672 Russian language 4 classes lesson development. VIII. Independent work

Drainage 01.08.2020

From the author
Thematic planning 170 hours (5 hours per week)
Thematic planning 136 hours (4 hours per week)
Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the textbook "Russian language". Our speech and our language
Lesson 2. Language and speech. Courtesy formulas
Lesson 3. Text and its plan
Lesson 4. Instructional Presentation
Lesson 5. Analysis of the presentation. Types of texts
Lesson 6. Sentence as a unit of speech
Lesson 7. Types of sentences by the purpose of the statement and by intonation
Lesson 8. Dialogue. Appeal
Lesson 9. The basis of the proposal. Major and minor members of the proposal
Lesson 10. Control dictation on the topic "Repetition"
Lesson 11. Phrase
Lesson 12. Homogeneous terms of a sentence (general concept)
Lesson 13. Communication of homogeneous members of the sentence. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members
Lesson 14. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members
Lesson 15. Composition based on the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"
Lesson 16. Our projects
Lesson 17. Simple and complex sentences. The relationship between simple sentences in a complex
Lesson 18. Complex sentence and sentence with homogeneous members
Lesson 19. Instructional Presentation
Lesson 20. Control dictation on the topic "Proposal"
Word in language and speech
Lesson 21. Word and its lexical meaning
Lesson 22. Multiple words. Direct and figurative meanings of words. Borrowed words. Obsolete words
Lesson 23. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
Lesson 24. Phraseologisms. Generalization of knowledge about lexical groups of words
Lesson 25. The composition of the word. Recognition of significant parts of a word
Lesson 26. Word composition. Recognition of significant parts of a word
Lesson 27. Word composition. Recognition of significant parts of a word
Lesson 28. Spelling of vowels and consonants in the roots of words
Lesson 29. Spelling of vowels and consonants in the roots of words, doubled consonants in words
Lesson 30. Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes
Lesson 31. Dividing hard and soft signs
Lesson 32. Educational Presentation
Lesson 33. Analysis of the presentation. Parts of speech. Morphological signs of parts of speech
Lesson 34. Declination of nouns and adjectives
Lesson 35. Numeral name. Verb
Lesson 36. Adverb as part of speech
Lesson 37. Spelling adverbs
Lesson 38. An essay-review based on the painting by V.М. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf"
Lesson 39. Control dictation on the topic "Parts of Speech"
Lesson 40. Case Recognition of Nouns
Lesson 41. Exercise in recognizing the nominative, genitive, accusative cases of inanimate nouns
Lesson 42. Exercise in recognizing animate nouns in the genitive and accusative cases, in the dative case
Lesson 43. Exercise in recognizing nouns in instrumental and prepositional cases
Lesson 44. Repetition of information about cases and methods of their recognition. Non-declining nouns
Lesson 45. Three declensions of nouns (general presentation). 1st declension of nouns
Lesson 46. Exercise in recognizing nouns of the 1st declension
Lesson 47. Composition based on the painting by A.A. Plastova "First Snow"
Lesson 48.2nd declension of nouns
Lesson 49. Exercise in recognizing the nouns of the 2nd declension
Lesson 50. 3rd declension of nouns
Lesson 51. Exercise in recognizing nouns of the 3rd declension
Lesson 52. Types of declension. Algorithm for determining the declension of a noun
Lesson 53. Instructional Presentation
Lesson 54. Analysis of the presentation. The case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension singular. Methods for checking unstressed case endings of nouns
Lesson 55. Nominative and Accusative
Lesson 56. Spelling the endings of nouns in the genitive case
Lesson 57. Nominative, Genitive, and Accusative of Animated Nouns
Lesson 58. Spelling the endings of nouns in the dative case
Lesson 59. Exercise in spelling unstressed endings of nouns in the genitive and dative cases
Lesson 60. Exercise in spelling unstressed endings of nouns in the genitive and dative cases
Lesson 61. Spelling the endings of nouns in the instrumental case
Lesson 62. Exercise in the spelling of the endings of nouns in the instrumental case
Lesson 63. Spelling the endings of nouns in the prepositional case
Lesson 64. Exercise in spelling the endings of nouns in the prepositional case
Lesson 65. Spelling of unstressed endings of nouns in all cases
Lesson 66. Exercise in spelling unstressed case endings of nouns
Lesson 67. Exercise in spelling unstressed case endings of nouns
Lesson 68. Composition based on the painting by V.A. Tropinina "The Lacemaker"
Lesson 69. Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in singular»
Lesson 70. Analysis of the control dictation. Reiteration
Lesson 71. Plural declension of nouns
Lesson 72. Nominative case of plural nouns
Lesson 73. Genitive plural nouns
Lesson 74. Spelling the endings of plural nouns in the genitive case. Genitive and Accusative of Plural Nouns
Lesson 75. Dative, instrumental, prepositional cases of plural nouns
Lesson 76. Educational Presentation
Lesson 77. Analysis of the presentation. Spelling of case endings of nouns in singular and plural
Lesson 78. Control dictation for the first half of the year
Lesson 79. Analysis of the control dictation. Verification work
Lesson 80. Our projects
Lesson 81. Adjective as part of speech
Lesson 82. Gender and number of adjectives
Lesson 83. Toy Description
Lesson 84. Decline of adjectives
Lesson 85. An essay on the topic “How do I remember the painting by V.А. Serov "Mika Morozov" "
Lesson 86. Declension of masculine and neuter adjectives in the singular
Lesson 87. Spelling of the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the nominative case
Lesson 88. Spelling of the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the genitive case
Lesson 89. Spelling of the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the dative case
Lesson 90. Nominative, accusative, genitive
Lesson 91. Spelling of the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives in the instrumental and prepositional cases
Lesson 92. Exercise in spelling the endings of masculine and neuter adjectives
Lesson 93. Selective presentation of descriptive text. Our projects
Lesson 94. Analysis of the presentation. Spelling of case endings of masculine and neuter adjectives
Lesson 95. Declension of feminine adjectives
Lesson 96. Nominative and Accusative of Feminine Adjectives
Lesson 97. Genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases of feminine adjectives
Lesson 98. Accusative and instrumental cases of feminine adjectives
Lesson 99. Exercise in spelling the case endings of adjectives
Lesson 100. Writing Descriptive Text
Lesson 101. Analysis of the presentation. Spelling of case endings of adjectives
Lesson 102. Plural declension of adjectives
Lesson 103. Essay-review on the painting by N.K. Roerich "Overseas guests"
Lesson 104. Accusative and Nominative of Plural Adjectives
Lesson 105. Genitive and prepositional plural adjectives
Lesson 106. Dative and instrumental plural adjectives
Lesson 107. Generalization on the topic "Adjectives"
Lesson 108. Essay-review on the picture of I.E. Grabar "February Azure"
Lesson 109. Generalization on the topic "Adjectives". Check of knowledge
Lesson 110. Control dictation on the topic "Adjectives"
Lesson 111. Analysis of the control dictation. Reiteration
Lesson 112. Pronoun as part of speech
Lesson 113. Personal pronouns
Lesson 114. Changing the personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person by case
Lesson 115. Changing the personal pronouns of the 3rd person by case
Lesson 116. Changing personal pronouns by case
Lesson 117. Presenting a Narrative Text with Description Elements
Lesson 118. Analysis of the presentation. Generalization on the topic "Pronoun"
Lesson 119. Control dictation on the topic "Pronoun"
Lesson 120. Analysis of the control dictation. Reiteration
Lesson 121. The role of verbs in language
Lesson 122. Changing verbs by tenses
Lesson 123. The indefinite form of the verb
Lesson 124. Indefinite form of the verb
Lesson 125. Changing verbs by tenses
Lesson 126. Presentation of the narrative text according to the quotation plan
Lesson 127. Analysis of the presentation. Conjugation of verbs
Lesson 128. Verb conjugation
Lesson 129. 2nd person of present and future tense verbs in the singular
Lesson 130. An essay based on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big water "
Lesson 131. I and II Conjugation of Present Tense Verbs
Lesson 132. I and II conjugation of future tense verbs
Lesson 133. Our projects
Lesson 134. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense
Lesson 135. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense
Lesson 136. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense
Lesson 137. Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense
Lesson 138. Reflexive verbs
Lesson 139. Spelling -s and -s in reflexive verbs
Lesson 140. Spelling -s and -s in reflexive verbs
Lesson 141. Consolidation of what has been learned. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures
Lesson 142. Past tense spelling of verbs
Lesson 143. Past tense spelling of the generic endings of verbs
Lesson 144. Spelling an unstressed suffix in past tense verbs
Lesson 145. Delivering Narrative Text on Questions
Lesson 146. Control dictation on the topic "Verb"
Lesson 147. Analysis of the control dictation. Reiteration
Lesson 148. Generalization on the topic "Verb"
Lesson 149. Generalization on the topic "Verb"
Lesson 150. Writing Narrative Text
Lesson 151. Testing knowledge on the topic "Verb"
Lesson 152. Analysis of presentation, test work. Reiteration
Lesson 153. Language. Speech. Text
Lesson 154. Sentence and phrase
Lesson 155. Sentence and phrase
Lesson 156. Sentence and phrase
Lesson 157. Lexical meaning of the word
Lesson 158. Essay on the theme “My impressions of the painting by I.I. Shishkina "Rye" "
Lesson 159. Word composition
Lesson 160. Word composition
Lesson 161. Word composition
Lesson 162. Word composition
Lesson 163. Parts of speech
Lesson 164. Parts of Speech
Lesson 165. Presentation of the narrative text according to the quotation plan
Lesson 166. Analysis of the presentation. Parts of speech
Lesson 167. Final control dictation
Lesson 168. Analysis of the control dictation. Reiteration
Lesson 169. Sounds and letters
Lesson 170. Play the Galaxy of the Pieces of Speech


Lesson development in the Russian language Kanakina grade 4

Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the textbook. What kind of speech is there?

Goal: to acquaint with the new textbook and the rules of work but it.

Planned results;students will learn to draw conclusions about the meaning of speech in human life; work according to the textbook, using conventional symbols; negotiate and come to a common decision; evaluate your results.

During the classes

I... Organizing time

II... Work on the topic of the lesson Acquaintance with the textbook

Before you new tutorial Russian language. Look at the cover and tell me how it looks like a Grade 1 textbook. What is the difference?

Open the tutorial on p. 3. Read the statement of the naturalist writer K. Paustovsky. How do you understand it? (Answers of children.)

-~ What discoveries will the textbook help to make?

Why do you need to know the laws of speech culture?

Make a conclusion: what will we learn in Russian lessons? (To write competently, study the laws of the culture of speech, learn to use the language.)

Take a look at the legend. Read the article in a whisper and tell them what they are for. (They will help you navigate and pay attention to some types of tasks.). \\

Read: What kinds of assignments will we be doing? (Express your opinion, develop speech, compose a text, work with a dictionary, work in pairs.)

III... Physical education

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, bend,

Three - three claps in your hands,)

Head three nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six- sit down quietly. "

IV... Work on the topic of the lesson

Open the tutorial on p. 6 and read the title of the lesson topic.

What question should we answer today? (What kind of speech is D) Ex. 1 (p. 6).

Consider the diagram, remember what we studied in grade 1,

and tell us about the types of speech. (Children's answers according to the table.) Control. 2 (p. 6).

What do you think, which speech arose earlier - oral or

written? Control. 3 (p. 7).

Read the assignment and tell me what needs to be done in the exercise.

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal? Prove it using pictures.

Write off the offer. What will help you correctly (to write off? (Memo on page 132.)

Open and read the memo.

Explain the meaning of the expression "to a ripe old age" (Very old.)>

Explain the meaning of the word "inseparable". (Very firmly strong.)from

What are the familiar spelling in the sentence ": c

Read the sentence in the tutorial. What should you pay attention to? (To the highlighted letters in words.)

What letters are highlighted in this sentence? * - - Write off, dictating to yourself by syllables. t -Check the writing. Rate yourself,! B (Teacher draws legend and decoding on the blackboard], | present them.)

eh? "!" - did everything correctly and accurately. p,"+" - there are minor bugs or fixes. "-" - made more than 2 mistakes, many fixes.

What types of speech did we use now? (Written - they wrote down a sentence, verbally - they answered questions, with a speech to themselves - they thought.)

V... Reflection

I name situations, and you put the letter P if this is an example of written speech, the letter U if this is an example of oral speech, the letter C if this is a speech to oneself.

We listen to the student's answer.

Mom reads a fairy tale to the baby.

h We are considering the solution to the problem.

\u003e / Writing a dictation.

We read to ourselves.

We sing a song.

e (Check. On the board, write: U, P, S, P, S, U.)

“+” - understood the topic and did not make any mistakes. , b "-" - I'm still a little mistaken, you need to fix it.

VI... Lesson summary

E1; - What types of speech exist?

What speech do you use the most?

Lesson2. What can you learn about a person from by hisspeech?

Objectives: fromusing visual examples to show students, ”that speech is a source of information about a person; develop the ability to use "polite" words in speech.

aboutPlanned results: learners will learn to draw conclusions

about the meaning of speech in human life; detect and formulate

1: find a learning problem; analyze and make conclusions:, s; to evaluate actions from the point of view of generally accepted rules of "good", "safe", "beautiful", "correct" behavior.

During the classes.

I... Organizing time

II... Knowledge update Spelling minute

Guess riddles. Write down the answers.., (- (... Sitting on a stick In red shirts, The belly is light, Stuffed with pebbles. (Rosehip.)

We live underground in a dark burrow. A gray fur coat, tiny growth, Eyes, black beads, sharp eyes, And a thin tail with a string. (Mouse.)

The grass grows on the slopes

And on the green hills.

The smell is strong and fragrant

And her fragrant leaf

It goes to us for tea.

What a weed, guess! (Oregano.)

Jugs and saucers

They do not drown and do not fight. (Water lily.)

How are words similar? (They haveletter combination SHI.)

What letter combination is written according to the same rule? (ZHI write with the letter I.)

Name the words that contain the combination of LI. (Answers of children.)

Write down any two words with these letter combinations. Emphasize the combinations of ZhI and SHI.

III... Self-determination to activity

(There is a note on the board.)

Snowballs turn into puddles in the spring.

Read a very strange sentence on the board.

What kind of speech is this? (Written speech.)

What can you say about the offer? (Errors were made in the spelling of the combinations ЖИ, ЩЛ.)

What words are spelled incorrectly? (Snowflakes, turning, puddles.)

What can you say about the person who wrote this sentence? (He is illiterate, does not know the rules of the Russian language.)

It turns out that through speech, oral and written, you can learn a lot about a person.

IV... Work onnew subject

1. Work on the textbook Control. 4 (p. 8).

Read the assignment and tell me what you will do. (Let's read the poems of V.V. Mayakovsky.)(Poems are read by a student with good reading skills.)

What can you learn from the speech of the interlocutor? (You can recognize a person's profession by speech.)

2. Vocabulary work

What does the sign next to the word "hello" mean? ("Remember the spelling of a word.")

What does the word "hello" mean? (This is a greeting word. When they say "hello," they wish health. In another way, you can say "be healthy."

Good health to you people.

Every day and hour is welcome - hello!

I will give my soul to my aunt.

May the sun's ray give you health,

Summer rain will give you strength.

Mother Earth, let bread and salt

You will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Hello, I say hello to you!

To all relatives, acquaintances and friends.

Be happy and just hello

Peace, joy and prosperity to you!

T. Lavrova

Why is the letter highlighted in the word AT?(It is spelled but not pronounced.)

How can you remember this letter? (It is written as in the word "health", the military says "I wish you good health.")

Write down the word, underline the spelling.

V... Physical education

Once - bend over, bend over. Two - bend over, stretch. Three - three claps in your hands, Three nods to your head. Four - arms wider, Five, six - sit quietly, Seven,we will discard eight-deer.



Create conditions for determining the grammatical features of nouns, adjectives, pronouns; parsing sentences by sentence members, parsing sentences

Lesson type

Control of knowledge and methods of action / solving a particular problem




Determine the grammatical features of nouns, adjectives, pronouns; parsing sentences by sentence members, parsing sentences



Assess their own educational activities: their achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, the reason for failure


training activities


Cognitive: reproduce from memory the information necessary for solving an educational problem.

Regulatory: plan the solution of the educational problem: build a sequence of necessary operations

(algorithm of actions); analyze emotional states obtained from successful (unsuccessful) activities, assess their impact on a person's mood

The main

Grammatical signs of nouns, adjectives, pronouns. Analysis of proposals by members of the proposal. Parsing a sentence

Lesson script

Lesson steps

Forms, methods,



Teacher activity

Student activities

The form


The ongoing




I. Motivation for learning activities

(Organizing time)

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher's word

Greets students.

I love it when I meet

We are friends and family

"Good morning",

"Good evening",

"Good night" we say.

A. Yashin

- Check readiness

to the lesson

Greet the teachers. Organize their workplace

Show willingness to work in class

II. Calligraphy


Practical. Letter

charcoal ear

Follow the pattern

Develop calligraphic handwriting

Correct writing

III. Statement of the educational problem

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher message

Tells the topic of the lesson, formulates the educational problem

Listen to the teacher

Accept the learning task formulated by the teacher

IV. Control of knowledge and methods of action

Individual. Practical. Test

Comments on tasks test work, organizes their implementation

(see Attachment)

Perform test assignments

Evaluate the result of work, determine what has already been learned and what else is subject to assimilation, realize the quality and level of assimilation


V. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (summary)




- What was the task before us?

- Did you manage to solve it?

- Who coped with the task?

- Who was in trouble? Why?

Answer questions

Openly comprehend
and evaluate their activities in the lesson

Conversation on questions. Self-regulation

Option 1

1. Write out all adjectives from the sentence and indicate their number, gender, case.

2. Perform morphological analysis of the selected noun.The arrival of the first migratory birds begins withrooks.

3. Read the text. Write out the pronouns in the 2nd and 3rd person plural forms.


The leaves said:

The last ray of sun illuminated the tops of the oak trees.

We saw a zebra and an elephant at the zoo.

(Incentive, non-exclamation, grammatical basissaw a zebra and an elephant,common, there are homogeneous members.)

6 (optional). Write down the sentences in which the subject is expressed by the noun.

Option 2

1. Write out a qualitative adjective from the sentence and analyze it morphologically.The spring sky was blue through the thin net of bare birch branches.

2. Perform morphological analysis of the selected word.The swallow made a nest underthe roof of the barn.

3. Read the text. Find and write all pronouns in 1st person plural.


The leaves said:

- What we are green, beautiful. We give shade. People are resting under our shadow. Birds fly to us. They sing and build their nests. And the roots said to the leaves:

“You will dry up in the fall. In the spring, new leaves will grow in your place. And without us there will be no whole tree, there will be no you, leaves.

4. Disassemble the proposal by members.A large porcini mushroom was hiding under a fir tree.

5. Check the characteristics of the proposal. If there are mistakes, correct them in writing.In the basket we had orange carrots, yellow turnips and red beets.

(Narrative, exclamation, grammatical baselay carrots, turnips, beets,not widespread, there are homogeneous members.)

6 (optional). Write down sentences in which the subject is expressed by a pronoun.

You invited us to visit. A wild duck has raised little ducklings from sedge. We will go to the forest on vacation. Frost lay on the trees.

Russian language. 4th grade. Lesson plans for the textbook Kanakina V.P., Goretskiy V.G.

To the tutorial:

Moscow: 2017 - 494 p.

The manual presents lesson development in Russian for grade 4 to V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky ("School of Russia"), compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Here the teacher will find everything that is necessary for high-quality preparation for the lesson and its conduct: thematic planning of educational material, detailed scripts of lessons, texts of dictations, interesting game material. Addressed to primary school teachers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges.

Format: pdf

The size: 9.4 Mb

Download: yandex.disk

The proposed edition contains lesson-less developments in the Russian language for grade 4, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and is focused, first of all, on working in conjunction with the textbook of V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky (Moscow: Education).
The aim of the manual is to make it as easy as possible for the teacher to prepare for the lesson and work in the lesson. Included are lessons on acquaintance with new material, consolidation, project activities.
It takes no more than two weeks to prepare projects. The work is carried out together with the parents, the teacher only helps in choosing a topic (if desired, the students themselves can choose the topic). Students draw up projects on A4 sheets, the text is typed on a computer (with photographs). The work can be done in groups, in pairs or individually.
The teacher can use the proposed lesson scenarios both in whole and in part, including in their own lesson plan.
Lessons are based on the principles of activity learning and include practical work, work in groups and pairs, independent work using various forms of verification. From the first lessons, students use self-and cross-check techniques.

Lesson number 1

Topic: Language is a means of communication. Generalization of information about a word, sentence, text.



    give the concept: language as a means of communication to acquaint with the textbook and its structure; to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe leading role of language as a means of communication and obtaining knowledge in the life of society, of a person.

    development of spelling vigilance of students, expansion of vocabulary of students.

    at nurturing students' ability to see the beauty in the world around them, accuracy, discipline.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.

You can see a diamond in the mud.



Literacy is always useful.

    Setting goals and objectives.

    Lesson topic.

Conversation for the purpose of repetition: which sections are familiar to you?

Problem statement: what is language? What is it for?

“Have you thought about the question, what is language? One person speaks, the other listens and understands him. You read the book and also understand what is written in it. With the help of words (verbally or in writing, you can express your thoughts, feelings. And all this happens thanks to LANGUAGE " .

People have always needed some kind of language to tell each other about important and not-so-important events. You say: "Leaving the ball?" Your friend hears and understands: you want to play volleyball. Words are like strings between you. You can, of course, invite a friend to play volleyball without opening your mouth. Just pretend that you serve and hit the ball, and he will understand. Only signs, gestures - not a word is spoken aloud - and still it is a language. And if you wrote a note to a friend, this is also a language. But the main thing in the communication of people is still the word.

Game "Five words"


Bicycle needle boat cat watermelon

broom turkey lion whale profile

cotton wool game spoon glue pineapple

hair iris swan brush bus

bucket Irina Lama mole diamond

Work on the ambiguity of the word "language"

Commenting on the meaning of proverbs , identifying word meanings language :

1. The one with the tongue, the one with the pie.

2. The tongue feeds the head.

3. Without a tongue and a bell is mute.

4. The tongue is sharper than the sword.

5. What's on the mind is on the tongue.

How do you understand the meaning of proverbs? Why is “fluent” means “being with the pie”? Why "the tongue feeds the head"? Does the bell have a tongue?

What do you think life situations you can say these proverbs.

Writing proverbs from memory.

Textbook work.

Pages 3-6

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

    Homework - c6 y12

Lesson number 2

Topic: Suggestions for the purpose of the statement and for intonation.

Goal: contribute to the formation in children of an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of sentences, their emotional coloring; the ability to construct a way of parsing a sentence while writing.


    contribute to the formation in children of an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of sentences, their emotional coloring; the ability to construct a way to parse a sentence while writing;

During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.



and a

You can see a diamond in the mud.

    Lesson topic.

Let's read the sentences and notice how different they are here. Some report something, others ask, and still others make a request.

- Turtle, take me home!

- And where do you live?

- I live in an anthill.

Let's find the sentence that contains the question.

Find the sentence that contains the request.

Read the sentence that talks about something.

As you can see, sentences differ in the purpose of the statement.

According to the purpose of the statement, three types of sentences are traditionally distinguished:narrative, interrogative and incentive.

What is the main purpose of declarative sentences?

The main purpose of narrative sentences: message about certain phenomena of reality, transfer of information to the interlocutor.

Nr: A thunderstorm is coming. Lightning flashes in the distance.

Give your examples of declarative sentences.…..

What are the punctuation marks at the end of declarative sentences?

Let's write the sentence:

My brother lives in Donetsk.

What is this proposal for the purpose of the statement? Why is this a declarative sentence?

Find and underlinemajor and minor members proposed

What is the main purpose of interrogative sentences?

Interrogative sentences are used to express a question.Nr: When is he coming?

Give your examples of interrogative sentences.…..

What are the punctuation marks at the end of interrogative sentences?

Let's write the sentence:

When will the brother arrive?

What is this proposal for the purpose of the statement?

Sort out a wordwill come.

What is the main purpose of incentive offers?

The main purpose of incentive sentences: motivation to action of the one to whom the speech is directed.Nr: Bring me some Water.

Give your examples of incentive sentences.…..

What punctuation marks are used at the end of incentive sentences?

Let's write the sentence:Be sure to come.

Determine which part of speech each word of the sentence belongs to.


What are the proposals for the purpose of the statement?

Group work:

Restore a deformed sentence, place punctuation marks, determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement and intonation.

Textbook work.

Page 6-8

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

    Homework - c8 y18

Lesson number 3

Topic: The composition of the word.

Goal: consolidate knowledge and work out skills on the topic "Composition of the word", instill interest in the native language, develop speech learning, expanding vocabulary.


    consolidate knowledge and work out skills on the topic "Composition of the word", instill interest in the native language,

    develop communication skills (build a monological and dialogical statement, take into account different opinions and interests, justify their own position); the ability to track the stages of the implementation of educational activities in the framework of solving a particular problem and to carry out educational interaction in various forms of work;

    promote the education of students to improve their speech, the formation of self-esteem based on criteriathe success of educational activities.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.




Business before pleasure.

    Lesson topic.

Crossword "Morphemes"

Teacher : From a distant land of the Dictionary, a telegram came from its inhabitants with an assignment, only after solving the crossword puzzle, you can find out the topic of today's lesson. A dispute ensued between the inhabitants of the country, let's hear what they are talking about.

    I stand in front of the root and can form words.

    And I, too, can form words, only I stand after the root.

    And I will live without ending, remove him from me!

    And I am the most important among you, not a single word can exist without me.

    By the way, without me it is impossible to form a sentence from words.

Vertically in the selected cells is the keyword, which is the topic of our today's lesson. (Morphemes)

Generalization on the topic "Word composition" is the topic of our lesson. Which of the concepts listed in the crossword puzzle cannot be called a morpheme? (Basis because it can be composed of one or more morphemes.) What is morpheme? (This is part of the word)

Please tell us the order of parsing words by composition.

Game "The fourth superfluous"

    Hill, burned out , hillock, miner.

    Bone, touch , bone, bone.

    Plantain, rise in price , off-road, path.

    H settle , nasal, spout, nose.

    Forester, forest, stairs , treeless.

Replace with one word game

Teacher: And there are words in the Russian language formed from two roots! They are connected by vowels, which are called connecting vowels. What vowels are they? How are they designated when parsing? Guess and write down the words, highlighting the roots and the connecting vowel in them:

    Book lover. (Bibliophile)

    The machine that carries milk. (Milk truck)

    A worker who cooks steel. (Steelmaker)

    A machine that flies itself. (Aircraft)

    The man who breeds birds. (Poultry breeder)

    A device that grinds meat. (Meat grinder)

    The man who grazes pigs. (Swineherd)

    A machine that mows grass for hay. (Mower

Put the word in your house

Teacher: Before you parsing schemes, arrange the words in columns in accordance with the composition:

Exit, diamond (trap!), Overseas, reception, bush, fisherman, coastal, takeoff, crayon, old men, lifting.

Textbook work.

Page 8-10

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

    Homework - c8 y18

Lesson number 4




    to form spelling skills, to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on this topic;

    promote the education of students to improve their speech, the formation of self-esteem based on criteriathe success of educational activities.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.




Dictionary work.

Car, agronomist, acacia, alphabet, watermelon, aroma, Astana.

2. Topic of the lesson.

Theoretical warm-up

Explain what an unstressed vowel at the root of a word means?

Why does an unstressed vowel need to be checked?

How to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

How many test words should words with two unstressed vowels at the root of the word have?

Is it always possible to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

How do you proceed in such cases?

A) Texts "In the forest"

Proofreaders work with such tasks - people who correct mistakes in words. You will also be proofreaders, but do not forget about the test words.

Let's check the texts.

B) Distributional dictation

Write words in 4 columns (4 people at the blackboard)

Creaks, hungry, old man, fun, jam, good-natured, animal, shouts, arrow, letter, speck, eyes

Test control

Here are tests on the topic "Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked and not checked by stress"

Textbook work.

Page 10-12

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

    Homework - c12 y30

Lesson number 5

Topic: Spelling of checked and unstressed vowels and paired consonants in the root of the word.

Goal: to form spelling skills, to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on this topic;


    to form spelling skills, to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on this topic;

    develop the speech of students, teach how to pronounce and speak some words and expressions;

    promote the education of students to improve their speech, the formation of self-esteem based on criteriathe success of educational activities.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.




The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Dictionary work.

Shore, birch, conversation, library, sparrow, crow, Sunday, east.

    Lesson topic.

Problematic situation. How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?
Teacher: What can you say about the next group of words?
Boris, Svetlana, Alexey, Tatiana.
Children: These are names. They are capitalized.
- These are proper nouns.
- It full names.
Teacher: You have identified one "dangerous place" in these words. (Emphasizes a capital letter.) What other “dangerous places” do you see?
Children: Unstressed vowels.
Teacher: How to prove that these words should be written with these vowels?
Children: We know that under stress vowels are heard clearly and do not raise doubts. So, we need to make unstressed vowels become stressed.
- You can try to take not full, but short forms names. For example, Boris-Borya. In the word Borya we clearly hear the vowel o, which means that in the word Boris the unstressed vowel o.
Teacher: Any other suggestions?
Children: You can check with an affectionate name - Borenka.
Teacher: Which test method will we choose?
Children: Anyone.
Teacher: How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?
Children: To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you need to choose the same root word so that the stress falls on the unstressed vowel. What vowel is written with stress, this will be in an unstressed position.
Teacher: Look at our diagram. Let's read it (first a strong student, then in chorus)
Percussion unstressed
unverifiable verifiable
(vocabulary words)
dictionary to find the same root words

Exercise to differentiate testable and unchecked unstressed vowels.
Teacher: now I will show you words with verifiable and unverifiable vowels at the root. If the vowel is untestable, squat. If an unstressed vowel can be checked, jump. (Words: rooster, crow, mountain, board, dream, flower.)
2. Game "Fun Races"
Teacher: Attention! Attention! And now the cars of the "E" and "I" brands are going to the start. along the route, each car must approach its own spelling. The car that makes the fewest mistakes wins.
L ... stochka, st..na, cr ... chit, l ... sita, l ... tit.
3. To write off words, phrases and sentences. Put stress, omitting all vowels in a weak position.
It was drizzling, on the back, winter twilight, age-old trees, dozed off, from afar, in a desk, an autumn day, playing with a friend, a cook. A young slender Christmas tree stood alone in the clearing.

Textbook work

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

4.Homework - c14 y36

Lesson number 6

Topic: Parsing the word composition.

Goal: - to clarify the concepts of "root", "base", "prefix", "suffix", "end"; create with students an algorithm for parsing words by composition.


During the classes

    Organizing time.

A minute of calligraphy.


An old friend is better than two new ones.

Dictionary work.

Newspaper, horizon, peas, city, caterpillar, twenty, twelve, girl, attendant, december, dolphin, village, director, road.

    Lesson topic.

The word is divided into parts
Like orange slices.

Can everyone be literate
Build a word from parts.

How do you understand these words? Discuss in your group, speaking each one in turn in a circle for a set amount of time. Participant # 1 starts on a signal.

What are we going to do today?

What is our goal? (Learn to parse words by composition)Slide 3

Everything in the world is made of something: clouds of droplets, a forest of trees.

Words are also made of their material.

The word is divided into parts

Like orange slices.

And each part of the word has its own name.

On which we will work today.

Well, in order to get our attention, let's do a “Warm-up for the mind”.

Eyes on me. We answer in chorus, quickly.

    The part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence

called ...

    The common part of related words is called ...

What is the name of the third winter month?

    What letters are not used at the beginning of Russian words?

    What does water turn into in winter….

    The part of the word without ending is called ...

    What is the opposite word for enemy?

    The shortest month of the year?

How many vowels are there in the Russian alphabet?

What parts of speech do we know?

Well done!

And of course, what a lesson without vocabulary work!

We cover notebooks, write down the number. Classwork.

1) The variable part of the word is ……….

2) A part of a word without an ending is ………….

3) The part of the word that stands before the root and serves to form new words is ……….

4) The part of the word that comes after the root and serves to form new words is ……….

5) The main part of the word is …….

Textbook work.

Pages 15-16.

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Lesson number 7

Topic: Parsing the word composition. Vocabulary dictation.

Goal: clarify the concepts of "root", "base", "prefix", "suffix", "end"; create with students an algorithm for parsing words by composition.


    to clarify the concepts of "root", "base", "prefix", "suffix", "ending"; create an algorithm for parsing words by composition with students;

    develop the ability to highlight parts of a word, contribute to the development of spelling skills, student speech, enrich the vocabulary of children; intelligence, thinking, memory.

    foster a culture of speech, love of the word, attention, a good attitude towards each other.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Vocabulary dictation.

Alphabet, watermelon, Astana, shore, birch, library, sparrow, crow, east, newspaper, city, peas, December, director, road.

A minute of calligraphy.




One head it's good, but two better.

    Lesson topic.

Parsing the word composition.

    I read the word - forest. I remembered that this is a narrow strip of forest that connects two forests.

2. Highlight the ending. To do this, I change the form of the word: near the copse, to the copse. The variable part of the word is the ending. I highlight it, in this word it is zero.

3. I emphasize the basis of the word. A stem is a part of a word without an ending. In this word, there is a forest.

4. To highlight the root, I select the same-root words: woodland, forest, woodland. The common part of these words is forest. This is the root, I highlight it.

5. I highlight the prefix. The prefix is \u200b\u200bin front of the root. In this word, the prefix is \u200b\u200btrans.

6. Looking for a suffix. The suffix after the root is used to form words. In the word copse the suffix is \u200b\u200bapprox.

Disassemble the words by composition.

birch root: birch forest (meaning: birch forest, grove), birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch, birch.

root -brother- : fraternization, bro, bro, bro, fraternal,
brotherhood, brother.

root-fun-: fun, fun, funny, funny, fun,
cheerful, cheerful.

Disassemble by composition:

grass grass young dawn

firefly breeze coastal sailor

pole samovar nest gold

coast lynx coast fox cubs

heaven firewood rainy streak

forester pigeons eye throat

mountain distant thrush gift

day long baby daughter

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Homework - c16 y41, rule.

Lesson number 8

Topic: Parts of speech.



During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.




Dictionary work.

    Lesson topic.

How did you distinguish parts of speech? (By value, question.)

Which part of speech learned was not used in this assignment? (Pronoun.)

Why do you think? (They could not be among the groups of cognate words, since they only indicate an object, without naming it.)

What grammatical signs of parts of speech do you know? (Number, gender, case, declension.)

Do all parts of speech have these features?

- Why?

Let's try to display the grammatical signs of each part of speech in the table that you see on the board.

Part of Speech Exercises

    Determine the part of speech above the selected words

Live and learn.

A notebook is a student's mirror.

First I used beeches, and then science.

It's never too late to learn.

The book is a small window, through which the whole world can be seen.

    Read it. Insert the missing words. Determine which part of speech they are. Prove.

Live century - century ... ..

Notebook - …… .. student.

First, there were beeches, and then ……….

Never learn …….

The book is ……… .. a window, through it the whole world can be seen.







Working in groups.

For each group, one plant is placed on the table, the signs of which the children could write.

Group work plan.

    Consider the plant.

    Everyone in workbook he himself writes down the signs of this plant.

    Read the words to the group.

    Make a general text.

    Imagine the result of your work.

Name the grammatical features of 2 - 3 adjectives of your choice.

Textbook work.

Pages 18-19.

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Homework - с19 у48

Lesson number 9

Topic: Parts of speech. Spelling b and b.

Goal: Generalization of knowledge by parts of speech


    Generalization of knowledge by parts of speech.

    The development of the ability to distinguish parts of speech from the composition of the word, training the skills of various parts of speech in the text.

    Education of kindness, feelings of friendship, collectivism.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.




Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

Dictionary work.

Foal, yellow, plant, tomorrow, breakfast, hare, here, engineer, interesting.

    Lesson topic.

Reading text

What's new have you learned?

What surprised you the most?

The task:

Group 1 - write out all adjectives and determine their gender

Group 2 - write out the verbs and determine their conjugation

Group 3 - write out the verbs and determine their conjugation

Group 4 - write out the prepositional noun and make it

morphological analysis

Selective dictation.

Write out only verbs in two columns from the text: 1 and 2 conjugations

Penguin kindergarten

Five weeks have passed since the birthday of the penguin. The kid steps with his paws on the snow and goes into kindergarten... There are already hundreds of their peers. They huddle in a tight crowd and warm each other's sides. Such gatherings are called kindergartens. Adult penguins protect them from petrels. Parents come and in shouting and din find their children among thousands of strangers. They only feed their chicks. The most voracious swallow six kilograms of fish at a time. In summer, graduates of penguin kindergartens go to practice in the sea.


What is the homeland for penguins?

What are they used to build a nest?


In nature, a penguin for building a nestlooking for grass or dead wood.

Morphological analysis of the selected words.

Textbook work.


3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Homework - с21 у54

Lesson number 10

Topic: Control dictation No. 1 "Autumn".

Goal: check the level of assimilation of ZUN for grade 3, identify gaps in accordance with the state standard.


    check the level of assimilation of ZUN for grade 3, identify gaps in accordance with the state standard.

    Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, coherent speech

    To educate accuracy, discipline, independence, diligence.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Dictation.


September and October passed. Our garden is empty. The smooth paths of the garden are covered with golden leaves. Birch leaves sway easily from the wind. The sky is covered with gray clouds.

Drizzling cold rain. A wonderful ray of sunshine will rarely shine from behind a cloud. People removed the crops from the fields. Carrot and cabbage beds are empty. The garden is quiet. The birds flew away long ago. Only sparrows jump along the path. They are looking for food. The farewell song of the cranes is heard from the sky.

Grammar tasks:

    Indicate the parts of speech, sort out the sentences by members.

    Disassemble by composition.

    Write down phrases, determine the grammatical features of nouns.

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Lesson number 11

Topic: The lexical meaning of a polysemantic word.

Goal: the formation of an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lexical meaning of a word as a mandatory meaning of any word in the language.


    formation of an idea about the lexical meaning of a word as a mandatory meaning of any word in a language;

    development of spelling vigilance, speech and mental operations of students;

    educate accuracy, discipline, independence, hard work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.




Business before pleasure.

Dictionary work.

Kazakhstan, cabbage, pencil, painting, potatoes, saucepan, apartment, kilogram, class, wheel, room, bed.

2. Topic of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Word polysemy." How many lexical meanings does a word have? The topic, although new, is very familiar to you. In order to communicate, transmit thoughts and feelings to each other, words are needed. To understand the interlocutor in a normal conversation, 4-5 thousand words are enough. But this is not enough. The more words and their meanings a person knows and knows how to use in speech, the more accurately he can express his thoughts, the more interesting he is. I think that each of you wants to be an interesting conversationalist and person. Therefore, I think that each of you will cope with all the tasks in the lesson.

What should we learn in the lesson?

What is vocabulary?

How many lexical meanings does a word have?

3. How to determine the lexical meaning of words?

4. What words are called polysemous?

LEXICO is a branch of the science of a language that studies its vocabulary.

What do you think, what concept will be the basis of this section, with the help of what we communicate? (Word)

Make a sentence with the word "WORD" so that its meaning, essence is revealed.

(Selective reading of sentences.)

Pay attention to the entry. This is another mystery. Read carefully to yourself. And now he will read to us aloud ...

This is a shit..vo r..dnoe

Bli..koe and d..rove.

White sundress..chik

Velvet caftan..chik

Leaves p...

Seryo..ki are great.

I think everyone has guessed what this is about. (Birch)

- How did you guess? What helped you? (list the signs)

How can we call this text? ("Birch").

Textbook work.

Page 25-27

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Homework - c27 y66

Lesson number 12




    Expand the knowledge of students about the lexical meaning of a word, about polysemous words, about words with direct and figurative meaning. Learn to determine the meaning of a word in context.

    To cultivate a language flair.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.




Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Dictionary work.

Camp, palm, lily of the valley, lily, shop, raspberry, furniture.

2. Topic of the lesson.

1) - What do you mentally imagine when you hear the wordspencil, tram, brush ?

Why, speaking about the first two subjects, did you give approximately the same answers, and about the third subject you spoke differently, although correctly?

What does this example say?

Where can you find out the meaning of a word?

2) - Listen to the riddle: In the garden by the path

There is a sun on a leg.

Only yellow rays

He's not hot. (Sunflower).

What does a sunflower look like?

The word in the riddlesun used in a figurative sense: a sunflower looks like a sun in color and shape. In riddles, words are often used in a figurative sense.

Consolidation and comprehension of the studied material

1) From the words given in brackets, select those in combination with which the words outside the brackets acquire a figurative meaning:

Gold (ring, hair, hands, ears);




































{!LANG-1c33608fb1461040aebe7cbcfa33e39d!}{!LANG-194459e14f0968d892cc0af06fb9afd2!} {!LANG-f89c1d24cf974224f5f33b18c7366ed7!}


Textbook work.

3. Lesson summary. Reflection.

{!LANG-74f495953e4ac7035eefb5f0f82551a9!} {!LANG-1c03453dbc7cb71f387f63110745bd03!}


Topic: {!LANG-307874abf6ff14844684512a7b1f5f90!}

Goal: Expand the knowledge of students about the lexical meaning of a word, about polysemous words, about words with direct and figurative meaning. Learn to determine the meaning of a word in context.


    Expand the knowledge of students about the lexical meaning of a word, about polysemous words, about words with direct and figurative meaning. Learn to determine the meaning of a word in context.


    To cultivate a language flair.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.





Dictionary work.


2. Topic of the lesson.







{!LANG-45dfb4811b5967522ee869f1dbf20bb9!} {!LANG-990bb88fe980ad76c716765bbf932ea8!} {!LANG-26bda1bdc01bdb976ba1795191e48538!}{!LANG-e51b1acb1752f936464049a0bf73f2d0!} {!LANG-d03399164cb0cd23455f755873ac7933!}{!LANG-aaf10c9b7af78a2845149fc9baffc066!} .














{!LANG-2229b4e05bbe07c5e890f1e05d21a884!}{!LANG-d81149561183f40fd7fa99c4e63e4316!} {!LANG-1f1bc522dfe718348139d774b5ea1a99!}

{!LANG-03dcafe333c82340c93035b493f76fcc!} {!LANG-d7e05079f401545f8e95c225abdf80e5!}









3. Lesson summary. Reflection.



Topic: {!LANG-48cb3babb410743912ad8fef71d29ddc!}





    To cultivate a language flair.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Topic of the lesson.






















Topic: {!LANG-6bb598adae0293fd7bf59a16085a22b3!}

Goal: Expand the knowledge of students about the lexical meaning of a word, about polysemous words, about words with direct and figurative meaning. Learn to determine the meaning of a word in context.


    Expand the knowledge of students about the lexical meaning of a word, about polysemous words, about words with direct and figurative meaning. Learn to determine the meaning of a word in context.


    To cultivate a language flair.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

A minute of calligraphy.




2. Topic of the lesson.





{!LANG-4e80e519926a9efb25705cae755f039a!} {!LANG-4a15da411b52e7761dbdfe887be9c842!}































































3. Lesson summary. Reflection.


