Repetition of all topics in social studies. Ege in social studies

Roof 06.08.2020

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social studies is the simplest subject of the exam. Many people choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

Changes in the KIM USE 2019 in social studies:

  • The wording has been detailed and the grading system for task 25 has been revised.
  • The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and the systems have been improved
    evaluating them.
  • Maximum primary score for completing all work increased
    from 64 to 65.

How to start preparing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, which you need to know and take into account when completing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (man and society) and sociological (relations in society). Remember there are only 8 topics: society

  • man
  • cognition
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • politics
  • right

Indicate on what topics the survey will be in the tasks. Each topic has many small subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate the basic concepts and terms. Analyze information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important advice: when preparing, you should not use materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier, as they have lost compliance with the updated assignments.

2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their assessment.

The exam ticket is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks from 1 to 20, requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Tasks from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

Assessment of the Unified State Exam assignments in social studies was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

You can get a maximum of 65 points.
The minimum must be 43 total points.

Pay special attention to the tasks of the USE with a detailed answer in social studies.

3. Solving the tasks of the Unified State Exam in social studies.

The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. Tasks are formed on the basis of a demo version from the FIPI in social studies. Solve complete and thematic online tests with answers, at whatever stage of studying the theory you are. By registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they will not be allowed on the exam.

Exam Success Formula

High scores on the exam \u003d theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for classes + desire / will / hard work.

Get ready. Try. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

Russian language and mathematics. According to the data of previous years, almost half of the graduates (49%) take social studies. And this is not surprising, since the USE in social studies is necessary for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

In fact, the subject of "social studies" includes information on various aspects of society, studied within the whole class of the humanities: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

The version of the KIM USE in social studies has undergone minor changes. The developers revised the difficulty of tasks 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Assessment of the exam

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, at least for the top three, it was enough to score 19 primary points. They were given, for example, when the first 13 items of the test were completed correctly.

It is not yet known exactly how it will be in 2019: we need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of the primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Given that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

The structure of the exam

In 2019, the USE test in social studies consists of two parts, which include 29 tasks.

  • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from the proposed ones, establish a correspondence between the elements of the two sets, insert the missing word in the text);
  • Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays).

Preparation for the exam

  • Go through exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to the real exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved for preparation for the exam by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official options for the exam.

The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be encountered on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

General USE figures

Year Minimum USE score Average score Number of participants Not passed,% Qty
exam time, min.
2009 39
2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
2014 39 55,4 235
2015 42 53,3 235
2016 42 235
2017 42 235

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies is the most popular elective exam after the compulsory exam in mathematics and Russian. According to the data of past years, social studies were chosen by more than half of the graduates, and in 2013 69.3% passed it! And at the same time it is one of the most difficult exams... In that year of the exam in social studies 5.3% of graduates did not pass, and this is about 25 thousand people! What is the reason for this failure?

Five pitfalls of social science

There is a common misconception among alumni that social studies is one of the easiest subjects... Many of them are sure that it is really possible to "blab something" on it. This is the first trap of social science. Pupils draw on their experience of oral answers in the classroom, where you can really say a lot, and the teacher himself will isolate the correct answer from what has been said. On the Unified State Exam, where even the detailed answers of Part C consist of only a few sentences, it is impossible to "chat", but you need to give clear answers.

And here we have before us the second trap of social science: knowledge of terminology and the ability to operate it... If terminology can be learned, then the ability to operate with it requires the skills of logical thinking: the ability to compare and analyze. This means that the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, to a greater extent than any other exam, involves not a simple reproduction of memorized material, but its "dissection", which is much more difficult.

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies is a real integral exam: it includes five topics related to different sciences: economics, law, philosophy, sociology and political science. Each science has its own conceptual apparatus: terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis. This is the third trap - the student needs to master all the terminology and logic of each of the five sciences. The complexity of the USE in social studies is that, unlike, for example, mathematics, where geometric problems take a clear place in the structure of the exam, the question for comparison can be both in the topic of economics and sociology. Consequently, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then "turn on" the necessary conceptual apparatus.

The Unified State Exam in social studies is taken in many specialties - economics, law, public administration, architecture, customs, logistics and other specialties of the humanitarian and socio-economic profile.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, it is difficult to avoid the fourth trap: numerous textbooks and manuals... Some of them, unfortunately, are not always conscientious and can do a disservice. It is best to take two basic textbooks as a basis - Kravchenko and Bogolyubov, which are used in most schools. However, keep in mind that schools may use textbooks. different years, and FIPI in its development of the exam is based on the latest editions.

The fifth trap of the exam - not enough hours, which is assigned to this subject at school. This is due, first of all, to the paradoxes of the development of Russian education. As it improves, the Unified State Exam in Social Studies becomes more complicated, and at school it time is running departure from the profile study of this subject. And this is despite the fact that it is in demand in more than 30% of humanitarian universities. Today social studies in the school curriculum exist only as a basic subject, which is given only one hour a week.

How do you avoid the pitfalls and turn them into pluses in preparation?

Here are five specific tips from Maxim Sigal, Head of Teaching at training center MAXIMUM in preparation for the exam:

"Do not underestimate this exam. Many students treat social studies as something very simple, where you can hardly prepare, and just give answers in logic - this is definitely wrong!"

First pitfall: when choosing this subject, objectively assess your knowledge. Treat social studies as an exact science.

Second trap: learn terminology and practice logical thinking. All types of assignments are described in the materials of the FIPI. Search for answers to questions, find out what exactly is required in this answer and how each answer is scored. In the extended tasks, specify how much you need to write to answer each question.

Third trap: learn to distinguish the terminology of each of the five disciplines included in the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. When answering, the first thing to do is to define the discipline that will have to be dealt with.

The fourth trap: be careful when choosing aids for preparing for the exam in social studies: a number of them use unused terminology and concepts. Consider the changes that have been made to the USE-2014 compared to 2013, namely:

  1. Complicated task B5. The total number of judgments given in the task condition increases from 4 to 5. It is necessary to distribute them into three, instead of the previous two, groups of judgments: facts, estimates, theoretical statements. It is very easy to get confused here in estimates and theoretical statements. It should be remembered that theory is learned knowledge, and judgment is one's own opinion.
  2. Topics proposed for writing essays are grouped into five blocks instead of the previous six. Topics disclosed taking into account the provisions of sociology and social psychology are now included in one general direction. This makes it easier to write an assignment on this topic, since the line between the terminology of these two disciplines is not always distinguishable.
  3. You can get a maximum of 5 points for an essay. It is important to remember here that if the meaning of the statement is not revealed, then the work is simply not checked. Additional points are given for providing theoretical justification, and the highest - for factual argumentation.

Fifth trap: the insufficient number of hours can be compensated for with only one thing - additional preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies at the correctly and timely chosen courses.

Many parents will be horrified after reading this material. It is so difficult and takes time and diligence to prepare! But is it worth it to be scared, because we all want to teach our children the ability to independently reason and think logically. Often accusations are made against the Unified State Exam: this format of the exam, they say, "fools" children, forcing teachers, instead of passing on knowledge, to engage in "coaching" for the exam. We don't like that, do we? So we must be glad that with the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, the opposite is true - in the process of preparing for it, children learn to think and use the knowledge they have acquired. Is this not what most parents aspire to?


If the state textbooks of Bogolyubov and Kravchenko are bad, then the tests compiled on the basis of these textbooks will also always be bad. This is the main problem with passing the exam in social studies. The only way out is to change basic textbooks, change social science standards and change tests. I advise you to use my textbook - Valery Starikov "Interesting Social Studies" for teaching, which is published on the Russian and English-language Wikipedia:

05.01.2019 17:15:47, Valery Starikov

Useless information, lots of water, thanks for your time

21.11.2017 18:08:06, [email protected]

03/22/2016 10:47:59 PM, Ashati

Comment on the article "Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 Pitfalls of the Popular Exam"

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. Profile education, candidate of philosophical sciences. Unified State Exam in Social Science. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Independently or tutoring courses? What manuals are worthwhile (out of the many textbooks published today and ...

Section: USE and other exams (USE in social studies). social science. Have yours had the experience of passing unnecessary exams without even the slightest preparation? Last year, my daughter took social studies. Not a day with a tutor, on courses, etc., only school ...

History and social studies - how to cook. USE and other exams. Teenagers. You can find out more about the conditions for preparing for the Unified State Exam on the website of the Pythagoras Tutoring Center [link-1] Registration for all courses is made through the website.

Unified State Exam in Social Science. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Any participant can answer in conferences and start new topics, regardless of the presence of registration for the exam in social studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. 4 5 (1355 ratings) Rate the article.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. 4 5 (1355 ratings) Rate the article. Unified history textbook. Is it possible to prepare for the OGE in social studies on your own? The son will take an exam in social studies. We train on tests in ...

With the people. After the introduction of the USE, they recruited 5 (five) people. Children from the provinces received the chances of budget receipts from the USE. Yes, there is world experience in the end. Requirements should be uniform. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam.

The Unified State Exam is such an unpleasant thing that must be somehow survived with minimal losses. It is clear that a university teacher or a tutor with a USE experience is not scared - no preparation is needed for it, in general level of the exam social studies: 5 traps of the popular exam.

The son plans to take only three USEs - Russian, mathematics profile and English. I chose my specialty long ago, and does not even want to consider other exams. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. Parents: You cannot take the exam without a tutor.

Section: Unified State Exam and other exams (how to choose the right profile for the exam). USE in English: common mistakes and 8 tips for preparation. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam.

Recommend trusted tutors in Social Studies, English and Russian to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The boy is in the 11th grade. If the tutor is really good, we will go to any area, or consider skype lessons.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. The selection of the USE program is convenient. The Unified State Exam in Social Studies is the most popular elective exam after the compulsory exam in mathematics and Russian.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. 4 5 (1355 ratings) Rate the article. How did your children prepare for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies? we have a tutor aunt who writes questions for this exam herself, my son said that he had done all the tasks and had ...

We need a social tutor for an intensive course for the Unified State Exam this year. We were preparing with a tutor from the beginning of the year, but somehow sluggishly, but now my friend's child had a very good social studies tutor, the girl passed the exam for 97 points, although she studied the last year in the village ...

Unified State Exam in Social Science. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Social studies for the exam and not only. Tutoring. Adult education. Preparation for the exam - classes are conducted individually and in a group. receive replies to E-mail. show links to images in ...

Advise the manual for the OGE. USE and other exams. Teenagers. Advise training manuals for the Russian language, social studies, history, mathematics, literature, English.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. USE in profile mathematics - is it not that bad? Education and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams, olympiads ...

Social studies tutor, preparation for the exam. The girl, 22, is recruiting students for the next academic year. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: expert advice, questions and tasks. Social studies at school and preparation for the exam in the courses.

Tutor in social studies, as well as philosophical disciplines. I help prepare for the Unified State Exam, write reports, abstracts, etc. Preparation for the Unified State Exam - classes are conducted individually and in a group. Groups of 3-5 people - 1500 rubles. in 90 minutes (for the group organizer ...

Section: Unified State Exam and other exams (Choosing an option for effective training in a hostel for the next year. Based on experience, can you recommend the best option?) Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: 5 pitfalls of the popular exam. Preparing for the exam: learning a language or taking tests? And this means that the root of the problem when passing the exam on english language is not the exam itself, but the way to prepare for it.

Life analyzed guidelines for teachers, prepared by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) on the basis of typical mistakes of the participants of the USE in 2016, and identified 5 problems of graduates taking exams in social studies.

As it turned out, the results of this USE in 2016 are comparable to 2015: 17.6% of children could not reach the minimum score, the number of graduates who received more than 80 points decreased by 0.7%, and only 59 people scored 100 points (in 2015 there were more 100 points - 80 people).

The guys confuse the concepts of "demand" and "supply"

And also do not know the factors that influence the increase and decrease of these categories

Job example:

The graph shows the change in the supply of fresh vegetables in the consumer market: the supply curve has moved from the position

S into positionS1.

(On the chart: P - product price; Q - product quantity).

Which of the following factors can cause such a change?

1. Poor harvest.

2. Decrease in consumer income.

3. Increase in energy tariffs.

4. Increase in fruit prices.

5. The onset of the heating season.

Correct answer: 1 - poor harvest; 3 - increase in tariffs for energy carriers.

According to experts, sometimes students and teachers deliberately ignore this type of assignment when preparing for the Unified State Exam.

FIPI specialists have proposed an algorithm for performing the following tasks:

The student needs to carefully read the terms of the assignment and understand what is at stake (about changing "demand" or "supply"), because sometimes it is just inattention that leads to incorrect performance of the assignment.

Then you need to determine what happened - "increase" or "reduction".

And in the end, before giving your answer, you should analyze all the proposed options, correlating them with changes in a particular category.

Due to ignorance of terminology, schoolchildren cannot solve the task where they need to choose a word or phrase

Such problems often arise due to carelessness and unwillingness to double-check yourself

One of the key problems in doing this type of assignment incorrectly is that graduates do not read the assignment requirements carefully enough. A typical mistake made by participants is the recording of a word or phrase that was used in the task condition. The average percentage of completion is 67%.

Job example:

Write down the word missing in the table.

The correct answer is concreteness.

In order to correctly complete this type of assignment, the student needs to determine what the answer should be - in one "word" or "phrase". Next, you need to identify the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge from which you need to find this concept (experts advise you to pay attention to the name of the table and columns).

After that, analyze the filled row of the table and then try to identify the characteristic of the term in the problem statement.

If it was required to write down a "word", but it turned out to be a "phrase", one should remember what synonyms are.

The problem of choosing a generalizing word or phrase

The main problem is that the participants do not understand the requirements: the answer must indicate the word (phrase) proposed in the assignment

This type of task could not be completed by 53% of the participants who did not overcome the minimum score.

Job example:

In the row below, find a concept that is generalized to all other concepts. Write this word down.

Subsystem, institution, society, group, personality.

Correct answer: society.

The experts ask students to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the need to write down the required word or phrase exactly in the form in which it is spelled out in the assignment.

Graduates are poorly versed in the signs of the state

To complete the assignment, you not only need to know the theory, but also understand what the "generic concept" means

Only a third of the graduates completed this task correctly.

Job example:

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the characteristics of a state of any type. Find two terms that do not correspond to the general series of words, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1. Sovereignty.

2. Monopoly on the legal use of force.

3. Setting prices for goods.

4. Comprehensive control over the life of citizens.

5. The right to collect taxes and fees from the population.

6. The right to create generally binding legal norms.

Correct answer: 4 - comprehensive control over the life of citizens; 3 - setting prices for goods.

When performing such a task, it is required to understand the meaning of a generic concept - this is a type of term that fully includes the amount of information of the rest.

Plan for a mini essay on social studies:

1. First you need to explain the statement (at least five sentences).

2. After that, the student should express his agreement with him and write in one sentence, than it is justified.

3. After that, the participant gives the first argument and example in defense of his position.

4. Then he writes the second argument, as well as an example in defense of it.

5. Finishes the mini-essay with a conclusion.

What is an argument?

This is the participant's thought that proves him right: the answer to the question why he agrees with the statement.

What is an example?

As an example, the participant can give a case from life (it can be real or invented. - Approx. Life), history and literature. An example needs to be written in detail. It is best if it is from history, literature, geography or media.

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 29 tasks.

First part contains 20 tasks with a short answer.

The answer to the tasks of the first part is given by an appropriate entry in the form of a word or phrase or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating symbols.

Tasks 1-3 - concept tasks basic level - are aimed at testing knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of a person, patterns and trends in the development of society, basic social institutions and processes.

Tasks 4–19 of the basic and advanced levels are aimed at checking the formation of skills:

  • characterize from a scientific standpoint, the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system
  • search social information presented in various sign systems (text, diagram, table, diagram)
  • use socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social issues

The tasks in this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course:

  1. people and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4-6)
  2. economics (tasks 7-10)
  3. social relations (tasks 11, 12)
  4. politics (tasks 13-15)
  5. law (tasks 16-19)

The second part contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

In the tasks of the second part, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in a detailed form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training.

The tasks of the second part (21–29) together represent the basic social sciences that form the social science course in secondary school (social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, and jurisprudence.

Distribution of tasks in parts examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part20 35 Short answer
Part 29 27 Detailed response
Total19 62


The performance of the examination work is assigned 3 hours 55 minutes.
Recommended time for completing various tasks:

  • for each of tasks 1–3, 10: 1–4 minutes
  • for each of tasks 4-9, 11-28: 2-8 minutes
  • for task 29: 45 minutes

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