Male and female names that bring good luck. Happy name for a child Male names that bring happiness, luck and wealth

Engineering systems 02.08.2021
Engineering systems

Many people think that a name plays an important role in a person’s life, determining his luck and success. These people are right - analysts have found that certain male names are capable of...bring good luck.


The determining factor for happiness in our lives is good material condition. A man, as the head of a family, is obliged to play a decisive role in providing his family with everything they need.

According to official statistics about the richest men in Russia, the five most successful and mosthappy names for men are Oleg, Alexei, Vladimir, Michael And Victor.

Most rich men have names starting with the letter A. Among such names, it is worth highlighting the name Alexey, because there are a lot of billionaires with this name. There are few Olegs, but the richest person in Russia, according to Forbes magazine, is Oleg Deripaska. He is included in the “golden hundred” of the world, occupying ninth place.

Psychologists' opinion

The letter A is the first letter in the alphabet, so names starting with A attract success and luck. Many believe that the very greatness of a particular name also plays an important role. Among these names, five are also worth noting: Vladimir, Alexander, Victor, Arthur, Alexei. When these people come into contact with you, you remember their names much better. You should also say a few words about not quite Russian names like David or Albert - they also give the impression of masculinity and strength, which is why such men have more luck in business.

Now let's talk a little about energy. The name has the best energy Nikolay. It attracts good luck and the positive aura of the Universe. There may not be many rich people in Nikolaev, but they are lucky in many other areas. The survey shows that there are much more happy people among Nikolaev than among the owners of other names. Here are the five most energetically stable and powerful names according to experts: Nikolay, Ivan, Dmitriy, Sergey, Anton.

Knowledge about the energy of names will be useful to many. For example, with their help you canchoose a worthy name for the baby . Remember that a lucky name is your main gift to your child. With his help, he can achieve success in any area of ​​life and become happy.

Names that bring wealth and success:


This name is of religious origin. Now, of course, it has lost its meaning, but it has not lost its energy, which helps Zakhar achieve success in life. This name gives the person who bears it perseverance, patience, and endurance. Zakhar will withstand all tests of strength, no matter how life tests him. Therefore, such a man is not afraid of difficulties, he believes in himself, which helps him become rich and successful.


Even his name seems to hint at success, because it means “to become famous, famous.” Stanislav is well developed both physically and mentally. He knows how to persuade, find a compromise, and smooth out conflicts. This skill helps him a lot in life. Stanislav is also purposeful and persistent. Therefore, the main thing is to set the right goal. And there is no doubt that he will achieve it.


Of course, among the names there is Victor - the “winner”. Victor is proactive and responsible. True, he is not very active, but other qualities are enough for him to achieve success in life. The main thing is to raise him correctly, allow him to make choices, make decisions. Then Victor will become a leader in life, and success and wealth will be guaranteed to him.


Alexander is translated as “protector”, that is, he has leadership qualities, sociability, fortitude and the ability to persuade. He is loved by those around him, because he often helps them with kind words or deeds. This communication skill, along with leadership and self-confidence, helps to achieve success in life.


Ruslan is translated as “lion”. And for good reason - he has all the qualities of the king of beasts. He has incredible leadership skills and the ability to manage people so that they think they make certain decisions themselves. Ruslan is a fighter in life. No failures or life circumstances will become an obstacle on his path, his motto is: I see the goal, I see no obstacles. Ruslan is strong both physically and mentally. He is confident in himself, in his abilities, so even he himself has no doubt that he will achieve success and become rich.


Kirill is translated as “master”, “lord”, “lord”, and this is very reflected in his life. No, of course, he doesn’t get slaves for himself, but he achieves his goals once or twice. He is a born leader and winner. Kirill strives to be the first in all life's affairs, and usually he succeeds. The main thing is to instill in him perseverance and patience from childhood. In symbiosis with leadership and determination, this will help him even move mountains.

These were names that brought good luck and money. Keep this in mind when you name your child. Do It right choice to energize your son for success in life.

Every mother wants her daughter to grow up happy and cheerful. She needs to be proud of the successes and achievements of her child, help her become needed by society and achieve heights. The name plays an important role here.

Choosing a name for a daughter is easier than for a son

If in the case of boys the name should be consonant with the surname and sound beautifully as a middle name for future children, then with girls the situation is much simpler. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and call it whatever your heart desires. It is only worth considering how this name will be perceived in kindergarten and school, and how comfortable the daughter will feel. We have selected the most beautiful names, which will bring girls luck in their personal lives and success in their careers.

If you believe the famous psychic Marilyn Kerro, then quite a lot of Russian female names bring good luck to their bearers. For example, Oksana, Olga, Christina, Tamara, Margarita. These girls will not necessarily achieve great success in the future, but they will be able to be successful at work and in their personal lives.

But we have selected several names that will definitely bring good luck to their owners. They are somewhat unusual for us, but they sound very beautiful.


Everyone knows the singer Laima Vaikule. A chic, charming and luxurious woman who has become one of the most successful stars of modern show business. If you name a girl Laima, she will have such character qualities as honesty, independence, and originality. Her character is firm and decisive, her manner of carrying herself commands respect. These girls build excellent careers, are able to lead and even occupy high positions in the political sphere.

Laima loves to command. If she becomes disappointed in the relationship, she may become overly bitchy and sarcastic. But Lyme is beautiful, feminine and loving woman. She is lucky in her personal life; she rarely lacks attention from men. As for the material part, Laima is almost always provided for. She is able to find ways to make money everywhere and is ready to take risks.


This girl was born for love. Men of any social status make sacrifices for Monif. Monifs can motivate others to do real, courageous and extraordinary actions. Possessing them becomes a source of pride for men. Moniffs can be generous and generous.

Sometimes others take advantage of this quality of girls, causing them to become disappointed in people. Then the Monifs close in on themselves and begin to analyze their actions and actions. But even severe stress or an emotional outburst is not able to break Monif. They pull themselves together and continue to realize their plans. Often it is these girls who achieve heights in their careers and inspire admiration for their intelligence and professional qualities.

If you mortally offend Monif, you can get a strong and dangerous enemy. They value themselves and realize what they deserve. Be that as it may, the Monifs become successful women. They are often considered the darlings of fate.


These girls are very sociable and playful. They love praise and compliments from early childhood. The desire to prove that they are the best motivates them to engage in self-development, study well and take an active position.

Radmilas are often powerful, punchy, and brave. They often succeed. In communication they are quite reserved, tactful and pleasant. As a rule, Radmilas love to take care of themselves in order to please others. They prefer chic, expensive, but elegant clothes.

These women are made for business and leadership. They know how to organize work, resolve conflict situations and value employees. But if you don’t teach them to treat their spouse more simply, then family life they will be unhappy.

Men should be attentive and caring, who can treat their wife’s work with understanding. After all, work very often takes Radmil main role in life.

The Radmilas are definitely successful. They are always well provided for. Their leadership qualities and ability to get things done help them build a successful career.


Sophie is compassionate, smart, and economical. She loves cleanliness and order. The girl loves to improve her home. She has a pretty appearance, which attracts others. Her social circle is very wide, because Sophie loves to help, support, give advice and console her friends. They are drawn to her and want to spend time with her.

Sophie's character is calm, easy-going and non-conflicting. She doesn't cause any problems for her parents. It seems as if fate itself is protecting Sophie, because she is almost always lucky. Her dreams often come true; she does not complain about the lack of male attention.
As a rule, the wise and feminine Sophie marries successfully. She manages to create a warm and cozy atmosphere at home. She is looking for a strong, independent and ambitious husband.

Fate favors Sophie, protects her and guides her on her life's journey. Therefore, we can safely say that this name brings good luck to its bearer.


Aglaya is born to shine and attract attention. This is the undisputed leader. The girl is growing up very independent and independent. She likes to defend her point of view, so she often argues with others. Ambitiousness motivates Aglaya to be the best in everything. She studies well, plays sports, and takes care of herself to be perfect. He often performs at school and university parties.

Under no circumstances should Aglaya’s leadership qualities be suppressed, because then she can become nervous and withdrawn. A great option is to instill in Aglaya a love of sports or dancing. Then the girl will try her best to show her superiority.

Aglaya is a successful, beautiful and desirable woman. She attracts men with her strong character and an extraordinary mind. Her man is a reliable friend and a wonderful lover who is able to provide for Aglaya and give her the opportunity to be the head of the family.


This girl is fire. Cheerful, spontaneous, cheerful. She laughs a lot, is optimistic and happy with life. Delia loves to create, to create something with her own hands. She attracts people like a magnet, because she knows how to charge people with positivity. She loves art. Delia often makes excellent artists, musicians, sculptors and designers.

Delia can be reckless. Her ability to approach life easily and freely sometimes gets her into trouble. Therefore, it is worth teaching her from an early age to be responsible for her actions and decisions, so that the girl learns to weigh the pros and cons. Delia is very attached to people, so she has few close friends. She takes separation and betrayal very hard. But he will never take revenge or act meanly.

Despite her vulnerable and sensitive soul, Delia is lucky in everything. For her, work is a source of inspiration, family is support and warmth, love is her meaning of life.


Leda is intuitive. She has a great understanding of people, knows how to notice their strengths and weak sides. Leda does not like to open up and show her emotions. She is often silent and reserved. Her behavior is admirable, because Leda behaves like a queen.

Although this girl is quite reserved in her interactions, she loves people with a good sense of humor. And sometimes she herself is not averse to making fun of her loved ones. Leda almost always manages to find her place in life. She feels comfortable at work and in relationships. She chooses her husband long and carefully.

Leda can be successful in the field of show business. Insight allows her to see the hidden motives of the actions of others, empathy allows her to feel another person and convey his emotions. Ledas love beauty in everything. They are aesthetes who adore comfort and chic.

Leda rarely thinks about making money and can easily spend a large amount of money. But she doesn't do this because she's reckless. It’s just that the material side of life doesn’t matter to her. Perhaps that is why Leda’s husband is wealthy and takes on all material concerns.


Nicoletta is the personification of vitality, movement and activity. She is always doing something, in a hurry somewhere and is busy with something. Nicoletta does not like to sit in one place and do monotonous activities. This becomes the reason for frequent changes of place of work, moving, and the presence of many fans.

If this girl is not taught from childhood to appreciate all the good things she has, in adulthood her inconstancy can lead to loneliness. Impulsivity and inconstancy can cause frequent conflicts with others. But good upbringing will help avoid problems.

Nicoletta chooses as her husband an equally energetic and freedom-loving man with whom it will be interesting to spend time. As a rule, Nicoletta is financially secure, which allows her to travel and learn a lot. If she is interested, she can be a successful businesswoman.

Nicoletta belongs to that category of women who maintain lightness and spontaneity until old age.


Selena grows up to be a calm and honest girl. She absorbs parental programs like a sponge. It is very important to her what others think about her. Selena follows traditions and rarely breaks the rules.

Family for her is the main reference point. Selena tries to build her relationship with her husband on trust, mutual assistance and understanding. She becomes a wonderful wife and mother. As a rule, Selena is happily married and satisfied with her relationship with her husband.

Since Selena is a very good and efficient worker, her superiors appreciate her. She is one of those people who goes towards her goal slowly but surely. But if Selena manages to realize herself in the creative field, she becomes successful and independent. When she finds hers life path, then begins to show leadership qualities.


Erica is very beautiful and attractive. At the same time, she is very proud and categorical. Often considers others stupider than himself. But, on the other hand, Erica is often prone to bad mood and stress. If she feels bad, she won’t show her emotions. The habit of “keeping face” and keeping a distance sometimes creates the wrong idea about her. Intelligence is perceived as narcissism, restraint - as inaccessibility.

Erica is very successful in her career. For her, achieving goals is the main meaning of life. She manages to become an excellent writer, journalist, designer or PR manager. She does not strive to become the head of a company or director of a large corporation, because she does not like excessive responsibility. But her husband must earn a lot.

Erica's ability to recover from defeat helps her achieve even better results. Therefore, she will not worry for a long time after separation or dismissal. Erica is always well off, well and expensively dressed and pleased with herself. She believes in fate and higher powers, so she is often interested in esotericism.

What will bring success to a girl

Do you remember the famous cartoon that was called “Victory”, but fate itself decreed that it be renamed “Trouble”? Before the ship had time to sail, troubles began to fall on the crew members.

It's the same with the name. Whatever you name your daughter is what you will bring into her life. Think about it and analyze what unites your friends Anna, Svetlana or Lizochek? There is always something in common that characterizes them.

Nowadays, your daughter can have a name borrowed from other countries, be it Feride or Petra. But it should bring her good luck in all areas of her life. Feel free to choose a name that you like and can suit your daughter. And may she be happy...

Almost every name gives its owner a certain set of useful qualities. The main thing is to find and realize these qualities. All female names to some extent bring good luck, but different areas life.

Numbers tell a lot about a name. For example, numerology can easily answer your question about what awaits you in the future and what is your destiny or purpose. Previously, we wrote about how to calculate the fate number by name. From this article you can learn a great way to interpret your name.

Meaning of the name

The most obvious factor that makes a given female name lucky is the translation, its original meaning. Fate is determined by what was put into this name at the creation stage.

  • For example, if Victoria means “victory”, then she will be more likely to achieve success, because this in itself attracts success.
  • Anastasia means “immortal,” so women with this name are also very lucky, but this is manifested in their incredible resilience.
  • Olga translates to "holy" or "wise", so she is very happily married, rarely offends people without good reason, and has many loved ones.

There can be many examples, but sometimes the translation does not mean something important, so traces of luck should be looked for in something else. Study the meaning and secret of your name to find out what you can be lucky with in life.


Most The best way to find out how lucky you can be is to check the energy of your name. Previously, we wrote about the 10 most energetically powerful female names. This is an indication that these ladies are luckier than usual. However, other names often contain secret keys to success.

Among the list of the most powerful names we can highlight Varvara, Victoria, Vladislav, Daria and Irina. Getting into the biofield of these women, any person feels their influence. If these ladies are angry, then they are feared more than others. If they are full of love and warmth, then when you get close to them, you will become infected with this warmth.

In principle, this property can act as an Achilles heel, but when the situation is stable and you need to win over a person, women with such names need to do almost nothing. This helps in love as well as business. If you are the owner of one of these names, you can make it your amulet.


The presence of various letters and their combinations in a name also greatly influences luck in one or another area of ​​life. In business and financial sphere, as well as for career advancement, firm-sounding names with a large number of voiced consonants will be useful: Arina, Diana, Lydia, Margarita, Daria, Inga, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Galina and so on.

Soft names like Svetlana, Inessa, Nina, Christina, Tatiana, Anastasia, Faina or Ulyana, lucky in love and family life. They are subconsciously perceived by men as softer, since they lack sound amplification.

The sound of a name is very important, but not only in terms of sonority. Common Slavic names are now slowly going out of fashion, and there are also completely forgotten and almost completely lost popularity names, such as Zinaida, Varvara, Yaroslava or Marfa. However, they are quite strong due to their connection with Rod. Just keep in mind when choosing a name for your baby that it is better to exclude options that are not entirely euphonious to the modern ear, otherwise your child will be subject to ridicule.

Now Western-type names or unusual and modern-sounding names are gaining popularity: Madeleine, Martha, Nellie, Nika, Olivia, Rose, Vanessa and others. This brings children good luck, which develops into great success in all areas of life in the future. It has always been so and so it will be with all the popular this moment names.

Rare names

The very last point is the rarity of the name. Vasilisa, Venus, Eva, Oktyabrina, Eleanor, Karina, Lilia- such women are always remembered, and men feel a certain zest in them, because rare and unusual names are very well imprinted in their memory.

Many ladies have probably noticed that the more unique the name, the more men like them, the more great success they achieve in business. People have always been drawn to everything unusual. Be careful, because excessive attention can also play a cruel joke, because bad things are remembered better than good things. One wrong step, and no one will ever forget that you broke your heel before an important meeting, your son is a poor student, and your husband likes to drink. Attention can either give you luck or take it away from you forever.

We wish you that your name brings you only happiness. Remember that every woman has the right to success and good luck. You can even determine your character by name. Even if you don’t really like your name, it is not a curse, not an anathema, but a gift from parents and fate, which you must be able to unravel and decipher correctly. We wish you victories in all areas of life. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2016 03:30

Do you like your name? You don't feel any discomfort at all when someone calls you by...

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