Character by avatar. What is your social media avatar talking about? Official photo or Avatars depicting expensive things, objects

House projects 31.01.2021
House projects

So, what can you say about a person whose main photo is this ...
A girl in a swimsuit or a man with a naked torso: both lack attention from the opposite sex. Even if they are married or married. It is important for them to please someone, to “pick up” the missing passions on the side. Often such people seek short-term connections and carefully hide their real world. Let's especially pay attention to men with a naked torso - the demonstration of their body is intended primarily for girls, an attempt to draw their attention to the fact that they are good in bed, courageous and correct. In fact, real men who are really good in life never exhibit such photos, except in albums. This also applies to men looking for disposable sex on the side.
Girl with flowers: flowers are a symbol, an indicator of female demand. If beauties in swimsuits lack sensual erotic experiences, then girls with flowers lack romantic ones.
Car, yacht: next to a luxury car (most often someone else's), poor or greedy people, or those who seek to show everyone that they have money, are photographed. Real millionaires are so used to their limousine that they don't pay attention to it. This is how a common man does not notice his old bicycle in a summer cottage.
In the office: workaholics. First of all, they have planes. They do not forget about their favorite work, even while lying on the home couch.
Avatars, goblins, devils, witches, cheburashka: mythological characters - it means an infantile person, does not love and does not know how to take responsibility. But he expects that now a goldfish will come and all desires will be fulfilled in an instant.
Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas: or another snag photo: a celebrity, a tiger with fangs, the planet Saturn. Some people experiment with Photoshop, such as drawing on a long braid or a hat. As soon as a person hangs up not his own image, it is a signal: he does not like something in himself. And here it is necessary to understand in each specific case, what he lacks: influence, secularity, a long braid, finally.
With animals: “I am gentle, attentive and caring! And I can take care of you just as well, ”the owner of the dog or kitten signals.
Photo from the side: when the object does not look into your eyes and the camera seems to have spied on from the side - this is a self-sufficient person, he knows what he wants from himself and from others and how to achieve it. The opinion of others about him, beautiful, is not too important for him. He's so beautiful!
Black and white photo: eccentric people, it is important for them to declare their fine taste and aesthetic nature and make it clear that they are not like everyone else. They are special.
In a crowd of people: lovers of companies are sociable, they easily converge with people. They are perfect halves and reliable companions. But loners, those who are one in all the photographs, are self-sufficient, sometimes selfish.
Child's photo: a person associates everything good in life with childhood. These gentle, quivering creatures live in the past, memories.
No photo: This person has serious fears of being exposed. And there are good reasons to hide - from creditors, bouncers, ex or current wife.
Face close-up: demonstrative, dramatic natures. They love themselves and be paid attention to. It is important for them to appreciate their soul, mind - i.e. their deep and complex personality.
Half of the face: the face can be covered - by hands, by a fan, by an armful of leaves. It means that a person is hiding something, drawing a border between himself and others. This may indicate his insecurity, inner fears. "Closed" is extremely important what others think of them. They are afraid of envy and the "evil eye".
Against the background of the window: romantic persons. They are looking for horizons, they lack creativity and flight, they are constrained by frames in which they are cramped. Thoughtful people at the window need self-realization - a new hobby.
Basements, prison cells, circus arenas: eccentric, hysterical persons are photographed in strange scenery. They are uncomfortable and quarrelsome, because they are used to taking into account only their own interests.
Photos by carpets and in armchairs: simple-minded, open people. They are not too worried about the image, or maybe they just rarely have to be photographed.

But not only photographs reflect the inner world of a person.
It turns out that by the avatars one can judge the character and actions of a person. Psychologists have explained some types of avatars of participants in various forums, chats and sites.
If any animal is depicted on the avatar, it means that the owner of this avatar has the qualities of this animal. For example, a dog is a loyal, open and honest person, a cat is affectionate, domestic, but loves independence.
Characters of cartoons and films. Such avatars are mainly chosen by schoolchildren, since they tend to project onto themselves better quality heroes. People of the older generation put anime characters on their avatars.
Celebrities. Such avatars are like a hidden message, a person wants to say that he understands modern information, he is in the know latest news in the field of music, sports and cinema.
Politicians. This avatar can be viewed from two perspectives. Firstly, it is quite possible that through the avatar a person expresses his political views, and secondly, in this way, some show a sense of humor, but they may be completely indifferent to politics.
Villains. Such avatars are most often chosen by people who are lonely and closed in themselves, they are easily vulnerable. But with the bearer of such an avatar, it is better not to enter into discussions and disputes.
Exclusive. Such avatars are made specially and independently. These people know their worth, they willingly go to communication, but among them there are arrogant people who like to prove their case. In a dispute, they most often win, since they always turn out to be right.
Own photo. This type of avatars is rarely used. Such people are by nature open, they are always ready to move from virtual communication into the real.
Nature. Such an avatar characterizes the non-standard thinking of such people, they are prone to romanticism and philosophy. They will never get personal in conversation.
Power hero. Such an avatar could be put either by a teenager or by a complex person. Such people are usually in real life lonely and helpless.
Lady-temptress. These avatars are most often used by women who are looking for new acquaintances. But, as a rule, these acquaintances cannot grow into real ones. It is very pleasant to communicate with them, they love compliments, but sometimes they get bored or are very affectionate. By the way, under such avatars can be hidden not only the fair sex, but also fun lovers, and even transsexuals.

Avatar - the word comes from the ancient literary language of India (Sanskrit). Literally means descent; one who descends, incarnation, appearance, reincarnation. More generally, the manifestation of God in the lower realms of being. The source of the idea of ​​the avatar (condescension of God) is Hinduism. God manifests in the material world in any form (fish, turtle, brahmana) to restore the norms and rules of the life of human society, to maintain social order.

In the era of the Internet, the concept of "avatar" has become synonymous with a pseudonym, but not alphabetic, but symbolic.

Avatar - a picture that is posted on forums, social networks, online diaries next to the network name for better user identification

Movie "Avatar"

Popular sci-fi action movie co-produced by the US and the UK. Created by director James Cameron from his own script. It stars Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana. Each dollar invested in the production of the film brought the authors three. Filmed in New Zealand. Started in 2006, finished in 2009. The world premiere took place on December 10. Avatar arrived in Russia a week later. The first film, which grossed more than $ 2 billion at the box office.

Ekaterina Holod
family psychologist, gestalt therapist, instagram blog @psyholod

- Draw psychological picture person on his account is quite real. Social media pages are just a gift for social engineering professionals. Real professionals with the most minimal information can get the key to our subconscious. And even use the received data for their own purposes.

Plus, it's not a secret for a long time that HRs of large companies, and sometimes the managers themselves, carefully read the posts of the applicant for the vacancy and look through the photos before inviting this or that person for an interview. Of course, in addition to your preferences and outlook on life, potential employers check for anti-political statements, inappropriate comments, abuse or any oddities on the page.

In addition, this way you can quickly predict what kind of work is suitable for a person: creative with a free schedule, or he needs a strict setting of tasks and time frames. So, for example, the first type includes people with a large number of diverse photographs and pictures, who have many subscriptions to various groups, and they will be heterogeneous. In contrast, a person who maintains his account with a clear regularity, logs in at the same time, “likes” only certain posts and posts a particular type of photo. He is better off entrusted with structured work with a clear schedule. In general, in addition to professional experience, age and motivation, your profile will almost always be the unspoken point of your resume. And you just have to come to terms with it.

As for ordinary people, it would be useful for each of us to know some psychological nuances that better reveal the character of the person of interest, help find the right approach to him.

Let's immediately distinguish that we are analyzing a personal page, and not a profile of our business, hobbies, professional orientation, and so on. These are two different things. Plus, I would advise you to pay attention not only to the avatar, but also to the pictures that generally prevail on the page.

Photos are the first and brightest information that a person provides to the world through the Internet. Let's take a look at a few of the most common options.

Classic portrait

- If a person puts his real picture, that's already good. It means he is self-sufficient and open. The avatar speaks about the state of the person on this moment... The choice can be ad hoc. This applies to photographs with a certain emotion, from the holidays, with specific people. Such pictures, as a rule, are in the main position for several days. Now, if the photo does not change long enough, then you can definitely draw some kind of conclusion.

On the avatar, we will see the inner state of a person or the state in which he would like to be. Emotions, eyes, posture are important here.

A bold, goal-oriented person would rather prefer a full-face photo; turning the head to either side of the viewer may indicate shyness or caution. True, it used to be possible to cite very specific facts about such a photograph (closeness, melancholy, uncertainty, and often creativity), but, I'm afraid, lately it's just a tribute to fashion. It's stylish now. And yet, if there is a certain addiction to such pictures, not only on the avatar, but in principle, then yes! If in general photographs a person is always somewhere on the side, in the background, trying to turn away, slightly hide behind, then an element of embarrassment and problems of socialization are quite present.


- People associate our smaller brothers with a certain set of qualities. The lion is strength, the dog is loyalty, the fox is cunning, and so on. These qualities are well known and read intuitively.

A person who prefers a picture of a certain animal cultivates these features in himself or really wants to be internally similar in spirit to the chosen, let's say, totem, compensates for the lack of some character traits.

Landscape, urbanism

- If such pictures prevail both as the main photo and in the albums, then the person:

a) rather, an introvert with a deep inner world, which he, however, does not seek to show to others;

b) has a philosophical mindset, creative thinking, inclined to daydreaming.

Today, there are fewer such pictures on avatars, and more often they are characteristic of older people. Young people follow the same type of fashionable selfies more with their “working side” (laughs). There is nothing wrong with that, but fantasy is not enough.


- Instagrams of a beautiful life immediately come to mind: an appetizing croissant on a wooden table, tanned legs against the background of the sea, a glass of wine at sunset ... In general, in such cases it is clear that a person really wants to show his well-being. But there is a small nuance. Really wealthy people are used to their wealth and comfort, and they do not have many pictures of food or luxury apartments on their page (well, only if something is not at all familiar).

The hero seems to be telling us: "Look, I'm fine, my life is diverse, interesting and comfortable." At the same time, is the owner of the account confident in this statement? Is not a fact.

By the way, the same goes for really happy people. If you are in love and are confident in your partner, you will not overwhelm the page with photos of your loved one. In a huge amount, you just don't need it. Sometimes it's even the other way around - you want to hide such pictures away, leave them only to yourself. But when a person lacks confirmation of feelings from the second half, she tries to compensate and consolidate her right to a partner by all available means, including showing the world a bunch of joint pictures and warm signatures.


- If here we mean personal childhood photos, paradoxically, people usually put them in a period of difficulties. As if psychologically I want to return to that joyful time when there was no need to decide anything, to take responsibility, when it was easy and calm.

Frequent exposure of their children's photos speaks of the infantilism of the person.

If the avatar has a photo of your children and they are there for a very long time, this indicates an obsession with motherhood or fatherhood. Can't tell what it is good sign... No matter how much we love our kids, we shouldn't forget about personal space. Photos from a wedding, from a certain holiday, with a certain person, which have not changed over the years, also speak of being stuck at a specific stage. Usually funny friends under such pictures write something like: "Well, I knew that after the wedding, life ends."

If this is just a funny or, conversely, a sad picture of some unfamiliar baby, then this is the situational state of a person. Just focus on the transmitted emotions.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that photos are often exhibited within the framework of a certain flash mob: “I am in childhood”, “I am 5 years ago”, “I am in monochrome” and so on. There is no need to analyze the photo itself, but there is a fact of active attention to fashionable Internet movements. That is, a person does not want to lag behind others, he is interested in what is happening, and tries to be no worse. Although sometimes curiosity simply wins, thoughts appear: "Cool, well, I'll connect."

- Here a person wants to show what a joker he is, or compensation for a sense of humor, well, or lost in an argument. I had to put it on (laughs).

A famous person

- Idols inspire us. By holding them in front of us, we kind of remind ourselves of personal goals. If a guy programmer puts Steve Jobs on his avatar, you yourself know, most likely, he has big ambitions.

In very commonplace cases, it's just a desire to stand out, to attract attention. Here, of course, it is worth removing fanatical love for some person or fake pages of stars. The latter, by the way, are often created for "trolling" - a sad case. We make fun of others when we are completely insecure. The more evil the joke, the more problems there are in the soul.

Fictional character

- This is typical for adolescents: heroes of fairy tales, anime, science fiction films - all this, as in the case of animals, is a desire to endow oneself certain qualities, go to your fantasy world.

By the way, if we talk about adults, they often put the heroes of computer games on the avatar. What to do, not everyone has time to play enough in childhood.

Scary pictures

- Evil clowns, monsters, spiders and so on do not always talk about aggression. As for children, they have a very mobile psyche, they change photos every day, try on different roles, including sometimes negative ones. It's a game. And parents shouldn't sound the alarm if the character doesn't stay on the page for more than a week.

Among adults, such pictures are preferred by vulnerable people who want to outline their territory, to protect themselves from uninvited people with a terrible monster, so as not to "get hurt." And sometimes a person wants to attract attention to himself, to stand out from the crowd. Show: "Look, I'm different, I'm interesting." Black and sad are always bright and contrasting.

Half-human, half-robot, strange frightening body mutations

Creative personalities- they are. Sometimes they are drawn to similar experiments with avatars. But, be careful, experts say that people who often choose such pictures may be prone to schizophrenia.

The avatar changes every day

- We can safely talk about Internet addiction. If a person has time to look for pictures, take pictures of themselves and refresh the page every 20 minutes, something is absolutely wrong. He is extremely bored or he was drawn into the virtual world by the very ay-yay-yay.

Separately from everyone there are people who do not have their own pages in social networks. There are only a few of them, and by the way, they often seriously enrage other people. After all, they are very different from others. What's wrong? Are you too cool? You're hiding something? Are you afraid of something? You are not like that! On the one hand, it is difficult for unique people, since those around them have long been accustomed to communicating (especially professional) through text messages... On the other hand, they are free. Can you imagine how much time appears ?! Sometimes such people are proud of their peculiarity, but it also happens that they are really afraid to start personal pages. And here internal conflicts are possible.

In accordance with the latest research, it turned out that during the moment of activity on social networks, a large amount of the hormone oxytocin (the hormone of trust and affection) and dopamine (the hormone of joy) are produced in the human body. That is why it is so easy to "hang" at the monitor, time flies by, as if we are resting, we feel comfortable and confident. And if you add to this all the pleasant likes that increase self-esteem, then it's a fairy tale! In our time, it is no longer possible without the Internet and technology. The virtual world has long been a part of everyday life. And yet, do not forget that reality is also quite interesting, and live communication irreplaceable.

0 With the development of the World Wide Web, more and more users begin to communicate on forums and social networks. However, not everything goes smoothly, some visitors to sites and chats cannot understand the meaning of some words, for example Dreamtim, Dislike, Donat, etc. Therefore, they are helped by two great assistants, the almighty Yashka, and the foreign Google in which " young padawans"They googling furiously and sometimes even fap on interesting pictures. In this article we will talk about such a term as Avatar, which causes confusion among many users. What does Avatar mean? This term has several more synonyms, Ava, Userpik, Avatar. It is used on portals, chats and blogs. It can be either a simple two-dimensional image, graphic animation, or a three-dimensional object. The last option is a very sophisticated Avatar, and is mainly found in online games... Add our site site to your bookmarks so that from time to time to look at us at the light.
So, let's continue, what is an Avatar in Internet slang?

Avatar(avatar) is an image that can be called " face"user on a forum or site. Since your interlocutor is not able to see your emotions, then in the Avatar you should encrypt as much information as possible about your personality.

As a rule, Avatar is created with only one purpose to decorate your personal profile. Not a single page on social networks can do without an Avatar, and even more so on dating sites, where it is customary to add your real photo.
Sometimes the Avatar carries features that emphasize or reflect the sphere of activity, hobby or addiction of a particular person. An ideal Avatar together with a "nickname" should give other people a detailed impression of the user's inner spiritual world. When communicating on the Internet, most people do not want to reveal the secret of their identity, they try to embellish or even completely hide their appearance, try to look much more attractive than in real life. This is especially noticeable in young people who, during puberty, are very shy about their appearance, and they have a pronounced desire to get away from reality.
Usually Avatar, it's simple picture with meaning however, some citizens use their own photo. The choice of Avatars is limited only by the rules of a specific resource, for pictures from the "Adults Only" series.
It should be understood that you will not be able to upload a photo of a couple of megabytes as an avatar, on sites and forums it goes limitation by the number of pixels, for example 64x64 pixels or 100x100.
First the term Avatar was used in a 1985 computer toy " Ultima". In general, only four parts were created, the first" Ultima"was released in 1981. Although, who is interested in this now?

Nowadays, creating an Avatar is not difficult, there are sites on which you can quickly make a very high-quality image online. Avatar provides a great opportunity to temporarily impersonate another person, for example, you can introduce yourself as an individual of the opposite sex to watch how different will flirt with you

According to psychologists, cartoon characters reflect the emotional state of the user, and images of animals emphasize the traits of his character.

In the age of the development of the Internet and social networks, the avatar has become a virtual face for those who like to chat on the Web. Who can not only be found on the Internet - some prefer to put their photo on their avatar, while others appear in the form of a cartoon hero or one of the many celebrities. An avatar can tell a lot about the character of the person who chose it for posting on his page on the social network.

An avatar is an image that a person presents for everyone to see. For social networks, people choose images that show as much of their merits as possible, tell about their personal qualities. It is natural for a person to use some images and pictures to show his state, inner experiences, - said Vera Bekreeva, practicing psychologist, art therapy specialist.

private photos

Many users do not consider it necessary to hide their faces behind various pictures. A person with a photo on his avatar, of course, can rightfully be considered the owner of such a quality as openness. But this is not the only quality that photography can tell.

Often not one, but several people are watching from an avatar, however, some social networks, for example, Odnoklassniki, do not welcome the use of such avatars. In a friend's feed, you can often see photos of users with their soulmates.

Replacing your own photo

Not all users like to use their own photos as avatars. Fortunately, in such cases, the same Internet saves, in the vastness of which you can find many pictures.

Pictures can indicate two things. Firstly, the owner of such an avatar is not who he claims to be, demonstrates the qualities that he would like to have. Secondly, with the help of a picture, a person can emphasize one of his character traits, which, perhaps, people do not notice, - she shared psychologist.

Cartoon characters

Even adults do not forget cartoon heroes and often use their images as their own avatars.

Cartoon characters are always images of something light, positive, and funny. There are very strong associations with heroes. When we use a cartoon character as an avatar, most often we associate ourselves with the emotion that this character conveys. Such avatars convey the character of a person poorly, but the state in which he is now is reflected very brightly, - noted Vera Bekreeva.

Negative heroes

By the way, users choose as avatars not only images of positive characters, but also villains. According to the psychologist, the choice of such a hero does not necessarily mean negative features character of a person. Such an image can act as a security method.

It is quite possible that the person whose avatar depicts the villain is himself very calm and sympathetic. But there are times when the scale outweighs and a person gets tired of being positive in everything. With the help of the image of a negative character, one can say that now it is better not to touch a person. Such a picture warns others, - said Vera Petrovna.

Our smaller brothers

Any animal has characteristic qualities, charisma. An animal on an avatar can emphasize a person's character traits. People identify with this or that animal. For example, a man with a bear on his avatar seeks to emphasize that he, like this animal, has strength, - explained psychologist.

Are you posing as Julia Roberts or Konstantin Khabensky ?! The psychologist says you just want to be like them.

Notable personalities

It is popular for both women and men to use photographs of famous people as avatars. For girls in such cases, the whole image of a celebrity is important - clothes, makeup, facial expressions, but guys often prefer photographs that only show a person's face.

Women, as a rule, demonstrate with the help of a "star" avatar what they would like to be like. Most often, this is how girls realize their desire to match the image of a celebrity. It happens that it is not always possible to take a picture of herself in the same way, and a photo of a star is a way out, - she shared Vera Petrovna... - Men are more likely to choose portraits of stars. As a rule, men with such avatars identify themselves with famous person, express respect for him, for his achievements.

DIY avatar

And without the help of a specialist, it is clear that the image that the person made himself characterizes the user of the social network as a creative person. People who show their creations with the help of avatars have different goals.

Men, with the help of author's avatars, brag about the results of their activities - the representatives of the strong half of humanity have a need for this. The woman, on the other hand, likes the process of creativity itself, and she expects that they will try to ask her about how she made this or that little thing, - noted Vera Bekreeva.

Irregular avatars

Most likely, the one who often changes avatars spends a lot of time on the Web and constantly communicates, and when we are in the process of communication, we are not always the same. Every day a person is different, and pictures help show this on the web. For users, changing the avatar is almost the same as in Everyday life change clothes. In addition, changing avatars allows you to attract attention, - said psychologist.

Those who change their avatar infrequently, according to the psychologist, simply use social networks as a source of information. A photo for such users is just an identifier, with which it can be easily recognized on the Internet.

Don't label people as secretive if they don't have an avatar on social media.

Secretive people

There are also users on the Internet who do not upload avatars to their accounts on social networks at all. The psychologist advises against immediately labeling such users as a secretive person. Perhaps such users, again, simply receive information via the Internet and see no reason to share their personal photos with the public.

Likewise, you should not be prejudiced against people who are hiding behind images of various heroes and celebrities.

The user may have certain complexes, and the person is just comfortable communicating without showing their photos. But do not forget that if the interlocutor does not like the image, then an imprint may remain and the attitude will automatically be transferred to the person who is behind the picture, - noted Vera Petrovna.

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