Which banks give mortgages without proof of income. How to get a mortgage loan without income certificates - offers of Russian banks and interest rates. Algorithm for obtaining a mortgage on one document

doors 12.07.2021

Many people use mortgages to buy a home. What to do when the salary is given in an envelope, the work is done at home, and the income is low? How to get a mortgage without income documents? Any bank takes a risk, approving a loan to a person who has not confirmed his solvency, but gets an advantage over others. We will figure out where and how to get a mortgage without a certificate of income.

How to get a mortgage without proof of income

Now some banks offer customers to take out a mortgage without providing a certificate of income. In this case, it is enough to announce your income, but the rate on such a loan will increase by several percent.

As a rule, this is beneficial for people who urgently need money, do not want to prepare the entire list of documents, or those who have a high income, but have an informal job (it is difficult for them to confirm their level of earnings).

What is the bank looking at?

It is important to understand that in such cases, banks have their own criteria and assessments that help to make sure that the client is solvent, namely:

  • real estate;
  • movable property;
  • age;
  • health status;
  • education;
  • place of work;
  • position.

The main thing is to show the bank your solvency, for this you need to provide documentation on large acquisitions, help you get a mortgage in this way and the presence of a co-borrower with a high official income.

Loan period

Many banks impose strict age restrictions on those wishing to borrow mortgage without proof of income, usually between 21 and 60 years old. They can also inquire about the solvency of the client in an informal way. In banks with a mortgage payment term of up to 50 years, when using a simplified version of two documents, the term can be reduced to 20 years.

Down payment requirements

When receiving a mortgage without documents on income, the size of the first payment grows, sometimes it starts from 50%, and with standard mortgage lending, the initial payment is absent or amounts to 20%.

Any bank will carefully examine the credit history before issuing a mortgage. If outstanding loans and other debts are discovered, the bank will have reasons to refuse to issue a mortgage without income documents.

Where to get a mortgage without proof of income

There are banks that issue mortgages without income certificates, upon presentation of a passport and another document proving the identity of the person being credited.

Suitable for this:

  • driver's license;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS;
  • international passport;
  • military ID.

Banks where you can get a mortgage without certificates include: Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa Bank, DeltaCredit, Bank of Moscow, Gazprombank, etc. To find the most suitable option, you should contact the branch of the interested bank.

Let us consider in more detail the conditions of mortgage lending of this kind, which are currently available on the market.


Here you can get a mortgage if you have two documents for the purchase:

  • finished housing;
  • housing under construction;

Applications of citizens who are able to contribute 50% of the total cost of residential real estate as a down payment will be considered.

VTB 24

By contacting here, you can get a mortgage without a certificate of income, in which case the down payment will be from 35%, you also need to have a passport and SNILS with you and fill out a questionnaire.

The rate is affected by the total amount of the loan, the amount of the first installment, the type of housing purchased and the history of previous loans, the initial rate is from 10.7%.

Using this program, you can take a mortgage on living space in a residential building under construction or in the secondary housing market. Application for a mortgage.

Bank DeltaCredit

DeltaCredit Bank runs the One-Document Mortgage program, thanks to which you can get a mortgage without a certificate of income with a first payment of 10 to 40%, the amount will depend on the type of property being purchased. It is possible to use maternity capital. The minimum rate is from 10.25%.

Bank of Moscow

You can get a mortgage without income documents at the Bank of Moscow using the Simple Mortgage program. The client will need to have a passport and SNILS, an initial payment - from 40%, use a certificate for maternity capital for this this case does not seem possible.

The surcharge for efficiency is 0.7% to the lending rate, approval takes up to 24 hours.

Mortgage without providing certificates of income, this will require only two documents.

Alfa Bank

It is possible to take a mortgage without references from this bank in order to purchase real estate in the primary and ready-made housing market.

The first installment must be at least 50% of the cost of housing, the interest rate starts from 10.74%. From the documents you need to have a passport and SNILS with you.


Gazprombank also has the possibility of obtaining a mortgage under two documents, the down payment starts from 10%, and the minimum rate is 9.5%, when providing a certificate for maternity capital, the client will be able to reduce the amount of the down payment to at least 5%.


How to get a mortgage without proof of income? In order for the bank to issue a mortgage, there must be no outstanding loans, overdue payments and debts. It is better to provide checks and documents confirming large purchases, resort to help from the borrower, and have the right amount to pay the down payment. By carefully preparing, it is much easier to get a mortgage without income documents, and minimize the chance of refusal by the bank.

In the conditions of modern life, many people work in enterprises, but are officially unemployed, or a person’s income is irregular, or the worker receives a “black” wage. In such cases, Moscow banks make it possible to receive a mortgage without a certificate of income. Mortgage conditions without proof of income in the city of Moscow are more stringent than the criteria for a real estate loan with documented solvency. If you are planning to take out a loan for an apartment or private house without providing a 2-personal income tax document, prepare a 30-35% deposit of the final cost of housing. You also need to consider that monthly payments and the annual interest rate will be quite high.

For whom is a loan for housing without a certificate of income in the city of Moscow intended?

It is possible to take banking organizations mortgage without proper documentation. This type of loan is available:

  • People who do not have the time and opportunity to collect required list documents and wait until a banking institution considers an application for a loan in Moscow.
  • People who do not confirm their own high income with relevant documentation.

Criteria for issuing a loan without income documents

It is not possible to take a mortgage in Moscow without proof of income in all financial institutions. Banks providing such loans:

  • Sberbank;

Before issuing this kind of loan, the bank will carefully examine the identity of the person taking the mortgage. This is especially true for his credit history.

The so-called “mortgage of two documents” requires the presentation of a passport of the borrower. Second required document differs for each bank. In one credit institution, they will require one more identity-proving documentation - a passport, a military ID, rights. Another financial authority will request documentation that confirms the person’s ability to make an advance payment - the owner’s passport for other real estate, a bank account statement. Some banks ask for proof of citizenship Russian Federation.

If the bank does not check the income of the future debtor, then the loan itself is most likely issued on more unfavorable terms.

It mainly concerns:

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In such a situation, the bank concludes an agreement not only with the client himself, but also an agreement with his employer

Who can take

Potential clients without confirmation of their financial stability can be:

Requirements for the borrower

The following are standard:

Chances for a loan

You can increase your chances of getting approved for a mortgage in the following ways:

Be a member salary project
Have a lot of capital in your account opened with the bank of interest
Declaring willingness to make a large contribution due to self-investment (at least 40-50%). It is advisable to confirm this possibility with documentary statements from accounts.
Offer to apply for existing property with any loan, it is not necessary to offer to arrange for the acquired housing, you can try to make an offer to pledge an existing object, especially if the proposed option is more cost-effective, of a later year of construction or a new building
Announce attraction and co-borrowers it will be necessary to correctly indicate the information about them, as the employee will check the information provided. This also applies to the employer, if there is one, the bank will contact him

Get a mortgage without proof of income

If the borrower does not want to show his income to the bank, then the organization will check more carefully both the applicant himself and the purchase object he has chosen.

No income statement

Having no official confirmation of the financial solvency of the candidate, the bank will check the information provided by him.

Therefore, the information entered from the words must be reliable. Lying will significantly reduce the chances of receiving the required funds.

Video: mortgage without proof of income for two documents

No down payment

With ordinary or soft loans, its size varies from 10 to 30%.

In this case, some organizations (for example, Sberbank) allow you to present not a copy of the work book, but information about work in the form of a bank.

The client's employer fills out the document. But even information on this form is checked by employees.

If the potential borrower is an individual entrepreneur, then he has the right to fill out the form himself.

In this case, his income is considered official and will be verified through the tax authorities.

Which banks give

Applicants who are not salary card holders can try contacting:

How to make a deal


Applying and filling out the application form Many banks can be contacted in person or through the website. Individual organizations accept applications by phone (for example, Renaissance) with subsequent submission in person upon approval
Bank Decision Making may be up to two weeks
Choice of accommodation period for this is given no more than six months
Coordination of the selected object with the bank with this type of mortgage, additional requirements may be imposed on the residential premises: year of construction, equipment with communications, location relative to social infrastructure, and others
Registration and its transfer to the bank employee for verification
Pledge of borrowed funds into a cell
documents for the rights of the new owner, mortgages and final settlement with the seller
Registration as well as the client, if desired
Broadcast from Rosreestr to the bank

When transferring existing real estate as a pledge, registration of its mortgage in Rosreestr is also required.

In this case, two mortgaged property is possible: existing and acquired (under two mortgages).

But the calculation of one debt entails the termination of the mortgage and.

Required documents

Mortgage for those who do not have official earnings requires submission of:

If, in order to obtain a positive decision, the client offered to pledge the existing property, then it is necessary to transfer to the employee additional documents on this property:

Treaty about its acquisition
matrimonial for laying the object
Registration documents for real estate or
Object characteristics for example, and a cadastral passport for real estate
if available
Insurance policies when pledging real estate or a car
for real estate
body of guardianship and guardianship in a situation where a residential building is being mortgaged in which the child lives or he is a co-owner
for gold bars
by account from the register of shareholders (in case of pledge of shares)

The Bank may require proof of availability of funds as initial capital.

You can confirm this by submitting the following documents:

For the selected object it is necessary to collect:

Sample contract

An agreement signed for a mortgage without declaring income is similar to a regular agreement.

The absence of information about the client's salary is not written in the text.

The document contains the following data:

Place and date of signing and information about the client, guarantor, co-borrower (full name, passport, date of birth, place of residence)
About bank and the amount of the borrowed amount and interest for its use
Contract term and about the object of purchase (name, number of floors, number of rooms, area, address)
Rights and obligations of each participant and customer responsibilities
Changes to the contract and the possibility of its termination
Procedure for the use of state subsidies and possible benefits and signatures of the parties

You can get a mortgage loan only if you provide the bank with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In addition, the bank pays attention to the registration of the borrower and a certificate of income.

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Is it possible to bypass this requirement and buy an apartment on credit without this certificate?

Who needs?

Most fast way getting a loan to purchase a home is participation in a mortgage program.

This opportunity is provided to single mothers who can pay an initial contribution with maternity capital for the purchase own apartment. This option considered quite acceptable and quite profitable.

If the potential client does not officially work, but has quite a decent income, then relying on these funds (copyright), you can confirm solvency.

Reasons why citizens cannot provide a certificate of income:

  • low level wages;
  • the employer refuses to provide this document (the reason is unofficial work);
  • work at home (freelancer) - there is simply no one to get this document from;
  • the borrower does not want to apply to the tax office in order to confirm their income.

Under maternity capital

In this case, the conditions for granting a loan will be more complicated than with a conventional mortgage:

  1. The borrower can apply to several banks at once and determine for himself which of these institutions will be profitable to apply for a mortgage without a down payment.
  2. In this case, the collateral property is the property that is already owned by the borrower. By the way, this is what will be considered the down payment. The contribution can also be counted as an initial contribution. maternity capital.
  3. Young families have a separate benefit, according to which they may not make a down payment under the terms of a soft loan.


If the borrower has a guarantor, this says a lot: if no one vouches for the person, then this means that he does not have any support, which means that he cannot be given a loan.

In another way, you can look at the situation when several people can vouch for the borrower, in this case:

  • the bank's client will grow in the eyes of the bank;
  • be able to apply for a loan.

What banks provide?

You can get a mortgage without a certificate of income in the following banks:

  • Bank of Moscow;
  • AF Bank;
  • SotsComBank Levoberezhny;
  • AB Pushkino;
  • FastBank;
  • AKB Express.

VTB 24

You can get a mortgage at VTB Bank without a down payment:

  • by contributing funds to the account of the down payment by maternity capital;
  • taking a loan secured by the property owned;
  • refinancing.

You can get a loan without paying a down payment in any currency.

The borrower can be a citizen who urgently needs a fairly large amount Money and reached the age of 22.

Mortgage loans are not available for women over 60 and men over 65.

In addition, the borrower must have a permanent or temporary registration and income in the territory of the Russian Federation.

To obtain a mortgage without a down payment to the bank, you must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • international passport;
  • driver's license;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • income statement;
  • questionnaire.


Sberbank does not issue mortgage loans without providing a certificate of income. The thing is that the bank will never work where it does not receive income.

When applying for a loan, the bank receives income by charging additional commissions, penalties and interest for overdue loans.

This means that the bank is interested in working only with solvent people, which is why it requires income statements when applying for a mortgage:

  • if it is not possible to confirm your income, or the employer pays wages not on conditions employment contract, the bank may require a guarantor of the borrower to be brought, who, if the debtor fails to fulfill the obligations, will fulfill them;
  • if the borrower has neither a certificate of income nor a guarantor, there is only one way out - an appeal to private credit organizations.

How to take?

Before applying for a mortgage at a bank, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of several banking institutions. Where the conditions are most favorable, you can submit documents and an application.

You should also familiarize yourself with social programs, which can be suitable for both young mothers and teachers and doctors.

You do not need to go to the bank to complete the application, you can fill it out electronically.

If, after submitting the application, the client was not invited to the bank, this means a refusal, i.e. you should not waste time persuading in granting a loan, you just need to find another bank.

Required documents

The list of basic documents when applying for a mortgage should include:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • any other document confirming the identity of the borrower;
  • a document confirming the availability of money to pay the down payment.

If the client does not confirm his income, the bank may refuse to issue credit funds.

After receiving a positive response to the application, the bank must additionally provide:

  • preliminary contract of sale;
  • contract for the purchase of housing;
  • an extract from the USRR, which will serve as proof that the person has no encumbrances.

Thus, if a citizen does not have the opportunity to provide a certificate of income, you need to know that in this case you should not count on the maximum amount for the purchase of housing.

The easiest way to improve living conditions in Moscow and avoid paperwork - apply for a mortgage loan without providing income documents. Such lending programs are sometimes the only way out for those who cannot document solvency or simply do not want to spend time collecting a large number of papers. Banks are meeting these categories of borrowers and offer tariff plans with the ability to obtain a mortgage loan without an income certificate.

When choosing a loan program without providing papers confirming employment and wages, you should pay attention to a number of features:

  • Increased interest rate. Compared to standard tariff plans, the difference can be 0.5–2% per annum, which is significant, given the amounts and terms of mortgage lending.
  • Increased down payment. To take out a loan from the minimum amount documents, you will need to pay at least 20-40% of the value of the acquired property.
  • Restrictions on the use of family capital. For example, VTB Bank of Moscow does not provide for the payment of the first installment at the expense of maternity capital when applying for a mortgage under two documents.
  • More stringent requirements for the age and credit history of a potential borrower.
  • A step-by-step algorithm for obtaining a housing loan without income documents in Moscow

    The procedure for obtaining a mortgage without proof of income in 2019 includes 5 main stages:

    1. Filing an application. Now most credit organizations offer customers to fill out a questionnaire on the website and find out a preliminary decision. You can also immediately contact a convenient office with a set of necessary papers. The decision is made in 1-5 business days, but the period may be extended at the discretion of the bank.
    2. Selection of suitable real estate. 2-4 months are given for this, during which the approval is valid.
    3. Valuation of the property and transfer of the report and other documents to the bank.
    4. Conclusion of a loan agreement.
    5. Registration of the state registration of a mortgage transaction in Rosreestr.

    To apply, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document to choose from: SNILS, driver's license, passport. In addition, the bank may request papers confirming marital status, the presence of dependents, or exemption from military duty. The final list of required documentation depends on the conditions of a particular financial institution.

    A potential borrower in Moscow must also meet the accepted criteria for age, work experience, permanent registration, and others.

  • Mortgage without proof of income in other regions

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