Mogul mogul recipe at home. How to make an alcoholic eggnog cocktail at home. Mogul Recipes

Plastic windows 12.09.2020
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Mogul-mogul drink is very popular in our country today. There are many recipes for its preparation. The most important thing in the drink is the presence of chicken eggs. All other ingredients are the imagination and preferences of the cook. However, there is classic recipe preparation of eggnog, which serves as a frame for all other species.

Mogul-mogul is usually advised to drink when the voice disappears, or the throat hurts. This healing miracle remedy consists of ordinary yolks whipped with sugar. It helps not only with the restoration of the vocal cords, but even with angina and the treatment of severe coughing. But how to cook mogul-mogul so that it is not only a medicine, but also a delicious dessert?

Let's take a look at how mogul is made!

Alcoholic eggnog

Yes, yes, you didn’t hear it, it’s alcoholic! This drink is very common in many establishments. But most of all, women love it, of course, because it turns out to be very sweet and cloying. How to make an alcoholic eggnog right at home?


  • egg - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • brandy (whiskey) - 1 glass;
  • rum - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • cream - 2 cups;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • grated nutmeg - for decoration;
  • cinnamon - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla.


To prepare the eggnog, take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks and gradually add sugar to make a white foam. Continuing to beat, slowly and gradually pour in the whiskey, rum, milk and half the cream. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff and add the egg yolk mixture. Add the remaining cream, powdered sugar and beat the mass until thick. Pour the alcoholic eggnog into tall glasses and garnish with grated nutmeg and a cinnamon stick.

Mogul-mogul for children

If suddenly your child gets sick and has a sore throat, and he does not like medicine, then a recipe for children's healing eggnog will come to the rescue.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cocoa - 100 g;
  • butter- 10 g.


To prepare a baby eggnog, we take eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and grind the yolks with sugar. Then add cocoa and a little butter. Beat everything with a mixer until a fluffy foam forms and pour into a cup.

Classic eggnog - recipe


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • cream, nutmeg - for decoration.


Separate the yolks from the whites. We remove the proteins for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, and add salt, sugar to the yolks and beat well with a mixer. The mass should increase by about 2 times. We take out the chilled proteins from the refrigerator, add sugar, salt and also beat until foam forms. Then pour the eggnog into glasses, mixing gently beaten yolks with proteins, and if desired, decorate with cream and nutmeg.

Coffee eggnog with milk

Mogul-mogul is known to many people. Everyone perceives this product differently. Some believe that this is a drink, others use it as a recipe. IN folk medicine it was prepared for the treatment of tonsillitis and bronchospasm. What is a mogul-mogul, and what actions does it have?

A bit of history

In ancient times, every cook working in a noble family knew how to make a mogul-mogul. Despite the fact that chickens were on the farm of many peasants, the protein drink was consumed only by rich children.

The gogol recipe was carefully kept and passed down in the family by inheritance. To give the dessert a piquant taste, who added honey, citric acid or cinnamon. It was created at home for the joy of children. It is known that many royal people loved to feast on this product in the morning. The chef made the cocktail using additives to add originality to the taste.

Peasant children perceived mogul-mogul made of protein and sugar as a remedy for fighting colds, coughs and sore throats. Many grandmothers still believe in the healing properties of such a cocktail. Can the drink help the immune system cope with the disease?

Some pediatricians argue that eggnog should be prepared for therapy. “What is this” is a common question asked by many parents.

The benefits and harms of a mogul-mogul

It is not difficult to prepare an egg dessert correctly. Mogul-mogul drink for adults in some cases is prepared with the use of alcohol. But before you go to the kitchen to create a healing dessert, you should understand how it is useful and in what cases it can harm the body.

Mogul is prepared from chicken eggs. The benefits of a foamy cocktail are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system due to the content of a large number of useful components in the egg;
  • favorably affects the vocal cords - for this reason, the drink is always present in the diet of singers and speakers;
  • healing of wounds resulting from angina;
  • facilitating the release of sputum.

The best folk remedies for coughing for adults

Before you offer a cough mogul to children, you should familiarize yourself with the negative points:

  • if the child is allergic to chicken protein or yolk, then it is better not to give such a cocktail;
  • salmonellosis is an unpleasant disease associated with a severe disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs when the salmonella microbe enters the body, which often enters chicken eggs. That is why you should carefully choose the raw materials from which the mixture will be made. It is better to use fresh homemade chicken eggs;
  • terms and conditions of storage - that's what you need to pay attention to when you are in shopping centers.

You should always offer eggnog to children with caution. The classic recipe is the most common option if you want to help your immune system cope with a virus or bacteria.

Raw eggs are dangerous and should be purchased from farmers or producers who can provide all relevant documentation. Salmonellosis is the main danger that a person who consumes such desserts should be aware of.

Mogul-mogul recipe at home

It is easy to prepare this dessert at home if the baby has a little cold and complains of a cough. Mogul-mogul for children is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 10 gr. butter;
  • 100 gr. cocoa.

You can cook gogol with cocoa according to a step-by-step recipe:

  1. It is necessary to separate the yolk from the protein.
  2. Beat the yolk with sugar.
  3. Add cocoa and a little butter to the mixture. Beat all ingredients with a mixer.

It is important to immediately use the eggnog. Cooking is a quick process that does not require special preparation. You can not store the product in the refrigerator or at room temperature, the cocktail must be given to the baby immediately after preparation. Top it with a sprinkle of chocolate chips or cinnamon. It turns out a chocolate drink that has healing properties.

How to make gogol with honey? Kids will love this drink. What should it be made from? You need to take the following products:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 50 gr. honey;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • for powdering cinnamon.

Healing properties of hot beer when coughing. Useful properties of malt or hops in the treatment of throat.

Recipe for eggnog with bee product to cure cough:

  1. The milk is heated on the stove, all the honey is put there.
  2. The yolk must be separated from the rest of the egg. Beat the ingredient until a thick foam is obtained.
  3. The cooled milk is poured into the yolk in a thin stream, at the same time you need to beat the mixture.
  4. Garnish dessert with cinnamon.

This cocktail can overcome colds and sore throats. The drink is loved by children different ages. This is a simple recipe that is easy to repeat at home.

fruity egg desserts

Mogul-mogul can be varied. Recipes often include fruit syrups or zest. Dessert resembles a cream, but at the same time it is nutritious and healthy. The following recipes will be able to please the child, eggnog will turn out tasty and fragrant:

  1. With lemon or orange zest. Such dishes can be offered for breakfast or as a late dinner. The yolk is whipped with powdered sugar until foamy, a little citrus syrup is poured into the mixture or zest is placed.
  2. Berry dessert - to create it, it is best to choose raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or strawberries. Separate the egg into yolk and white. The first part is whipped with crushed berries, and the second with powdered sugar. The berry filling is poured into the glass first, the protein is laid on top.
  3. With any fruit juice. The yolks are ground with sugar to make a thick slurry. Juice and milk are then poured into it, everything is whipped again. Powder with protein is turned into foam using a mixer. A fruit cocktail is poured into the glass, and protein is placed on top.

Mogul-mogul can be completely different. The composition is selected depending on the preferences of the child and adult. Many sources tell how to cook it, especially the prices of recipes that came from the past. Of course, such a simple drink cannot cure a complex cough. Egg smoothies are more suitable for relieving discomfort or as a preventive measure.

Eggnog is a simple cocktail made from available ingredients. The basis for it are eggs and sugar. But these ingredients are used for the basic recipe.

The availability of ingredients for cooking determines its popularity. The drink has a mild taste, slightly sweet. When additional ingredients are added, the organoleptic properties change.

    Dishes must be dry. Even a couple of drops of water can spoil the result.

    Eggs must be chilled. Therefore, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator.

    Separate the whites very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into them!

    It is better to use a mixer. Beating the mass by hand is very difficult, the process will take a long time.

Classic eggnog recipe


    Egg - 1 pc.

    Sugar to taste

Cooking Method

    Break the egg carefully. By pouring between the two parts of the shell, the protein is separated, it is not needed in this recipe.

    The yolk is placed in a glass. Add enough sugar to it.

    Now take a fork or mixer. Whisk the mixture well until it becomes whitish in color.

    The drink is ready! By the way, the number of yolks can be increased by adding enough sugar to them.

Mogul-mogul recipe with cognac

Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Yolk of one egg.

Cooking Method

    Alcohol is better to take not the cheapest. Budget cognac and liquor has a specific taste and can ruin your cocktail.

    First, separate the yolk and beat with sugar.

    Then add some alcohol to the glass and mix everything well again.

    If you want to get more finished drink, then proportionally increase the amount of all ingredients.

Recipe eggnog with lemon

Powdered sugar - 6 tbsp. l.

Yolk - 5 pcs.

lemon zest

Cooking Method

    Take a small grater. You need to remove the zest on it in one movement. That is, swipe the lemon down the grater, turn it to the side a little. Continue like this until you remove all the zest from the surface. The white part of the peel is bitter, it will only spoil the taste.

    Now the yolks need to be mixed with powdered sugar. Continuing to beat them, add the zest and rum.

    The result should be a special dessert, with the aroma of lemon and the taste of rum.

Mogul-mogul protein recipe


    Eggs - 3 pcs.

    Sugar - 9 tsp

Cooking Method

    Place the whites in a dry bowl. Beat them until a slight foam forms, start adding sugar and continue to mix the mass.

    It is important to achieve a lush structure. If you remove the whisk from the proteins and soft peaks form, then the dessert is ready!

    Move the mass into a glass. The resulting dessert has a sweetish taste and airy structure. For its use it is better to use a spoon.

Mogul Coffee Recipe


    Brewed coffee - 5 tbsp. l.

    Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

    Egg - 1 pc.

    Milk - 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking Method

    Break the egg, separate its parts. Rub the yolk well with sugar.

    The protein is whipped separately until foam is formed.

    Now combine the yolk and protein mass, mix a little.

    Pour milk and coffee into a glass, stir everything again.

    As a result, you should get a delicious drink with an air cap on top.

The benefits and harms of eggnog

First, let's list the useful properties

    Increased visual acuity.

    The drink can be consumed with a lack of mass, if you need to gain weight.

    It will be useful in diseases of the respiratory tract.

When not to drink this cocktail

    You have disorders in the digestive tract.

    Diseases of the liver and pancreas.


    Individual intolerance to eggs.


    Childhood up to five years.

But I can get salmonellosis

Don't be afraid. The fact is that directly the yolk and protein do not contain the causative agents of this infection.

If the chicken is sick, then the bacteria are on the shell. They can get into the drink when breaking an egg.

How to protect yourself from infection?

It's simple - just wash the eggs well using soap. If there were bacteria on the shell, they are now completely removed. Do not use cracked eggs for the drink, the infection could get inside.

Do not use shelled eggs for a cocktail. They are also called "battle". Such eggs are only suitable for frying, as bacteria die during heat treatment.

As you can see, protecting yourself from salmonellosis is easy.

Mogul-mogul can be called one of the most favorite dishes of kids, which is also the most useful. For its preparation, raw chicken or quail eggs are used.

If there are doubts about the quality of chicken eggs, then quail eggs can be easily used, they do not contain the Salmonella bacterium and can be safely eaten raw. Moreover, in terms of taste, they are in no way inferior to chicken ones, and some gourmets may say that quail egg dessert is even tastier.

If you have a desire to cook eggnog for children, you can find its recipe on the Internet, because there are a lot of ways to create this drink, we will give only a few examples for the hostess.

Baby eggnog on eggs

To prepare a drink, you need to take a few chicken or pieces of 5-6 quail eggs and divide them into protein and yolk. Beat the protein until foam is obtained, and grind the yolk with sugar until it is completely dissolved. If desired, juice, pieces of fruit or berries can be added to the yolk mass.

This is the easiest dessert to make. Although there are a lot of varieties of it, from the original rustic, with salt and pieces of black bread, to honey with orange juice, which has a very unusual and delicate taste.

Mogul-mogul for children on milk

Mogul-mogul in milk will also be very tasty and healthy for kids. And if you also take Ukrainian dairy products of TM "Milk Dar" for the preparation of dessert, it will be a bomb in general. They say that such a dessert is an effective remedy for hoarseness and, in general, for colds. Yes, and with a lack of weight, it is recommended.

And his recipe is very simple, for one serving you will need 1 chicken protein, 75 ml of milk, 1-2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and 1 circle of lemon. The process itself is: Beat the yolk with a whisk with sugar and salt. Then add chilled milk and whisk again. Serve with a slice of lemon, and to make it even tastier, rub chocolate on top.

Mogul-mogul with additives

Mogul for children is considered the most delicious and unusual, its recipe is based on beaten egg yolks and whites, supplemented with various ingredients. So, if you wish, you can easily come up with your own variety. This drink will appeal even to those kids who are very picky about food. After all, by adding any of your favorite fruit treats to a drink, the child will savor it with pleasure.

And, of course, what's a drink without treats? What do kids love the most? Cookies with butter. We advise you to choose natural butter TM "Milk Gift", it is very tender and tasty, without any additives, children will be delighted with such a delicacy.

Not only children can cook this dish, for adults there are also interesting options for eggnog:

There are no special secrets in how eggnog is prepared for children. For the preparation of high quality delicious dish it is enough to choose fresh products and beat the eggs thoroughly. You can use both a regular hand whisk and a modern mixer, which is more convenient. And then you can go the already proven path and recreate something from the recipes of already famous chefs or create your own unique product, which may well be included in culinary collections in the future. Do not be afraid to experiment with this dish, just a little culinary skills, a little imagination and a dish that your child will like will be ready. So hostesses take note and please your loved ones.

Do you cook eggnog? Maybe you have your own secrets or interesting cooking recipes, then share with us, you can even with a photo, and we will cook.

Recipe for alcoholic Gogol-mogul

The only constant components of dessert alcoholic drink Eggnog are chicken eggs, milk and sugar. There are also general rules, which remain unshakable for any recipe, and the difference lies only in minor products and their proportions.

The addition of nuts, cinnamon or vanilla gives the drink a special taste, otherwise it will not differ much from the usual milk mix.

The presented version will allow you to enjoy a warming egg cocktail in the best English traditions.

Required Components

  1. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, placing them in different bowls.
  2. We put the yolks in a blender bowl and beat them until white, gradually adding granulated sugar in the process.
  3. Whisking constantly, slowly pour in the rum and brandy.
  4. As soon as the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, add milk and half of the total mass of cream.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until a stiff foam is obtained, then carefully introduce them into the finished alcohol mixture.
  6. Pour the resulting mixture into prepared cups or tall glasses.
  7. The remaining cream and powdered sugar are also well beaten until thick, and then carefully spread over the alcohol.
  8. Before serving directly, sprinkle it with nutmeg and add a cinnamon stick and a vanilla pod.

Classic recipe

An unusual alcoholic cocktail mogul will surprise guests. The drink is very tasty and aromatic. An unusual combination of mogul, familiar from childhood, spices and rum will give pleasure and conquer the guests of any feast.

To prepare the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - 2g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • egg yolks - 12 pcs.;
  • cream - 0.3 l (320 g);
  • rum / whiskey / cognac - 150 ml.

Step by step cooking

Note. Rum can be replaced with cognac, whiskey (or bourbon) and even vodka.

Read about the difference between Bourbon and Whiskey!

Video recipe

In this video you can watch the recipe for alcoholic mogul egg and learn some of the nuances:

Mogul-mogul based on vodka

This version of the alcoholic cocktail is most popular in our latitudes. It differs from the previous recipe in the technology of preparation, and high-quality vodka is used here as an alcohol base.

Required Components

Cooking sequence

  1. Pour milk and 150 ml of cream into an enamel pan.
  2. We cut the vanilla pod into several parts and take out the seeds, after which we lower them into the pan with dairy products.
  3. We also add ground nutmeg and a cinnamon stick.
  4. We send the pan to medium heat and, with constant stirring, bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. After boiling, immediately remove the pan from the stove and leave the contents to infuse for 3-5 minutes under a closed lid.
  6. In a separate container, mix chicken yolks and granulated sugar, then beat the ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mixture should be fluffy and light.
  7. We take out the spices from the milk billet and filter it through a gauze filter.
  8. Pour the yolk mass into the filtered liquid in a thin stream, beating the mixture with a mixer at low speeds or intensively stirring with a whisk.
  9. Pour the alcohol base there, stirring the mass with a whisk. The mixture should be smooth and even.
  10. We allow the cocktail to cool to room temperature naturally, after which we send it to the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.
  11. Before serving the alcohol directly, whip the remaining cream in a separate bowl and lightly stir it with the cold mix.
  12. Pour the alcohol into glasses or cups, then sprinkle the alcohol with grated chocolate.

Method of preparation with liquor

To prepare mogul-mogul with liquor, you will need the following products:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • Baileys liquor - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Note. Baileys can be replaced with any other liquor of your choice.

Prepare a cocktail as follows:

  1. Crack an egg into a bowl, add sugar. Beat well with a mixer or whisk until foamy.
  2. Add milk, cocoa, liqueur and other ingredients. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Pour into glasses and serve chilled.

This cocktail perfectly helps to relax after a hard day's work.

Cognac-based mogul

This is the Dutch alcoholic version of the famous cocktail, which is popularly called - "Lawyer" -. The finished mix has a velvety taste and rich bouquet, and the consistency is quite similar to custard. The strength of this alcohol varies from 15 to 21 turns. It is customary to use the Dutch Mogul with a teaspoon, thoughtfully and slowly.

Required Components

Cooking sequence

  1. Mix chicken yolks with sugar and salt, then beat thoroughly in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. Pour cognac into the resulting mixture and add spices: ground cinnamon and nutmeg, as well as vanilla.
  3. We mix the mass and send it to a water bath.
  4. We heat the mass with intensive stirring until the liquid thickens to a dense cream.
  5. We lay out the finished alcohol in glasses or cups.
  6. Whip the cream well until a fluffy, stable foam is obtained.
  7. We spread the creamy mass on top of the cocktail and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

But I can get salmonellosis

Don't be afraid. The fact is that directly the yolk and protein do not contain the causative agents of this infection.

If the chicken is sick, then the bacteria are on the shell. They can get into the drink when breaking an egg.

How to protect yourself from infection?

It's simple - just wash the eggs well using soap. If there were bacteria on the shell, they are now completely removed. Do not use cracked eggs for the drink, the infection could get inside.

Do not use shelled eggs for a cocktail. They are also called "battle". Such eggs are only suitable for frying, as bacteria die during heat treatment.

As you can see, protecting yourself from salmonellosis is easy.

Mogul with condensed milk

This option will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Condensed milk perfectly copes with the task of masking the burning taste of strong alcohol, the finished mix intoxicates very slowly and very quickly cheers up.

Required Components

Cooking sequence

  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  2. Cut the vanilla pod in half and remove the seeds, then cut into small pieces and send to the yolks.
  3. In the resulting mass, add condensed milk and heavy cream.
  4. Mix the ingredients on high power mixer for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Pour the alcohol base there in a thin stream, while not stopping the mixer.
  6. Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve and pour into cups.
  7. When serving alcohol, sprinkle it with a pinch of grated chocolate or ground cinnamon.

Mogul from quail eggs

  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 147 kcal.
  • Cuisine: author's.

When using raw chicken eggs, there is a risk of contracting salmonella. If you replace them with quail, then you can not be afraid of such a disease. It is believed that when eating these eggs, there is no risk of salmonellosis. They can be used in any recipe if you know the ratio. There are about five quail eggs per chicken. The cooking technology remains the same, so there will be no difficulties. Mogul-mogul from quail eggs can be prepared according to the same recipes as from chicken.


  • cream 10-20% - 100 ml;
  • quail egg - 10 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the eggs, break them, dividing the yolks with proteins into separate bowls.
  2. Put the last ones on the shelf of the refrigerator, leave them there for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Stir the yolks a little, salt, season with sugar, grind to a thick foam.
  4. Pour cream into a separate container. Add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, also beat with a mixer.
  5. Take out the chilled squirrels. Lightly salt them, also add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, then beat until a strong white foam appears.
  6. Take a tall glass, where first pour the yolk mixture, then the protein, and finally the cream.
  7. Sprinkle top with nutmeg.

Eggnog with orange juice and whiskey

This variety of the popular alcoholic beverage wins the hearts of hostesses with its ease of manufacture and a perfectly balanced combination of ingredients used. The finished mix impresses to the depths of the soul with a non-standard taste, in which fruit and milk notes are intertwined.

Required Components

Cooking sequence

  1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. We send the egg yolks to the blender bowl and add granulated sugar and orange juice to them.
  3. Whisk the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Add whiskey and milk to the same place, after which we beat the mass for 2-3 minutes.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks are obtained.
  6. Pour the finished mix into glasses, and then carefully lay lush proteins on the surface of each.
  7. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or ground nutmeg.

Mogul-mogul: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 125 gr.
  • milk (fat content 3.2-5%) - 470 ml.
  • ground cinnamon - 5 gr.
  • egg yolk - 4 pcs.
  • alcohol (cognac, rum, whiskey) - at the discretion
  • ground nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • ground cloves - on the tip of a knife
  • whipped cream - to taste

Adding alcohol to the eggnog according to the classic recipe is a purely individual decision. If you're preparing a drink for the kids or the family for breakfast, you can certainly do without it. The basic cooking technology is more suitable for lovers of warm eggnog, but crushed ice can be added if desired.

  1. First you need to prepare milk with spices, combining it with cinnamon and nutmeg. It is allowed to use both ground seasonings and whole (cinnamon pod, clove buds, etc.).
  2. Pour the milk into an enameled thick-walled dish, put it on the stove, add nutmeg, ground cloves and cinnamon. Bring the composition to the appearance of the first bubbles, but not to a boil, immediately turn off the burner. Stir the milk constantly throughout the cooking process.
  3. Separate the pre-chilled proteins from the yolks, place the latter in a wide bowl. Pour in sugar, turn on the mixer at medium power and beat the mixture for 5 minutes. In the end, you should get a mass of medium density (it will rise 1.5-2.5 times) with large bubbles.
  4. Now you need to stir the milk into the yolks in small portions. To do this, take a 50-gram glass, pour half of it into it. dairy product, add to the foam and immediately stir with a fork. Perform 9-10 such manipulations so that the first half of the mass of milk is mixed in, and the second half remains in the pot with spices.
  5. This stage is rightfully considered the most important. Mix the two compositions together, put the container with the drink on a small fire. Start stirring the mass and catch a moment when the mixture thickens, but the yolks have not set yet, this will put an end to cooking. As a rule, it will take 1-1.5 minutes.
  6. Turn off the burner, cover the eggnog with a lid and cool completely to room temperature. Pour in liquid cream, mix thoroughly, pour into glasses.

Video recipes Gogol-mogul

If you want to get acquainted with other variations of an alcoholic cocktail called Mogul Mogul, I recommend watching the videos presented, in which professional bartenders offer their own developments of this popular milk intoxicant.

Video #1. In this video, an experienced bartender introduces you to the classic version of the alcoholic eggnog, which is usually offered in pleasure drinking establishments.

Video #2. After watching this video, you will get acquainted with a simplified version of Gogol-mogul with cognac.

Video #3. The presented video highlights the American version of Gogol-mogul, without which not a single Christmas holiday is complete in the United States. Bourbon and rum are used as an alcoholic base.

The benefits and harms of eggnog

First, let's list the useful properties

  1. The drink is often used for loss of voice.
  2. The amino acids contained in it improve the condition of hair, skin, nails.
  3. Increased visual acuity.
  4. The drink can be consumed with a lack of mass, if you need to gain weight.
  5. It will be useful in diseases of the respiratory tract.

When not to drink this cocktail

  1. You have disorders in the digestive tract.
  2. Diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Individual intolerance to eggs.
  5. Atherosclerosis.
  6. Children's age up to five years.

Useful information

  • If you want to pamper your loved ones with something unusually tasty and memorable, then study the simple grog recipe. In addition, you can satisfy the tastes of babies if you slightly change the recipe of the drink and prepare -non-alcoholic grog-.
  • Into the cold winter evening you will be able to cheer up everyone without exception, if you prepare in advance - punch - according to the classic recipe. Again, there is a generation-tested recipe - non-alcoholic punch - that will undoubtedly appeal to everyone.

Since the birth of this wonderful mix, bartenders have been coming up with great enthusiasm for various methods of preparing it. Therefore, feel free to experiment with the composition and proportions, and if you create a decent mix, be sure to tell us about it in the comments. Good luck!

Mogul from yolks

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 212 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / for dessert / for a party.
  • Cuisine: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Mogul-mogul from the yolks turns out to be creamy. You can serve this dessert to your guests without fear that they will not like it. The composition contains alcohol, so the drink is perfect for a party. Considering that it is prepared very easily and quickly, you can easily cope with the task, how to surprise guests. It will be even tastier if you add pieces of biscuit.

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  • rum - 2 liqueur glasses;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon zest - from 1 lemon;
  • powdered sugar - 6 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Add powdered sugar to the yolks, beat them until smooth.
  2. Rinse the lemon well, peel off the zest from it. Grind it and add to the yolk mass.
  3. Next, pour in the rum, mix well or beat with a mixer.
  4. Divide into small glasses.

The legend of the mogul

Mogul-mogul is a famous dish with a history according to which it was born precisely as folk remedy from angina and loss of voice. By the way, it was not sweet, but salty. At least, one of the versions of the origin of the mogul says so.

The legend says that once upon a time there lived in the world a certain Jewish cantor named Gogel. He lived in Mogilev (modern Belarus), and earned a living by singing in the choir. On one not the most beautiful day, he lost his voice, which left him without a livelihood. Poor father large family by all means tried to restore the work of the vocal cords. A simple mix of raw egg, salt and pieces of black bread, which he ate for breakfast with a small spoon.

It was this "salty" recipe that was popular long time in Russian Empire, and many today prefer it to a sweet recipe. Shall we try?

Mogul-mogul for voice restoration

Break 1 egg into a bowl, salt, you can season with spices. Crumble bread into a bowl (not necessarily white, with Borodino - just overeating), mix thoroughly and have breakfast to your health.

Healing "elixir" with cognac

It is necessary to take such a "mixture" for coughing 6-10 days before bedtime. Do not give to children, because alcohol is present in the components. Use the remedy for a dry type of cough, it perfectly disinfects and warms. Instead of cognac, you can take vodka in the same amount. Also in the recipe there is iodine, which has an expectorant property.


  • Cognac and honey - a large spoon each;
  • Iodine - a drop;
  • Butter - a small spoon;
  • Yolk.

Cooking description:

  1. Pour the yolk into a glass, flavor with oil;
  2. Stir, add cognac and honey;
  3. Stir again and drip iodine.

From salty medicine to sweet dessert

But back to the legend. It will be continued by Countess Bronislava Potocka, who loved to perform romances in a secular salon. Alas, the voice sometimes failed, treacherously breaking at the most inopportune moment. Learning about healing power dishes of Gogel, she decided to try it, however, radically transforming it. For it is not proper for a countess to eat brown bread, and in general one can do without it. And if so, then salt is not needed. What's left? That's right, an egg. Which she ordered to be supplemented with honey. And at the same time she renamed the gogel to the mogul. Oh those women.

However, this is just another version of the origin of a wonderful dessert, in fact, there are many of them. The British can argue for the right to be called the birthplace of the recipe, because their language has consonant names: hoog-mug, hoogle-mugger, Germans with their Kuddel-mudel, Poles with kugel-mogel. All words are translated approximately the same and mean "mess".

To make a really tasty mogul-mogul drink, you should follow simple rules. Eggs should only be fresh to exclude the possibility of contracting salmonellosis. Is there such a danger? The answer is yes, but only if the eggs are not fresh. This is easy to check - just dip them in a glass of water. If the egg does not sink, then it is not fresh, so the risk of getting sick increases.

In the case of a fresh egg, you should also be careful. It is better to play it safe and wash the shell with a brush. To avoid infection:

  • do not take eggs with cracks in the shell;
  • take in the store only a fresh product with a date of manufacture no more than 5-7 days ago;
  • do not prepare a drink from eggs completely without shells, i.e. fight.

If you want to enjoy a really tasty eggnog, use homemade eggs. With store-bought, the aroma is not so pleasant. Powdered sugar is often present in recipes for making eggnog. It can also be done independently. To do this, granulated sugar is ground in a mortar to a dusty consistency. A coffee grinder will also cope with this task. It turns regular sugar into powder in seconds. Here are some more tips for preparing eggnog:

  1. For children, it is better to use quail eggs, and slightly heat the drink itself or add boiled milk. IN medicinal purposes you can add some soda. In this form, it is better to take a cocktail in small portions.
  2. To give the eggnog-mogul an expectorant property, you can add a couple of drops of iodine.
  3. With angina in an adult, it is recommended to add cognac or rum to the composition of the drink. They have a disinfecting and warming effect. As a result, the cough softens.
  4. The recipe for eggnog-mogul only from proteins can be used to prepare the glaze, which is covered with Easter cake.


Good taste and impressive list useful properties- this is not a guarantee that the product is completely devoid of side effects and contraindications. First of all, dessert should be used with caution by people with diabetes, since mogul-mogul is a rather high-calorie product. It is also advisable to refrain from egg dessert for people with atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, liver disease, disorders of the gallbladder and pancreas. Dessert is strictly prohibited for people with allergies to eggs or the components contained in them.

Another danger of chicken eggs is the salmonella bacterium. Since only raw yolks are used for eggnog, it is important to take only very fresh products, with intact shells. Such measures will prevent possible infection with salmonellosis.

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Alcoholic mogul: recipe and cooking history

Some names of drinks and cocktails are familiar to us from early childhood. But having matured and not wanting to part with childhood memories, tastes and aromas, people are trying to improve some recipes, due to which new “adult” drinks are born. One of the names that we know well from childhood is "Gogol-Mogol". Although in the early years our parents prepared it for us solely for pleasure or health purposes, today this drink can be tasted in a number of alcoholic cocktails.

What does the classic recipe for alcoholic Gogol-Mogol look like? What interesting features and facts are associated with its preparation?

Recipe for alcoholic "Gogol-Mogol"

You can prepare an alcoholic cocktail "Gogol-Mogol" not only in a bar or restaurant, but also in ordinary home. All the ingredients that are used to implement the recipe are quite accessible to most users, and the cooking process itself consists of simple steps and actions. Ingredients needed to prepare the alcoholic version of the Gogol-Mogol drink:

  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Fatty cream - 200 ml;
  • Egg yolk - 3 pcs;
  • Vodka or other strong drink - 100 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 70 g;
  • Vanilla - half a pod;
  • Grated chocolate.

To make the drink more pleasant and soft, vodka can be replaced with cognac, rum or whiskey. While cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla are optional ingredients, they help to reduce the milky effect, which is especially true for those who are not too fond of dairy products.

How to prepare an alcoholic drink "Gogol-Mogol":

  • 150 ml of cream, milk are poured into a metal pan, chopped nutmeg and vanilla are added, and cinnamon is put in a whole stick;
  • The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly, and after boiling, immediately removed from the stove;
  • The infusion is left for 2-3 minutes, after which vanilla and cinnamon are taken out;
  • Chicken yolks are mixed with granulated sugar and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which should look fluffy and have a light shade;
  • The milk mixture, which was previously boiled over a fire, is passed through a gauze filter or a fine strainer;
  • Yolks mixed with sugar are poured into the liquid in a thin stream, constantly stirring with a spoon or mixer at low speed;
  • At the last stage of preparation, alcohol is poured in and mixed again until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • After the drink has cooled to room temperature, it is put in the refrigerator for a period of 5-6 hours;
  • The remaining cream, in an amount of 50 ml, is whipped and added to the drink, stirring again slightly;
  • Alcoholic "Gogol-Mogol" is poured into glasses, and the drink is sprinkled with grated chocolate or nutmeg on top.

The technology for making a drink is quite suitable for housewives, and this process takes very little time. But if you prepare an alcoholic "Gogol-Mogol" for the arrival of friends or guests, you can not only please them with a delicious aperitif, but also stir up pleasant childhood memories in many of them.

The history of the emergence of alcoholic "Gogol-Mogol"

The opinions of lovers of alcoholic cocktails differed as to who actually is the progenitor of Gogol-Mogol. The Germans are sure that the original idea belongs to their compatriot, confectioner Manfred Keukenbauer, who regularly experimented with the preservation of sweets. The milk drink, according to some statements, turned out quite by accident, and in German the name sounded like “Kuddelmudel”, which means “hot mix”.

The British, on the contrary, are sure that Gogol-Mogol is the stepson of their well-known Christmas Egg Nog cocktail, which has a similar preparation principle.

And the Poles insist that it was they who came up with the idea of ​​mixing sugar and egg yolk, and originally the cocktail was called "kogel-mogel".

The Russians also have their own version, according to which the Gogol-Mogl recipe was invented by one of the leaders of the church choir, whose last name was Gogel, and initially the drink was used to prevent and treat a throat after losing his voice.

Who came up with the idea of ​​​​adding alcohol to the traditional Gogol-Mogol is still not known, but the fact that the drink is popular remains an absolute fact.

The original recipe for mogul-mogul

The classic eggnog recipe is the most common and popular and serves as the basis for other types.

You will need:

  • A pinch of salt;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Nutmeg or cinnamon - for decoration.


  1. Separate the yolks from the proteins, put the latter in the refrigerator for 15 minutes;
  2. We introduce 1/2 sugar into the yolks, salt, beat ourselves with a mixer. The mass should double, or a little more;
  3. We take out the cooled proteins, put the rest of the granulated sugar, add a little more, beat until foam appears with a mixer;
  4. We mix the yolks and proteins, again carefully work with a mixer;
  5. We shift into a bowl, sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon.

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