What type of products does honey belong to? Food groups classification. Vitamin Food Combination

Building materials 23.07.2020
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1 Meat, fish, eggs are considered concentrated proteins, for the digestion of this group of foods, a large amount of acid and digestive enzymes are produced.


Do not drink water while eating protein foods;

During the consumption of protein foods, it is necessary to eat a large amount of vegetables and vegetable protein, which, as you know, is better absorbed precisely when it is combined with animal protein;

After eating a meal containing concentrated proteins, you must take a three-hour break before your next meal. This is the time it takes to digest this food group.

2 Potatoes, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, turnips, pumpkin, green vegetables, pasta, nuts, bread - these are complex carbohydrates.

After their consumption, the stomach forms alkaline environment... These foods, if consumed alone, must be absorbed very quickly. But only on condition that:

Will be consumed without sugar (try cabbage with sugar - you cannot avoid gas formation);

A two hour break until your next meal.

З If you feel like eating something tasty and rich in energy, then shift this role to fruit... Fruits are classified as sweet, semi-sour, and sour.

Fruits give us the sugar we need, and are absorbed very quickly, without straining the digestive tract, provided that:

Fruit should be eaten separately from other foods;

Fruit should not be eaten with sweets, it is also unacceptable to eat fruit with syrups and honey;

After eating fruit, you need to take a half-hour break before your next meal.


Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, dried fruits.

They can be combined with each other (except for bananas), as well as with cream and other dairy products.


Mango, blueberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, apple, pear, plum, grape, apricot, peach, watermelon.

Like other fruits, they can be combined with each other, and only supplemented with fatty cottage cheese.


Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, fans, lemons, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.

Sour fruits can be combined with each other, but they are not compatible with concentrated proteins.

For example, a combination of chicken breast and grapefruit is not acceptable. In this case, you can get out of the situation by eating a grapefruit, and after half an hour - a breast.


Cucumbers, fresh cabbage, radishes, red peppers, beans, turnips. bow. garlic, beets, rutabagas, carrots, early courgettes, early pumpkin, salad.

These vegetables combine well with any food (meat + cucumbers, cottage cheese + carrots) and with fats. But you cannot use these vegetables with fruits (cabbage + apple), as well as drink them with milk.


Cauliflower, green pea, late zucchini, late pumpkin, eggplant, squash.

These vegetables are combined with foods containing starch, with all vegetables, herbs, cheeses.

But these vegetables are poorly combined with animal products. And of course they cannot be combined with fruit and milk.


Wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, rice. potatoes, corn. These products can be combined with vegetables, but never with meat.

It is difficult to imagine how this fits with the diet of an athlete, but many still eat chicken breast with rice and consider it the right combination.

But this contradicts all the laws of assimilation of substances. And it is especially important not to combine starchy foods with sugar. Such a combination as oatmeal with sugar, or pasta with jam is unacceptable. Just like fruit juices, you should drink it separately from other foods.


We found that they work well with vegetables.

Meat, eggs, fish, milk, buttermilk, kefir, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, mushrooms cannot be combined with starchy foods, sugar and fruits.

Milk is sold as a separate product, not as a drink, but cottage cheese can be eaten with fruit.


It goes well with everything except milk.


Butter, sour cream, cream, vegetable oils, lard, fatty fish, nuts.

Combine with starchy foods, vegetables, herbs, some fruits.


Fructose, jam, honey, brown sugar, syrups.

They must be consumed separately, in no case after a meal.

Vitamin Food Combination

Finally, I would like to highlight the issue of food compatibility for vitamins. Let us consider examples of some dishes in which the rules for combining products and the compatibility of products in terms of vitamin composition are successfully combined.

1 Hazelnuts + Red Pepper

It is known that iron is absorbed only from animal products, but there is one way to change this situation. Add to vegetable salad with rich pepper vitamin C, some hazelnuts and thus help the absorption of iron.

2Spinach + avocado

Spinach is high in vitamin A, and avocados contain healthy fats to help dissolve this nutrient.

We take mashed avocado and spinach, add lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper - a delicious healthy dish ready to eat.

3 Broccoli + eggs

Green inflorescences are rich in an easily digestible form of calcium, and eggs are full of vitamin D... The easiest way to combine these foods is in an omelette. For women, this is simply an irreplaceable dish!

4 0 oatmeal + apple

AT oat flakes contains beta-glucan and avenanthramides, which protect blood vessels from cholesterol. And there are many flavonoids - important antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.

5 Chicken + carrots

Carrots have the most vitamin A... more than any other root vegetable.

And in chicken, pork and beef, there is a sufficient amount of zinc, which is needed for the absorption of this antioxidant. Steamed the breast and chop the carrots with olive oil.

With rare exceptions (beans, peas), nature offers humans products that are either predominantly protein or mainly carbohydrates. In the third food group, there is neither an abundance of proteins nor an abundance of carbohydrates. For this reason, Dr. Hay has designated this group as neutral.

The split food system strives to avoid consuming protein and carbohydrate rich foods together. Yet absolute separation of these products is neither possible nor useful. The separation of extremes is already significantly relieving the digestive tract. According to Dr. Hay's theory, the bloating and feeling of fullness that occurs when eating legumes is due to the high protein and carbohydrate content of these crops.

The system of separate feeding is recommended when taking protein foods to choose only foods rich in protein (either meat or fish). The same should be done when consuming carbohydrate foods, that is, taking a product with a high concentration of carbohydrates (either potatoes, or rice, or pasta), since such food is better absorbed.

Below we present the dividing plan and table proposed by Dr. Heintze in the book "Encyclopedia of Health. All about Dr. Hay's separate feeding system. " They give an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhich foods belong to the carbohydrate group, according to the separate nutrition system, which to the protein group, and which to neutral.

Dividing plan

During one meal, it is undesirable to eat foods belonging to the carbohydrate group and the protein group. However, the following combinations are possible:

  • protein group products with neutral group products;
  • products of the carbohydrate group with products of the neutral group.


  1. all types of grain (wheat, spelled spelled, rye, barley, oats, green grain, maize, natural rice);
  2. all products made from wholemeal flour with bran (bread, buns, pies, pasta);
  3. vegetables and fruits: potatoes, earthen pear, goat, bananas, fresh dates and figs, sulfur-free dried fruits: apricots, bananas, figs, raisins (cinnamon - small raisins and raisins - seedless raisins);
  4. sweets: honey, maple syrup, apple and pear condensed juices, frutilose (gently evaporated condensed fruit juice). Tip: Ideally, sweets should be consumed with restraint. Although they belong to the group of carbohydrates, they can be combined in small amounts with products of the protein group;
  5. beer;
  6. other products: carob (crushed carob, used as cocoa), baking powder with tartar.


These products are allowed to be combined either with products of the carbohydrate group or with products of the protein group.

  1. Vegetables and salads: artichokes, eggplants, leaf salads, cauliflower, watercress, chicory salad, Chinese cabbage, valerian, fennel, cucumbers, carrots, garlic, kohlrabi, head salad, pumpkin, green onions, dandelions, magold (leaf beet), paprika, parsnip, bell pepper, radish, radish, brussels sprouts, table beets, red cabbage, rutabagas, sauerkraut, celery, asparagus, red spinach, fresh tomatoes, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, zucchini (a type of zucchini), onions;
  2. any sprouted grains, sprouts, shoots;
  3. mushrooms: all edible varieties (champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms);
  4. any fermented dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, non-fat cream and kefir, molkozan (fermented whey concentrate);
  5. sweet cream;
  6. 60% fat cheese: whole milk cheese with cream, cream cheese, camembert;
  7. all varieties curd cheese: feta cheese, sheep and goat cheese, mozzarella, grainy cheese;
  8. fats: vegetable oils and fats, cold-worked vegetable oils from seeds and germs, such as wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, sesame (camelina) oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil or walnut oil and butter butter;
  9. any nuts and seeds (except groundnuts - peanuts, which have an acidic effect);
  10. egg yolk;
  11. avocado (fruit);
  12. olives;
  13. yeast;
  14. spices (seasonings), for example sea salt, vegetable (herbal) salt, wild and garden herbs, garlic, ground pepper, chernobylnik, caraway seeds, nutmeg, horseradish (the basic rule is: add spices in small quantities);
  15. any jelly, for example, agar-agar (ground seaweed: the powder is dissolved in a cold liquid, brought to a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees Celsius and left to solidify), vegetable astringent products from carob flour;
  16. beverages: mineral water, herbal teas and diluted vegetable juices.

TIPS: Salad sauces consumed with protein foods should be made with vegetable oil, cream (in small amounts), herbs, and lemon juice.

Sauces for salads, combined with carbohydrate foods, should consist of fermented dairy products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt and lactosan).

The main thing is that foods rich in fats and vegetable oils are consumed in small quantities. And vice versa, vegetables, fruits, green salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities.


  1. Any kind of cooked meat, except pork, for example beef: roast, entrecote, goulash, roll, minced meat dishes, minced meat;
  2. veal: schnitzel, roast, minced meat;
  3. lamb: roast, cutlets, rump (all types of meat should be consumed in small quantities);
  4. any type of cooked pizza, such as schnitzel, turkey brisket, minced meat, roast rolls, poultry sausages, grilled chicken (poultry should be consumed in small quantities);
  5. any kind of cooked sausage, such as beef ham, beef salami, game sausage (sausages should be eaten in small quantities);
  6. any varieties of fresh fish, as well as cooked shellfish and crustaceans, for example, flounder, cod, salmon, trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, herring, pike;
  7. milk;
  8. any kind of cheese with 50% fat content, for example Harz cheese - soft, Tilsit, "Gouda";
  9. eggs;
  10. tofu (soy products);
  11. ready-made tomatoes, including those from cans;
  12. ready-made spinach;
  13. drinks: fruit teas, fruit juices, apple wine (cider), dry and semi-dry wines, champagne, champagne wines ( alcoholic drinks should be consumed in small doses);
  14. stone fruits such as apricots, cherries, mirabelles, peaches and plums;
  15. berries such as lingonberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and gooseberries
  16. pome fruits such as apples and pears;
  17. wild fruits: wild rose, elderberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn;
  18. exotic fruits other than bananas, such as pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya, passion fruit, melon, watermelon;
  19. citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, sweet lemons (clarification: although lemon juice is a protein, it can be combined with a small amount of carbohydrate foods).

THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS SHOULD BE AVOIDED: white flour products (pasta), polished rice, legumes, ready-made meals in bags, canned food, sugar, sweets, table salt, mustard, ready-made soups and sauces in bags, pork, sausages, ham, pork, raw meat, raw egg whites, hardened fats, commercial mayonnaise, vinegar, peanuts, marmalades, smoked and salted meats, coffee, black tea and cocoa, and spirits.

Products table

Protein-rich foods
Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Veal 21 3 +
Beef, lean 21 7 1
Pork, lean 21 7 +
Chicken meat, fatty 20 6 +
Turkey breast 24 1 +
Goose meat 15 31 +
Salami (Italian) 13 45 +
Game sausage 16 5 +
Salami 18 50 +
Trout 20 3 +
Herring 17 15 +
Cod 17 0,4 +
Salmon 20 14 +
Sea salmon 18 0,8 +
Fish sticks (quick-frozen product) 13 4 20
Chicken eggs 20 12 1
Bottled milk 3,3 4 5
Cow's milk 1.5% 3,4 1,5 5
Eden cheese 30% fat 26 16 +
Neutral products
Eggplant 1 + 2,7
Cauliflower 2 + 3
Broccoli 4 + 3
Chicory 1 + 2
Chinese cabbage 1 + 1
Chicory salad 2 + 0,3
Field salad 2 + 3
Savoy cabbage (boiled) 2 0,4 3
Cucumbers 0,6 + 1,5
Carrot 1 + 5
Kohlrabi 1 + 3
Head salad 1 + 2
Green onions 2 + 3
Swiss chard beets 2 + 1
Pepper pods 1 + 3
Radish 1 + 2
Red beetroot 2 + 9
Kozelets 1 + 2
Celery 2 + 2
Asparagus 2 + 2
Grunkol (green cabbage) boiled 4,5 1 4
Spinach 3 + 1
Tomatoes 1 + 4
White cabbage 1 + 5
Zucchini 2 + 2
Champignon 3 + 3
Hazelnuts (hazelnuts) 13 61 11
Almond 19 54 9
Butter 0,7 84 0,7
Dietary 0,2 80 +
Margarine 0,2 80 0,4
Olive oil - 100 +
Sunflower oil + 100 -
Chicken egg yolk 16 32 +
Buttermilk 3,5 0,5 4
Whole milk yogurt 3,3 3,5 4
Cream, 10% fat 3 10 4
Baker's yeast 12,1 0,4 11,0
Camembert cheese 60% fat 18 34 +
Foods rich in carbohydrates
Natural rice 7 2 73
Oat flakes 14 7 63
Cornflakes 8 1 80
Pasta 13 3 70
Coarse Bread 7 1 41
Mixed rye bread 7 1 45
Wheat flour type 405 11 1 71
Pineapple 0,4 0,2 14
Apples 0,3 0,4 12
Apricots 1 + 10
Dried apricots, apricots 5 0,5 56
Bananas 1 0,2 21
Pears 1 0,4 13
Strawberries, strawberries 1 0,5 6
Kiwi 1 0,6 10
Peaches 1 + 9
Plum 1 + 12
Prunes 2 0,6 53
Cherries 1 0,4 14
Grapes 1 + 16
Potatoes (boiled) 2 + 15
Bean grains (dry) 22 2 48
Peas (dry) 23 2 53
Lentils (dry) 24 1,4 52

+ presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates
- lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Explanations for the table:

This table shows how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in 100 g of individual foods. Thus, it is easier to understand why some products in the separation plan belong to the protein, carbohydrate or neutral group. Here are some examples from this table for clarification.

Meat, fish and eggs contain a lot of protein and to some extent fat, but almost no carbohydrates. Therefore, they belong to the protein group.

Fat cheese, as opposed to low-fat, contains more fat and, accordingly, less protein. Therefore, fatty cheese belongs to the neutral group, and low-fat cheese belongs to the protein group.

Grains and grains are very rich in carbohydrates and relatively poor in protein. They belong to the carbohydrate group.

Fruits contain more carbohydrates than protein. But since they are usually high in fruit acids and can damage the digestion of carbohydrates, they are classified as a protein group. This distribution is not due to the high protein content.

Reading time: 5 min

According to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-07-04 / 03 of March 31, 2010, the definition of "food products" includes any food products in natural or processed form that are in circulation and are consumed by people for food. This category also includes bottled drinking water, alcoholic beverages, beer and beer mixes, soft drinks, chewing gum, food and biological active additives. The description provided by the Ministry of Finance is used for state regulation of wholesale and retail trade.

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From an economic point of view, food products are food products that satisfy the physiological needs of a person for vital energy and irreplaceable substances that are required for the normal functioning of the body.

According to GOST R 51074, food products include products of animal, vegetable, mineral and biosynthetic origin, intended for human consumption in fresh or processed form. This also includes any drinks, chewing gum, as well as certain substances used in the manufacture, preparation and processing of food products.

Thus, food is food that is considered as a market or economic category, as well as as a subject of commodity-money relations.

By what principle are food products classified?

Depending on the properties and characteristics that are the basis of the classification method, products can be classified into different ones.

Commodity classification applies teleological (products are considered from the point of view of purpose and application), genetic (depending on the feedstock and basic chemical ingredients) and technological (recipe, production process) criteria.

Teleological classification made it possible to single out certain categories of food products - such as auxiliary products and baby food. Genetic classification is used to categorize flavors (drinks are low-alcoholic and non-alcoholic). In terms of technology, a product such as tea can be black, red, green, white and yellow, and cereals can be polished or polished.

Merchandising operates with several types of classifications. Among the main ones are standard, educational and commercial.

Educational classification considers in terms of their origin or primary raw materialand also takes into account the similarity of chemical composition and the use of goods. In practice, food products are divided into gastronomic and grocery. Ready-to-eat products and products are considered gastronomic, while groceries are raw materials that need to be processed and prepared.

Food items are also classified by... This takes into account the fact that the country where the manufacturer is registered and the place of origin of the raw material or product may be different.

Based on the definition of the state standard describing food products, all food products are classified according to their origin (animal, vegetable, mineral, biosynthetic and combined).

There are goods for everyday and special consumption. In the first case, we are talking about eggs, bread, milk, cereals, vegetables. And the second category includes alcohol, delicacies and confectionery.

Distribution of food products by commodity groups

These or those products are grouped depending on the classification used.

A common educational classification divides all food products into nine large commodity groups:

  • fruit and vegetable - products with high biological value and low calorie content (fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms);
  • grain flour - starchy products (bread, pasta, cereals, flour, grain);
  • dairy - milk and all dairy products;
  • sugar, honey, starch, confectionery - everything related to sweets and desserts;
  • flavoring - have an effect on nervous system, and also have a pronounced taste and aroma (spices, tea, coffee, alcohol, salt);
  • edible fats - all vegetable and animal fats, oils, margarine and mayonnaise;
  • meat - meat and poultry, including canned food;
  • fish - fish in any form, fish caviar and seafood, seaweed;
  • egg - eggs, as well as egg powder and melange.

The trade classification classifies all products into one of the following headings:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • egg;
  • milk-oil;
  • bakery;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • confectionery;
  • wine and vodka;
  • edible fats.

If we talk about the degree of readiness, then the products can belong to the gastronomic or grocery product group.

Gastronomic products:

  • culinary meat products;
  • sausages;
  • cheeses;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • milk products;
  • alcohol and so on.

Groceries are:

  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • flour;
  • dried fruits and dried berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • spice;
  • salt, etc.

Food quality criteria

Food products, from the point of view, are analyzed for freshness, nutritional value and the absence of harmful components. In some cases, the aroma and taste of the products play an important role.

As for the usefulness, because of the huge number of different systems and trends that promote a particular style of nutrition, it is not always possible to classify a food product as "harmful" or "useful". For example, vegetarians will angrily reject the thesis about the benefits of such a high-protein product as meat, and a fitness instructor with traditional views will find the vegetarian table too scarce.

The state operates with the standards established for goods of certain categories. GOST provisions define food products... The category of chemical and sanitary-hygienic safety is described in detail. It is believed that the assessment of product quality should begin with the analysis of these indicators.

Another indicator of quality is the nutritional value of the product, including energy, biological, physiological and organoleptic values. It also includes the category of digestibility and good quality. The criterion of good quality is directly related to the survival rate.

The quality indicators are also formed by the culinary, technical, ergonomic, aesthetic and ecological properties of the product.

In laboratory conditions, organoleptic, physico-chemical and sanitary-biological indicators are evaluated. Taken together, these features provide an understanding of product safety. The conclusion issued by the laboratory determines, among other things, the quality of the food product and classifies the product as a particular commercial grade (brand, number).

In accordance with modern classification all food products can be divided into three large groups (Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Classification of food

Mass consumption products developed according to traditional technology and designed to feed the main population groups.

Functional food productscan be otherwise named as products healthy eating, positive nutrition products, physiologically significant food products. These include mass consumption products that have the appearance of traditional food and are intended to be consumed as part of a regular diet, but, unlike mass consumption products, contain functional ingredients that have a positive effect on certain functions of the body or the body as a whole.

The main distinguishing features of functional foods are:

The nutritional value;

Taste qualities;

Physiological effect on the body.

These requirements should apply to the product as a whole, and not to the individual ingredients included in its composition.

Not only fortified foods can be functional, but also any natural foods that are good for health, such as carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, apples, and more.

Therefore, the following product groups are considered functional (Fig. 1):

- natural foods that naturally contain a large amount of a functional ingredient , for example, oat bran, rich in fiber, fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, citrus fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C, meat as one of the main sources of B vitamins, directly squeezed juices obtained from fruit or vegetable raw materials by mechanical processing;

- traditional food products, which reduce the amount of harmful components;

The latter include cholesterol, animal fats high in saturated fatty acids, low molecular weight carbohydrates such as sucrose, sodium, etc. The technology for the production of this group of functional products consists in the extraction or destruction of harmful components: the extraction of cholesterol from the egg white by means of CO 2 extraction, the destruction of cereal phytate, which binds and hinders the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron, treatment with the enzyme phytase.

Foods additionally enriched with functional ingredients using various technological methods, for example, bran bread, fruit purees fortified with calcium, juices and drinks fortified with vitamins, bifidokefir, drinks or candies with antioxidants, juices with echiniacea.

Functional products must meet the following requirements:

Be natural;

Be in the form of ordinary food, that is, not available in dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, powders;

To be consumed orally, that is, as normal food;

Beneficial for nutrition and health, while the beneficial qualities must be scientifically substantiated, and the daily doses must be approved by specialists;

Be safe in terms of balanced nutrition;

Do not reduce the nutritional value of foods;

Have established values \u200b\u200bof physical and chemical indicators and exact methods for their determination.

Functional products are intended:

To compensate for the deficiency biologically active ingredients in the body;

Maintaining normal functional activity of organs and systems;

Reducing risk factors for any disease, for example, normalizing cholesterol levels;

Maintaining beneficial microflora in the human body, maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Functional foods should be separated from medicated foods, examples of which are dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, specialized foods, the purpose of which is indicated below.

Diet foods are intended for people suffering from certain diseases. Diet products should prevent the exacerbation of these diseases, help mobilize the body's defenses. Depending on the type of disease, dietary products may additionally contain protective food components or, conversely, be free of nutrients that contribute to the course of the disease. For instance, diabetes and obesity require a decrease in the content of easily digestible sugars in foods; in case of liver disease, cardiovascular pathology, it is recommended to use foods with a reduced content of table salt.

Specialized food are characterized by a narrow focus on the correction of any body functions. For example, for the optimal implementation of metabolic processes in the body, athletes need food with a high content of B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, nicotinic and pantothenic acids), as well as vitamins C and E, which play an important role in redox processes. in the body. The needs of the astronauts' organism are satisfied thanks to diets additionally enriched, first of all, with vitamins, essential amino acids, fiber, macroelements Ca, K, Mg.

Products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposesare intended for persons exposed to adverse factors of the working environment or used in therapeutic practice. Therapeutic and prophylactic food products contain components that replenish the deficiency of biologically active substances, improve mainly the functions of the affected organs and systems, neutralize harmful substances, and contribute to their fastest elimination from the body.

Treatment and prophylactic products can be:

On the basis of known general-purpose products with the introduction into their formulation of one or more components that impart directionality to the product, or with the replacement of part of the product with other components; in this case, the product manufactured according to the state standard is taken as a basis, then the direction of the product and the amount of introduced functional additives are determined;

New products without taking into account the basis of recipes and technologies of existing food products. In this case, the modeling of the formulation of the product with the specified therapeutic and prophylactic properties is carried out. When developing a recipe, the amount of the fortifying additive will be constant, and the selection of other components is carried out taking into account the properties of the additive and the organoleptic characteristics of the product.

Fortified foods - products in which certain ingredients have been added or substituted. This group of products differs from functional ones in that the amount of the functional ingredient is below the level of physiologically significant concentrations.

Thus, functional food products are a special group that does not belong to the category drugs and medicinal food, although they are used to improve the functioning of body systems and improve the quality of human health.

Therefore, they occupy a middle place between conventional products made with traditional technology and products health food (fig. 2).

Classification is the distribution of a set of objects, phenomena into groups and categories, each of which has a certain set of characteristics. Dividing food into subgroups makes it possible to explore the entire wide range, carry out analysis, accounting, properly organize the storage and sale of goods, delivery of food to restaurants.

Signs of food classification

There are several classifications of grocery products. Each of them is based on some classification feature, for example: educational, industrial, biological, trade etc. Also, the following signs can be taken as a basis:

  • origin of goods - in this case, the goods are subdivided into products of plant, animal and mineral origin;
  • degree of raw material processing - products are divided into semi-finished products, raw and finished products;
  • by appointment - for gustatory and food;
  • chemical composition: well-known proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals;

Still, for the restaurant business and catering establishments, the most popular classification of food products remains educational. Let's consider it in more detail.

Educational food classification

According to this division, foods are classified into nine different groups:

1. Grain and flour products

Flour of all sorts, grains, cereals and products from them, pasta and bakery products). A distinctive feature of these products is high content of carbohydrates in them.

2. Fruit and vegetable products

These include fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as their processed products - canned food, pickles, etc. Distinctive features of this group are low energy value and at the same time pronounced taste qualities... According to the content of various substances in the composition, this group is distinguished by an increased content of natural sugars, minerals, vitamins and useful dietary fiber.

3. Flavoring goods

This group of goods, based on its name, is designed to act through taste buds the body on the nervous and digestive system person. The main active ingredients that make up the products of this group are caffeine, essential oils, alcohol components, vanilla. These goods include tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages. Sweet and hot spices and spices are especially distinguished, which cause a variety of taste sensations.

4. Starch, sugar, honey and confectionery

They also have high taste characteristics, but their difference from the previous group lies in high carbohydrate content, which are easily absorbed by the body, that is, they have nutritional properties, but do not participate in other important vital processes. So, these goods include sweets and confectionery, sweet flour and pastry products, including oriental sweets, cocoa, chocolate, caramel and other sugar products.

5. Dairy products

Milk, cheeses, a line of fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, etc.), butter, cream, as well as canned milk. This product group is distinguished by high protein and fat content, which are able to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, which are also easily absorbed.

6. Eggs and products from them

They also include egg powder, melange, etc. content of nutrients and the degree of digestibility is equal to the products of the previous group.

7. Meat (including poultry) and products from it

Meat is an irreplaceable source of animal protein, which is basic building material for the body. In addition, meat has nutritional value, high palatability, and contains some important minerals. Derivative products from meat include semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, smoked products, offal, and other products.

8. Fish and fish products

Like meat, fish is a source of essential building proteins, as well as a number of essential minerals and vitamins. The goods in this group include live, chilled and frozen fish, canned fish, semi-finished products, and seafood.

9. Edible fats

These include oils and fats of both animal and vegetable origin, as well as margarine and mayonnaise. A distinctive feature of this group is the high fat content - most energy-intensive food category... In addition, certain types of vegetable and animal fats contain vitamins A, D, E. important for the body.

As can be seen from the above list, the grouping of goods is carried out according to the main raw material component (for example, milk, meat, grain), or according to the similarity of the use of products (flavoring goods), or according to the general composition of the product (for example, honey and confectionery; fats). Because the classification is carried out on several grounds, it cannot be called scientific, but in practice - in the wholesale trade, warehouse accounting, etc., it justifies itself perfectly.

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