberal utopia is not easy. Great opportunities, but tight limits. No one will starve to death, but few will achieve real success.

And they definitely didn’t promise you ordinary human happiness.

But for the downtrodden and the desperate, for everyone pushed overboard by society, there is a way out. You just need to understand that your world has reached a dead end and you can’t continue to live like this. In a beautiful and just New World, the last will be first, and all the rest will be equal.

Is this worth killing and dying for?

They started killing and won't stop. They need to quickly eliminate those of their own who are no longer needed, and all strangers who stand in the way. Federal security barely has time to count the bodies, and no one understands what the main stake in this deadly game is. Happiness for everyone? Don't be ridiculous, says Della Berg, you've been swindled. The question is what for.

Yes, life in a liberal utopia is not easy. Great opportunities, but tight limits. No one will starve to death, but few will achieve real success.

And they definitely didn’t promise you ordinary human happiness.

But for the downtrodden and the desperate, for everyone pushed overboard by society, there is a way out. You just need to understand that your world has reached a dead end and you can’t continue to live like this. In a beautiful and just New World, the last will be first, and all the rest will be equal.

Is this worth killing and dying for?

On our literary site vsebooks.ru you can download for free the book by Oleg Divov "The New World" in a suitable format for different devices: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. The book is the best teacher, friend and companion. It contains the secrets of the Universe, the riddles of man and the answers to any questions. We have collected the best representatives of both foreign and domestic literature, classical and modern books, publications on psychology and self-development, fairy tales for children and works exclusively for adults. Everyone will find here exactly what will give a lot of pleasant moments.

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New World Oleg Divov

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Title: new world
Author: Oleg Divov
Year: 2015
Genre: Detective Fiction, Science Fiction, Social Fiction

About the book "New World" Oleg Divov

They started killing and won't stop. They need to quickly eliminate those of their own who are no longer needed, and all strangers who stand in the way. Federal security barely has time to count the bodies, and no one understands what the main stake in this deadly game is. Happiness for everyone? Don't be ridiculous, says Della Berg, you've been swindled. The question is what for.

Yes, life in a liberal utopia is not easy. Great opportunities, but tight limits. No one will starve to death, but few will achieve real success.

And they definitely didn’t promise you ordinary human happiness.

But for the downtrodden and the desperate, for everyone pushed overboard by society, there is a way out. You just need to understand that your world has reached a dead end and you can’t continue to live like this. In a beautiful and just New World, the last will be first, and all the rest will be equal.

Is this worth killing and dying for?

On our site about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free or read online book"New World" by Oleg Divov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

They started killing and won't stop. They need to quickly eliminate those of their own who are no longer needed, and all strangers who stand in the way. Federal security barely has time to count the bodies, and no one understands what the main stake in this deadly game is. Happiness for everyone? Don't be ridiculous, says Della Berg, you've been swindled. The question is what for.

Yes, life in a liberal utopia is not easy. Great opportunities, but tight limits. No one will starve to death, but few will achieve real success.

And they definitely didn’t promise you ordinary human happiness.

But for the downtrodden and the desperate, for everyone pushed overboard by society, there is a way out. You just need to understand that your world has reached a dead end and you can’t continue to live like this. In a beautiful and just New World, the last will be first, and all the rest will be equal.

Is this worth killing and dying for?

On our website you can download the book "New World" by Divov Oleg Igorevich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

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