Monument to paratroopers of the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division Monument to the paratroopers of the 6th company. Photo and description

Kitchen 01.08.2020

From the press release: On August 5, 2012, in the village of Demyansk (Novgorod Region), it is planned to unveil a monument to the paratroopers of the 1st MVDBr (maneuverable airborne brigade) and 204th VDBr (airborne brigade), who died in 1942 during a special reconnaissance sabotage combat operation. The opening of the monument is timed to the 70th anniversary of the large-scale, but little-known, Demyansk landing operation. The monument was made and installed with funds raised by citizens and organizations who are not indifferent to the feat of Soviet soldiers with the support of the Demyansk search detachment and the administration of the Demyansk district of the Novgorod region.

Brief historical background

In early January 1942, as a result of the offensive of the Red Army by forces of the North-Western and Kalinin Fronts, south of Lake Ilmen and east of the city of Staraya Russa, 6 divisions of the Wehrmacht, SS and the units attached to them, as well as rear divisions of the second army corps were partially surrounded - up to 100 thousand Germans in total.

This offensive was part of the "big counteroffensive near Moscow" and part of the Toropetsko-Kholmsk operation. The soldiers of the Red Army went to Kholm, Staraya Russa. As a result of the development of this and some other private operations, later, in mid-February, the so-called "Demyansky Cauldron" was formed - the encirclement of a group of Germans that had wedged into our defense, initially aimed at Bologoye with the task of "saddling" the October railway (Moscow-Leningrad roads) ...

In the spring of 1942, in the Demyansk region, in the German rear, by the forces of two MVDBr and the 204th Airborne Brigade, as well as separate ski battalions attached to them, the command of the Red Army tried to end the surrounded Demyansk group of the enemy from the inside.

The paratroopers were assigned the most difficult tasks: concentrating in the German rear, destroy the enemy's airfield, thereby disrupting the supply of goods to the surrounded German troops and prohibiting the evacuation of the wounded; destroy the headquarters of the 2nd Army Corps, which would lead to disorganization of the interaction of all surrounded units; destroy the rear communications of the enemy; to clear the area around the Knevitsy-Lychkovo railway in the north of the "Demyansky boiler" from the enemy and to hold it, which would make it possible to use the road unhindered for supplying and maneuvering troops of the North-Western Front.

The operation, originally planned as a fleeting one, was attended by more than 9 thousand soldiers and commanders. But the hostilities dragged on significantly and were conducted by paratroopers in the most unfavorable conditions: the severe February frosts of 1942 gave way to a wet thaw, the soldiers fighting behind enemy lines were in dire need of food and ammunition. Hunger soon began, the sick and frostbitten appeared, there were many wounded. There was an acute shortage of ammunition. The surviving paratroopers of the 1st MVDBr after the war noted in their memoirs that no one followed the filling of the duffel bags before the operation, and the soldiers, pushed by patriotism, filled the duffel bags with cartridges, and not a balanced food ration.

In the cold, in wet clothes, in the forest, under fire - the stocks of the brought food disappeared very quickly. People were tired, hungry; the mobility of the groups has fallen sharply; The constant shelling and bombing from planes and the actions of enemy ski patrols put pressure on the psyche.

Nevertheless, the paratroopers more than once attacked the enemy, trying to fulfill the tasks assigned by the command. During the fighting, most of the paratroopers died or went missing. The losses of the 1st Ministry of Internal Affairs amounted to more than 2,600 people out of 3,000. These losses included prisoners of war, killed and “missing”. The 204th Brigade lost over 1,800 out of 2,000. In general, out of 5,000 people of the two brigades, no more than 432 people were able to get through to their own (in the period until April 10, of which 87 people from the 204th brigade). About 150 more people were evacuated by aircraft (wounded and command personnel). Separate groups of the wounded went out to their own people, sometimes having more than 2 weeks behind them without food, without ammunition, moving through forests and swamps at night, avoiding roads.

From the compound of the 2nd MVDBr and part of the 204th brigade (in the north of the boiler), about 500 people left the front line. For a long time, until mid-May, single paratroopers and their small groups went out to their own. A few of the surviving paratroopers managed to join the partisan detachments operating in the rear of the Demyansk Cauldron.

In memory of the fallen heroes

The results of the operation are absent in the official "broad" historiography. Until now, there has not been a worthy monument to the paratroopers who honestly and to the end fulfilled their duty to the Motherland. And most of the dead and missing paratroopers to this day have not been found and buried.

The search for the remains and the establishment of the names of the dead and missing paratroopers for several decades has been carried out in the Demyansk district of the Novgorod region by the search engines of the Demyansk detachment (commander - Anatoly Pavlov), the search association "Dolg" from the Kirov region (the commander of the Kirov search engines - Yuri Semenenko) and the search team of school No. 2 in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk. To date, search engines have found more than 1000 dead participants in the landing operation. Several years ago, the soldiers of the "Demyansk" search detachment erected the first memorial sign for the paratroopers of the 204th Airborne Brigade, who died in the battle near the village of Igozhevo.

In 2012, 70 years after the tragic Demyansk landing operation, a memorial monument was opened in the village. The author of the sculptural composition is sculptor Mikhail Vladimirovich Pereyaslavets. Pupil of Lev Kerbel, sculptor of the studio of military artists named after M.B. Grekova, People's Artist of Russia, Professor of the Department of Sculpture at the Surikov Moscow State Academic Institute, full member Russian Academy Arts. In 1968, Mikhail Pereyaslavets entered the institute, and in the early 70s began professional activity like a sculptor.

Mikhail Pereyaslavets is the author of many monuments, among them: Surikov in Moscow, Ershov in Tobolsk, Pokryshkin in Novosibirsk, Catherine the Great (who is Sophia Frederica Augusta, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst) in Zerbst (Germany). One of his sculptures, installed in Moscow, is dedicated to the feat of the “winged infantry”. The monument to the heroes from the 6th Airborne Company of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Airborne Division was installed in 2002 near the Central Museum of the Armed Forces.

Work on the monument began in 2010. During the design, a number of factors had to be taken into account, in particular, anti-vandal elements were incorporated into the design. The sculpture is made of a single piece of gabbro (diabase) and weighs more than 8 tons with a pedestal. The height of the monument is more than three meters.

The preliminary estimate for the design and installation of the monument was more than 2 (two) million rubles. The money for the construction of the monument was collected from the personal funds of citizens. The overwhelming majority of the work was personally financed by Alexey Pankratov, an entrepreneur from Moscow, head of Delo Tekhniki LLC, who had been studying the history of the Demyansk landing operation for several years.

The Governor of the Novgorod Region Sergey Mitin, the Commander of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Vladimir Katrenko, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, pupils of military-patriotic clubs and paratroopers of the oldest of the existing ones, were invited to the opening ceremony of the monument. formations of the Airborne Forces - the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division. In the lists of this particular unit, by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of April 20, 1985, V.F.Margelov was enlisted as an Honorary Soldier.

It is no coincidence that the grand opening of the monument to the paratroopers is held on August 5, simultaneously with the celebration of the "Day of Demyansk". Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Airborne Forces, current paratroopers, pupils of military-patriotic clubs, schoolchildren, guests of Demyansk and its residents will come together to honor the memory of the soldiers who died for our Motherland 70 years ago. We remember our heroes and are proud of them.

Residents of Demyansk and guests of the village gathered in the morning of August 5 in a small square at the crossroads

At the parachute-covered monument to the paratroopers, soldiers of the reconnaissance company of the oldest existing airborne forces, the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division, froze in a guard of honor.
Next to them are cadets of the military-patriotic club "Young Paratrooper" of the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity on Vorobyovy Gory

The few veterans of the front line also came to the opening ceremony

The Governor of the Novgorod Region, the head of the Demyansk District Administration and the Chairman of the Council of Commanders of the Dolina search expedition arrived

Alexey Pankratov, the head of the Moscow company Delo Tekhniki and the main sponsor of the entire project with the monument, talks about the monument and the operation. Although, the word "sponsor" is completely unsuitable here, because Alexey not only financed most of all the work, but for many years he has been personally studying the history of the Demyansk landing operation both in the archives and in the swamps

Representative of the Russian Airborne Forces - Colonel Gudymenko, assistant commander of the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division for work with personnel

The governor of the Novgorod region and the head of the Demyansk district solemnly take off the parachute-cover from the monument, the Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

The son of one of the paratroopers who fought near Demyansk in the spring of 1942 arrived at the opening.

A resident of Demyansk, who survived in childhood occupation and knowing firsthand what exactly that war was

After the unveiling of the monument, paratroopers marched with banners and drums to the central square of Demyansk to congratulate Demyansk on the day of the village

After the completion of the official part, there was one more - unofficial. Soldiers of the "Demyansk" search detachment and representatives of the RF Airborne Forces went to the village of Igozhevo, where the paratroopers found by the "Demyansk" search detachment are buried

Those who distinguished themselves were awarded certificates of honor on behalf of the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Shamanov

In response, the commander of the "Demyansk" search detachment, Anatoly Stepanovich Pavlov, handed over to the museum of the Pskov Airborne Division several exhibits found at the site of the death of the paratroopers of the 204th Airborne Division. The detachment commander himself was awarded the Margelov medal by order of the commander of the Airborne Forces. The second award of Anatoly Stepanovich on this day was the Novgorod Region's Badge of Merit "For Services to the Novgorod Region"

The Novgorod Oblast distinction mark “For services to the Novgorod region” is a form of rewarding citizens for their significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Novgorod region, services in state, scientific, creative and other activities, long-term fruitful work aimed at improving the welfare of residents of the Novgorod region. The badge of distinction is awarded to citizens Russian Federation, citizens (subjects) of other states, stateless persons.

A nomination for awarding a citizen with an insignia is submitted to the Novgorod Regional Commission for Awards by the Governor of the Novgorod Region, the Chairman of the Novgorod Regional Duma, the heads of the municipal formations of the region (municipal districts and urban districts), on the territory of which the citizen, nominated for the awarding of the distinction, lives and (or) carries out labor activity ".

The search, identification and perpetuation of the memory of the fallen paratroopers will undoubtedly continue. If you have a desire to provide financial assistance to the Demyansk search unit, you can do this through Search Unit Aid Fund.

On behalf of the search engines and on my own behalf, I would like to thank everyone who had a hand in organizing the events to unveil the monument in Demyansk. Thank you so much and bow!

P.S. Commemorative T-shirts were printed for the opening of the monument. A small number of all sizes remain, if there are those who want to get this, then.

GROZNY, 2 March - RIA Novosti... The grand opening of the monument, erected in memory of 84 Pskov paratroopers from the legendary 6th company, who took an unequal battle with militants in the Argun Gorge in 2000, took place in Chechnya.

Shamanov honored the memory of the paratroopers who died in the Argun gorgeOn the Day of Remembrance of the paratroopers in Pskov, mourning events were held dedicated to the feat of 84 paratroopers, who at the cost of their lives stopped the many times superior forces of terrorists.

A granite monument weighing 10 tons and a height of 2.6 meters was installed at the battle site - in the village of Ulus-Kert. The ceremony was attended by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak, the command of the Airborne Forces, relatives and friends of the fallen paratroopers, members of the regional government.

Kadyrov expressed his condolences to the relatives of the victims and noted that the officers and soldiers of the 6th company of the 104th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment became an example of valiant service to the Motherland. "Today we can proudly declare that we have won the fight against international terrorism. And your children, fathers, brothers, together with the Chechen people, defended the integrity of our country. It is the duty of everyone - not only a soldier, but also a citizen - to defend the Motherland, protect the people," - said Kadyrov.

The governor of the Pskov region, Andrei Turchak, noted that the memorial sign was erected "in memory of all who gave their lives in the fight against international terrorism without division into religions, confessions, age, ranks and titles." He thanked the head of Chechnya for his help in erecting the monument. "In 2015, we agreed on this. And today we are present at this place. Thanks to everyone who helped to realize the will of our parents, and once again I want to remember all the guys who died here," Turchak said.

The battle between large forces of Chechen separatists retreating from the encirclement and a detachment of Russian paratroopers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Yevtyukhin took place on February 29, 2000 at an altitude of 776 near the village of Ulus-Kert in the Argun gorge. During the desperate battle, 84 out of 90 paratroopers died, but they prevented the breakthrough of 2.5 thousand members of illegal gangs, destroying 700 of them. For their heroism, 22 servicemen were nominated for the title of Hero of Russia, 68 soldiers were awarded the Order of Courage. Their feat is captured in the book "The Rota Goes to the Sky", films have been made based on this story, including "The Storm Gates", as well as several TV series. Monuments to the 6th company have been installed in Pskov, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Also in honor of 84 Pskov paratroopers in 2008, a street in Grozny was named.

Years of creation:

The monument was erected in the Northern microdistrict of Voronezh at the landing site of the first airborne formation in the USSR

Description of the monument:

For the first time, the landing of military paratroopers and the release of cargo with weapons and ammunition for the paratroopers took place near Voronezh on August 2, 1930. Now this day is annually celebrated as the birthday of the Russian airborne troops, and Voronezh is rightfully considered the homeland Airborne Forces.

The first monument to the paratroopers was erected on this site on August 2, 1997. This is a red granite lump, on the front surface of which a metal plaque was fixed with the words: "HERE ON AUGUST 2, 1930. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE USSR AIRLANDING LANDED IN NUMBER OF TWELVE PEOPLE"

In our time, the field where the first paratroopers landed has turned into a residential neighborhood built up with high-rise buildings, and the wasteland near the Academy of Arts, on which the first monument was erected, has turned into a large park called Victory Park.

On September 4, 2010, the grand opening of the monument "Voronezh - Homeland of the Airborne Forces" took place in Victory Park. It is a sculptural composition consisting of two bronze figures - a paratrooper dressed in a military uniform of the 1930s, and next to him is a teenager holding a model airplane in his hand. A parachute canopy flew up over them - a steel structure nine meters high. The pedestal of the monument is made of polished granite.

Photo: Monument to soldiers-paratroopers of the 6th company

Photo and description

The monument at the checkpoint of the 76th airborne division of the city of Pskov reminds of the tragically and heroically killed paratroopers of the 6th paratrooper company of the second battalion of the 104th airborne regiment during the war in Chechnya. The author of the monument was an architect from the city of Pskov, Tsarik Anatoly, who decided to take the main symbol of the paratroopers as a basis for the monument - a parachute. At the foot of the monument there is a St. George cross, built of granite, with a list of the names of the victims. The height of the monument is twenty meters. 84 candles rush to the top, corresponding to the number of tragically dead children. On the inside of the dome there are exact copies of all the signatures of the dead paratroopers. The wedding of the parachute dome is decorated as the Star of the Hero of Russia.

Since August 2, 1930, the history of the development of the airborne troops is being conducted - the only branch of the army in which all the divisions represented are guards. The formation of the Pskov Airborne Division took place in 1939, and already in 1943 it received the respected title of the Guards for honorary military services. For numerous and dangerous military operations, it was awarded the honorary name of Chernigov; in addition, the division received the Order of the Red Banner.

On the night of November 30, 1994, a regiment of the 76th Airborne Guards Division flew towards the Caucasus. It was from this moment that the Chechen war began for the Pskov soldiers. During the first Chechen war, the airborne division from Pskov lost exactly 121 soldiers. The Russian guys showed true heroism and courage, waging an irreconcilable struggle with the bandits. On the night of March 2, 2000, in the Argun Gorge, a company of Pskov paratroopers held back the onslaught of militants, but could not resist - the company died. At this time, 84 paratroopers were tragically killed, who gave their lives in order not to let the Chechen bandits pass. It was the death of the 6th company of the airborne troops that became the most terrible and great loss during the second Chechen war. About this tragic event resembles a stone located at the checkpoint of the 104th paratrooper regiment in Cherekha. The commander-in-chief of the battalion of the guards Mark Nikolaevich Evtyukhin was also killed in the tragic battle; the company was also commanded by Major Sergei Georgievich Molodov, who also died tragically in Chechnya.

In this bloody war, the command set the task: to march on foot and soon take the most convenient heights in the Argun gorge. In the process, it was envisaged to secure a certain part of the 6th company at an altitude of 775.0, and also, in the future, using this height as a priority, move forward and try to occupy the remaining heights. The main goal is to prevent bandit formations. Soon the company reached the required height, but the weather prevented the implementation of the plan to the end - a thick fog descended. In the morning, traffic was resumed. Soon the reconnaissance patrol revealed a group of Chechen fighters in ambush, which began to shoot fire from machine guns. The wounded appeared among the Russian guys. Very soon the opponents managed to create a numerical superiority and occupied the most advantageous positions. Evtyukhin decided to retreat, which made it possible to carry out the export of the wounded. At this time, Major Molodov was mortally wounded. After this event, the company was forced to repel the onslaught of the Chechen bandits. After a while, the militants pulled up reinforcements. Then the 3rd company made attempts to approach the 6th company, but in this situation they had to withdraw. The militants desperately tried to bring down the Russian paratroopers from the height. Soon a battle broke out between 26 wounded paratroopers and three hundred bandits - the paratroopers held out to the end ...

22 soldiers of the 6th company were posthumously awarded the highest award - Hero of the Russian Federation; the rest of the heroes were awarded the Order of Courage. Since 2002, a huge dome has stood on the Pskov land, which reflects a tribute to the heroes of Russia. City school No. 5 was named after the battalion commander - Mark Evtyukhin. One street in the city of Pskov was renamed in honor of the famous and heroic Russian 6th company. In Chechnya, a monument was erected in honor of the Russian paratroopers, this was an occasion to perpetuate the memory of Russian military personnel.

Pskov district, village Cheryokha

History reference

Cheryokha is a village in the Pskov region of the Pskov region of Russia. The administrative center of the Yadrovskaya volost of the Pskov region. Located in the interfluve of Velikaya, Cheryokha and Mnoga, 100 meters south of the southern border of the city of Pskov, in fact, being its suburb.

Located on the highway St. Petersburg - Pskov - Nevel M-20 and railroad Pskov - Island. In the village there is the Cheryokha railway station, built around 1896 by the Pskov businessman Georg Frantsevich Vikengeiser and for a certain time called the “Vikengeiser platform”, the name “Cheryokha platform” appeared on the 1915 map, and “Cheryokha station” on the maps of the 1940s.

Cheryokha railway station built by Vikengeiser

A monument to the 6th company that died in March 2000 in Chechnya was erected in Cheryokha. One of the airborne assault regiments (104th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment) of the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division of the Russian Airborne Forces is located in Cheryokha. The first mention of the village of Cheryokha in the Pskov chronicles dates back to 1329.

Monument to the 6th company ("Dome") - a monument in the village of Cheryokha, Pskov region, designed to perpetuate the memory of the feat of 84 soldiers of the 6th paratrooper company of the 104th guards paratrooper regiment of the 76th guards airborne division ...

It was built in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia No. 1334 of July 21, 2000 "On the perpetuation of the memory of paratroopers." Opened on August 1, 2002. Architect - Anatoly Tsarik.

At the height of the Second Chechen campaign, on February 29, 2000, in the Argun Gorge, at an altitude of 776, there was a clash between large forces of Chechen separatists retreating from the encirclement and a detachment of Russian paratroopers, composed mainly of the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th paratrooper regiment of the 76th Pskov division.

In the desperate battle, the defenders displayed massive heroism, but the forces were too unequal. Almost all of the paratroopers were killed.

It was on the first day of spring 2000 that the paratroopers of the 6th company under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Yevtyukhin entered into an unequal battle with the Khattab militants near Ulus-Kert. They prevented the breakthrough of 2.5 thousand members of illegal gangs, killing 700 of them. Of the 90 fighters, 84 were killed. For their courage, 22 servicemen were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 69 soldiers and officers were awarded the Orders of Courage, 63 of them were posthumous.

Almost all of the officers died in the first minutes of the battle. Well-trained snipers worked on the positions of the paratroopers. Later it will become known that Khattab brought the best mercenaries to the Argun gorge, among whom there were many Arabs.

We walked without even shooting. In the last attack - in full growth. Later, potent drugs will be found at the height, which militants who are twenty times superior to the paratroopers injected themselves. But the sixth fought anyway.

The dramatic course and outcome of the battle caused a significant resonance in Russian society.

For this feat, 22 guardsmen (of which 21 were posthumous) were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the Orders of Courage (63 of them were posthumous). At the end of July 2000, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin ordered to erect a monument to heroically perished soldiers in Pskov.

The monument is located on a small square between the federal highway "Pskov" and the checkpoint of the 104th airborne assault regiment, stationed in Cheryokha. The stone fence of the checkpoint and the military town, imitating the fortress walls with guard towers at the corners, limits the area from the north, east and south.

The western border is the aforementioned road. In the northern and southern ends of the square, a pedestrian crossing is organized across the highway, controlled by a traffic light with digital indication.

Immediate proximity regional center underlines the roadside welcome sign "Pskov", located at a distance of about one hundred meters north of the monument in the line of sight.

The author of the monument was the Pskov architect Anatoly Tsarik. As a basis, he took the main symbol of the paratroopers - the parachute. The snow-white metal dome with steel slings rests on a pedestal stylized as a four-sided mountain peak.

The pedestal in the center of each facet is encompassed by trapezoidal slabs of red granite, which in the plan form the image of the St. George's Cross. Granite slabs contain a list of the dead soldiers from 84 names.

Lists of the fallen soldiers

The western plate facing the highway is marked with the golden star of the Hero of Russia and stores the names of 21 paratroopers who were awarded this honorary award. On the remaining slabs, 63 servicemen awarded the Order of Courage are grouped, as evidenced by the award symbol located at the top of each slab.

The inner side of the canopy of the parachute is covered with images of the autographs of the fallen paratroopers, and the dome is crowned with the stylistic star of the Hero of Russia, enclosed in the pole hole. The central axis of the monument is a composition of 84 memorial candles directed upward.

In the dark, each of the candles glows a dull orange light. On the western side of the monument, at the foot of a bunch of candles, there is a shield with the inscription: "6 company grateful Russia" .

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