Salad with green radish and fresh cabbage. Salad "winter" of cabbage and radish. Salad of green radish, chicken and mushrooms

Interior elements 08.04.2021
Interior elements

In the spring, you really want light food, which will add vigor to the body and will not affect the figure, because summer days will come very soon.

I offer a recipe for a light vegetable salad, which, in addition to white cabbage and carrots, includes green radish. It will not be difficult to prepare such a salad, the main thing is that the cabbage and carrots are juicy.

To prepare cabbage salad with carrots and radishes, I prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Finely chop the cabbage, put it in a salad bowl, salt and knead with my hands so that the cabbage becomes softer.

I cut the peeled carrots with a vegetable peeler into ribbons (you can use a grater for Korean carrots).

I spread it in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar, mix with cabbage and gently knead again with my hands.

I also cut the radish into ribbons, or you can use a grater for Korean carrots. Spread in a salad bowl, mix with cabbage and carrots.

I add Apple vinegar or table (9%), mix. I try the salad and at this stage I adjust the amount of salt and sugar to my liking. I make the salad slightly sweet. I add pepper, who likes it spicier - I advise you to add hot red pepper.

At the final stage, I add sunflower oil to the salad, mix.

Cabbage salad with carrots and radish is ready.

Our ancestors ate radish with kvass every day, with meat, sunflower oil, sour cream, brown bread and never suffered from constipation, atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. They retained strong muscles, strong teeth, and clear thinking until old age. And today, green radish salad is one of the favorite dishes of people who respect their health.

Don't want to get sick? Include green, fresh radish in your daily diet, it has excellent amazing properties. medicinal properties. Juicy, spicy, delicate taste. It never gets boring, thanks to the exceptional variety of products with which it goes wonderfully tasty.

Green radish salads: medicinal properties

What benefits do we get by eating this juicy green vegetable? First of all, all its species, grown on ecologically clean land without chemical additives, contain a huge amount of a complex of vitamins, mineral elements, natural hormones, phytoncides, the main health regulators. What gives us green radish salad?

  1. Vitamins of group "A", responsible for visual acuity, eye health, growth of every cell in the body.
  2. Vitamin complexes "B" and "PP", stimulating the proper development of hormonal, nervous system, as well as preventing the development of sclerosis, heart attacks, obesity and insanity.
  3. Potassium - regulating blood pressure, metabolism, contributing to a rapid increase in immunity.
  4. Phosphorus - main element, responsible for the excellent development of brain and thyroid cells, bone, muscle tissue.
  5. Iron - good hemoglobin, clean blood, excellent circulation.
  6. Calcium is sharp healthy teeth, strong bones, muscles.
  7. Phytoncides that kill infectious colonies of bacteria, viruses, wherever they settle.
  8. Cellulose, essential oils, glycosides - stabilize the work of the intestines, remove pathogenic microorganisms, protect against congestion.

And a great many different natural biologically active elements that protect the body from pathogenic "evil spirits".

The combination of vegetables in salads with green radish allows you to completely saturate every cell with all the substances necessary for health, and a variety of recipes will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets.

The root crop is famous for its exquisite, tender, not bitter and very juicy texture, which is why it is considered the number 1 salad supplement.

The average green radish weighs 200 - 250 gr., Carrot 100 gr., Crispy cucumber 100 - 120 gr., Ripe tomato 150 - 180 gr., Apple 150 gr.

  • It is better to peel any root crop, in order to avoid eating nitrates that are unnecessary to the body.
  • Salad dressing can be anything: radish goes well with sunflower, olive oil, sour cream, mayonnaise.
  • It is better to eat salads without salt, they already contain the required amount of mineral salts.
  • Salads can be lean, meaty, spicy snacks, sweet honey, the main thing is not to use too many ingredients, otherwise you will get not a gourmet meal, but a crumb of incomprehensible taste and smell.

Advice: "Freshly prepared meals are better digested, more useful, since most of the vitamins, minerals, and other vital natural elements are lost during storage."

Recipes for healthy quick salads with green radish

  1. Recipe "Light": radish with sour cream, dill and cucumber
  2. Grind 1 cucumber into thin slices, mix with 1 radish, turned into straws, add green dill feathers, pour sour cream, leave for 5 minutes. The dish is ready, bon appetit!

    If such a salad is wrapped in pita bread with fried pieces of meat, you get an amazingly tasty shawarma, or shawarma, as they call it.

  3. Recipe "Summer salad": with tomatoes and green onion
  4. Grind 1 ripe tomato on the floor rings, pass the radish through a coarse grater, add chopped onion, green head lettuce leaves, mix everything, season with sunflower or olive oil.

    A wonderful meal for a country picnic on a hot sunny day, will not go bad for long time feast.

  5. Recipe "Vitaminka": cucumber, radish, carrot and sour cream
  6. Take a cucumber grated into straws, finely crushed radish, carrots, mix, season with sour cream. Add straws from the red southern apple if your household loves sweets.

    This salad is very healthy and is liked by the taste of younger students and the elderly. It's easy to cook, it's just a pantry of health.

  7. Recipe "Cleaner": fresh beetroot, radish, apple, olive oil
  8. Let's run the raw beets into a fine grater, turn the radish, turn the apple into straws, add a little olive oil, fresh lemon juice, mix everything quickly, do not store for a long time.

    This salad has a remarkable ability to cleanse the intestines, as well as lymphatic, blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Sweet tooth can add 1/2 tablespoon of bee honey, it activates the metabolic process.

  9. Recipe "Salad - doctor": an appetizer for a feast and after it
  10. Mix finely chopped sauerkraut (250 gr.), 1 green radish, 1 turnip onion, 2 tbsp. l. lingonberries (cranberries), 50 ml sunflower oil. Berries can be replaced with lemon juice.

    Eating salad at the same time as alcohol will help to avoid alcohol poisoning, and if eaten after the holiday, it will quickly relieve the hangover syndrome.

  11. Recipe "Retro": hearty, spicy with meat, onions, mayonnaise
  12. Frequent, very tasty, a guest on the festive table in the 60-80s, the times of the USSR.

    Turn 2 radishes into straws. A piece of boiled or baked meat (any) 250 gr. - in small pieces. Chop 2 onions and fry until golden brown.

    Mix all the ingredients with ½ cup of mayonnaise, pepper (red, black, white, any) on the tip of a knife, put in the cold for 30 minutes.

    Treat grandparents, get their happy grateful smiles. The young generation of green radish salad will also bring considerable pleasure.

  13. Perfect Health recipe: honey with green radish and walnut
  14. knead the mashed radish with 1 tbsp. l. not candied linden honey, 50 gr. crushed walnut kernels.

    Such a salad helps to increase immunity, normalizes metabolism, and has an excellent preventive effect against acute respiratory infections during mass epidemics. Especially recommended for the mentally and physically ill: the speedy restoration of vital energy.

  15. Spicy spicy recipe: radish, carrots, garlic, cheese in mayonnaise
  16. 1 radish, 2 carrots, skip into a fine grater. A piece of cheese (100 gr.) Turn on a grater into straws. Grind 3-4 garlic cloves and mix with 150 ml. low-fat mayonnaise, fill them with vegetables. It is advisable to decorate the salad with small leaves of herbs: parsley, arugula, celery.

    It has a spicy taste and aroma, is easily absorbed by the body, and is perfect for people who want to lose weight.

  17. Let's lose weight salad recipe from early cabbage, radish, green onions, parsley
  18. Each serving should be prepared immediately before the feast. 1 green radish grated into straws. 150 gr. shred the cabbage very finely. We put everything in a saucepan, add unrefined sunflower oil (50 ml), a little sea salt, shake, leave for 10 minutes. put on a plate, decorate with green onions, parsley, you can start the meal.

    Salad contains a small number of calories, instantly "sweeps" all stagnant (stale) deposits from the intestines.

  19. Recipe "Beauty and Health": green radish, nuts, cottage cheese, sour cream

Grind the root crop into straws. Kernels of nuts (any) 50 gr. grind. And 150 gr. mix cottage cheese with sour cream (2 tablespoons). Combine all components in a saucepan, add 1 tsp. honey.

If you eat it often, your hair will acquire a beautiful shine and splendor, your facial skin will become smooth, soft, very even, your nails will be graceful, and your teeth will be white, sharp, strong. Great content in it calcium and vitamins also contribute to the normalization of all metabolic processes, improve the immune protective properties of the body.

There are many useful varieties of green radish salads. You can come up with fruit, vegetable, meat combinations yourself. Fantasize, compose, cook, all of them are good for health and beauty. Each salad, no doubt, will be delicious if it contains your favorite products.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber, a step-by-step recipe of which I want to offer you today, belongs to the category of quick vegetable salads. This kind of salads based on cabbage and radish become relevant closer to autumn. Cabbage and radish cost almost a penny in autumn, and after summer salads of tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, salads of a slightly different plan will be very useful. with radish and cucumber - a basic salad recipe. According to your taste and discretion, you can supplement it with canned peas, corn, sausage or fresh herbs.


  • White cabbage - 200 gr.,
  • Radish - 1 pc.,
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • Green onions - 2-3 stalks,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt,
  • Black ground pepper - optional.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber - recipe

Having prepared all the products described above, you can start cooking cabbage salad with radish and cucumber.

Wash green onion feathers, cucumber and radish. Remove skin from radish. Chop it into thin strips or rub it on a coarse grater.

Cut the cucumbers into quarter rings. In this salad, slicing cucumbers, like radishes, into strips will also be appropriate.

Finely chop the green onion.

Prepared vegetables - onion, radish and cucumber, put in a deep bowl.

With a sharp knife, chop the white head into thin strips. Since the leaves of autumn cabbage are denser than those of early spring, in order for them to become juicier, it is recommended to slightly mash the cabbage with your hands.

Slightly mashed cabbage can be sent to a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

The salad is now ready to be tossed and seasoned.

As a dressing for this salad, as well as for mayonnaise. And if you stick to the rules healthy eating and do not use it, then replace it with butter or vegetable oil. Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber seasoned with sunflower oil will automatically become a lean and dietary salad. So, add mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and, if desired, ground black pepper to the salad (you can also without it).

Salad with cabbage, radish and cucumber after mixing, put on a plate.

Cabbage salad with radish and cucumber. A photo

Green radish salads appear on our tables in autumn, and until early spring we can enjoy this juicy vegetable. Uzbek or Margelan radish has a more delicate taste than our black radish and goes well in a salad with vegetable or meat ingredients.

Today we have a recipe for a vitamin green radish salad with carrots and sea kale, which can be offered both for a lean table and for every day.

The salad is very simple and can be prepared very quickly with everything at hand.

Salad with green radish and carrots with seaweed


  • green radish- 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 2 medium,
  • Seaweed - 1 can,
  • Mayonnaise (sour cream or butter) - to taste.

Cooking process:

Almost all salad products are very healthy. Green radish increases appetite. And if you have problems with this, after tasting this salad, before the main hot dish, you can eat the entire portion with appetite. Uzbek radish contains coarse fiber, which is very good for our intestines. It contains a lot of vitamins of group B, PP. It is recommended to use it at high pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Seaweed is rich in iodine. Well, carrots contain beta-carotene. You can talk a lot about the benefits of these vegetables, but we will start preparing the salad.

Wash and peel the vegetables for the seaweed salad. Seaweed for salad is better to choose in a tin. So it is more useful than in preserves (plastic cans), which contain sodium gluconate.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Today I grated it on a grater for Korean carrots. I wanted to say so, to feel the taste, so it is more solid.

My green radish, clean and three on a grater for Korean carrots or just on a large one.

Mix radish, carrots and seaweed and add dressing to taste: mayonnaise, or sour cream.

If you do not want to add this sauce, then pour in a little olive oil. The taste will not be much different, but more useful, since we started with the benefits of the products.

You do not need to salt the salad, there is enough salt in the products.

Vitamin salad is ready.

Remember that raw vegetables are healthier. Bon appetit everyone, and good health!

for the recipe and step by step photos cooking delicious salad from green radish with seaweed, we thank Svetlana Kislovskaya.

What's so great about spring? Not only flowers and the first warm days. The first masterpieces will be radishes. It is the root crop that many people associate with the onset of this time of year: having appeared on the shelves, it indicates an early warming. And no worse than snowdrops! We offer with a traditional spring combination for every day.

What is suitable for holiday table. The components are familiar products, but a certain cooking technique makes them a truly original dish.

For a salad with cabbage and radish you need:

  • 110 grams of white cabbage;
  • 220 grams of potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 ml white wine vinegar;
  • 110 grams of green peas;
  • 1 radish;
  • Spices;
  • Greenery;
  • 35 ml olive oil.

Salad with radish and cabbage:

  1. Remove the first 2-3 leaves from the cabbage, wash and chop the rest.
  2. Peel and wash the radish, then chop very finely (you can take a large grater).
  3. Wash potatoes, peel and grate. Marinate the resulting mixture for 30 minutes in wine vinegar. After the specified time, squeeze out the liquid.
  4. Drain excess liquid from peas.
  5. Boil the egg to a hard yolk, then cool and peel. Cut.
  6. Combine all ingredients and drizzle with olive oil.
  7. Wash the greens well, dry and chop coarsely. Sprinkle over salad. The dish is ready to eat immediately.

Cabbage and radish salad

Great appetizer before the main course. It turns out very light and at the same time nutritious. But just long enough for the guests to wait for the main course without starving!

For a salad of radish and cabbage you need:

  • 3 radishes;
  • Spices;
  • Parsley and other herbs;
  • 220 grams of pickled champignons;
  • 35 ml of olive oil;
  • 110 grams of young white cabbage.

Cabbage salad with radish:

  1. For cabbage, use only tender green leaves. The white part is too tough, it can be left for another salad. Wash the leaves and cut into medium strips.
  2. Drain the unnecessary marinade from the mushrooms, chop the product.
  3. Wash the radish, peel and grate coarsely.
  4. Wash the greens well and chop.
  5. Mix all ingredients together. Fill with olive oil.
  6. The salad is ready to serve immediately. Bon Appetit.

Radish salad with cabbage and carrots

What is so easy to prepare with the advent of the first seasonal products. The chicken gives the dish tenderness and saturates it, and the vitamins from the root vegetables just ask to be eaten!

List of ingredients:

  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 60 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 0.5 large radish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 130 grams of white cabbage;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • Spices.

How to cook radish salad with cabbage:

  1. Boil the fillet in water with salt. You can add a bay leaf, different peppers and even a slice of lemon for a slight sourness.
  2. Then leave the meat to cool directly in the broth to keep the juiciness. Next, cut into small cubes.
  3. Remove the first 2-3 leaves from the cabbage, wash the rest and chop very finely. Then salt and mash with your hands so that the mass starts up the juice and becomes softer.
  4. Peeled onion must be finely chopped.
  5. Peel and wash the radish, grate on a coarse grater.
  6. Wash and peel the carrots, too, grate coarsely.
  7. Prepare a flat dish and a culinary salad ring.
  8. The first layer is laid out cabbage mixed with radish. From above, the layer is smeared with mayonnaise, like all subsequent ones, except for the last one.
  9. Then comes the onion layer, after - the fillet.
  10. The final layer is carrots. It doesn't need to be smeared. Salad ready.

Tip: mayonnaise is better to cook yourself. If you add turmeric, American mustard or cook only on yolks, the sauce will turn out beautiful. yellow color, which will highlight the salad even more on the table.

Cabbage and green radish salad

Lamb is not often added to, although it is a very special ingredient. Its name alone makes the dish original, but properly cooked meat turns out to be ideal for pairing with fresh vegetables.

List of ingredients:

  • 200 grams of lamb pulp;
  • 50 grams of radish;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Greenery;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 sweet peppers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 70 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 150 grams of white cabbage.

Salad of green radish and cabbage:

  1. Clean the mutton from unnecessary veins and cook until fully cooked in water with a bay leaf and other spices. Then let the meat cool down and cut it into small cubes.
  2. Remove the first 2-3 leaves from the cabbage, then wash it and finely chop it.
  3. Peel and wash the radish, cut into small cubes.
  4. Put the eggs to boil until the yolk is firm. Then cool and clean. Cut into cubes or grate coarsely.
  5. Wash the pepper, cut in half, remove the stalks with seeds and white partitions.
  6. Free the garlic from the husk and chop with a knife.
  7. Peel the onion, chop finely.
  8. Wash greens, cut.
  9. Mix cabbage, meat, garlic, radish and eggs together with mayonnaise, and then fill the peppers with the resulting mass.
  10. The dish is ready to serve immediately. Decorate with greenery on top.

Cabbage and radish salad

Another rich salad with lamb meat. It is very reminiscent of oriental dishes and can replace a full dinner. This recipe can become a crown on your menu! In addition, its presentation allows you to use the dish for the festive table.

List of ingredients:

  • 30 grams of wheat flour;
  • 7 eggs;
  • 110 grams of peeled walnuts;
  • 40 ml cottonseed oil;
  • 400 grams of lamb;
  • cilantro;
  • Spices;
  • 160 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 180 grams of young white cabbage;
  • 300 grams of Margelan radish;
  • 60 ml narsharab sauce;
  • 240 grams of onions;
  • 300 ml sunflower oil;
  • 3 grams of cumin.

How to assemble the salad:

  1. Boneless meat must be baked in the oven until fully cooked. Another option is to boil it. Whatever you choose, do it in one piece (do not divide it into parts). After cooling and cut into small cubes.
  2. Take young green leaves from cabbage, wash them and cut into strips.
  3. Heat sunflower oil in a deep container (it is best to take a deep fryer). Half the onion should be cut into rings, roll them in flour, fry in oil and pull out on a napkin. Cut rings not too thin.
  4. The second half of the onion should be fried in cottonseed oil until it becomes soft.
  5. Wash and peel the radish, then cut into thin strips. It is better not to use a grater, namely to cut with a knife. Next, rinse the root crop in ice water and let dry.
  6. Lightly dry the walnuts in a dry frying pan. Then grind into crumbs in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  7. Boil chicken eggs until hard yolks. Then cool and clean them.
  8. Separate the yolks from the proteins, and rub both on a grater.
  9. Mix the nuts and the second half of the onion (soft) with thick mayonnaise. Add your favorite spices and cumin here. This will be our sauce, which needs to be lubricated with all but the last layer of lettuce.
  10. Put cabbage in the first layer in a plate, then meat, then comes the mass with radish. French fries are laid out on top and narsharab sauce is poured.
  11. The composition is completed by proteins and yolks, which are sprinkled with cilantro.
  12. You can serve the dish immediately or after insisting in the refrigerator.

Tip: so that the meat does not have time to dry, it is better to cut it just before serving. Men can add a little finely chopped chili pepper on top.

You can make your own mayonnaise. For this you need an egg, any vegetable oil, mustard, sugar and salt, lemon juice or vinegar. Further variations can be many: different mustards, spices, special additions. Make it thick so that it retains an appetizing texture next to the juicy radish.

From the simplest to the most sophisticated - a range of salads with white cabbage and the radish is really wide. We advise you to include radish cabbage and carrot salad in your diet more often: it is tasty, healthy and so original if you add it with special products and love. Bon Appetit!

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