What prayers need to read in christmas. What prayer read for Christmas for marriage. Christmas Prayer "Child Your"

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The bright holiday of Christmas is an unusually joyful and wonderful event for every Christian. God has become a man in order to save us, he was born "on the flesh" for what we would be closer to God.

The Christmas is Christo - this is one of the main Orthodox two-month holidays and is considered the second event after Easter.

Orthodox celebrate this day annually on January 7th. On this day, the Christmas post ends, and the shinties begin - time from the Nativity of Christ to the baptism of the Lord.

Prayers for Christmas is Christ - this is, first of all: joy, praise the Lord and the Music of the Bright Holiday.

In Christmas, the Orthodox is usually welcome to each other with the words: "Christ was born!" And answer the greeting: "Slaving it!"

Farmer of Christmas

This trail (Hymn Christmas) dates the IV century. It is singing during Christmas worship and then within a few days later, until January 13th.

Your christmas is yours, our God, the remuneration of the world of mind, in it bing stars serving star studies. You put it, the sun is truth, and you are kept from the height of the East. Lord, thank you!

Russian translation:

Your christmas, Christ, God, illuminated the world with the light of knowledge, because through him the stars servants of the star were teaching you to worship, the sun is truth, and know you, from the height ascending shining. Lord, thank you!

Kondak Christmas

This is a special advocacy (anthem), which is executed in Christmas days. "Virgin is long wading" - this Kondak is written by the Saint Roman Swekopev at the beginning of the 6th century. According to legend, the Mother of God taught Roman's singing and blessed him to the composition of this hymn.

Virgo's visit is long waded, and the land of the vertpet is unappropriate brings; Angeli with shepherds weakly, Volossvi and the star travel, we are boring the sorry of the joy.

Russian translation

Deva to this day, the Superstant City gives rise, and the Land Cave brings an impregnable; The angels with the shepherds are alone, the magic and the star is traveling, for the sake of us was born a child a young, the forever.

Christmas stimites

In Orthodox worship, starting from the Christmas post, there are special stimiters (chants), which remind that Christmas is approaching. This is one of these styrenes taken from the Vigil Service on the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).

Vertepe of the blessing, the Agnica Bo is coming the vocabulary of Christ: Masseli is the word of solving the destruction of us uniform. Shepherds swingly testimonially to the wounds of scary: and Volzvi from Persida, Zlatto and Lebanon and Smirna King Bring, Ino, the Lord from the Virgin Mother. Vedje and straightenings of slave Maty ball, and brought to the keen on the arms of the Herh: why did you succeed in me in me, or what kind of parry in me in me, to the ridder and God?

Russian translation

Bestuchy, cave, for Agnica (that is, sheep, a meek, humble animal, with whom it is customary to compare the people's submissive God; in this case, the Agnica is the Virgin Mary, the one who will give birth to Christ) coming, carrying in the womb. Nasli, lift us the word from meaningless acts, earthmovic. Shepherds, on the swirles of playing, testify about the miracle of frightening; And Magi from Persia, Gold, Ladan and Smyrna King bring, because the Lord came from the Virgin Mother. And before him, humbly surpass, the mother herself bowed, turning to the one who was in her arms: "How was you conceived in me? Or as you have increased in me, my gale and God?

The most famous christmas styrene

Glory to the Went of God, and on the Earth, the world, you will be perceived by Bethlehem Sedyasko died with a father, the birth of angel baby, born in Bogolyakovo, Slavor: Glory to the Welcome to God, and the Land of the world, in man in favor.

Russian translation

Glory to the Welcome to God and on Earth the world! On this day takes the Bethlehem sitting forever with his father. On this day, the Angels of the Born Baby as God are sorry: "Glory to the Welcome to God and on Earth the world, among people, favor!

Prayer for christmas of Christ

"Lord Jesus Christ God, the wonderful salvation of our for the sake of the land in the flesh, and from the demonstrative and the prechistant of the Virgin Mary is inerably assumed! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of yours and immeasurable condescension to our weakness, comforting us now does not sharpen a breathless food with spiritual, but also a festive trape. "

"The same Molim, who rejuvenates your hand, who acting all the living benefits, dazzly, all the food, the corresponding time and the rules of church, bless the festive dash, the faithful people of yours prepared, the Napacia, from Naheh, the tedious charter of the Church, in the mime-seed day of the post Your slaves have abstained, and they will be overwhelming them with thanksgiving in health, to reinforce the forces of bodily, in merry and joy. Yes, VSI, we will be all satisfied, to be abundant, and we are in the affairs of the right, and from completeness thanks to the heart of Slavita, the fuel and comfortably of us, the population and irreparal of your father and the Most of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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The chief anthem of Christmas in the Orthodox Church is tropearwhich dates the IV century. It is singing during Christmas worship and a few more days later - until January 13th. During the Christmas service, it turns out several times, and the whole temple sweats the chorus.

This anthem talks about the knowledge of God man. The paths to this knowledge can be different - including through scientific research of stars, as it happened with the wax. And the name of Christ "Sun truth" indicates the Savior as a source of life and light, purity and righteousness:

Your christmas is yours, our God, the remuneration of the world of mind, in it bing stars serving star studies. You put it, the sun is truth, and you are kept from the height of the East. Lord, thank you!

Prayer in the Christmas of Christ on Health

"In your mouth, the mercy is predecago, oh my God, handing my soul and my body, my feelings and verbs, tips and my thinking, my business and the whole body and souls of the Moya movement. My entry and outcome of my, faith and residence of my, the course of my abdominal abdominal, day and hour of sinking my, the blasting is mine, the rest of my soul and the body of mine. You, about the premiezer of God, the whole world sins an overwhelmed flaw, kindly sin, gentlemen, the patch of all the people of Greshneshago, and in the mouth of protecting your and save from all the evil, to cleanse a lot of lawlessness of my, giving a correction to evil and the pop-in my life and from the coming falls of the people always admire me, and in no way when I fuck your philanthropy, you should be covered with my demons, passions and evil humans. The enemy is visible and invisible to ban, managing me as saved by, bringing to you, our refuge and desires for my edge. Darui Mi the death of Christian, a physician, peaceful, from the air perfumes to observe, on the terrible court, mercifully slave your boobies and the blessed of your blessed sheep, and with them you, the Creator of mine, I speak. Amen."

Christmas prayer for marriage

"With an excellent joy, I appeal to you, Mother of God.
You are the one who filled the fruit of the fruit of his womb.
I, the slave of God (his name) I pray you now about help.
Please, we like the love of me mutual and sincere.
I went to me a husband of loving and caring,
So that I could raise children in happiness and joy.
Yes, it will hire your name. Amen".

Prayer in Christmas for money and wealth

"Lord Jesus Christ God, the wonderful salvation of our for the sake of the land in the flesh, and from the demonstrative and the prechistant of the Virgin Mary is inerably assumed! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of your mercy and immeasurable condescension to our weakness, comforting us now does not sharpen a breathless food, but also a festive meal.

Molim Molim, who rejuvenates your generous hand, fulfilling all the living best of your favor, lettuce all the food, the corresponding time and the rules of church, bless the festive dash, the faithful people of yours prepared, the Napauchi, from Nicho, the chalk of the church of the church, in the mimeoshess Your people, let them eat them with thanksgiving in health, in reinforcement of bodily strength, in merry and joy. Yes, VSI, we will be all satisfied, to be abundant, and we are in the affairs of the right, and from completeness thanks to the heart of Slavita, the fuel and comfortably of us, the population and irreparal of your father and the Most of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer in Christmas for happiness and well-being

"Becoming start, God Holy and Eternal, and all the creature of the Warry! Kiimi DVILLS TAKE BORDARY AND KIIY SONGESS WILL BUY US FOR THE SITLE OF PERSON Insiscimulating, the will of the deity is not familiar, and the subsoil subsidies are not separated, the God is so, Yako man, in Vertepe in Vertepemnaya now it was now revealed. Who is the confidence of the thoroughly of the Sacrament of the Major and the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin is, yes he freedoms the world from the oath of lawful, and the sons of sin and lawlessness - the children of God, the heirs of eternal favor prevents himself, - herself, and the victim is immaculate and all-in The key to rescue Padshago man will bring. Jesus Sweet, Vladyko is all-air! You will be consecrated in your temple of the glory of glory to the temple of the glory of glory, and VSI, in the heavenly cheering. SPO WoB and us on the day of Preslavnago christmas your pure heart and the soul of confession to the TRUNNAGO of God of God, delightful and strengthening us the hope of the upcoming goods in the unclear light of the trustee of the Divine, right away and moves and moves, right to update our privacy. She, Lord, Somebaging a rich in the dutcher, and the ultimate bonor, for me, taco loved the world, Yako all the sorrow and illness to suffer from themselves who did not leave us, don't leave the earthly sorrow and missed our souls, and not The path of salvation under the nogama is ours, but we will not laugh at us, but give us in the light of your Divine Revelation to know the path of peace, good and truth, and we are not enough for you, our Savior, in Yezhody, Create Your Will Your Savior in Your Strain, and in the praise inexpressible dropping away from yours, IKOKO CEDULE THE GRAFT, SHIPE YOUR WEEKHER OF OUR AND IN THE VERY OF FAITH THE FAVE TO THE VERY OF OURSHIP OUR MEEK AND IN THE VERY OF FAVORE PAY Father, sell grace and truth. Yako about you, now the flesh from the Bestless and Mary of Virgin Mary has been happy, the whole knee of heaven and earthly, joy performed, veleglasno profess: God, herself, honor and worship is pleased - Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and the centuries. Amen."

Brief prayer for the Christmas of Christ for good luck

"Your christmas, Christ, God, the remuneration of the world of mind: In it, it's a service of servants, a star studary, you are closed, the sun is truth, and you are kept from the height of the East: Lord, thank you."

Christmas prayer angel keeper for children

"The Angel of God, the Keeper my holy, for compliance with me from God. I diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened to me, and from all evil, it is saved to the good act to Nastavi, and send the way to save. Amen."

In the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Orthodox Christians traditionally attend the church and raise prayers to the glory of the Lord. On this day, they are also praying to the highest forces of acquiring a prosperous and happy life. Each person feels invisible communication with the highest forces. They are invisible followed by us, warning about threatening hazards and warning from incorrect solutions. In great church holidays Everyone has the opportunity to thank the prayer for instructions on the true path, and also ask for the protection of yourself and their loved ones. Orthodox prayers Clean the mind and contribute to spiritual growth. Prayer for happiness "Lord, our Savior. Hear your slave (name). I pray you, the Heavenly Father, give me faith sincerely and lit the way my thorny. Teaching to follow you and do your will. Let me find peace of mind and do not torment the flour of conscience. For myself and for the entire human race: the goodness of yours may fall on us. The happiness of the earthly and peace will be in our lives. Your prayers will die our souls. Amena "Prayer about the well-being and happiness of the Mother of God" Holy Savior of the Republic of Ludsky. Hear the prayers of the slaves of God. We give you the words sincere and rejoice with you in this holiday. You gave us our savior. The species are our aspirations and do not leave us a difficult hour. Give us a patronage of your own, but do not leave us in doubt and timidity. Spent us by true and righteous. Pray you, the intercession, give your strength to cope with your misfortunes and not be afraid of difficulties. Our happiness entrusted to you, our souls stretch to your light. Amen "prayer for happiness in love" Most Holy Mother of God, Queen Heavenly. Only you can understand and hear me. I appeal to you and pray for the protection of me, the slave sinner (name). My heart is open for love, but she does not go to me. Empty in my soul and grated. Give me love sincere and righteous. Show my favorites, over this. Let our fates in one pass and our life support will be righteous. Amen "prayer about the happiness of children" Lord God, our Savior, I call for you. Milicia I ask you for your children (names). Save and merry them, cover with your grandfather. Removes from the thoughts of bad and direct on the way true. Chuds are small, inconsistent. Discover them the truth and let live without sin in the shower. We will cover their way and protect against the evil eyes, the words are unclean. I will pray for you, bring words bright and clean. Help me raise his children in faith true and happiness. Amen "in the Christmas of Christ the world is filled with good and happiness. At this time, it is customary to forgive all the bad acts and words. Spend on January 7 with maximum benefit and enlist the support of the highest forces for a safe life without grief and sadness. We wish you health

Christmas opens the way to heaven, which makes it possible to treat prayers to the highest forces almost directly. It is believed that all appeals will certainly be heard and requests are fulfilled. Prayers in marriage have a huge force, which since ancient times, the lonely girls are used to meet with their second half. You can contact various saints, most importantly, do it with an open heart and soul.

Prayer for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin about marriage

It is believed that it is this prayer that has a huge force, since Virgo Maria gave birth to the Son of God. Of course, it is not necessary to count on the fact that the long-awaited meeting will occur right the next day, but the highest forces will help ensure that the events will develop as successful as possible. It is best to read a prayer before the icon, pre-putting a closed candle.

Prayer for the Christmas of Christ to marriage sounds like this:

"With an excellent joy, I appeal to you, Mother of God.

You are the one who filled the fruit of the fruit of his womb.

I, the slave of God (his name) I pray you now about help.

Please, we like the love of me mutual and sincere.

I went to me a husband of loving and caring,

so that I could raise children in happiness and joy.

Yes, it will hire your name. Amen".

In addition to this prayer, you can seek help from the blissful, Nikolai Wonderworker, Ksenia Peterburger and to Peter and Fevronia Murom. These saints were also famous for their power to help lonely find love.

Christmas ritual for marriage

There is a special ritual, which uses a prayer for Christmas to marriage. With its help, lonely girls can greatly increase the chance for a meeting with the second half. They can also use it girls who have a potential groom and want to achieve the most responsible step from him. In this case, in prayer it is necessary to insert the name of a particular person.

For the ritual it is worth prepare the flap of white natural fabric of the square shape, a couple of white candles and a joint photo. At night at night, being alone, there is a white cloth on the table and put the candles burning. Draw a cross on the matter, which will divide the space into four zones, symbolizing the elements: fire, water, air and earth. In the center, put a photo, read first, "our own", and then, such a prayer before Christmas on marriage:

"The forces of the Nativity of Christ, help me! Cute (name) to me like! I want him to get himself with me, forever eternal soul and body joined. Amen."

After that, you need to look at the flame and mentally represent the wedding and happy life Together with the future spouse. It is important that the picture is as clear as possible, up to sensations. It is necessary to do it until the candles are nervous. Then, in the canvas, tie the photo, the remains of the candles and hide everything away from prying eyes. If everything was done correctly, the first positive changes will be visible very soon.

Prayer for the Orthodox Christmas of Christ

All-night vigil begins the Great Village, on which the solemn song of the Prophet Isaiah:

With us God, intelligence, languages, and short, Yako God with us!

Frequent repetition in this song: god is with us! He indicates the spiritual joy of believers who are conscious among themselves, Emmanuil.

Your christmas, Christ, God, is, the remuneration of the world of mind, in it Bow Stars serving a star student to you to bow, the sun is truth, and you are kept from the height of the East. Lord, thank you!

Transfer: Your christmas, Christ, God, illuminated the world by the light of the god and knowledge; For then - the stars as God who served - the star was taught to worship you, the sun truth, and know you, the East from the height. Lord, thank you!

Virgo's visit is long waded, and the land of the vertpet is unapproved by; Angeli with shepherds will be sorry, Volossvi with the star travel, we bone the sorry of the joy, vigorous God.

Transfer: Now Virgo gives birth to one who is above all created, and the land represents the cave an impregnable; Angels with shepherds are alone, the wise men are traveling with a star: for for us a young child was born, the foreman.

Glory to the highest to God, and on the lands of the world, the visit of the Bethlehem of the grayishhead is dreaming with his father, the birth of Angeli Baby Born Magnago Slavs to Slavor: Glory to the High God, and the Land of the World, in the human.

Major, exorbitant Christ, of us for the sake of now the flesh of the rose from the demonstrative and prechistrics of the Virgin Mary.

From the womb before Dennica Rosti you. The Lord is swear and not rolling

In the Bethlehem, Christ is evident from the Virgin: the day is the original beginning, and the word is embodied: the forces of heaven are rejoicing, and the earth with men have fun: the Volsvi Vladyz gifts bring: shepherd born is missed. We are incessantly screaming: glory in the highest god, and the world in the earth, in man in favor.

The whole earth will bow to you and sings you, yes sings your name, Vyshny

The celebration of this holiday is exacerbated for the Russian Orthodox Church with the memory of the deliverance of our fatherland from Galov (French) and with them twenty languages \u200b\u200b(nations) in 1812. After the liturgy there is a thanksgiving mulabting.

Prayer in christmas January 7

Prayer is called frank appeal to God. The content of such a conversation can be different, it mainly depends on each of us individually. Since with a prayer to God you can contact at any moment, the meaning of words can be different - from thanks for something to request and repentance. After pronouncing the text of the prayer, a person becomes gracious and calm, because it gains peace of mind.

Features of prayer for Christmas of Christ January 7

Prayer, which pronounces a priest, has a special meaning. It is believed that such texts God hears first of all, especially if they sound in a special temple, taking into account all the liturgical canons. In addition, those prayers are particularly confined to the Great Church Holidays, such as the Christmas, Easter. It is believed that the words with whom the person appeals to God is on such days, possess great opportunities. If they are pronounced with an open soul and repentance, God will definitely help you pray and give him strength to survive a difficult period in life.

The prayer for Christmas is pronounced in the church temple, where the service begins on the evening of January 6th. It carries the appeal and praise the Son of God's Jesus Christ, who gave his life for all praying. The christmas service at Christmas is very beautiful and solemn, the child's festive atmosphere reigns on it.

If people have no opportunity to visit the Church in the Christmas, it is advisable to pronounce the words of the prayer at home for the holy dinner. We must definitely thank Jesus Christ for the opportunity to absorb food and water. You can make it like sitting at the table and standing in front of the icon. With a prayer for Christmas, you need to contact the son of God's Jesus Christ, God, the Virgin and to all the holy.

Prayer for christmas of Christ

"Lord Jesus Christ God, the wonderful salvation of our for the sake of the land in the flesh, and from the demonstrative and the prechistant of the Virgin Mary is inerably assumed! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of yours and immeasurable condescension to our weakness, comforting us now does not sharpen a breathless food with spiritual, but also a festive trape. "

"Molim Molim, who rejuvenates your hand, performing all the living benefits of yours, lettuce all the food, appropriate time and the rules of church, bless the festive dash, the faithful people of yours prepared, the Napauchi, from Nicho the tallery of the Church of the Church, in the mimoshed, the days of the post abstained Your slaves, may be he who fell upon them with thanksgiving in health, to reinforce the forces of bodily, in merry and joy. Yes, VSI, we will be all satisfied, to be abundant, and we are in the affairs of the right, and from completeness thanks to the heart of Slavita, the fuel and comfortably of us, the population and irreparal of your father and the Most of the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Merry Christmas Merry

for the sake of the now the flesh of the risk

and the prechistan of the Virgin Mary.

Tropear Christmas Christ

Christmas you, Christ, God,

mostrov's wave mind:

in it bo stars employee

You putty the sun truth

and you are kept from the height of the East:

Lord, thank you.

Kondak, voice 3rd

Virgo is long waded,

and the land of the Veretpet is impregnable;

Angeli with shepherds weakly

volossvi and star travel;

we are born in the silence of the degree of youngest, the vigorous God.

Troper of pretreatment

hurry up to everyone, eager

yako Tree of belly in Vertepe thrust from the Virgin:

paradise Bo Onoya Waving a mental

in the Little Divine Garden,

from the need of theme, we will live

not jacques Adam die.

Christ is evident before the fallen suspension image.

Pretreatment (forever), voice 4:

Sometimes written with the older Joseph,

yako from Semen Davidova, in Bethlehem Mariam,

validoys for dispense.

Nasta, christmas time,

and the place is not one of the bodies,

but, I am the Red Chamber, the Verpet Tsarice seemed.

Christ is evident before the fallen resurrection image.

Prayer for the Christmas of Christ 2017 for good luck, on marriage, on health. "Your christmas, Christ God" and other children's Christmas prayers

Christians around the world are happy to celebrate Christmas, as one of the most important and long-awaited days a year. Each branch of religion, each country has its unusual traditions associated with the birthday of Jesus. Our customs probably are already familiar. These include:

  • the celebration of the Christmas tree (the forever of the Nativity of Christ) in a family circle with prayers and eating a flavor;
  • the creation of the Vertipa (translated into the old people. "Cave") - doll theater with nasal, biblical characters and animals;
  • reading Christmas and diverse stories - wonderful stories that took place with religious persons during the density;
  • bOLD - traditional costume walking on houses with carols and christmas songs;
  • prayer for Christmas is a festive appeal to the Almighty with requests for health, good luck, marriage, children and other urgent benefits;


Prayer pre-icon Christmas Christ

Your christmas, Christ, God, is, the remuneration of the world of mind: In it, you are the stars who serve as a star student, you put the sun to put the sun, and you are kept from the height of the East: Lord, thank you.

Major, exorbitant Christ, of us for the sake of now the flesh of the rose from the demonstrative and prechistrics of the Virgin Mary.

In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother, the Reverend and the Godhead Father of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The king of heaven, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and the whole perform, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and noted in us, and the cleaning from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls. Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times). Glory to his father and son, and now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer for adoption Proglades and Holy Water

My God, May, will be the gift of your holy and holy water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of my passions and weakness, on the infinite mercy, yours, The prayers of the Mother Mother and all saints. Amen.

Birthday prayer

Lord God, the Lord of the whole world is visible and invisible. All days and summer of my life depend on your holy will depend on your holy will. Thank you, a premium comes that you have dialing to live for another year, I know that I am in my sins, I am not enough for this mercy, but you give me it in an unfamiliable person in your opinion. Provided and still mercy to me, sinner, will continue my life in virtue, peace of mind, in healthy, in the world with all the middle and in consent with all the closest. Feed me an abundance of earth fruit and everything that needs to be satisfied with the needs. The very cleanse of conscience to my, strengthened me on the path of salvation so that I follow it on him, after a long time in the world, after going to the life of eternal, awarded to be the heir of the kingdom of your heaven. Himself, Lord, bless it started for a year and all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer for children To the Most Holy Mother of God

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the detachments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to salvation. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Prayer for children To the keeper angel

Holy angel keeper of my child (name), cover it with your cover from the demon arrows from the eye of the seducer and keep his heart in angelic purity. Amen.

Prayers for children

Lord Jesus Christ, Budi your mercy on my children (names), save them under your hands, seating from all the Lukavago wrapping, discharge from them anything and the sacrup, holes and the eyes of hearty, give a donency and humility of their hearts.

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and surviving my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), affinkers, mentors and benefactors, and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer Angel Guardian.

The Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the unfortunate, given, diligently pray to you: you will be enlightened to enlighten yourself and save from any evil, to the good deed to nasty and send the way to save. Amen.

(Ask to heal you from diseases of the feet)

"The Mother of God's Desecrack Mother of Christ of Our God, the intercession of all the genus Christian! The miraculous icon of your reverent is the forthcoming, Molima, hear us who are praying for you: Thanksgiving our unworthy of all the unhappy benefits to us, in the place of Sez and in many years and hails of the earth Russian revealed and being; You are boring patients with healing, mournful consolation, lost correction and permissions. Buddes to all of us cover and consolation, the refuge of all sorts of angry, troubles and the circumference, from the glad, the coward, the flood, fire, the sword, the invasion of the event, the deadly ulcers and from the evil man of biting. Get out of all sowing and save with faith and reverence miraculous icon Yours and praying to you with Love Zea and at any place. Ascension of our prayers, Iko Ikozdilo incense, to the throne of the Most Hedgehogo, donuto to us health, grave and in the works of pious hasty, and your bombardment, and the cover of your Osnesiami, to glorify the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and your Materier about us a concession, always, now And confessed and forever. Amen".

Ephraim Syrina consists of ten lastings - it is customary to read not only on the day of the memory of the Rev., but also during the Great Post.

"Lord and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and lubva give you to Darui Mi, to your slave. She, Lord King, giving Darui, my primes and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed Esi forever, Amen. "

to the icon of the Mother of God Zherovitsky, Helping with incurable illnesses (May 20)

"On a premiest mistress, the girl of the Virgin! Kima Usna tap to the shrine of your shrine, or the kiimi of the words of your teaching of yours, people being: Niktegro Bo, teach to you, moves out and not heard. From my youth, the repays of the help and intercession of yours, and Nicolith deprived of your mercy. Seers, Mrs., soul mourning hearts and ulcers. And now, the crankshansenly comes before the prettier way, my prayer is called. Do not lish my omnipotent intake of yours in the day of grief, and on the day of sorrow, sophisticated me. The current of my tears will not turn away, Vladychitsa, and the joy of my heart will be. The refuge and the victancy of Budi to me, freezing, and the light of your charge is my wise mind. And I'm not talking about myself with a prayer, but also about people who run to your intercession. The Church of Your Son is the good of the observance and the fence of the enemy's milquaine rests on Nude. Autumn country Our blessing is blessing and getting rid of the disasters of spontaneous, invasions of the innovations and internecine tricks, yes WSI, the living in it, in LUVE and the world, the staying, quiet and serene live lives, and the benefits of the eternal prayers of your unasedive, will be hooked up with you to praise God in the sky forever. Amen".

the icon of the Mother of God Vladimir, healing from all diseases.

"Oh bonded by Mrs. The Mother of God, Heavenly Queen, a mestless intercession, Nashe Hope! Buddens to us an intercession and a mentistance in front of the breath of the Most High, an ideal of the preston. To whom we resort to, not to you, Vladychitsa? To whom brought tears and rehabits, it's not for you, the Heavenly Queen. Under your cover, we treat the prayers of your peace, health, the earth fruit, the air, to save us from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and diseases, from sudden death and from all the branches of enemies visible and invisible. Weekly and teach us, about the suspected intercession, the path of earthly life is sinlessly plenty. We ask you, the preching laddy and inquisitive before the sacrament of your icon pray: we are soaring at us and nimes, in the terrible day of the court, the clergy of our god of our god, and worship him With its original father and the most hidden and good and unique spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

about the healing of the patient.

Oh, premieceful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, In an inseparable Trinity, worshiped and famous, the proud of fragile on your slave (name), the disease is obsessed, let him leave him all the sinners, give him healing from the disease, return him grant and graceful life, Peaceful and premium benefits so that he, together with us, brought grateful nobles to you with our God and the creator of mine.

in all dangerous cases.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Rev. Amvrosiy Optina (in the world Alexander Grenkov) Since 1839, in the Optina Desert, he took part in the revival of the older - the image of the monastic life, in which an experienced monk, an elder, leads the spiritual life of the Inok.

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint.

For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me.

Whatever I received news during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours.

In all the words and the affairs of my leaders and feelings, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you.

Teach me directly and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and no one is upgrown.

Lord, give me the power to transfer the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it.

I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayers for happiness and well-being in christmas January 7

In the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, Orthodox Christians traditionally attend the church and raise prayers to the glory of the Lord. On this day, they are also praying to the highest forces of acquiring a prosperous and happy life.

Each person feels invisible communication with the highest forces. They are invisible followed by us, warning about threatening hazards and warning from incorrect solutions. In the great church holidays, everyone has the opportunity to thank the prayer for instructions on the true path, as well as ask for the protection of themselves and their loved ones. Orthodox prayers purify the mind and contribute to spiritual growth.

Prayer for happiness

"Lord, our Savior. Hear your slave (name). I pray you, the Heavenly Father, give me faith sincerely and lit the way my thorny. Teaching to follow you and do your will. Let me find peace of mind and do not torment the flour of conscience. For myself and for the entire human race: the goodness of yours may fall on us. The happiness of the earthly and peace will be in our lives. Your prayers will die our souls. Amen"

Prayer for the well-being and happiness of the Virgin

"Holy Savior Savior of Human. Hear the prayers of the slaves of God. We give you the words sincere and rejoice with you in this holiday. You gave us our savior. The species are our aspirations and do not leave us a difficult hour. Give us a patronage of your own, but do not leave us in doubt and timidity. Spent us by true and righteous. Pray you, the intercession, give your strength to cope with your misfortunes and not be afraid of difficulties. Our happiness entrusted to you, our souls stretch to your light. Amen"

Prayer for happiness in love

"The Most Holy Mother of God, the Queen of Heavenly. Only you can understand and hear me. I appeal to you and pray for the protection of me, the slave sinner (name). My heart is open for love, but she does not go to me. Empty in my soul and grated. Give me love sincere and righteous. Show my favorites, over this. Let our fates in one pass and our life support will be righteous. Amen"

Prayer about the happiness of children

"Lord God, our Savior, I call for you. Milicia I ask you for your children (names). Save and merry them, cover with your grandfather. Removes from the thoughts of bad and direct on the way true. Chuds are small, inconsistent. Discover them the truth and let live without sin in the shower. We will cover their way and protect against the evil eyes, the words are unclean. I will pray for you, bring words bright and clean. Help me raise his children in faith true and happiness. Amen"

In Christmas, the world is filled with good and happiness. At this time, it is customary to forgive all the bad acts and words. Spend on January 7 with maximum benefit and enlist the support of the highest forces for a safe life without grief and sadness. We wish you health, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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