672 Russian language 4 classes lesson development. III. Calligraphic minute

Astringent compounds 01.08.2020
Astringent compounds



Create conditions for determining the grammatical features of nouns, adjectives, pronouns; parsing sentences by sentence members, parsing sentences

Lesson type

Control of knowledge and methods of action / solving a particular problem




Determine the grammatical features of nouns, adjectives, pronouns; parsing sentences by sentence members, parsing sentences



Assess their own educational activities: their achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, the reason for failure


training activities


Cognitive: reproduce from memory the information necessary for solving an educational problem.

Regulatory: plan the solution of the educational problem: build a sequence of necessary operations

(algorithm of actions); analyze emotional states obtained from successful (unsuccessful) activities, assess their impact on a person's mood

The main

Grammatical signs of nouns, adjectives, pronouns. Analysis of proposals by members of the proposal. Parsing a sentence

Lesson script

Lesson steps

Forms, methods,



Teacher activity

Student activities

The form


The ongoing




I. Motivation for learning activities

(Organizing time)

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher's word

Greets students.

I love it when I meet

We are friends and family

"Good morning",

"Good evening",

"Good night" we say.

A. Yashin

- Check readiness

to the lesson

Greet the teachers. Organize their workplace

Show willingness to work in class

II. Calligraphy


Practical. Letter

angle charcoal ear

Follow the pattern

Develop calligraphic handwriting

Correct writing

III. Statement of the educational problem

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher message

Tells the topic of the lesson, formulates the educational problem

Listen to the teacher

Accept the learning problem formulated by the teacher

IV. Control of knowledge and methods of action

Individual. Practical. Test

Comments on tasks test work, organizes their implementation

(see Attachment)

Perform test assignments

Evaluate the result of work, determine what has already been learned and what else is subject to assimilation, realize the quality and level of assimilation


V. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (summary)




- What was the task before us?

- Did you manage to solve it?

- Who coped with the task?

- Who was in trouble? Why?

Answer questions

Openly comprehend
and evaluate their activities in the lesson

Conversation on questions. Self-regulation

Option 1

1. Write out all adjectives from the sentence and indicate their number, gender, case.

2. Perform morphological analysis of the selected noun.The arrival of the first migratory birds begins withrooks.

3. Read the text. Write out the pronouns in the 2nd and 3rd person plural forms.


The leaves said:

The last ray of sun illuminated the tops of the oak trees.

We saw a zebra and an elephant at the zoo.

(Incentive, non-exclamation, grammatical basissaw a zebra and an elephant,common, there are homogeneous members.)

6 (optional). Write down the sentences in which the subject is expressed by the noun.

Option 2

1. Write out a qualitative adjective from the sentence and analyze it morphologically.The spring sky was blue through the thin net of bare birch branches.

2. Perform morphological analysis of the selected word.The swallow made a nest underthe roof of the barn.

3. Read the text. Find and write all pronouns in 1st person plural.


The leaves said:

- What we are green, beautiful. We give shade. People are resting under our shadow. Birds fly to us. They sing and build their nests. And the roots said to the leaves:

“You will dry up in the fall. In the spring, new leaves will grow in your place. And without us there won't be a whole tree, and there won't be you, leaves.

4. Disassemble the proposal by members.A large porcini mushroom was hiding under a fir tree.

5. Check the characteristics of the proposal. If there are mistakes, correct them in writing.In the basket we had orange carrots, yellow turnips and red beets.

(Narrative, exclamation, grammatical baselay carrots, turnips, beets,not widespread, there are homogeneous members.)

6 (optional). Write down sentences in which the subject is expressed by a pronoun.

You invited us to visit. A wild duck raised little ducklings from sedge. We will go to the forest on vacation. Frost lay on the trees.

M .: 2014 .-- 341 p.

The manual is part of a new series of lesson-less developments "EDUCATION LESSONS" addressed to teachers of educational institutions and methodologists. The manual provides a methodology for teaching the Russian language in the 4th grade using the EMC system "School of Russia" in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard. The material is organized in the form of flow charts of lessons, which allows you to show the teacher's activity in achieving the planned results by students - personal, subject, meta-subject - and on the formation of universal training activities... The peculiarity of these manuals is that: - the material is structured according to the stages and types of educational activities of students and teachers; - intersubject connections are disclosed on a specific material; - developed a toolkit for assessing the achievements of each student.

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Introduction 3
Lesson number 1 6
Lesson number 2 8
Lesson number 3 10
Lesson number 4 12
Lesson number 5 14
Lesson number 6 16
Lesson number 7 18
Lesson number 8 20
Lesson number 9 22
Lesson number 10 24
Lesson number 11 26
Lesson no. 12 28
Lesson 13 30
Lesson number 14 32
Lesson number 15 34
Lesson number 16 36
Lesson number 17 38
Lesson number 18 40
Lesson no. 19 42
Lesson number 20 44
Lesson number 21 46
Lesson number 22 48
Lesson no. 23 50
Lesson no. 24 52
Lesson no. 25 54
Lesson no. 26 56
Lesson no. 27 58
Lesson number 28 60
Lesson no. 29 62
Lesson no. 30 64
Lesson no. 31 66
Lesson no. 32 68
Lesson no. 33 70
Lesson no. 34 72
Lesson no. 35 74
Lesson no. 36 76
Lesson no. 37 78
Lesson number 38 80
Lesson no. 39 82
Lesson no. 40 84
Lesson no. 41 86
Lesson no. 42 88
Lesson no. 43 90
Lesson no. 44 92
Lesson no. 45 94
Lesson no. 46 96
Lesson no. 47 98
Lesson no. 48 100
Lesson no. 49 102
Lesson no. 50 104
Lesson no. 51 106
Lesson number 52 108
Lesson number 53 PO
Lesson number 54 112
Lesson no. 55 114
Lesson no. 56 116
Lesson no. 57 118
Lesson number 58 120
Lesson number 59 122
Lesson no. 60 124
Lesson no. 61 126
Lesson no. 62 128
Lesson no. 63 130
Lesson no. 64 132
Lesson no. 65 134
Lesson no. 66 136
Lesson no. 67 138
Lesson no. 68 140
Lesson number 69 142
Lesson no. 70 144
Lesson no. 71 146
Lesson no. 72 148
Lesson number 73 150
Lesson no. 74 152
Lesson no. 75 154
Lesson no. 76 156
Lesson no. 77 158
Lesson no. 78 160
Lesson no. 79 162
Lesson no. 80 164
Lesson number 81 166
Lesson number 82 168
Lesson no. 83 170
Lesson no. 84 172
Lesson no. 85 174
Lesson no. 86 176
Lesson no. 87 178
Lesson number 88 180
Lesson number 89 182
Lesson number 90 184
Lesson no. 91 186
Lesson number 92 188
Lesson number 93 190
Lesson no. 94 192
Lesson no. 95 194
Lesson no. 96 196
Lesson no. 97 198
Lesson number 98 200
Lesson number 99 202
Lesson number 100 204
Lesson number 101 206
Lesson number 102 208
Lesson number 103 210
Lesson no. 104 212
Lesson no. 105 214
Lesson no. 106 216
Lesson no. 107 218
Lesson number 108 220
Lesson number 109 222
Lesson number PO 224
Lesson number 111 226
Lesson number 112 228
Lesson number FROM 230
Lesson number 114 232
Lesson number 115 234
Lesson number 116 236
Lesson number 117 238
Lesson number 118 240
Lesson number 119 242
Lesson number 120 244
Lesson number 121 246
Lesson number 122 248
Lesson number 123 250
Lesson number 124 252
Lesson number 125 254
Lesson number 126 256
Lesson number 127 258
Lesson number 128 260
Lesson number 129 262
Lesson number 130 264
Lesson number 131 266
Lesson number 132 268
Lesson number 133 270
Lesson number 134 272
Lesson number 135 274
Lesson number 136 276
Lesson number 137 278
Lesson number 138 280
Lesson number 139 282
Lesson no. 140 284
Lesson number 141 286
Lesson number 142 288
Lesson number 143 290
Lesson no. 144 292
Lesson number 145 294
Lesson number 146 296
Lesson number 147 298
Lesson number 148 300
Lesson number 149 302
Lesson number 150 304
Lesson number 151 306
Lesson number 152 308
Lesson number 153 310
Lesson number 154 312
Lesson number 155 314
Lesson no. 156 316
Lesson number 157 318
Lesson no. 158 320
Lessons number 159-160 322
Lesson number 161 324
Lessons number 162-163 326
Lessons number 164-165 328
Lessons number 166-167 330
Lessons number 168-169 332
Lessons number 170 334
References 336

Technological maps of lessons (TKU) for the 4th grade complete a series of lesson developments "EDUCATION LESSONS" addressed to teachers of primary general education. A teacher who worked with the use of TCU in grades 1-3 is well aware of this teaching aid as a useful, convenient, effective tool that allows designing a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the second generation FSES. Lesson developments in the form of TCU for the 4th grade have a number of significant differences from the previous ones, due to the fact that the 4th grade is the last link primary school and, in fact, the eve of the main school. Fourth graders possess a significant baggage of knowledge, abilities and skills, therefore, the form of presentation of theoretical material in this manual is more complicated. Now the teacher can offer not a description of concepts, but their definition, which is reflected in technological maps... The algorithm for performing educational actions of a theoretical and practical plan is also complicated in terms of the age characteristics of students. The TCU for the 4th grade reflects the increased share of children's independence in completing tasks individually, in pairs and in groups. The system of the proposed exercises still implements the “from simple to complex” method, but is accompanied by such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, thinking leading to a logical conclusion, and the search for cause-and-effect relationships.
As you know, the priority direction of the UM K of the "School of Russia" system is teaching project activities, therefore, in technological maps, one of the obligatory types of lesson is a project lesson. The manual contains a sufficient number of project lessons with a detailed description of the stages: pre-project research, work individually, in pairs and in a group, preparing a project presentation, making a presentation, collective summing up, exhibition design, keeping folders "My achievements", etc. Children who were trained on flow charts come to the main school with a well-developed project skills.

Lesson developments in the Russian language Kanakina grade 4

Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the textbook. What kind of speech is there?

Purpose: to acquaint with the new textbook and the rules of work but it.

Planned results;students will learn to draw conclusions about the meaning of speech in human life; work according to the textbook, using conventional symbols; negotiate and come to a common decision; evaluate your results.

During the classes

I... Organizing time

II... Work on the topic of the lesson Acquaintance with the textbook

Before you new tutorial Russian language. Look at the cover and tell me how it looks like a Grade 1 textbook. What is the difference?

Open the tutorial on p. 3. Read the statement of the naturalist writer K. Paustovsky. How do you understand it? (Answers of children.)

-~ What discoveries will the textbook help to make?

Why do you need to know the laws of speech culture?

Make a conclusion: what will we learn in Russian lessons? (To write competently, study the laws of the culture of speech, learn to use the language.)

Take a look at the legend. Read the article in a whisper and tell them what they are for. (They will help you navigate and pay attention to some types of tasks.). \\

Read: What kinds of assignments will we be doing? (Express your opinion, develop speech, compose a text, work with a dictionary, work in pairs.)

III... Physical education

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, bend,

Three - three claps in your hands,)

Head three nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six- sit down quietly. "

IV... Work on the topic of the lesson

Open the tutorial on p. 6 and read the title of the lesson topic.

What question should we answer today? (What kind of speech is D) Ex. 1 (p. 6).

Consider the diagram, remember what we studied in grade 1,

and tell us about the types of speech. (Children's answers according to the table.) Control. 2 (p. 6).

What kind of speech do you think arose earlier - oral or

written? Control. 3 (p. 7).

Read the assignment and tell me what needs to be done in the exercise.

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal? Prove it using pictures.

Write off the offer. What will help you correctly (write off? (Memo on page 132.)

Open and read the memo.

Explain the meaning of the expression "to a ripe old age" (Very old.)>

Explain the meaning of the word "inseparable". (Very firmly strong.)from

What are the familiar spelling in the sentence ": c

Read the sentence in the tutorial. What should you pay attention to? (To the highlighted letters in words.)

What letters are highlighted in this sentence? * - - Write off, dictating to yourself by syllables. t -Check the writing. Rate yourself,! B (Teacher draws legend and decoding on the blackboard], | present them.)

eh? "!" - did everything correctly and accurately. p,"+" - there are minor bugs or fixes. "-" - made more than 2 mistakes, many fixes.

What types of speech did we use now? (Written - they wrote down a sentence, verbally - they answered questions, with a speech to themselves - they thought.)

V... Reflection

I name situations, and you put the letter P if this is an example of written speech, the letter U if this is an example of oral speech, the letter C if this is a speech to oneself.

We listen to the student's answer.

Mom reads a fairy tale to the baby.

h We are considering the solution to the problem.

\u003e / Writing a dictation.

We read to ourselves.

We sing a song.

e (Check. On the board, write: U, P, S, P, S, U.)

“+” - understood the topic and did not make any mistakes. , b "-" - I'm still a little mistaken, you need to fix it.

VI... Lesson summary

E1; - What types of speech exist?

What speech do you use the most?

Lesson2. What can you learn about a person from by hisspeech?

Objectives: fromusing visual examples to show students, ”that speech is a source of information about a person; develop the ability to use "polite" words in speech.

aboutPlanned results: students will learn to draw conclusions

about the meaning of speech in human life; detect and formulate

1: find a learning problem; analyze and make conclusions:, s; to evaluate actions from the point of view of generally accepted rules of "good", "safe", "beautiful", "correct" behavior.

During the classes.

I... Organizing time

II... Knowledge update Spelling minute

Guess riddles. Write down the answers.., (- (... Sitting on a stick In red shirts, The belly is light, Stuffed with pebbles. (Rosehip.)

We live underground in a dark burrow. A gray fur coat, tiny growth, Eyes, black beads, sharp eyes, And a thin tail with a string. (Mouse.)

The grass grows on the slopes

And on the green hills.

The smell is strong and fragrant

And her fragrant leaf

It goes to us for tea.

What kind of weed, guess! (Oregano.)

Jugs and saucers

They do not drown and do not fight. (Water lily.)

How are words similar? (They haveletter combination SHI.)

What letter combination is written according to the same rule? (ZhI write with the letter I.)

Name the words that contain the combination of LI. (Answers of children.)

Write down any two words with these letter combinations. Emphasize the combinations of ZhI and SHI.

III... Self-determination to activity

(There is a note on the board.)

Snowballs turn into puddles in the spring.

Read a very strange sentence on the board.

What kind of speech is it? (Written speech.)

What can you say about the offer? (Errors were made in the spelling of the combinations ЖИ, ЩЛ.)

What words are spelled incorrectly? (Snowflakes, turning, puddles.)

What can you say about the person who wrote this sentence? (He is illiterate, does not know the rules of the Russian language.)

It turns out that through speech, oral and written, you can learn a lot about a person.

IV... Work onnew subject

1. Work on the textbook Control. 4 (p. 8).

Read the assignment and tell me what you will do. (Let's read the poems of V.V. Mayakovsky.)(Poems are read by a student with good reading skills.)

What can you learn from the speech of the interlocutor? (You can recognize a person's profession by speech.)

2. Vocabulary work

What does the sign next to the word "hello" mean? ("Remember the spelling of a word.")

What does the word "hello" mean? (This is a greeting word. When they say "hello," they wish health. In another way, one can say "be healthy."

Good health to you people.

Every day and hour is welcome - hello!

I will give my soul to my aunt.

May the sun's ray give you health,

Summer rain will give you strength.

Mother Earth, let bread and salt

You will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Hello, I tell you, hello!

To all relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Be happy and just hello

Peace, joy and prosperity to you!

T. Lavrova

Why is the letter highlighted in the word IN?(It is spelled but not pronounced.)

How can you remember this letter? (It is written as in the word "health", the military says "I wish you good health".)

Write down the word, underline the spelling.

V... Physical education

Once - bend over, bend over. Two - bend over, stretch. Three - three claps in your hands, Three nods to your head. Four - arms wider, Five, six - sit quietly, Seven,we will discard eight-deer.

Russian language. 4th grade. Lesson plans for the textbook Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G.

To the tutorial:

Moscow: 2017 - 494 p.

The manual presents lesson development in Russian for grade 4 to V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky ("School of Russia"), compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Here the teacher will find everything that is necessary for high-quality preparation for the lesson and its conduct: thematic planning of educational material, detailed scripts of lessons, texts of dictations, interesting game material. Addressed to primary school teachers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges.

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The proposed edition contains lesson-less developments in the Russian language for grade 4, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and is focused primarily on working in conjunction with the textbook of V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky (Moscow: Education).
The aim of the manual is to make it as easy as possible for the teacher to prepare for the lesson and work in the lesson. Included are lessons on acquaintance with new material, consolidation, project activities.
It takes no more than two weeks to prepare projects. The work is carried out together with the parents, the teacher only helps in choosing a topic (if desired, the students themselves can choose the topic). Students draw up projects on A4 sheets, the text is typed on a computer (with photographs). The work can be done in groups, in pairs or individually.
The teacher can use the proposed lesson scenarios both in whole and in part, including in their own lesson plan.
Lessons are based on the principles of activity learning and include practical work, work in groups and pairs, independent work using various forms of verification. From the first lessons, students use self-and cross-check techniques.


Objectives: students repeat and generalize the essential features of the sentence; observe the role of the sentence in speech.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

III. Calligraphic minute.

IV. Dictionary and spelling work.

- In the 4th grade, we continue our acquaintance with words with unverifiable spelling of letters. See what word you will learn today (teacher puts out a card with a new word):

Card 1. Copy text. Place punctuation marks, insert missing letters.

On p..lyah r..working to..bayny is harvesting bread there was a case and r..byatam after k..mbayn remain on the field to..l..ski. R..Byatishki walk along the field to..l..sok to k..l..sk - there will be a big loaf of bread thanks to the kids for their help.

Card 2. Copy text. Insert missing letters. Place the necessary signs at the end of sentences.

By the fall, so many things had grown on the land .. There are so many things that have grown along the village .. Trucks with yellow to..mouth, with red m..grcov, with white to..empty They have already taken away grain from the fields, from s..dov - apples ..ki What else would it be ... not ud..vit people

Card 3. Copy the text by putting the necessary signs at the end of sentences. Specify the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement.

Why are you bored, dark forests

Fly away, birds, from blizzards-blizzards

It's time for me to learn, it's time for you to go south

IV. Updating basic knowledge about the proposal.

1. Repetition of the learned about the sentence according to the scheme drawn up in the previous lesson.

2. Working with the text written on the board.

September came, how beautiful it is all around and what colors the artist gave us - autumn we will go to the forest, to the park there we will find the answer

- Can we say that you have a text in front of you? Justify your answer.

- Find sentence boundaries. What punctuation marks need to be placed and why?

- Name the types of sentences for the purpose of the statement.

- You said that both the first and second sentences are narrative. Why did they put different signs at the end of the sentence? (Because these sentences are pronounced with different intonations.)

- So does the sign of the completion of a sentence depend only on the purpose of the statement or also on intonation? (And from the purpose of the statement, and from intonation.)

- What kinds of intonation sentences do you know?

- What punctuation marks can appear at the end of a sentence, depending on the intonation and purpose of the statement?

- Compare your conclusion with the conclusion in the textbook (p. 6).

V. Working with the scheme.

- To the previously drawn up scheme, we add types of sentences for intonation.

Vi. Working with the tutorial:exercises 5, 6, p. 5-6.

Vii. Homework: Exercise 7, p. 6; think about the question of Why Much after completing the assignment.

VIII. Lesson summary.



Objectives: students develop the ability to recognize the main and secondary members in a sentence; parse the sentence.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- Look on page 8, what new word from the dictionary we will learn in the lesson.

- To write down the number 11, in the Old Russian language it was necessary to use three words at once: one in ten, which meant “one over ten”. Over time, under the influence of pronunciation, this combination of words was transformed into one word. Can you now explain why you need to write two letters in this word n ?

- Write a word in a notebook, mark the stress, underline unverifiable spellings and make a sentence with this word.

IV. Checking homework for textbook questions (exercise 7, p. 6).

Based on the responses of the children, a diagram is drawn up that summarizes the students' knowledge about the main members of the sentence:

(grammatical basis of the sentence)

subject predicate

who? what? what is he doing? (are)?

(noun) what is (s)?

(verb, adj.)

- We answered the question of Why Muchka about the main members of the proposal?

- Are there no other words in sentences besides the subject and predicate? (There is.)

- How are these words called? What are they needed for?

V. Observation (the presence of major and minor members in sentences). Exercise 8, p. 6-7.

- What were the sentences in the second text? ( Consisted of only the main members of the proposal.)

- Remember how such proposals are called? (Uncirculated.)

- What can you say about the sentences in the first text? Why? (Common, since, in addition to the main ones, they also have minor members.)

Vi. Drawing up a diagram.

Vii. Exercise in disseminating proposals.

- Read the text. What can you say about him? (Inexpressive, as it consists only of uncommon sentences.)

- What does the text say? How can you title it?

- Write down the text in a notebook by circulating the sentences. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentences.

The sky is frowning. The wind roars. The clouds are rushing. A thunderstorm begins. Rumbles are heard. Drops clattered. The rain poured down.

VIII. Independent work.

Make sentences from these words. Title the text. Underline the grammatical basis in each sentence.

Lived in the summer, brothers, apiary, on.

Helped, bees, grandfather, for, they, look after.

Boys, from, carried, streams, water.

Together, with, collected, honey, grandfather, fragrant.

Studied bees, habits, guys.

In the fall, they cooked, grandchildren, bees, with, wintering, grandfather, K.

IX. Generalization (on exercise 9).

X. Homework: Exercise 10, p. 8.

XI. Lesson summary.



Objectives: students generalize knowledge of the phrase; develop the ability to highlight them in a sentence; make up sentences for these phrases.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Calligraphic minute.

III. Dictionary and spelling work.

Written on the board (or on demo cards) are the words:

b..reza, psh..nitsa, k..potato, z..mlyanika, p..midor, ..wig, m..lin, ..sina.

- Read the words. What can you say about them? (Words with unverifiable letters from the dictionary.)

- What groups can be distinguished from all these words? (Answer options: birch and aspen - trees; wheat and oats - cereals; potatoes and tomatoes - vegetables; strawberries and raspberries are berries.) Perhaps the children will divide words into groups, guided by their spellings: with an unstressed vowel e (birch, wheat, potatoes, strawberries), with an unstressed vowel about (aspen, oats, tomato), with an unstressed vowel and (potatoes, raspberries). In this case, the word potatoes falls into two groups, since it has two unstressed vowels.

- How can you call all these words in one word? (Plants.)

- Write down the words in a notebook, inserting the missing letters, indicating the stress.

For individual assignments, you can use cards for lesson 2.

IV. Updating the basic knowledge of the phrase.

- Choose appropriate adjectives for the word birchthat we just recorded. (in birch, white birch, curly birch, young birch, etc.)

- What did you do? (Phrases.)

- What do you know about phrases? (They are part of the sentence, consist of two words - the main and the dependent.)

- Determine the main and dependent word in each of the named phrases. How do we ask a question? (From the main word to the dependent.)

V. Repetition.

1. Word of the teacher.

- Today we are working on phrases: we select them from a sentence, compose sentences based on these phrases, establish a connection between words in a sentence.

2. Working with the textbook.

1) The question of why: "How are words in a sentence related to each other?"

2) Comparison of students' answers with the conclusion in the textbook (p. 8).

3) Exercise in parsing sentences and highlighting phrases (exercise 11, p. 8).

Vii. Drawing up a story based on basic phrases.

Under the roots of an old tree, a fox hole, were born in the spring, blind little foxes, carefully looked after, warmed them, cut through soon, loved to play, frolicked cheerfully, basked in the sun, watched closely, caring mother.

- What will your story be about? (About the fox and her cubs.)

- What helped you find out? (Title and key phrases.)

- Verbally name the main and dependent word in each phrase.

- Write down the text. Change the title of the story if you see fit. Review any proposal in writing.

VIII. Homework: Exercise 12, p. nine.

IX. Lesson summary.


Objectives: students clarify their ideas about the text, its structure; compare different kinds texts.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Formulation of a problematic question and formulation by students of the topic of the lesson.

1. Statement of the problematic question.

- Before you guys, two entries. Read them. What interesting things have you noticed and what can you say?

1) The whale is a huge mammal. A mammal is an animal that feeds young with its milk. Milk - useful product... Many foods need to be refrigerated or they will go bad. If food poisoning occurs, consult a doctor.

2) The largest animal in the world is the whale. Himself huge, and small throat. The whale's mouth seems to be blocked off by a multitude of horny plates with fringed along the edges - a whalebone. The whale will pick up a full mouth of water, then strain it through the mustache. The water will pour out, but crustaceans and small fish will remain. The whale, although it lives in the water, is not a fish at all, but an animal - a mammal. And whales breathe, like all animals, air.

- Can you agree with the statement that there are two texts before you? Why? Justify your answer. (Only the second entry is the text, since the sentences there are related in meaning and have a common theme.)

2. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

- Now think about what we will be doing today in the lesson, and try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.

- Now compare your assumptions with the Pochuchka questions on p. ten.

III. Actualization and generalization of students' knowledge about the text.

1. Repetition of what was learned about the text.

- So, we repeat what we already know about the text. You have already mentioned that the sentences in the text are related in meaning and have a common theme. Can the text consist of one sentence? Why? How many sentences should there be for them to be considered text? (Two or more.)

2. Drawing up a diagram.

- Let's try to draw up a diagram in which we reflect our information about the text.

3. Working with the textbook.

- Compare your findings with the rules in the textbook (p. 10).

4. Performing exercise 13, p. ten.

IV. Comparison of texts of various types.

1. Students reading the texts from exercises 14, 15, 16 on their own.

We recommend reading
