What is considered the best champagne. How to choose champagne for the New Year's table: advice from Roskachestvo experts. What good quality champagne does not give you a headache in the morning

block houses 16.08.2020
block houses

The night from December 31 to January 1 is hard to imagine without Olivier, tangerines, a bottle of sparkling sparkling wine. Drinking a glass of champagne for the new year under the chiming clock is a tradition that originated no one knows when, but unites millions of people on the planet. At the same time, the variety of this alcoholic drink is not selected for the festive menu, refuting the rules of etiquette.

Where did the tradition of drinking champagne for the new year come from?

It is impossible to say exactly when sparkling wine appeared on the tables in the new year. In the USSR, the tradition appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, after the Government decree on providing every Soviet family with a bottle of "Soviet champagne" in honor of the holiday.

However, it was held in high esteem before, just a few could afford it. Two decades (1917-1936) in the Soviet Union did not celebrate the new year, then they returned the Christmas tree and dances. Before that, it was customary to drink champagne only with the nobles, because the drink was considered noble. And since whole balls were rolled up for the New Year, why not sparkling wine, to match the gathered guests, be present at the events. Now, champagne is present in every home on the festive table on the most magical night of the calendar.

More precisely, sparkling wine, after all, only varieties produced in Champagne should be called by the name of the French region.

Choosing a drink for the new year

Ordinary shops, wine boutiques, supermarkets and on the Internet offer to buy champagne of various varieties and brands, so choosing a bottle of alcohol for the new year is not a problem even on December 31st.

But do not go to the nearest outlet. New Year's Eve is one for 365 days: you should not spoil it with low-quality or tasteless alcohol. It is recommended to buy champagne for the new year in specialized stores for which prestige is more important than turnover: fake and poor quality are excluded.

The following criteria will help you navigate the assortment and purchase good alcohol for the new year:

  • Cost per bottle. For 150 rubles. to find wine (it is correct to call alcohol that decorates the festive table) that will be tasty is unrealistic. It will not be champagne, but fizzy soda with degrees. The initial cost is from 500 rubles.
  • The bottle is dark, opaque, as light is detrimental to wine.
  • Brand. It is better to stop the choice for buying for the new year on wine, the brand of which is well-known. First of all, it is "The Widow Clicquot", "Moet & Chandon". French Cremant, Italian Prosecco, Spumante from different manufacturers will please you with excellent quality. Among Russian alcoholic products, it is worth taking a closer look at Abrau-Durso, Rossiyskiy, Novy Svet, etc.;
  • Cork. Champagne is hidden under a cork stopper, not a plastic one. In the latter case, the taste may be distorted due to the reaction of the plastic with the contents of the bottle.

On a note! Landmark: wines sealed with cork should be stored lying down so that the alcohol wets it.

  • No sediment in content. The color varies, but the drink itself is crystal clear and transparent.


A purely visual inspection will reveal the first signs of a good wine. Without traces of glue, the label located exactly in the middle of the bottle - champagne is worthy to decorate a feast for the new year.

Next, we study the inscriptions. Indicated "carbonated", "sparkling", "effervescent" - this is not champagne, suitable for the new year. You can't call it sparkling wine either. The technology for the production of such alcohol is very different: the drink was carbonated artificially by adding carbon dioxide.

To make sure of the quality of the wine and not to spoil the new year, the inscription “classic” / aged / Metodo Classico will help: this is produced by mixing several varieties of wine material with yeast and sugar liquor (in sweet and semi-sweet varieties).

Important! The absence of such an inscription indicates that it was produced by the reservoir method.

The label must indicate:

  • manufacturer;
  • lot number;
  • best before date;
  • date, place of bottling;
  • excerpt.

Varieties of sparkling wines

The most common classification is based on sugar content. This criterion (in ascending order of g/l) divides champagne into:

  • ultra brut;
  • brut;
  • dry;
  • semi-dry;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sweet.

Aesthetes recommend choosing dry champagne or brut for the new year. These varieties are served as an aperitif. A brilliant version of champagne in this regard is Veuve Clicquot, in which even the color of the label is close to gold - orange. Piper-Heidsieck, Moet & Chandon are also good as an aperitif.

Only a bottle of elite champagne is not cheap, so you can pay attention to the products of other manufacturers so that the new year is a success, but also does not hit your wallet too hard.

First of all, it is worth highlighting this brand. Champagne is presented in a wide range, so you can choose for any moment of the feast: an aperitif to the chiming clock, announcing that the new year has come, for main courses or served with dessert. They are produced both by the classical method and by the reservoir method. Of particular note in the line is Victor Dravigny - champagne made from selected grapes, which organically combines freshness and sweetness.

"Master's Heritage", "Lev Golitsyn", "Ekaterina's Necklace", "Baron de vinique" are the products of the plant with a history of more than 100 years (first mentioned in 1874). The manufacturer approaches production with full seriousness: carefully selects suppliers of raw materials, exercises quality control at every stage, pays due attention to the growing conditions of grapes and other factors. This speaks of the champagne from ZAO Sparkling Wines as a quality product that will not spoil the impression of New Year's Eve.

Champagne from Ukraine from one of the largest producers of sparkling wine in Europe using the bottle method. In addition to Artemovsky, the Artemovsk Winery plant produces a drink called Crimea. In the brand line different varieties, white and pink, so buying for the new year will not be a problem if you want to try this particular look. Considering that Artyomovskoye champagne competes with French alcohol, has many awards and was to the taste not only in countries former USSR, but also in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and other European countries, the answer is obvious.

Delasy and Bosca Anniversary

An affordable option for the price, but has little in common with champagne and even sparkling wine - these are cheap Bosca Anniversary varieties. It says so on the label - wine carbonated drink. The same bottle, there are bubbles - similar features. But there are much more differences, therefore, for the sake of entourage, but not for taste. On the shelves of shops you can find a drink of Lithuanian, Russian or Italian production. And in order to feel the taste like champagne, you need to choose products from the premium segment - Verdi spumante, Anniversary double, Classic, Moscato.

Delacy champagne is distinguished by the original shape of the bottle, so for the new year you can buy it to decorate the table. Pleasant taste, beautiful color and quality is not the worst, but the product of the Alvisa group of companies does not reach the top.


Sparkling wine produced by CJSC "Vilash" on the market is presented in an assortment from brut to sweet, so it is quite suitable for buying for the new year. Some brands are marked as "Product with a quality mark" (for example, Marleson). This suggests that the taste of champagne from St. Petersburg will delight. Customer reviews indicate that there is no yeast or other impurities in sparkling wine, they note the comparability of price and quality.

The Moscow plant of sparkling wines JSC "Kornet" presents sparkling wine with female name"Hope". In 2010, the drink was recognized as the Product of the Year in Russia in the popular segment. This means that it appealed to customers both in terms of taste and price. The female half of the New Year's feast will be liked thanks to its delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

french champagne

Out of competition among a wide range of drinks from this European country are the famous Widow Clicquot, Moet and Chandon, Dom Pérignon. The champagne of these brands will make any new year even more magical and bright, because it can be attributed to luxury items. In the same category "Prince of Champagne" from the company "Tatinger".

But not only France is famous for them. Sparkling wines with the inscription on the label "Cremant" will decorate the holiday. In France, the production of champagne is controlled at the state level, because the quality alcoholic beverages will be top notch. It is produced in different regions of the country, so the name on the label is supplemented by the place of origin.

Sparkling wines from other countries

Italy follows France in terms of production. In terms of quality too. Asti Martini, Asti Mondoro, "Cinzano" Prosecco, Lambrusco are not a problem to find on the eve of the new year. The list of sparkling wines from the Apennine Peninsula is quite wide - this is just a small list, those that are well known. Great taste plays on the tongue for a long time, delivering real pleasure.

From the line of Moldovan sparkling wine "Cricova" for the new year, it is worth choosing more expensive varieties, for example, "Wine Cricova de Lux". Cheaper options are a drink made from powder and wine materials. You will not feel any taste, and a severe hangover is quite likely.

Spanish Cava is also a good option to celebrate the new year. You can also look at sparkling wines from Chile, Australia, South Africa, Argentina.

Where could I buy?

It’s worth taking care of the alcoholic component of the feast in advance if you don’t want to choose from what is in the nearest store. Suddenly there will be only "Soviet champagne", and so I wanted to treat myself to Asti Martini. The best place to buy is wine boutiques, specialized online and offline stores.

What exactly to buy champagne for the new 2019, in any case, you will have to decide based on the financial situation and taste preferences, as well as the time remaining until the holiday. If it still allows, for sparkling go to proven places, even if they are relatively far from the place of permanent deployment.

Champagne bottle decoration and gift sets

Alcohol as a present for the holiday is a good option. For the new year, you can give a fruit basket with champagne: along with a snack, so to speak.

On a note! It is better to exclude oranges and other citrus fruits from the present: according to etiquette, they are not combined with sparkling wine.

Another option is in a package or case. Wine in such a frame will not only be a drink for a feast, but also decorate the table. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy a case for champagne, you can make it yourself from materials with the symbols of the new year. The box is more suitable if the alcohol is intended as a gift. Way out: buying a sparkling, original bottle (Asti Mondoro is fine).

"Clothes" will increase the cost of champagne purchased to celebrate the new year. It will be less expensive to buy an ordinary bottle and decorate it yourself. The easiest way is to add stickers to the champagne with the words "Happy New Year" or piggy - a symbol of the upcoming 2019.

Rules of use

Proper serving will help to reveal the taste of sparkling wine, to feel the whole aroma:

  • Use glasses of a certain shape. Suitable wine glasses are low and wide or elongated and narrow. Necessarily from transparent glass, without ornaments.
  • Before bottling, the drink should be cooled to a temperature of 6-8 degrees, and then closed with a cork (special or any suitable) and lowered into a bucket of water and ice.
  • Pour wine into a glass slowly, in a thin stream along the wall. After filling 2/3, let stand. Foam has fallen - top up.
  • You need to drink champagne in small sips, enjoying the taste. Before the first sip, be sure to inhale the aroma.
  • When the bottle is opened, do not shake. Louder clap is not about quality champagne. It opens quietly and neatly, with a barely noticeable smoke from the neck.

What is important is what champagne is served for the new year. Light snacks, poultry and lean meats, salads without mayonnaise and vinegar-based sauces, cheeses and fruits (but not all) are great with wine. The main rule: nothing very spicy and very sweet.

No party is complete without champagne. Light wine creates a mood and sets you up for fun. In order for the celebration to go according to plan and not be spoiled by low-quality alcohol, you should choose good champagne. Everyone has different tastes: someone trusts the time-tested “Soviet”, and for someone the famous “Veuve Clicquot” or “Don Perignon” fall into this category. But you should not limit yourself to these varieties.

Classification of sparkling wines

Champagne is the correct name for drinks produced in the French province of Champagne, from which the wine got its name. At the same time, many varieties of it are produced in other countries using a similar technology.

Italian winemakers are famous for their varieties of good champagne, French winemakers from other regions. Russia does not lag behind European manufacturers. Delicious wine is made in Moldova. Also produced in Germany, Portugal, China, Spain.

It is not necessary that the price for a bottle of sparkling wine "bite". Among the variety offered by manufacturers, there is also an inexpensive good champagne. You should choose not by cost, although this is a significant criterion, but based on your own preferences. Not to get confused and understand which wine is better, will allow minimal knowledge about the producers, what happens in color, sugar content and other characteristics.

By country and region of origin

If we talk about the ranking of the best champagne by the location of the producer, then the wine from Champagne should be at the top. This will be the most expensive dish on your holiday table. But there is confidence in the quality of champagne, because its production is controlled at the state level.

Other regions of France also have champagne houses. On the labels of bottles of sparkling wine, the inscription “Cremant” flaunts and the name of the region is added, for example, Bordeaux, Alsace, Burgundy, etc. They are inferior to the best French champagne in terms of sparkling, but the quality remains at its best, as it is also controlled at the state level.

Italian sparkling wines should be chosen with the label "DOC S" - this guarantees the high quality of alcohol. The drink gets its name from the region of production and / or grape variety. Prosecco, Asti, Fragolino, etc. - this is all champagne from the Apennine Peninsula.

There are also quite a lot of manufacturers in Russia. The quality cannot be compared with the French, but if you take the ratio with the price, they are quite good varieties. "Lev Golitsyn", "Pinot Noir", "Moscow", "Imperial" and some others can be safely called sparkling wine, not a wine drink.

By grape varieties used

Champagne is most often made from a mixture of several wines. There are single-varietal best sparkling wines. If we talk about elite champagne wines, then there may even be material from seven varieties of grapes. To determine how many varieties were used in production, the inscriptions on the bottles will help:

  • blanc de blanc - white of whites, or sparkling wine made from white Chardonnay grapes;
  • blanc de noir - white from black, or in the composition of good champagne there are two black (red) varieties of Pinot Mignet and Pinot Noir;
  • cuvee - cuvee, or the use of several varieties of grapes in the production (Italian Lambrusco, for example, is just that).

The exact answer, which is better - single-varietal or assemblage champagne - to choose, no one will give. You should be guided by your own taste.

by color

Sparkling wine is:

  • white. Occurs most often. Despite the name, it can be made from red grape varieties. Lightness is achieved due to the fact that in the manufacture of the pulp and skin of the berries, when squeezing, they come into contact with each other minimal amount time;
  • red - champagne from berries that do not differ in color with a hint of the finished drink;
  • pink. It is obtained in two ways: by adding red wine or by increasing the contact time of the skin and pulp.

The classification is as follows:

  • sweet (indicator: > 65g / l, the label contains doux (fr) or dolce (it));
  • semi-sweet (50-65, demi-doux, semi-dolci);
  • semi-dry (35-50, demi-sec, semisecco);
  • dry (20-35, sec, secco);
  • brut (6-15, brut);
  • extra brut (no more than 6 g/l, extra brut/brut nature/brut zero).

Since it is believed that sugar negatively affects the aroma and taste of sparkling wine, when choosing which champagne is better to take: brut or semi-sweet, the world will give preference to the first option. The drink is sour and astringent, so not everyone will like it.

Semi-dry and semi-sweet champagnes are classified side by side, so which one is better to buy depends on your own preferences. The taste will not vary as much as with brut.

By quality level

Out of competition in this classification - products from the best houses of champagne wines in France. The famous "Veuve Clicquot", "Dom Perignon", "Moet" - alcohol of the highest quality, which will empty the wallet for a tidy sum.

Elite champagne, made from the best grape varieties, is classified as prestigious or special. If only a vintage of one year is used, such sparkling wine is called vintage or mellizyme. Considering that successful years for winemaking happen 2-3 times in 10 years, the year will certainly be indicated on the bottle.

Good, but unremarkable among other types, champagne without a year with a price of up to 2000 rubles per bottle is the most common category of sparkling wines.

Important! Not always cork, bottle shape, bubbles are indicators of quality sparkling wine. At a price of up to 200 rubles, it will be a carbonated wine drink of the economy segment.

The best brands of champagne

The leaders among the producers of sparkling wines are France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Moldova. Also possible in separate category highlight products from the New World - production of Chile, Argentina, Australia, South Africa. And in each of these countries there are brands that fall under the designation "the best champagne" of domestic production.

Any French brand is good, so the choice between Moet and Veuve Clicquot will be made based on cost and availability at the outlet. To say which of these champagnes is better is just to tell your opinion. The quality of both drinks is impeccable, it is not for nothing that they are included in the TOP-5 brands of champagne in the world. Other houses worthy of attention: Krug, Ayala, etc. Do not forget the wines from France under the general name "Cremant", which will also please with taste and aroma.

The leaders from Italy are Asti Mondoro, Asti Martini, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro, Cavicchioli Lambrusco Bianco and others. When buying wine with such sonorous names in our open spaces, you need to be careful. Good Italian-made champagne is unlikely to cost up to 1000 rubles, so there is a chance to run into a fake or a wine drink.

Russian brands that represent wine with good taste: "Abrau-Durso" and "Heritage of the master" Lev Golitsyn ". Individual varieties deserve to be compared which champagne is better. And "Lev Golitsyn" surpasses the carbonated wine drink Bosca.

At the same time, we pay tribute to the manufacturers of the latter, who position their product in this way, without pretending to have a more sonorous name. Bosco is comparable in taste to Santo Stefano champagne, also presented by Russian producers. Which wine is better? Under each brand, varieties are produced from sweet to brut. Both brands are inexpensive drinks, which makes them popular. Bosca will be tastier and better, which is more expensive, but which one to buy, you still need to choose based on your own preferences.

In Moldova, the best sparkling wine is Cricova, in Spain you should look for Cava on the label, which refers to sparkling wine.

    Sparkling wines worthy of any holiday are also produced by individual Russian producers.

    What is good quality champagne and how to choose it

    Before heading to the store for a bottle (or box) of a festive drink of all times and peoples, it’s a good idea to understand its “origin”.

    good old classic

    The classic way of making (as they do in Champagne) is a laborious and time-consuming process. Such wine is saturated with carbon dioxide (holiday bubbles) naturally, during secondary fermentation and long-term aging right in the bottle - this takes at least 15 months.

    The technology is known all over the world, but only those few companies whose production facilities are located near vineyards use it today. The fact that the drink is made according to the classic French method can be judged by the inscription on the label "Metodo Classico" or in Russian - "Aged", "Classic".

    tank production

    About a hundred years ago, a method was invented that made it possible to speed up the fermentation processes by dozens of times and, accordingly, reduce the cost of the product. The technology was called “reservoir” due to the fact that wine is saturated with gas bubbles in huge metal containers (tanks), and not in bottles. If the intoxicating drink is made using this method, no marks are put on the labels.

    Most of the sparkling wine, which in our country is called "champagne" is the result of such "accelerated" fermentation. The “classics”, of course, have a richer bouquet and more shades of taste. But most often these differences are found only by experts. Whether it makes sense to overpay for something that you cannot appreciate is up to you.

    Beware of fake

    Much worse if the manufacturer is trying to sell you the usual, sometimes not very good quality, wine saturated with carbon dioxide bubbles artificially (like lemonade).
    An indicator that this is a surrogate product will be its low price and adjectives on the back label: “sparkling”, “effervescent”, “carbonated” or “saturated”. Leave this bottle without any hesitation.

    How to choose high-quality champagne in a store

    We stopped in front of the rows of bottles on the shelves of the store - pay attention to such signs of the “correct” sparkling:

  • Price tag. Good wine, even made in a tank way, cannot be cheap. At the same time, products of famous brands often do not justify the inflated price - get ready that you will pay for prestige, and not for a special bouquet and taste.
  • Bottle. For sparkling wine, dark thick glass containers with a volume of 0.75 ml are used, which can withstand a pressure of at least 6 atmospheres. Very rarely it can be found in bottles of 1.5 liters and large - their production requires the special skill of glassblowers. Containers with a volume of 0.2 ml are mainly used by airlines and hotels, 0.375 ml are used by restaurants.
  • Cork. Russian producers protect their wine with natural material, not plastic. Cork made from the bark of a cork tree is difficult to see under protective foil, but you can feel it - it is softer to the touch.
  • Label and back label. Look for such indicators on them: category, expiration date, grape variety used in production, legal address of the manufacturer and location of production facilities. Pay attention to the composition - there can be no flavors and dyes in a quality product! Carelessly glued labels, fuzzy and blurry inscriptions should also alert.

If you want to protect yourself from buying low-quality champagne, go to buy it not in the nearest small store, but in a wine boutique, in extreme cases, in a hypermarket. Do not buy bottles from a display case where they were under the light for a long time- most likely, the drink has lost its qualities.

Test purchase - video

How to determine the quality of champagne at home

The cherished bottle is bought and uncorked, now you can determine the correct choice by the appearance of the drink, smell and taste:

  • Color. In authentic champagne, it is white, with a hint of light straw, sometimes the drink in the glass shines with golden-greenish reflections. Sparkling wine can also be rosé and red. The color of the drink in the glass must match what is indicated on the label.
  • bubbles. Small ones, of the same size, play in a glass for at least 10 hours. They hissed and disappeared after 10 minutes - in front of you is a surrogate.
  • Transparency. The drink should not have impurities and sediment.
  • Aroma. A subtle and exceptionally natural scent with fruity and citrus notes.

The presence of a yeast or alcohol flavor indicates that the manufacturer does not pay enough attention to compliance with technology.

What to choose champagne for the New Year

Looking for sparkling wine festive table, decide on its variety. It all depends on the content (or absence) of sugar liquor in the drink. Look for labels such as:

  • Doux - with a high (more than 50 g / l) sugar content, is quite rare.
  • Demi-sek, sec and extra sec - respectively semi-dry (semi-sweet), dry and extra-dry, the amount of sugar varies from 50 to 20 g / l.
  • Brut and extra brut - with a very low (less than 15 g / l) sugar content and without the addition of sugar liquor.

It is generally accepted that winemakers use sweet liquor to mask material flaws or manufacturing flaws. For this reason, brut wines with their absolutely “clean” taste and aroma enjoy absolute popularity all over the world. This champagne is best to open a feast, it is ideal for seafood, white meat, hard cheese.

Another thing is that in our country they traditionally prefer semi-sweet or even sweet varieties, and brut is considered too sour. In this case, semi-dry can be an ideal compromise, which will be appropriate for both traditional Russian salad and sandwiches with black caviar. However, semi-sweet champagne on the New Year's table will find a "company" - it can be served with fruit and cake at the end of the feast.

Russian champagne is tasty and inexpensive - myth or reality

In order to give yourself and your loved ones gastronomic pleasure, it is not at all necessary to decorate the table in New Year the elite Dom Pérignon or Moët & Chandon. And it’s really possible to find worthy samples from domestic manufacturers at a very “our” price:

  • "Tsimlyansk wines". The factory, located in the Rostov region, produces excellent sparkling wines. The most famous of them - red, according to a unique Cossack recipe - is ideal for any celebration. Well, the premium white Onegin is ideal for the New Year's feast.
  • « New World". The plant, founded more than a hundred and twenty years ago by Prince Golitsyn, pleases the consumer with the invariable quality of its "sparkling products". The brands "Collection", "New World", "Paradisio" are ideal for the festive table.
  • "Abrau-Durso". The most famous champagne in Russia from a company from the Krasnodar Territory. In its assortment you can find sparkling wine made using reservoir technology (Russian Champagne, ABRAU) and excellent classics (Imperial, Millezim). One thing upsets - Abrau-Durso makes a big markup on a well-known name.

Now it will be easier for you to sort through a large assortment of wine boutiques in the "hoppy" departments of hypermarkets - you know for sure what kind of champagne is good in quality, taste and aroma, how to choose it, and which domestic producers you can safely give preference to.

New Year's feasts refute the postulate that champagne is only an aperitif: it goes wonderfully with food. With lots of food. Champagne works great paired with Olivier and tangerines, and with herring under a fur coat.

Whatever champagne you choose for the New Year, traditions will take their toll - they will drink it even with jelly, so that later they will definitely have a bite of red caviar and a bird baked in the oven!

How to choose champagne for the New Year?

In the menu, for the New Year 2018, champagne is at the top of the list after the Christmas tree and tangerine. But store shelves are crowded with dozens, and sometimes hundreds of bottles of champagne and sparkling wine from different countries. The choice is amazing. That's just you, trampling on the spot in confusion from unfamiliar names, most likely take a bottle of "Soviet" and head home with peace of mind.

We dare to assume that if the question is asked “What kind of champagne to drink for the New Year”, then “Soviet” or “Russian” in your New Year's list obviously not. And you, it turns out, are daring and desperate. Not buying Soviet for the New Year is even cooler than getting manta wet!

Advice! If the budget is limited, you can buy inexpensive (decoupage) - it will turn out original and tasteful.

We are read by a demanding audience, not marginal and not childish. Which advertising and all sorts of nonsense is not needed. Only facts are needed. So straight to the point. We present the top of the best champagne for the New Year's table, compiled according to reviews on the network.

10th place - Sparkling wine Lambrusco dell'Emilia Rosso

Even in the most budgetary supermarket on New Year's Eve, semi-sweet Italian wine Lambrusco will be found. It is valued for its sweet taste, long-lasting bubbles and affordable price.

Unpretentious, budget sparkling wine will not become the center of your New Year's party, but it will definitely brighten up lively conversations near the Christmas tree until the morning.

Approximate price 600-700 rubles (250-300 UAH)

4th place - Abrau-Durso, "Victor Dravigny" Rouge

Sparkling wines of the Russian manufacturer Abrau-Durso are presented on the market in a wide range and price. To choose a good champagne for the New Year, which would be great to drink both as an aperitif and during the serving of the main festive dishes, read what is written on the champagne label.

The right sparkling wine, captivating with a combination of freshness and sweetness, will be made from selected grapes.

Approximate cost 900 rubles (350 UAH)

3rd place - Pink dry champagne Piper-Heidsieck

Why Piper-Heidskik? Yes, if only because it is made in France in the province of Champagne. And it has every reason to be called a real champagne. Above were given only the best sparkling wines with which you can safely celebrate the New Year. And finally, we got to the best champagne!

Every year Piper-Heidsieck honors the winners of cinema in Cannes, San Francisco, Bostan. It is drunk by smiling stars at the Oscars. And why don't you arrange a starry New Year for yourself and drink a glass of another perfect champagne from the Rose Sauvage collection!

Approximate cost 4500-6500 rubles (1700-2500 UAH)

2nd place - Dry champagne "Veuve Clicquot"

The foamy drink with an intriguing name is made from the best Champagne grapes: Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Champagne owes its crystal-golden color and the long play of natural bubbles in the glass to the technology invented by that very famous widow - Madame Clicquot:

“To get rid of wine yeast in champagne and make it more transparent, bottles are stored upside down. Then, when the yeast sediment accumulates in the neck (it takes about six months), the champagne is cooled until the yeast freezes. The bottles are opened for seconds, yeast ice under pressure fly out of the bottle of wine. Next, Veuve Clicquot is aged in the cellars until the symphony of sweet fruity aromas and vanilla nuances reaches its climax under a cork with a portrait of the Widow Clicquot.”

Champagne with an orange label is a luxury item and desire of millions of gourmets from all over the world. Still thinking what to give for the New Year to a loved one who already has everything? And what about champagne, which the whole of France is proud of! Estimated price - 100 euros.

1st place - Champagne Moet & Chandon

Moet and Chandon conquered the world in 1743, never to lose the palm again. The legendary champagne is produced in the French province of Champagne from the classic grape varieties Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. For aging and storage of wine, the eminent brand uses underground wine cellars, which stretch for almost 30 kilometers.

Make Moet & Chandon traditional (but secret) champagne method, after which the wine is kept in the bottle for 3 to 4 years in stainless steel barrels.

Approximate price 4100-5200 rubles (1500-2000 UAH)

Dry or semi-dry champagne Moet and Chandon tastes light, transparent, with a delicate perlage. A branded bottle of a well-known French manufacturer is easy to recognize among other champagne on the New Year's table by its signature detail: a black dandy bow, fastened with a red round seal on the neck.

In the 20th century, Moet & Chandon literally reveled in Europe. They celebrated victories in car races, the rain of traffic jams saluted dinner parties, receptions and ceremonial meetings. After the war, elite champagne accompanied the celebration of sports victories, the presentation of airliners. Today, a glass of Moet and Chandon is an invariable companion of Hollywood cinema and French fashion. Moscow, Paris, London, New York 2018 will meet the New Year with Moet & Chandon champagne.

Each of the French wines of the famous brand has a special character, taste and has its own name:

Oh, it's champagne! The drink of royalty and aristocrats. Subtle and sparkling, slightly intoxicating mind and awakening spiritual feelings. It's about him will be discussed in this article!
The choice of champagne as a gift, at first glance, may seem like a simple matter, because champagne is sold in any store and is presented in a wide range. But this is only at first glance. If you delve into the topic of production, study the technology and the varietal component, then questions may arise about his choice. Thanks to a competent approach to choosing a gift, the result will not be long in coming. 13 sommelier tips will come in handy!

At the beginning of the article, I would like to say a few words about the fact that real great champagne is produced only on the unique chalk and limestone soils of the Champagne region. There are no such soils anywhere in the world! It is this drink that can bear the proud name of champagne, and everything else is inherently sparkling wine.

The classics of the genre are the key to success, or briefly about


The main rule when buying champagne is knowledge of the method of its manufacture. A self-respecting manufacturer never violates the age-old traditions and classic technologies for the production of sparkling wine. Only the method of secondary fermentation in the bottle, with elements of manual labor of masters, called remuage and disgorging, can serve as a 100% guarantee of quality.

Real champagne is made only in the Champagne region. So it was many centuries ago, so it is, and so it will always be. The famous champagne is very expensive! Look for the name on the label « a sparkling wine » and remember that the price of a good sparkling wine starts from 600 rubles.

Champagne must have a minimum residual sugar content and be brut, or at least be dry. Blanc de Blanc is cool and means the white-on-white method, while Blanc de Noir refers to the method of making white champagne from red grapes with white flesh. Interesting, isn't it?

Note to the layman: No country in the world considers it permissible to write the word "champagne" on the label of its sparkling wine. The only exception is Russia.

"Bubbles" do not guarantee quality.

What should not be given?

When choosing champagne as a gift, do not stop your eyes on the goods located on the shelves at the so-called "eye level". Usually there is an economy segment product that is not suitable as a gift. Neither the shape of the bottle, nor the cork, nor the notorious bubbles in the drink serve as a guarantee of quality in this situation.

The donee, if desired, can buy it on his own. The category of such "sparkling wines" includes factories RISP, MKShV(Moscow city) DZIV(Derbent), some plants in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Territory and others. The price of such drinks belongs to the budget category and does not exceed 200 rubles.

These sparkling wines undoubtedly can and should be used in friendly company, during a wedding feast or a fun party. However, for a gift they are too "weak" in their inner content, because they are made not according to the classical technology (secondary fermentation in a bottle), but the so-called acratophoric method (fermentation in a vat). It is unlikely that a bottle of such a drink will be able to please the hero of the occasion. But joy is the main goal of any gift.

Champagne or sparkling wine? Key Similarities

and differences

Wines are divided into still and sparkling. This law cannot be disputed. Champagne is nothing but sparkling wine. It is important to consider production technologies here. In addition to classic sparkling wines, you can find carbonated wine drinks on store shelves. A striking example of such a drink is the beloved "Bosco" at a price of 250 to 300 rubles (producing country - Lithuania, Russia, Italy).

Another example is the wonderful Lambrusco, which belongs to the category of pearl wines (producing country - Italy), the price varies from 250 to 800 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Delicious and sweet, low-grade Lambrusco is liked by many young girls and women. But do not chase the low price - a good Lambrusco cannot be cheap!

Remember that neither Bosco nor Lambrusco are examples of sparkling wines and are produced using a completely different technology!

Read the label and back label carefully. Many manufacturers in the race for sales are cunning and write the following: labrusco, lambrusco. This is a so-called marketing ploy, it is not prosecuted by law. The main thing to remember is that this product has nothing to do with real Italian.

You can buy these wines in almost any store. It is likely that such a present is suitable for visiting or for a modest romantic date. It is better to refrain from handing such drinks to the hero of the day or a high-ranking official, so as not to get into a delicate situation.

Russia and its age-old traditions

Let's be patriots of our Fatherland and start our rating of champagne wines from a Russian manufacturer. Since pre-revolutionary times, Russian winemakers have been trying to produce worthy sparkling wines. Historical evidence of this is Prince Golitsyn, who is considered the founder and progenitor of the glorious Russian winemaking.

As a gift for a reasonable price, you can buy sparkling wine from a popular manufacturer "Abrau Durso". You should pay attention to his exposure. It is she who determines the final price of the goods. Choose vintage options in gift boxes. The price for 0.75 liters of goods is from 1,800 rubles. Do you think it's expensive? Actually it's worth it!

Factory New World produces classic, aged sparkling wines produced in compliance with all the rules. The product line is widely represented in the branded shops of the Crimean winemakers. Wine aging - from 9 months to 3 years, which significantly affects the price. Champagne can have a different sugar content, be white, pink and red. As a gift, only its seasoned versions are suitable. For such a gift, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles.

With a competent approach, any buyer will be able to buy as a gift an excellent and high-quality "champagne" from TD "Fanagoria". For example, at a price of 500 rubles.

How much sugar should you put in?

Proper sparkling wine or, as we used to call it, champagne should be brut or dry. Only the most fermented sugar allows you to enjoy the true taste of the contents. The presence of sugar suggests that they may smooth out imperfections; such “champagne” does not leave a harmonious aftertaste.

Brut or dry is an ideal aperitif, but sweet or semi-sweet go only for dessert.

When choosing a gift, you should still take into account the preferences of the hero of the occasion. If a person does not like acidity, then it is better to present him with sweeter versions of sparkling wines. The best present will be the well-known Italian sparkling wines produced in the small province of Asti, which is geographically located in the world-famous Piedmont region. These sparkling wines are made from the famous Muscat grape variety. Thanks to him, they are so tasty and rich. Look for the letters DOCG on the front and back labels. Their presence suggests that you are holding true, sweet, nutmeg gold from Piedmont.

The best seller in this category is undoubtedly Italian sparkling wine. "Mondoro Asti". Many recognize him by the original bottle, which has a helical, spiral shape. The retail price for 0.75 liters is from 1,250 rubles. But do not confuse Asti with Mondoro Brut, as this is a completely different story.

Definitely for the sweet tooth a good gift will become « Asti Martini" and « Asti Cinzano». These drinks occupy the second and third places in the market for sales of sparkling sweet and semi-sweet wines, and are not much inferior in quality to their more expensive counterpart Mondoro. Their price on the shelf is approximately 850-900 rubles. These items are often discounted. Sparkling wine is sold in convenience stores and is a product of mass demand.

France - pathetic and expensive

Do you want to follow French fashion and be in trend, as modern youth say? Do you want to deliberately emphasize the significance of your gift and have a tidy sum Money? Then feel free to go to a wine boutique or look at the top shelves of reputable stores. In ordinary stores that are located in the courtyard and belong to the economy class category (for example, the Magnit chain of stores), such sparkling wines are not sold.

We are talking about France and its incomparable with any other champagne wines. The Champagne region is the best in the world and offers the buyer a choice of several categories of champagne. AOC category says that the wine is especially controlled by origin (literal translation: appellation original control). The other two categories are of higher quality, they are called Grand Cru and Premier Cru, respectively read as great and first.

An unmistakable gift option can be "The Widow Clicquot" and Moet and Chandon » . These trading houses are among the top five world brands. The price for 1 bottle of such champagne varies from 5,500 rubles and depends on the trade margin and design option (for example, an iron tube costs more).

Millesime champagne, which is made from the best grapes harvested by hand in one calendar year, will be a great gift for a sophisticated gourmet. Chic quality dictates the high price of such a drink. It can reach more than 10 thousand rubles. and even 20 thousand rubles. for 0.75 liters.

Famous Dom Perignon (Dom Perignon) the 2006 harvest is estimated at 18,000 rubles per 1 bottle.

There are also quite rare exclusive names of sparkling wines. awesome "Crystal" is every collector's dream. The minimum price of such liquid gold starts from 22,000 rubles.

Italy - sparkling traditions

One of the leaders in the supply of sparkling wines on the world market and a competitor to France is sunny Italy. The aforementioned region of Asti gives the world sparkling wines with a high content of natural sugar. To select the category of dry and brut, the well-known Prosecco produced from the grape variety of the same name. It has two quality categories - DOC and DOCG. Both categories indicate that the wine is especially controlled by origin, and the letter G indicates a higher quality assurance.

In addition to Prosecco, Italy is famous for other sparkling wines made from various varieties of red and white grapes. They are not particularly popular among consumers and will most likely be purchased only by special order in an online store or in a specialized wine boutique. Decent quality contains it is made in the Piedmont region from a rather rare variety of white Nebbiolo grapes. The price for 0.75 liters cannot be called budgetary - from 5,300 rubles.

Spain - quality in a glass

Every self-respecting country, one way or another, produces sparkling wines. Spain is known for its red tannin wines from the Rioja region. Not many buyers know that one of the best examples of sparkling wines is Spanish Kava. It comes in white or pink and combines the best traditions of champagne. Cava is produced using the traditional classical method and guarantees excellent quality at a reasonable price (compared to the Champagne region). Shelf price - from 700 rubles and more.

Sparkling wines of the New World

The countries of the New World include Chile, Australia, South Africa, Argentina. If we talk about Chile, then this country offers both white, rosé and red types of sparkling wines to the Russian market. Among others, you can find sweeter options.

For a lovely lady gift, you can choose Fresita, gift box sparkling rose, sweet, costing from 1,300 rubles per 0.75 liter.

For a drier option, opt for Conchay toro, « Sunrise» Sparkling Brut. Its price is quite budgetary and amounts to 600-650 rubles, and you don’t have to worry about the quality. Both options are presented in a gift box, which is very important for a gift.

Give high-quality alcohol, and let the donee be delighted!

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