The female name of Bogdan at baptism. The meaning of the name Bogdan. Name interpretation. Name Bogdan in English

Laminate 14.07.2020

The name Bogdan is a name of Slavic origin. It is a two-root name consisting of the root "God" and the root "give". It's believed that the meaning of the name Bogdan is "God-given". In fact, this is a tracing from the Greek name Theodotos (Θεόδοτος), because the name Theodotos is translated absolutely identically.

It is worth noting that, having come to the Russian language, the name Theodotos underwent a modification to Theodot, and then to the familiar name Fedot. In Orthodox church practice, it is believed that instead of the name Bogdan in church sacraments, the name Theodotos should be used. Another related name is the name Fedor. It also originates from the name Theodotos, and therefore has the same meaning. You can learn more about it by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Bogdan for a child

Little Bogdan is a smart and capable child. Unfortunately, it is worth adding that he is a rather capricious and difficult child to raise. Bogdan often has an increased stubbornness, but with a little correction, this can be turned into a positive side. As you get older, this feature will show up less and less. Also, parents should be attentive to the mental stress for the child, because it is the overload of the psyche that activates its negative features. If you reduce the load on the child to the optimum, then this will minimize negative character traits.

Bogdan studies quite successfully, although there are not enough stars from the sky. He is given both the exact and the humanities. It is typical for Bogdan to succumb too much to the influence of his environment. This requires more attention from parents. The boy is quite hardworking, but shows this quality only with a certain interest. In studies, a lot will depend on Bogdan's teachers.

The health of the child is rather average than strong. You can’t call Bogdan’s very weak health, but his features nervous system may be adversely affected by unfavorable factors. Do not forget that even doctors have the phrase "all diseases are from the nerves." For Bogdan, it is especially important to get enough rest and not to overload once again.

Abbreviated name Bogdan

Bodya, Bodka, Boyda, Boni, Danya, Danko, Dan, Dani.

Diminutive names

Bogdashka, Bogdanchik, Bogdanushka, Bodyushka, Bogdasya, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Danechka, Danushka.

Patronymic of children

Bogdanovich and Bogdanovna. There is a colloquial form of male patronymic - Bogdanych.

Name Bogdan in English

AT English language the name Bogdan is spelled as Bogdan.

Name Bogdan for passport- BOGDAN.

Translation of the name Bogdan into other languages

in Old Russian - Bogdan
in Belarusian - Bagdan
in Bulgarian - Bogdan
in Polish - Bogdan
in Romanian - Bogdan
in Serbian - Bogdan
in Ukrainian - Bogdan
in Czech - Bohdan

Church name Bogdan(in the Orthodox faith) - Theodotus. It is this name that Bogdan should use in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Bogdan

An adult Bogdan can be described as a strong and courageous man. He is easy to communicate, and the logic of his position always attracts people to him. Adult Bogdan is a balanced and calm man who has a wide circle of friends and a good reputation. He successfully knows how to use his strengths, and tries not to show the weak once again. Bogdan's weaknesses include his temper. He knows how to control this shortcoming well, but control does not relieve internal tension.

Bogdan is hardworking, and one can only envy his perseverance. If the case is interesting to him, then his ingenuity and intelligence are manifested. He likes to work for himself or without obvious bosses. Bogdan perfectly manifests himself as a businessman, physician or engineer. In fact, he will be successful in any profession that he likes. But if the work is a burden to him, then the result should not be expected.

In family relationships, Bogdan is always the leader. He is a wonderful family man and an excellent owner of the house, although sometimes he has traits of despotism, but this is a rarity. He fully takes care of the material well-being of the family. Bogdan does not like it if his wife works a lot. For him, the ideal of a woman is a selfless mother of his children and a reliable assistant in life. He gratefully accepts help from his wife, although outwardly he rarely shows gratitude. He devotes a lot of time to children, but this is mainly due to their moral education, and not to domestic needs.

The secret of the name Bogdan

The secret of Bogdan can be called his cool temper. Adult Bogdan rarely demonstrates it, as he is well aware of its danger. Many who know Bogdan do not even know what Bogdan can be like in anger. It's better if it stays a secret.

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The meaning and characteristics of the name Bogdan

The name Bogdan appeared during the time of the ancient Slavs, and in translation it means "given by God." There is a version according to which this name is one of the forms of the Greek name Theodotus.

As a child, Bogdan is very attached to his mother. He spends most of his time with her, considers her his best friend.

Growing up, the boy makes friends, but more often they become older children, and not peers. Bogdan studies well, but he has to be constantly forced to do his homework, to work, since the owner of this name is very lazy by nature.

As an adult, a man acquires such qualities as independence and purposefulness, he constantly struggles with his own laziness, and often does it very successfully.

As a rule, Bogdan manages to build a good career, but if he becomes a boss, subordinates usually do not like him because of dryness and intractability.

Attachment to the mother remains with a person for life, and Bogdan often looks for a wife who looks like a mother - in appearance and in character.

A girl who dreams of winning the heart of the owner of the name in question should unconditionally love a man and devote her life only to him alone.

Congratulations for Bogdan on his name day in verse

Bogdan, given by God and beloved by all,
Good friend and dear friend,
We congratulate you and wish you happiness
May your life path be wonderful!

Always remain reliable and faithful,
After all, these qualities are so appreciated in you!
Be responsible, young, positive,
Only success awaits you in fate!

Happy holiday, Bogdan, I heartily congratulate you!
I wish you ease in business and life for many years!
Let everything in life be good, there will be relatives, relatives,
I wish that grief bypassed, that you love and be loved!

SMS congratulations to Bogdan on his birthday

On this festive day, I want to wish you success in everything! Let your work be sure to be appreciated at work, and at home you will always find coziness and comfort, loved ones and relatives! And, of course, I wish you good health - may it not let you down for many, many years!

The beautiful name Bogdan - you seem to be given by God himself!
I wish you prosperity, so that there is always summer in your soul!

We Russians have mostly Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Syrian, Persian names... There are also Slavic names in the calendar. But how many are there? You can count on the fingers. Men's: Bogdan, Bogolep, Boris, Boyan, Branko, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Vsevolod, Gleb, Gorazd, Igor, Mstislav, Oleg, Svyatoslav, Razumnik, Rostislav, Yuri, Yaropolk, Yaroslav. Women's: Faith, Hope, Love, Lyudmila, Svetlana, Zlata, Mstislava, Militsa. Everything! Isn't that enough for a multi-million nation? So there are no more Russian names, someone will say. How not? And Bronislav, Bogorad, Bogolyub, Velimud, Volibor, Vlastemil, Gordey, Gorislav, Gostomysl, Granislav, Dobronrav, Druzhina, Ladimir, Luchezar, Lyubomud, Milorad, Nadezha, Novik, Peresvet, Putimir, Radogost, Ratmir, Ratibor, Svetozar, Slavomir , Stoum, Svyatopolk, Tverdimir, Tverdislav, Brave, Jaromir ... And Bozhana, Vesnyanka, Vidan, Golub, Darina, Dobrava, Zhdana, Zorina, Zvenislav, Kupava, Krasa, Lada, Lubomir, Swan, Miloslava, Mlada, Radmila, Svetozara, Slavyana ... There are names, but they are forgotten, and they are not in the calendar. But the Greeks called their children their names. Why didn't they take Jewish names - after all, Christianity came to them from the Jews? Responsible of the Prince Vladimir Cathedral Archpriest Vladimir Sorokin and rector of the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the village of Pesochny Archpriest Igor Filin.
O. Igor:- It happened historically. The Greeks adopted Christianity a thousand years before us. This means that the Greeks were contemporaries of the apostles and that there were no saints then as such. Therefore, the Greeks were baptized under their pagan names, which were then sanctified by the feats that the saints of God who wore them performed in the name of Christ. Bulgarians and Serbs also retained their pagan names. And only in Russia they began to be baptized in the name of a saint. After all, what is Baptism? Baptism is the birth of a new person, and if a new person is born, then he must have a new name. Therefore, the Russians abandoned their pagan names, which, nevertheless, did not disappear without a trace, but became surnames. By the way, the same Serbs who have retained pagan names do not have personal patron saints, but they do have a holy family. And with us, every person, in addition to the Guardian Angel, also has his own holy heavenly patron and protector. This is the age-old tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the way, the Greeks also use Jewish names, for example, St. John Chrysostom.

Here is the name Fedot (i.e. given by God), so there is Russian name Bogdan. I will call my son that, and from childhood he will know that he is a child given by God. And the question will arise in him: “Who is God? Why did God give you me? And now you can talk with him about God, about Christ, about Love. And if the son's name is Fedya, will he have such questions? Maybe. But much later. Because his name means nothing to him. Susanna - why not call Lily?

O. Vladimir:- When we adopted Christianity, the Greeks took advantage of this and introduced their names. We now continue the same tradition: when we baptize Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs into Orthodoxy ... then we give them names according to the holy calendar, but they also have their own names. There was Tolgat, there was Anatoly. Although this is an interesting question: why can't we save a person's name, what his parents called him? And maybe he will glorify him! And we, if we were baptized with the names of our ancestors, would now have heavenly patrons with Slavic names. These are the problems that life puts before us, and we must dare to solve them somehow.

O. Igor: Over the past millennium, not only names, but also biblical truths have become so firmly ingrained in our consciousness that we don’t even wonder where they come from. We actively use words and whole phrases from the Holy Scriptures in communication with each other. Many Russian folk proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, flying phrases - this storehouse of folk wisdom - go back to the texts of Holy Scripture. For example: "Who does not work shall not eat" -"In the sweat of your face you will eat bread..."(Gen.3.19) ; "Friend is known in trouble"- “A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of adversity”(Prov. 17.17) ; "He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind" -“But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain: he is God’s servant, the avenger for the punishment of the one who does evil” (Rom.13.4) ; "As it comes around, it will respond" -"And as you want people to do to you, do to them"(Luke 6.31) ; "Trouble has come - open the gate" -“Trouble after misfortune: the whole earth is devastated, my tents are suddenly destroyed, instantly my tents”(Jer. 4.20); "You can't hide an awl in a bag" -"There is nothing hidden that would not be revealed, and secret that would not be recognized"(Matthew 10.26); "My tongue is my enemy" -"The tongue of a fool is his ruin"(Prov. 18.7), “None of the people can tame the tongue: it is an uncontrollable evil”(James 3.8)...

O.Vladimir:- By the way, we know examples when, along with the Orthodox name, the former one was also preserved. At baptism, St. Prince Vladimir was named Vasily, but we know him and honor him under the name of Vladimir, and both names are recorded in the holy calendar. The same story with the holy equal to the apostle prince Olga - in baptism she is Elena.

It is a pity that this tradition of double names has not been preserved. I named, for example, my son Nadezh, and in baptism, let it be Nikolai. But the name Nadezha will be clear to him from childhood, and he will involuntarily strive to become a support for his parents. And if I name my son Kopriy, i.e. dung, or Cornelius - horned? ..

O.Vladimir: Tried to leave their pagan names. So after all, such attempts were drowned in the Dnieper ... But the idea of ​​​​names translated into Russian has the right to be. You can plant literate, interested deacons for this work.

O. Igor:- Old Russian names were also not all euphonious. This is clearly seen from our surnames, formed from proper names - Krivoruchenkov, Tolstopuzov ... So, someone was once called Tolstopuz, Krivoruky ... And there are euphonious names in the calendar: Alexander is the protector of people, Victor is the winner, John (Ivan) - The Grace of God, Elijah - The Fortress of the Lord ...

Why then not name the child like this: Winner, Defender ... Why call Lukin (lat.), Faina (Greek), Fotina (Greek), Aglaya - that is, light, if there is a Russian name - Svetlana? Or Victoria (lat.) - victory, you can call it that - Victory. Chionia - snowy - in Russian Snezhana; Chrysia is golden, what is worse than Slavic Zlata? Anfisa is blooming, Anfusa is a flower, but isn't our Tsvetana better? Melania (Greek) - black, our Chernava, Susanna (Heb.) - white lily, in our opinion - Lily, and no matter what color. Philosopher - lover of wisdom - our Lubomud. Or is our faith less strong and correct with Russian names?

O. Igor: Because Aglaya, Anfisa, Fedot, Philosopher... are the names of saints. Their bearers were such examples of piety and holiness! And you need to be able to honorably bear their names and try to imitate at least one virtue of your saint.

However, I do not think that if someone suddenly wants to call their child an old Russian name, there will be some obstacles to this. Although, of course, it will cause bewilderment for a priest who is used to a certain stereotype that is passed down from generation to generation. Personally, when they bring a child to be baptized, I always say: “In honor of which saint will we name the baby?” There is a special prayer for naming! And I always recommend giving the child orthodox name. Baptism in honor of a saint gives the newborn a heavenly patron. And upon the death of a person and the transition of his soul to another world, her Guardian Angel and patron saint meet her and help her to go through the ordeals.

Names must be orthodox. Then how to understand such: Bacchus - the god of winemaking; Gorgonius - belonging to the Gorgon of hell; Isidore is a gift from Isis, the Egyptian goddess; Onufry - related to the sacred Egyptian bull; Nymphodora is a gift of nymphs, the lowest pagan goddesses... All of them are in the calendar. And the semantic translation of some names leads to amazement. For example: Agav - locust; Ardalion - a vessel for watering cattle or soiled; Dormedont - carried on spears; Psoy - meat on the loins; Sasonius - ape; Satyr - lustful; Kapiton - big-headed; Kondrat - square; Silan - fountain pipe; Mark - fading; Spiridon - a round wicker basket; Vissarion - coughing; War - bow-legged; Claudia is lame. For example, the long-awaited daughter will be called Claudia Vissarionovna - a coughing limp, or Claudia Kornilovna - a horned limp ... Other names are more like nicknames for which we scold children. It is clear that when the first Russians were baptized - peasants, warriors, artisans ... they did not know the translation of names, but we do know. The name Judas has a wonderful meaning - glorious. But who wants to name their son that? And in the holy calendar this name is. Finally, the names are simply unpleasant for the Russian ear: Gavinius, Khusdazat, Akaki...

O.Vladimir: Yes, I agree with you that there is a problem. Thank God that not many look at the calendar and pay attention to the meaning of the name. And you know, before the revolution, some priests, and even now, probably, there are such tricksters, speculated on this, especially in the villages. They brought a child to be baptized, and the priest said to them: “Well, how? You better pay prettier name give the baby." After all, the priests used to hold a monopoly on the assignment of a baptized name. So all sorts of Akaki, Khuzdazada, Proskudii, Kazdoi, Reptiles, Pistas, Gavinii appeared ... Now the priests have lost this right.

O. Igor:-What difference does it make what name is Greek, Russian, Jewish or Syrian and how is it translated? For people of faith, this problem does not exist. They do not look at the translation of the name, because they do not give the meaning of the name to their child - they give the baby the name of a saint who performed some feats in the name of Christ. The saint sanctified this name with his righteous life. And here it doesn’t matter what people this name originally belongs to, for the Lord "There is neither Greek nor Jew"(Col. 3.11). And even if the name is not very harmoniously translated, you need to read the life of the saint, and you will be imbued with love and reverence for him. It is not the name that is important - the saint is important.

By the way, today there are cases when, at the request of the baptized themselves, a priest names a person according to the holy calendar, regardless of the name given by the parents. Here a man lived for half a century, decided to be baptized and asks: "I would like a name in honor of such and such a saint." It means that the life and deeds of this particular saint touched something in the hidden corners of his soul, and it doesn’t matter to him how the name of God’s saint is translated. We had a resident - she had already gone to another world - whose name was Rimma. They baptized her with the name Mary when she believed and decided to be baptized. She was already in her fifties. But from the moment she was baptized, among her acquaintances and friends she introduced herself only as Mary. And we all here called her Maria Borisovna. She wanted to be called after her saint. After all, if I am a Christian, I want my saint to be closer to me.

When I was a child, my parents gave me the name Igor. At the age of 35 I believed in God, was baptized, and at the age of 40 I became a priest. And I was interested, what does my name mean, what did my saint please the Lord? I read the life, I found out that Igor is good. Grand Duke Chernigov and Kyiv, in baptism he was George (Comm. 18 June). I shared the discovery with my relatives, and it turned out that my mother really wanted to call me Yura. But dad opposed, because a young man named Yuri was courting his mother in his youth. So both names of my saint are present in my life.

- But there are times when a person was baptized, he grows up and, receiving a passport, changes his name. She was Elena, she wanted to become Aelita. Well, it turns out that a person renounces his heavenly patron? And, then, the saint leaves such a person?

O. Igor:
- A person has the right to change the name, as well as the surname. Another thing - why? But God does not refuse anyone - the Lord provides for any person while he is alive. The grace of God operates beyond all logic. And the saints do not leave a person if he resorts to their prayerful help. For today a person has changed his name, and tomorrow he can return to it. And then, this is Aelita according to her passport, and when she comes to church, she calls herself Elena and takes communion as Elena, and the Lord knows her child as Elena. But it is better when a person has one - Christian - name.
I'll tell you one case. Many years ago I lived with my parents in a communal apartment. And we had neighbors whose head of the family was called Rodion Zakharovich. But for some reason his wife called him Volodya... It turned out that he was from the village, and his father somehow managed to quarrel with the local priest. And the child, when born, must be baptized! Brought to the native church. The priest, despite the offense, naturally cannot refuse the Sacrament of Baptism, he asks the parents: “What will we call the child?” “We named our son Volodya,” they answer. Here the priest opens the calendar and solemnly proclaims: “Volodya is gone today, Rodya is.” Parents pleadingly: “Yes, we would like to ...” But the priest already proclaims: “The servant of God Rodion is being baptized ...” and wrote down in the baptismal book: “Rodion”. So... And in the future, when he was given some documents, this was done on the basis of a church book, which was earlier instead of a book of acts of civil status. And everywhere officially he was Rodion. But in the family he was stubbornly called Volodya ...

- Father, you said at the beginning of the conversation that if someone wanted to name their son Nadezha, then they could be baptized that way. Why do the priests refuse to baptize the same Angelique and Venus?

O. Igor:
- Because there is a centuries-old tradition, which is already perceived as a pious rite, and a person acts without hesitation - according to the established tradition. The priest is also a person who lives inside the tradition. And in order for him to argue on this topic, he must have the need, time and desire for this. By the way, among the unreasonable traditions is, for example, the fact that any person who has been baptized can be buried, served for proskomedia ... But if a person was baptized, but did not live like a Christian, then what kind of Christian is he? The Lord will look not at the record in the Baptismal certificate, but at your heart, your thoughts and deeds. Nevertheless, this tradition is still preserved in some places.

But even the names of fairy-tale and epic heroes are not Russian in our country: Elisha (Heb.), Eremey (Greek), Ilya (Heb.) Muromets, Vasilisa (Greek), Wise, Elena (Greek). Mashenka (Hebrew) and Nastenka (Greek) are also not Russian names. How can one think in Russian, if from the cradle our children hear names that say nothing to their mind and heart, because they do not understand their meaning, for them it is just a set of sounds. And if the hero of a fairy tale or epic was called Dobrolyub, Svyatoslav, Nadezha - this is understandable and makes you want to be like good, strong and fair heroes. But our children do not always even know the meaning of their own non-Russian name. We say that it is necessary to preserve the Russian language, which unites the nation. Doesn't the preservation of the language begin with the preservation of Russian names, by which we should be called?

O.Igor: - See what's going on around. There is a degradation of culture as such and a simplification of the Russian language, as well as other languages. And this process did not start today. “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, discovered at the end of the 18th century by the collector of ancient Russian manuscripts A.I. Musin-Pushkin, even then (!) Surprised by the fact that each bird sings in its own way, has its own verb. A rooster crows, a cuckoo crows, a sparrow chirps, cranes coo, swallows chirp, a warbler crows, a goose cackles, a duck quacks... In our time, we speak succinctly about every bird: it sings. That is, a rich palette of names, features that distinguish one living being from another has been lost. And so it is with everything. We impoverish our speech, thereby impoverishing our lives. It's the same as if we had not color, but black and white vision. Today, young people do not like to read. The four volumes of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" are not read at once, as my generation did, but a brief retelling that fits on two sheets runs diagonally. Can we say that these people have read Tolstoy, that they know, love and understand the Russian language? Here's what you need to talk about.

And to know one's roots, one's literature, to know history and customs, including pre-Christian ones, of course, is necessary. In order to understand the place and role of Russia and the Russian people, Russian civilization in world history; understand what we have acquired in the process historical development and what was lost. And we gained immeasurably more with the adoption of Christianity.

Posted by Irina RUBTSOVA

Calendar, when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Bogdan

Saints with the name Bogdan are revered 3 times.

  • March 4 - Bogdan Darianopolsky, martyr.
  • July 17 - Bogdan Rimsky, martyr;
  • September 15 - Bogdan of Caesarea, martyr;

Characteristics of the birthday boy Bogdan:

From the Old Slavonic language - given by God. The name is not canonical, not recognized by the church. In ancient times it meant "given by the gods". It is possible that this is a literal translation of the Greek name Theodotus - given by God.

The main personality traits are highly moral, receptive, constantly looking for something and somewhere, possessing good health and strong will, as well as deeply hidden animal instincts.

It is a pleasure to live or work with him. Bogdan rotates constantly among ordinary people, where he is given a lot of attention, and where he is loved. He always gives the impression of lightness, spontaneity, far from hard efforts.

In fact, there is no lightness - he keeps everything inside himself, which makes him very nervous. However, due to the fact that Bogdan's reaction speed is usually slow, until he figure out "what, why and when", then during this time he will gradually calm down and forget about what worried him.

In general, Bogdan has a very good memory, knows how to find a way out of any, the most hopeless situations. At the same time, all his actions comply with the rules of worldly morality. Bogdan usually has good health. As for his sexuality, everything here depends on the strength of heart affection.

With his beloved wife, in a good family, Bogdan "blooms and smells", as if in paradise. Bogdan's friends consider him an eternal student, because he likes all professions - medicine, psychology, pedagogy, law, economics. Maybe Bogdan is not quite perfect, like us, he can go astray, but he can always find a way out and solve all his problems.

Congratulations on the birthday of Bogdan:

Do not forget to celebrate Bogdan's name day and congratulate Bogdan on the day of the angel.

You are given by God and guarded by an angel,

Always fit, fresh and flawless.

We wish that you were loved by fate,

And he became known for his good deeds.

May the Angel bring a lot of happiness

The name Bogdan is the feminine form of the name Bogdan, which in turn is a theomorphic two-root name of Slavic origin. It is formed from the roots "God" and "dan", and therefore the meaning of the name Bogdan is "given by God". It is believed that the name Bogdan was transferred to the Slavic languages ​​in a rather rare way, semantic. It is identical in meaning to the names John, Theodore and Theodotus. As you can see, there is no phonetic similarity, but the names are completely identical in meaning. A similar transfer story is also found in the names Faith, Hope and Love. They, too, were transferred to the Slavic languages ​​not phonetically, but in a semantic way.

The meaning of the name Bogdan for a girl

Little Bogdana has a sociable and positive character. She is a smart girl who is sensible and thoughtful beyond her years. Bogdana charms everyone with her smile and smile. This applies to both adults and Bogdana's peers. It is also worth noting that Bogdana is a completely non-conflict child. It often happens that Bogdana cannot stand up for herself, but someone will definitely protect her. It's good to be everyone's favorite.

Bogdana studies quite well, although this is more likely due to her excellent natural data. But Bogdana's perseverance is clearly not enough. She is rather lazy when learning, although as she grows older she often takes her studies seriously.

If we talk about Bogdana's health, then it can be called strong. She rarely gets sick, but this is her merit. She takes preventive measures very seriously, which in no small part ensures an excellent result.

Short name of Bogdan

Diminutive names

Bogdanochka, Bogdanushka, Bogdanonka, Bogdasha, Bogdashka, Bogdashechka, Bogdashenka.

Bogdan's name in English

In English, the name Bogdan is written as Bogdana.

Bogdan's name for a passport- BOGDANA.

Translation of the name Bogdan into other languages

in Belarusian - Bagdana
in Bulgarian - Bogdana
in Polish - Bogdana
in Romanian - Bogdana
in Serbian - Bogdana
in Ukrainian - Bogdana
in Czech - Bohdana

The name of Bogdan in the church(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. Bogdan's name is not in church calendar, which means that his baptismal name will certainly be different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Bogdan

Adult Bogdana is still as positive as in childhood. This is her main feature, but determination and perseverance are added to it. If in childhood Bogdana went with the flow more, then the adult Bogdana chooses her own path. True, it is worth noting that perseverance is rather a necessary character trait that she needs to achieve her goals. If Bogdana has the opportunity to get what she wants just like that, then she may not have perseverance. Well, in the circle of close friends, Bogdana is a very soft and sentimental person. He reacts very painfully to criticism, but only from close people and if he considers it unfair.

Bogdan's work manifests itself as responsible and resolute. She often comes up with successful original solutions to problems that no one else could normally solve before. Bogdana is an excellent employee and can build a good career, but an independent business is rarely successful. True, Bogdan usually does not seek to conduct business on his own. But if she opens a business with a more experienced partner, then success is almost guaranteed.

The family in Bogdana's life is the most important thing that can be. She is a very family person and cannot live without love. For the owners of the name, "marriages of convenience" are completely excluded. Family relationships She usually does well. She finds someone she can love and be happy with. She and her husband harmoniously complement each other and are very careful about their relationship.

The secret of the name of Bogdan

The main secret of Bogdana can be called her ability to behave tough. If Bogdana finds out that she was betrayed, then breaking off relations with such a person will be unequivocal and decisive. She knows how to cut such a person out of her life. Bogdan even puts an ultimatum to mutual friends on the choice of the side of the conflict. She does not accept when her close people communicate with scoundrels. Either they are with her, or they are no longer close to her.

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