Flowers in German. Blumen in German with translation. German idioms with the word "white"

Landscape design 18.07.2020
Landscape design

The perception of color is associated with a person's perception of the surrounding world. Therefore, the designations of various colors and their shades inevitably find their reflection in the language system. However, in different languages, the color designation and, accordingly, the color rendition are not produced in the same way. The German vocabulary used to convey colors has its own national characteristics and is naturally associated with the history and traditions of the German people.

To transfer color to german it is necessary to get acquainted with the basic vocabulary related to the color scheme, as well as the peripheral color vocabulary - additional color shades. Each individual primary color forms a kind of core, the center of the family, around which words are grouped that are directly related to a given color and convey all kinds of its shades.

Russian color designation


redrotorangegelbdas Rot
yellowdas Gelb
greendas Grün
bluedas Blau
purpledas Violett
Russian color designation German color designation (adjective) German color designation (noun)
purpleliladas Lila
whiteweissdas Weiss
the blackschwarzdas Schwarz
brownbraundas braun
terracottaterracota, terrakotadas Terrakota
greygraudas Grau
beigebeigedas Beige

The color designation in the German language can be based on a variety of motives associated with almost any area of \u200b\u200bhuman life and activity, as well as the surrounding nature and wildlife. The shades of the base color can be indicated by comparing the base color with the color of certain trees, fruits, landscapes, seasons, substances, minerals, proper names, drinks, etc. (for example, tannengrün - a dark green color comparable to the color of spruce needles; tomatenrot - dull red color, comparable to the color of ripe tomatoes; maigrün - bright green color, reminiscent of the color of fresh spring greens; safari - the color of the sun-scorched African savanna, etc.). In the situation described, the adjectives denoting color can be either simple or complex (consisting of two stems). Compound adjectives can also be formed by adding two bases, the first of which is the adjectives light (hell-), dark (dunkel-), medium saturation, intensity (mittel-), deep (tief-), and the second is a color, the shade of which conveys this complex adjective, for example: dark red - dunkelrot; light green - hellgrün; medium intensity blue - mittelblau.

Russian color designation German color designation (adjective)
flesh colorFleischfarbe
light pinkZartrosa
light pinkHellrosa
hot pink, deep pink with a slight bluish tintPink
light redHellrot
coral red, coralKorallenrot
medium-intensity red, visually perceptible pure redMittelrot
orange-red, orangeOrangerot
wine red, wine redWeinrot
dark redDunkelrot
raspberry redhimbeerfarbig
ruby redRubinrot
blood redBlutrot
carmine red, scarlet, bright redKarminrot
purplish red, magenta (cold red)Purpurrot
muted brownish red (fall foliage color)Herbstrot
red clay colorTonscherbenrot

light greenHellgrün
pale greenBlassgrün
poisonous greenGiftgrün
olive greenOlivgrün
emerald greenSmaragdgrün
grassy greenGrasgrün
bright green color of spring greenFrühlingsgrün
pale greenLindgrün
pistachio greenPistaziengrün
dark green color of spruce needlesTannengrün
medium greenMittelgrün
dark greenDunkelgrün
gasoline colorPetrolgrün
greenish blueBlaugrün
salad colorSalatfarbe
khaki, marshKhaki

yellow neutralNeutralgelb
lemon yellowZitronengelb
color of ripe cornMaisgelb
brownish yellowIndischgelb
golden yellowGoldgelb
light yellow, straw yellowHellgelb
brownish yellow, curry colorCurrygelb
sand colorSandgelb
canary yellow, canaryKanariengelb
color of mustardSenffarbe
champagne colorChampagner
vanilla colorVanilla
calm yellow of medium intensityMittelgelb

light brownHellbraun
medium brownMittelbraun
dark brownDunkelbraun
dark brownTiefbraun
chocolate brown, chocolateSchokoladenbraun
deep brownMaronenbraun
brown with a touch of ocherOckerbraun
earthy brown, earthyErdbraun
brick colorZiegelfarbe
nutty, light brownHaselnussbraun
terracotta, baked clay colorTerracotta
light brown, wheatWeizenbraun
flax colorLeinenfarbe
golden brownGoldbraun
brown with a bronze tint (shimmer)Bronzefarbe

pale blueBlassblau
light blue, light blueHellblau
medium blueMittelblau
dark blueDunkelblau
very dark blueNachtblau
cobalt blue, bright, rich shade of blueKobaltblau
royal blue, pure and bright blueKönigsblau
marine blue, ultramarineMarineblau
denim blue, the color of classic denimJeansblau
indigo blueIndigoblau
arctic blue, light blueArktisblau
polar blue, light bluePolarblau
light turquoiseHelltürkis
smoky blueRauchblau
blue-black, ink colorSchwarzblau
bright blue, sky blue, azureAzurblau
blue with a shade of purpleViolettblau
sky blueHimmelblau
cornflower blueKornblumenblau

light purpleHellviolet
medium intensity purpleMittelviolet
dark purpleDunkelviolet
light purpleHelllila
dark purpleDunkellila
deep dark purpleTieflila
plum blossomPflaume
eggplant colorAubergine

The palette of the color picture of the surrounding world is very complex and diverse. The transfer of different color shades in a large number of cases is directly related to the images of specific objects with which certain colors are associated in the human mind, for example: fuchsia color - Fuchsia, classic denim color - Jeansblau, coffee color - Kaffeebraun, eggplant color - Aubergine, deep dark -blue color (color of the night) - Mitternachstblau, etc.

In general, with regard to the vocabulary related to the transfer of color in the German language, we can say that it is much more specific, that is, there are much more lexical units for the transfer of color shades in the German language than in Russian. In this sense, the Russian language is inclined towards a more abstract rendering of colors and their shades and for the most part tends to use colors from the main (basic) spectrum in almost any life situation.

Request "Flowers" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Request "Flowers" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Flower (plural flowers, lat. ... Wikipedia

FLOWER - (Lat. flos, Greek anthos), an organ of reproduction of angiosperms (flowering) plants. In bisexual C., micro and megasporogenesis, micro and megagametogenesis, pollination, fertilization, development of the embryo, and the formation of a fetus with seeds occur. Ts. ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Flower - Flower. Various types of flower. With double perianth: 1 regular (stellate); 2 incorrect (2a clear, 2b valerian). With a simple perianth: 3 corolla-shaped (scrub); 4 calyx (elm). Without perianth (willow): 5 staminate; 6 ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Flower - A flower is a whole system of organs, moreover, the system is quite complex. The functions of a flower are diverse: at different stages of its development, micro and megasporogenesis, pollination (usually carried out with the assistance of transfer agents ... ... Biological encyclopedia

FLOWER - FLOWER, flower, pl. flowers (bot., region) and flowers, husband. 1. Part of a plant, usually in the form of a corolla of petals surrounding a pistil with stamens, and is a reproductive organ. The most prominent part of its corolla is often called a flower, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

FLOWER - FLOWER, a structural component in all POTATO-SEED (flowering) plants, which ensures reproduction. It has four groups of organs located in a circle on the COLORFUL axis. The outer elements of the flower, united by the term perianth ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

flower - color, flower, flowering, flower, seven-color flower, light, golden balls, cruciferous flower, trumpet flower, inflorescence, strobil, rosette, orchid, cockerel, daisy, dahlia, immortelle, tuberose, gladiolus, camellia, aquilegia, iris, mimosa, buttercup , ... ... Synonym dictionary

flower - aromatic (Polezhaev); fragrant (Vyatkin, Corinthian); mute (Sologub); breathless (Pushkin); fragrant (Krandievskaya); fragrant (Kozlov, Ratgauz); pristine (Vyatkin); shy (Balmont, Tarasov); haughty (Balmont); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

flower - FLOWER, colloquial. decrease color, raz. decrease flower ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

FLOWER - the organ of sexual reproduction of flowering plants; specialized shortened shoot. In a flower, a receptacle, a perianth (calyx and corolla), androecium are a set of stamens, a gynoecium is a set of carpels that form one or ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

FLOWER - FLOWER, fabric, pl. flowers, ov and flowers, ov, husband. 1. (plural flowers). A plant propagation organ with a corolla of petals around the pistil and stamens. sedentary c. (without pedicel; spec.). Female c. (only with pestle or pistils; spec.). Male c. ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Flower 17-2018 Buy for 30 rubles eBook
  • Flower 15-2018, Editorial office of Flower magazine. Practical magazine for florists and summer residents. Want to learn more about growing plants? Are you dreaming of turning your garden plot into a garden of paradise? "Flower" talks about caring for ...

On often skipping selections, which sometimes amaze with the thematic number of words. Well, for example, a list of animal names. IN real life we can immediately name somewhere 10-15 of the most frequently used animals in our language, but other, less noticeable creatures remain in the shadows.

And naturally, we will not be able to name them in any other foreign language. You can also remember the selection with the names of fruits. I admit that you know most of the names, but here are some just fading into the background, which is not very good if you work for any fruit company. This is not only about fruits, remember at least the names of stationery in your target language (selection) and you will understand what else you have to learn and teach.

Today we will be studying another similar collection, which will become a useful source of information for many amateurs. Before moving on to the study, what are the flowers (Blumen) you know in German? I think the first place will be a rose (Rosa), a lily (Lilie), right? You will be surprised, but the list of colors (Blumen) in German is as long as in our native language.

Naturally, we will not study any exotic names there, but only the most popular and frequently used ones.

List of studied German names for flowers:

Aster - aster (Aster L.); callistephus (Callistephus Cass.)
Begonie - begonia (Begonia L.)
Chrysantheme - chrysanthemum (Indian) (Chrysanthemum (indicum) L.)
Gänseblümchen - daisy (Bellis L.)
Gladiole - skewer, gladiolus (Gladiolus L.)
Löwenzahn - dandelion (Taraxacum Wigg.)
Nelke - carnation (Dianthus L.)
Orchidee - orchid
Rose - rose (Rosa L.)
Vergißmeinnicht - forget-me-not (Myosotis L.)
Dahlie - dahlia; dahlia (Dahlia Cav.)
Gartennelke - garden carnation [Dutch] (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)
Ringelblume - calendula (Calendula L.); marigold
Sonnenblume - sunflower (Helianthus L.)
Alpenveilchen - alpine violet (Cyclamen L.)
Pelargonie - pelargonium (Pelargonium L'Hér.); pelargonium, geranium
Stiefmütterchen - tricolor violet, pansies (Viola tricolor L.)
Veilchen - violet (Viola L.)
Krokus - saffron (Crocus L.)
Lilie - lily (Lilium L.)
Lotos - lotus (Nelumbium Juss.)
Maiglöckchen - lily of the valley (May) (Convallaria (majalis) L.)
Narzisse - daffodil (Narcissus L.)
Schneeglöckchen - snowdrop (Galanthus L.)
Tulpe - tulip (Tulipa L.)
Lavendel - lavender (Lavandula L.)
Tigerlilie - tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum Ker-Gawl.)
Hyazinth - So. Hyacinth (beautiful youth)
Kamellie - camellia (Camellia L.)
Flieder - lilac (Syringa L.)

There is one misfire. There is no correct article before the name, somehow I missed the moment. But this is not a problem, because you can simply edit the card in your own way.

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