Kissel from viburnum benefits and contraindications. Berries viburnum Red useful properties and contraindications. Healing properties of the bone

Schedule of heating 10.02.2021

What is useful to Kalina and how to use it is a question that interests many adherents of traditional medicine. This will be discussed today.

What is the use of viburnum for the human body

The composition of Kalina Red contains a huge amount of substances needed for the body. It:

  • ascorbinka (vitamin C);
  • vitamins A, E, P;
  • iron, manganese, chrome, zinc, iodine, selenium and others.

In addition, it has organic acids, in particular, valerian and formic, as well as tanning substances. It is the latter and provide a slightly bitter taste. In Kalina, a large number of amino acids.

What is specifically the benefits of Kalina for the human body? Among its main opportunities is worth noting the following:

  • soothing properties. Berry helps with depressively states, as well as stress and neurosis;
  • the possibility of use as an painful and anti-inflammatory;
  • stop bleeding. Fruits can be used to stop different types of bleeding - postpartum, internal, nasal;
  • diuretic action;
  • binding properties. Used in the treatment and ulcerative pathology;
  • normalization of blood pressure indicators;
  • improving the body's immune protection. Fruits are often used in bronchial therapy, lungs and colds. The bark is effective with lung tuberculosis.
  • prevention of development of oncology;
  • treatment of hepatic pathologies.

Kalina Red for Women - Beryg

What is useful to Kalina and how to use it to women? This berry is often called female and not in vain. After all, the pulp of fully breathing viburnum contains substances, in their power comparable to women's sex hormones. That is why Kalina Red for women will be especially useful with the onset of menopause.

All components of the plant - bark, seeds, flowers - and not just fruit, widely used in traditional medicine as the prevention and treatment of the following states:

  • mastopathy;
  • painful monthly;
  • uterine bleeding.

A cooked from fresh berries drink well helps with colds.

The composition of the pulp contains special substances - carotenoids. They are part of expensive rejuvenating creams and return the mature skin lost youth. To obtain rejuvenating effect, it is enough to regularly use the following mask:

  1. It is necessary to wipe through the sieve 3 spoons of viburnum and as many cottage cheese.
  2. Add to the mass of yolk and some oatmeal flour so that the mask becomes more convenient for applying.
  3. Apply for 20 minutes by treating the face and zone.

To get rid of acne, wipe the face with fresh kalin juice

To remove pigment stains and freckles Such a recipe will help:

  • mix equal volumes of variety vibration and sour cream;
  • processing the mask problem areas.

The skin will be bright literally in a couple of weeks.

In addition, the plant helps in strengthening hair bulbs, stopping hair loss.

  • Mix juice from fresh berries (2 spoons), red wine (1 spoon) and olive oil (1 hour spoon).
  • Apply the composition on the hair 30 minutes before the head washing.

Kalina Red for Men - Berry Use

Kalina Red for men will be no less useful than for women. It contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and help restore the forces after physical exertion. Men can offer compotes, frost, infancy and decoctions based on viburnum berries. We offer you a compotion recipe from viburnum at which it retains its useful properties.

Compote from viburnum for winter with pasteurization.

Before using compote, dilute with water, as it turns out concentrated.

We will need on a liter can: one kilogram of berries and sugar per liter of water. The recipe for a 3-liter bank requires 3 times more ingredients.

  • We put water, bring to a boil. Whole berries are placed in a colander and right in colander put in boiling water for 3 minutes. After that, we shift the berries into banks.
  • The remaining water is poured sugar and cook, stirring until complete dissolution. Upon completion of the process, we boil another five minutes and pour the berries in the banks obtained by syrup.
  • To compote the compote, banks are subjected to pasteurization by boiling. In the pan we pour water, put the towel, we put banks on it and boil. Banks at the same time cover with covers. Lithuanian banks boil 20 minutes, three-liter - 40 minutes.
  • After the specified time, we get banks and ride. Now compote will be kept all winter And even longer.

People's Lekari have long used the natural strength of the plant to stimulate male potency. Especially good berries "cope" with premature ejaculation.

  1. Take equal parts of viburnum, rowan ordinary, rosehip and speckle leaf. Scroll.
  2. Handful of collection is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. The remedy is for 30 minutes.
  3. Take on a complete glass of the filtered drink in the morning and in the evening.

The next problem, which often torments men, -. The following methods can be used here:

  • tea vinegar (500 ml) Mix with 1/4 part of a glass of berries and leave for a day. Drink 10 ml three times a day before meals;
  • boil 2 spoons of crushed bark in a glass of water. Insist the means and drink after filtering 10 ml before meals;
  • 1 part Powder can be poured with vodka (10 parts). Ansitate a week in the dark and drink 25 drops in the morning and in the evening before meals.

To remove severe feet, Wipe the feet with a strong decoction based on a vinical cortex.

Calina with Honey - Useful Recipes

What is useful in Kalina and how to use it in various diseases? To increase immune protection The following is:

  • clean berries wipe through the sieve and mix with the same volume of liquid honey;
  • put the mixture with the jar and leave for a week.

Store agent in the refrigerator. Every day you need to eat the mixture on a spoon with a cup of tea. It helps to restore the forces after severe diseases, colds, and also allows you to strengthen the immunity after the winter.

When coughing Helps such a recipe.

  1. Take 2 spoons of cordless vibrations - bones should be removed - and brew it in 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Peel the mixture of 15 minutes and away. Put in it a spoonful of honey.

Use decoction for treatment no longer than a week. To get rid of cough, drink 1/3 pieces of glass in the morning three times a day. Drink drink daily.

With angina Helps the next recipe:

  • Spoon berry pour boiling water (200 ml). Close the lid and insulate.
  • Interest 2 hours and put a little honey into the drink.

Infusion used for rinsing inflamed throat.

For To mediate three spoons of Kalina and Honey. Poured a mixture with a liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Filter and drink during the day at will.

Kalina Red: how to use it with hypertension

Kalina - a berry is useful for hypertensive, so you need to know how to use it with hypertension. A plant is used in complex treatment of pathology. For the prevention of hypertensive crises and the veryrapy itself, fresh berries can be used, and frozen.

With hypertension complicated heart failure, yellow must be consumed with a bone. To do this, it must be chopped in a blender. Eat the resulting mixture in front of two foods - three tablespoons.

Sok Kalina You can drink during the day. As an alternative to tea, you can prepare the infusion of fruits: to smoke and pour hot boiled water. After the drink cools, it must be put a little honey.

For the treatment of hypertension You can practice the following recipes:

  • Berries to push with sugar and leave the juice. Then place them in the oven and bake, grind and add honey to them;
  • 15 grams of plant cortex pour water (400 ml) and pecking 30 minutes. Filter and take on a spoon in the morning and in the evening before meals.

Classic money-based drug intake scheme:

  • three - four times a day;
  • before meals;
  • one - two tablespoons.

Red Kalina with diabetes

Kalina contains sugar, for the assimilation of which insulin is not required. In addition, viburnum berries with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • stabilizes insulin production;
  • increases tissue sensitivity to its own insulin.
  • mix berries of viburnum, juniper, linen seed and blueberry leaf (Proportion 1: 2: 2: 4). A spoonful of collecting boiling water and peel on a water bath for 30 minutes. Ready decoction filtering and drinking on a glass three times a day;
  • connect equal parts of a municipal bark, gallery sheet, dandelion, blueberries, lingers and nettle. Take a spoonful of collection and brew it 1, 5 glasses of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes at minimal heating. Filter. Drink 100 ml of rage 30 minutes to the main meals;
  • mix in equal shares of the Cora Karina, a sheet of walnut, mint, grasses gallets and a bird's mountaineer. A spoonful collection of brew 1, 5 glasses of boiling water and pecking 3 minutes after boiling. Inuscible decoction 40 minutes and filter. Drink 60 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

What is useful to Kalina and how to use it with various diseases, you now know. The main thing is to take into account the contraindications. Reviews on this topic can read or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

Calina ordinary, or kalina Red (Lat. Viburnum Opulus) - very useful perennial plant belonging to the family ADOXACEAE (adoxaceae).

Kalina is distributed throughout Europe, in the Caucasus, in Malaya and Central Asia, Siberia, North Africa. As the Medical Plant, Kalina is known from the XIV century. On the territory of the post-Soviet space, Kalina was introduced into a culture in 1974. This medicinal plant can also be found in the form of artificial landings far in the north of Russia - at Solovetsky Islands, in Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Ussuriysk, Solikamsk.

Caline Ordinary (Red) Provides shrubs (less often trees) height from 1.5 to 4 m with a grayish-brown bark. Leaves 5-10 cm long, dark green, gray-green, 3-5 blade, slightly wrinkled. White or white-pink flowers are collected in inflorescences, similar to an umbrella, and the edges are 4-5 times large internal and fruitless, and the median - small, on very short flowers, fruitful. Fruits of viburnum - oval or spherical red bones with a large flexible bone, juicy, having a bitter astringent taste.
Kalina blooms at the end of May - early June, and the fruits ripen in August - September.

Chemical composition

By the way, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in viburnum berries more (up to 70%) than in citrus plants.

So, as we see, all parts of viburnum are rich in useful substances, thanks to which the proverb was born: "Who's not needed with Kalina - the doctor is not needed!".

In medicine, Kalina is used in many diseases, for example:

In addition, Kalina has the following properties:

- reduces blood cholesterol levels;
- stimulates the waste of sputum and softens at;
- increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus;
- contributes to the removal of excess fluid (as a diuretic), and reduces the edema of cardiac and renal origin, disruption of water-salt metabolism;
- stimulates the production of bile in diseases: liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, cholangitis;
- gives the body a powerful lining and immunostimulating effect;
- Vitaminizes and tones the body.

In the 16th century, Kalina was used as a diuretic, wound-healing agent, an astringent and a lining effect, which improves heart activities.

For popular belief, there is not a single disease in which Kalina would not help.

Damage to Kalina

In addition to useful properties, Kalina can also harm the body, for example:
- due to the increased content of vitamin C, with viburnum overdose, can appear on the body;

- Some varieties of viburnum, whose berries are not red, can be poisonous. Of this type of viburnum, black is growing in the Caucasus;

- with the individual characteristics of the body, the bitterness of viburnum can cause;

Also, Kalina Red can harm if not to take into account contraindications to its reception.

Contraindications for receiving viburnum

Kalina can not be taken at:

- increased blood coagulation;
- tendency to thrombosis ,;
— ();
- pregnancy;
— ;
— ;
— ;
- increased acidity of gastric juice.

Infusion of Valina's bark. Take 10 g of the cortex and pour 1 glass of boiling water. Let us last 90 minutes. Take an infusion of 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Infusion of viburnum. 2 tbsp. Spoons of viburnum fruit grind, and fill with hot water. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain and squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Folk medicine praises Kalina. It is considered an elixir of vigor and health. The healing possibilities of the shrub are practically limitless. However, they will turn into skeptics. Consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of viburnum red as a set of qualities of the whole. After all, it is not a secret, which helps one, another can cause irreparable harm.

Kalina Red: Useful properties

Shrub with bright red fruits is useful and completely. From the actual macushku before, locating in the depths of the earth, the roots. Drugs are prepared from flowers, leaves, branches, young bark, fruits, bones and rhizomes viburnum.

In various parts of the plant concentrate:

  • carotine and ascorbic acid, stimulating immunity;
  • vitamin K, participating in the formation of platelets;
  • higher fatty acids responsible for metabolism;
  • tubils and phytoncides with antimicrobial effects;
  • pectins binding and neutralizing toxins;
  • fitosterols that reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

The healing properties of the plant are not rumors or arguments. They are confirmed experimentally.

Even in Soviet times in the laboratory of medicinal and aromatic plants (earlier, Vilr, and now Vilar) were experimed with the participation of viburnum preparations.

And that's what they showed:

  • the decoction and infusion of the plant's bark stimulate the formation formation, and reduces blood loss from different types of injuries and internal bleeding;
  • the ability to stop the loss of blood was also detected in drugs made of flowers and foliage;
  • the branch of the bark tones the muscles of the uterus, facilitates the course of painful menstruation;
  • the fruit squeezing stimulates the formation, and the outflow of urine, restores the electrolytic balance, expands the vessels, enhances the reduction in the heart, reduces blood pressure;
  • infusion of flowers and foliage inhibits the vital activity of staphylococcal and other pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora causing skin diseases; Forms successfully quenched symptoms of furunculose, eczema, ulcers, diathesis, hemorrhoids, dermatomycosis and keratosis;
  • bark and shrubs flowers are suitable for preventing convulsion;
  • the infusion of the bark can be used to suppress the symptoms of irritated stomach; Tubils bind and seal proteins on the surface of the mucous membrane, form a protective film that restrains the inflammatory response;
  • berries of shrubs have a sedative effect, soothe the nervous system, stimulate immunity to combat colds, relax a smooth muscles, reduce the severity of pain;
  • with long-term use, the fruits reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, contribute to the removal of toxins, restore the cardiac function;
  • all parts of the plant are used to treat n / x animals.

In folk medicine, Kalina is considered an effective exterior. From different parts of the shrub are preparing infusions for rinsing throats, rinsing wounds, skin whitening, removing pigment spots, acne and other rash.

Kalina is widely used to treat internal diseases and states. It is considered a good anthelmintic, stiff, choleretic, relaxing and antitussive agent. It is used for the treatment of female diseases, diseases of the stomach and biliary tract. It is used as a vitamin stimulator, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory.

Therapeutic properties of viburnum:

Kalina red from pressure

Berries of red or viburnum viburnum are useful for the heart. The fruits were discovered a mixture of seven plant hydrocarbons - iridoids, which was initially taken for a single complex substance - Viborinin.

The bitter taste of berries is "merit" of those most iridoids. But this little lack of fading compared to the benefit that Viborinn is capable of bringing.

A mixture of hydrocarbons charges the heart of energy. It improves the conductivity of electrical impulses. The strength of abbreviations increases, the vessels are expanding, and the pressure decreases.

Phytosterols also participate in the setting of cardiac activity, which do not allow extra cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of the vessels. The use of the case of the bark has an explicit anti-seaterosclerotic effect. It is appointed as a hypotensive (reduced pressure) with hypertension.

Application of viburnum in cosmetology

For the preparation of skin care products, fresh juice plant fruits are used. It is mixed with sour cream or yolk. Apply to face as a mask.

Funds from viburnum are well cleaned problem skin, eliminate inflammation, help to fight eels. Thanks to the bleaching effect, fresh juice is used to align the tone of the skin of the face and remove freckles.

Kalina for women

Valina's bark stops uterine bleeding, regardless of the nature of their origin. Whether it is a natural reaction after delivery or a consequence of any gynecological disease.

The decoction of the bark of young branches is a natural antispasmodic in painful monthly. It is effective with abundant menstruation and is able to adjust the cycle.

The plant is rich in the vegetable predecessors of sex hormones. It facilitates the climax. Kalina acts immediately on two fronts: eliminates the emotional component, soothes the nerves and improves sleep, and also smoothes the main physical symptoms.

Use for children

Children are treated with bark and berries, as well as infused flowers. Medicinal squeezes are used as outdoor and domestic funds.

The infusion of flowers is wetted dermatitis, diathesis. The decoction is treated with throat with an angina. In tonsillitis, wash the nose.

Berry decoction with honey - a strong immunostimulating agent. The drink contains many microelements that help the body to cope with the consequences of a cold.

Infusion of flowers contributes to the wet wet. Serves as a means to get rid of the painful cough, including a convocating cough.

How to apply:

Kalina Krasnaya juice

Kalina's juice is the most concentrated remedy with high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory potential. It is prepared from freshly picked berries. Fruits are removed from the branches after the first frosts. They move, washed, put on a wooden pusher and passed through a sieve.

Juice relieves non-nose and nasal congestion. It needs to be dripped to a complete recovery of 3-4 drops in each nasal stroke to two times a day.

Fresh fruit squeezing when taking inside improves bile circulation. Treatment of cholangitis (inflammatory disease of bile ducts) is carried out in three stages. In the first week, three times a day for half an hour before meals, you need to drink a third of a glass of water, mixed with one tablespoon of a mandatory juice. In the second week, two are added to the water, and on the third week there are three spoons of filtering fresh fruits. Last week, the medicine is received four times a day.

For the treatment of acne, boils, eczema, dermatitis are preparing fresh lotion. In the glass of pure filtered water dissolve two spoons of juice of pressed fruits. Problem sections wipe the lotion three times a day for a month.

Kalina tea is preparing from fresh or frostbed berries. It is consumed during a cold. The drink is rich in vitamin C, which restrains the onslaught of infection, speeds up recovery, protects cells from the action of viruses, dilute blood, stimulates the metabolism and withdrawal of harmful substances from the body.

Kalin tea is a source of phytoncides, plant antiseptics. It acts not only from the inside. Infusion softens pain in the throat, relieves redness and inflammation.

Berries are crushed in glass or enameled dishes. On a glass of boiling water take 50 g of ripe moved, washed fruits. They are putting a wooden brush. Poured steep boiling water. Insist under the lid before cooling. The drink is filled and diluted with honey (to taste). They drink warm as an antipyretic and immunostimulating up to three cups per day.

Kalina Red Tincture

The tincture is prepared from fresh young bark. Medicinal raw materials are harvested in early spring before the revival of the kidneys. Thin side branches cut into a length of 10-25 cm. The bark is removed with a whole tube. The darkened weeds are removed and thrown out.

Prepared raw materials arbitrarily crushed. Pullen 40% alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. During the month insist in a dark place. Accept with inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes, uterine bleeding and high pressure of 1-2 tablespoons before eating 2-3 times a day for two or three weeks.


Decoration of flowers is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Regardless of further use it is prepared by the same way. A spoonful of dry inflorescences are referred to in a glass container. A glass of steep boiling water is added to it. The mixture is insteaded in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Then cool and filter.

The floral decoction is irrigated ulcers, cuts, furunculas, eczema, spots of dermatitis and acne rashes up to three times a day before the treatment effect. Inside are taken across the tablespoon three times a day when depressed, hysteria, insomnia, hypertension, cold, ulcer of the stomach, poor patency of biliary tract, kidney disease, impaired menstrual cycle.

Berry decoction leads to normal blood pressure. It is drinking half a cup three times a day for two to three weeks.

The fruit remedy is prepared in a water bath. A glass of passed berries is literated into the liter bank. Pour boiling water almost to the sorry. Tomets on medium heat for 10 minutes. Focus and add water to the initial volume.

Bones of viburnum berries

Most of the fatty acids and essential oils are concentrated in the bone. Infusion based on the scratched raw materials is used for colds as antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.

The vegetable product strengthens the vessels, normalize pressure. Protect the healing of the intestinal mucosa. Used in the treatment of colitis and constipation.

The infusion is prepared by steaming 10-15 crushed bones of a glass of boiling water. The medicine cools over 30 minutes, fits and takes two tablespoons before eating up to three times a day before the appearance of noticeable improvements.

Bones are also an excellent toning. Kanenic stubbles are grinding into powder. Packaged in banks and brew instead of ordinary coffee.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to the use of viburnum are directly related to its useful properties. Hypotone does not recommend frequent use of any products prepared from this plant, as Kalina is capable of drastically reduce pressure.

Insecure intake use can be both people prone to thrombosis. This is due to the fact that any medicinal elixirs, especially cooked from the cortex, increase blood clotting.

Because of the ability to stimulate diuresis, Kalina is contraindicated to people suffering from diseases associated with a salt exchange disorder.

Any folk remedy is good in moderation. People with health features, in general, are not recommended to engage in self-medication. Any problems must be solved together with the doctor.

Many people know the healing qualities of the berries of wild viburnum as a wonderful means from cold and obsessive cough. The smaller number of people know that the use of viburnum is red, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which are described in detail in the recipes of traditional medicine and confirmed by laboratory studies, has a much wider range.

This is a truly unique plant, all parts of which can be used in medical and cosmetology purposes: bark, berries with heart-shaped seeds, flowers, leaves, roots and even young shoots.

The beneficial properties of viburnum are not limited exclusively to fighting angina, bronchitis or ORVI: juices, decoction, teas, infusions, extracts, oil based on it allow you to cure or facilitate the course of a wide range of diseases. Preparations, which include cavalus, is anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, binding, diuretic and soothing effect.

The fruits of viburnum are distinguished by an increased content of vitamins A, C, P and trace elements, including phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese and copper. In addition, the flesh and salary of viburnum contain pectins, invert sugar, flavonoids and organic acid complex. The plants are rich in tannies, vitamins C, K and also includes a rich set of organic acids (including formic, acetic, cape, isovalaric acid, etc.). Bones of viburnum contain ascorbic acid and about 21% oil. Along with other healing properties, such a high concentration of vitamins, mineral substances, essential amino acids, as well as a large number of phytoncides gives viburnum-based drugs and is used to increase human body immunity.

Like the vast majority of medicines, Kalina has a number of contraindications to use. The competent use of therapeutic qualities of the plant will avoid the inappropriate harm to health.

So, what is the benefit and possible damage to Kalina, under what diseases it should be used and how to properly prepare therapeutic compositions.

Treatment of viral infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract

The wonderful folk remedy of Kalina, the useful properties and contraindications to the use of which deserve a detailed study, is particularly famous for its effectiveness in the treatment of ARVI and disadvantaged diseases.

  1. In the juice and pulp of fruits of the plant is almost 2 times more ascorbic acid than in citrus fruits. Such a high content of vitamin C in Kalina makes it indispensable to use it in the prevention and treatment of viral and colds. Traditional is the use of means in the form of tea from dried or fresh fruits with sugar or honey.
  2. In order to alleviate the flow of bronchitis or inflammation of the lungs, the mixture is prepared, consisting of 1 cup of ripped berries of viburnum and 1 cup heated, up to 40 ° C of honey. Medicine take 1 tbsp. l. after meal. At the same time, the mixture does not need to swallow immediately, but keep in the mouth and slowly dissolve. This agent also helps with bronchial asthma and obsessive cough.

Important: Do not overheat honey, optimal is the specified temperature. When heated to higher numbers, the enzymes and fructose are destroyed in it, and at temperatures above 60 ° C, harmful carcinogens begin to form.

Calina for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract and liver

  1. Juice and decoction of fruits are used in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, gastritis and ulcers with reduced acidity. At the same time, the decoction acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing drug, and the juice has a stimulating effect on the production of bile and hydrochloric acid.

Important: Valin-based drugs cannot be used with increased acidity, as they can harm and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Kalina for vessels and hearts

  1. Plant juice has a pronounced hypotonic effect. Hypertensive is recommended to take fresh fruits with honey or sugar on a tablespoon before meal.
  2. With the help of berries used and juice, you can normalize the work of the heart and clean the blood and the walls of the vessels from fat plaques. The high content of pectins contributes to a decrease in cholesterol, therefore is used in the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis. The usual consumption rate for the prevention of this disease is ½ cup of fresh fruits during the day.
  3. Decoration, tea and juice are used as diuretic drugs during swelling.
  4. The benefits of viburnum, as a good antispasmodic causes the use of info on its basis as a means to reduce headaches and remove spastic pains during gastritis.

Solving dermatological problems

Treatment of diseases of the urinary system

Infusion and juice of berries have anti-inflammatory and diuretic quality, therefore they are used in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

Use of viburnum products as a hemostatic

Strengthening the nervous system.

The benefits of viburnum in the treatment of depression, neuroses of various etiology, stressful states, as well as the use of it during the rehabilitation period after the obtained psychological injury, explains the presence of izovellarian and valerian acid in berries, the soothing effect of which is complemented by a pronounced hypotonic effect of viburnum preparations.

Application in home cosmetology:

Kalina and made on the basis of skin care products are popular in women who prefer natural cosmetic drugs:

  • Fresh juice is used to remove freckles, lightening age spots, skin whitening and when treating acne.
  • Cleansing, tonic and antioxidant properties of the plant Kalina red, the beneficial properties of which are used in home cosmetology in the preparation of face masks.

Healing properties of the bone

Separately, we will focus on the use as a therapeutic means of unusual on the shape of the heart-shaped bone of the plant. Usually they are taken to throw out, but, as already mentioned, the healing qualities of the plant extend to all of its parts, including the seeds. Value for the health of the Kalina berry, the beneficial properties of which it is difficult to intercepted has no less valuable bones.

Valiny seeds contain a high percentage of biologically active substances, so oil obtained from them, has been widely used as a component of food additives. In addition, it is part of some medicines and is applied in cosmetology.

Natural carotenoids, which are rich in viburnum bone oil help to prevent oncological diseases, and the effect of them as natural antioxidants protects the body from the impact of harmful external factors and slows down the aging processes. Such qualities of the product made it a popular ingredient of anti-aging creams and masks.

The regular use of maline bones will help get rid of stones and sand in the bladder and bustling bubble, kidneys, bile ducts. In addition, the seeds clean the body from slags and will have a stimulating effect on the intestinal muscles. Normalization of the operation of the urinary system and the gastrointestinal tract as it should not be better affected by general well-being and appearance: they will leave or become less often, headaches will increase, and the skin will increase the face and the skin will look. In medicinal purposes, it is enough to eat 10-15 seeds during the day one for reception.

Kalina Red: Contraindications

Considered in detail the question than the helpful of Kalina for the human body should carefully examine restrictions on its use, so as not to harm health:

  • Kalina-containing juices, teas, decoctions and other drugs intended for intakes are contraindicated with gaughty arthritis due to the high content of purines, causing enhanced deposition of salts in the joints and the ololycosorous tissues. This prohibition mainly concerns men, more inclined to the emergence of diseases of this kind;
  • kalina stimulates the production of bile and hydrochloric acid, therefore therapeutic agents based on it are able to cause aggravation of diseases of the stomach in people with increased acidity;
  • valiny preparations have a diuretic property, because they are harmful to enuresisy;
  • the presence of a significant amount of invert sugar in the fruits causes the undesirable to use by their people suffering from diabetes;

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • imminent immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fast fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • diarrhea and constipation replacing each other;
  • i want sweet and sour;
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • slimming problems;
  • decline in appetite;
  • night grinds teeth, saliva;
  • pain in the stomach, joints, muscles;
  • no cough passes;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the reasons for disabilities, you need to clean the body as quickly as possible. How to do it here.

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Calina ordinary

Kalina Red is a very common medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and common properties. Preparations from the plant are prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Kalina is recognized as official, as well as traditional medicine, is used in homeopathy.

Legends go to Kalina, it is used in cooking and cosmetology, and also actively used to maintain health. The beneficial properties of viburnum ordinary are valued by people's healers and the guru of official medicine. It is not surprising, because the plant, common in gardens and parks, contains a huge amount of beneficial substances, thanks to which many diseases are successfully treated.

Plant Characteristics

Kalina can grow in the form of a tree, but is more common as a shrub. The plant is a long-liver - grows and develops up to 50 years, and under favorable conditions and protection from pests even longer. The height of viburnum sometimes reaches five meters. Wide foliage and noble appearance make the plant with enviable decoration of garden sites and parks.

Where it grows

Kalina Ordinary can be found on the river bank or near the lake, in a wetlastone, as the plant loves well-moistened soil. It grows in the rich shadow forests from hardwood trees, located on its edges and outskirts. Plant prefers tropical and moderate climatic conditions. In the regions of the European part of Russia, it grows in the middle lane, and in the south of the country is growing everywhere.

Botanical description

The shrub of red viburnum in height reaches from 2.5 to 4 m. Gray, with a brown hint of the bark, covers the rustling parts of the shoots. It can be seen on it longitudinal cracks, the defeat of pests of which is caused by damage to adult viburnum bushes.

  • Shoots. They have a rounded shape and yellow-brown color. Some parts of the plant can be painted in a grayish-white color. Inside the hex core of white color with a redhead. At the tips of fruit shoots there are two false kidneys, between which you can see the continuation of escape. Fancy shoots end with the only ultimate kidney.
  • Leaves. Pretty large: length and widths vary from 5 cm to 8 cm. Have a broad-shaped or rounded form. Complex - divided into three or five blades. Top naked, wrinkled surface, color - dark green. The bottom of the sheet has a gray-green color due to thick omit. Often the edges of the toothed. The placement of leaves on the branches of the plant is opposite, the fastening is sweet. The stiff has a furrow, and the length reaches 2 cm.
  • Flowers. Have a light, white-green color. Each inflorescence is an umbrella-shaped necker with a diameter of 8 cm, and about 5 cm long, located on the tops of green shoots. The edge of the inflorescence consists of fruitless flowers standing out against the background of the other larger sizes. The middle of the inflorescence is formed from small heteromorphic flowers. The active phase of flowering plants falls at the end of May - the beginning of June.
  • Fruit. Kostyanki, spherical shape forming bulk bunches. Painted in bright red color. Inside a large bone to 9 mm long. The pulp of the fetus with sufficient juiciness is characterized by astringent bitterness. The intensity of taste is reduced after the effect of negative temperature. Fully ripen fruit in October.

With a special trimming of the bush, Kalina Red can grow a tree, however, the crown will not be too thick.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Drug raw materials Kalina Red are Cora, as well as fruits. The billet pass through different rules described in the table.

Table - Features of Viburnum Vibra

Bark fruit

- The collection is started in March or early April - an active workpiece - in September, October, after the first frosts - from the cropped branches, they remove the branch with the formation - cut off the borders from the plants, the frozen is not removed - large layers are crushed;
- unfolded with a thin layer under the sun for breaking - slugg trees under the sun, waving them on thick threads or wire - dried using a dryer or on a warm attic - dried using a dryer or on a warm attic - temperature when using a dryer 50-60 ° C - Temperature when using a dryer of 60-80 ° C - a qualitatively dried raw material breaks - the hardness of the berry speaks about complete drying

After drying, any raw material viburnum is stored in cotton fabric packages in a dark, dry place, with high-quality ventilation. The bark retains beneficial properties for four years, the rest of the plant - throughout the year.


Also fresh fruits of viburnum can be frozen. To do this, they need to be rinsed under running water, dry on a paper towel. Share a thin layer on a wide view. After two-hour freezing, lick the viburnum into the container or package.


The healing properties of viburnum are due to the content of biologically active substances in the plant. Moreover, the benefit can bring any kind of raw materials, since the valuable compounds are contained in all parts of the shrub.

Features of therapeutic effects

Treatment of viburnum berries and other parts of the plant requires knowledge about the peculiarities of its influence on the body.

  • Stops bleeding. Kalina has a pronounced hemostatic effect, which is based on the ability of viburnum chemicals to inactivate fibrinolysin. This suggests that the plant prevents resorption of already formed thrombus, which is very appropriate in the postoperative period, but should cause alertness if the patient is inclined to thrombosis.
  • Improves the work of the stomach. The ability of viburnum cortex to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis is based on the formation of a protective film on the mucous membrane of the organ. It is formed due to the deposition of protein molecules of gastric mucus by tanning substances. This slows down the absorption of drugs and reduces their therapeutic effects, which should be remembered by people passing by medicines. The anti-inflammatory effect of viburnum is based on the ability of the plant to strengthen and compact cell membranes. At the same time, the fruits of the plant are stimulants of the secretion of gastric juice, which can harm people with increased acidity.
  • Removes pain. The antispasmodic effect of the use of viburnum, as well as cardiotonic and sedative effects are based on the content of isovalaric acid and its derivatives that reduce the excitability of nerve cells. It has been proven that the reception of viburnum enhances the effect of soothing and sleeping pills, and therapies of them together with viburnum may arise the need to reduce doses.
  • Improves metabolism. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in all parts of the plant normalize lipid metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In all parts of the viburnum there is chlorogenic acid, which slows down the penetration of glucose molecules into the bloodstream, having hypoglycemic action. Therefore, the plant should be used in diabetes with caution, especially if the patient leads an active lifestyle or has a tendency to a sharp reduction in sugar.

Useful properties of viburnum

The widest list of pharmacological effects of the use of viburnum ordinary makes the plant with a popular tool in folk and official medicine.

  • In gynecology. The ability of viburnum to regulate hormonal background is very important for women. The plant can be prescribed to the postpartum period to accelerate the cutting of the uterus, as well as reducing bleeding. In general, Calina, the ordinary has a positive effect on the level of estrogen, and therefore eliminates the symptoms of the climax and the soreness of menstruation.
  • For digestion. Kalina Red is capable of improving digestion, normalize the acidity of the stomach, and also eliminate signs of dysbacteriosis. As a protective and anti-inflammatory facility, the plant is prescribed during damage to the gastric mucosa: gastritis, ulcerative lesions. Among the testimony to the use of the plant: Colitis of any reason and a tendency to constipate, hemorrhoids.
  • For kidneys. Kalina Red can be used as a soft diuretic appropriate for men. Anti-inflammatory properties helps to eliminate the essence of the prostate gland with prostate, as well as facilitate the process of urination. The ability of viburnum is noted to remove inflammatory processes localized in the kidneys.
  • For the oral cavity. Antibacterial, binders and anti-inflammatory abilities of viburnum are actively used in dentistry for therapy of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontosis.
  • For skin diseases. Plant and drugs from it can assist in the therapy of any skin diseases, including allergies, autoimmune diseases, as well as complicated by a bacterial or fungal infection of skin lesions. With allergic dermatitis, photodermatoses, diathesis in children, Kalina is useful for the adoption of therapeutic baths. With eczema, psoriasis, degrating, fuunculese, junk rash are used compresses and rods with viburnum.
  • For nervous system. Kalina ordinary is used to normalize the work of the nervous system. It eliminates nervousness, insomnia, fast fatigue, headache, including a migraine nature. It helps to overcome apathy, improves the mood, prevents the appearance of convulsion. Used to eliminate the initial forms of hypertension.
  • For ORVI. Crop with viburnum and most colds, as well as their complications. Soft expectorant and bronchoranting action allows you to get rid of cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as with tuberculosis. The plant eliminates the breath, improves blood saturation with oxygen. Turning a forceary action, Kalina helps to eliminate the symptoms of fever, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • For immunity. Immunostimulating properties of viburnum, its ability to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, improving the biochemical composition of the blood is often used to restore the body after diseases and operations. As well as to accelerate recovery in infectious and colds.

What else pluses

The healing properties of Kalina Red are very extensive, but the medicinal plant has other interesting abilities.

  • For beauty. The juice extracted from the fruits of viburnum is frozen and used for the face, making light massage cubes. The massage procedure of viburnum whitens the skin, eliminates pigment spots, freckles, acne and minerals. In addition, the antioxidant composition of viburnum contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, strengthening the contours of the face.
  • In cooking. Fruits of viburnum are actively used in cooking to obtain not just delicious, but also possess active global properties of horses, jelly, pastes, marshmallows, stuffs in pies. The benefits of viburnum berries, even sugar, much higher than the usual chocolate.
  • For tone. From the seeds of viburnum get a drink that replaces coffee. The advantage of it consists in a soft toning, cardioprotective and antioxidant action, as well as in the complete absence of any negative effects on the vessels and the gastrointestinal tract.

Do caution need

Acceptance of any medication should occur strictly in accordance with the testimony for its use. Vegetable raw materials Kalina Red is no exception, which means that requires careful use in some cases. The main contraindications of viburnum are as follows.

  • Pregnancy. The plant is contraindicated during pregnancy. All of its parts contain compounds, by its structure and the action resembling the hormones of estrogen rows. Their toning effect on the uterine muscles can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, provoke the placenta detachment and nutritional disorders.
  • Thrombosis. Contraindications of viburnum include a tendency to the formation of thromboms, as well as expressed atherosclerosis, since the hemostatic action of the plant can aggravate the situation and neutralize the effect of antiagregative drugs.
  • High acidity. Expect from Valina harm can people suffering from heartburn, as well as with significantly increased acidity of the gastric juice, due to the ability of potassium fruits to stimulate the secretion of the digestion glands.

Side effects of red viburnum can adversely affect the state of patients suffering from hypotension, since the plant provokes an additional decrease in blood pressure. The use of viburnum red on pressure does not always bring the expected result due to the cardiotonic action of the plant.


Kalina, as well as its extracts have long been used in official medicine, complementing vitamin herbal fees and entering homeopathic agents. Focusing on special recipes, at home from the plant you can prepare medicines that are not inferior to the effectiveness of pharmacy.

Broth bark

Features. Apply to eliminate uterine bleeding, painful monthly, in the postpartum period, to normalize the functions of the GCT, a soft decrease in blood pressure, as well as to improve the work of the kidneys and eliminate edema.

Preparation and application

  1. A tablespoon of viburnum cortex is poured with a glass of boiling water in an enameled saucepan.
  2. They put on a boiling water bath and heated under the lid throughout the half an hour.
  3. It insists the resulting agent for 10 minutes at room temperature, after which it is fixed and carefully pressed the cake.
  4. Be adjusted to boiled water room temperature to the previous volume.
  5. Otar Cory Kalina is taken in the number of two tablespoons, up to four times a day. Make a bullion twice a day with any skin diseases, including trophic ulcers. Store the decoction no longer than two days in the refrigerator.

Infusion of fruits

Features. Use inside with colds, to eliminate constipation, as well as allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. Including - in heart and articular diseases.

Preparation and application

  1. Two tablespoons of dried berries viburnum are poured in the enameled glass of boiling water, covered with a lid.
  2. Heat 15 minutes on a boiling water bath.
  3. After heating, the berries of viburnum insist for 45 minutes, after which they are typing, pressing cakes, bring to water to the initial volume.
  4. We use the infusion of viburnum inside the third of the glass three times per day. Store in the refrigerator no longer than two days.

Infusion of leaves and inflorescences

Features. It is applied in folk medicine as a soft diuretic, core, antiallergic agent, under local use eliminates sweating.

Preparation and application

  1. A tablespoon of crushed inflorescences and viburnum leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. They insist for half an hour, after which they are filtering.
  3. Take inside half a glass twice a day, make outdoor bums.


All the healing properties of viburnum are brightly manifested by the use of its concentrated hoods. You can prepare a tincture of viburnum berries on an alcohol basis or water. Features of the reception and manufacture of these funds are described in the table.

Table - Tincture Fruit Kalina Red

Features Water tincture Alcohol tincture

Indications - with a cold
- to improve the appetite and normalization of metabolism;
- in the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertensive disease, initial forms of atherosclerosis - anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antipyretic agent;
- digestion stimulator;
- contributes to the removal of toxins;
- possesses sedative properties. Preparation - two tablespoons of viburnum fruit are poured with a glass of boiling water;
- boiled in a water bath for five minutes;
- insist two hours, after which they filter - a bottle or a bank is loosely filled with berries of viburnum;
- covered with trees;
- insist in a dark place for three weeks;
- Fix the reception - on a teaspoon;
- up to four times a day - 30 drops on a half-table of water;
- three times a day

Valina Ordinary or red is a beautiful plant, all parts of which have valuable therapeutic properties. With the right approach, Kalina improves, strengthens and overtakes the entire human body. But therapeutic properties of viburnum should be used responsibly, since the slight risk of side effects is still present.

Traditional for gardens and forests leafy shrub Kalina Red Wear the Russian people for beauty and nobility, as well as for the healing properties that possess all without exception. From flowers and bark, leaves, fruits and stones are prepared by infusions, decoctions, juices, teas, they are used and fresh. In this article we will look at the useful medical properties and contraindications of the berries of red viburnum - knowing, what is the benefit and harm of Kalina RedYou can replace the chemical pills with these rich gifts of nature, to improve the state of health, get rid of many ailments.

First of all, the shrub attracts attention to bright fruits: beta-carotene is responsible for the saturated red color of the berries. And, of course, everyone knows the notorious bitterness of these bright red beads - it gives it a unique substance, Vibornin (by the way, in Latin, Kalina sounds like Viburnum Opulus). Below is a photo of berries and plants of red viburnum:

Ripe Red Kalina

Useful in many diseases, everywhere growing, possessing magnificent healing properties - in this article you will learn all about Kalina Red.

What helps the Red Kalina?

Berries and shrubs flowers, bark and juice are rich in organic acids, tanning substances, carotene, a significant amount of vitamins C and P, pectin - such a variety allows you to use Kalina to treat and prevent many diseases, as well as in cosmetology:

  • due to diuretic action Kalina Red with hypertension and in the occurrence of swelling due to disorders of the kidney, it turns out to be an excellent means of folk medicine - an excessive liquid is derived from the body, the pressure in blood vessels is reduced, the operation of the urinary tract and the heart muscle normalizes;
  • effective wound healing and even gastric ulcers thanks antiseptic and binding components;
  • in the postoperative, rehabilitation afternoon period of vibernary tea will help restoration of power and Strengthening the immune system;
  • for treatment coliths and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, etc.), atherosclerosis;
  • with nasal bleeding, colds and bronchitis, angina, asthma;
  • for pain in the liver and heart;
  • for weight loss and preserving the fitness of the figure;
  • for diseases oral cavity - stomatitis, bleeding gums;
  • red viburnum for face Useful for skin rashes, rash and echs.

In addition, Kalina, despite its natural bitterness, found the use and in cooking - Meat dishes, infusions, decoctions, jams, kisins, desserts, candy, wines are not only tasty, but also useful.

Blossom of varietal red viburnum

To contraindications The use of red viburnum in any form includes:

  • eating viburnum berries during pregnancy able to lead to allergic reactions, and in some cases and interruption of pregnancy;
  • kalina is prohibited with elevated blood viscosity and a high figure of coagulation - it can provoke thrombosis;
  • not recommended treatment by kalinovanes and infusions for some diseases of the kidneys, gout, sore joints, increased acidity of the stomach;
  • when appearance skin allergic reactions and rashes should stop receiving viburnum;
  • such a successful hypertension of Kalina can cause a faint state of people reduced arterial pressure.

Before the start of regular reception of viburnum in medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult with the attending physician

What is useful than red viburnum berries for men?

Despite the fact that the Red Kalina traditionally is considered a "female" berry, infusions and decoctions from the pulp of fruits will be useful for men:

  • a lining organism impact, prevention of the formation of oncological diseases;
  • treatment of diseases of the stomach and liver, constipation, tuberculosis common among male diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • avitaminosis prevention;
  • walled diseases that men are subject to more often than women.

Men are less sensitive to bitterness of medicines from viburnum than women

Medicinal recipes for cooking from red viburnum

The medicinal properties of berries allow it to be used in various kinds - informies, decoction, jams, juices, fresh and so on. We give the most popular recipes from red viburnum for use in medicinal purposes:

  1. From influenza and colds will help collect. In equal shares: crushed inflorescences of viburnum, flowers of yellow vegetables, red clovers and lilac, leaves of garden raspberry, vanity, labaznik, herbal clarity, chopped licorice root. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, brewed with boiling water at the rate of 20 ml of water to 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable collection, insulating and insisters. It is accepted by ½ cup 3-4 times a day.
  2. Effective prevention of oncological tumors. In equal shares, freshly prepared moods and bees honey mixed up to a homogeneous consistency. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. The remedy is stored in a cold place.
  3. Infusion for the treatment of chronic gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach. To collect in equal parts, the crushed cortex is taken in equal parts, the roots of the donon and AIRA, the seeds of the cumin, the leaflets of large-flowered initiatives, mint and strawberries, plantain, chamomile inflorescences. The crushed mixture is thoroughly mixed, flooded with boiling water (on 1 tbsp. L. Of collection 200 ml of water), hesitated, cooled farting. It is accepted by ½ cup 3 times a day.
  4. When hypertension is preparing a decoction of ripped ripe berries. 2 tbsp. l. Casishes poured 200 ml of hot boiled water, under the lid on a water bath, withstand 15 minutes. The cooled decoction is fastened and pressed, the pulp should not be thrown away - it is accepted by 1/3 cup of ragger with the pulp before meals. At elevated pressure, consumption and fresh berries will be useful together with the bones - for ¼ cup per day.

Recipes made of red viburnum for treatment are diverse: it is fresh berries, and bums from the bark, inflorescences and pulp of fruits in combination with other useful medical plants - practically from any disease This is capable of helping this bitter berry.

Berries viburnum are used in folk recipes.

When to collect Kalina Red?

In the household sections, Klad's bushes are rare, most often a berry, leaves, a bourker for consumption in a fresh form, in the form of infusions, juices and decoctions Collected with wild shrubs.

To reduce characteristic of the fruit of a specific bitter taste, it is recommended to organize the collection after berries will grab the first frost - Kalina will become more delicious, bitterness will go into a small pleasant tartness. The fruits collected up to the first frosts will be bitter and tasteless, in addition, there will be much more useful substances in the frozen berries.

After the first frozen

If there is no opportunity to wait for frosts, then Kalina collected in warm autumn days can be placed in the freezer - The effect will be the same, and the berries can be taken out of the freezer and recycle as needed.

What can be cooked from Kanina Red?

There are quite a few recipes for making dishes from viburnum and with its addition as an ingredient, we will focus on the most popular and simple, delicious and healthy health.

Kalina red with honey Easy in preparation, and her therapeutic and healing effect is really impressive, it is especially effective in hypertension. Bales and chains of viburnum with honey, juices and teas, fruit and other drinks have a beneficial effect on the heart, expand the vessels, improve blood supply, enhance immunity. The simplest in preparation - vitamin tea and juice: honey and juice of viburnum berries are mixed in equal shares, such tea is taken (juice) of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before the main meal.

Kalina Red Tincture Perched on vodka, sometimes with honey or sugar. For vodka tincture, 0.5 liters of vodka are required and 0.5 kg of ripe large berries of viburnum:

  • berries are moved, are thoroughly washed under running water, dried;
  • in the cooked glass container, berries should take half of the volume;
  • vodka poured so much so that it completely closed the berries;
  • capacity is tightly closed with a lid, placed in a warm place for a day;
  • a day later, the remaining vodka fills in the container;
  • the mixture is the month or more, after which it is filled;
  • tincture is ready to use.

The longer the hiking on vodka is insisted, the more useful will be tincture

Easy cooking and kalina red with sugar - Rottented in banks, she just gives all winter and will become an excellent fragrant supplement for tea or pies, revealing its true taste. For the preparation you will need 1 kg of viburnum berries, 700-800 g. Sugar, sterilized banks. The cooking process will take a literally 5-10 minutes:

  • berries go through, remove spoiled fruits and twigs;
  • in colander or sieve to wash Kalina under the jet of cold running water;
  • a pair of tablespoons of sugar is laid out on a sterilized jar on the bottom, then part of the berries;
  • kalina sprinkles sugar, again spreads the layer of berries, again sugar, etc. - the remaining sugar will be the last thick layer.

If long-term storage is assumed, the bank can be rolled with a metal cover; If Kalina is used immediately, a rather polyethylene or twisting tin lid.

Kalina Red Tincture

Are the bones of viburnum red?

Kalina is good because any part of the bush Possess healing properties and can be used in the treatment of diseases and improving the body. The heart-shaped bones of berries containing biologically active substances will be also useful: minerals, vitamins, valuable fatty amino acids for the body.

Cooked out of borders It is used as a coating agent, to combat the disorder of the digestion of small children, improve the work of the stomach and intestines, strengthening its muscular tone.

From nucleoli berries prepare essential oils - The natural carotenoid-antioxidants contained in them will protect the body from malignant tumors, will extend youth, preaching premature aging. Seed oil viburnum is often part of medicinal masses, balms and cosmetics - with external use. It will accelerate the healing of damaged skin (scratches, abrasions, wounds, furuncules, etc.), acne and skin rashes in adolescence. Suppositories, which includes oil of kalin coasts, are useful in the treatment of inflammation of the rectum, uterus and lower urinary tract.

Contraindications for the use of bones for therapeutic purposes The same as for viburnum as a whole: pregnancy, hypotension, high blood coagulation, increased acidity of the stomach.

When you try to talk about the benefits of Kalina's berries, you always do not know where it is better to start. This small shrub can be used practically in any area. This is official and traditional medicine, cosmetology, cooking. In our article, we will not only try to illuminate all possible aspects of using this berry, but explain why it is an important element of a balanced diet.

Geography and origin

Our country is a plant familiar from ancient times. In Russia, it is distributed almost everywhere, although it has its own preferences:

  • Wet environment. You can find a shrub not only along small rivers, but also in swampy terrain.
  • Coniferous forests. The thick of the forest massif, the more likely to see red fruits there.

At the same time, it is impossible to say that the plant is soothing. It is well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia. Gourmet recommend to start collecting "harvest" with the onset of the first frosts. The cold kicks out of the berries all bitterness and acid.

Only fruits are considered edible, but this does not mean that the rest of the shrub did not find the use of human use. The bark, roots and leaves of the plant are actively used. All of them are rich in healing properties, and therefore serve as excellent raw materials for the preparation of a variety of drugs.

But do not forget that Kalina berries carry not only the benefit, but also harm to human health, there are a number of contraindications for use. Consider them in order to accidentally not harm yourself in the process of treatment, weight loss or culinary experiments. For correctly inclusion of berries in the diet, consult with a specialist.

Contact "Elena Morozova's Slimming Clinic" and you will receive an individual food intake program based on your gender, age, physical and psychological features. We offer not diet, but a complex, balanced nutrition, which, in a combination with "soft" physical exertion and the work of psychologists, not only give the necessary result, but will forever fix it.

Berries Kalina for the human body: beneficial properties and contraindications

They are rich in various vitamins, but the most space is given to the group C and A. Also, this low shrub can boast the presence of tannins and pectins. They are indispensable if it comes to treating and restoring the normal functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fitoncides can be found in the composition, so the product has also an antimicrobial effect. Champs from viburnum are considered an effective folk remedy for colds.

Berry contains a large amount of magnesium, copper, iron. It helps to restore the body after serious physical workouts, defeat chronic fatigue, reduce apathy.

In the fruits there is valerian and formic acids. Their combination helps in the fight against depression.

Kalina is also a natural energy and can give a challenge of modern means located on supermarket counters.

What is the benefit of viburnum fruits for the human body and his health, maybe damage

  • Common strengthening effect. The beneficial effect on the human immune system, especially with systematic reception. Permanent small dosages help the body to actively resist the diseases of any kind, to deal with infections and viruses.
  • Preventive remedy. Especially relevant in winter, when the population suffers from colds. Properly made decoction can suppress Orz and ORVI at the initial stage. Fruits are well coped with the cough, with dry and wet.
  • Restoration of the joints. The plant is perfectly coping with arthritis and arthritis. The effect is the same as from most modern ointments, but this method is much more economical. Older people of old hardening are well acquainted with him.
  • Anti-inflammatory agent. An additional healing measure during an angina or other diseases of similar type.
  • Febrifuge. A good analogue of paracetamol and even modern powders like teraflu. We have already mentioned a large number of vitamin C, which is contained in our product. At the same time, its impact is softer than many famous pharmacy tablets. If you have a child got sick, use viburnum with honey.

  • Cleansing effect. Freshly squeezed berry juice brings slags from the body and other harmful substances accumulated over long time. At the preventive stage of rationalization of the power supply, this method is especially effective. Do not forget that the plant is also a diuretic tool, which can quickly derive an extra moisture from the patient's body.
  • Toning effect. Ensures stress, treats neurosis, helps to cope with insomnia and hysterics. Start a wonderful way to calm down and come to a mental balance.
  • Treatment of varicose veins. Rubbing from viburnum is not a drug tool. Therefore, we recommend using them in conjunction with other treated drugs.
  • Help cardiovascular system. Folk recipes using viburnum berries are effective, but they have both beneficial properties and contraindications. With increased blood coagulation, they will negatively affect the patient's body, and can even lead to the appearance of thromboms.
  • Rejuvenating effect. It is favorable on the skin and literally helps turn the time to reverse.

The beneficial properties of viburnum for women are confirmed by numerous medical research, with contraindications to use a bit. This is an effective way to combat any kind of inflammatory diseases. Soft intervention helps to normalize the flow of physiological processes, remove the tumor, pain and discomfort.

Useful and harmful properties of potassium fruits: contraindications for pressure

We have already said that the fruits are not recommended with increased blood coagulation, but there are other limitations. One of the main ones is considered to be a negative impact on the body at elevated pressure. Especially when it comes to congenital effect. But the rule is valid in the event that the pressure has increased as a result of the reception of other drugs, drug influence or simply food. For example, excessive use of coffee or taurine. In this case, there is no vanity: it will aggravate the position.

And in counterweight, if you have reduced pressure, the plant normalizes it. Before accepting and starting any procedures related to this product requires a professional medical consultation. You can get it in the "Elena Morozova Slimming Clinic".

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Women's Women's Berry: Fruit Benefits, Harm, Contraindications

Limitations are not so much. Pure women are considered to be several:

  • Any kind of kidney disease, since the beautiful half of humanity is subject to them more often.
  • Pregnancy. On any time it is not recommended to introduce a plant into the diet. It is also about internal welcome, and about the outer. The rules apply to the leaves, stems, roots, bark and berries themselves.

But if we consider the useful and harmful properties of viburnum, contraindications to the use of fruits for women and men, it is worth noting that the first are more than more. A whole set of positive effects and only a few cases when the product can be perceived by the body negatively:

  • Hypotension.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Gout.

Systematic reception of funds that include a plant, for prevention and treatment is argued. For a strong half, the cosmetology effect does not matter much, but therapeutic qualities and toning effect are important.

Recipes with viburnum: Useful properties, contraindications, how to cook berry

This plant is valued in cooking. But not everyone positively belongs to its sharp taste. Someone complains of acid, someone on bitterness. Get rid of that and from the other is actually quite simple. Place the berries in boiling water for ten and fifteen minutes, and the taste quality of the product will be much softer.

If you want to pamper yourself with an unusual and useful jam, then collect fruits after the first frosts. Under the influence of low temperatures, they lose the characteristic bitterness. Those who do not want to wait for the arrival of winter and want to prepare the delicacy as quickly as possible, we recommend schwit and shove the plant in the freezer for an hour and a half. The effect will be the same.

The bodies collection season falls on the end of autumn, but knowing some storage subtleties, you can pour yourself to them almost all year round. To save the vitamins, you can:

  • Seeing the fruit in the oven. This is done at a temperature mode of 60 °. It is best if the door of the oven will be slightly ajar.
  • To freeze. Like any other seasonal product, this is perfectly stored in the cold.

Another option is to take a clean dry saucepan, folded the Kalina there and put the container in a cool place. In such a state, berries can be stored until six months. You can prepare them with sugar or honey.

Recipes are very popular - "Five minutes". The fruits are not cooking, but shake blender or kitchen combine. They remain fresh, which means that more beneficial substances retain. In the refrigerator, such a dish is stored long.

Fresh Kalina: Benefits and Harm

The only contraindication to its consumption is a high degree of acidity in the stomach. After long-term processing and drying, a significant part of the acid simply disappears. The dried product can no longer harm the sensitive stomach. At least with the same intensity. But this process also reduces the usefulness of fruits. A variety of microelements and vitamins ceases to act, digested worse. Therefore, the dried product is better to take as decisions and tinctures, and it is recommended to use fresh berries without a recipe. But be sure to follow the dosage. The presence of a large amount of acid can damage even a healthy stomach, cause unpleasant sensations on the teeth and in the oral cavity. Observe the measure.

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