Stencils with March 8 butterfly flowers. Openwork paper cutting: lace figure eight, master class. Unusual postcard in the style of scrapbooking

door arches 26.08.2020
door arches

Openwork figure eight made of paper. A photo

International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8 every year, is just around the corner. The invariable components of the holiday are tulips, a sea of ​​gifts, balloons, a rich table. And so I want to add something unusual to them, which would make this Day truly special!

We offer you an original idea for decorating a banquet table for March 8 - an openwork figure eight made of paper. Such decor will undoubtedly contribute to creating an unforgettable atmosphere of a women's holiday.

To create a festive openwork figure eight, you will need:

Template printed on a sheet of A4 paper;
- clerical / dummy knife;
- thick cardboard/cutting mat,
- metal ruler, stapler.

Openwork figure eight from paper step by step:

To create a festive openwork figure eight, it is better to use paper of low density, since cutting will occur on two parts of the sheet at once. But if you want to create a more durable decoration, then you will need to use the highest density paper. However, in this case, you need to cut out separately on each sheet. IN this case a dummy knife was used for cutting, but you can also use a clerical knife or scissors for manicure.

For a festive table decor on March 8, you can choose rice paper with an unusual texture for cutting, the density of which is the same as that of plain office paper (Figure 2).

Print the diagram so that the figure eight takes up about half of the entire sheet area.

Fold the sheet in half, as shown in Figure 3. Then staple the two halves of the sheet with a stapler (Figure 4-5).

Start cutting with small details (Figure 6-7). Then cut out the middle of the future openwork figure eight (Figure 8).

Cut out all straight lines with a metal ruler (Figure 9). As a result, you should get two identical parts (Figure 10). Then they need to be connected together. Connect the locks first at the bottom (Figure 11-12).

Any woman is pleased to know that her festive table is decorated with dignity. This openwork figure eight can be an excellent decoration for your dishes on March 8th.

Here, finally, our hands "reached" the openwork figure eight of Zulfiya Dadashova. If for some reason there is still no such miracle among your paper creations, urgently start cutting out. After all, a magnificent, airy and very feminine eight will be a wonderful decoration for any holiday table. For almost two years I watched her and sighed. Yes, there was no time. Besides, I cut badly with a knife. But this year I decided to give it a try.

Making decorations for March 8

To make such a decoration by March 8, you will need two A4 sheets of fairly thick paper of any color, a knife or scissors for cutting and patience.

You can download a full-size template for printing by clicking on the thumbnail image below.

You don't have to spend a lot of time decorating. This has already been done by the author. We simply print out the stencil template and cut out small details first, and then large ones.

There are two ways to make an openwork figure eight. Or print the figure eight twice and cut each piece separately (which I did). This is, of course, labor intensive and time consuming. And you can, as the author recommends, fasten two sheets together with paper clips and cut out two layers at the same time with a knife for artwork. In the second case, you really will spend less time, but only on condition that you have a good command of the cutting technique. Inexperienced cutters are likely to encounter an unexpected problem: the top layer is cut, and the bottom (especially small parts) is torn.

As for me, the process is not so important. The main thing is the result, and the result is two beautiful eights. The matter is small. First we connect the lower parts of the parts by inserting the pointed ends into the slots, and then we hook the upper hooks together. The openwork figure eight made of paper is ready! Of course, you can additionally decorate it with beads or small flowers. This is where fantasy kicks in. The main thing is not to “overload” with decor, otherwise the decoration will lose its lightness.

Happy cutting!

Isn't it time for us to start making crafts for March 8? After all, you need to prepare gifts for your beloved women! Naturally, no beautiful lady can resist a handmade present. There is no celebration without flowers - so let there be a lot of them! This master class offers a voluminous, simple craft for Women's Day.

Materials and tools:

- double-sided colored paper of various colors;
- ruler;
- stationery scissors;
- nail scissors;
- compass;
- a simple pencil;
- glue stick;
- toothpick (quilling awl).

How to make crafts for March 8 with your own hands

The basis of our craft will be the number "8". We take a sheet of double-sided colored paper, preferably denser, fold it in half in height, then again, but in width and cut it.

We bend the lower part (where the sheet is connected, not cut) by 1 cm. And on top we draw a figure eight with a pencil, so that it is more accurate, you can cut a template on plain paper from here, and then draw a number on it.

We cut out the eight, open the sheet, we got 2 eights, located perpendicular to each other. Driven away 1 centimeter of the sheet is bent inward. And glue the top of the eights.

Now let's start making decor. We cut off a strip of green paper 16 * 3.5 cm in size. We draw it into squares 4 * 3.5 cm in size. We fold it with an accordion.

Once again, fold along the side of 3.5 cm and draw an arbitrary shape of the leaf.

We cut it out, we immediately got 4 leaves, cut the fringe around the perimeter of the leaf with nail scissors, it is convenient to do this by putting 2 parts together in order to speed up the process of creating our craft.

Glue them to the middle of the figure eight.

From light green paper we cut 12 strips 5 * 0.3 cm in size. Which we bend a little from one edge using any handy tool, such as the blunt side of scissors. Glue the curls between the leaves.

We cut off a strip of light lilac paper 15 * 5 cm, which we draw into squares 5-5 cm. Fold it like an accordion and draw a circle with a diameter of 4.5 cm. We draw a flower, it is more convenient to do it if the circle is divided by lines and draw petals along them.

We cut out the flowers, we also raise the petals with the help of the blunt side of the scissors. We glue three flowers together, we get one voluminous one.

From paper yellow color cut out a strip 15 * 0.7 cm in size. Cut it into a fringe and twist it into a roll (do not forget to glue the tip). We bend the fringe to make the roll fluffy.

Glue it to the core of the flower, which, in turn, is glued between the leaves on the figure eight.

To decorate the second craft, we will use the same flowers and leaves, only for flowers we take paper of a different color.

Glue the petals.

And glue the flowers on the petals.

We will decorate the third option with other colors, and use the same leaves, only slightly smaller, draw 3 * 3 cm squares. We paste leaves and spirals of various colors.

We cut 10 strips of 20 * 1.5 cm in size from two-color paper of various colors. We cut them with a fringe and glue 2 strips of different colors together. We also need 5 strips of yellow color 20 * 0.7 cm in size. First, we twist the yellow strip into a roll, then glue the tip of the fringed strip to it and then twist the roll, at the end we glue the tip. We remove the roll, bend the fringe.

Glue the flowers on top of the leaves.

Our crafts are ready! You can give moms and grandmothers, girlfriends and sisters! Experiment with the color of the paper and the types of flowers, you should not overload the front part too much, because the craft will not stand due to the overweight forward. Happy holiday!

Irina Nagibina

We offer a selection of ideas for creating postcards for March 8 with your own hands. In this article you will find original templates, examples of beautiful work, useful tips and step by step instructions. Here you will see a variety of postcards for children who want to congratulate their mother, grandmother, teacher, sister or girlfriend. And some options will appeal to adults who are also preparing for International Women's Day and plan to make homemade postcards.

We have collected for you the most popular workshops and ideas for inspiration. The article presents various applications, three-dimensional templates for creating 3D postcards, origami elements and much more. A popular dress card, paper flowers, simple drawings and something else - there are many options, choose any.

Postcard-palm for mom

Such a postcard can be made by children of almost any age (elementary school, kindergarten - even the smallest can do it). For them, this process will turn into an exciting game, so they will definitely like the work. A child can do crafts by March 8 with his own hands without outside help or under the supervision of an adult - it depends on the age of each beginner needlework master.

We will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • twig;
  • glue.

Fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half. On white paper, circle the palm and cut it out along the contour. Glue on the cover of the postcard.

Glue a branch to the center of the palm. If there is no good glue at hand, you can use tape.

Draw flowers and leaves on colored paper. And also the number 8 - the symbol of March 8. Cut out blanks.

We glue the decor to the branches. And we will glue the fingers of our palm inside: so that they protrude a little, and the card for mom turned out to be voluminous.

Ready! It remains only to add a wish. Now it seems as if the child is clutching flowers in his fist for his beloved mother. By the way, this postcard can also be presented to a teacher - it cannot be called very personal, so it would be appropriate to congratulate the teacher in this way.

Postcard with lilies of the valley

This simple postcard can be made by children in elementary school. A beautiful voluminous application is performed elementarily and requires almost no help from adults. With such a small craft, you can congratulate a teacher, girlfriend or grandmother on March 8.

We will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green paper;
  • foam rubber or foam;
  • PVA glue.

To make a postcard, you may need a ready-made flower template or stencil. Flowers can be any, but lilies of the valley, lilacs, mimosa, lupins will look the most advantageous - that is, elongated flowers with a lush "crown".

We draw the stems of the plant with a felt-tip pen or pencil. And then we fill the space for the flower itself. To do this, we crumble the foam into small pieces or cut the foam rubber. It is very convenient to smear the base with glue, and then simply apply particles of material to it and press it to fix it. To make the postcard more accurate, you can help yourself with tweezers.

If you want to make a holiday card for March 8 with lilacs or lupins, the material can be painted with acrylic paint. If you do not have such paint, mix regular watercolor with liquid glue in a 1: 1 ratio and apply the mixture to a sponge or foam.

Inexpensive set acrylic paints can be ordered on AliExpress (look at this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high durability - a versatile option for a variety of crafts.

You can make a beautiful border around the edges of the card. You can additionally decorate the image itself with sparkles or a beautiful color coating (just spray the paint from the brush, moving it away from the cardboard by 30-40 cm).

Please note that you should write a congratulation on March 8 and wishes for the woman you are going to give this beautiful craft to in advance. With glued decor, this will not be very convenient. However, if you make the card double (with a fold), then you can enter a congratulation after the decor is completed.

3D postcard with the number 8

This postcard can be made by a child under the supervision of elders or by an adult. An original voluminous postcard by March 8 will be appropriate for a gift not only to family members, but also to teachers, colleagues and friends. Unusual, beautiful, delicate and airy - it will definitely please any woman.

We will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • nail scissors;
  • paper cutter.

Making a postcard with a volume eight is quite simple, but we do not recommend this work for young children. If a kindergartener or elementary school student does this with his mother or grandmother, it’s another matter, but cutting it out on his own will not be easy for him, because it means working with a sharp cutter and scissors. If you want to make this postcard with a child, entrust him with cutting out the figure eight itself (a large part) and painting the craft, and do the rest yourself.

Volumetric postcard consists of two parts. We offer you a ready-made template so that you do not have to draw eights from scratch.

You can simply print this stencil on plain or colored printer paper in duplicate, then decorate the figure-eights to your liking and cut them out. For a more durable construction, glue the templates to cardboard and then cut them out.

There is another trick. If you don't want to decorate the paper and you have some pretty cardboard, glue the printed paper to the wrong side of it. Then just cut out the details according to the template - on the front side on beautiful cardboard you will get the desired pattern.

Use a cutter to cut out small details on the template. Make a small incision, and then help yourself with nail scissors with thin rounded ends.

Fasten two eights together at the top and bottom. For this we have made special "hooks". For reliability, you can fasten the details of the future postcard with glue.

Shape the base to make it stable. By the way, you can additionally glue it with a strip of cardboard. This makes sense if the rest of the 3D card design is made of paper.

You can leave the craft white. This color is airy, delicate and pure - an excellent symbol of women's holiday. Such a voluminous postcard will perfectly complement any gift by March 8. At the same time, you will be original - few people are ready to make a postcard of such fine work.

Postcard with 3D flowers

A voluminous bouquet inside a postcard is a great spring surprise for March 8! Give your mother, grandmother, sister and girlfriend such a postcard - they will definitely be delighted. The design is assembled quite simply, so even children can handle the manufacture of this postcard with their own hands. elementary school.

We will need:

  • cardboard for the base;
  • multi-colored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • double sided tape.

We cut out 7 squares of 10 × 10 cm from colored paper of different colors. You can take paper in one color scheme, or you can make the flowers in the card bright and use contrasting shades.

Fold the square in half, then in half again. Next, we make a lapel from one side and the other - so that we get a triangle. Then with a pencil we draw a small rounding - a blank for the petal. We cut off the excess and straighten the part: we have a small flower in the form of hearts. We cut off one petal, and then fasten the structure with glue. As a result, we got a slightly raised cup of petals.

The first blank for the postcard is ready. It remains to cut out the rest of the details according to this scheme. We also need to make two petals from green paper - we immediately attach small pieces of double-sided tape to them.

For the convenience of further instructions in this master class, the details are signed with letters in the photo.

We begin to connect the flower. Flowers B and C are attached to A. In this case, D overlaps A.

Flowers E and F are attached to D and connected to B and C.

It remains to attach the G flower on top. We overlay it on element D and glue it. We attach the leaves with double-sided tape to the petals themselves.

Our volumetric flower is already ready, it remains only to attach it to the holiday card. To do this, we put the flower on its side and attach it to the inside of the card on one side. Smooth out and close the card. Then we open it, straighten the structure and do the same manipulation from the opposite side.

We got a beautiful voluminous postcard for March 8, which any woman will enthusiastically accept. Just imagine how much a person will be surprised, on whose palms a chic voluminous flower of extraordinary beauty literally grows. Perhaps this is one of best surprises for International Women's Day!

A simple card for mom

If you are working with young children who need to wish their mothers a happy holiday, or if you have a kindergartener or a schoolboy whom you are ready to help with making a postcard, this master class will become your lifesaver. Gift for mom, older sister or kindergarten- This application is good in any cases. The simplest holiday postcards made of paper with flowers from large parts according to ready-made templates are what you need for creativity with children.

We will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • multi-colored paper;
  • congratulations printouts;
  • glue stick.

To make the texture of the postcard more interesting, you can add corrugated paper.

We bend the cardboard in half so that a congratulation can be placed inside. The flower will be cut out of colored paper. You will find a template below: you can print a stencil or draw it yourself.

Cut out the details. If you are making several cards at once, it is convenient to fold several sheets of paper together and cut out 3-4 flowers and centers at once.

We advise you to add butterflies to the postcard - this will make the craft by March 8 even more original. Elementary school kids can handle carving wings on their own. You can find ready-made butterfly stencils.

Congratulations can be typed in a text document and printed, or you can help your child write them by hand.

Decorate the card outside and inside - attach all the details to a regular glue stick or PVA. If the kids are older, you can add more interesting glitter decorations. To do this, you need to coat part of the postcard with glue and sprinkle dry sparkles on top, or simply paint the surface with ready-made shiny markers.

Postcard-dress: origami and with a napkin

One of the most popular cards for March 8 is a dress card. This craft looks very beautiful and original. It can be presented to an older sister, a young mother or a girlfriend.

It seems to some that making a card with a dress with your own hands is quite difficult. Actually it is not. The simplest origami technique is performed elementarily, and even a schoolboy can handle it. We invite you to watch the video tutorial and repeat this simple step by step instructions.

Very often dress cards are made with napkins. To do this, you need to fold the top of the dress, as shown in the video, and cut off the bottom. Next, simply gather the unfolded napkin with an accordion, fasten it in the middle with a thread and bend it in half. Glue the napkin to the center piece. Place the edges on the glue, and leave the rest of the napkin free.

By the way, the dress shirt can not be folded. If you have a ready-made image of a fashionista or princess from a magazine, or a suitable photo of the one you are giving a card to on March 8, just cut and paste the image, then add a doily.

Postcards with dresses are always received with special enthusiasm. They look very elegant and festive. Perhaps this is one of the best additions to the gift for March 8th.

Choose any of the proposed holiday cards and complement it with your own decor and warm wishes. Mothers, grandmothers, teachers, sisters, girlfriends, aunts and colleagues - everyone deserves attention on this day. And if you do not plan to present gifts to women you know, to please them with postcards is not difficult. You will only need the simplest materials and a few minutes, but the person who received your homemade postcard on March 8 will be truly touched and happy.

It is also worth noting that recently, electronic greeting cards have become an increasingly popular gift for March 8. They can be made very quickly in online services and sent by mail or to a social network to your loved ones. For example, the Canva service allows you to create a unique greeting card in just 10 minutes from a variety of ready-made templates for any holiday, and in addition to the electronic version, you can also save it in PDF format for printing on a home printer or in a print shop.

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Good afternoon dear friends! There are a few days left until the next holiday, the sun is shining brighter on the street, which means that spring has come and brought with it a great mood and positive impressions and emotions. On the eve of the international women's day I want to invite you to make postcards for March 8.

We will create them mainly from paper, and of course from what is always at hand, using improvised materials. Let's be original and do all the work with our own hands beautifully and with love. So that all those to whom you will give such a charm will be delighted with what they see.

Be sure to do crafts for this holiday, and you can take ideas from this one, I advise you to see it, who has not seen it yet. You can also use a great option and give awesome and cute

It's no secret to anyone that in order to give or make some nice present to your beloved mom, you need to have some kind of superpowers. You can do the work using a sheet of cardboard and colored paper. The symbol of the eighth of March is the number 8, so draw it and stick decorations on it.

The easiest option for a preschooler or schoolchild is presented in front of you.

Want to be more extraordinary and do more serious work. Then take this idea into your mind. Use the kirigami or vytynanka technique. Decorate with quilling figurines.

At first glance, the work may seem rather complicated, but believe me, it is not. Moreover, you can cheat and do something like this, for example:

To make such beauty, you need to print the template initially, if you like such a blank, I can send it to you, or find it on the Internet yourself.

Then, using a special cutter or clerical knife, cut out the desired patterns along the lines.

Connect the two parts together using glue, you get a stylish and voluminous postcard by March 8.

You can use this technique in a different way.

Using the butterfly and flower template, make the right job, with the pattern in the middle of an A4 sheet, and then insert another sheet to one of the sides.

Write your wishes or congratulations. Looks just amazing and great.

By the way, this is what happened if you combine two postcards for two holidays. We made this boat with you.

Next option greeting card will be like this, let's make a basket of flowers, or rather a pot.

First of all, draw the blanks, this is done with an ordinary simple pencil.

You can take the idea from here, so as not to invent and think out yourself. For the little ones, make cardboard blanks so that they circle around them.

The pot itself will be made of wallpaper ribbons, you can even take fabric.

In general, it’s already a matter of your imagination and how old your wards are. Of course, for children 3-5 years old, the simplest version of the application from ordinary colored paper is suitable, and older children and elementary school can be offered to use fabric, such as felt, also foamiran.

Cut out all the details and prepare for work.

Decorate with ribbons and congratulations with wishes.

I advise you to give such a card to your mother or grandmother. And who will you give?

I also saw yesterday such an idea, why don’t we make a postcard with a surprise, in my opinion this is a great idea, you open it, and there is an up and a present.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • toilet paper
  • paints

Stages of work:

1. Take a sheet of cardboard and fold it in half. Cut out an oval on one side.

2. Then open the sheet and draw a figure eight. And on the other half, draw the same oval, but just don’t cut it out, but stick pieces of toilet paper, paint on the head and paws, you get a turtle. You can draw any other animal. Next, depict grass with light movements in green watercolors or pencils, felt-tip pens.

3. Now take care of your appearance. To do this, cut out eight circles from colored blue paper, one circle is orange, three green leaves, three stems and one flower in the shape of a tulip.

4. After that, fold the circles in half and glue, as shown here. Do the same with the rest of the details. It turned out to be such a creative and unusual work. At the lesson of labor for grades 3-4, I am sure this view will become a novelty, children will like such a miracle.

Even from plasticine and colored pencils with the smallest you can make such magnificence.

If you fold colored paper like an accordion, you can make butterflies.

Or dream up some more, and complete such an application.

It does look cool! If you like it, share your thoughts and comment on this post.

Great paper and cardboard ideas

Have you ever thought about the fact that in addition to cardboard and paper, you can use all sorts of things, such as a twig, and a real one. Watch this master class and you will see what can come of it.

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you need to draw your brush print on a piece of paper, then glue it onto colored cardboard. The restriction is, do not stick your fingers. Next, place the branch and also carefully glue it with tape.

2. Then make a bunch of flowers.

3. Bend your fingers as if your hand is holding a bouquet. Glue flowers and leaves to the branch. Looks cool and irresistible. I like it, how about you?

The next option will also be based on the palm, only we will plant it in a pot. Prepare all the materials on the list.

We will need:

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • pencil
  • office paper

Stages of work:

1. The base for the card will be a strip 20 cm long and 9 cm wide. Ask the children to circle their palm and cut it out. Next, draw another vase on colored paper and cut it out.

2. Prepare a bunch of blanks in advance, it is with them that you will decorate the future product.

3. Bend the strip in half, glue the vase and the handle. The hand will act as grass or greenery.

4. Glue a flower on each finger.

5. That's all, you have achieved your goal.

Or here's another novelty idea, it looks wonderful, so you can arrange tulips in children's hands. Moreover, flowers can be made blooming.

You can also give a car with balloons.

Or a bouquet of wildflowers.

We give mothers and grandmothers cards with wishes for March 8

Have you ever taught poems for your native women and dedicated them to them? So this very moment has come, you can not only tell, but also present it beautifully and in an original way in the form of a small present.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Cut out flower patterns with the kids.

2. Then you have to make a vase, here you also need to take a model as a basis or draw it yourself. Do not forget to fold the sheet in half, and on one side only draw and cut.

3. On the other side, you can write a poem or stick a calendar. It depends on who it is intended for, because if it is a work colleague, then it is better for them to do it with a calendar, mom or aunt with wishes, grandmother with advice, etc.

4. Then finish the job by decorating the card with flowers.

5. Inside, you can also think of something, for example, compose a verse.

6. Quite unusual and original, and most importantly accessible to everyone.

Want to please with daisies, and the middle can be made from buttons.

Or make a souvenir out of hearts, fold each heart in half. And then glue one of the sides to the sheet.

Looks just superb.

Here is a tree also from this opera.

Using , you can easily do something like the following.

Here are the stages of this work, use it to your health.

Take this unusual stencil and make a butterfly.

Unusual postcard in the style of scrapbooking

As always, there are a lot of ideas on this topic, if you look at the pictures in Yandex or Google, you can see the following. You can take this as your basis.

It certainly looks amazing.

Or make the next creative masterpiece.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • two-sided colored paper
  • scissors
  • decorative napkins

Stages of work:

1. From an ordinary sheet of cardboard, make such a base, you can make another shape, do it at your discretion.

2. Then fold the sample like this.

3. From colored paper, cut the blanks with weed. Flowers will be collected from them.

4. Remember when you were a child, this is how bookmarks were made). Take a pencil or you can do it without using anything, the main thing is to twist in a circle, wind the paper, and then fluff the fringe.

5. Such funny balls will turn out. Make leaves out of green paper.

Or you can make such an openwork product, reminiscent of vytynanki.

Take this stencil as a basis.

Beautiful volume version of 3 d postcards

I suggest you, together with the blogger, make such a voluminous charm, it will look like it is 3 D.

You can make such a card quite tender and attractive using the trimming technique. It is quite simple, I showed you in more detail using the example of valentines. Remember, if not, then go ahead and watch.

We will need:

  • stripes of colored paper
  • pink, white and blue squares
  • pencil
  • pen stem
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Fold a piece of white paper in half.

2. Glue rectangular red paper on one half. After the leaves and stem.

3. Place the square on the rod from the handle and glue it in this order.

4. Delicate and beautiful at the same time.

This is the option I really liked.

You can even make it with pasta.

Or using felt or foamiran.

Using colored paper, as well as a suitable background, you can make something resembling a 3D picture.

In stages, it looks something like this, first make chamomile petals.

Apply the desired background to one half of the base.

And then make out according to your style and design.

Take a closer look at this view, we also learned to do the same in the last article.

You can use satin ribbons, it looks awesome easy and pretty.

Master classes for kindergarten and elementary school

If you are still looking for templates for elementary school to make postcards, then first of all you can download them from any Internet resource, but it is better to come up with your own unique and inimitable model. After all, this does not require much imagination. Look, take sheets of cardboard.

Stages of work:

1. And from one sheet, make a vase shape.

2. Cut thin strips of colored paper with scissors.

3. Plus more mugs, that's what happens.

4. Glue each blank, I mean, glue the strip in such a way that you get a petal.

5. Then connect these petals with a paper circle. It will turn out a real flower, similar to a chamomile.

6. Make a bunch of them, then get creative.

7. Decorate cards with them and sign your congratulations on the back.

In the last article, I promised you to show one work, or rather its step-by-step instructions, which you can use to kindergarten or schools. How do you like such a cute and yellow mimosa branch?

1. Take a sheet of white paper for the base. Make a square out of it, you can fold it in half, depending on how you intended.

2. Cut colored paper into thin strips.

3. Then make a decoration on each strip in the form of grass. And then twist each in a spiral, that is, in a circle. Little mimosas will come out.

4. Glue them to the sheet.

5. Make twigs from green paper.

6. Twist lightly as shown here.

7. Decorate something like this so that it looks wonderfully gentle and neat.

8. In order to make a bow, fold a strip of red color into an accordion.

9. And then crumple it so that it reminds you of a bow.

10. Glue on the bouquet for completeness. Pretty cool and looks great product.

You can also use buttons to decorate, but in principle, anything.

Look, one of the students brought such interesting and unusual lilies of the valley.

You can also make calla lilies from cotton pads or napkins.

Or this option is quite nice and easy.

I also like this idea, but it is suitable for high school students to congratulate their teachers and girls on this international day.

At art lessons, you can use ready-made blanks that are printed on a printer, and then watercolors are taken and the background is painted over.

Choose any as a basis and create!

I took all the stories from the free access of the Internet.

You can search and find the right one for you.

Or use these, they are all pretty and pretty simple.

So choose.

Please your loved ones and relatives.

Also, I came across such a picture using gouache.

An interesting topic in my opinion is the iris folding technique, have you ever heard of this?

You will need to print a sample first.

Then cut along the contour of the tulip.

And then the fun begins. Apply paper of different colors on the reverse side along the desired contours of the template. You can stick it with tape.

The result will amaze you with its splendor. Isn't it beauty?

But you can put a rose like that.

This is the kind of work you can offer school students to do using plasticine.

Or you can even use disposable utensils, such as cups.

Come up with an image, and then create your masterpiece, which will be folded in half, and there are wishes inside.

Or something nicer).

On this I have all the respected friends. Write your comments and reviews, I will look forward to it. I wish you creative success and victories. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

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