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The Forgotten Magic mod adds 39 new spells to the game in Skyrim, each with 10 possible upgrades, 390 upgrades in total. The level of each spell is limited to five. The spell gives experience when used, which allows you to unlock new effects when you reach a new level of this spell. These enhancements, as well as the spells themselves, can be combined for potentially better effects. You have to decide where your real power is.

In the MCM menu, in the "Forgotten Magic" tab, you can see the level of development of your spells, the remaining points and talents available for a particular spell. In addition, once you've used the spell the required number of times to level up, you'll get a small message saying "The spell's level has been increased!", it will be displayed on the top left of the screen.

Spells give experience every time you successfully cast them. For each spell level you gain, the required experience for the next level will increase by 1.5 (or 2, for some spells). Only the most enduring will be able to master their craft to the end. Dovakin has a certain advantage over other magicians and can spend the souls of dragons to get back the points spent on spell development.

List of spells:

Mystic: Mystic Weapon, Cursed Rune, Discord, Shroud of Shadow, Spectral Projectiles, Spectral Armor

Paladin: Divine Light, Holy Arrow, Divine Armor, Hammer of Justice

Warlock: Corruption, Necrosis, Gloombolt, Deathguard, Shroud of Death, Dimensional Rift

Pyromancer: Fireburst, Ignite, Meteor Shower, Doppelganger, Salamander's Touch, Phoenix Strike

Cryomancer: Ice Lance, Ice Bomb, Ancient Lich, Ice Armor, Chill, Ice Keep

Druid: Healing Touch, Seed of Life, Weapon of the Earth, Wild Mushroom, Shroud of Nature, Wolf Pack

Electromancer: Stormstrike, Lightningstrike, Lightning Armor, Holystrike, Electric Bolt


The Shockwave ability of the destruction school does not affect the spells of this modification. This was done on purpose, because, frankly, the Shockwave ability breaks the balance.

Where to find:

When killing enemies, there is a chance to find a random spellbook. Some of the simplest spells can be purchased at the Prancing Kabyla tavern in Whiterun from a magician named Elethor.

Big changes have been made to the spellbook loot system, now some spellbooks will be found on creatures of a certain type more often than others. And the standard drop rate for spellbooks has been reduced for balance.

* Spriggans and Witches: 5x chance for druid spells.

* Dwarven Centurions: 5x chance for electromancer spells.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Forgotten Mastery

Game platform: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Name: Forgotten Mastery
Russian name: Forgotten Mastery
Current version: 3.2.0
Mod language: Russian
The size: 7.5 MB


The modification adds to skyrim new, very unusual spells different schools(destruction, change, restoration, witchcraft, illusions). All of them are perfectly balanced, differ in variety and become more powerful as the game progresses. The "Forgotten Mastery" mod is a logical continuation and development of the author's previous mod - "Deadly Dragons - Spell".


  • The Forgotten Mastery mod adds 40 new spells to the game, each with 7 possible upgrades. In total, your spells have 280 options.
  • By using a spell, you gain experience in using it. As you level up, you can use the upgrade point you gain to increase the power and capabilities of the spell. The maximum number of improvements (levels) of each of the spells is 5 out of 7 possible.
  • Added 9 new talents to help you improve your playstyle. For example, using the talent "Secrets of the Mind" it is possible to spend the soul of a dragon in order to increase the experience accumulated by spells by one hour. Spells/skills that cannot be upgraded are usually passive and last for a short time until they are canceled or their time expires.
  • "Forgotten Mastery" in Talents is used to open a menu to increase the level of your basic types of mastery. There are seven in total: Mastery of Darkness, Mastery of Light, Mastery of Nature, Lord of Fire, Mastery of Mysticism, Lord of Frost, Lord of Thunderstorms. Their improvement points are awarded upon reaching every 20th level. By equipping a spell in your left hand and activating the Forgotten Mastery talent, you can use the menu to view the current experience gained, the remaining points and select the available upgrades for the equipped spell. If you've used the spell enough to reach a new level, you'll see "Spell level up!" in the message area. (this adds a skill point that can be spent on one of the available spell upgrades).

List of Forgotten Mastery Spells

Dark Mastery

Lords of darkness, living under cover of shadow; necromancer, death knight, shadow stalker, warlock and other shadow mages who study the dark arts and know the spells Corruption, Fatum, Death Coil, Cloak of Shadows, Death Grip, Rising Dead and "Blood Plague".

  • Infects the target, dealing X disease damage per second for X seconds.
  • Destruction - Beginner.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Corruption damage by 50%.
    • flour
      Increases the duration of Corruption by 50%; Reduces magicka cost by 25%.
    • Vampirism
      Restores 3-4 health to the caster every second.
    • A leak
      Restores 3-4 of the caster's magic every second.
    • Provoking death
      After infecting the target with Corruption, the magic cost of Death Coil is reduced by 50% for the next 5 seconds.
    • Decomposition
      Reduces the target's Armor by 100 for 10 seconds.
    • Soul Reaper
      If the target dies while affected by Corruption, restores 40 - 80 health to the caster and increases spell damage by 10% for 1 min. The effect is cumulative.
Fatum (Relentless Doom)
  • Curses the target, dealing X damage. disease damage per second for X sec.
  • Destruction - Adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increase the damage of Relentless Doom by 50%.
    • flour
      Increases the duration of Relentless Doom by 50%; Reduces magicka cost by 25%.
    • Theft of life
      Restores 5-7 health to the caster every second.
    • Funnel of death
      When the target dies, create a death vortex that sucks all enemies within 20 yards and reduces their speed by 5.
    • Vengeful souls
      Relentless Doom paralyzes the target for 3 seconds, absorbing Black Stone. This effect does not trigger more than once per minute on each target. Increases the chance to drop a Black Stone when you kill a target with Death Coil while Doom Relent is active.
    • Stroke
      Each proc can cause the target to stagger.
    • Entropy
      Each tick can deal 5 to 130 disease damage to the target.
The face of death
  • Fires a bolt of dark energy that deals x disease damage to the target.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Death Coil damage by 50%.
    • Torture
      Death Coil reduces the target's disease resistance by 25%%, lasting 15 seconds.
    • Horror
      Death Coil can restore 40 - 80 health. health to the caster and cause the target to flee in fear.
    • Lord of the Dead
      Death Coil has a chance to instantly kill undead.
    • Flash of death
      If the target is infected with Blood Plague, Doom or Corruption, spreads a death wave that deals disease damage to all nearby targets.
    • Evil eye
      Death Coil has a chance to infect the target with Corruption that lasts 50% less than normal.
    • Soul Abduction
      When Death Coil kills a target, you can receive a Black Soul Gem.
Cloak of Shadows
  • Protects the caster with shadows, reducing damage taken by 10% for X seconds.
  • Change is adept.
  • Improvements
    • reborn
      Cloak of Shadows increases your disease resistance by 50%.
    • Stillborn
      Cloak of Shadows increases your resistance to poison by 50%.
    • Incarnation of Boethiah
      All enemies within melee range take poison damage.
    • Shadow armor
      Increased armor class by 150.
    • Crouching in the night
      Cloak of Shadows increases your movement speed by 33% when cast between 19:00 and 06:00.
    • Unholy Aura
      At night, your Cloak of Shadows resurrects nearby dead bodies to fight by your side for 30 seconds. Requires a Black Stone for each resurrection. When the effect ends, there is a chance that the Black Stone will be returned.
    • Twilight
      Cloak of Shadows increases the damage of Corruption, Doom Relentless, Blood Plague, and Death Coil by 50% when cast between 19:00 and 06:00.
Deadly grip
  • Pulls the target and places it in front of the caster. Does not affect the same target more than once every 15 sec.
  • Change is a student.
  • Improvements
    • blood fever
      Infects the target with Blood Fever, dealing disease damage over 5 sec.
    • Disorientation
      Disorients the target for 5 seconds.
    • stun
      Makes the target flee for 8 seconds.
    • Imminent death
      If the target's health is 25% or less, inflicts Imminent Death, increasing your damage by 50% for 10 sec.
    • Accession
      Infects the target with Corruption that lasts 50% less than normal.
    • dark art
      If the target is too close, Death Hold, instead of pulling the target, knocks it back.
    • Dark deal
      Death Grip no longer transports the target to the caster. Instead, the target is paralyzed for 3 seconds.
risen dead
  • Summons 3 Skeletons for X seconds.
  • Witchcraft is an apprentice.
  • Improvements
    • Afterlife
      Increases the duration of the Risen Dead by 100%.
    • Embrace of death
      Increases the health, stamina and mana of those summoned by 5% of your level.
    • Aegis of the Dead
      Increases the armor class of those summoned by 250.
    • Might of the Dead
      Increases the physical damage of those summoned by 50%.
    • Will of the dead
      Raises magical protection summoned by 50%.
    • Rage of the Dead
      At the moment of death, the summoned one explodes, dealing poison damage in a small area.
    • Toxic Cloak
      The summoned deal poison damage to all nearby enemies.
blood plague
  • Infects the target with plague, dealing X disease damage every 5 seconds for Y seconds.
  • Destruction is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Agony
      Increases Blood Plague damage by 50%.
    • scourge of life
      Living targets take double damage.
    • Plague
      If a target dies while Blood Plague is active, a plague cloud will spawn in its place, dealing damage to all targets in a small radius over 10 sec.
    • convulsions
      Reduces the interval between each trigger by 1 second.
    • devouring
      Blood Plague heals the caster for 50% of the damage over time.
    • corpse eaters
      Each time it hits, it spawns a corpse eater that will attack everyone in a row for 10 seconds, after which it will explode.
    • Sudden death
      Each time Blood Plague hits, it has a chance to deal 50% of your health in damage to you and your target.

Light Mastery

The champions of light, who firmly believe in good and light, will answer the call to smite all the evil of this world; a paladin, priest, and cleric who wields Holy Arrow, Divine Armor, Divine Light, Sanctify, Prayer of Healing, and Spear of Light spells.
sacred arrow

  • Blasts the target with light, healing a friendly target for X health or dealing half damage to an enemy.
  • Recovery is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the damage and healing of Holy Arrow by 50%.
    • condemnation
      Your Sacred Arrow deals 50% more damage to undead.
    • Bonding Healing
      Whenever you heal or deal damage with a Sacred Arrow, heal you for 50% of the damage or healing the target received.
    • sunlight
      Increases the effectiveness of Sacred Arrow by 35% from 06:00 to 19:00.
    • Justice
      Increases a friendly target's physical damage by 33% for 10 sec. Reduces enemy target's physical damage by 33% for 10 sec.
    • Inspiration
      Your Sacred Arrow has a chance to apply a Heal Over Time effect to a friendly target for 6 sec.
    • Spiritual Consonance
      If Sacred Arrow heals a target with 25% health or less, it increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 35% for 15 sec. If Sacred Arrow deals damage to a target with 25% health or less, it increases the effectiveness of your damaging spells by 35% for 15 sec. Only one Spiritual Consonance can be active at a time.
Divine Armor
  • Fills the caster with divine energy, reducing damage taken by 10% for X seconds.
  • Change is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Highborne
      Increases magic defense by 25%.
    • divine avenger
      Increases damage to undead by 30%.
    • The power of light
      Increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 25% when cast between 06:00 and 19:00.
    • Divine Presence
      Increases your mana and stamina by 100 when cast between 06:00 and 19:00.
    • Divine intuition
      Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 15%.
    • Crusade
      Increases physical damage by 25% when cast from 06:00 to 19:00.
    • Divine Intervention
      Makes you immune to all damage for 7 seconds if your health drops below 25%. Does not fire more than once a minute or at night.
Divine Light
  • Recovers x units. the health of the caster.
  • Recovery is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the effectiveness of Divine Light by 50%.
    • Divine Armor
      Divine Light has a chance to increase the caster's Armor Rating by 300 for 20 sec.
    • divine mind
      Divine Light has a chance to restore twice as much health.
    • Dawn
      Increases the effectiveness of Divine Light by 50% if used between 06:00 and 19:00.
    • Halo
      Divine Light has a chance to apply Heal Over Time for 10 seconds.
    • Revelation
      If you cast Divine Light while at full health, it restores mana instead of health.
    • Radiance of Mind
      Divine Light has a chance to create the Bright Future effect, which lasts 10 seconds and reduces the cost of all spells by half.
  • Consecrates the ground beneath the caster's feet for 60 sec, restoring X points. magic every 3 seconds to all allies within 15 yards.
  • Recovery is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the effectiveness of Consecration by 50%.
    • Warrior of Light
      While standing on Consecrated Ground, your Heavy Attacks cost 50% less Stamina and your Shield Block absorbs 25% more damage.
    • Sanctuary
      Sanctification also heals you and your allies.
    • holy radiance
      All undead around take 30 fire damage.
    • Stability
      While standing on consecrated ground, you are immune to knockdown effects.
    • Pain suppression
      While standing on Consecrated Ground, you take 20% less damage from magic damage.
    • Intuition
      While standing on consecrated ground, you gain twice as much experience from spells.
Prayer of Healing
  • Restoration X units the health of all allies within 15 feet.
  • Recovery is an expert.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      The effectiveness of Prayer of Healing is increased by 50%.
    • divine guardianship
      Increases Magic Defense by 33% for 10 seconds.
    • speed of light
      Speed ​​increased by 33% for 10 sec.
    • rebirth
      The healing effect lasts 6 seconds longer.
    • Regeneration
      The target's health regeneration is doubled for 30 seconds.
    • Blessing of the Light
      Applies a Blessing of Light on the target for 10 sec. If the target is wounded, the blessing of light restores health equal to 25% of their current health.
    • Retribution
      Deals damage equal to 50% of your health restored to all enemies within 15 feet.
Spear of Light
  • Deal x damage with divine energy to an enemy.
  • Recovery - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases damage from Spear of Light by 50%.
    • Fatigue
      Spear of Light also deals damage to stamina and mana.
    • crush
      Spear of Light has a chance to knock down an opponent.
    • Divine Power
      Spear of Light deals triple damage to undead.
    • resurrection
      Resurrects fallen allies. Has no effect during combat.
    • Bounty of Arkay
      If the Spear of Light hits the undead, it causes a wave of healing energy that restores the health of all allies around.
    • sunlight
      Increases damage from Spear of Light when used from 06:00 to 19:00.

Mastery of nature

Nature Mages: Animists, shamans, alchemists and druids who have mastered the forces of nature. They favor Healing Touch, Poison Cloud, Petrification, Poison Mushrooms, Summon Sabertooth, and Maelstrom.
Healing Touch

  • Restores x health to the caster over x seconds.
  • Recovery - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the effectiveness of Healing Touch by 50%.
    • Touch of nature
      Increases the duration of Healing Touch by 8 sec.
    • Interaction
      Healing Touch increases resistance to poison by 50 for its duration. If Sabertooth is active while Healing Touch is being cast, the healing effect also applies to him.
    • seed of life
      Each time Healing Touch is triggered, it has a chance to generate a Life Seed for 15 seconds, which will periodically heal the caster.
    • accelerated growth
      While Healing Touch is active, restore an additional 5% health if the caster is attacked.
      The calmness of the water
      Each time Healing Touch procs, it also has a chance to restore magicka.
    • overgrowth
      When Healing Touch ends, it restores an additional 25% of your current health.
poisonous cloud
  • Deals x poison damage per second for x seconds.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the damage of Poison Cloud by 100%.
    • [Intoxication]
      Increases the duration of Poison Cloud by 100%.
    • Toxin
      Reduces the target's Poison Defense by 20% for 10 seconds.
    • deadly poison
      Dealing damage over time, Toxic Cloud has a chance to deal 10-15 damage. unblockable damage.
    • infected wounds
      The Toxic Cloud also causes the target to bleed for 10 seconds.
    • maiming
      Dealing damage over time, Poison Cloud has a chance to reduce the target's attack speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
    • Paralysis
      Dealing damage over time, Poison Cloud has a chance to paralyze the target for 3 seconds.
    • poisonous cloud
      Poison Cloud is also applied to all enemies near the target.
  • Turns enemies to stone, immobilizing them for 4 seconds.
  • Change is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Poisoning
      Poisons the target, dealing poison damage over 6 sec.
    • torpor
      Increases the duration of Petrification by 4 seconds.
    • stone curse
      Petrification increases the target's Armor by 500, but reduces their Fire, Cold, and Shock Resistances by 25% for the duration.
    • Sensitivity
      Reduces the resistance to poison of the petrified target by 65%.
    • Burden
      When Petrified ends, the target's speed is reduced by 75. within 5 sec.
    • Splitting up
      When the petrification ends, causes the target to explode, damaging everyone around.
    • fragility
      Each attack on a petrified target has a chance to kill it.
poisonous mushrooms
  • Grow poisonous mushrooms at the target's position that explode every 3 seconds, dealing x poison damage over 5 seconds. Mushroom life time - 30 sec.
  • Change is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases explosion damage by 50%.
    • Diffusion
      Double the explosion radius.
    • Intensity
      Reduces the time between explosions by 1 second.
    • stunning explosion
      The exploding mushroom has a chance to stun the enemy.
    • Catalepsy
      Inflicts a petrified effect on the target.
    • exuberant growth
      Each active mushroom increases your spell power by 10% for the duration of its life.
    • Asphyxia
      Teaches Asphyxia, which deals x poison damage to all targets that are poisoned. poisonous mushrooms and paralyze them for 3 seconds. Does not trigger more than once every 30 seconds.
Sabertooth Challenge
  • Summons a sabertooth for x sec.
  • Witchcraft - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Development
      Increases all sabertooth attributes by 5% per level.
    • Taming
      Increases the lifespan of a sabertooth by five times.
    • Fury of the Beast
      Increases the damage dealt by the sabertooth by 5% per level you have.
    • Sharp talons
      Doubles the damage dealt by the saber against petrified or frozen enemies.
    • Forces of nature
      While Sabertooth is active, restores 3% magicka every second and increases spell power by 20%.
    • natural grace
      While Sabertooth is active, regenerates 3% stamina every second and increases physical damage by 20%.
    • crouching
      Allows Sabertooth to sneak into the shadows. When the effect ends, Sabertooth deals double damage over 20 sec.
  • Restores x health to allies and deals half poison damage to all enemies within 10 feet.
  • Recovery - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the effectiveness of Maelstrom by 50%.
    • cure
      Whirlpool gains an ongoing effect for 6 sec.
    • Ancient Guardian
      The Maelstrom increases Armor by 100 and Magic Defense by 25. for 8 sec.
    • Grace
      Recovers twice more units health if the target's health is below 50%.
    • Primal Fury
      Increases unarmed damage of a friendly target by 50% for 10 sec.
    • Revenge
      Whirlpool gains a Vengeance effect for 6 sec. The effect reflects melee damage back to the attacker.
    • Anger
      Deals double damage if the target's health is 50% or lower.

fire lord

It all started with a simple flame, but interest in fire among magicians soon grew. Now they can control this element to such an extent that the heavens themselves are overthrown by a fiery rain, penetrating this world to hell itself.

  • Throw a fire arrow at the target, dealing X fire damage.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Ignite damage by 50%.
    • fire
      Ignite has a chance to set the target on fire, dealing fire damage over 8 seconds.
    • Pyro
      Your Ignite spell has a chance to inflict Firestarter, increasing the damage of your fire spells by 50% for 10 sec.
    • Impact
      Your Ignite spell has a chance to knock the enemy back.
    • fire pillar
      Your Ignite spell has a chance to deal fire blast damage in a small area.
    • Molten Fury
      Ignite has a chance to reduce the target's fire resistance by 20% for 10 sec.
    • raging flame
      Ignite always deals double damage if the target is affected by Combustion or Burning Pain.
fire explosion
  • Explode the target, dealing x fire damage.
  • Destruction is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Fireburst damage by 50%.
    • fire stream
      Fire Blast has a chance to inflict Fire Torrent, increasing the damage of Fire Blast by 50% for 8 seconds.
    • Burning pain
      Your Fire Blast has a chance to set the target on fire, dealing fire damage over 8 sec.
    • Combustion
      Fire Blast deals an additional 50% damage if the target is affected by Searing Pain or Ignite.
    • Disarmament
      Your Fireburst has a chance to disarm an enemy.
    • Devastation
      Your Fireburst deals additional damage if the target is not attacking you.
    • Cremation
      The fire blast deals triple damage to targets at or below 25% health.
solar sphere
  • Forms a solar orb at the caster's position for x sec. The solar sphere strikes sunbeams enemies in a small area, dealing X fire damage.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increase sun damage by 50%.
    • Resonance
      The lifetime of the Solar Orb has been doubled.
    • Molten Core
      Fire damage increased by 20% while Solar Orb is active.
    • Heat
      Solar Orb's area of ​​effect is doubled.
    • Affinity
      Increases fire resistance by 25% while Solar Orb is active.
    • Fire
      Reduces the interval between sunbeams by 1 second.
    • inner fire
      Imbues your weapon with fire while Solar Orb is active.
Meteor Rain
  • Summons 4 meteors that fall on the target. Deals x physical damage. Cannot be used indoors.
  • Destruction is an expert.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the damage of Meteor Shower by 50%.
    • Dam
      The number of meteors increases by 4.
    • Variability
      50% of the physical damage from Meteor Shower is converted to fire damage.
    • Pulse
      Each meteor has a chance to knock over the target.
    • fire in the heart
      When the Meteor Shower ends, you gain a Heart Fire effect that increases the damage of your Fire Blast, Ignite, Solar Orb, and Meteor Shower by 25% for 10 sec.
    • Armor Softening
      At the end of the Meteor Shower, if the target survives, cause their Armor Rating to be reduced by 150. within 10 sec.
    • flame wave
      When meteors hit a target with less than 50% health, there is a chance that an additional fire meteor will spawn.
fire golem
  • Summons a Fire Golem for x sec.
  • Witchcraft - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Fire and solidity
      Increases the health, stamina and mana of the Fire Golem by 5% per level.
    • Stone Fortitude
      Doubles the lifespan of the Fire Golem.
    • stone fists
      Increases Fire Golem's physical damage by 25.
    • Retribution
      Allows the Fire Golem to reflect 100% of damage back to the attacker.
    • Earth reinforcement
      Allows the Fire Golem to cast Earth Strike for 50 damage. poison damage and has a chance to petrify the target for 3 seconds.
    • fire amplification
      Allows the Fire Golem to strike an enemy with a Fire Wave that deals 75 Fire damage. fire damage to all targets in its path.
    • Fire
      Teaches the Fire spell.
    • Fire
      Sacrifice your Fire Golem, dealing damage to all enemies within 25 meters equal to 30% of its current health. The spell cannot be cast more than once in 2 minutes.
flaming wave
  • Creates a Blazing Wave in front of the caster, dealing x fire damage to all targets in its path.
  • Destruction is an expert.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the effectiveness of Blazing Wave by 50%.
    • Softening weapons
      Reduces the target's physical damage by 50% for 10 sec.
    • blazing wind
      The blazing wind stuns the target.
    • Devouring flame
      Blazing Wave has a chance to instantly kill the target if cast from behind. Does not work on dragons. Beware of friendly fire.
    • Dehydration
      If the target is affected by Combustion or Burning Pain, consume these effects and immobilize the target for 5 seconds.
    • fire bomb
      Applies a Firebomb effect to the target for 5 seconds. When the effect ends, the target explodes, dealing fire damage to all nearby targets.
    • fiery hell
      The blazing wave ignores the target's defense.

Mystic Mastery

Lord of Frost

Frost mages who feared most of all that the changing seasons in Tamriel would not change the effectiveness of elemental frost magic. Keep in mind: winter is here!
ice spear

  • A spear of ice that deals x damage. cold damage to health and stamina.
  • Destruction is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Ice Lance damage by 50%.
    • Replenishment
      Ice Lance gains a Refill effect, restoring 5 health. mana/sec for 5 sec.
    • Chills
      Ice Lance applies Chill to the target, dealing 30 damage. cold damage over 5 sec.
    • piercing cold
      Ice Lance reduces the target's frost resistance by 20% for 10 sec.
    • Freezing
      Ice Lance has a chance to Freeze the target for 5 seconds.
    • Deadly Cold
      Ice Lance deals triple damage to frozen targets.
    • shards
      Ice Lance has a chance to instantly kill a frozen target.
frost explosion
  • Throws an ice blast at the target, dealing X frost damage. Has a chance to instantly kill frozen targets.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Frost Blast damage by 50%.
    • deadly cold
      Frost Blast deals triple damage to frozen targets.
    • Freezing
      Frost Blast has a chance to Freeze the target for 5 seconds.
    • Freeze to the bone
      Frost Blast reduces the target's physical damage by 50% for 10 sec.
    • Penetration
      Frost Blast ignores all defenses.
    • Icy heart
      Frost Blast has a chance to apply Frozen Heart to the caster, doubling their cold damage for 10 sec.
    • [ice drift]
      Each time you hit with Frost Blast, you gain a charge. At 5 charges, Frost Blast unleashes a devastating wave of cold on enemies within 25 feet.
Calling the Restless
  • Summons a Restless for x sec.
  • Witchcraft - adept.
  • Improvements
    • Personal
      Increases all of the Undead's attributes by 5% per level.
    • Winter's gift
      Doubles the life of the Restless.
    • Frost Aura
      While Restless is active, your frost spells deal 20% more damage.
    • Lord of Frost
      The Restless can cast Frost Blast and Frost Cloak. Frost Wave now also freezes the target for 5 seconds.
    • frost
      When the undead dies, it freezes all objects around.
    • Ghost
      The Restless is immune to physical damage.
    • ice armor
      Learning to spell Ice Armor.
    • ice armor
      Sacrifice the undead, inflicting immunity to any damage for 30 sec. Does not trigger more than once every 10 minutes.
gust of wind
  • Sends out a powerful blast of wind that deals x cold damage to all targets in its path.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the damage of Gust of Wind by 50%.
    • howling stream
      A gust of wind has a chance to cause the target to stagger.
    • Hurricane
      A gust of wind slows the target by 75% for 5 seconds.
    • Deep freeze
      Deals double damage to frozen targets.
    • Disarmament
      A gust of wind has a chance to disarm an enemy.
    • Storm
      A gust of wind has a chance to knock the target back.
    • Storm wind
      If a Gust of Wind hits more than two targets, another Gust of Wind is triggered.
  • A deadly shard of ice erupts from the ground, dealing x damage. cold damage to health and stamina.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases the damage of Frostthorn by 50%.
    • Iceberg
      Frostthorn has a chance to deal double damage.
    • Cooling
      Frost Spike has a chance to reduce the target's attack speed by 50% for 10 sec.
    • Push
      Frost Spike has a chance to knock the target up.
    • Frost Snap
      Frost Spike freezes the enemy for 5 seconds if they attack another target.
    • Lethality
      Increases the chance to trigger the Iceberg effect by 50% if the target is frozen or under the effects of cold debuffs.
    • ice barrier
      If Frostthorn deals damage to a target at full health, protects the caster with a Frost Barrier, making them immune to physical damage dealt by that target for 12 sec.

thunder lord

The Stormmage calls upon the gods of the sky to summon all of Tamriel's natural powers. Even the giants shun when the magi of the storm cast their spells!
eye of the storm

  • Summons Eye of the Storm at the caster's position for x sec. The eye of the storm strikes with lightning all around in a small area, dealing x lightning damage.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases lightning damage by 50%.
    • Thunderstorm
      Doubles the duration of Eye of the Storm.
    • Squall
      Decreases the interval between lightning bolts.
    • Storm Cloak
      While Eye of the Storm is active, increases resistance to electricity by 25%.
    • Heart of the Storm
      While your Eye of the Storm is active, your lightning spells deal 25% more damage.
    • static charge
      When lightning strikes a target, the target takes additional electricity damage for 8 seconds after being attacked.
    • Electrocution
      Lightning instantly kills the target if their health is below 20%.
Cloak of Storms
  • Infuses the caster with the power of a storm, increasing Shock spell damage by 15% for x sec.
  • Change is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases lightning damage by an additional 15%.
    • Specialization
      Lightning spells cost 20% less magicka while Stormcloak is active.
    • Immunity
      Cloak of Storms increases resistance to lightning by 50%.
    • Detonation
      Taking damage while Stormcloak is active causes the caster to deal lightning damage to all nearby targets. This effect does not occur more than once every 3 sec.
    • Furious Storm
      While Cloak of Storms is active, Eye of the Storm deals double damage.
    • Storm Shard
      When you kill a target with Thunderstrike or Ball Lightning, you gain a Storm Shard. Each time you cast Thunderstrike or Ball Lightning, there is a chance to cast a second spell of the same spell for no magicka, and consumes one Storm Shard. Stormcloak must be active.
    • echo
      Whenever your spells consume Storm Shard, restore 100% Magicka.
  • Blasts the target with lightning, dealing X lightning damage to health and half magic damage.
  • Destruction is an expert.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Thunderstrike damage by 50%.
    • Thunderer
      Thunderstrike has a chance to hit the target twice.
    • Electrification
      When Thunderstrike hits a target, it has a chance to explode and deal lightning damage to all targets in a small area.
    • grounding
      Thunderstrike deals double damage against heavily armored targets.
    • Contusion
      Lightning Strike reduces the target's resistance to electricity by 20% for 15 seconds.
    • Bringer of the storm
      If you kill the target with Thunderstrike, you gain Stormbringer, increasing the damage of Thunderstrike by 25% for 20 sec.
    • electrical storm
      Summons additional lightning that strikes nearby targets.
Storm Strike
  • Strikes the target with lightning, dealing x lightning damage over 5 sec.
  • Destruction is adept.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Stormstrike damage increased by 50%.
    • Tornado
      When casting Stormstrike, there is a chance that a whirlwind will spawn at the target's position, pulling the target back to its center.
    • Heaven's fury
      While Stormstrike is active, your Thunderstrike does not consume mana.
    • Blindness
      Stormstrike has a chance to disorient the enemy for its duration.
    • Bolt
      Stormstrike has a chance to silence the enemy for 5 seconds.
    • Stormfury
      Stormstrike applies Cloak of Storms on the caster.
    • Overload
      Stormstrike instantly deals 25 to 330 lightning damage to the target, consuming a Storm Shard.
Ball lightning
  • Throws a ball of lightning that deals x electricity damage to health and half of that to magicka.
  • Destruction is a student.
  • Improvements
    • Strength
      Increases Ball Lightning damage by 50%.
    • Critical Discharge
      Ball Lightning has a chance to deal double damage.
    • execution
      Ball lightning has a chance to instantly kill the target if their health is lower than the caster's.
    • chain lightning
      Upon hitting a target, Ball Lightning has a chance to damage additional targets with Chain Lightning.
    • rebirth
      Ball Lightning restores 5 to 30 mana.
    • halo of the storm
      Each time Ball Lightning hits a target, the spell's damage is increased by 10% for 10 sec. The effect stacks up to 3 times.
    • Fury of the Storm
      Upon hitting the target, you have a chance to inflict Stormfury lasting 10 seconds. While the effect is active, Ball Lightning does not cost mana.

Additional Talents

  • Creates a gap under your feet. Upon repeated use, instantly teleports to the place of the gap. Only one gap can exist at a time.
blood pact
  • Converts 5 life into 5 mana every second, until cancelled.
Mana flow
  • Converts 10 stamina to 5 mana every second, until cancelled.
Mana Source
  • Converts 10 mana to 5 life every second, until cancelled.
Traveler form
  • Increases movement speed by 75, but increases vulnerability to all attacks. Lasts until cancelled.
ice bomb
  • Creates a magical bomb at the feet of the caster. when the spell is repeated, the bomb explodes, dealing 50 damage. cold damage and freezing all enemies within 10 feet for 5 sec.
Brain liquefaction
  • Fools enemies into attacking phantoms for x seconds.
Secrets of the Mind
  • Consuming a dragon's soul increases your spell experience gain rate for 1 hour.
Bottomless Bag
  • Activates a bottomless bag. Requires a dragon soul to activate.
  • Ancient spell scrolls can be bought from the Dominus merchant in Whiterun. You can also buy a strange book from him (one of forty volumes) almost for nothing - for 3000 gold.
  • They can be found in safes, left in ancient times by no one knows who in different caves of vast Skyrim.
  • Just for the sake of testing (!) all spellbooks can be found in a "cheatbox" container. Type "help cheatbox" into the console to see the ID of the "cheatbox" in your game. Then type "player.placeatme CheatboxID 1". With the "set FMXPMult to x" command, you can set how many experience points you will gain by successfully casting mod spells (default, x=1).

Locations with safes:

  • Witch's Nest (Hag "s End) - Mystic Mastery Spells (6);
  • Windy Peak (Bleak Falls Barrow) - random spells (5);
  • Forsaken Cave - Dark Mastery Spells (4);
  • Orotheym (Orotheim) - Spells Mastery of light;
  • Sunderstone Gorge - Spells Lord of Thunderstorms (9);
  • Pinewatch - Nature Mastery Spells (10);
  • Folgunthur - Spells of the Lord of Frost (7);
  • Forelhost (Forelhost) - Spells Lord of the fire (8).


  • DLC Dawnguard

Through NMM/MO managers or manually.​

  1. Place the contents of the Data folder from the archive into your game's Data folder.
  2. Confirm file replacement if required.
  3. Connect the mod in the launcher.

Adds 39 spells to the game and each spell can be upgraded 10 times, for a total of 390 spells!

"While other magic mods often just add hundreds of different spells, this mod takes a different approach. It provides a smaller set of spells that partially complement each other and try to keep the balance." - says the author himself.


The spell's level is limited to 5. Spells gain "experience" when you use them, allowing you to unlock a new effect every time you level up. These enhancements can be combined for greater effect.

In the MCM menu, under the "Forgotten Magic" tab, you can view the spell experience, points and talents available for a particular spell. When you cast enough spells to raise his level, the words "Your spell level has been raised" will appear in the upper left corner. (Your spell has leveled up!).

To increase the level of a spell, experience is required 1.5 times more than for the previous one (sometimes 2). You can spend the dragon's soul to get back all the talent points spent on spells.


* Changed Pestilence: Corrosion is cast once, not permanently.
* Fixed spectral projectiles so that the target does not aggro before the first one is launched.
* Fixed bugs in lightning armor.
* Reduced experience gained for Lightning Armor by 60% for balance.
* Fixed a racial condition in the summoning of a lich to fix a bug.
* Phoenix attack ignores dead targets.
* Fixed bug with localization.

New ring:

Otherworldly Ring: Raises Blight victims (up to level 25)

Where to get:

There is a chance that a random spell book will drop from a killed enemy. You can buy simpler spells from the mage in The Prancing Mare, or from the traveler who travels between Markarth and Whiterun.


Should be compatible with all mods. The archive contains a patch for SkyRe


Move files from the archive to the Data folder


Delete files from Data folder

The assembly uses a version of the mod Forgotten Magic Redone (New Forgotten Magic). The key feature of the mod is that spells are pumped when used, and when a new level of a spell is received, it becomes possible to improve it, which allows you to create a flexible version of the development of a magician for yourself. Forgotten magic spells are being improved in the µm menu in the settings of the forgotten magic mod. Initially maximum level spells is five, but in the settings item in the menu of forgotten magic, this can be changed, as well as the speed of obtaining a level. Also in the settings of the micron menu, you can reset already pumped skills, while spending the soul of the dragon. This is important: you need to spend one soul of dragons for each level reset. For example, resetting 8 spell levels would cost 8 dragon souls.

Forgotten magic spells are divided into their own schools. The following schools are present in the game: Mystic, Paladin, Warlock, Pyromancer, Cryoman, Druid, Electromancer.

Let's move on to a detailed examination of spells and options for improving them. For some spells, an alternative translation is indicated in brackets that occurs / met in the game.

This is important: upgrades will not work until you upgrade them by spending skill points!

Mystic School:

Magic weapon (mystical weapon). An adept-level spell from the school of witchcraft. Creates a mystical weapon for 120 sec. in the hand(s) of the hero. Dissipates when sheathed. You can call on a choice of a dagger, bow, sword or great sword (configurable in the micron menu in the mystic school tab)


1 Open wounds. The target bleeds for 10 seconds.

2 Swordbreaker. Chance to disarm the target on each hit.

3. Cut the tendons. Magic weapons reduce the movement speed of bleeding enemies by 75% for 15 seconds.

4. Crush Chance to knock down the enemy on every hit. A slower weapon gives a higher proc chance. 10 sec cooldown.

5. Secret power. Chance to increase physical damage by 50% for 8 seconds on each hit.

6. Elemental strike. Arcane weapons deal additional Fire, Cold, or Shock damage on each hit equal to 30% of your Affliction.

7. Terrifying wounds. Targets below 50% health run away in fear.

8. Thirst for blood. Arcane Weapons leech the target's health on each hit.

9. Distortion. When you attack a target below 25% health, your scream recovery rate is increased by 50%.

10. Evolving weapons. Increases the damage of mystical weapons by 0.5% per level of sorcery.

disharmony (discord). Adept level illusion school spell. Creatures and people of level 14 and below will attack everyone nearby for 30 seconds. Spread chaos among your enemies. Important: the spell has an area effect, and it doesn't have to hit the enemy for it to work.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. The spread of chaos. Affects a large area, mana cost increased.

2. Madness. Affects higher level targets.

3. Revenant. Affects undead.

4. Recklessness. Reduces the effectiveness of armor on all targets.

5. Phantom pains. Deals damage to all targets

6. Distraction. Distracts mages, reducing magicka.

7. Absorption of rage. Restores magicka.

8. Vulnerability. Reduces magic resistance of all targets

9. Clumsiness. Chance to cause all opponents to lose balance.

10. Weakness. Reduces the stamina of all targets.

Cursed rune. Apprentice level illusion school spell. Places a rune on a nearby surface that explodes when an enemy approaches, dealing 40 damage. magical damage, additionally cursing the survivors.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1 Death of Mages. Steals mana in a 10 yard radius.

2. The curse of the double. Creates a duplicate of the target.

3. Curse of fear. Chance to make enemies (up to level 20) flee.

4. Curse of madness. Chance to make enemies (up to level 20) attack everyone in a row.

5. Curse of disarmament. . Chance to cause opponents (up to level 30) to drop weapons.

6. Curse of oblivion. Soul capture for 30 seconds.

7. Curse of weakness. Reduces damage dealt for 30 seconds.

8. Curse of pain. The target receives 10 damage. additional damage on each hit for 30 seconds.

9. Curse of vulnerability. Vulnerable to magic for 30 seconds.

10. Curse of Slowdown. Reduces movement speed by 50% for 30 seconds.

Shroud of Shadow (Ghastly Shroud) is an adept-level illusion spell cast on oneself. Transforms into a ghost form, making stealth 20% more effective for 60 seconds

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1 Cloak of Shadow. Increases the stealth bonus as well as the cost of the spell.

2. Evasion. Chance to dodge attacks.

3. Aura of horror. Chance to scare melee attacker.

4. Vengeful spirit. Chance to scare the attacker with spells.

5. Phantasmagoria. Increases the duration of illusion spells by 50%.

6. Mystical blade. Increases the damage of mystical weapons.

7. Ghostly appearance. Increases the duration of Wraith Veil

8. Phantom influence. Increases the effectiveness of illusion spells.

9. Thirst for battle. Increases health and stamina.

10. Whisper. Reduces noise when using mystical weapons.

Spectral projectiles. Adept-level illusion school spell. Fires 2 magical projectiles at the target, each dealing fire, cold, or lightning damage equal to 5% of your total magicka. Each projectile absorbs 10% of your magic.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Ghost flurry. Increases the number of projectiles by 1.

2. Ghost strike. Each projectile deals additional damage if fired at the back.

3. Explosion of the mind. Increases damage by 50% against frightened, enraged or pacified targets.

4. Disorientation. Chance to disorient target.

5. Choking. Each projectile has a chance to interrupt the target's casting.

6. Outstanding mind. Each projectile restores 2-3% of your magicka.

7. Mystical downpour. Places a stacking debilitating effect on the target for 5s. Each subsequent projectile deals 10% more damage, stacks yes 3 times.

8. Mystical distortion. Increases the movement speed of the target's enemies by 33% for 8 seconds.

9. Superiority. Slows down and disarms the target.

10. Mystical trance. Reduces projectile magic absorption by up to 6%.

Ghost Armor. A spell that is located in the player's talent menu. When activated, absorbs 25% of damage taken and drains magicka instead. Drains 8 magic points per second. Valid until cancelled.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Inversion. Taking damage drains stamina, not magicka.

2. Temporal distortion. Reduces the time between shouts by 20% while Spectral Armor is active.

3. Mystical mind. Increases Magicka by 50% while active.

4. Concentration. Reduces mana drain by 2. in with. Increases damage taken by 5%.

5. Phantasm. When activated, reduces the magicka consumed by spells by 40% and their effectiveness by 25%. Lasts 10 seconds.

6. Mystical healing. When taking damage, there is a chance to restore 4-6% of your total health.

7. Ghost cloak. When hit by a fire, cold, or electricity spell, increases resistance to the type of damage taken by 33% for 10 seconds.

8. Crushing power. Power Attacks cost 25% less Stamina while Spectral Armor is active.

9. Distracting cover. Makes you invisible for 10 seconds.

10. Enchanted mind. Increases spell damage by 100% when activated. Each cast reduces the bonus by 10% Increases magicka cost by 4. in with.

Paladin School:

Divine Light. Spell school recovery level apprentice. Instantly heals 40 health of the caster.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Touching the light. Divine Light has a chance to restore 2 times more health.

2. Holy prayer. Divine Light applies a healing over time effect for 5 seconds.

3. Divine protection. Divine Light increases Armor by 25% for 10 seconds.

4. Revelation. Divine Light replenishes your magicka while you are at full health.

5. Dawn. Increases the effectiveness of divine light by 50% during the daytime.

6. Pain suppression. Divine Light reduces damage taken by 15% for 10 sec.

7. Blessed protection. Divine Light increases magic resistance by 15% for 10 seconds.

8. Glow. Divine Light heals nearby allies.

9. Purification. Divine light heals all diseases.

10. Sunlight. Divine Light has a chance to reduce the cost of all spells by 50% for 10 sec.

Holy Arrow. Adept-level restoration school spell. A powerful burst of light that heals an ally for 80 health or deals half damage to an enemy.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Exile. Sacred Arrow deals double damage to undead.

2. Wrath of the healer. Increases damage by 25% of your recovery.

3. Haste. Increases the effectiveness of a Sacred Arrow by 50% when used on a target with 20% health.

4. Flash of light. The Holy Arrow explodes on impact, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies.

5. Anathema. Sacred Arrow reduces enemy melee damage by 30% for 10 seconds.

6. Binding healing. If used to heal an ally, heals the caster for 50% of that healing.

7. Blessing. Inspire a friendly target, increasing Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 25% of your current Health for 15 seconds.

8. Burning light. Sets the target on fire for 10 seconds.

9. Piety restoration. If used to heal an ally, restores 32 to 40 Magicka to the caster.

10. Divine avenger. Sacred Arrow deals damage equal to 100% of your current health. 3 min cooldown.

Divine armor. An adept level-changing spell that imbues the caster with divine energy, reducing spell damage by 15%. Within 60 sec.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Light. Every 3 sec. restores health equal to 5% of armor.

2. Divine revenge. Increases physical damage by 15% for 10 seconds each time you block an attack.

3. Kara. Each time you take damage, deal damage to the attacker equal to 3% of your max. health. Damage is increased by 1% per spell level.

4. Combat instinct. Grants a chance to avoid an enemy melee attack.

5. Armor of faith. Increases armor by 25%.

6. Pious reflection. Returns 30% melee damage to the attacker.

7. Divine inspiration. Reduces the cost of all spells by 15%.

8. Persecution. While Divine Armor is active, instantly teleports you to an enemy target some distance away. Requires a shield or melee weapon.

9. Last hope. If your health drops below 20%, restores 120 to 160 health. 2 min cooldown.

10. Divine intervention. If your health falls below 10%, restore 100% health by absorbing the dragon's soul. 3 min cooldown.

Hammer of justice. The spell of the school of witchcraft level apprentice. Creates a magical mace for 180 seconds. Dissipates when sheathed.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Steadfast defender. Increases Hammer of Justice damage by 25% when used with a shield.

2. Recovery. Increases spell power by 15%

3. Hammer of the righteous. Grants a chance to critically strike with Hammer of Justice.

4. Exorcist. Your hammer of justice attacks deal bonus damage to undead equal to 5% of your current health.

5. Just cause. Your Hammer of Justice attacks deal additional damage to mechanisms equal to 5% of your current health.

6. Crusader. Your Hammer of Justice attacks deal bonus damage to Daedra and Atronachs equal to 5% of your current health.

7. Righteous strike. Each attack with the Hammer of Justice heals you from 8 to 16 health points.

8. Payback. Each time you kill an enemy with the Hammer of Justice, heal you for 120 to 140 health.

9 Pious avenger. Each time you kill an enemy with Hammer of Justice, reduce Divine Avenger's cooldown by 100%.

10. Hammer of light. Hammer of Justice increases your damage by 50% of your Affliction.

Blessed weapon. An adept-level spell from the school of witchcraft. Summons an ax imbued with divine energy to fight for you for 60 seconds. This is important: the spell summons a minion. Outside of combat, the weapon is, as it were, sheathed by an invisible carrier and it is not visible, but it is there.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Cleansing flame. Each attack with a blessed weapon sets the target on fire for 3 seconds.

2. Burning heresy. People take additional damage to magic and stamina.

3. The power of faith. Blessed weapons deal additional magic damage to unholy creatures equal to ten times your blessed fusion.

4. Touching the light. Recovers 2% of your maximum health per second while a blessed weapon is active.

5. Creed. Increases damage from blessed weapons by 1% per spell level.

6. Dedicated weapon. The arcane ability, mystical summoning, also increases the damage of blessed weapons.

7. Blessing of the Nine. Each attack with a blessed weapon has a chance to increase the effectiveness of a sacred arrow by 50% for 10 sec.

8. Triumph. Each attack with a blessed weapon has a chance to reduce an enemy's armor by 100 for 10 seconds.

9. The wrath of the punisher. Each attack with a blessed weapon has a chance to inflict Avenging Wrath for 10 seconds. The effect increases your critical strike chance by 15%.

10. Commanding the light. Knocks down the target of the blessed orgy that attacks you. Cooldown 10 sec.

Warlock School:

Mor. Apprentice-level destruction school spell. Curses the target, inflicting 7 disease damage every second for 12 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Pumping out life. Pestilence steals 4 to 8 health from the target every second.

2. Pumping out the reserve of forces. Pestilence steals 4 to 8 stamina from the target every second.

3. Prolonged pain. Increases pestilence duration by 50% and magic cost by 25%.

4. Decomposition. Each time you inflict a pestilence, reduce the target's Armor by 100 for 10 seconds.

5. Filth. Each time you inflict a pestilence on living enemies, infect them with fel, dealing damage over 15 sec.

6. Agony. Each time you inflict a pestilence on enemies with less than 25% health, paralyze the target for 5 seconds.

7. Gloomy fusion. Increases pest damage by 50%. Pestilence also deals 4 to 8 damage to the caster every second.

8. Sign of death. Pestilence has a chance to cause the target to stagger.

9. Reaper of Souls. If the target dies while under the influence of pestilence, increase the mage's spell power by 10% for 10 minutes. Stacks up to 3 times.

10. The bonds of decay. Infects all nearby enemies if the target dies under the effect of pestilence. The thrown curse does not grant experience and does not cause the effect of bonds of corruption.

Deadness. Adept-level destruction spell. Infects the target with plague, inflicting 33 damage. disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Death. Deals additional damage equal to 3% of your maximum mana when triggered.

2. Fast decomposition. Reduces the delay before each trigger by 1 second.

3. Pumping health. Each time it hits, steals 8 to 12 health from the target and transfers it to the caster.

4. Plague. If you inflict mortification on a target afflicted with pestilence, reduce the target's disease resistance by 33% for 10 sec.

5. Devouring shadows. . If you inflict mortification on a target infected with pestilence, instantly deals 33 to 45 damage to the target and restores 16 to 25 health to the mage.

6. Dark impulse. If you apply mortification to a fel-infested target, consume this one and increase your damage by 25% for 15 sec.

7. Terrifying touch. If you apply mortification to a fel-infested target, absorb this effect and cause the target to flee in fear for 6 sec.

8. Embodiment of death. Increases healing received from mortification upgrades by 50%. Reduces the damage you take from the Sudden Death upgrade by 50%.

9. Pairing. Each time the mortification triggers, it has a chance to reduce the mana cost of the warlock's spells by 100% for 10 sec.

10. Sudden death. Each time, the mortification has a chance to deal damage to you and your target equal to 25% of your current health.

Arrow of darkness. Expert level destruction spell. Sends a stele of black energy at the target, dealing damage equal to 15% of the caster's current health.

Restores health equal to 50% of this damage to the caster for the next 3 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Lord of the dead. Instantly kills undead with less than 50% health.

2. Dominions of death. Banishes the target to the world of death. Enemy targets take 10 damage per second. Friendly undead restore 20 health. health per second Lasts 5 seconds.

3. Flash of death. If the target is afflicted with pestilence, the arrow triggers a Corruption Bond effect on a 10 second cooldown.

4. Deadly horror. Gloom Bolt has a chance to cause the target to flee in terror for 6 sec.

5. Eternal pain. Gloombolt has a chance to increase the duration of your pestilence and necrosis by 50% Lasts 10 sec.

7. Unholy restoration. Increases the healing effect of Gloombolt by 50% if your health is less than or equal to 50%.

8. Terrifying impact. Gloombolt deals 50% more damage to frightened targets.

9. Theft of souls. Gloom Bolt reduces the target's weapon damage by 30% for 8 seconds.

10. Recovery. Gloom Bolt deals double damage to targets above 80% health.

Guardian of death. The spell of the school of witchcraft level apprentice. Summons a deathguard (a large skeleton, usually armed with a shield and a sword) for 60 seconds at the location indicated by the caster.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Grim fortitude. Increases the death guard's health by 3% per mage level.

2. Wrath of the dead. Increases the weapon damage of the Deathguard by 1% per Mage Level.

3. Armor of death. Increases Deathguard Armor by 3 per Mage Level.

4. Metamorphosis. Increases the deathguard's magic resistance by 1% per mage level.

5. Dark restoration. While wounded, the deathguard constantly leeches up to 10 points. the mage's stamina, restoring 10 stamina. health per second

6. Incarnation of Boethiah. Teaches a Deathguard the Poison Cloak spell.

7. Obsession. Deathguard increases your health by 100 when summoned.

8. Grip of death. Deathguard deals 50% more damage to frightened targets.

9. Dark Fury Deathguard explodes when it dies.

10. Bonds of pain. If you fall below 25% health, sacrifice your deathguard, healing you for 120 to 160 health. 30 sec cooldown.

Shroud of decomposition. School spell to change student level. Surrounds the caster with death energy for 60 seconds, increasing pestilence and necrosis damage by 25%.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. The curse of fragility. Your Plague and Deadness also inflicts a Curse of Frailty on the target. It deals 10% of Armor as Disease Damage every second, targeting flesh for up to 50 damage per second.

2. Essence of darkness. Increases the base damage of Gloombolt for 21% of your current health.

3. Puppeteer. Your summon undead spells cost no mana and last 100% longer.

4. Visions of death. Enemies that get too close run away in fear for 5 seconds.

5. Deadly volley. Each time you cast a warlock spell, there is a chance to fire up to 3 exploding dark energy bolts.

6. Ghost form. Grants 70% resistance to physical damage, but magical attacks deal 2x more damage. While the ghostly form is active, healing spells have no effect on you.

7. Donate health. Burns up to 5 health of the caster, restoring up to 10 magicka.

8. Enslavement of the spirit. Animates dead bodies within 15 meters for 20 seconds, absorbing 20 damage per second. caster health per revived. Up to 10 bodies can be revived at the same time.

9. Dark sphere. When you take damage, it has a chance to create a dark sphere. The orb explodes after 5 seconds, restoring 50 health to all allies within 10 yards.

10. Despair. On each periodic trigger, the 6th Deadness has a chance to dispel itself, instantly granting 200 damage to the target. disease damage. If the target dies, restore your health, mana, and stamina to maximum.

Spatial break. Adept level change school spell. Places a magical trap at the specified location. For 15 seconds after that, enemies will be teleported to her position.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Curse of disharmony. Reduces the target's disease resistance by 10% for 10 seconds each time you transfer. Is summed up.

2. Unholy possession. Inflicts a frenzy effect on each transfer for 10 seconds.

3. Torment of the mind. Deals 30 to 45 disease damage to health and magicka each time you transfer.

4. Pulling the soul. If the target is afflicted with pestilence, fel, or necrosis, inflicts 21 disease damage per stack on each transfer.

5. Curse of oblivion. If the target was moved 3 times in a row, paralyze them for 5 seconds.

6. Inevitable death. Blight the target with pestilence each time you transfer. If the target is already afflicted with pestilence, infects with mortification.

7. Break of despair. While active, the rift inflicts disease damage every second to all enemies within 10 yards.

8. Well of souls. Inflicts Soul Trap for 30 seconds.

9. Chains of fate. When the effect ends, slow the target by 75% for 10 seconds.

10. Unholy bonds. When the effect ends, swap you with the target.

Pyromancer School:

Fire explosion. Apprentice-level destruction school spell. Instantly explodes the target, inflicting 30 damage. fire damage.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Burning pain. Chance to ignite the target for 5 seconds.

2. Pyro. Chance to cast fire blast twice.

3. Pyromaniac. Increases damage by 50%, increases magicka cost by 25%.

4. Reverse thrust. Chance to knock down the target, does not work on dragons.

5. Fire series. Chance to reduce the cost of a Fire Blast by 70% for 8 seconds.

6. Ignition. If the target is under the effects of Burning Pain or Ignite, absorbs these effects and reduces the target's fire resistance by 33% for 10 sec.

7. Merciless flame. The fire blast deals additional damage equal to 8% of your current magicka.

8. Devastation. Deals additional damage if the target is not attacking the caster.

9. Bright flame. Increases Burning Pain and Ignite damage by 100%.

10. Cremation. Deals double damage to targets affected by Ignite.

Ignition (incineration). Adept-level destruction spell. Firebolt deals 60 damage to the target. fire damage.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Arson. Chance to ignite the target for 5 seconds.

2. Hot fury. Chance to inflict Molten Fury on the Mage for 10 seconds, increasing Fire Damage by 50%.

3. The heart of the flame. Permanently increases damage and magicka cost by 50%.

4. Hit. Chance to knock down the target, does not work on dragons.

5. Fire strike. Each subsequent ignite deals 10% more damage for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

6. Disarmament. Chance to disarm the target.

7. Burning storm. Conflagrate deals additional damage equal to 12% of your current mana.

8. Wither. If the target is under the effects of Burning Pain or Ignite, absorbs these effects and stuns the target for 3 seconds.

9. Firebomb. If the target is under the effects of Burning Pain or Ignite, inflicts a Fire Bomb effect on the target for 5 seconds. When this effect ends, the target explodes, damaging all nearby enemies.

10. Storm of coals. If the target is under the effects of Searing Pain or Ignite, deals double damage to that target.

Meteor Rain. Adept-level destruction spell. Summons 3 fiery meteorites that hit the target and inflict 50 damage. fire damage. For outdoor use only. This is important: the spell works with some delay.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Ignite. Each meteor has a chance to inflict Burning Pain on the target.

2. Shelling. Increases the number of meteors by 2.

3. Strong fever. Permanently increases damage and magicka cost by 25%.

4. Impulse. Each meteor can knock down a target. Doesn't work on dragons.

5. Shards. Each meteor explodes on impact.

6. Variability. Each meteor can kill a target with less than 30% health.

7. Acceleration. Increases movement speed by 33% for 6 seconds after casting a meteor shower.

8. Softening weapons. When a meteor deals damage to a target, reduce the target's physical damage by 33% for 10 sec.

9. Armageddon. If the target was killed by meteors, increase spell power by 50% for 10 sec.

10. Fire stream. Each meteor has a chance to launch an additional meteor if the target is below 50% health.

Changeling. Apprentice level illusion school spell. Creates an illusory copy of the target for 15 seconds. Does not work on dragons, undead, or mechs. Cooldown 30 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Intensity. The Changeling deals 30% more melee damage.

2. Sulfur. Reduces the target's fire resistance by 15% for the duration of the spell.

3. Burn. Reduces the target's melee damage by 30% for the duration of the spell.

4. Inner fire. Teaches a shapeshifter the fiery cloak spell.

5. Wild fire. On a successful cast, increases your Fire damage by 25% for 10 sec.

6. Smoke screen. On a successful cast, the spell makes you invisible for 20 seconds.

7. All-devouring flame. While the target is attacking its copy, the caster regenerates 5 to 10 magicka per second.

8. Phantom pains. Until the target attacks the mage, they gain 5 to 10 damage. damage per second

9. Molten heart. If the target is under the effects of Burning Pain or Ignite, increase the damage of the summoned Changeling by 50%.

10. Moxibustion. Restores health equal to 2% of the target's max health over 10 seconds. when the spell ends, if the mage's health is below 50%, restore an additional 10% health.

Salamander touch. Adept-level destruction spell. The spell is a cloak. Within 60 s. Enemies within melee range of you take 8 damage. fire damage per second. Ignited ones take additional damage.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. The heart of a salamander. Increases fire spell damage by 25% and magicka cost by 50%.

2. Salamander scales. Reduces physical damage taken by 10%.

3. Ignition. Chance to apply Burning Pain on the attacker.

4. Protracted burning. Increases spell duration by 20-100% (based on spell level)

5. Live coals. Reduces the mana cost of fire spells by 5-25% (based on spell level)

6. Fireproof. Increases fire resistance by 30-50% (based on spell level)

7. Cleansing flame. Increases disease and poison resistance by 50%.

8. Firebrand. Imbues your weapon with the power of fire.

9. Tinder. Reduces fire resistance of nearby enemies by 25%.

10. Terrifying flame. Chance to panic if the attacker is below 50% health.

Phoenix attack. A spell that is located in the player's talent menu. On hit, the target is knocked down. 30 seconds cooldown.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Flash. All targets within 10m are off balance.

2. Fiery gap. If the target is immune to the knockdown effect, the phoenix's attack deals 160 to 220 fire damage to that target.

3. Fire. Releases a wave of flames on impact.

4. Burning rage. Reduces the cooldown of Phoenix Assault by 10 seconds

5. Burn. Inflicts Ignite on the target on hit.

6. Burning ash. Sets the ground on fire for 10 seconds.

7. Reverse thrust. Teleports to the starting position after being hit.

8. Hot skin. Reflects 100% melee damage for 10 seconds.

9. Acceleration. Increases movement speed by 50% for 10 sec.

10 Gift of the Phoenix. When using the attack of the phoenix, if your health is less than 15%, fully restores health. Cooldown 2 minutes.

Cryomancer School:

Ice spear. Apprentice-level destruction school spell. Hurls an ice spear at an enemy that deals 25 cold damage to health and stamina.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Replenishment. Ice Lance places a regeneration effect on the mage, increasing magicka regeneration for 5 seconds.

2. Ice capture. Ice Lance reduces the target's Cold Resistance by 20% for 10 seconds.

3. Frostbite. Ice Lance also deals periodic damage over 8 seconds. While affected by this effect, the target takes additional cold spell damage.

4. Roaring wind. Ice Lance has a chance to reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 5s.

5. Frost grip. Ice Lance has a chance to Freeze the target for 5 seconds. 10 s. recharge.

6. Injuring ice. Ice Lance deals triple damage to frozen targets.

7. Deadly fragments. The ice lance explodes on impact, dealing damage to all enemies in the area of ​​effect.

8. Frozen to the bone. Ice Lance reduces the target's attack speed by 30% for 10 seconds.

9. Fury of the north. Ice Lance has a chance to increase spell power by 30% for 10 seconds.

10. Splitting. Ice Lance has a chance to instantly kill a frozen target.

Ice bomb. Adept-level destruction spell. The target becomes a Living Bomb and gains 8 damage every second. damage over 6 sec. After six seconds, the target explodes, dealing cold damage to all nearby enemies.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Ice charge. Each time you cast a frost bomb spell, increase the damage and magicka cost of all frost spells by 25% for 10 seconds.

2. Wrath of the north. Each time you cast an Ice Bomb spell, increase Physical Damage by 25% for 10 seconds.

3. Biting cold. Increases Frost Bomb damage over time by 50%.

4. Arctic grip. Each time an Ice Bomb explodes, consume an Ice Charge and increase the chance to trigger Frost Snap by 50% for 10 seconds.

5. The grip of winter. Each time an Ice Bomb explodes, consume an Ice Charge and apply an Ice Bomb effect to the target.

6. Ice explosion. When cast on a frozen enemy, the Ice Bomb instantly explodes, dealing additional damage and knocking down enemies.

7. Rigor. Frost Bomb reduces the target's attack and spell damage by 20% for its duration.

8. Crystallization. Frost Bomb reduces the target's armor to 0 for its duration.

9. Absolute zero. Frost Bomb reduces the target's cold resistance to 0 for its duration.

10. Frosty stream. Places an ice bomb on all enemies within 10m of the target.

Ancient Lich An adept-level spell from the school of witchcraft. Summons an ancient lich for 60 seconds. to the place indicated by the caster. This is important: after the lich, a pile of ash remains.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Binding of souls. Increases the lich's health by 3% per mage level.

2. Symbiote. Increases the Lich's Magicka by 3% per Mage Level.

3. Ghost power. Increases the lich's spell power by 1% per mage level

4. Ice cloak. Teaches the lich the Ice Cloak spell.

5. Ice storm. Teaches the Lich the Ice Storm spell.

6. Ghost body. Makes the lich immune to physical damage, increasing magical damage taken by 100%.

7. Vengeful spirit. When the lich dies, it explodes, dealing cold damage and knocking the enemy down.

8. Ice resonance. Each time the lich casts a spell, restores 10 to 15 magicka to you.

9. Ice stream. Each time you fall below 20% magicka, leech 10 health per second from the lich, healing you for 10. magic per sec.

10. Deadly union. Ancient Lich increases spell power by 15% when summoned.

Ice armor. Apprentice Level Change Spell. Protects the caster in ice armor, increasing Defense by 100 for 60 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Mage of the north. Ice Armor increases your cold resistance by 50% while active.

2. Cryostasis. Ice Armor has 100% lifetime of summoned undead while active.

3. Gift of winter. While active, Frost Armor increases spell power by 0.5% per caster level.

4. Gain. While active, Frost Armor increases your Magicka by 3 per Mage Level.

5. Ice storm. Each time you cast a spell, Frost Armor increases your movement speed by 25% for 5s. 10 s. recharge.

6. Frosty fusion. Restores 14 to 18 Magicka and Stamina each time you take damage from a spell.

7. Arctic cold. Each time you take damage from a spell, Freeze the attacker for 5 seconds. Total cooldown with Frost Snap.

8. Ice blow. Each time you take damage, Ice Armor has a chance to deal 25 to 40 damage to the attacker.

9. Frosty touch. Each time you take damage, Frost Armor has a chance to slow the attacker's movement speed by 50% for 5s.

10. Ice barrier. Each time you fall below 20% health, protect you with a barrier that absorbs all damage for 5 seconds. 30 s. recharge.

Cold. Expert-level destruction spell, cast with two hands. Creates a blizzard area with the caster in the center. Deals 8 cold damage to targets over 12 seconds and reduces their stamina.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Vulnerability. Reduces cold resistance by 50% for all targets.

2. Blinding snow. The caster becomes invisible for the duration of the spell.

3. Biting cold. Damage and magic cost increased by 25%.

4. Frozen ground. All targets have a chance to lose balance.

5. Exhaustion. All targets, including the caster, lose their stamina.

6. Penetrating cold. Attacks deal 10 additional cold damage.

7. Deadly bonds. Deals double damage to frozen targets.

8. Ice shell. Casts a crystal fortress spell on the mage.

9. Ice grave. Chance to Freeze each target when this spell is cast.

10. Caller of the wind. Increases duration by 50%.

Ice fortress (crystal fortress). A spell that is located in the player's talent menu. Encases the caster in a block of ice for 10 sec, providing a respite from combat. Has a recharge.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Regeneration. Increases magicka recovery by 100% for the duration.

2. Recovery. Increases health regeneration by 100% for the duration.

3. Recovery. Increases Stamina Recovery by 100% for the duration.

4. Slippery ground. Slows nearby targets by 50% for 20 seconds when the spell ends.

5. Cover of ice. Increases magic resistance by 50% for 20 seconds when the spell ends.

6. Deep winter. Reduces reload time to 2 minutes.

7. Ice roar. Reduces the cooldown of shouts by 50% for the duration.

8. Crushing ice. Increases cold spell damage by 50% for 20 seconds after the spell ends.

9. Permafrost. Increases the chance to trigger Frost Grasp by 50% for 20 seconds after the spell ends.

10. Ice touch. Places a frost cloak on the caster.

Druid School:

Healing touch. Spell school recovery level apprentice. Restores 5 health to the caster per second for 15 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Flowering. Increases duration by 100%, increases magicka cost by 50%.

2. Healing wave. Healing Touch restores additional health equal to 5% of your base magicka every second.

3. Accelerated growth. Healing Touch restores stamina equal to 5% of your base magicka every second.

4. Calmness of water. Healing Touch restores 4 to 6 health per second. of magic.

5. Touch of nature. Healing Touch instantly restores 30 to 40 health.

6. Cleansing touch. Healing Touch removes all disease and poison effects.

7. Overgrowth. Healing Touch inflicts Overgrow every second while at full health. Each time you take damage, the overgrowth heals you for 22 to 30 health. health by consuming one charge. Stacks up to 5 times.

8. Nasty touch. Whenever you take damage while Healing Touch is active, apply Vile Spores to the attacker for 3 seconds. recharge.

9. Healing. The attacker heals himself from 10 to 14 health if the target is under the effect of vile spores.

10. oak flesh. Each time you fall below 30% health while Healing Touch is active, increase your Armor by 500 for 10s. 30 s. recharge.

The seed of life. Adept-level destruction spell. Sends a poisonous arrow at the target, inflicting 75 damage. damage.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Vile disputes. The Seed of Life inflicts a damage over time effect that deals Poison damage over 8 sec.

2. Withering spores. Vile spores can cause the target to lose balance every second.

3. Natural healing. Vile spores restore 8 to 10 health to the mage every second

4. The seed of entropy. Vile Spores reduce the target's disease and poison resistance by 30% for its duration.

5. The seed of decay. Vile Spores reduce the target's Armor by 100 for its duration.

6. Slime. Seed of Life has a chance to reduce the target's attack speed by 30% for 10 seconds.

7. Hunter. Seed of Life deals additional damage to animals equal to 20% of your current magicka remaining.

8. Veil of life. Seed of Life increases the damage, healing, and magic cost of your druid spells by 25% for 10 seconds.

9. Petrification. The seed of life has a chance to petrify the target for 5s. 10s. recharge.

10 Phytogenesis. Each time you cast a Life Seed, gain 1 charge. At 3 charges, increases direct damage to Lifeseed by 50% for 8s.

Earth weapon. School spell to change student level. Infuses a weapon with the power of the earth, increasing magicka recovery by 100% for 120 sec.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Cheerfulness. Earth weapons increase stamina regeneration by 100%.

2. The strength of the stone. Earth weapons increase your alteration spells by 100%.

3. Wrath of nature. Earth weapons increase the druid's spell damage by 25%.

4. natural fusion. Earth Weapon increases healing received by 25%.

5. Raised in nature. Earth weapons increase physical damage by 25% in open areas.

6. Fortitude of the earth. Earth Weapon increases your health by 25% of your current health.

7. Paralyzing touch. An earth weapon paralyzes the target for 3s, absorbing Vile Spores. 20s. recharge.

8. Bringing the plague. Earth weapons deal additional disease damage on each hit.

9. Poison bite. The weapon poisons the target on every hit.

10. Wild growth. Whenever you take damage while below 70% health, an earth weapon will place a healing touch on you. 30 sec. recharge.

Wild mushrooms (wild mushroom). An adept-level spell from the school of witchcraft. Shoot of wild mushroom specified position, which explodes every 3 seconds. inflicting 50 damage. poison damage to all nearby enemies. This is important: this spell is not cast on the ground, but on the enemy. The mushroom does not follow the enemy.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Vile impact. Increases explosion radius by 10m.

2. Accelerated growth. Reduces the time between explosions by 1 second.

3. Poisoning. The explosion poisons all nearby enemies, dealing Poison damage over 4 seconds.

4. Poison stream. Mushroom explosion has a chance to knock all nearby enemies off balance.

5. Destruction. Mushroom Explosion deals an additional 25% of your remaining Magicka damage to affected Vile Spores.

6. Poison essence. If the target dies, your mushrooms deal 25% more damage for 10 seconds.

7. Synthesis. If the target dies, reduce the Magicka cost of Wild Mushroom by 100% for 6 seconds.

8. The dominance of nature. Each active mushroom increases your spell power by 10%.

9. Circle of life. When the spell ends, your mushrooms restore you from 52 to 60 magicka.

10. Catalepsy. Each time you cast a wild mushroom, petrify the target. 10 sec cooldown.

Cover of nature. Adept level change school spell. Surrounds the caster with nature energy that affects nearby enemies, reducing their resistance to poison by 33%. Lasts 60 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Poisonous sting. Deals 6 to 9 (+10% per spell level) Poison damage per second. targets with negative resistance to poison.

2. The seed of destruction. Reduces the mana cost of Lifeseed by 50% while active.

3. Wither. Steals up to 10 items. stamina on targets with negative resistance to poison. If the target has less than 10 units. stamina, steals health.

4. Life-giving energy. Restores 4 to 6 health. health for each target in the area of ​​effect.

5. The heart of nature. While active, increases resistance to poison by 50, and reduces the magicka cost of conjuration and restoration spells by 25%.

6. Hibernation. Hostile animals in the area fall asleep for 10 seconds. 30 sec. recharge.

7. Sleep poison. Targets with negative resistance to poison are paralyzed for 5 seconds. 30 sec cooldown.

8. Hypnotic look. When hit by a power attack, paralyze the attacker for 3 seconds. 15 sec. recharge.

9. Fury of nature. Increases unarmed damage by 1 per mage level and movement speed by 30%.

10. Animal fury. Increases physical damage by 50% for 10 seconds if the mage's health falls below 50%.

Wolf Pack. An expert-level spell from the school of witchcraft. Summons a pack of wolves (2 pcs. regular + 1 alpha wolf) to the specified location for 120 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Maiming. The Wolves tear through the flesh of the enemy, causing them to bleed for 5 seconds.

2. The taste of blood. Each bite deals an additional 15 to 20 damage to bleeding targets.

3. Break. Each bite can instantly kill an enemy with less than 40% health

4. Hard skin. Increases armor by 5 per mage level.

5. Healing. While Alpha Wolf is alive, heal all allies within 30 yards for 5. health per second

6. The strength of the pack. While Alpha Wolf is alive, all allies within 30 yards deal 25% more damage.

7. Threatening growl. Each time one of the wolves takes damage, it has a chance to scare the attacker for 5 seconds.

8. An eye for an eye. Every time wolves fall below 50% health, they deal 33% more damage.

9. Pursuit of prey. Increases the movement speed of wolves by 33%

10 Ghost Hounds Wolves become invisible outside of combat. When attacking enemies, they deal 50% more damage for 10 seconds.

Electromant School:

Lightning strike (storm strike). Apprentice-level destruction spell. Deals 8 damage on hit. electrical damage over 6 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. High voltage. Lightning Strike deals additional damage equal to 5% of your current Magicka every second.

2. Shock. Lightning Strike reduces the target's electricity resistance by 30% for its duration.

3. Leakage. Lightning Strike burns up to 10 mana every second, dealing the same amount of damage.

4. Ripple. Lightning Strike every second has a chance to cause the target to stagger.

5. Discharge. Lightning Strike has a chance to disarm the target every second.

6. Purification. Stormstrike deals additional damage to summoned units equal to 20% of your current Magicka every second.

7. Refraction. Each time a lightning strike target takes damage from lightning spells, heal you for 20 to 30. of magic.

8. Charged atmosphere. Each time you cast Lightning Strike, reduce the cost of your lightning spells by 25% for 8 sec.

9. Supercharge. Each time a Lightning Strike target dies, increase your lightning spell damage by 50% for 10 sec.

10. Shard of the Storm. Whenever a target affected by Lightning Strike dies, you gain a Storm Shard. Storm Shard is used by other Electromancer spells.

A storm shard is placed in your inventory and is essentially a filled small soul gem.

Lightning strike. Adept-level destruction spell. Strikes the target with lightning, inflicting 50 damage. electricity damage to health and half magic damage.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Ionization. Chance to cast Lightning Strike twice on the same target.

2. Shake. Knocks down the target, 30 sec cooldown.

3. Reinforced charge. Deals 38 to 45 additional damage to distant targets.

4. Lightning explosion. Lightning explodes on impact, dealing electrical damage to all nearby targets.

5. Magnetic charge. Instantly moves the target to the mage. Does not work on dragons and giants. The target must be at least 30 meters away.

6. Grounding. Targets wearing heavy armor take an additional 45 to 68 damage.

7. Flurry. Deals an additional 30 to 40 damage if the target is under the effect of a lightning strike.

8. Fury of heaven. Increases lightning strike damage by 25% in open areas.

9. Electric execution. Instantly kills a target below 25% health. Requires a Storm Shard.

10. Chain lightning. Strikes the target with chain lightning.

Storm armor. Adept level change school spell. Fills the caster with electricity, increasing resistance to electricity by 30% for 60 seconds.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Explorer. Reduces the cost of lightning spells by 15%.

2. Stun charge. Each time you take damage from a power attack, knock the attacker down. 15 sec. recharge.

3. Poor visibility. 40% chance to avoid damage from arrows.

4. Lightning field. While active, Lightning Armor restores 12 to 16 damage. magic every 3 sec.

5. Ride the wind. Increases movement speed by 50% while out of combat.

6. Static barrier. When you are hit by a movement impairing effect, reduce magical damage taken by 50% for 5 sec.

7. Microexplosion. Emits a wave of electricity when damaged, dealing damage to all targets within 10 yards.

8. The embodiment of the storm. Increases electrical damage by 25% and increases the duration of Stormstrike by 4 seconds.

9. Caught a storm. Chance to gain a shard every time you cast an electrical spell while your Lightning Armor is active.

10. Sudden blow. Strikes enemies with chain lightning while Lightning Armor is active.

Storm gates. Adept level change school spell. Creates a mystical portal near the caster. Pressing the key (G by default) instantly teleports the caster to the portal. There is a 10 second delay between moves. The activation key can be changed in the settings of the forgotten magic mod in the micromenu menu in the electromancer tab.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Thunder shield. Makes you immune to magic for 4 seconds. after moving.

2. Denial. Makes you immune to physical damage for 4 seconds. after moving.

3. Fast recharge. Healing spells cost nothing for 5 seconds. after moving. Consumes a Storm Shard.

This is important: in this case, a fragment of the storm is spent (taken from inventory).

4. Enchanted mind. Shock healing spells cost nothing for 5 sec. after moving. Consumes a Storm Shard.

This is important: in this case, a fragment of the storm is spent (taken from inventory).

5. Electrical impulse. Staggers all ha for 1 sec. in the area you moved from.

6. Generation of a storm. Spawns a magical beast near you. The spawn will fight for you for 10 seconds, forcing all nearby enemies to attack it.

7. Resonance. Your next lightning bolt deals 50% additional damage. Only works when cast within 5 seconds. after moving.

8. Extermination. Flicker does not require a Storm Shard to perform and works on targets with 25% health or less. Only works when cast within 5 seconds. after moving.

9. Balance. When moved, restores your Magicka and Stamina equal to 10% of your total Magicka and Stamina times your Storm Amalgamation. Consumes a Storm Shard.

This is important: in this case, a fragment of the storm is spent (taken from inventory).

10. Wandering gates. Hold hot key for 5 sec. after moving, it will move the storm gate to your starting position.

Heaven strike. Expert level destruction spell. Reading with two hands. Causes 50 damage. electrical damage to all targets within 20 feet.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Thunderstorm. Increases explosion radius by 10m.

2. Explosion of lightning. Increases the damage of the sky strike when landing from the maximum height.

3. Phase shift. Reduces all damage taken by 50% upon landing for 4s.

4. Rage of thunder. Nearby enemies are knocked off balance upon landing.

5. Destruction of the weak. Enemies below 50% health are paralyzed for 3 seconds. 20 sec cooldown.

6. Cascade. Deals an additional 35 to 135 damage to enemies within 10m or closer.

7. Polarization. Inflicts a lightning strike on all enemies in the area of ​​effect.

8. Recharge. Restores 10 to 15 health. magic for each enemy in the area of ​​effect.

9. Stormbringer. Upon taking damage while casting heavenly strike, strikes the attacker with lightning.

10. Cyclone. Reduces the magicka cost of Lightning Strike and Lightning Strike by 50% for 10 seconds upon landing.

Electric charge. Adept-level destruction spell. An electric charge affects enemies for 60s. To activate, press the key (default V), deals 10-60 damage. electrical damage. The activation key can be changed in the settings of the forgotten magic mod in the micromenu menu in the electromancer tab.

The spell has the following upgrade options:


1. Gain. Increases damage by 100% if you hold the Discharge key for 3 seconds. Requires a Storm Shard.

This is important: in this case, a fragment of the storm is spent (taken from inventory).

2. Superconductor. Reduces the target's resistance to electricity by 33% for 10 sec when discharging.

3. High voltage. Stuns the target for 3 seconds. Requires Storm Shard

This is important: in this case, a fragment of the storm is spent (taken from inventory).

4. Chain reaction. The discharge causes an uncontrolled electrical pulse that strikes everyone near the initial target.

5. Deadly pulsation. Chance to instantly kill the target. Does not work on targets whose total health is twice the caster's health.

6. Electrification. Applies lightning strike on discharge.

7. Hesitation. Increases blast damage by 5% for each storm shard in inventory.

This is important: in this case, the shard of the storm is NOT spent (it is not taken from the inventory).

8. Unbridled storm. If the target is electrocuted, it will explode over 5 seconds, dealing massive damage to everyone nearby.

9. Storm surge. If the target is killed by an electric charge, then the caster recovers from 25 to 40 points. of magic.

10. Fury of the cyclone. Reward with a Storm Shard when you electrocute a target.

It's worth noting that usually if you have upgraded spell "A" and acquired in another spell "B" the ability to additionally cast spell "A", the improved version of spell "A" will usually be cast.

This is important: some specific numerical parameters, such as the duration of the spell, damage, cost, and the level of opponents that can be affected by this spell; may vary depending on the selected settings, the presence of decorations and the pumping of the character! These numerical parameters are recorded for a first-level character without pumping.

Spell Sellers: Forgotten Magic Spells are sold by the following merchants:


Magician Elethor in Whiterun in the Prancing Mare Tavern. Trades only during normal trading hours.

Mage Lokun Sage who travels with Ri Sada's caravan (the mage may fall behind the caravan, just wait). Trades at the usual time for traders.

Also, spells and decorations of forgotten magic can simply be found on the bodies of defeated opponents. The drop chance of spells and decorations can be adjusted in the µm menu of forgotten magic in the settings.

Magic fusion.

When a spell is maxed out (5th level at standard settings), the mage gains a point of magical fusion. It is embedded in the micron menu of forgotten magic in the "magic fusion" tab. Magical fusion determines your affinity for a particular school of magic. Each point of fusion increases the damage of all spells (not just forgotten magic spells) of that school by 20% (up to 100%). Each time any spell reaches level 5, you gain a fusion point (up to 10 points).


The game has the following Forgotten Magic Jewelry. All of it is represented by rings.


1. White frost. +25 health and mana. Increases ice lance damage by 20%.

2. The leader of the pack. +30 health and mana. Summons a pack of 4 wolves. (One normal wolf more when using wolf pack spell)

3. Ring of retribution. +25 health and mana. Increases the effect of Divine Vengeance by 10%.

4. Ring of confusion +30 health and mana. Doubles vulnerability to Cursed Rune and Insanity effects

5. Ring of illusions. +35 health and mana. Increases the duration of your Changeling spell by 50%.

6. Ring of ice time. +30 health and mana. Increases the duration of Ice Barrier by 2 seconds.

7. Ring of insatiable cold. +25 health and mana. Ice Wave restores 20 magicka.

8. Ring of devastation. +30 health and mana. Increases the number of meteorites summoned by the meteor shower spell by one.

9. Ring of constancy. +30 Health and Mana Increases the duration of Nature Shroud by 100%.

10. Ring of poison. +25 health and mana. Increases Poison Bite and Vile Spore damage by 2 points/second.

11. Ring of Furious Flame. +25 health and mana. Increases the chance to apply Burning Pain and Ignite by 5%.

12. Carrier of light. +30 health and mana. Increases the duration of divine light effects by 2 seconds.

13. Shaman. +25 health and mana. Increases the duration of Lightning Strike by 50%.

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