Lunar calendar march year magic. March calendar. Favorable days of the lunar calendar

Sealants 10.07.2020

The first calendar month of spring, where winters are severe, is by no means the start of garden spring. Of course, the first persistent primroses appear in the gardens this month, but the winter cold continues to reign in the plots. However, the calendar of work is changing, the chores associated with the garden and preparing for active spring plantings are increasing. In March, sowing for seedlings and greenhouses reaches its peak, the first sowings are carried out in the soil with shelter, and caring for young plants takes a lot of effort. Fortunately, the lunar calendar offers a successful alternation of the phases of the moon and the signs of the zodiac, offering to find a balance between different chores.

Snowdrop (Galanthus)

Brief lunar work calendar for March 2017

Days of the month Zodiac sign Moon phase Type of work
March 1 Aries growing sowing, preparation, harvesting
2nd of March Aries/Taurus (from 10:42) sowing, planting, care, pruning, sprouting and diving
March, 3rd Taurus sowing, planting, transplanting, care, reproduction
March 4 Taurus/Gemini (from 15:54) sowing, planting, transplanting, forcing, care, reproduction, harvesting
5th of March Twins first quarter sowing and planting, preparation, inspections, harvesting
March, 6 Gemini/Cancer (15:54) growing sowing, planting, transplanting, reproduction, inspections, cleaning, care, preparation
March 7 Cancer sowing, planting, planning, care, reproduction
March 8
9th of March a lion sowing, planting, protection, pruning, preparation, harvesting and planning
10th of March
March 11th Virgo sowing and planting, care, preparation
March 12 full moon soil care
March 13 scales waning working with soil, sowing, planting, forcing, protection
March 14th
March 15th Libra/Scorpio (from 18:11) sowing, planting, care, working with soil
March 16 Scorpion
March 17
March 18 Sagittarius sowing, harvesting, preparation, pruning, removal of shelters
March 19
20th of March Sagittarius/Capricorn (from 18:31) fourth quarter sowing, protection, harvesting, preparation
March 21 Capricorn waning sowing, planting, harvesting, care
March 22
March 23 Aquarius protection, cleaning, pruning
March 24
March 25 Aquarius/Pisces (from 13:06) landing, cleaning, protection
26 March Fishes sowing, planting, pruning, care, preparation
March 27 Pisces/Aries (since 17:11) protection, pruning, care, sowing
March 28 Aries new moon planning, protection
March 29 Aries/Taurus (from 18:48) growing sowing, planting, care,
March 30 Taurus sowing, planting, care, pruning
March 31

Detailed lunar calendar for a gardener-gardener for March 2017

March 1, Wednesday

On the first day of the month, you can continue to sow greens to the table, but it is worth remembering the need to restore order in greenhouses and important preparatory procedures.

  • sowing fast-growing plants and salads to the table;
  • sowing for seedlings and for room culture of hot pepper;
  • preparation of the substrate and beds in the greenhouse for crops;
  • mulching and weeding in the greenhouse and greenhouses;
  • pest control in greenhouses;
  • preparation of cuttings and grafting.
  • sowing and planting vegetables and other plants in open soil with protection or in greenhouses (except lettuces);
  • pruning of any plants;
  • dive plants;
  • watering in any form;
  • pinching, pinching, thinning seedlings;
  • top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

March 2, Thursday

In the morning, you can continue the work started on the previous day. But when the dominion of Taurus comes, it is better to devote yourself to planting in greenhouses, greenhouses, under film and seedlings, devoting time to active plant care.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the early morning:

  • sowing greens, salads and fast-growing vegetables;
  • sowing decorative and hot peppers;
  • landing planning;
  • collection of greens and herbs in a pot garden and a greenhouse.

Garden work that is favorable to do from noon:

  • preparation of cuttings;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the day is especially favorable for cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, herbaceous perennials);
  • application of mineral fertilizers (especially under the root);
  • pre-planting treatment and soaking of seeds;
  • dive seedlings, especially vegetable plants (tomatoes, celery, eggplant, peppers);
  • pruning ornamental shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • diving or working with seedlings and seedlings (in the morning);
  • transplanting shrubs and trees;
  • pruning of berry-fruit species.

March 3, Friday

The dominion of a sign favorable for working with plants allows active work both in the garden and with seedlings. Planting and sowing - so far only in containers and under cover - is carried out for ornamental and vegetable crops. It is worth remembering about pruning and vaccinations.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing perennial flowering and vegetable plants (lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, herbs, ornamental plants);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (the day is good for both berry bushes and flowering bulbs);
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • diving seedlings of vegetable crops;
  • pruning ornamental shrubs and trees in the garden;
  • transplanting perennials and ornamental shrubs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting or sowing seeds of woody plants;
  • diving seedlings of ornamental plants;
  • transplantation of indoor and garden plants;
  • loosening the soil and contact with the roots.

March 4, Saturday

This is a very good day for active sowing of seedlings, germinating seeds and caring for young crops. In the evening, if there is strength left, you can take preventive measures and restore order.

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (including asparagus, cabbage);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • dive seedlings;
  • checking the stored crop, bulbs and corms;
  • planting summer and autumn bulbs for forcing or in greenhouses.
  • sowing annual vines;
  • crown thinning and formative pruning;
  • soil mulching;
  • cleaning in the hozblok and places of crop storage;
  • spraying and fumigation for pest prevention;
  • replenishment of stocks of organic fertilizers.

Jobs to avoid:

  • cleaning of plant debris on the site;
  • construction work and clearing the garden and vegetable garden;
  • pruning of dry perennial curtains and sanitary cleaning;
  • pruning and shaping any plants;
  • dive seedlings in the evening;
  • digging and cultivation;
  • organic feeding;
  • harvesting cuttings and grafting in the afternoon;
  • watering after lunch.

March 5, Sunday

It's time to remember the need for constant monitoring and putting things in order in the greenhouse and on the site. However, if you have the strength, you can do the sowing of some plants or preparing for future crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and strawberries;
  • soil preparation for crops;
  • crown thinning;
  • mulching plantings in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • planting to accelerate the flowering of bulbous and corms (dahlia, gladiolus, zantedes);
  • inspection of stored bulbs and corms;
  • garden monitoring and redevelopment planning;
  • cleaning of vegetable debris, clearing and cleaning in the garden.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and sowing seeds of perennials, shrubs and trees;
  • cuttings, re-rooting or transplanting plants.

March 6, Monday

Despite the fact that two signs of the zodiac are combined on this day, sowing and planting can be done almost all day. Truth, auspicious time for planting different crops is still divided.

Garden work that is favorable to do before lunch:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and strawberries;
  • sowing annual vines;
  • inspection of stored bulbs and planting for distillation;
  • garden cleaning.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering plants (annual and perennial);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (especially melons, pumpkins, onions on a feather, chard, lettuce, spinach, parsley on greens, radishes to the table, early cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • thinning seedlings, diving early seedlings of vegetables;
  • transplanting and planting indoor plants;
  • tillage of any complexity, including hilling.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pruning berry bushes and fruit trees(even sanitary);
  • the use of chemicals to control pests and diseases.

March 7-8, Tuesday-Wednesday

These are not the best days for pruning and working with pesticides. But the rest of the work is definitely enough for a full download. After all, in addition to new crops, you need to take care of seedlings, and do deferred planning.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the period is especially favorable for radishes, parsley for greens, spinach, chard, asparagus, early, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, onions for feathers, tomatoes, melons and pumpkins) in greenhouses and under film;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • removal of protective shelters from plants or the beginning of unraveling;
  • planting and construction planning.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pruning fruit and ornamental trees;
  • cleaning dry aerial parts of plants after winter;
  • the use of insecticides and fungicides.

March 9-10, Thursday-Friday

In two days under the rule of Leo, you can find time for purely organizational and tedious practical tasks, and for working with plants both on windowsills and in the garden.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sunflower sowing (including ornamental varieties);
  • sowing asparagus and cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and early white cabbage);
  • sowing herbs on greens (especially parsley), as well as chard, spinach and salads;
  • planting and transplanting citrus fruits;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • pruning on ornamental tree crops (both garden and indoor);
  • mulching soil and plantings;
  • pest control in the orchard;
  • emergency transplants of indoor plants, separation and work with roots;
  • cuttings, rooting cuttings, grafting;
  • garden marking and planting planning;
  • site cleaning.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • sowing and planting vegetable, spicy, berry plants;
  • pruning on fruit trees;
  • pinching the tops of shoots at seedlings;
  • cleaning dry curtains and leaves on garden plants;
  • watering and fertilizing.

March 11, Saturday

The only day in March that is so favorable for sowing and planting ornamental plants. You should also not forget about mandatory care, but still pay the main attention to your favorite colors.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting ornamental crops (perennials and perennials; it is especially good to sow asters on this day, plant irises, crocuses, gladioli and dahlias on distillation or in the ground);
  • transplanting perennials;
  • mulching near-trunk circles in shrubs and trees;
  • loosening and aeration of the soil;
  • tillage;
  • hilling and pouring soil to bare rhizomes;
  • preventive spraying against diseases in ornamental plants;
  • dive seedlings of flowering crops;
  • the beginning of marking decorative objects, the first steps in changing the garden;
  • planning and ordering planting material;
  • collection of salads and greens on the windowsill and in greenhouses.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pre-planting treatment and germination of seeds;
  • sowing and planting of vegetable, berry and fruit crops;
  • pruning, pinching, shaping, grafting plants;
  • dive seedlings of vegetables.

March 12, Sunday

The full moon is considered an unfavorable day, but in fact, you won’t have to sit without work. It is better to carry out crops only as a last resort, but nothing prevents work with soil and watering.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • collecting seeds from winter-flowering indoor plants;
  • weeding;
  • soil aeration and mulching;
  • hilling plants, including adding soil to the exposed rhizomes of herbaceous perennials;
  • sowing and planting fast-growing annual ornamental plants, especially flowering crops (if possible, it is better to sow a day earlier);
  • checking feeders, drinkers and birdhouses, measures to attract useful birds to the garden.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • sowing, transplanting and planting any plants from which a harvest is expected;
  • dive seedlings;
  • any vegetative propagation of plants, including grafting;
  • pruning and shaping on indoor and garden plants.

March 13-14, Monday-Tuesday

In these two days, you can plant and sow both in order to get a good harvest, and to accelerate the flowering of the best tuberous and bulbous flowers. Pay attention to your grape collection and do not forget to pick seedlings in time.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • loosening, digging and other soil treatment;
  • soil improvement;
  • sowing and planting of all root crops and bulbs (including potatoes under cover for an early harvest);
  • sowing and planting early and stem cabbage, green and root vegetables, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting sunflower and corn;
  • sowing annuals;
  • planting and uprooting grapes;
  • grape pruning;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • soil pest control;
  • germination and forcing of tuberous, bulbous and bulbous plants (especially begonias and zantedes).

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing seeds of ornamental crops for seedlings;
  • pruning and pinching;
  • cuttings and grafting;
  • weed control.

March 15, Wednesday

The combination of two signs of the zodiac allows you to sow almost all plants for seedlings or under cover on this day, start the first planting of early vegetables in greenhouses or greenhouses and do not forget about decorative pets. But in the hassle associated with preparing for sowing and planting, do not forget about regular care and preparation for active spring work.

  • sowing and planting early cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting corn;
  • sowing strawberries and rhubarb;
  • sowing of sunflower and letnikov;
  • planting grapes and working with grapes;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings and thinning seedlings;
  • germination and forcing of bulbous and tuberous crops;
  • replanting and planting trees, especially ornamental species.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs (carrots, rutabaga, onions, peanuts, beets);
  • sowing melons;
  • germination and other preplant seed treatment;
  • aeration of garden soil;
  • soil nematode control;
  • propagation of indoor crops, especially separation;
  • transplanting indoor plants;
  • pruning and grafting for shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • watering for garden plants;
  • loosening the soil of seedlings, indoor and tub plants.

March 16-17, Thursday-Friday

It's time to remember all the sharp stars of our table - from simple but burning arugula to hot peppers. These days are favorable for annual flowers, and for standard care procedures, and for pruning garden giants.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing seedlings of sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers;
  • sowing gourds in greenhouses or under film;
  • sowing spicy salads(leaf mustard, arugula, watercress);
  • sowing letniki;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants (but not too plentiful);
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • shaping and pruning on berry bushes and on all types of trees with obligatory processing of cuts;
  • grafting, cuttings, other methods of vegetative propagation of garden and indoor plants;
  • thinning seedlings and pinching shoots.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting shrubs and trees;
  • transplantation, root propagation methods.

March 18-19, Saturday-Sunday

These days are best for planting your favorite cereals. And the rest of the chores need to devote a lot of time. After all, these days are favorable for putting things in order, and for the first work with garden plants.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • tillage and loosening with mulching;
  • pest control in indoor plants;
  • preparation of soil for seedlings and transplants;
  • pruning of fruit trees and grafting;
  • seedling thinning;
  • cleaning of plant debris and dry curtains;
  • uprooting stumps;
  • root top dressing for trees and shrubs;
  • removal or partial removal of shelters from plants.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • work with sharp instruments;
  • work with roots (transplantation with removal of soil, root propagation methods, separation of curtains);
  • abundant watering;
  • dive seedlings;
  • pinching and other methods of formation.

March 20, Monday

Spend the first part of the day harvesting and sowing cereals. But in the evening you can do planting under a film or in greenhouses, and preparing for the new season.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • sowing green manure, especially cereals;
  • sowing and planting ornamental cereals;
  • sowing vines and other plants growing in height;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings and indoor plants;
  • pest control;
  • site cleaning.
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs (planting of root crops intended for long-term storage is especially favorable - carrots, root parsley, parsnips, turnips and rutabaga);
  • organic feeding;
  • dive seedlings;
  • tillage;
  • soaking and germination of seeds, pre-planting treatment of seeds and root crops.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment and diving in the morning;
  • pruning and shaping for any plants;
  • pinching shoots from seedlings.

March 21-22, Tuesday-Wednesday

In these two days, you should forget about indoor plants and devote yourself to gardening. Planting vegetables under film and in greenhouses, sowing, germinating seeds and working with seedlings will take a lot of time. But if there are still a few hours left, do not forget about the cleaning that the garden needs in anticipation of active work.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and sowing all root crops and bulbous flowers (rutabaga, turnip onions, garlic, carrots, beets, parsnips, parsley on the root, turnips, peanuts, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • seedling thinning;
  • grafting and pruning;
  • processing and germination of potatoes for planting;
  • cleaning and cleaning of the terrace and recreation areas, preparation for spring;
  • cleaning in the greenhouse;
  • seedling hardening.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting indoor plants and seedlings;
  • abundant watering.

March 23-24, Thursday-Friday

This month there are not many days when you can not plant seedlings. And these two days of rest should be used for long-deferred tasks and responsibilities.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases, including those of indoor plants;
  • sanitary pruning on shrubs and trees;
  • snow retention measures in the garden;
  • preparation of the garden and grounds for spring;
  • preventive and sanitary treatment of greenhouses;
  • the fight against diseases in indoor plants;
  • seedling hardening.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants;
  • transplantation of indoor, tub garden plants;
  • pruning and other contact with plants (except garden trees that need urgent sanitary cleaning);
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • watering (except for the lungs - for seedlings, which cannot be abandoned);
  • thinning seedlings, diving and pinching seedlings;
  • any contact with plant roots, including reproduction and transplantation.

March 25, Saturday

Continue to tidy up the site to meet the first really warm days fully prepared and not be distracted by trifles. If you have time, plant in protected ground.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the morning:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases in garden and indoor plants;
  • keeping snow on the site;
  • planting and sowing all root crops (especially Jerusalem artichoke, turnips, beets and rutabaga), garlic and bulbous flowers;
  • tree whitewashing;
  • garden and playground cleaning;
  • seedling hardening.

Garden work that is favorable to do at lunchtime and in the evening:

  • sowing and planting salads and juicy vegetables to the table (especially stalk celery, onions for greens, radishes, kale);
  • application of organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • grafting and pruning in the orchard;
  • tillage;
  • dive of early seedlings;
  • control of weeds, pests and diseases.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment (in the morning);
  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants in the first half of the day and not early ripening plants intended for long vegetation (and harvest), perennials, shrubs and trees - throughout the day;
  • pruning and other contact with plants;
  • pinching seedlings.

March 26, Sunday

A great day for sowing and planting, caring for seedlings and preparing for new crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs, including bulbous flowers, Jerusalem artichoke, peanuts, potatoes, beets, rutabaga and turnips;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage (especially radishes and kale);
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor plants;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • pruning shrubs and trees;
  • grafting and budding, rooting cuttings and layering;
  • cultivation and preparation of the soil, with the exception of digging;
  • dive seedlings of early vegetables and January crops.

Jobs to avoid:

  • uprooting and complete cutting of trees and shrubs;
  • cutting cuttings or branches for distillation and decoration;
  • watering for garden plants.

March 27, Monday

On this day, you can sow only greens to the table, but there is enough work in the garden and with seedlings. After all, young plants need a dive, and many garden plants need timely cleaning.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage;
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings of early vegetables;
  • pruning in decorative compositions;
  • planting beds and planning activities.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • soil preparation for sowing and planting, including tillage in greenhouses;
  • control of unwanted vegetation;
  • mulching plantings;
  • pest control in the ornamental garden;
  • sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants (vegetables and herbs not intended for storage can be sown in the afternoon);
  • pruning and other contact with plants, except for sanitary procedures;
  • preplant seed treatment in the morning and afternoon;
  • grafting on fruit trees;
  • root methods of plant propagation.

March 28, Tuesday

Take this day to plan and study new trends and technologies in horticulture, horticulture and landscaping.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • weeding and weed control;
  • control of diseases and pests of garden and indoor plants;
  • drawing up a plan for sowing and planting, crop rotation control, planning mixed beds;
  • planning of decorative compositions;
  • study of varieties and species, work with catalogs and literature.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and transplanting in any form;
  • work with soil;
  • watering in any form;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • grafting and vegetative propagation of plants;
  • cutting and shaping.

March 29, Wednesday

Cold-resistant vegetables and herbs can be sown in the soil if the weather in your area has already melted the top layers of the soil. But even if the garden is still shackled by the breath of winter, many delicious herbs and salads can be sown in greenhouses and hotbeds on this day.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • sowing lettuces, greens, vegetables and annuals with a shortened growing season;
  • sowing hot peppers, especially rare varieties of Mexican chili and jalapenos, indoor ornamental peppers;
  • cutting cuttings.

Garden work that is favorable to do late in the evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • seedling dive.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment (until the evening);
  • sowing and planting, with the exception of salads and other greens for the table (except for the late evening);
  • evening transplant.

March 30-31, Thursday-Friday

Without forgetting about active care, nevertheless devote the last calendar days of March to active sowing and planting. The increase in daylight hours allows you to expand the range of ornamental and vegetable plants in the seedling collection.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (especially favorable time for medium and medium late, red, cauliflower, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi and salads);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops, fruit and berry trees and shrubs;
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • pruning ornamental trees and shrubs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and pruning in the orchard;
  • plant transplant;
  • root reproduction.

Helpful Hints

If you like to solve dreams, you can not do without lunar calendar , which will help you understand how important this or that dream is, whether it is worth paying attention to it, or just worth forgetting.

This month, the most clear and understandable dreams will be more likely to be dreamed about from 8 to 16 March 2017, that is, in the days close to full moon. But next to the new moon (approximately from 24 to 31 March) do not expect easy-to-understand and interpret dreams.

Do you want to know what the stars are preparing for you in March 2017? Then read the articleStar Tips: Astrological Forecast for March 2017 .

March 20 at 13:16 Moscow time will happen quite a significant event: The Sun will move into Aries and a NEW ASTROLOGICAL YEAR will begin! This day is also commonly called the day of the vernal equinox, when the day is equal to the night, and in the next 6 months the day will be longer than the night.

Remember the dreams that you dream about at night from 19 to 20 March: they can give special hints about what will be next year. However, these dreams can also give clues and advice on how to behave in next month to achieve what you want and avoid troubles and illnesses.

You can read more about what awaits all the signs of the Zodiac in March 2017 in the article. .

If on this night you do not see dreams, which can also be, then the coming year will be not particularly significant and will not bring cardinal changes to your life.

Pleasant and beautiful dreams from highly likely to be expected on the night of 1, 5, 19, 26 March 2017.

Interesting dreams with many characters can dream in the night on 3 and 19 March 2017.

Heavy and not the most pleasant dreams can dream at night on 7, 13, 16, 21, 27, 28 March 2017.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for March 2017:


♈ 1 MARCH, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

The first day, or rather, the first night of March (it is also the third lunar day), fishes out the most expressive and memorable images. Dreams this night are unlikely to be prophetic in nature. However, the importance of today's dreams should not be underestimated: after all, it is in these lunar day, and it is under the sign of Aries that a powerful external energy flow will force your brain to solve the most pressing problems for you, for your development and self-realization, in your sleep. The general mood of sleep today is a kind of mirror reflecting your situation in the real life.

♈♉ 2 MARCH Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , TAURUS from 10:43

Moon without a course from 05:18 to 10:42

Dreams that give the fourth lunar day are usually difficult to interpret unambiguously. Dreams during this period may be blurry or even mysterious. However, their importance is that they usually come true (although this does not happen so soon). In addition, today we are still influenced by the energy of the Moon in the sign of Aries, which promises dreams of personal development, success. That is why it is very important not to miss the details of night images: the analysis of such dreams not only reflects the current situation in your life, but also allows you to correct the chosen path. Sleep bad and heavy- it means that not everything in your life is smooth (even if you are trying to convince yourself of the opposite). Sleep light, refreshing You have chosen the right path in life.

♉ 3 MARCH, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.TAURUS

Moon without a course from 18:20

The dreams that come on the fifth lunar day, usually we should be obliged not only to the “naked” subconscious, analyzing the details missed by consciousness. On this night, our intuition has a strong influence on night images. In such dreams, a clue is often hidden that allows us to understand on the right path of spiritual development we are located. Since our spiritual beginning is inextricably linked with physical health, poor sleep can be a kind of wake-up call indicating the development hidden disease. In addition, the Moon in Taurus also bestows dreams in which hidden threats to our physical condition are veiled.

For those who want to learn more about love and relationships in March, our new article Astrological forecast of love and relationships for March 2017 .

♊ 4 MARCH, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.TAURUS , TWINS from 13:06

Moon without course until 13:05

The sixth lunar day often bestows prophetic dreams. During this period, dreams abound in details that can be associated not only with your future, but also with unfinished business in the past. It is usually difficult for outsiders to decipher such dreams. That's why don't tell anyone about today's dreams: all the information that you received tonight should be sorted out on the shelves yourself. Keep in mind that this information may contain encrypted characters that will help you achieve material prosperity in the future. This is how the energy of the Moon, which is in the “material” sign of Taurus, “works”. Also on this night from March 3 to March 4, they may dream former lovers, which very soon may reappear in your life or you will simply hear the news from them in reality.

♊ 5 MARCH, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 14:31

The energy of the seventh lunar day often "provokes" prophetic dreams that are associated with our distant future. Usually, deciphering dreams during this period does not cause much difficulty. In addition, dreams on this night contain clues that you can start bring to life already today: it is under this condition that the dream will turn out to be prophetic. Thanks to the influence of the Moon in the sign of Gemini, in our night visions we can see people who can have a noticeable impact on later life. Often today's dreams contain clues, using which we can understand what else we need to learn in this life. Even though it's getting closer change lunar phase , the night of March 5 can give us many pleasant dreams.

Dreams today according to the lunar calendar

♊♋ 6 MARCH, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CANCER from 15:54

Moon without a course from 11:22 to 15:53

Today, many of us will see confused, sated with unreal events, dreams. Despite the fact that they are considered prophetic, usually deciphering such dreams is an extremely thankless task, which rarely leads to success. However, the analysis of the night images of the eighth lunar day allows you to better understand your current status quo: are you at an impasse or are you going in the right direction in life. Perhaps the Moon in Gemini will help to give a certain meaning to today's dreams. This air sign usually helps you choose the easier path that you will meet. least resistance.

♋ 7 MARCH, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CANCER

Dreams today are a pure reflection of our fears and worries that are securely hidden in the subconscious. It is believed that our dreams today are controlled by a powerful negative component of the energy of the ninth lunar day. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the unpleasant atmosphere of sleep or even frank nightmares. Unfortunately, such dreams leave a heavy aftertaste for a long time also because images of close people (or even family members) are woven into them. This is influenced by the Moon in the sign of Cancer. Nevertheless, one should not betray too much importance to such nightmares - as a rule, the prophetic load in these dreams is practically absent.

♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CANCER , A LION from 19:46

Moon without a course from 17:59 to 19:45

Thanks to the Moon in Cancer, dreams tonight will also be associated with family members, close friends, relatives and the emotional atmosphere of your home in general. However, unlike the previous lunar day, the tenth lunar day bestows light and carefree dreams. Information received in a dream today usually does not have a prophetic component. Another thing is if you dreamed of one of the deceased relatives: in this case, it makes sense not only to remember what you said in a dream, but also to try to analyze his every gesture.

♌ 9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.A LION

On the eleventh lunar day, a kind of redistribution of internal energy occurs. This can cause quite confused (sometimes gloomy) dreams. It is important to pay attention not so much to the details of sleep as to the feeling left after it. This is also important because with the Moon in Leo, night visions are associated with several important things at once: relationships with God, a loved one, and creative self-realization. If, upon waking up, you feel light and good, you are on the right track. If, after waking up, depressing and gloomy impression about what he saw, it makes sense to urgently change something. Perhaps it is worth remembering the soul, rejecting egoism, discarding the web of greed.

♌ 10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.A LION

Moon without a course from 20:05

Is there a lot going on in your life? Are people not as open as you would like, and luck constantly slips out of your hands? We recommend paying special attention to the dreams of the twelfth lunar day. Like the day before, our dreams today are influenced by the Moon in the sign of Leo. However, this time the interpretation of dreams is simplified, since they are extremely little symbolism. If you do not pay enough attention to the spiritual component of your life, then sleep today will be associated with a purely material aspects. And vice versa: if you are in the clouds, you will dream of something ephemeral, unearthly. On this day, do not focus on bad dreams, but good and vivid dreams can be prophetic in nature, becoming a reality in the coming week.

♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.A LION , VIRGO from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

On the thirteenth lunar day our dreams are reflection of the lived. The energy of the Moon under the sign of Leo often evokes images related to our professional affairs, love relationships. The analysis of such dreams will allow you to realize a number of mistakes made in the past and work on them. Usually our night visions during this period are filled with symbolism, but they can be easily deciphered. Fortunately, today's dreams can be told, so consult with people you trust in order to understand the meaning of what you see.

Will a dream come true according to the lunar calendar

♍ 12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 17:55

Dreams of the fourteenth lunar day are not only full of events and informative (which is not particularly surprising, given the approach of the full moon). On this night, what you see can become a real revelation that will reveal unexpected, hitherto unknown facets in you. Dreams during this period acquire a special meaning against the background of the influence of the energy of the Moon in the sign of Virgo. This is a sign of service (that is, a sign of activity, vocation). With such an interesting combination of external factors on these lunar days, you may well expect prompt the one you've been dreaming of for years.

The correct interpretation of sleep will help you understand whether you have chosen the right field of activity in life, or tell you where to redirect efforts so that your life becomes fuller and happier. Despite such informativeness, dreams on this night do not prophesy, but only open the veil and direct.


♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

The energy of the fifteenth lunar day affects the intuitive aspects of our subconscious. As a rule, everything we experienced in a dream that night does not lend itself to direct analysis. One way or another, the Moon in Virgo continues to throw up information about our place in this life in terms of work, duty, service. If you cannot decipher the signs of sleep, you should pay attention to the feeling that remains after waking up. restless and nightmarish dreams that are very likely this night speak of the wrong direction of your movement through life.

♎ 14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

On the one hand, today's dream is important remember in detail(especially those people who you dreamed about), because the Moon in Libra is, first of all, dreams about partnership (business partners, marriage partners). On the other hand, dreams on the sixteenth lunar day do not supply you information directly. Thus, you should not wait for obvious clues indicating that this particular person is the most suitable partner for you in business or in life. Therefore, when interpreting today's dream, try to refer not so much to your own memory and arguments of the mind, but to soul clues.

15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

Moon without a course from 13:05 to 18:10

The seventeenth day of the Moon often gives clues as to what mistakes you have made in the past. As a rule, the theme of sleep during this period is related to relations with the opposite sex. The Moon in Libra tangibly contributes to this theme, adding a whole train of clues, thanks to which you can feel the true attitude of your soul mate towards you. However, don't do it hasty conclusions, even if in this dream the image of your loved one appeared in a not very good light(he yelled at you, or even cheated). Such a dream may indicate that you are not too honest and open in your feelings for your partner.

♏ MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

The dreams of the eighteenth lunar day give us a wonderful opportunity to get an honest and open information about ourselves. Our character, its flaws and advantages, aggression or our kindness - all these traits and behavioral reactions in today's dream are just reflection of ourselves real. Perhaps, thanks to the Moon in Scorpio, you will see yourself today in an intimate or even magical setting. But on this day, it’s not the situation that matters, but your objective judgment about yourself in a dream, and a comparative analysis with yourself in life. Today there is a high probability of heavy and gloomy dreams.

♏ March 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.SCORPION

Dreams on the nineteenth lunar day are inspired by the most hidden depths of our subconscious. It is not surprising that our complexes, resentments and psychological traumas “crawl out”, adding to our sleep oppressive, unpleasant or even frightening events and images. Despite the fact that the Moon in Scorpio can lift the veil of secrecy over how you get rich or establish an intimate relationship with a partner, it will be extremely difficult to decipher such a dream on your own. Moreover: there is a high probability of getting confused by drawing the wrong conclusions from the analysis of sleep.

♐ 18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

Moon without a course from 00:56 to 06:00

It is believed that on the twentieth lunar day, so-called controlled dreams are often dreamed, in which we can exert the desired influence on the reality around us: be in the desired place, meet the person we wish to see, and so on. Thus, we we program and events in reality, and not just our dream, turning it into a prophetic one. Most of the night will pass under the sign of Scorpio, which means that we can expect useful information about the material side of our being (about ways to make easy money, about the intimate aspects of our life, etc.). However, after midnight and until 6 in the morning, the Moon will be without a course, so you should not expect anything significant from the dreams you had during this period.

♐ 19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

The twenty-first lunar day is often celebrated quite bright and memorable, but extremely uninformative dreams. The Moon in Sagittarius also adds fuel to the fire of this lack of information, which can send us in a dream on a long journey through unfamiliar cities and countries. Perhaps sometimes such dreams have a deep philosophical meaning, but today it will be almost impossible to understand it. The only exceptions are those dreams that you saw before one in the morning, when our subconscious was under the influence of the previous lunar day. It makes sense to pay attention to such dreams if you really going on the road, planning to move to another city or change the country of residence.

Lunar calendar for February: dreams

♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

Moon without a course from 13:37 to 18:30

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

Our dreams today until two o'clock in the morning continue to be influenced by the twenty-first lunar day and the Moon in Sagittarius. Thus, the information content of night images during this period minimal. After two hours, the influence of the twenty-second lunar day comes into force, which only complicates our analysis of what we saw in a dream. The fact is that dreams on the twenty-second lunar day can be completely empty, or, on the contrary, full of hidden meaning. In order to assess the usefulness of what you dreamed about today, try to remember your night visions and see if they have an answer to any urgent question for you.

♑ 21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

Dreams tonight are affected by the twenty-second and twenty-third lunar days. Everything that you see in a dream before three in the morning may not make much sense, or it will be extremely difficult to isolate this meaning. After three in the morning, we may be visited by unpleasant and even frightening dreams, the images in which are absurdly mixed and lumped together. Such dreams are deceptive in nature, and they should often be interpreted exactly the opposite. The theme of dreams is influenced by the Moon in Capricorn, which gives hints with which it is possible to increase one's social status and achieve professional growth.

♑ 22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 16:20

Ornate, painful and difficult to decipher dreams in the first half of the night are replaced by vivid dreams-revelations, which are influenced by the twenty-fourth lunar day. It is not the images themselves and the plot of the dream that should be analyzed, but the sensations remaining after it in the morning. Like last night, today's dreams will be associated with any form of self-realization, if they relate to your work and career, as well as social status.

♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

Moon off course until 05:28

On this night, your subconscious, carried away by the energy of the Moon, flowing from Capricorn into Aquarius, can demonstrate amazing images and pictures of the future. It is important that these paintings, which are directly related to you and your activities, can offer unexpected innovative solutions that can change your life for the better, bring useful innovations to it. After 4:21 am our nightly images begin to be influenced by the twenty-fifth lunar day. This means that, despite clear and vivid dreams, when interpreting them, one must first of all listen to the voice own intuition.

♒ 24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

It is believed that dreams with the Moon in Aquarius are something like the famous "scientific dreams" of Dmitry Mendeleev or Niels Bohr. Indeed, under the Moon in this sign, interesting and interesting things often come to us in a dream. workable ideas new knowledge is revealed. It is noteworthy that such dreams are favored by the twenty-sixth lunar day coming at five in the morning. Its influence leads to the appearance of completely understandable and unambiguously readable clear images; perhaps you will see hint, which will help solve a problem that has been worrying you for a long time. The chances of seeing such dreams increase if you tried to solve this problem the day before, but could not do this due to an incorrect analysis of information coming from outside.

♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 13:07

Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

Almost the whole night will pass under the influence of the twenty-sixth lunar day and the "innovative" ideas presented by the Moon in Aquarius. In the morning, when the twenty-seventh lunar day comes, the ability of your subconscious mind to generate useful information become truly mystical. Your intuition will be sharpened to the limit. Not only dreams can come in which they will be present new and original solutions old problems. Almost every image and event you see in a dream will contain encrypted signs and clues. Moreover, they can be related to almost any aspect of your life. The beauty is that your intuition, even during sleep, will tell you the right way to decipher such visions.

When do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar?

♓ 26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISHES

Amazing dreams, for which the depths of the psyche are responsible, will visit us all night until the morning. Lucky for those who have strong nerves - their dreams today will be without cloudy and full of peace. Catch clues, trying not to miss the maximum information coming in the night! However, there may be so many of them that it is unrealistic to remember everything. Coming in 5:51 am the twenty-eighth lunar day will pick up the baton of the previous lunar day, giving us dreams that will surely contain predictions regarding many aspects of our future (mainly our love relationships and emotional world).

♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISHES , ARIES from 17:11

Moon without a course from 13:19 to 17:10

Basically, the night will pass under the influence of the twenty-eighth lunar day, which, coupled with the specific influence of the Moon, which is in the sign of Pisces, promises dreams about the soul, about the future, about the emotional sphere as a whole. Usually the brightest moments of such dreams are remembered for a long time. This is useful, because, returning to these images in your memories, there is a chance correctly assess one's own state of mind, determine the direction of the path where your soul is moving. In the morning, after 06:15, there is a chance to see frightening and confusing dreams, but their informative load is almost negligible.


♈ 28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

NEW MOON at 05:57

Today's dreams, inspired by the negative energy of the twenty-ninth lunar day, will make little sense but can be quite heavy and oppressive. Such dreams will in no way affect your future. However, you are not immune from a bad mood that can take hold of you for a long time after complex, restless and frankly frightening night visions.

In addition, the subconscious can play a cruel joke today: you can see references to self and your own success in the negative context of sleep (the Moon in Aries is responsible for these dreams). Such dreams are not worth your attention. There is also a high probability that the advancing at 5:57 am the first lunar day, after forty minutes followed by the second, will bring a lot of other images that will displace unpleasant sensations of night dreams. The new moon will also play its role, which also does not contribute to vivid dreams and their memorization.

♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , TAURUS from 18:48

Moon without a course from 15:07 to 18:47

Today, until 7 am, our dreams will be formed under the influence of the second lunar day. If the dream was negative, there is a high probability that your mood may be spoiled for weeks ahead(you will constantly return to this dream in your thoughts). In fact, during this period, night visions are not very informative. But sensitive persons can link such dreams with their own "I", which will be facilitated by the Moon in the sign of Aries. Best recommendation in this case, it is with the help of positive details of sleep erase from memory those unpleasant images that may remain there after tonight.

♉ 30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.TAURUS

What you dream about tonight, on the third lunar day, can be very useful in terms of situation analysis which you are currently living. Despite the fact that dreams on this lunar day are rarely prophetic, they have a strong energy that may well correct your path in the right way. Considering the fact that the theme of sleep, thanks to the Moon in Taurus, is associated with health and reliable material success, it makes sense not to dismiss the information received in this way. Particular attention should be paid to resistance that you met in a dream, as well as how you dealt with it. This will be a direct reference to whether you have enough internal energy to fight in real life.

♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.TAURUS , TWINS from 19:41

Moon without a course from 02:12 to 19:40

And again the Moon in the sign of Taurus gives a chance see in your dreams a hint that would help improve our financial situation seriously and permanently. In addition, today's nightly images may warn of health problems or excessive carnal pleasures. The informational component of dreams is extremely important today, since night visions on the fourth lunar day often turn out to be prophetic (although it is not necessary to expect that they will come true soon).

The first calendar month of spring, where winters are severe, is by no means the start of garden spring. Of course, the first persistent primroses appear in the gardens this month, but the winter cold continues to reign in the plots. However, the calendar of work is changing, the chores associated with the garden and preparing for active spring plantings are increasing. In March, sowing for seedlings and greenhouses reaches its peak, the first sowings are carried out in the soil with shelter, and caring for young plants takes a lot of effort. Fortunately, the lunar calendar offers a successful alternation of the phases of the moon and the signs of the zodiac, offering to find a balance between different chores.

Brief lunar work calendar for March 2017

Days of the month Zodiac sign Moon phase Type of work
March 1 Aries growing sowing, preparation, harvesting
2nd of March Aries/Taurus (from 10:42) sowing, planting, care, pruning, sprouting and diving
March, 3rd Taurus sowing, planting, transplanting, care, reproduction
March 4 Taurus/Gemini (from 15:54) sowing, planting, transplanting, forcing, care, reproduction, harvesting
5th of March Twins first quarter sowing and planting, preparation, inspections, harvesting
March, 6 Gemini/Cancer (15:54) growing sowing, planting, transplanting, reproduction, inspections, cleaning, care, preparation
March 7 Cancer sowing, planting, planning, care, reproduction
March 8
9th of March a lion sowing, planting, protection, pruning, preparation, harvesting and planning
10th of March
March 11th Virgo sowing and planting, care, preparation
March 12 full moon soil care
March 13 scales waning working with soil, sowing, planting, forcing, protection
March 14th
March 15th Libra/Scorpio (from 18:11) sowing, planting, care, working with soil
March 16 Scorpion
March 17
March 18 Sagittarius sowing, harvesting, preparation, pruning, removal of shelters
March 19
20th of March Sagittarius/Capricorn (from 18:31) fourth quarter sowing, protection, harvesting, preparation
March 21 Capricorn waning sowing, planting, harvesting, care
March 22
March 23 Aquarius protection, cleaning, pruning
March 24
March 25 Aquarius/Pisces (from 13:06) landing, cleaning, protection
26 March Fishes sowing, planting, pruning, care, preparation
March 27 Pisces/Aries (since 17:11) protection, pruning, care, sowing
March 28 Aries new moon planning, protection
March 29 Aries/Taurus (from 18:48) growing sowing, planting, care,
March 30 Taurus sowing, planting, care, pruning
March 31

Detailed lunar calendar for a gardener-gardener for March 2017

March 1, Wednesday

On the first day of the month, you can continue to sow greens to the table, but it is worth remembering the need to restore order in greenhouses and important preparatory procedures.

  • sowing fast-growing plants and salads to the table;
  • sowing for seedlings and for room culture of hot pepper;
  • preparation of the substrate and beds in the greenhouse for crops;
  • mulching and weeding in the greenhouse and greenhouses;
  • pest control in greenhouses;
  • preparation of cuttings and grafting.
  • sowing and planting vegetables and other plants in open soil with protection or in greenhouses (except lettuces);
  • pruning of any plants;
  • dive plants;
  • watering in any form;
  • pinching, pinching, thinning seedlings;
  • top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

March 2, Thursday

In the morning, you can continue the work started on the previous day. But when the dominion of Taurus comes, it is better to devote yourself to planting in greenhouses, greenhouses, under film and seedlings, devoting time to active plant care.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the early morning:

  • sowing greens, salads and fast-growing vegetables;
  • sowing decorative and hot peppers;
  • landing planning;
  • collection of greens and herbs in a pot garden and a greenhouse.

Garden work that is favorable to do from noon:

  • preparation of cuttings;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the day is especially favorable for cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, herbaceous perennials);
  • application of mineral fertilizers (especially under the root);
  • pre-planting treatment and soaking of seeds;
  • dive seedlings, especially vegetable plants (tomatoes, celery, eggplant, peppers);
  • pruning ornamental shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • diving or working with seedlings and seedlings (in the morning);
  • transplanting shrubs and trees;
  • pruning of berry-fruit species.

March 3, Friday

The dominion of a sign favorable for working with plants allows you to carry out active work both in the garden and with seedlings. Planting and sowing - so far only in containers and under cover - is carried out for ornamental and vegetable crops. It is worth remembering about pruning and vaccinations.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing perennial flowering and vegetable plants (lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, herbs, ornamental plants);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (the day is good for both berry bushes and flowering bulbs);
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • diving seedlings of vegetable crops;
  • pruning ornamental shrubs and trees in the garden;
  • transplanting perennials and ornamental shrubs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting or sowing seeds of woody plants;
  • diving seedlings of ornamental plants;
  • transplantation of indoor and garden plants;
  • loosening the soil and contact with the roots.

March 4, Saturday

This is a very good day for active sowing of seedlings, germinating seeds and caring for young crops. In the evening, if there is strength left, you can take preventive measures and restore order.

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (including asparagus, cabbage);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • dive seedlings;
  • checking the stored crop, bulbs and corms;
  • planting summer and autumn bulbs for forcing or in greenhouses.
  • sowing annual vines;
  • crown thinning and formative pruning;
  • soil mulching;
  • cleaning in the hozblok and places of crop storage;
  • spraying and fumigation for pest prevention;
  • replenishment of stocks of organic fertilizers.

Jobs to avoid:

  • cleaning of plant debris on the site;
  • construction work and clearing the garden and vegetable garden;
  • pruning of dry perennial curtains and sanitary cleaning;
  • pruning and shaping any plants;
  • dive seedlings in the evening;
  • digging and cultivation;
  • organic feeding;
  • harvesting cuttings and grafting in the afternoon;
  • watering after lunch.

March 5, Sunday

It's time to remember the need for constant monitoring and putting things in order in the greenhouse and on the site. However, if you have the strength, you can do the sowing of some plants or preparing for future crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and strawberries;
  • soil preparation for crops;
  • crown thinning;
  • mulching plantings in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • planting to accelerate the flowering of bulbous and corms (dahlia, gladiolus, zantedes);
  • inspection of stored bulbs and corms;
  • garden monitoring and redevelopment planning;
  • cleaning of vegetable debris, clearing and cleaning in the garden.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and sowing seeds of perennials, shrubs and trees;
  • cuttings, re-rooting or transplanting plants.

March 6, Monday

Despite the fact that two signs of the zodiac are combined on this day, sowing and planting can be done almost all day. True, the favorable time for planting different crops is still divided.

Garden work that is favorable to do before lunch:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and strawberries;
  • sowing annual vines;
  • inspection of stored bulbs and planting for distillation;
  • garden cleaning.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering plants (annual and perennial);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops (especially melons, pumpkins, onions on a feather, chard, lettuce, spinach, parsley on greens, radishes to the table, early cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • thinning seedlings, diving early seedlings of vegetables;
  • transplanting and planting indoor plants;
  • tillage of any complexity, including hilling.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pruning of berry bushes and fruit trees (even sanitary);
  • the use of chemicals to control pests and diseases.

March 7-8, Tuesday-Wednesday

These are not the best days for pruning and working with pesticides. But the rest of the work is definitely enough for a full download. After all, in addition to new crops, you need to take care of seedlings, and do deferred planning.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the period is especially favorable for radishes, parsley for greens, spinach, chard, asparagus, early, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, onions for feathers, tomatoes, melons and pumpkins) in greenhouses and under film;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • removal of protective shelters from plants or the beginning of unraveling;
  • planting and construction planning.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pruning fruit and ornamental trees;
  • cleaning dry aerial parts of plants after winter;
  • the use of insecticides and fungicides.

March 9-10, Thursday-Friday

In two days under the rule of Leo, you can find time for purely organizational and tedious practical tasks, and for working with plants both on windowsills and in the garden.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sunflower sowing (including ornamental varieties);
  • sowing asparagus and cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and early white cabbage);
  • sowing herbs on greens (especially parsley), as well as chard, spinach and salads;
  • planting and transplanting citrus fruits;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • pruning on ornamental tree crops (both garden and indoor);
  • mulching soil and plantings;
  • pest control in the orchard;
  • emergency transplants of indoor plants, separation and work with roots;
  • cuttings, rooting cuttings, grafting;
  • garden marking and planting planning;
  • site cleaning.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • sowing and planting vegetable, spicy, berry plants;
  • pruning on fruit trees;
  • pinching the tops of shoots at seedlings;
  • cleaning dry curtains and leaves on garden plants;
  • watering and fertilizing.

March 11, Saturday

The only day in March that is so favorable for sowing and planting ornamental plants. You should also not forget about mandatory care, but still pay the main attention to your favorite colors.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting ornamental crops (perennials and perennials; it is especially good to sow asters on this day, plant irises, crocuses, gladioli and dahlias on distillation or in the ground);
  • transplanting perennials;
  • mulching near-trunk circles in shrubs and trees;
  • loosening and aeration of the soil;
  • tillage;
  • hilling and pouring soil to bare rhizomes;
  • preventive spraying against diseases in ornamental plants;
  • dive seedlings of flowering crops;
  • the beginning of marking decorative objects, the first steps in changing the garden;
  • planning and ordering planting material;
  • collection of salads and greens on the windowsill and in greenhouses.

Jobs to avoid:

  • pre-planting treatment and germination of seeds;
  • sowing and planting of vegetable, berry and fruit crops;
  • pruning, pinching, shaping, grafting plants;
  • dive seedlings of vegetables.

March 12, Sunday

The full moon is considered an unfavorable day, but in fact, you won’t have to sit without work. It is better to carry out crops only as a last resort, but nothing prevents work with soil and watering.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • collecting seeds from winter-flowering indoor plants;
  • weeding;
  • soil aeration and mulching;
  • hilling plants, including adding soil to the exposed rhizomes of herbaceous perennials;
  • sowing and planting fast-growing annual ornamental plants, especially flowering crops (if possible, it is better to sow a day earlier);
  • checking feeders, drinkers and birdhouses, measures to attract useful birds to the garden.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • sowing, transplanting and planting any plants from which a harvest is expected;
  • dive seedlings;
  • any vegetative propagation of plants, including grafting;
  • pruning and shaping on indoor and garden plants.

March 13-14, Monday-Tuesday

In these two days, you can plant and sow both in order to get a good harvest, and to accelerate the flowering of the best tuberous and bulbous flowers. Pay attention to your grape collection and do not forget to pick seedlings in time.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • loosening, digging and other soil treatment;
  • soil improvement;
  • sowing and planting of all root crops and bulbs (including potatoes under cover for an early harvest);
  • sowing and planting early and stem cabbage, green and root vegetables, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting sunflower and corn;
  • sowing annuals;
  • planting and uprooting grapes;
  • grape pruning;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • soil pest control;
  • germination and forcing of tuberous, bulbous and bulbous plants (especially begonias and zantedes).

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing seeds of ornamental crops for seedlings;
  • pruning and pinching;
  • cuttings and grafting;
  • weed control.

March 15, Wednesday

The combination of two signs of the zodiac allows you to sow almost all plants for seedlings or under cover on this day, start the first planting of early vegetables in greenhouses or greenhouses and do not forget about decorative pets. But in the hassle associated with preparing for sowing and planting, do not forget about regular care and preparation for active spring work.

  • sowing and planting early cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting corn;
  • sowing strawberries and rhubarb;
  • sowing of sunflower and letnikov;
  • planting grapes and working with grapes;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings and thinning seedlings;
  • germination and forcing of bulbous and tuberous crops;
  • replanting and planting trees, especially ornamental species.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs (carrots, rutabaga, onions, peanuts, beets);
  • sowing melons;
  • germination and other preplant seed treatment;
  • aeration of garden soil;
  • soil nematode control;
  • propagation of indoor crops, especially separation;
  • transplanting indoor plants;
  • pruning and grafting for shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • watering for garden plants;
  • loosening the soil of seedlings, indoor and tub plants.

March 16-17, Thursday-Friday

It's time to remember all the sharp stars of our table - from simple but burning arugula to hot peppers. These days are favorable for annual flowers, and for standard care procedures, and for pruning garden giants.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing seedlings of sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers;
  • sowing gourds in greenhouses or under film;
  • sowing spicy salads (leaf mustard, arugula, watercress);
  • sowing letniki;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants (but not too plentiful);
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • shaping and pruning on berry bushes and on all types of trees with obligatory processing of cuts;
  • grafting, cuttings, other methods of vegetative propagation of garden and indoor plants;
  • thinning seedlings and pinching shoots.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting shrubs and trees;
  • transplantation, root propagation methods.

March 18-19, Saturday-Sunday

These days are best for planting your favorite cereals. And the rest of the chores need to devote a lot of time. After all, these days are favorable for putting things in order, and for the first work with garden plants.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • tillage and loosening with mulching;
  • pest control in indoor plants;
  • preparation of soil for seedlings and transplants;
  • pruning of fruit trees and grafting;
  • seedling thinning;
  • cleaning of plant debris and dry curtains;
  • uprooting stumps;
  • root top dressing for trees and shrubs;
  • removal or partial removal of shelters from plants.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment;
  • work with sharp instruments;
  • work with roots (transplantation with removal of soil, root propagation methods, separation of curtains);
  • abundant watering;
  • dive seedlings;
  • pinching and other methods of formation.

March 20, Monday

Spend the first part of the day harvesting and sowing cereals. But in the evening you can do planting under a film or in greenhouses, and preparing for the new season.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • sowing green manure, especially cereals;
  • sowing and planting ornamental cereals;
  • sowing vines and other plants growing in height;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings and indoor plants;
  • pest control;
  • site cleaning.
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs (planting of root crops intended for long-term storage is especially favorable - carrots, root parsley, parsnips, turnips and rutabaga);
  • organic feeding;
  • dive seedlings;
  • tillage;
  • soaking and germination of seeds, pre-planting treatment of seeds and root crops.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment and diving in the morning;
  • pruning and shaping for any plants;
  • pinching shoots from seedlings.

March 21-22, Tuesday-Wednesday

In these two days, you should forget about indoor plants and devote yourself to gardening. Planting vegetables under film and in greenhouses, sowing, germinating seeds and working with seedlings will take a lot of time. But if there are still a few hours left, do not forget about the cleaning that the garden needs in anticipation of active work.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and sowing all root crops and bulbous flowers (rutabaga, turnip onions, garlic, carrots, beets, parsnips, parsley on the root, turnips, peanuts, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • seedling thinning;
  • grafting and pruning;
  • processing and germination of potatoes for planting;
  • cleaning and cleaning of the terrace and recreation areas, preparation for spring;
  • cleaning in the greenhouse;
  • seedling hardening.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting indoor plants and seedlings;
  • abundant watering.

March 23-24, Thursday-Friday

This month there are not many days when you can not plant seedlings. And these two days of rest should be used for long-deferred tasks and responsibilities.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases, including those of indoor plants;
  • sanitary pruning on shrubs and trees;
  • snow retention measures in the garden;
  • preparation of the garden and grounds for spring;
  • preventive and sanitary treatment of greenhouses;
  • the fight against diseases in indoor plants;
  • seedling hardening.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants;
  • transplantation of indoor, tub garden plants;
  • pruning and other contact with plants (except garden trees that need urgent sanitary cleaning);
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • watering (except for the lungs - for seedlings, which cannot be abandoned);
  • thinning seedlings, diving and pinching seedlings;
  • any contact with plant roots, including reproduction and transplantation.

March 25, Saturday

Continue to tidy up the site to meet the first really warm days fully prepared and not be distracted by trifles. If you have time, plant in protected ground.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the morning:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases in garden and indoor plants;
  • keeping snow on the site;
  • planting and sowing all root crops (especially Jerusalem artichoke, turnips, beets and rutabaga), garlic and bulbous flowers;
  • tree whitewashing;
  • garden and playground cleaning;
  • seedling hardening.

Garden work that is favorable to do at lunchtime and in the evening:

  • sowing and planting salads and juicy vegetables to the table (especially stalk celery, onions for greens, radishes, kale);
  • application of organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • grafting and pruning in the orchard;
  • tillage;
  • dive of early seedlings;
  • control of weeds, pests and diseases.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment (in the morning);
  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants in the first half of the day and not early ripening plants intended for long vegetation (and harvest), perennials, shrubs and trees - throughout the day;
  • pruning and other contact with plants;
  • pinching seedlings.

March 26, Sunday

A great day for sowing and planting, caring for seedlings and preparing for new crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbs, including bulbous flowers, Jerusalem artichoke, peanuts, potatoes, beets, rutabaga and turnips;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage (especially radishes and kale);
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor plants;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • pruning shrubs and trees;
  • grafting and budding, rooting cuttings and layering;
  • cultivation and preparation of the soil, with the exception of digging;
  • dive seedlings of early vegetables and January crops.

Jobs to avoid:

  • uprooting and complete cutting of trees and shrubs;
  • cutting cuttings or branches for distillation and decoration;
  • watering for garden plants.

March 27, Monday

On this day, you can sow only greens to the table, but there is enough work in the garden and with seedlings. After all, young plants need a dive, and many garden plants need timely cleaning.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage;
  • top dressing with organic fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings of early vegetables;
  • pruning in decorative compositions;
  • planting beds and planning activities.

Garden work that is favorable to do in the evening:

  • soil preparation for sowing and planting, including tillage in greenhouses;
  • control of unwanted vegetation;
  • mulching plantings;
  • pest control in the ornamental garden;
  • sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees.

Jobs to avoid:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants (vegetables and herbs not intended for storage can be sown in the afternoon);
  • pruning and other contact with plants, except for sanitary procedures;
  • preplant seed treatment in the morning and afternoon;
  • grafting on fruit trees;
  • root methods of plant propagation.

March 28, Tuesday

Take this day to plan and study new trends and technologies in horticulture, horticulture and landscaping.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • weeding and weed control;
  • control of diseases and pests of garden and indoor plants;
  • drawing up a plan for sowing and planting, crop rotation control, planning mixed beds;
  • planning of decorative compositions;
  • study of varieties and species, work with catalogs and literature.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and transplanting in any form;
  • work with soil;
  • watering in any form;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • grafting and vegetative propagation of plants;
  • cutting and shaping.

March 29, Wednesday

Cold-resistant vegetables and herbs can be sown in the soil if the weather in your area has already melted the top layers of the soil. But even if the garden is still shackled by the breath of winter, many delicious herbs and salads can be sown in greenhouses and hotbeds on this day.

Garden work that is favorable to perform until the evening:

  • sowing lettuces, greens, vegetables and annuals with a shortened growing season;
  • sowing hot peppers, especially rare varieties of Mexican chili and jalapenos, indoor ornamental peppers;
  • cutting cuttings.

Garden work that is favorable to do late in the evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants;
  • planting any crops, except for root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • seedling dive.

Jobs to avoid:

  • preplant seed treatment (until the evening);
  • sowing and planting, with the exception of salads and other greens for the table (except for the late evening);
  • evening transplant.

March 30-31, Thursday-Friday

Without forgetting about active care, nevertheless devote the last calendar days of March to active sowing and planting. The increase in daylight hours allows you to expand the range of ornamental and vegetable plants in the seedling collection.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (especially favorable time for medium and medium late, red, cauliflower, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi and salads);
  • planting any crops, except for root crops, fruit and berry trees and shrubs;
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • preplant seed treatment;
  • dive seedlings;
  • pruning ornamental trees and shrubs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and pruning in the orchard;
  • plant transplant;
  • root reproduction.

The lunar calendar will help you properly and effectively plan your affairs for the month ahead. In turn, this will allow you to rationally allocate time and effort.

By analyzing the energy of the phases of the moon, astrologers determine when the likelihood of success in a particular area will be maximum for you. will help you reach your potential and understand what to do in difficult situations.

March 1: on the very first day of spring, Aries will rule the ball. On the growing Moon, this Zodiac sign gains its strength, showing the whole world what real dynamics is. Be careful in all areas of life - do not give in to emotions and do not do anything that you might regret in the future.

March 2, 3, 4: Taurus, who will replace Aries, will make this world a little more beautiful. These three days will be extremely auspicious, especially for those who want to spend some money on their loved ones. Invest in your appearance, change yourself. The energy of the Moon will be strong and stable, so don't be afraid to take action.

March 5, 6: on Sunday, March 5, the Gemini will sharply gain strength, but then fade away. The ninth lunar day is best spent in spiritual matters. Build relationships with those who deserve it and don't be afraid to tell the truth close person. On Monday, be on your guard, as the mood can drop sharply, which will negatively affect your luck.

March 7, 8: The moon continues to rise, so it's not time to relax yet. The constellation of Cancer, which influences the Moon these two days, will show you the right path in love. These will be two great days for those who are in search of a soul mate. Spend evenings with friends and attend interesting events more often.

March 9, 10: The Moon in Leo will try to put a spoke in your wheel. New beginnings are better to be postponed until a more favorable time. Be careful when making important decisions. Remember the power of positive thinking.

March 11, 12: the waxing moon usually goes badly with Virgo, but not on the 11th. This day is perfect for financial transactions and training. March 12 is the Full Moon. This day is extremely negative and dangerous, but Virgo will slightly change it in better side. Think good things more often.

March 13, 14 and 15: Libra will pick up the baton right after Virgo. The first day after the Full Moon will still not be entirely favorable, but the second will already be able to give you good mood and the desire to move forward. March 15 will be the peak of the positive interaction of the waning moon and Libra. Devote this day to internal problems.

March 16, 17: These two days will be amazingly stable thanks to Scorpio, who will try to help you correct the mistakes of the past. The waning moon is a good time for such a union.

March 18, 19 and 20: most often, Sagittarius does not get along well with the waning moon. However, these three days are quite prosperous. In terms of energy, they will be very powerful, but not always stable. It is worth devoting this period to work, business, career and study.

March 21, 22: the energy of the earth element and the waning moon will join their efforts in order to make these two days favorable in all areas of life. Things related to spiritual quests will be especially good for influencing your mood. You may be able to solve some big problem.

March 23, 24, 25: Aquarius will help find inspiration for those who practice creative activity. All his energy will be directed precisely to this. In difficult situations, allow yourself to think outside the box to get away with it. March 24 is going to be a busy day, so limit your spending and get plenty of rest if you get the chance.

March 26, 27: the waning Moon in Pisces will make 28 and 29 lunar days ambiguous. For spiritual pursuits, they are good, but for other things they can be unfavorable. Start with what your mood will be. Your desires are above all.

March 28, 29: On the 28th there will be a New Moon - the energy minimum of the entire month. Aries will make up for lack of energy where needed, so don't be afraid to finish and start as you see fit. On March 29, it is better to suspend violent activity in the love and financial spheres.

March 30, 31: the last two days of the first month of spring will be held under the auspices of Taurus and the growing moon. It is during these two days that you can feel the full power of spring and its positive waves. This is a great time for internal changes, introspection, new acquaintances.

This month as a whole will be very favorable, but not only because spring will replace winter, making you enjoy life. The moon will be on your side. Use a large number of positive days correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.02.2017 06:37

Planning a wedding celebration is a responsible task. It is important for future spouses not only to choose outfits and organize ...

Some things in life never change. The cyclicity of time and the interconnection of all living and non-living beings in the world are so obvious that since ancient times people have been interested in learning to retell the future and feel connected with the whole world with the help of such knowledge. Thanks to the experience of many generations and modern technology, we have the opportunity to follow the closest, and, therefore, the most significant celestial body - the Moon.

Moon phases in March 2017

It should be noted that the lunar calendar presented below is compiled taking into account all the main processes, the influence of the Zodiac and the days of the week, each of which has its own power that affects the processes on our planet.

Lunar calendar for March 2017 - table

Below we will tell you about the most energetically significant periods of the lunar cycle: new moons and full moons, which will be in March 2017 (see the lunar calendar).

New Moon and Full Moon March 2017

Moon in first quarter - March 5, 2017. Great time to get started. Almost all long-term undertakings started on this lunar day will have a great chance of success.
Full Moon - March 12, 2017. The most powerful phase of all. At this time, feelings, desires, illnesses and fears are exacerbated. You should prepare for this day in advance: fall necessary medicines, if necessary, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and use less technology.
Moon in last quarter - March 20, 2017. At this time, it is best to complete the work that has been started and start generating new ideas, but so far only on paper, without direct implementation.
New Moon - March 28, 2017. On this lunar day, the heavenly body sends a certain energy impulse to the Earth, which gives strength and infects with a positive mood.

Favorable lunar days

March 3 (Fri) - Growing Moon in Taurus. Feel free to plan the most important meetings, sign contracts and don't worry about anything. Taurus - a symbol of financial stability - will save you from troubles.
March 4 (Sat) - Growing Moon in Gemini. On this day, complete relaxation will be appropriate. Postpone everything for later, go to a cafe or to meet friends. Be sure to end the day with soothing treatments: a bath, a massage, a quiet sleep.
March 15 (Wed) - Waning Moon in Scorpio. Best time for dates and even for marriage (see for weddings).
March 19 (Sun) - Waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day it is good to dedicate yourself land works or at least ennobling the home with houseplants.
March 23 (Thursday) - Waning Moon in Aquarius. Do not enter into transactions related to land real estate. But adding funds to another business will bring you a lot of wealth.
March 25 (Sat) - Waning Moon in Pisces. On this day, it is best to do self-education. Sign up for courses, find an interesting educational book for yourself, or just chat with smart people - today everything will work out for the future.

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