Scorpio July Lyubov

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Scorpio Horoscope for July 2017

You know how situations when guys get acquainted, and they say the first thing that comes to them. Therefore, it happens that they say: "Girl, do not tell me how to go straight?" This is how the scorpions in July 2017 need to go straight and make the first thing that will come to mind - it will be the most right decision. July 2017 is not the time for long deliberation, otherwise you can miss your luck, or worse, to study something. And it equally concerns both scorpions-men, and scorpion women.

After all, as we warned in detail, in July 2017, scorpions are waiting for another ascent. Especially in business and interpersonal aspects. You are waiting for frequent communication, and the emergence of new friends and contacts. True, after the difficult last few months, you will still be tempered and emotionally not stable. Try to control your temper. Especially with new people. The positive trends that began in July 2017 will laugh at all until November.

Another horoscope for July 2017 for scorpions, suggests that next month you need to be very careful in relationships with loved ones and friends. Especially in new, and especially for scorpions born in November. As in the past May or June 2017, some of your loved ones or friends can present you an unpleasant surprise. Yes, and scorpions born in October, it is not worth relaxing. In the middle of summer, many scorpions will be too relaxed, and too busy with their romantic mood. And this will seriously interfere with rapid, and volitional solutions in July 2017. As the horoscope shows - some difficult situations in July 2017 you will provoke yourself or by your favorite acute language, or with the help of an adventure search apparatus, those there are your ... @ Py. Therefore, we recommended that you go straight and not. Try to use the folk wisdom - if an apple fell on you, run as quickly as possible: the apple tree from the apple falls near the apple. So if in July 2017 you throw a word or grenade into someone (and sometimes the words of scorpions explode more powerful than grenade), right away. That is, speaking in other words, if in July 2017 in some place or society, you will be bad and "not comfortable", just quickly change this place. But, you do not need to throw people with words or grenades.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio. Next month you will be too sugaven (that is, scorpions and so inspired, but next month, even more), so try not to listen to someone else's advice, even the closest relatives, even to the right, although you rarely do it. But next month, even the right aliens tips, can roll you with your right path.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio favorable days - 1, 4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 22, 26, and 29.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpiounfavorable days - Keys Fortunately are in our head ... There are also castles, to this happiness ... Planning unfavorable days, we are hanging the castle on your possible happiness.

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio Career, work and business. Despite the fact that July is a period of vacation period and hunting for wonderful summer moments, next month, many scorpions will not be rest. In July 2017, scorpions can repeat some of their previous errors at work, or will "pop up" your previous misses and failures. That is why the horoscope once again reminds that the biggest stupidity is to do the same and hope for another result. Set aside your favorite rake.

July 2017 is waiting for you not to open new projects or directions, but new ways to promote older and existing. But in July 2017, you just the hardest brain and creative solutions will be given. And not only because the summer window. Just your inner feeling "Yes, who needs this fucking," will interfere with you to focus. In this case, try using the "Scientific Put" method, trying and checking new non-standard problem solving methods. In relations with the authorities, use the maximum number of flattery. This will save not only your ass, but will make communication with the boss more enjoyable. Even the scorpions leaders the horoscope for July 2017 indicates that if you even licked the ass, you should not relax, most likely - this is a lubricant!

Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio Finance. Mirror Men is his woman, a scorpion mirror - your wallet. Normal or at least a stable financial position is always "reflected" on your - reflection in the mirror. In July 2017, your reflection in the mirror (in the sense of the wallet) you will not really like it, and even close, or relatives, or friends will require help or expenses.

Love horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for July 2017 Scorpio Love. But in personal life, unlike professional, scorpions, they are waiting for pleasure, victory, romance and love. Next month, scorpions will be attractive, charming and irresistible. Family scorpions in July 2017 can be fully relaxed, enjoying communication with loved ones, close and friends. And if a strong family - This is when a personal life coincides with the family, then in July 2017 family scorpions This is what awaits. Although the amourn adventures will make many scorpions, but in July 2017 it should not affect your relationship.

Lonely scorpions horoscope advises more to be in the fresh air and having a fresh circle of communication. " It is here that scorpions are awaiting the most successful dating. And although internally (after the last few months), most lonely scorpions will not be ready for serious relations, in July 2017, this is not necessary. The value of summer communication is in the absence of duties. Just - Enjoy!

Therefore, scorpions in July 2017 go straight and especially do not think and do not pick up words. Above the meaning of life, and other questions will be thought of cold autumn evenings. And in July 2017, your task is not to set the requirements of anything to life or to yourself or others. Otherwise, if you start to stop and thinking in July 2017, you can "examine" something. As a psycho who captured the madhouse and began to demand one dollar and a million helicopters of good Justice of July 2017!

P / S Do not consider our astrologer by PapaNoik, but it all the time it seems that someone constantly reads what he writes here. It's true?

The middle of the summer will have a transforming effect on the representatives of your sign. Signal events are expected in relationships, which will result in change. You will notice the relationship of love with money, and financial questions Will stimulate the process of transformations in personal life.

Venus's Love Planet on July 5, 2017 goes into a scorpion transformation house and will remain here until the end of the month. Under the influence of Venus, feelings are becoming more intensive, many of you have a desire to try something new and unusual in love to shake and experience the taste of being.

In July 2017, you will find a lawless passion in yourself and survive the exceptional moments of unity with the beloved. There is a growing desire to experience the thrill, but you need to be careful not to enter too far. If a person interested you, do not hurry to start active actions. Make a deep breath and appreciate the situation to understand that you can afford, and what to expect subsequently.

Romantic Neptune is still located in the House of Love Scorpion. Vibrations of this planet carry inspiration, helping to show fantasy and creativity in amur affairs. However, Neptune is a foggy planet, and some mystery may be present in the relationship, or there will be situations, the meaning of which eludes understanding.

Those scorpions who have already associated themselves for marriage, go on family happiness. And even if there was a conflict, there are chances to reconcile, leaving all the difficult moments in the past. Maybe, by this regard, you decide to make a grand party to celebrate this event together or with friends.

Horoscope Career and Finance Scorpio for July 2017

Configuous planetary effects are combined, therefore, at work and business, the ups can be replaced by drops. Nevertheless, the period is energetically very strong, and you can achieve significant progress if you show activity.

Thinning time becomes the first half of July 2017, when the disharmonious aspects of the Sun, Mars and Pluto act. Since Scorpio is under the auspices of Pluto, this influence will affect you more than other signs of the zodiac.

During this period should not risk (especially with money), it is also undesirable to start new business projects. Stars advise to refrain from excessive bustle and hurry. Even if at some point you feel that your dream is about to come true, do not try to speed up the current and do not forget about caution. Only a weighted approach will help achieve their goals.

July 20, 2017 A dynamic Mars is entering the home career house, since July 22, it is accompanied by the sun, and the rhythm of life becomes rapidly. For new undertakings, this is a good time. In the last decade of the month, your diligence will be successfully combined with emerging opportunities, opening the way to success. You can count on the location of influential people and those endowed with the authorities.

Despite tensions, in terms of money, July 2017 promises to become generous. The material side of the life of scorpions is expected to cause any problems. You have enough money for current needs, payment of loans and even pleasant purchases. However, the existing level of income does not bring satisfaction, and you consider what you deserve more. This month, a new idea will capture your mind - to find ways that will lead to stunning financial success, whatever it cost. It is possible that such ways will be found, because the people of your sign are endowed with purposefulness and financial alarms.


In your home health is uranium, which can at any time present surprises. In the first half of the month, a number of planets activate uranium negative aspects, therefore injuries, aggravation of chronic diseases, are not excluded. Recovery time depends exclusively from you. If you postpone the working questions and give yourself the right to rest, then we will lead health to the norm without any additional effort.

Feel free to smile familiar and even unfamiliar peoplebecause the smile received in response will significantly raise you mood.

In July, you are waiting for a serious run. You will take out forward and very soon will take a leading position in all of the fact that you have to do.

Work, career. Scorpio July 2017.

July in a professional plan can be a turning point for you, defining events for a couple of years ahead. Everything will indicate that you should think about changing the type of activity, as well as the fact that the testing period is already coming to an end. And although this month there are plenty of difficulties, but "light at the end of the tunnel" is already visible, and every day he becomes brighter and more definite. The problems of July can be attributed to the continuing difficulties of a legal nature, as well as old problems with inspection instances. All this can be a constant background of professional life in the period from 1 to 24 July. The new moon on July 24 marks the beginning of a new stage - brighter, light and productive. At this time you can find companions, allies that will help you in solving many problems. Relations with colleagues from other cities or countries are noticeably activated, but here you will have to overcome all the same old inconsistencies. Running forward, we can say that many painful questions will be resolved in November of this year, when Jupiter, Planet Good luck, will go to your sign. His influence will make fate turn to you light sideAnd everything will work out exactly how you always wanted. Employee can negotiate new workAnd closer to the end of July or in August they are crowned with success.

Money. Scorpio July 2017.

Financial positions will also improve by the end of July, and this favorable trend will receive a continuation in August. For a decent amount, you can count on the period from July 23 to 25.

Love, family. Scorpio July 2017.

In the first and second decades of July, many representatives of this sign will have to be dealt with in complex and confusing related affairs. In one case, it is possible to continue a serious old quarrel, and in the other - someone from Rodney still needs your help and is very counting on it. The tribe is likely to meet with relatives living in another city or another country. Events associated with housing arrangement continue. The completion of complex repair or large-scale construction is nearing. Lovely month will bring a lot of disappointments. Some secrets will open, and you can appear in front of your surroundings in sufficiently unsightly light. If two persons are present in your love life, then be careful and beware of intrigue.

The "soberness", shown by scorpions in the middle of this summer, will be a direct projection of moods, which are preducing their heavenly leaders to representatives of this zodiacal sign. You, dear scorpions, on this segment will be dealt with two very energetically strong celerships (they will be Uranus and Saturn, being in the authorities of which, you and acquire a tendency to moderation).

And the influence of these planets will spread to all sides of your existence (even on such, it would seem, the little things like life and taste addiction). Do not be surprised if your wardrobe in the middle of this summer is emphasized with modest (rather - prim) things, and a meal present on your table will resemble the kitchen of the Inqua, which rejected all the benefits of civilization ...

However, your July moderation will have a number of positive moments! It is so, avoiding excessively literally in everything, you can save your health and a wallet from the many consequences of bright, explosive leisure, which is characteristic of summer. Read between the lines - this most leisure will no longer have similarity to you with destructive madness, which is already very good news.

Another positive moment, which will entail your July seriousness. It is with its help, as well as with the support of its patronizing planets (Uranus and Saturn), you can simultaneously neutralize the negative, sent to your share by antagonist planets (they will be Mars and Venus for you in July). It is not difficult to guess that the "Prize of Love" and the "Red Warrior" will regularly push you toward explosive emotions and aggressive behavior, but as we have said, you will be able to maintain peace of mind and the presence of the Spirit even in stressful situations.

Love has an important meaning for Scorpio, as, however, for all the signs of the zodiac. But it is especially acute the need for it representatives of this sign of the zodiac to be sprinkled in summer period, namely - in July. Love horoscope for July 2019 for scorpions will reliably respond to all questions about feelings and romantic relationships in this period.

Love horoscope for scorpions for July 2019

For July of this year, each scorpion was simply gorgeous plans. Again and again they returned thoughts to their dreams about the magic time spent next to his beloved man. Stars will give scorpions the ability to turn romantic dreams into no less romantic reality. For this, in July it will be enough to do everything that was planned in advance.

Love Astroprognosis for July does not contain encouraging predictions for lazy scorpions. All scorpions will have to achieve happiness with their own efforts. In the middle of the summer of this year, each representative of this sign of the zodiac can quickly arrange his fate, having acquainted with an interesting person, but for this will have to be initiated.

Horoscope of love recommends Scorpions more engage in self-development in July. The second month of the summer of 2019 will be rich in the events on the Love Front, and the sign representatives are better to immediately leave a favorable opinion in the eyes of potential fans. Not around the corner and new RomanThat, according to stars forecasts, will happen in the life of Scorpio accurers at the end of the month.

Love horoscope for scorpion female for July 2019

Practically never doubting in their own irresistible scorpion girls in July will survive not quite a positive period in the love sphere. Even despite the relative well-being on a love front, women will experience an acute shortage of attention and will even begin to suspect certain flaws in their appearance, which, of course, cannot be done. In July, the scorpion girls are better, on the contrary, redirect the attention to more pressing problems: love horoscope He advises them to become more sensitive and begin to take care against chosen. In this case, no lack of tenderness in relations with the second half will not go and speech.

The middle of the summer of this year will not seem to girls scorpions with carefree time. As it was called, men this month will be extremely passive, and the initiative of the beautiful half will have to take into their own hands. Using the trick and tricks, the girl's scorpions will receive the desired until the end of July without unnecessary emotional and time costs.

Several unexpected star forecast give married women scorpions. They in July at all will not want to change something in his personal life, which will contribute to the appearance of a chill in relations between spouses. How correct is such a position of scorpion girls, the heavenly patrons do not judge. But one knows the reliably - she will not bring negative consequences. Therefore, in general, July from the surrounding scorpion girls will be neutral.

Love Horoscope for Men Scorpio for July 2019

Men sign Scorpio is given a lot of predictions for July. The second month of summer will meet them wary and first will not provide opportunities to achieve personal goals on the love front. But in mid-July, scorpions will become truly "hot." The most romantic men, as followed, will fall in love, yes so that the surrounding it will not hide it. More mundane scorpions in July are generally loaded into feelings not just with his head, but purposefully with consciousness and soul.

And the scorpion wives in July do not have to worry. If their spouse falls in love, then only re-in them. In the middle of the summer, the exact love horoscope for July predicts the scorpions some difficulties, but they will be quickly allowed and will not leave any traces behind them.

Love horoscope for scorpions for other months of 2019

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