Round dance games for adults. Folk dance games. Frost - Red nose

Kitchen 28.12.2020

Russian folk dance games in kindergarten

Round dance games are small theatrical performances where children, thanks to their imagination, can play one or another character. Well, their favorite rhymes help them distribute roles.

Round dance games are needed to develop in children a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements, fantasy and imagination.

The text of the game is easy to remember. The foundation folk dances- folk texts. Movements are performed according to the content of the text at a certain pace.

I want to introduce you to my beloved children and round dance games.

« Tsarevich-King"

The children choose the Tsarevich-Korolevich with a counting rhyme, he stands in the middle of the circle. The children walk backwards and sing:

Walks around the city - 2 times,

Tsarevich - King - 2 times,

The princess chooses - 2 times,

Tsarevich - Korolevich - 2 times.

The Tsarevich-Korevich chooses the Princess, then they stand with their backs to each other, and the children count:

1, 2, 3 - look!

If the Tsarevich and the Princess turned their heads in different directions, then they shake hands, and if in one, they hug each other.


Before the game, the children agree which of the boys will be called Vanya.

The children walk side by side and sing:

Sugar on the floor, yeah on the floor

I will not lazily raise, but I will raise (tilt)

Ate sugar (screening)

I sang a song (hands on a shelf)

I wanted to hug my friend.

Vanya, go to the circle!


Why are you sad?

Heart hurts (shows)

You, Vanyusha, do not be sad,

Come out, invite Tanya!

Vanya chooses a girl and they perform a dance.


Children choose a leader by counting.

Everyone walks hand in hand behind the leader. The leader first walks in a “snake” with a calm step, and then speeds up the step. The task of children is not to break the "thread"

I walked up the hill

Found a ball of thread.

small ball,

Scarlet threads.

The ball rolls

The thread is stretching.

A tangle of share, share, share,

Thread more, more, more.


"Kostroma", chosen by the rhyme, goes into the middle of the circle.

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle and sing:


"Kostroma" answers:

What are you doing?

Yarn to a strand (imitates spinning)

Well, spin!

The children again go in a circle and sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma, why are you at home, why are you dumb? Kostromushka, are you at home? (stop)

"Kostroma" answers:

And what are you doing?

I knit knitting.

Well, knit!

Children walk in a circle and sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma, why are you at home, why are you dumb? Kostromushka, are you at home?


"Kostroma" answers:

And what are you doing?

I shake the balls.

Well, shake!

Children walk in a circle and sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma, why are you at home, why are you dumb? Kostromushka, are you at home?


"Kostroma" answers:

And what are you doing?

I cry, my fingers hurt.

Well, cry.

The children walk in a circle for the last time and sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma, why are you at home, why are you dumb? Kostromushka, are you at home?

What are you doing?

I catch you! (with these words the girl catches the children)


Children use a counting rhyme to choose a driver who stands in the center of the circle. Girls walk in the inner circle, and the boys stand in the outer circle and make "springs".

Children sing:

I'm sitting on a pebble, amusing pegs of crayons,

I amuse the pegs of crayons, I am building my own garden.

Ai-li, ai-liu-li, I am going to my garden.

The melody ends, the driver says:

Girls, girlfriends, take apart the pegs!

Each girl stands behind the boy.

The driver walks in a circle to the music, when the music ends, the driver stops with a nearby couple, approaches the girl and they have a dialogue:

Kuma, kuma, sell the peg!

What's worth?

A head of cabbage, a broom, and a ruble of money!

Well, then on hands, but in the bath!

With these words, the children hit each other's hands and run in different directions in a circle, trying to be the first to run to the "peg", the loser becomes the driver.

Russian folk dance games are a layer of folklore, the roots of which go back to a very distant past. Initially, the round dance was a pagan ritual that combined singing, dancing and playing. His goal was to glorify the spirits of nature, to appease them in order to ensure the well-being and prosperity of people. Gradually, the original meaning was erased, but the round dances remained. You can start playing Russian folk round dance games with children very early - literally from the age of two. But up to 4-5 years old, an adult will have to sing (or read a “round dance” recitative). For children, the most important thing will be to repeat the movements necessary according to the text of the round dance.

We invite you to get acquainted with several Russian folk dance games:

Russian folk dance game "Karavai"

Probably the most famous dance game in Russia! It is almost an obligatory attribute of any birthday of children from the year to the end elementary school. Such a Russian analogue of the American "Happy birthday!". The chorus is very simple. Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:

How on ... name day (they call the name of the birthday child)

We baked Karavay.

Here is such a height! (hands raised as high as possible)

Here is such a bottom! (squat down, hands practically put on the floor)

That's the width! (they diverge to the sides, trying to make a round dance of as large a diameter as possible)

Here's a dinner! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday man)

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you like! (the round dance comes to its "normal" size and stops)

The birthday man says: I love, of course, everyone,

But here ... most of all! (calls the name of the selected child, takes him by the hand and leads to the center of the round dance)

Now the birthday boy becomes a round dance, and the child he has chosen becomes the “birthday boy”.

Russian folk dance game "Bubble"

This game is very fun and dynamic. Children enjoy playing it. The guys join hands and form a circle. Before the start of the game, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Next, they "inflate" the bubble, i.e. diverge to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance-bubble is “inflated” until one of the participants in the round dance, unable to withstand the tension, releases his hands. So the bubble has burst. The game is accompanied by the following text:

Inflate, bubble

Get big!

Blow up, hold on

Don't rush!

Russian folk dance game "Dubok"

This round dance of the Kostroma province. Children, standing in a round dance, sing (or rhythmically sentence) about an oak tree and, without tearing their hands, show movements.

We have an oak tree

Here it is

Here it is!

(The round dance moves in a circle. With the last word, the round dance stops)

Root yes it -

So deep

That's so deep!

(Children bend down, trying to reach the floor with their hands)

Branches yes it -

So high

That's so high!

(hands are raised up and shake them)

Leaves yes it -

So wide

That's so wide!

(the round dance diverges, expands)

Instead of oak, you can take any other tree - pine, maple, etc.

You can play this round dance with the driver. One of the children is chosen as an "oak". He stands in the center of the round dance. Together with all the guys, he shows what kind of leaves, branches, etc. he has. At the end, the "oak" chooses a new leader from the round dance, and they themselves become in a round dance. At the same time, he can “assign” to the new driver the name of another tree, for example, maple, mountain ash. And then they will sing about this tree.

Russian folk dance game "Birch"

The birthplace of this round dance Kaluga region. This is a rather complex round dance. It is suitable for children at least 6-7 years old. And this round dance, rather, girls. After all, a birch is a symbol of a beautiful girl. And the girls led such round dances on Trinity Day.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands. A birch girl is chosen. She is in the center of the round dance. If the round dance is large, then you can choose several "birches". Each participant in the round dance has a handkerchief in his right hand. Children move in a circle with the words:

You, birch, b e Lena, b e Lena,

And the crown is green e on, green e on the.

In the summer, a furry

Knotty in winter.

Where you stand, there you make noise!

While this song is playing, the birch girl collects handkerchiefs from all the children. The round dance continues to move, and the “birch”, raising the scarves above its head, sways, waves the scarves, depicting the movement of branches and the noise of branches:

green birch,

Cheerful in the spring

Stands in a clean field

Yes, the leaves make noise.

The branches curl

From to e trami is playing.

Then the birch girl goes around the whole round dance and puts a handkerchief on each shoulder. This is done under the following sentence:

And in the slushy autumn,

In the cold autumn

elegant birch,

beauty is invisible,

Washed by the rain

Farewell to beauty.

The roots dry up

Leaves fall.

One handkerchief "birch" leaves for herself. The one who did not have enough handkerchief becomes a new "birch" and the game is repeated.

Russian folk dance game "Vyun"

This dance game requires quite serious preparation. Therefore, rather, this is no longer a round dance game, but a number for performing at a folklore festival. All participants in the round dance stand in a circle. You can hold hands. The song "I walk with the loach" is performed:

I walk with the weed

(all participants in the round dance move towards the center, smoothly raising their hands)

I walk with gold

(dance diverges from the center, hands drop)

I do not know where I will put the loach,

I do not know where I will put the loach.

(participants of the round dance raise their hands up and swing them from side to side)

I'll put the vine, I'll put the vine

I will put the loach on my right shoulder,

I will put the loach on my right shoulder.

(They put their left hand on their right shoulder, and with their right hand they take the left hand of the participant in the round dance in front. The round dance slowly moves in a circle)

And from the right, and from the right,

And from the right to the left I will put

And I'll put it from right to left.

(The round dance changes the direction of movement, the position of the hands changes - now right hand on his left shoulder, and his left hand on his neighbor's left shoulder)

Round dance games have always been loved by both children and adults in Russia. Not a single holiday was complete without them. Round dance games are a whole complex of gaming exercises that include free movement, music, singing, pantomime, and recitation of poems.
Round dance games are very necessary for children of preschool and primary school age.
They: acquaint children with ancient traditions and rituals, develop communication skills, promote motor skills, develop a sense of rhythm, an ear for music.
You just need to choose the right music, words, come up with the meaning of the game.
We offer you examples of round dance games for children.

Round dance game "Flag"

Target: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing a song.

The children stood in a circle
Saw the flag
To whom to give, to whom to give
To whom to pass the flag
come out, Sasha in a circle,
And take the flag

Description: Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle lies a flag. children go in a circle and pronounce tex. The child comes out according to the text, raises the flag, then waves it and puts it in place. Then the game continues.

Round dance game "Bubble"

Target: teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing a song. exercise in coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate the bubble, sound shhhh.

inflate the bubble
puff up big
stay like this
Don't burst
he flew, he flew, he flew
Yes, I hit a branch
sh-sh-sh. the bubble burst.

Description: Children become in a circle. the children walk in a circle and say words until they say “The bubble burst.” Then they lower their hands and sit down, while saying sound sh-sh-sh. The game is repeated.

Round dance game "Cap"

Target: teach children to hold hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.

cap, cap
thin legs,
red boots
We fed you
We fed you
Put on feet
Forced to dance.

Description: Children become in a circle. choose one of the children, he will be the cap. children walk in a circle and sentence according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we watered you” are pronounced, the circle narrows, then again the children diverge back to form a large circle and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing. Then the game continues.

Round dance game "Carousel".

The purpose of the game. To teach children to coordinate movements with the words of the poem, to respond to the verbal signal of the teacher.
Game description: The teacher becomes in the center, who holds the hoop on which the ribbons are tied (raise the hoop with the ribbons up) The children stand in a circle and take the ribbons with their left hands "Sat on the carousel" They go in a circle and say the words of the song:

Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then around, around -
Everyone run, run, run.

At first, the children walk slowly, and after the word "run" they run in a circle.

Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel
One and two, one and two
Here the game is over.

The carousel starts spinning slowly, finally stops. When the carousel stops, the children throw the ribbons and run around the playground, and at the signal of the teacher, they run again forming a circle and take the ribbons with their hands.

Round dance game "Mice"

Game description: Children are divided into two subgroups ("Mice" and children)
Children stand in a circle, holding hands raised up like a collar, sentence the text of the song.
"Mice" - run in and out of the circle.

Oh, how tired the mice are.
They ate everything, they ate everything,
Beware the cheats
We will get to you.
How to put mousetraps -
Let's catch them all at once!
The mousetrap closes.

Children lower their hands and whoever remained in the center was caught. The game starts over.

Round dance game "We are nesting dolls"

The purpose of the game. Teach children to perform movements according to the text of the song.
Game description: Children become in a circle. children walk in a circle and say: They go in a circle and repeat the words of the song after the teacher, performing the actions that are sung in the song.

And we, as we have clean hands.

And we have, like we have new boots.
We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.
And we have, as we have new handkerchiefs.
We are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.
Let's run. we all ran along the path.

Round dance game "Circle circles"

Target: Teach children to walk in a circle, keep an even circle.
Description: Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, pronouncing the words:

circle circle
little step,
One two Three -
Turn around (They say the child's name) you!

And so it goes until the last player. When all the children from the circle are turned, the children say:

circle circle
little step,
One, two, three, four, five -
Everyone turned back again.

Toart librarya

dance games

round dances


Like on Cars name day
We baked a loaf:
Here is such a height! (children raise their hands as high as possible)
Here is such a bottom! (children lower their hands as low as possible)
That's the width! (children run as wide as possible)
Here's a dinner! (children converge to the center)
Caravan, caravan,
Whoever you want, choose!
I love, I confess, everyone
And Masha is the most.


We quickly inflate the balloon, (Children disperse, forming a circle.)
He gets big
That's what! (Pointing with hands.)
Suddenly the ball burst - ssss (Narrowing the circle to the center.)
The air is out, (handles up.)
He became thin and thin. (We show with pens what the ball has become.)
We won't grieve (Shake our head)
We'll blow it up again.
Inflate the balloon quickly, (disperse, forming a circle.)
He gets big
Here's what


Zainka, go
Grey, go.
Like this, go like this.
Like this, go like this.
Bunny, spin around
Gray, turn around.
Just like that, spin around.
Just like that, spin around.
Zainka, stamp your foot
Grey, stamp your foot.
Like this, stomp your foot,
Like this, stomp your foot.
Zainka, dance,
Gray, dance.
Dance like this,
Dance like this.
Zainka, bow,
Gray, take a bow.
Like this, bow down
This is how you bow.
text movement

Three funny brothers

Three funny brothers

walked around the yard
Three funny brothers

started a game
We did heads nick-nick-nick, (nod our heads)
Dexterous fingers chik-chik-chik. (depict scissors with fingers)
clapped their hands

They stomped their feet top-top-top.

There was a king

The king walked through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess.
Let's jump with you, let's jump,
And we kick our legs, we kick,
And clap your hands, clap your hands
And we stomp our feet, we stomp.

And wave the tail, wave, wave.

And then we'll dance, we'll dance Everyone!

big carousel

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
Here the game is over.


The children, together with the eight, join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. Together they say: Inflate, bubble, Inflate, big, Stay like this Don't burst. The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”. Then they release their hands and squat down, while saying: “Clap!”. You can also invite the children after the words “bubble burst” to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound “shhhh” w - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.


with hoops. Children stand in a circle with hoops. Each holds on to his own hoop and the neighbor's hoop. It turns out a big vicious circle. At the signal "Let's go!" everyone begins to move in steps, at the signal "Run!" everyone runs, at the signal "Jumps!" they begin to bounce, putting their foot to foot (side gallop) to the words “Hush, hush, do not rush, stop the carousel!” move to a calm walk and stop. When they say "Relax!" everyone puts hoops on the floor and diverges in different directions. Having heard the signal “The carousel is starting!”, everyone runs to the hoops, quickly take them. The game is repeated.


The players form a circle, in the middle of which a child becomes - this will be a pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle: We will plant a pear - here, here! Let our pear grow, grow! Grow up, pear, such a height; Grow up, pear, like this wide; Grow up, pear, grow up in a good hour! Dance, Mariyka, spin for us! And we will pinch this pear. We will run away from our Mariyka! The pear in the middle of the circle should depict everything that is sung in the song (dance, spin). On the words "This is such a height" hands up, and on the words "This is such a width" to the sides. When they sing: “And we will pinch this pear”, everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the pear catches the children.


Having made a circle, the players sing: There was a peacock mountain,

All people follow me

We don’t have one (the name of one of the players)

At his mother's

burnt stove,

pancakes baked,

concocted loaf,

So tall

So wide

So low. The players raise their hands up, spread them apart, lower them to the floor, squeeze the circle, showing the height, width, etc.


The players stand in a circle, in the middle the driver is Arina. She is blindfolded. Everyone sings: Dear Arina, rise above the barn, Fold your hands, whose name indicate! Arina walks, singing: I walk, I walk along the loaf, Along the loaf, I will find out whom I will find! Then, touching one of the players, he tries to guess his name. Whose name guesses will be Arina.

Grandmother Ezhka

In the middle of the circle, the driver stands up - Grandmother Ezhka. In her hands she has a "broom". Players run around and tease her: Grandmother Ezhka, Bone leg fell from the stove, broke her leg, And then she says: - My leg hurts. She went outside - Crushed the chicken. Went to the market - Crushed the samovar. Grandma Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he freezes.


Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle with a flag. The teacher leads the children in a circle and says: “The children became in a circle, Come out, Olya, in a circle, You saw a flag. Take, Olya, the flag! To whom to give, to whom to give? Come out, come out, take it, Who should raise the flag? Raise the flag higher! The child goes to the middle and takes the flag from the one who is in the center, and he goes into the general circle. The game is repeated, the child in the center also walks with the flag raised. It is necessary to walk beautifully and rhythmically.

Sun and rain

Children go in a circle and say: “The sun looks out the window, Shines into our room. We clap our hands, Clap our hands. Very happy with the sun. Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically trample in place. Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically. At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run to the teacher under an umbrella. The teacher says: “The rain has passed. The sun is shining." The game is repeated.

In an even circle

The children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, saying: “In an even circle, One after another, We go step by step, Stand still! Let's do it together together!" With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down


Holding hands, the children form a circle, one child in the center. The players go in a circle and say: “We brought gifts to everyone. Whoever wants, he will take - Here is a doll with a bright ribbon, a horse, a spinning top and an airplane. If he calls the horse, the children jump, if the doll - they dance, if the top - they spin. The person in the circle chooses a new leader. The game is repeated.

cap and


one of the children goes to the center of the circle with a stick in his hands, puts a cap on his head so that it goes down to the very nose, covering his eyes. The rest of the children hold hands, forming a circle. They go in a circle, saying: “One, two, three, four, five - the Leader knocks with a stick. There will be a wand to knock, Shows with a wand at one of the children standing in a circle. - Jump, jump, jump. He says the last three words Guess whose voice ”All the children say, after that the leader guesses. If he guessed right, he chooses who will go to the middle.

There lived a grandmother

Children learn a poem, then, together with the leader, repeat it several times, each time speeding up the pace.

Once upon a time there was a grandmother

At the very river

Grandma wanted

Swim in the river.

Grandma was nimble -

Bought a washcloth

Our song is good

Start over.


Let's go, we'll go with you together (in pairs in a circle)
We walk the long road
To hares, bears, bullfinches
Let's walk the winter road
(turn to face each other and perform movements in the text)
We clap-clap with our hands
And kicking top-top
Turn your head
Knocked on the chest, on the chest
And it's cold outside
Frostbite kids nose
Freeze ears
Cheeks like buns (inflate cheeks and "pierce" with fingers)
Not afraid of cold and frost,
When we are together with you
We will hide our nose in a warm scarf
And the song will help us.


Children follow the text.

On the forest lawn

Bunnies ran away.

Here are some bunnies

Runaway bunnies.

(Children-bunnies easily run around the hall.)

The bunnies sat in a circle

They dig a spine with a paw.

Here are some bunnies

Runaway bunnies.

("Bunnies" sit down and perform imitative movements in the text.)

Here is a fox running

Red sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are

Runaway bunnies.

(The fox runs between the children, catches up with the kids with the end of the song.)


Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song.

Words: - the children stood in a circle

saw the flag

To whom to give, to whom to give

To whom to pass the flag

come out, Sasha in a circle,

Take Sasha flag


Children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle lies a flag. The teacher with the children goes in a circle and says tex. The child comes out according to the text, raises the flag, then waves it and puts it in place. Then the game goes on

Vanya is walking

Purpose: to teach to stand in a circle, sing songs, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Vanya walks. Vanya walks

looking for Vanya, looking for Vanya,

for myself my friend

Found Vanya. Found Vanya

for myself my friend

Children and the teacher become in a circle. The teacher, and the children walk in a circle and say words. One child is in a circle and chooses a friend for himself with the words: Vanya found, Vanya found a friend for himself. Standing in a circle, they dance, and the rest of the children clap their hands. Then the teacher changes the leader, the game continues.


Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle and perform actions, sing along to a song. exercise in coordinating squats with words and pronouncing words - inflate the bubble, sound shhhh.

inflate the bubble

puff up big

stay like this

Don't burst

he flew, he flew, he flew

Yes, I hit a branch

sh-sh-sh. bubble burst

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words until they say “The bubble has burst.” Then they lower their hands and sit down, while uttering the sound shhhh.


Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you

you are completely sitting down

get up, jump, dance.

your legs are good

Movements: Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence, while performing movements in the text.


goal: to teach children to hold hands, perform movements, according to the text of the game.

cap, cap

thin legs,

red boots

we fed you

we fed you

put on their feet

forced to dance.

Children and teacher become in a circle. The teacher chooses one of the children, he will be the cap. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we watered you” are pronounced, the circle narrows, then again the children diverge back to form a large circle and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle is dancing.

"We are nesting dolls"

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

ran. we all ran along the path.


Purpose: To teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with actions.
Move: Children stand in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he becomes in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

Zainka, along the senichka
Walk, walk!
Grey, brand new
Walk, walk!
There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,
Nowhere to jump gray.
Zainka, you will jump -
jump out
Gray, you will dance -
Will release.

Yasha sits down in the middle of the meadow. They dance around him, singing:

“Sit, sit, Yasha,

in the willow bush

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha,

ripe nuts.

Catch yourself, Yasha,

who do you want."

Yasha rushes after someone. Caught becomes Yasha

We grow poppies

In the middle of the circle sits "poppy" round dance sings:

Ai on the mountain poppy, poppy,

Under the mountain is white, white!

Oh you poppies,

Golden heads!

Get in line

Let's ask about the poppy.

The players stop and ask the "poppy":

Have you planted poppies?

The choirmaster answers:

Just plowed the ground

The chorus is repeated The players ask in sequence: “Did you sow poppies? “- “They sowed” - “Did the poppy bloom? “- “Blossomed” - “Has the poppy ripened? "-" Ripe, shake off. " Everyone rushes to the round dance and shakes him if he does not have time to escape. If the round dancer managed to hit someone three times, he becomes a round dancer.


Everyone stands in a circle and sings:

“Who wants to know how oats are sown

My father sowed so...

Show forward hand movements:

“Then I rested like this ...

They stand with their hands crossed - crosswise. Then they spin in a round dance, singing:

Oats, oats, God forbid that you grow up!

New couplet:

Who wants to know how oats are harvested?

My father reaped him like this


Then he rested like this


After the chorus, they depict how oats are knitted, how they are threshed

(when threshing, everyone beats his neighbor).

Big and small feet

Hold hands with the children and walk in a circle, either slowly, loudly stamping your feet, or speeding up and often moving your legs.

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top top, top top

small feet

Run along the path

Top top top then top

Top top top then top

We are walking through the forest

Hold hands and walk in circles:

We are walking through the forest

Let's find the animals.

We will call the hare loudly:


Nobody answers

Only an echo resounds

Quietly: "Au-au-au!"

Instead of a hare, you can substitute other words: “We will call the wolf loudly”, “We will call the bear”, “We will call the fox”.

Bunny walked

Hold hands, forming a circle. Walk in a circle, saying the words:

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

Bunny walked, walked, walked,

On the words "sat down" - stop and squat down.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

To the recording of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, make a round dance with the children around the Christmas tree or next to it, following the text:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest.

Slim in winter and summer

It was green!

The blizzard sang a song to her:

"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!"

Frost covered with snow:

"Look, don't freeze!"


We stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader suggests repeating the movements after him:

We'll go right first

And then let's go left

And then we'll get into a circle

And let's sit down for a bit

And now let's go back

And we'll circle around in place

And let's clap our hands.

And now in a circle all together ....

(Repeat the game several times, but at an accelerating pace)

Where have you been, Ivanushka?

Ivanushka stands in the center of the circle. Children ask, Ivanushka answers.

Where have you been, Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did you buy, Ivanushka?


Chicken in the hay (Children show how the chicken pecks)

Grains are pecking,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

Where have you been, Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did you buy, Ivanushka?

Duck in a puddle (Children show how a duck swims)

Back and forth floats.

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

Where have you been, Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did you buy, Ivanushka?

Donkey on the lawn (Children show how the donkey nibbles grass)

chews grass,

Ivanushka in Gorenka

Sings songs.

Where have you been, Ivanushka?

At the fair.

What did you buy, Ivanushka?

Teter. (Tetera (adult) comes out and starts a round dance.)

The Scarlet Flower.

Scarlet flower, like a spark, children walk in a round dance

One, two, three - turn around, Alena you

(the named child turns his back in a circle)

The game continues until the last child has turned.

Scarlet flower, like a spark

One two three four. five - they all turned again!

(all children turn to face in a circle)

This game can also be played with kids.

Grandfather Water.

There is a child in the center of the circle. Children walk around him in a round dance, saying the words:

We brought you gifts

Who wants, he will take.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

The child chooses one of the named toys. (Doll) Children put their foot on the heel and wave the ribbon, saying the words:

Doll, dance doll,

Wave a bright ribbon. (2 times)

Then they freeze in place in the pose of a doll and the child chooses the doll he likes.

(Horse) Children gallop in a circle in a straight gallop, saying the words:

Our horse gallops - tsok yes tsok

The clatter of fast feet is heard. (2 times)

Children freeze in the pose of a horse. The child chooses a horse. (Top) Children spin in place, saying the words:

This is how the top spins

Buzzed and lay down on the floor. (2 times)

(at the end of the words they squat down) The child chooses a spinning top. (Airplane) Children spread their arms to the sides, run in a circle, saying the words:

The plane is flying, flying

A brave pilot sits in it (2 times)

Children stop in the pose of an airplane and the child chooses an airplane for himself.


Turn on the music and dance with the children:

We walk, we walk in a round dance

Before all honest people.

(sit down)

They showed themselves. jumped,

(we jump)


We clapped our hands.


Reeds on the river

Hold hands and walk in a circle:

On the river - Kamyshi.

Ruffs splashed there.

Circle - older

(stop and turn to face the center of the circle)

Circle - younger

(take a step towards the center)

The circle is absolutely kids!

(close circle).

The bees lead a round dance

Walk with the children in a circle (no need to hold hands), performing the appropriate movements:

The bees lead a round dance -

Broom, broom.

The cat hit the drum -

Trom, trum.

The mice began to dance -


So that the whole earth began to tremble.

We went to the meadow

Children lead a round dance, a “bunny” sits inside the circle

We went to the meadow, we danced like this in the meadow, we danced.

(go around in circles)

Dozed off on a bump bunny in the cold

So I dozed off, a bunny in the cold

(sit down and show how the bunny is dozing)

They wanted to wake up in the pipes buzzed

Tu-tu, ru-tu-tu blew the pipes.

(imitate playing the pipe)

We woke up the bunny with drums

Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta beat the drums

(imitates drumming)

Bunny, wake up, get up.

That's it, don't be lazy, get up

(do exercises)

We will dance with you

in our round dance

That's it, you and I will dance merrily

As in our meadow

As in our meadow

Olechka is dancing in a circle,

And we sing a song

and clap your hands loudly.

Olya, Olya more fun!

Don't feel sorry for your feet

Don't forget to bow

choose someone.

As in our meadow

Everyone danced in a circle.

we all dance and sing

and clap your hands loudly.

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is the child about whom the song is sung. The child dances as best he can. After the words “don’t forget to bow,” he bows to someone, and he goes out into the circle. Verse 1 and chorus are repeated several times, the names of the children change. At the end, verse 2 is sung. All the children are dancing.


Children stand in a circle, "cockerel" in a circle.

Petya walked along the road

(the cockerel passes near the children, raising its knees high, waving its arms)

He found a pea

(Stops near the child - he becomes a pea)

And the pea fell

Rolled and disappeared

(the cockerel spins, the pea hides behind any child, squats)

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Where will peas grow?

(all children slowly sit down, the pea stands up, raising his hands up - has grown)


Children stand in a circle. "Raven" - in the center.

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra.

There are mountains on the mountain.

(children walk towards the center in fractional steps)

And on that mountain - an oak tree,

(same as going back)

And on the oak funnel.

(the raven spins, spreading his arms to the sides)

Raven in red boots

In gilded earrings

A raven sits on an oak tree

(everyone dances, putting their foot on the heel)

He plays the trumpet.

(imitate playing the pipe)

Turned pipe,


trumpet fine

song folding

(clap hands, dance)

With the end, everyone closes their eyes, the "raven" walks in a circle. Running after the children, he touches one child, who begins to chase the "crow". Regardless of whether the “raven” was caught, the selected child becomes in a circle and the game is repeated


Shadow-shadow - on-the-shadow

Above the city is a wattle fence

The animals sat on the wattle fence

Boasted all day.

The fox boasted

I am beautiful to the whole world!

Boasted Bunny

Come on, catch up!

boasted hedgehogs

Our coats are good!

Boasted fleas

And we are not bad!

The bear boasted

I can sing songs!

Boasted goat

I'll gouge out your eyes!

Three pigs

Three cheerful brothers walked around the yard

(Petya and his mother walked on the carpet),

Three cheerful brothers started a game.

They did it with their heads - nick-nick-nick (nodding head),

Dexterous fingers - chik-chik-chik (index and middle fingers make "scissors"),

Clapped hands - clap-clap-clap,

They stamped their feet - top-top-top,

And they jumped from the stump - jump-jump-jump,

And they jerked their legs - jerk, jerk, jerk,

Tail wagged-wagged-wagged (we twist the ass)

And they squealed so loudly - and-and-and-and-and!


Pillow, cushion,

my fluff.

Ouch. Leli, Leli, my downy. To whom are flowers, to whom scarlet.

And I blush the girl

(and I'm good guy)

Oh leli. leli,

and I red girl.

I'll put it on my knees, I'll make you kiss.

Ouch. Leli, Leli, I'll make you kiss.

(The game continues with another host)


1. A swan swims along the bank.

Above the bank carries a head.

She flaps her wings.

She shakes off water on the flowers.

2. Do not fly, you bright falcon high.

Don't wave your wings wide.

White swan not far away

White swan not far away

Soloist. You, swan, are the best, You, swan, are the most beautiful. I will take you by the white wing, I will lead you far behind me. Swan (speaking): Before you pick me up You must catch me.

(Children raise their hands as in the game "Mousetrap", the swan runs away, and the falcon catches up with her. The round dance continues on, the soloists walk in pairs inside the circle).

3. Along the silk grass,

By green, by ant

The falcon leads the swan

Leads a white head.

4. Along the clean pole, Directly to the White Sea, The falcon leads the swan, Leads the white little head.

Christmas game "Deceased"

We'll play scary stories

We're all scared now!

A “dead man” is selected, he lies down on a bench and performs actions according to the text of the song. Children walk around the "dead" in a round dance and sing a song. After the words "... he is running after us", they scatter, and the "dead man" tries to tarnish them.

  1. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday they came to bury him, he moves his legs.
  2. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday they came to bury him, he moves his hands.
  3. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday they came to bury him, he is sitting on a bench.
  4. The dead man died, on Wednesday, on Tuesday they came to bury him, he runs after us.

Garden round dance

Whether in the garden, in the garden

Have fun walking

Whether in the garden, in the garden

We dug up the beds.

The seeds were planted in the garden,

Dropped into the hole

and then warm water

The bed was watered

You grow up soon, carrot.

We will weed the bed.

The summer rain will fall

On you, on the field.

Here comes the autumn


Joyful and fun

We are starting a dance.

(to the tune of "whether in the garden, in the garden")


On the motive ("like on thin ice")

A white snow fell

Gathering in a circle

(go around in circles)

We are sinking, we are sinking.

(stomp feet)

Let's dance merrily

Let's warm up our hands.

(rubbing palms)

We clap, we clap.


Let's jump more fun


To get warmer.

We jump, we jump.



Little white bunny sits

and wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears

(bring fingers to head, move them)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws.

(clap hands)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump

(jump on both feet)

The wolf scared the bunny!

Bunny immediately ran away!

(running away)

Matryoshkas and mice

(to the motive "as at our gates")

Here nesting dolls walked

Looking for berries in the forest

(go around in circles)

So, so, and so,

Looking for berries in the forest

(gather mushrooms)

Sat under a bush

Ate delicious berries

So, so, and so,

Ate delicious berries.

(sit on the floor and eat berries from the palm of your hand)

How tired the matryoshkas are,

Dozed off under a bush

So, so, and so,

They dozed off under a bush.

(close their eyes and put their hands under their cheeks)

And then they danced

Exposed their legs

(put feet on heels)

So, so and so

Exposed their legs

(circling, stomping their feet)

Only girlfriends suddenly hear

Right at the edge of the forest

Run along the path

Someone's gray legs.

Hey, matryoshka, beware!

Turns out it's a mouse!

The bear went out into the meadow

The bear went out into the meadow

We all gathered in a circle

Bear claps his hands

He is so good with us.

clap with Misha, guys.

Come on, together: one, two, three ..

And now - freeze!

Mishka went out to the meadow,

Gathers in a circle.

Bear runs like the wind

He is the fastest in the world.

Hey guys, catch up!

Come on, together: one, two, three ...

And now - freeze!

Mishka went out to the meadow,

We all gathered in a circle.

Teddy bear crawls nimbly

Which one of you will catch up with him?

Come on, kids, don't be shy

Come on, together: one, two, three ...

And now - freeze!

Mishka went out to the meadow,

We all gathered in a circle.

The bear laughs merrily

He is so good with us.

Laugh with Misha guys

Come on, together: one two, three ...

Now freeze!

Come on, bunny dance!

Come on, bunny, dance.

Come on, gray, dance.

La-la-la. La-la-la.

Dance well!

(children with a song walk in a circle, in the center a bunny child dances using familiar dance movements)

Come on, bunny, spin around.

Come on, grey, spin around.

La-la-la. La-la-la.

Come on, grey, spin around.

(children clap their hands, the bunny is spinning)


The bear is walking through the forest

And carries baskets

(children walk in a circle)

A bear walks along the path

looking for a raspberry.

(looks around, hands over eyes)

The bear loves to eat sweets

(stroke belly with hand)

Oh, how many berries are here

Come on, raspberry

(beckon with hand)

Get in the basket soon.

(gather berries)

Teddy bear collected years

(show hands and sway left and right)

And growled with happiness

Rrr! Yes Yes Yes!

(groans and nods their heads)

Very tasty berry

(circling and bowing at the last words)

Round dance "that's what a Christmas tree"

Here's a Christmas tree that has grown with us

in front of our Christmas tree

let's start dancing (go in a circle)

Clap-clap, clap-clap,

tra-la-la-la. (clapping, flashlights)

Ran to the Christmas tree

baby bunnies,

jumping at the Christmas tree

playful bunnies (run in a circle)

Jump jump, jump jump.

Tra-la-la-la. (jumping in place, flashlights)

Lisonka-fox came to the Christmas tree

And fluffy tail

Snow under her chalk

(walk in a circle, depicting a fox)

Like this, like this

Tra-la-la-la. (show the tail, flashlights)

And the stomp bear

Brings honey with you

He feeds everyone

Dancing and singing. (go waddling)

Top top, top top

Tra-la-la-la (stomp foot, flashlights)

Here is fun in the forest

A round dance is circling.

Under the green tree

welcome the new year.

(walk around holding hands)

Clap-clap, clap-clap,

tra-la-la-la. (clap hands, flashlights)

Round dance game "I walk with a loach"

Children become in a circle. One child is the leader. He has a "bindweed". To the singing of the first verse, the leader walks in a figure of eight (bypassing each child) and, on the last word, bows to the one in front of whom he stops.


I walk with the weed

With green I go

I don't know where

Put the loach.

(with the beginning of the 2nd verse, the leader is followed by the child to whom the leader bowed)

Put you loach

Put you loach

Put you loach

On the right shoulder.

(On the third verse of the same movement)

And from the right

And from the right

And from the right

Put on the left.

By the end of the song, four walk with the “loach”, and the “loach” is placed in the center of the circle. Four children dance to the dancing oars, performing any dance movements. With the end of the music, they try to take the "loach". The most dexterous becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.

Round dance game "Dancing"

On the green meadow

Dancing Olenka (Mashenka, Vanechka)

And we sing a song

(children with a song go in a circle, the driver moves in a counter-movement inside it)

And we beat loudly with our hands

Olya, have fun!

Don't feel sorry for your feet

Don't forget to bow

Choose someone.

(children clap their hands,

the driver dances arbitrarily, then with a bow invites any child and spins with him)

Zarya-Zaryanitsa "

Two leaders are chosen. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are strengthened on the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone walks in a round dance and sings


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - do not crow

And run like fire!

On the last words of the driver's side. Whoever takes the freed ribbon first is the winner, and the one who remains is the next partner.


There was a birch in the field

Curly stood in the field.

Lyuli, Lyuli, stood.

Break a birch for someone

Break someone's hair.

Lyuli, lyuli, break it.

I'll go, I'll go for a walk

I will break the white birch. .

Lyuli, lyuli, I'll break it.

I will cut three rods from a birch, I will make three horns out of them.

Lyuli, lyuli, three beeps.

fourth balalaika,

Fourth balalaika.

Luli, lyuli, balalaika.

I will play the balalaika

I will play the balalaika.

Lyuli, lyuli, I'll play.

(movements in the lyrics)

"At the bear in the forest"

The driver is chosen - "bear".

He is at some distance from the other participants. Children pronounce the text, approaching the "bear".

From the bear in the forest Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

Everything is growling at us.

With the end of the text, the children scatter, the “bear” catches up with them during the game, other words can be used:

At the bear in the forest

I pick mushrooms and berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

Everyone is looking at us

And then how it roars

And he will run after us!

And we take berries

And we don’t give the bear

We go to the forest with a club,

Kick the bear in the back!

Like under our gates

Like under our gates

water is added

(children walk in a circle holding hands)

Oh my viburnum

Oh my raspberry

(Go to the center of the circle and step back)

The water poured

Grass sprouted.

(Whirl around in pairs, holding hands.

Oh, viburnum May!

Oh my raspberry!

(go to the center of the circle and step back)

Grass sprouted,

Silk grass.

(go around in circles)

Oh my raspberry

oh, my viburnum!

(same movements)

Russian folk game "Frog"

5-6 people are selected by "frogs". They go inside the circle that the rest of the children form. A circle of children leads a round dance to the right and sings the 1st verse:

Here is a frog on the path

Jumps, legs outstretched.

Kwa, kwa, kwa-kva-kva!

Jumps, legs outstretched.

When singing: "Kva, kva ..." in all couplets, the frogs bounce to the beat of the music. Further, going to the left, the children sing:

Here from a puddle to a bump,

Yes, behind the fly jump.

Kwa, kwa, kwa-kva-kva!

Yes, behind the fly jump.

At the end of the singing, the children who make up the circle scatter in different directions. Now they are "flies". "Frogs" catch "flies" and take them aside. Then the caught children stand in the middle of the circle. Now they will be "frogs". The rest of the guys again stand in a circle "and, moving in right side, sing:

She doesn't want to eat anymore

Jump back into your swamp.

Kwa, kwa, kwa-kva-kva!

Jump back into your swamp.

Then the round dance is led to the left side.

In the field of flies, he knows

Enough with your tongue.

Kwa, kwa, kwa-kva-kva!

Enough with your tongue.

When singing the last lines, the children scatter, and the "frogs" catch them.

Russian folk game "Cat and Mice"

Children stand in a circle and call "cat":

Kitty, run around in a circle,

play with us together.

(they raise their joined hands up, through these “collars” the “cat” runs into a circle, lies down and “falls asleep.” The guys sing:

Mice dance. - They go in circles.

A cat is napping on a couch.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

(they approach the "cat", narrowing the circle.)

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

Here Vaska the cat wakes up,

(expand circle)

Will break the whole dance!

(They speak loudly, standing still. The "cat" catches mice, they try to run away from him to the chairs)

Weiss, cabbage

Weave, weave, my cabbage,

Wind, wind, my white.

How can I, cabbage, not curl,

Do not wind with a white fork?

Children join hands, forming a long line. The host leads everyone through the "gates" (raised hands) formed by the last pair. When everyone has passed, the one standing behind turns and begins to “curl the cabbage”, throws his hand over his left shoulder, continuing to hold on to the hand of the one walking behind. Thus, the round dance moves until all the players have passed. Then the summer one stops, and the round dance “curls like a snail” until it turns out “headed”. Then the movements are repeated in reverse order.


"Vanya walks"

Children standing in a circle go to the right. "Vanya" walks in a circle, the children sing:

Vanya walks, Vanya walks

In the middle of the circle, in the middle of the circle.

"Vanya" walks in a circle, choosing a "friend". The rest of the children are standing.

Looking for Vanya Looking for Vanya

My friend for myself, my friend for myself.

"Vanya", choosing a "friend",

leads him to the center of the circle.

Found Vanya, found Vanya

For myself my friend, for myself my friend

At the end of the song, "Vanya" and "druzhochek" dance to the clapping of children. Another "Vanya" is selected and the game is repeated

"We went to the meadow"

Children stand in a circle. Away - there is a "bunny". Children sing and move to the right in a circle, holding hands:

We went to the meadow, led a round dance.

So, they danced in the meadow (2 times)

Stopping, the children point to the "bunny". Putting hands under the cheeks show how the horse is sleeping:

A bunny dozed off on a bump in the cold.

This is how the bunny dozed off in the cold (2 times)

Children imitate playing the pipes. Bunny is sleeping.

They wanted to wake up with trumpets:

Tu-tu, ru-tu-tu, they blew the pipes! (2 times)

Children go to the right in a circle, imitating playing the drum:

We woke the bunny, beat the drums:

Boom-boom, tra-ta-ta, the drums were beaten! (2 times)

They call a bunny, he jumps into the middle of the circle. Everyone clap, and the bunny jumps:

Bunny wake up, come on get up -

Like this, don't be lazy, come on get up (2 times)

At the end of the game, a new "bunny" is selected.

The game can be played no more than 2-3 times

"Cheerful girl Alena"

The children stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle is a girl, she turns slightly to the right and left, the children sing:

Oh, what a dress Alena has,

Yes, with what a green border!


Stomp my heel bolder

Yes, start dancing more fun!

In the chorus, all children stomp with their right, then with their left foot and turn around themselves, the movements are repeated 2 times.

Another girl runs into the circle and, turning right and left, shows imaginary ribbons in pigtails, the children sing:

Brought to Hannusenka sister

Blue satin ribbons for braids


A boy runs into the circle. He dances, exposing alternately his right, then his left leg. Children sing:

Look at Mishenka's legs,

Are red boots good?


Children go to the middle of the circle and back, sing:

Oh, and we guys will dance with you,

We can stomp our heels too!

"In the forest clearing"

Children are in a circle, children representing animals stand with them. "Hare" jumps out to the middle of the circle. Children go in a circle:

Early in the morning in a forest clearing

Loudly, loudly the bunny drums

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

children stop, imitate drumming. Then the "hare" returns to the circle.

The bear cub comes out. Children go in a circle:

A bear cub crawled out of the den,

Stomp, stomp he began awake

Top-top-top, top-top-top, top-top-top!

"Bear cub" dances, waddling from foot to foot. Children repeat these movements. "Bear cub" returns to the circle. "Frogs" jump out, the children sing:

Frogs are exercising

Dancing, dancing merrily squatting!

Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!

Children dance together with the "frogs" in a squat. The Frogs return to the circle.

It became empty immediately in the clearing.

Loudly, loudly the rain drums:

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!

They stop and clap their hands, imitating the sound of rain.

"Merry Musicians"

Children stand in a circle - "musicians"; "violinist", "balalaika", "drummer" - leave the circle and sit on a chair; in the center of the circle are - 4-5 "hares". The children hold hands and raise them up, through the resulting “gates” the “violinist” (“balalaika player”, “drummer”) enters, sings:

I play the violin

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn

Ti-li-li, ti-li-li!

On the last words, "hares" squat down. "Fiddler" goes to his place. Children, let the “balalaika player” into the “gates” and sing:

Played the balalaika

Trendy bullshit, trendy bullshit!

The rabbits are dancing. Children walk in a circle, then stop and sing, clapping their hands:

Bunnies are dancing on the lawn

Trendy bullshit, trendy bullshit!

"Balalaika" goes to his place. Children, let the “drummer” into the “gates” and sing:

And now on the drum:

Boom-boom-boom, tra-ta-tam!

“Hares”, having heard the last words, imitate fear, the children raise their hands up, depicting “bushes” and sing:

The rabbits ran away in fear

Bushes, bushes!

The hares are hiding, the drummer is playing

"Who's good with us?"

Children stand in a circle, sing and clap their hands. "Vanechka" goes to the middle of the circle:

Who is good with us, who is handsome with us?

Vanechka is good, Vanechka is handsome.

"Vanechka" rides a horse, waving his whip.

He sits on a horse, the horse will have fun

He waved his whip - the horse would dance behind him.

"Vanechka" walks after the children standing in a circle, raising his legs (as if "riding" a horse with a step).

Goes past the garden, the garden is green

Flowers bloom, birds sing

"Vanechka" returns to the circle, approaches "Olechka". At the end of the song, they dance together to the clapping of children.

He drives up to the house, gets off his horse

He gets off his horse, Olechka meets.

"Ogorodnayaround dance

Children stand in a circle, "carrots", "onions", "cabbages", "chauffeur" are pre-selected. They also stand in a circle.

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden. It grows its own carrots

Such a width, such a height! (2 times)

Children stop and open their arms wide, and then raise them up.

The “carrot” comes out, dances, and at the end of the verse returns to the circle; children standing still

You, carrot, hurry here. You dance a little

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden there green onion growing

The “bow” dances in the circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children, standing still, sing:

You hurry here, you dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a garden and cabbage grows there

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

“Cabbage” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse it returns to the circle, the children sing:

You are cabbage, hurry to us, dance a little,

And then do not yawn and climb into the basket (2 times)

Children walk in a circle and sing:

We have a truck, it is neither small nor large.

This is the width, this is the height (2 times)

The “chauffeur” comes out and dances in a circle, at the end of the verse he returns to the circle, the children sing:

You, driver, hurry here, you dance a little

And then do not yawn take away our harvest.

"Vaska the cat"

Children stand in a circle. A "cat" and 5-6 "mice" are selected. "Mice" go outside the circle, and "cat" - in the middle of the circle and performs movements according to the text of the song. Children hold hands and walk right and left in a circle, sing:

Vaska walks gray

The tail is fluffy white.

Vaska the cat is walking.

Sit, wash

He wipes himself with his paw, sings songs.

The house will silently go around

Vaska the cat is hiding, gray mice are waiting ...

At the end of the song, the children raise their hands, forming a "gate". "Cat" begins to catch "mice", running through the "gate". The game ends when all mice are caught.

Mice, mice, you're in trouble

Don't run anywhere! The cat will catch everyone!

"Get Out, Girlfriend"

Children run in a circle holding hands. "Soloist" - in the center of the circle. With the beginning of the song, the children stop and clap - the "soloist" is dancing. When the song ends, another "soloist" is chosen:

Get on the path

Clap your hands

Stomp your heels

Dance with us!

Invite us to the circle

And choose me!

"All toys have fun"

Children stand in a circle and, singing along with the teacher, perform the movements that are sung in the song, or come up with them to the words “Tanya and Vanya dolls dance” and “matryoshkas went to dance.”

Drums are drumming:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

Dancing Dolls Tanya with Vanya, -

What a beauty!

Matryoshkas went to dance

Wider circle, wider circle

They clapped their hands together.

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

Rattles rattled

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding!

All toys have fun

All day, all day!

What kind of people is this?

What kind of people is this

Is he acting so funny?

Ears like sails!

These are miracles!

Children put their hands to their ears and hop around in a circle.

What kind of people is this

Is he acting so funny?

Jumping merrily,

Only backwards!

Children continue to move in a circle, turning their backs.

What kind of people is this

Is he acting so funny?

He nods his head

He hits his knees!

What kind of people is this

Is he acting so funny?

He took his nose with his hand

And he is leading himself forward!

What kind of people is this

Is he acting so funny?

He saws with one hand,

And he beats another nail!


A fox sits on a stump
waving his wand,
Two bears are dancing.
Here are the miracles
Two bears are dancing!

The hares took up the sides,
Trepaka danced,
The ducks have arrived
Played the tunes!
Here are the miracles
Played the tunes!

And the birch trees went to dance,
Round dances led.
The sun danced
Everything got brighter.
Here are the miracles
Everything got brighter!

bunny walking through the forest

a bunny in a balalaika's paw walked through the forest
he sang ditties, played the balalaika.
like this, like this, a hare walked through the forest
like this, like this, played the balalaika.

And the bear Toptygin jumped through the puddles,
clumsy bear jumping over puddles
like this, like this jumping through puddles
like this, like this, clumsy bear

And the fox timidly twirled his tail,
she sang songs loudly and twirled her tail,
like this, like this, like this - twirled the tail
like this, like this, twirled the tail

Here is a little titmouse bird flying
ate a lot of porridge and flaps its wings
like this, like this, waving its wings

And the mice deftly pulled the carrot
very, very cleverly pulled the tail
like this, like this, pulled a carrot
like this, like this, pulled the tail

The sun, brighter gray!

Children stand in a circle holding hands.
Squid, squid.

/ A starling flies in a circle /
Come fly!
Zimushka cold
drive away! -2 times
Squid, Squid,

/plays the whistle/
sing a song
And Spring-beauty

/ raise their hands, the sun sets in a circle /
Open the door!
Sunshine, sunshine.

/walks around/
Brighter gray!
Us with warm rays
Warm up! /
I sang it in a round dance.

Skvorushka flew in the middle of the circle, flapping his wings - chasing Zimushka away. Open the door - brought the Sun. The sun waved its arms and warmed the children.

Song-staging "Grandma's Yard"
Frets, frets, okay, we came to my grandmother.
To our dear grandmother,
Grandmother - Zabavushka, rode \ 3 times \ guys,

cute \3 times\ granddaughters. (Children walk in a circle).
I have a cockerel, a bright red comb.
Red beard, important gait.
Red \3 times \ beard, important \3 times \ gait.
(Children walk, raising their legs high. The body is held straight, the head is raised. The arms are laid back. During the movement, the children actively “flap their wings”, raising and lowering their hands).
There is a mischievous kid, so he shook his beard.
He scares children, butts with horns.
He scares children \ 3 times \,
horns \ 3 times \ butts.
(Children jump in place, holding fists at the back of the head with raised index fingers, depicting horns).
There is also a cat Murka, a nice koshurka.
(Children walk with a soft "spring" step).
He walks after the grandmother, washes his face with his paw.
Walks \ 5 times \ after the grandmother,
washes \5 times \ muzzle with a paw.
(Children show with gestures how the cat washes).
tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok tsok
there is a horse - a gray side.
A whirlwind jumps around the yard, invites everyone to the game!
Whirlwind jumps \ 3 times \ around the yard,
invites \3 times\everyone to the game!
(Children bend their arms with a "bridle" at the elbows, then pressing them to their chest, then stretching them in front of them).
Frets, frets, frets, that's how many grandma has!

Have fun kids

More fun kids game starts

(children, holding hands, walk in a circle)

Red fox walking on the grass

And with a fluffy tail sweeps behind him.

(they walk one after another, stepping carefully, showing a fox tail behind their hand)

Have fun kids.

The game is on

Prickly hedgehogs clap their hands,

Rejoice in the sun

such a good day.

(clap hands)

More fun kids game ends

(hand in hand, walking in a circle)

Teddy Bear

Dancing and singing

(circling, shifting from foot to foot)

Spinning and stomping

Roars joyfully

(bow and growl)

Target: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Children practice crawling, running

Game description: The children of the "mouse" sit in minks - on chairs or on benches placed along the walls of the room or on one side of the site. On the opposite side of the site, a rope is stretched at a height of 50-40 cm. This is a "pantry". To the side of the players sits a "cat", the role of which is played by the teacher.

The cat falls asleep and the mice run to the pantry. Penetrating into the pantry, they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they sit down and seem to gnaw on crackers or other products. The cat suddenly wakes up, meows and runs after the mice. The mice run into the burrows (the cat does not catch the mice, but only pretends to want to catch them). Returning to its place, the cat falls asleep, and the game resumes.

You can repeat the game 4-5 times.

Rules of the game:

  1. Mice can run to the pantry only when the cat is asleep.
  2. Mice can return to their burrows only after the cat wakes up and meows.

Round dance game - Grushka

The players form a circle, in the middle of which a child becomes - this will be a pear. Everyone walks around the pear in a circle:

We will plant a pear - here, here!

Let our pear grow, grow!

Grow up, pear, such a height;

Grow up, pear, like this wide;

Grow up, pear, grow up in a good hour!

Dance, Mariyka, spin for us!

And we will pinch this pear.

We will run away from our Mariyka!

Grushka in the middle of the circle should depict everything that is sung in the song (dance, spin). To the words “This is such a height”, the children raise their hands up, and to the words “This is such a width”, they spread them apart.

When they sing: “We will all pinch this pear”, everyone approaches the pear to touch it, and quickly runs away, and the pear catches the children. All game actions must be consistent with the words

Gardener and sparrow

Gardener and Sparrow are selected. The rest of the participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Nuts (apples, plums, etc.) are placed in the middle of the circle - this is a "garden". Away, ten paces away, they draw a circle - a “nest”. The round dance slowly moves in a circle, everyone sings:

Sparrow is small.
gray, remote,
Drifting around the yard
Collects crumbs;
Sleeping in the garden
Steals berries.

Sparrow runs in a circle (the guys, raising and lowering their hands, let him in and out), takes one nut and tries to carry it to the "nest". The gardener guards the circle and, as soon as Sparrow runs out of the circle, he begins to catch him. If Sparrow manages to put the nut in the "nest", he plays again. The caught Sparrow changes role with one of the participants. But before that, he must pay off the Ogorodnik and fulfill the desires of the round dance, for example, sing, dance, etc. At the same time, they sing to him

For a century, the sparrow cannot fly,
Do not peck berries in the garden,
Do not sit on an oak stamen.
And you, sparrow, sit on the meadow,
And you, gray, sit in a circle.
Isn't it time for you to get up and fly
Dance in our round dance!

At the end of the game, they count which sparrow brought the most nuts to the “nest”. He is declared the winner and all the nuts are given as a reward.


The rhyme players choose a Flower, and then are divided into two groups: Watchmen and Bees. Watchmen, holding hands, walk around the Flower and sing:

spring bees,
Wings of gold
What are you sitting

Do you fly into the field?
Al beats you with rain,
Does the sun bake you?
Fly over the high mountains
For green forests
On a round meadow
On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle, and the Watchman, either raising or lowering his hands, interferes with them. As soon as one of the Bees manages to penetrate the circle and touch the Flower, the Watchmen, who failed to save the Flower, scatter. The bees run after them, trying to "sting" and "buzz" in their ears.

In an even circle

At Malanya at the old woman's

At Malanya at the old woman's
Lived in a small hut
Seven sons and seven daughters.
With ears like this

(repeat after the leader - what ears)
With hands like this

(repeat after the leader - which hands)
With such a head

(repeat after the leader - what head)
With such a beard

(repeat after the leader - what a beard)
They didn’t eat anything, they sat all day, they looked at him (her),
They did it like this. How?

Round dance game "Mice in the Meadow"

On the green, in the meadow

(They walk around in a circle.)

The mice danced

Suddenly the fox ran -

(They look scared.)

The mice are scared.

Mice, mice, beware

(The fox threatens with a finger.)

Keep away from me, mice!

On the green, in the meadow,

(Mouse children squat down.)

The mice sat down - no gugu!

Under the aspen leaf

(They cover their head with their palms like a leaf.)

Behind the marshy, behind the bump

The mice hid, sat down,

Barely buried.

The fox ran away

(Looking back after the fox has run away.)

On business in their forests.

And mice without worries

(Bcmayum and go in a round dance.)

They dance again!

Path in damp forest

In the damp forest path - 2 times
Path, path, path, path (raise their hands up, show how the trees sway)

Jackdaw walked along that path - 2 times
jackdaw, walked, jackdaw walked
Jackdaw walked, Jackdaw walked (a girl walks inside a round dance with a handkerchief in her hand)

And behind her Sokolok - 2 times
Falcon, falcon, falcon, falcon (the boy catches up with the girl and holds on to her scarf)

Wait a jackdaw don't jump - 2 times
don’t jump, don’t jump, don’t jump, don’t jump (only the falcon boy sings, stands and addresses the girl)
And you do not hold the Falcon - 2 times
Don't hold, don't hold, don't hold, don't hold (a girl sings and waves her handkerchief)

In the damp forest path - 2 times
path, path, path, path (children stand in a round dance, a girl walks in a circle behind her, a boy holding on to a scarf).

It was in the village, in Olkhovka

1. It was in the village, in Olkhovka,
It was in the village, in Olkhovka.
Chorus: Bast shoes, yes bast shoes, yes my bast shoes,
Eh, bast shoes, yes bast shoes, yes my bast shoes,
Eh, my bast shoes, fake bast shoes,
Don't be afraid, go
Tyatka will weave new ones.
Eh, well, pah!
2. There lived a guy Andreyashka,
There lived a guy Andreyashka.
3. Andreyashka fell in love with Parashka,
I fell in love with Andreyashka Parashka.
4. He gave her dear gifts:
All spices, yes sheep.
5. The father did not tell him to marry,
The father did not tell him to marry.
6. Then our Andreyashka cried,
And Parashka roared behind him


Braid the wattle fence, braid,
Wrap up the golden trumpet,
Come on godfather young
A duck came out with small children
Unwind the wattle, unwind
Turn around the golden trumpet
Guess the godfather young
A duck came out with small children.


Already I was walking along, walking along the alley
Found a ball of thread
The thread is pulled, pulled
The ball rolls, rolls
Tangle of dole, dole, dole
Thread far, far, far
I took the thread
Thin thread broke

I lived with my father

I lived with my father
I pastured a chick.
Oh, I, I grazed the chick,
Oh me, in the green meadow,
Oh, I didn't catch the steak
Oh, I just ripped out the feather bed.
Oh me, I'm from this tetevyna
Oh me, I'll make a dudu
Oh me, you, my pipe,
Oh me, my merry
Oh me, cheer me up
Oh I'm on the wrong side
Oh I have a big family.
Oh, I, there are three sons in the family,
Oh, I, one horse grazes,
Oh me, another bast weaves,
Oh me, the third is sitting on a stone,
Oh, I keep a goat in a tie,
Oh me!


I walk with the weed

I go with green
I'll put the vine-2r
I'll put the loach on

right shoulder-2r
And from the right - 2p
I to the girl-2p
I go to the girl go go go-2
I will bow and give a wreath
I walk with the weed

I go with green
I don't know where to put the loach-2p
I'll put the vine-2r
I will put the loach

on the right shoulder - 2p
And from the right - 2p
And from right to left I will put-2p
I'm a good fellow-2r
I'm going to the young man, I'm going, I'm going-2p
I will bow and give a wreath.

Vasya, Vasya, Vasilechok

Vasya, Vasya, Vasilechek, Cornflower
My azure flower, my flower
For an hour I sat you down, I planted you
Another hour watered, watered
Another hour tore, tore
I'll pick a flower, an owl wreath, a wreath of owls,
Sow a wreath, I'll go to the tank, I'll go to the tank
In this tank, mo-and cute, mo-and cute
Mo-and dear husband is hateful, husband is hateful
Its strings are silk, silk
On the strings, hands are hooks, hands are hooks
He play and I dance and I dance


And we sowed, sowed flax,
and we, sowed, sentenced,
nailed with chabots:
You succeed, succeed, lenok,
Chorus: My flax, flax, white flax,
On the right on the mountain, on the left on the steep,
My linen is green.
And we weeded, weeded flax,
We weeded, sentenced,
nailed with chabots:
You succeed, succeed, lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,
Here we tore, we tore flax,
and we tore, sentenced,
nailed with chabots:
You succeed, succeed, lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,
And we made, we made flax,
and we laid, sentenced,
nailed with chabots:
You succeed, succeed, lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,
And we wetted, wetted flax,
We dried, dried flax,
And we crushed, we crushed flax,
And we ruffled, ruffled flax,
And we combed, combed flax,
And we spun, we spun flax,
And we wove, we wove linen,
And we cut, cut flax,
And we wore, wore linen,


Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in minks (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the site sits a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, starts catching mice that run into the holes and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat once again walks around the room, then returns to its place and falls asleep.


  1. The teacher makes sure that all the children run out of the holes.
  2. The teacher can use in the game - a cat - a toy.

Options: Mice jump over a stream, overcome obstacles, walk along the bridge.

art word:

The cat did not find mice and went to sleep, As soon as the cat falls asleep, all the mice run out!

Catch a mosquito

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

Description: The players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod 1-1.2 meters long with a cardboard mosquito tied on a cord. The length of the cord is 50 cm. The teacher circles with a rod, “circles a mosquito”, slightly above the heads of the players. When a mosquito flies overhead, the child jumps up trying to catch it. The one who grabs the mosquito says "I caught it!". Then the teacher circles the circle again with a rod.


  1. You can catch a mosquito only with both hands and bouncing on two legs.
  2. You need to catch a mosquito on the spot.

Options: You can run ahead, holding a rod with a mosquito in your hands, the children run to catch up with him.


Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, to coordinate movements with words, to find their place. Exercise in walking, jumping, squatting, running.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher invites them to go for a walk. They get up from their place, freely grouped or built in a column. The teacher says "on a flat path, our legs are walking, one-two, one-two, over pebbles, over pebbles, into the pit - bang." At the words “On a flat path ..” the children walk in steps. "On the pebbles" jump on two legs slightly moving forward. "In the pit boo" - squat down. We got out of the pit - the children rise. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says "our legs are tired along the flat path, here is our house - we live there."


  1. The movements must match the text.
  2. Get up from your haunches after the words "We got out of the pit."
  3. Run away home only after the words "we live there."


Tasks: To develop in children endurance, observation. Exercise in fast running with dodging, in building in a circle, in catching.

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle, the fox's house is drawn. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, goes around the circle behind the children and says “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, Touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. The players ask in chorus 3 times, at first quietly, and then louder " Sly Fox, where are you?". While everyone is looking at each other. The cunning fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, says "I'm here." All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The captured fox takes it home to the hole.


The fox begins to catch the children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I'm here!” If the fox gave herself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox. The player who ran out of the area is considered to be caught.

MOUSETRAP (senior group)

Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running, squatting, building in a circle, walking in a circle. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description: The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Smaller, forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice, they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Beware of cheating, we will get to you, here we will put a mousetrap - we will catch everyone now. Children stop and raise their clasped hands up to form a gate. The mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it, according to the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and crouch - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles.


A fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".

Dog and sparrows


jump jump
Jump jump.
Jumping, jumping sparrow
Cries of little children
Chiv, chiv, chiv
Throw the crumbs to the sparrow
I will sing you a song
(imitate the movements of a sparrow: jumping on two legs, waving your arms.)
Suddenly the dog came running
Sparrow scared.

We stomp our feet

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
We give hands. (They take each other's hands.)
And we run around
And we run around.

At the signal of an adult "Stop!" the baby must stop. The game can be repeated with running in the other direction.

Sun and rain

Target. To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches. The teacher says: "Sunshine! Go for a walk!" Children walk and run around the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home!" they run to their places. When the teacher says again: "Sunny! You can go for a walk," the game is repeated.

Instructions for conducting. At first, a small number of children participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be involved. Instead of houses-chairs, you can use a large colorful umbrella, under which children hide at the signal "Rain!". During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, jump, walk in pairs.

When repeated, the game can be made more difficult by placing houses (3-4 chairs each) in different places in the room. Children must remember their house and, at a signal, run into it.

bear clumsy

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.
bear clumsy
Walking through the forest
(1. We walk briskly)
collects cones,
Sings songs.
(2. Squat - collect bumps)
The bump bounced
Directly to the bear in the forehead.
(3. Hold hands on forehead)
Teddy bear got angry
And with the foot - top!

(4. Stomp foot)

Two funny sheep

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.
Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
(1. Have fun jumping)
Jumping white sheep
Early in the morning near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
Up to the sky, down to the grass.
(2. We stand on our legs, stretch up 3. We squat, we lower our hands down)
And then they circled
(4. spinning)
And fell into the river

(5. We fall).

/ukr.n.p. "Galya walked around the garden" /
Purpose: to teach to move in a round dance, to add emotional coloring and facial expressions.
Singing text Metrorhythmic actions

Galya walked around the garden, They stand in a circle, the soloist in a circle, a scarf in
She dropped her handkerchief there. "Drops" the handkerchief. Near whom the handkerchief fell -
lifts and hides behind the back.
Galya walked around the garden here, the Soloist shrugs her shoulders and spreads
He is looking for his blue handkerchief with his hands.
Do not worry, girlfriend Galya, Children go to the center "to Galya" by the hand and
We found your handkerchief. diverge.
Under the raspberry under the bush, The child who turned out to have a handkerchief comes up
Under the green under the leaf. to the soloist, and with a bow gives her a handkerchief.


There is a holiday and fun in the house, They walk in a circle by the hands, the bear dances in his hands.
The bear has a birthday.
Pr .: We celebrate the holiday, Stomping, they go to the center of the circle.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
Congratulations to the bear, They go back, forming a circle.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

With us, bear, dance, as in verse 1.
Sing us a song from the heart.
Ex: the same.

/ r.n.p. "Oh, you canopy, my canopy" /

Purpose: showing the simplest metro-rhythmic actions in space using the simplest movements - walking alone, in pairs and in a circle.

I'll go to my girlfriend, The child goes to his pair and stretches out
Hey, stand up! shakes her hand.
I'll give my friend a hand
Dance more fun.
Ex: One-two, jump-jump, The second child gives a hand. rocking
Dance more cheerfully. / 2 times / clasped hands to the beat of singing.
We will go with you in a circle, Walking in a circle with a rhythmic step.
Holding hands together,
We will dance this dance
We will dance and sing.

/ scale from “fa” to “do” with doubling of each sound /
Purpose: to consolidate the ability to feel character in music, the transition from a fast pace to a moderate one and vice versa; repetition of a soft springy step, "flashlights", round dance steps.

The bear came to visit us. Children in a round dance, in the center - a soloist / r-k or a toy /
Come on. look,
Like this. so, so, so, to the chorus, they clap their hands and shake their heads.
Come on, look. The bear is worn in a circle.
And to dance to the cheerful "Spring", hands on the belt.
Invite the bear.
Like this. so, so, so., Teddy bear dances until the end of the song.
Invite the bear.
Our hands danced, "Lanterns".
The bear is dancing with us.
Like this, like this, like this, like this
The bear is dancing with us.
Our legs danced, "Springs".
The bear is dancing with us.
Like this, like this, like this. So,
The bear is dancing with us.

"Cat and mice" Russian folk

Game progress:

Mice dance. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle around

A cat is napping on a couch. Cat.

Quiet, don't make noise! They threaten with a finger.

Don't wake the cat Vaska.

How Vaska the cat wakes up - Stretch your arms forward with palms up.

Will break the whole round dance. Alternately raise and lower bent

At the elbows of the hand, fingers clenched into fists.

The cat moved his ears - They run to the place.

And the whole round dance disappeared!

Round dance "According to mAlina" Let's go to the garden for raspberries, holding hands go in a circle.

Let's go to the garden Let's go to the garden

Let's start a dance

Let's go, let's go.

The sun is in the yard, raise your hands up "lanterns"

And in the garden the path lowers their hands and gently moves with brushes

right left.

My sweetheart, clap your hands.


Losing circles on sedges, hands on the belt.

You are a raspberry, not in your mouth,

pointing with the index finger

Not in the mouth, not in the mouth, -

Pour into the box, "gather berries"

In the box, in the box!

How to pick raspberries

We will collect, we will collect, "gather berries"

We bake pies, they bake pies

Let's bake, bake.

We'll bake pies

Let's bake, bake, "bake pies"

We will call all the neighbors, they beckon with their hands, as if beckoning to themselves

We'll call, we'll call.

"The deer has a big house"

The deer has a big house - show deer antlers

He looks into his window - a visor to his forehead

Bunny runs through the forest - earsbunnyand

There is a knock on his door. - Knock Knock! Open the door! They knock with the fist of one hand on,palms of the other.

There's an evil hunter in the forest! They press their hands to their chest and shake their lowered hands.

Bunny, Bunny, Run

Give me a paw - Stretch your arms forward

The deer quickly opened the door, Raise your arms to the sides.

He let the hare into his house. Touch the palms to the chest.

Hare, friend, don't be afraid now They threaten with a finger.,

We will close the door. Raise your arms to the sides and

then press the palms together

Oh, oh, I'm scared Bend your elbows in front of your chest and

Somehow I don't feel right shaking with drooping brushes.

Everything went to the heart They press their hands to their hearts and then point to their feet.

And didn't go away They shake their heads negatively. - Do not tremble, my bunny They threaten with a finger I was looking out my window palm to eyes.: The evil hunter ran away - Waving with one hand Sit a little! Pull out armsforward Yes, yes, I'll sit - clap your hands I no longer tremble You good friend! Stretch your arms forward

"Tambourine" (to the motive of the Russian folk song "Like ours at the gate")

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The leader - the educator sings, and passes near each child. Near whom the music ends, the teacher calls the name.

Tambourine, tambourine, ring, The leader walks in front of the children, shaking

Have fun kids. tambourine.

The kids are playing

They hit the tambourine.

Clap one and clap two! Holds a tambourine in front of a child.

Interesting game. The kid hits him with his palm.

Tanechka (child's name) is playing,

It hits the tambourine.

game "Snow - snowball"

Children stand in a circle.

Snow is snow, snow is snow Gradually lower their hands.

Creeps along the path.

Snow is snow, snow is snow

White blizzard.

Snow is snow, snow is snow Gently shake hands

Right and left

Covered paths.

Snow, snow snow - snow Let's play together

And each other snowballs

We have fun throwing. Throwing snowballs.

But it's warm outside They clap their hands.

Ears are not cold. They rub their ears.

We roll snow. Rotate with handsin front of the chest.

Big white ball

Stretch your arms to the sides

In a big white lump.

Dance - the game "It's frost and wind in the yard"

Game progress:

It's cold and windy outside, Go free

Children are walking in the yard.

Handles, handles rub, rub hands, palm to palm.

Handles, handles warm.

Little hands won't freeze , Clap your hands.

We clap our hands.

This is how we can clap

This is how we warm our hands.

So that our legs do not chill,

We sink a little. They stomp their feet.

This is how we know how to stomp

This is how we keep our feet warm.

In the meadowin the meadow

In the meadow, yes in the meadow Children, holding hands, walk along

Dancing (name) in a circle in a circle, inside it goes in a counter-move

And we sing a song, baby.

And we beat loudly with our hands.

(Name), have fun! They clap their hands rhythmically.

Don't feel sorry for your feet! (Name) randomly dances,

Don't forget to bow, bows and invites anyone

Choose someone, baby..

Walk in the woods

Let's go for a walk in the forest marching

Let's have fun walking.

Let's go along the path

walk "snake" between

Friend after friend in single file. "bumps".

They got up on their toes and run on their toes.

And they ran to the forest.

raise your legs higher, walk with a high step,

stepping over the "bumps".

We don't step on bumps.

And again they march along the path

We are walking happily.

Shadow, shadow, sweat

Children (sparrows) are located freely around the hall, according to the rhyme, the selected child (cat) sits in the corner of the hall.

Shade, shade, sweat. Children put their hands in front of the chest "shelf"

The cat sat under the fence.

The sparrows flew Waving the hands "wings"

Clap them hands.

Fly away, sparrows! They threaten with a finger.

Beware of the cat!

Children clap their hands. Sparrows fly away from the cat.

"Dance of Friendship"

Children stand in a large circle, three stand in the middle, join hands and become a chain. everyone sings a song.

We'll take hands

children move in one direction,

the soloists follow the leader to another.

we will take hands.

let's smile at each other

we'll go in circles!

Everyone stops. The soloists turn to face the children, near whom they stopped, turning their backs to the center of the circle, put their hands on their belts.

hi guys

bow to the children opposite whom they stand,

arms out to the sides, palms forward.

ours, straighten up and put their hands on their belts.

hello to our guys, repeat. movements.

we will sing and dance for you,

All children stomp with one foot.

we are a cheerful people.

come with us together

soloists take children by both hands,

come with us together

standing opposite them, and lead them to

let the songs flow louder, the center of the circle.

our dance is growing.

soloists and invited children circle in pairs.

round dance "Seasons"

Invented by mother The children walk hand in handcircle.

Daughters names:

Here is Summer and Autumn,

Winter and Spring!

Spring is coming - They walk in a circle, raising their hands.

Green forests,

And the birds are everywhere They step back, waving their hands,

And summer has come Raise their hands and

Everything blooms under the sun rotate brushes.

And ripe berries "They put berries in their mouths"from the palm.

They ask in the mouth.

We are generous Autumn "gathering vegetablesAdd to cart".

Brings fruit

Give a harvest

And fields and orchards.

Winter falls asleep I smoothly lowert hands making kisty soft movements

Snow covered fields.

Resting in winter Squat down and put your hands undercheek, eyes closed.

And the earth slumbers.


Goal: Learn to move in a circle, clap your hands.

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you

you are completely sitting down

get up jump, dance

your legs are good

Movements: Children and teacher stand in a circle.

The teacher and the children walk in a circle and sentence, while performing movements in the text.

"We are nesting dolls"

The purpose of the game. Learn to perform movements according to the text, show palms, boots.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

and we, as we have clean hands.

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

and we have, like we have new boots.

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.

and we have, as we have new handkerchiefs.

we are nesting dolls, that's what crumbs.


we all ran along the path.


The purpose of the game. Teach children to coordinate the words of the poem with actions.
Game progress. Children become in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he becomes in the center of the circle. The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say:

Zainka, along the senichka
Walk, walk!
Grey, brand new
Walk, walk!
There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,
Nowhere to jump gray.
Zainka, you will jump -
jump out
Gray, you will dance -
Will release.
The teacher with the children sings a dance tune, everyone clap their hands, and the bunny dances. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen.


Tasks: Cultivate a sense of rhythm, consolidating the skill of moving in a circle.

Game progress:

Start a round dance

In the center of the circle is a child playing

Around the accordion -


Children holding hands go around him

above the handle,

stop, put your hands up

Clap your hands

clap your hands once.

Top - top, legs!

stomp their feet 4 times.

The exercises are repeated, the harmonica is played by another child.

Russian folk games for children have always been popular among small, groovy fidgets. Games have been played since ancient times and today they play with mothers, and with grandmothers, and with friends, and at mass holidays, fun events, folk festivals.


Children stand in two lines facing each other. A participant depicting a “pie” sits between the ranks. Everyone sings:

Yes, he is tall

Yes, he is wide

Yes, he is soft

Cut it and eat it.

During singing, at the words "high-witted" they raise their hands up, "wide-width" - spread to the sides, "soft" - stroked on the stomach.

Immediately after the words “Cut it and eat it”, one participant from each line runs to the “pie”. Whoever touches the “pie” first takes him to his team, and the loser remains to portray the “pie”. The group with the most pies wins.

Game "Cockfight"

The players, standing on one leg, push each other with their shoulders, trying to force one another to stand on both legs.

Game "Drag the rope"

2 hoops are placed on the floor and a rope is pulled from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The hoops include one person from each team. On a signal, they run and change places. The first to run into the opponent's hoop and pull the rope out of another hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second runs, the third, and so on until the last.

The game "Chickens and cockerels"

Three couples for one minute collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor. Those who collect the most win.

Game "Burners"

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Speaker" stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one”, then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches again, i.e. "burning". And if the “burning” catches one of the running ones, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.

Game "Ringer"

Children stand in a circle. The driver is chosen by the counting room. He walks around and says:

Dili don, dili don

Guess where the call is coming from.

The rest of the players dance in place. On the word “ringing”, the leader turns to the player standing near him and, clapping his hands three times, bows. The player also claps his hands three times, bows and stands behind the driver. Now they both walk in a circle, saying:

Dili don, dili don

Guess where the call is coming from.

On the word “ringing”, the driver again claps and bows inviting the next player to join the game. So the game continues until there are 4-6 people behind the driver. After that, the children remaining in the circle clap, and the leader and the players chosen by him dance. With the end of the music, the driver and other players should stand in pairs. Whoever didn’t have enough pairs becomes the leader.

Game "Duck-Goose"

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver is selected, they give him a small ball in his hands. The driver is behind the circle. To the words: "Duck, duck, duck!" - which the driver utters, he walks past the children standing with his back to him. To the word "Goose! - puts a ball in the hands of one of the participants in the game. After that, the driver and the child with the ball in their hands diverge in different directions. They walk in steps, and during the meeting they say to each other: “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, nod their heads and continue the “path” to the place from which they started moving. The one who comes first wins. You have to walk step by step. The winner becomes the leader.

The game "We are funny guys"

A trap is chosen. He turns his back to the players. Children run up to the trap with the words: “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, but try to catch us. One, two, three (clap hands) - catch! With the end of the text, the trap catches up with the children.

Playing with the Sun.

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a hat with the image of the sun is put on the child’s head). The children say in unison:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children.

Handkerchief game.

Maslenitsa plays with children. The children walk, holding hands, in a circle, Maslenitsa moves towards them in the inner circle. Humming:

And I'm Maslenitsa

I'm not a stepdaughter

I walk with a handkerchief

I will come to you now.

The children stop, and Maslenitsa says, standing between two children:

On the shoulder is a scarf

Who will run faster?

The children, between whom Maslenitsa stopped, run around the circle (outer), return to their places, take a scarf. The winner is the one who runs to Maslenitsa faster.

Game "Trap"

Children and buffoons (refer to one of the buffoons, who is wearing a goat's hat).

gray goat,

tail white,

We'll get you drunk

We will feed you

You do not butt us

And play Lovishka.

After the words addressed to the “goat”, the children scatter, and the “goat” tries to gore them.

Carousel game.

We continue the fun

Weight running on a carousel.

Ribbons are attached to the training. Children take the ribbon with one hand and go first in one direction, and then, changing their hand, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel under the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

And so the game began.

The game "Zhmurki"

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny jumped on a stump,

He beats the drum loudly

Invites everyone to play blind man's blind man.

The game "Zhmurki" is being played.

Game progress. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. Then they talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

At the pot.

What's in the pot?

Catch the mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them.

The game "Go to the gate"

Game progress. Spring leads all adults and children in a figure-eight behind him (the “thread and needle” movement). With the end of the music, Spring points with her hand at any pair of children and adults. They turn to face each other and join hands, the image of the "collar". The rest of the children pass, led by Spring, into these gates. A child remains inside the "gates". The game continues until 4-5 children are caught. They dance to the dance tune, while other children clap their hands cheerfully.

The goat game.

Game progress. In the center of the circle in which the children stand is a “goat”. Children sing the words of the nursery rhyme and perform movements in accordance with the text.

The goat went out for a walk,

Stretch your legs.

The goat knocks its feet

Screaming like a goat:

"Be-e-e, be-e!"

Children move to the center of the circle and back. Children stand in a circle, and the “goat” knocks with “hooves” and shows “horns”. The "goat" screams and catches up with the children, who scatter.

Playing with the cockerel.

Game progress. Children stand facing each other. In the center is a child in a cockerel's hat. The text of the nursery rhyme is pronounced and movements are performed.


A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself - with spurs,

Tail - with patterns!

Standing under the window

Screams all over the yard

Who will hear

That beat!


Children walk in a circle, raising their legs bent at the knees high and flapping their wings. "Rooster" also goes in a circle, but in the opposite direction. Children turn around to face in a circle, continuing to wave their “wings”. The "rooster" stops in the center of the circle, flaps its "wings" and cries. The children scatter, the "rooster" tries to catch up with them.

Game "Ring"

All players line up. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to quietly pass to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold

I bury pure silver!

In a high tower

Guess, guess girl.

Guess, guess, red!

The one standing last is looking for the ring, and the buffoon says: "Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver." If the participant guessed who has the ring, then he becomes the leader.

The game "At the bear in the forest"

The driver is chosen - "bear". He is at some distance from the other participants in the game. Children pronounce the text, approaching the "bear".

At the bear's bow

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

Everything is growling at us.

With the end of the text, the children scatter, the “bear” catches up with them.

During the game, the following words can also be used:

At the bear in the forest

I pick mushrooms and berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

Everyone is looking at us

And then how it roars

And he will run after us!

And we take berries

And we don’t give the bear

We go to the forest with a club,

Kick the bear in the back!

The game "Grandfather Mazai"

Game progress. The players choose grandfather Mazai. The rest of the participants agree which movements that indicate work (for example: sowing, harvesting, mowing, etc.) or another type of activity (skiing, skating, playing snowballs, etc.) will be shown to him. They come up to grandfather Mazay and sing.

Hello, grandfather Mazai,

Get out of the box!

Where we were - we won't say

And what did we do - we'll show you!

After these catches, everyone depicts with movements the work that they have agreed on. If Mazay guesses correctly, the children scatter and he catches them. Who was caught first. He becomes the new grandfather Mazai, and the game is repeated. If they don't guess, they show him another job.

Instead of singing, the following dialogue may sound:

Hello grandfather!

Hello children! Where have you been?

At work.

What they were doing?

After these words, the children perform movements.

The game "Zhmurki with a bell"

Game progress. By lot (counting) they choose the "blind man's blind man" and the player he will look for. "Zhmurka" is blindfolded, and another child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. "Zhmurka" must catch the driver with a bell. Then a new pair of players is selected. "Zhmurok" can be several. The children standing in a circle warn the "blind man's buff" against meeting each other with the words: "Fire! Fire!"

Round dance game "I walk with a loach"

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, facing the center. One child is the leader. He has a “bindweed” in his hands (it can be a satin ribbon or a woven oblique lace with thick paper sheets sewn to it. Under the singing of the first verse, the leader goes “eight” (bypassing each child) and bows to the last word of the verse to the one in front of whom stops.

I walk with the weed

I go with green.

I don't know where

loach put

With the beginning of the 2nd verse, the leader is followed by the child to whom the leader bowed.

Put you loach

Put you loach

Put you loach

On the right shoulder.

On the third verse, the movements are repeated.

And from the right

And from the right

And from the right

Put on the left.

By the end of the song, there are four walking with the "loach". Then the "loach" is placed in the center of the circle. Four children dance to a cheerful dance, performing any dance movements. With the end of the music, the children try to take the "loach". The most dexterous becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.

Game "Merry musicians".

Game progress. To any melody of two parts, children, standing in a circle, play musical instruments (rattles, rumbas, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part, the children, putting the tools on the floor, easily run in a circle. Parsley stands in a general circle and runs with the children. With the end of the music, the players quickly dismantle the instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

The game "Dawn-Dawn"

Game progress. Two leaders are chosen. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are fixed on the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone walks around and sings.

Zarya-zaryanitsa, Red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow,

And run like fire!

At the last words of the driver, they run in different directions. Whoever takes the freed ribbon first is the winner, and the remaining one chooses his next partner.

"Double burners".

Participants become pairs in a column. If there are a lot of burners playing, then you can become pairs in two columns (one against the other) at a distance of 15-20 m. Two "burners" stand in front of the columns - each with his back to his column. With the words "... the bells are ringing," the last pair in each of the columns separates their hands and runs towards the players from the opposite team, trying to form new pairs with them. "Burners" catch any of the runners. Those left without a pair become the new “burners”.

"Blind Man's Buff" Vanya and "Manya".

Two drivers are selected (a girl and a boy) and one of them is appointed "Manya" with a thin voice, and the second - "Vanya", who speaks in a bass (to create an atmosphere of more fun, the boy can be made "Manya", and the girl "Vanya"). Drivers are blindfolded, sometimes they circle around themselves.

The rest of the players form a circle around the leaders and hold hands. "Vanya" is taken away from "Manya" and offered to find her.

Stretching out his hands, "Vanya" begins to search and call: "Where are you, Manya?" “I am here,” “Manya” answers, but she herself, feeling his approach, runs away. "Vanya" may take one of the players for "Manya". In this case, the error is explained to him. At the same time, the players do not allow “Mana” to leave the circle and bump into something. When "Vanya" finds "Manya", they are replaced with a new pair of drivers.

Children standing in a circle should not tell the drivers where someone is.

To catch Manya, it is enough to touch it with your hand, without grabbing or holding it.

If “Vanya” cannot catch “Manya” for a long time, you should offer them to switch roles or give way new couple wishing.

"Earth - water - sky"

(or "Beast - fish - bird")

The players must know the names of fish, birds, animals, so that the game is more fun and active. In the first and second versions of the name, a correspondence is guessed: sky - birds, water - fish, etc. All children are welcome to participate in the game. The players sit or stand in a circle facing the center. In the middle of the circle - the leader with the ball (preferably stuffed).

The leader pronounces one of the words of the name of the game and immediately throws the ball into the hands of any player. He catches the ball, names the appropriate animal, for example, a fox or a bear with the word “beast” (“earth”), and returns the ball to the leader. If the participant in the game did not have time to name or incorrectly named the animal, failed to catch the ball, then he receives a penalty point or gives a phantom (any small object).

The host throws the ball to new players, trying to keep everyone on their toes in anticipation of the ball and the need to quickly name the right animal. The ball can be thrown twice to the same player. When a group of participants with penalty points accumulates, the game is interrupted to play forfeits, and those with penalty points are given a fun group task: sing, dance, portray pantomime, etc. The game then continues with a new leader.

The host can only throw the ball by saying the word "ground" or something else.

You can not repeat the names of animals.

"Broken Phone"

(The old name of the game is Rumors)

8-10 people take part in the game. Children sit in a row or in a semicircle. One is chosen as leader. He sits down first and comes up with words or a phrase. The presenter whispers this phrase to the neighboring player in the ear. He passes what he heard to the next in order, and so on. It is necessary to transmit the phrase in the ear so that others do not hear. Speak clearly, without distorting words on purpose. The one who violates this sits down last in a row.

Then the leader approaches the last player in the row and asks to pronounce what was handed to him. There are almost always changes to the original phrase, because the player is not always able to hear the word well and replace it with a similar sound. To find out who was the first to distort the phrase, they are asked to repeat what he heard, not only the last in the row, but also the second from the edge. The first one to distort the word is transplanted to the end of the row. The host sits in the vacant seat. The new leader is the one who was at the beginning of the row. If the phrase or word is reproduced without errors, the former player remains the leader.

"The third one is extra with a scallop"

The players gather in a small area or in the hall. Choose two leaders. The rest become in a circle in pairs: one in front of the other. One driver runs away from the second and can get ahead of any pair. The one standing behind turns out to be superfluous and must run away from the second driver.

The second ones in the hand have a belt or belt (or a tourniquet twisted from a scarf, scarf). The second driver runs around the players, trying to pinch (quilt) the first driver with a belt before he gets in front of someone's pair. If he succeeds, he throws the belt up, and he runs away. Salted must now catch up and salt. Only one light hit with the belt is allowed.

To make the game fun, the drivers now and then use unexpected tricks. For example, the second driver on the run can quietly pass the belt to someone standing, while he himself continues to chase the first driver. As soon as he runs near the player holding the belt, he triumphantly “quilts” the driver with the belt. Then he throws up the belt and runs away, becoming the new first driver. The first turns into the second and must, picking up the belt, catch up with the escaping. The former second driver becomes the remaining incomplete pair.

The game ends by agreement.

Drivers should not run away from the circle or cross it, reducing the distance. The evader can move ahead of any standing pair.

"Golden Gate"

Two of the participants in the game are selected. They will be the "sun" and the "moon" (the "moon"). Then the "sun" and "moon" face each other, hold hands and raise them, as if forming a gate. The rest of the players join hands and go through the “gate” in a string. At the same time, the players sing their favorite songs. When the last one comes through the “gate”, they “close”. The victim is quietly asked which side he would like to take: behind the “moon” or the “sun”. The player chooses and stands behind the respective player. The rest go through the "gate" again, and the game continues to the last. When everyone is distributed, the groups arrange a tug-of-war. Yoke option: children depicting the "gate" say:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The “gates” close at the last word and “catch” the one who remains in them. In order not to be caught, those walking involuntarily speed up their steps, sometimes they switch to running, and those who catch, in turn, change the speed of the recitative. The game becomes more mobile and fun. It also ends with a tug of war.

Another variation of the game is that the “gates” are 2 pairs. The players who portrayed them pronounce the rhyme at the same time (in tune). Those caught do not choose where to stand, but are immediately included in the team of “gates” that caught them. Depicting gates compete in who will catch the most players. The competition ends with a pull.


Several "traps" are selected from among the players (2 people each). Standing in pairs facing each other, they raise their closed hands, forming a collar, or "traps", through which the rest of the players run, holding hands.

The "traps" form a circle and are open while the music is playing (or the tambourine sounds). On a signal (whistle, loud bang, stop of music), the "traps" are closed, i.e. hands are lowered, detaining those caught between the hands.

Those caught join hands with the participants of the "trap", forming a circle of 3-4 people. They again raise their hands, and the chain of the rest of the players again runs in a circle, running through the "traps". They close again and again until only 2-3 caught, the fastest and most dexterous, remain.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


("From where and where?")

Any number of players participate. Each of the players conceives and names a city loudly. The rest must remember - who has what city.

Anyone can start the game by imitating the sounds of the postal bell: "Ding-ding-ding!". Someone immediately asks: “Who is going?” - "Mail". "From where and where?" - "From Moscow to Paris" (only the cities chosen by the players should be named). The one who chose Moscow answers, and the next one is sure to speak the one whose city is Paris:

What are they doing in Moscow?

Everyone walks around, digging potatoes, - “one who came from Moscow” can answer.

Immediately, all the players, except for the “arrived”, begin to portray how they are digging potatoes in “Moscow”. Tasks should be funny and, if possible, difficult to complete, since from those who cannot portray this, the “arrival” takes a phantom (any thing) and folds it in front of everyone.

Now the one who has chosen Paris says "ding, ding!" etc. The game continues. At the end, forfeits are played.

"Two Frosts"

From the players, they choose the drivers - two Frosts. They go to the middle of the room. Participants in the game from one side of the hall, on which they gather at the beginning, must run across to the other side. This happens after the next dialogue. Arms akimbo, two "Frosts" address the audience:

We are two young brothers, two Frost Removed.

Frost, Red Nose, one announces.

I am Frost, Blue Nose, - another one appears and asks with a mock threat in his voice: - Well, which of you will decide to set off on a path?

The children respond in chorus:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

After the spoken words, the children rush to run across to the other side of the hall. If none of the players dare to do this, the Frosts announce that everyone who does not run on the count of "three" will become losers - they will be "frozen". Frosts read: "One, two, three!" Everyone rushes to run across the hall, and the "Frosts" try to touch (touch) the children with their hands. The salted person must stop, freeze without movement, as if “frozen”. It can be “unfrozen” by other, not yet salted players, by touching it with their hand. Then he runs along with everyone to the opposite border of the hall, where the Frosts no longer have the right to run.

At the beginning of the game, you can agree that the “frozen” drivers are taken to their “ice palace”, where they cannot be rescued until the drivers change.

"I'm burying gold."

Children sit in a circle on the floor, legs crossed, their hands are behind their backs. One of the players is placed in the hands of an object that the driver chosen by the rhyme must find. At the same time, the participants in the game sing a familiar song quietly if the driver moves away from the object, and loudly if he approaches it. You can use a sentence instead of a song:

I'm burying gold

I bury pure silver

In a high tower.

Guess, guess, red,

Walking through the field

Weave a braid to Russ,

silk first,

Weaving gold.

Instead of a sentence, one of the players can ring a bell.


A driver is selected who steps aside. Participants of the game think of any objects (each-his own). The driver comes and asks the participants questions, in response to which the players must name the intended object.

The player whose answer most closely matches question asked, becomes driving.


The driver - blind man - becomes in the center. They blindfold him and turn him around several times. There is a dialogue between the blind man and the players:

Where are you standing?

On the bridge.

What do you sell?

Look for us for three years.

The participants disperse around the room, the blind man goes to look for them. During the game, participants should not leave their seats. They are allowed to squat, deviate, kneel. If the driver finds and guesses the child, he transfers the role of blind man's blind man to him.

"Zhmurki vice versa."

The blind man is chosen. But he is not blindfolded. He is seated in front of a large white screen. A flashlight is installed at a short distance from the screen. The players pass between the lantern and the screen, and the blind man's blind man should recognize the participants in the game by the shadows. Players, in order to confuse the driver, can put on any details of clothing. For each incorrectly named player, the driver gives a phantom.

Game "Ring, ring"

The leader is chosen by counting rhyme.

Children sit on a bench, fold their hands. Two remain standing. One of them (the presenter) has a ring. Everyone begins to pronounce the text and shake their palms folded together to the beat. The driver with a ring in his palms alternately approaches each of those sitting and unnoticed by one of them lowers the ring. The second person standing must guess who has a ring in his palms. If he guesses correctly, he sits in the place of the one who had the ring. If not, everyone says in unison: “One, two, three, ringlet, run.” The child runs away with the ringlet. The one who guessed, rushes after. The players say:

Ring, ring, roll on the porch,

Through the field, through the meadow, come back, making a circle!

Game variant with a slightly different name "In rings" offers G. Naumenko.

Children sit in a row and fold their palms in a “boat”. The driver puts his palms in the palms of each participant in the game. To one of them, he must quietly leave a "ring" - a ring, a pebble, a nut, which is sandwiched between his palms. At the same time, he says:

I'm walking along the bench

I bury a golden ring -

In mother's teremok,

Under the father's castle.

You can't guess, can't guess!

I can't tell you, I can't tell you!

Those seated answer:

We've been wondering for a long time

We have been looking for a ring for a long time -

All behind strong locks,

Behind oak doors.

Then one of the players tries to guess who has the ring hidden. He is told:

A ring rolled from the red porch -

Through the barns, through the cages, through the barns, through the passages.

Find the golden ring!

If he finds who has the ring hidden, they simultaneously run in different directions with him, running around the shop. Whoever sits first in an empty seat is the driver. He hides the ring again.


A woodpecker walks on arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat

I didn’t find it and hammer bitches:

Knock, knock, knock, knock!

They choose a woodpecker, approach the tree and sing.

The woodpecker takes a stick and counting to himself,

Knocks on wood a predetermined number of times.

The player who guesses the correct number

Blows, so many times running around the tree,

And becomes a new woodpecker.


Dawn-lightning, red maiden.

Walked across the field, dropped the keys.

The keys are gold, the ribbons are blue.

One, two - not a crow, but run like fire.

Children hold the "carousel" by the ribbons, walk in a circle and sing.

The driver walks outside the circle, touches with the last words

One of the players. They scatter in different directions, who

The first will take the tape. The loser becomes the leader.

"Golden Gate".

Golden Gate, come in, gentlemen!

The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden,

And the third time we will not miss you.

The two leaders make the gate. One is a "silver saucer",

the other is a “pouring apple”. Everyone passes through the gate, with the last

in a word, the gates are lowered, detaining one of the players.

Player: - "Golden Gate, let me through."

Answer: - “We let everyone through, but we leave you. What do you choose

A pouring apple or a silver saucer?

The player moves to the chosen side.

So the children are divided into two teams, then they pull the rope.


I hide, I hide the strap

Under the viburnum bush

And who will sleep through the dawn,

Togo beat beat.

The driver with a strap walks around the circle, the eyes of the children are closed.

With the last word, he puts the belt behind someone's back.

He runs after the driver, trying to catch up and lightly hit him

Strap. The driver tries to take the place of the one who runs after him.

"Sit down, Yasha."

Yasha is chosen. He stands in the center, he is blindfolded.

Everyone goes in a circle and sings.

Sit, sit, Yasha under the walnut bush,

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha, hot nuts,

Chock, chock, piglet.

Get up Yasha - you fool!

Where is your bride, and what is she wearing?

What is her name and where will she be brought from?

Yasha at this time is spinning in place, at the end

Goes at random, chooses someone and leads to

Middle. You need to find out who is in front of him, name him.

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