Harrow. Trilogy. Roman Zlotnikov - Lovely New World Beautiful New World

Sealants 09.11.2020

There is an electronic book of the author, whose name is Zlotnikov Roman Valerevich.
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HRN - 4.

"Beautiful New World": "Alpha-book's publishing house"; M.; 2008.
ISBN 978-5-9922-0264-9
Gron died. Gron has been revived. In Novom beautiful world. New life, new friends and no ordinary. Live and be happy? No matter how. For someone who is doomed to battle, the new world is a new challenge, new enemies and ... the strength is more interested in the Order. Lords of the new world, who no need to hide their power over it. But not only they threaten Grona. Here he had a new, personal enemy who knows about him that it is not known anything else to anyone else in this world ...
Roman Zlotnikov
Beautiful new world
Duke Eznelmsky travertil beast. Hunting in Estregonskaya more often, which arranged the duke, was famous over the entire Northern Mark. Like balls in his castle. Like his frontal trips, the horses in which were chosen in touch - the Rural, black as Smin, or white with black gters on the front legs ... For generally admission, the duke had the most brilliant yard, ranging from the southern spurs of the Bannelonian mountains to the northern coast of Tengen seas. And although the graph of Tammelsmain and Duke Zhadkesky was ready to argue with this, but everyone understood that more of their own girona than a sense of justice. And on the other side of the Bannelon Mountains there were no courtyards. There were wilds there were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids of wild barbarians and mountainiculturists, so that the castles did not resemble the luxurious castles, shining a lot of windows with mirror glasses Duke Eznelmsky. Not so much castle as the palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which has long been fulfilled rather the duties of the palace fence than the fortress wall, and the old donjon donzhon, after restructuring the castle, turned out of his heart in his backyard. The same castles still remained a sullen nest of harsh warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger, jump into the saddle and recall the sword from the sheath. So what kind of yard could we talk about?
However, Duke's hunt was famous not only because of the pomp's clothing and careful design of the ceremonies, and also because the Estregon Chapter was nothing more than a long language of the forbidden way, the uncomplicable wall of the surrounding tower of the ruler of Ganiada. Therefore, the beasts in it has always been inexhaustible.
Everyone knows that the strength of the brew, reaching his peak in the forbidden forest, causes life to beat the key in its impassable thickets, generating incredibly mighty and unusual animals. But the forbidden way for people is not available. Moreover, this inaccessibility is also protected by not so much banners, but rather, those monsters that fill it. The monsters, once, probably who had the usual beasts in the ancestors are now unrecognizable, but rather, perverted by mighty power of the brew. And the closer to her heart, to the tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But on the outskirts of their many. No wonder the peasants in no type of sight will be closer to the daytime transition from the forbidden forest. And the fat meadows on its edges are always notepins ...
But the Estregon Bath was granted by the dominated by Ganad. Lenan possession of the Duke of Eznelmsky. The beast in it although it was unnecessary to the corrupt and large (the hares were smeared with the dog, and they had a little bit from Elk), but still not too different from the usual. And not as an example of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest in writing, it was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens met more often in Estregonskaya ...
This hunt was the last autumn. A week later, the cold autumn rains will be charged, the roads will take off, and almost a month, the castles, as well as cities, villages and lonely farmers of the northern brand, will be cut off apart from each other. As long as the first frosts and the land does not force the fluffy snowy bedspread. However, while there were warm days, and the trees still carried on their branches almost in a summer magnificent, but already quite in autumn bright and multicolored foliage.
Duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking out of his hands perfectly visible from this hill forest gave. The numerous retinue stopped the steps of ten steps and talked quietly. Hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the main catbed reported that on the Western Ostroe, the county, the counties came across the marks of the bone Vepry. It was one of the origin of the forbidden forest, because of what reason wandered into the Estregon thicket. Usually, so mighty and dangerous creatures do not leave the forbidden forest. For, being the order of the power of the brew, cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force that, according to philosophers and alchemists, is spilled in world air and is available everywhere, and not only in the forbidden forest, they are not enough. Therefore, the Wear, who accidentally choosing the Forest debrie for him, most likely, was already pretty weakened. And the hunt for him could well do not be too much of emotioned lives. And the trophy with luck would be noble. Give the dominator, one luller of the castle from the hundreds could boast that something similar to the head of the bone jerry hangs on the wall of his hunting hall. Although just the castle of the Duke of Eznelmsky, it could brag like that. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of hellish ps. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if armor, the monstrous bone outgrowths of the head of the bone musty there were no ...
Duke carelessly threw his hand, tightened into a thin black hat, and the main cattle immediately gave Schenkel to his horse, driving up to the Mr.
- Your Highness…
- Where is it, is it?
The main catcher listened to barely heard from here in the dogs of dogs.
- from the east chase. From the stray fusion.
- From the east? - Duke swung his head. - And it seems to me that in the south of Lai louder.
- So accurately, your grace, from the south louder. There are no less than three suts lead. Yes, only they have a gambling. Because the usual beast is chasing. And from the east, those gloiness is hammer. Puggy. As if they themselves are afraid of those who drive.
Duke nodded carelessly.
- Okay. Rancing has already been allowed?
- No, no, s, your lordship. We are waiting for the beast to deteriorate. And for the samples that it is already driving, rushing. Many dogs will put. She is her. But when it feels a little, and even the pekiners are singing, then it is driving with a sophisticate.
- Where do you think to take?
- And at the hare beam. The very place.
The duke bowed his head again in a negligent consent gesture. And, with a slight movement of the hand, letting the leather, touched the horse, leaving the hill of the hill. He is tired. No, not for today, but in general. Even the current so unusual hunt for him no longer pleased ...
Twenty years ago, the fame of the adventures of the young heir of the domain, then the Viscount even called Berzar, thundered throughout the Northern Mark. At a long time, he also reinforced the contract, he left the father's house at twelve and went to the court of Count Tammelsmain. It was officially believed that the education in the family can only spoil the boy. For women are weak, and the mother will never agree to move aside and not to participate in the upbringing (and therefore, and not spoil) the future nobleman. In addition, the children of Vassalov, at the courtyard of the Mr., served as the best order of compliance with the vassal oaths, and the children of the rulers sent to the courtyard of rivals - concluded contracts. No agreement concluded by former opponents has never accounted for without orally, if the cessation of the previous war was too strong, even a written agreement on the exchange of heirs. So often those who were to have to join the domain, they really got acquainted with their inheritance already in quite a mature age. Twenty years old. For, despite the fact that you usually keep at the courtyard who have reached seventeen age and already dedicated to the knights, was considered indecent, and usually they sent more junior to replace themselves, and the elders were sent home, heirs did not always concern. And the last war between Eznelm and Tammelsmain was long and rather cruel. So Viscount Berzhar, heir to the duke of Eznelmsky, stayed at the courtyard of Count Tammeelsmain to twenty-five years. Until then, when his father, the former Duke Eznelmsky, died from a blow straight on one of his wife's Freint, nee Baroness Galland. At that time, Viscount Berzhar, the death of the father even approved, because he himself was very famous in the light of the skirt junction. For general opinion, he did not miss a single lubricant face in the castle of Tammelsmein's Count - from the thrush to the Freillic Countess, and in rumors, even to the graphic bedroom. However, rumors and there are rumors, and the Countess in the light was considered a woman virtuous and strict. Although luxurious, black as a Smol, curly curls of the viscont, wet, slightly hang eyes, in the depths of which burned the most frank and shameless lust, and sensual lips seduced not one virtuous soul. And about his crazy pours, the three burnt taverns and countless losses in others, remembered in the counties still. As well as the trick with the corner of the captain of urban guards. Yes, there was a fun time ...
The main catcher listened to the dogs of dogs and the luggage rolls of the horns and raised his horn. The surroundings announced a thick, bass verb. They looked back on the duke, but he continued to look indifferently. And the main catty waved his hand, ordering the entire numerous retinue accompanying the duke on this hunt, move forward. On the hunt it was he who was the main thing ... Well, let it formally, but in fact exactly the second after the duke. Pepper of Cavalcade riders touched horses. The duke spent their indifferent look and reiterated him to the open panorama.
Duchy Eznelmskoe was one of the richest domains. Unlike Tammelsmain and Gardkee, it did not exit the sea, but he owned half of the mines embedded in the Bannelon Mountains. Yes, and the most convenient pass for the message, the pass was also in the lands of the duke. However, a special income trading path in Zagorne did not bring. Zagorsk domains Everything was completely small and poor. Well, maybe with the exception of the ruster. But the Radorsky Baron was the enemy enemy of the Dukes of Eznelmsky and preferred to trade through the garde. Although it came out further, and more expensive.
The first couple of years, the new Duke had enjoyed the opportunities that fell on him. About those pirants with fireworks, hunting and all sorts of fun, legends still went throughout the Northern Mark. But one morning, the Duke summoned the Chancellor to the flower and demanded to pay the merchant with rare incenses, which in full delight of his next passion. The chancellor spread his hands and with sadness in his voice reported that the treasury is empty.
The young duke hurt himself.
- So there is no money?
In his presentation, money was always. It was an immutable law of nature. Money simply could not be! That is, yes, they could not be enough, but there was not their physical absence behind this, but something else, let's say, pap fepeling or the non-historical postal service. Chancellor sighed. He is already tired of tired of completely crazy expenses of his young Mister who managed to pull the tight moshnu enough for two years, which his papidka, despite his also considerable commitment to all sorts of life pleasures, was able to accumulate.
"Have a look, your lordship," he rattled a long scroll, who captured with him into the flower, not too, however, hoping that he would help him, "all the income for the past year we received seventeen thousand eight hundred seventy-three Tallara. On the contents of the squad left ...
To the surprise of Chancellor, somewhere by the middle of his speech, the young Duke got out of bed, in which she was still lying along with the curtain, and began to carefully consider the scroll, while continuing to listen to the report. When the income and expense report over the year was completed, the young Duke viewed a scroll for a few more minutes in which all expenses were decomposed on five articles - army and police, roads and bridges, complaints of officials and servants, the maintenance of the castle and (these expenses Chancellor specially I put in a separate article) His own spending. Raising my head, he asked in surprise:
"So that's what, I walked more over the past year than left for everything else to get together?"
- Yes, your lordship, - according to the head of the chancellor, whose slightly stopped under the spoon.
- Lojo ... - Duke thoughtfully rubbed his chin.
"So," Krizzyno sounded from under the Baldakhina left by the duke of the bed, "you will finally buy these bottles?" I'm already tired of waiting until you finish these your wisdom speeches.
The duke glanced toward the bed, and his face suddenly twisted the grimace of irritation.
"I went," he shouted angrily, "I went away!
"But, a cat ..." was frightened from under the Baldakhin, and the next instant, from there, a chubby face, framed by blond hair and decorated with bright violet eyes, was leaned out.
- I went away, I said! Guard! - impatiently shouted the duke. And when the lat's loud-to-panel room, two guards poured, annoyedly ordered: - Well, throw this fool from my bedroom.
The sobbing "fool", however, was accompanied from the bedroom very respectful. No one wanted to learn anger of the Connyabl with a disrespectful attitude towards his wife. She was twenty years old younger husband and possessed cat lubricity during flow. But he in her soul did not care, who spends her all her adherence and fiercely defending her honor ... Rather, what he seemed to him. So everything went out - the young duke has just made himself a new enemy in the face of his own connet box. Although, to tell the truth, his wife was indeed a rare fool that found that there are only two worthy classes in the world - to fuck and have fun, and everything else does not deserve any attention.
And the duke from that moment was found another area of \u200b\u200bthe application of his boiler energy and pounced on the concerns of the ruler with the same young passion and irrepression, with which he was positive to his fun. He dwined around the duke not knowing the tired - built bridges, laid the sawmill and closed, brought the road. He discussed with stone with stone, where and how to build new guard towers, and with the owners of mines and melive - how best to melting metal. Peters and fireworks were almost forgotten, and on the hunt now under the sounds of horns, not only the beasts were traveled, but also agreed on the bookmark of new manufactories and expanding old. So three years continued, until the Zhadkesky Duke, concerned about the unexpected strengthening of Eznelm, did not dissuade the distance to attack the outskirts of the duchy. Radorars have always been considered good warriors, and the Barons-Vassaly quickly lost their castles and rushed to the Eznelm castle with requests for help and screams about the debt soverene. A new one for myself will be attended by Duke Eznelmsky surrendered with the same heat as the previous one. The promotion of Radders was stopped, which was not a very difficult task, because they themselves were not going to advance too deep into the limits of the duke, perfectly realizing that the distance is still EzNelma not even a maximum that they can count on This is to receive control over the pass.

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HRN - 4.

Duke Eznelmsky travertil beast. Hunting in Estregonskaya more often, which arranged the duke, was famous over the entire Northern Mark. Like balls in his castle. Like his frontal trips, the horses in which were chosen in touch - the Rural, black as Smin, or white with black gters on the front legs ... For generally admission, the duke had the most brilliant yard, ranging from the southern spurs of the Bannelonian mountains to the northern coast of Tengen seas. And although the graph of Tammelsmain and Duke Zhadkesky was ready to argue with this, but everyone understood that more of their own girona than a sense of justice. And on the other side of the Bannelon Mountains there were no courtyards. There were wilds there were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids of wild barbarians and mountainiculturists, so that the castles did not resemble the luxurious castles, shining a lot of windows with mirror glasses Duke Eznelmsky. Not so much castle as the palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which has long been fulfilled rather the duties of the palace fence than the fortress wall, and the old donjon donzhon, after restructuring the castle, turned out of his heart in his backyard. The same castles still remained a sullen nest of harsh warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger, jump into the saddle and recall the sword from the sheath. So what kind of yard could we talk about?

However, Duke's hunt was famous not only because of the pomp's clothing and careful design of the ceremonies, and also because the Estregon Chapter was nothing more than a long language of the forbidden way, the uncomplicable wall of the surrounding tower of the ruler of Ganiada. Therefore, the beasts in it has always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the strength of the brew, reaching his peak in the forbidden forest, causes life to beat the key in its impassable thickets, generating incredibly mighty and unusual animals. But the forbidden way for people is not available. Moreover, this inaccessibility is also protected by not so much banners, but rather, those monsters that fill it. The monsters, once, probably who had the usual beasts in the ancestors are now unrecognizable, but rather, perverted by mighty power of the brew. And the closer to her heart, to the tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But on the outskirts of their many. No wonder the peasants in no type of sight will be closer to the daytime transition from the forbidden forest. And the fat meadows on its edges are always notepins ...

But the Estregon Bath was granted by the dominated by Ganad. Lenan possession of the Duke of Eznelmsky. The beast in it although it was unnecessary to the corrupt and large (the hares were smeared with the dog, and they had a little bit from Elk), but still not too different from the usual. And not as an example of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest in writing, it was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens met more often in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. A week later, the cold autumn rains will be charged, the roads will take off, and almost a month, the castles, as well as cities, villages and lonely farmers of the northern brand, will be cut off apart from each other. As long as the first frosts and the land does not force the fluffy snowy bedspread. However, while there were warm days, and the trees still carried on their branches almost in a summer magnificent, but already quite in autumn bright and multicolored foliage.

Duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking out of his hands perfectly visible from this hill forest gave. The numerous retinue stopped the steps of ten steps and talked quietly. Hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the main catbed reported that on the Western Ostroe, the county, the counties came across the marks of the bone Vepry. It was one of the origin of the forbidden forest, because of what reason wandered into the Estregon thicket.

Roman Zlotnikov

Beautiful new world

Duke Eznelmsky travertil beast. Hunting in Estregonskaya more often, which arranged the duke, was famous over the entire Northern Mark. Like balls in his castle. Like his frontal trips, the horses in which were chosen in touch - the Rural, black as Smin, or white with black gters on the front legs ... For generally admission, the duke had the most brilliant yard, ranging from the southern spurs of the Bannelonian mountains to the northern coast of Tengen seas. And although the graph of Tammelsmain and Duke Zhadkesky was ready to argue with this, but everyone understood that more of their own girona than a sense of justice. And on the other side of the Bannelon Mountains there were no courtyards. There were wilds there were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids of wild barbarians and mountainiculturists, so that the castles did not resemble the luxurious castles, shining a lot of windows with mirror glasses Duke Eznelmsky. Not so much castle as the palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which has long been fulfilled rather the duties of the palace fence than the fortress wall, and the old donjon donzhon, after restructuring the castle, turned out of his heart in his backyard. The same castles still remained a sullen nest of harsh warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger, jump into the saddle and recall the sword from the sheath. So what kind of yard could we talk about?

However, Duke's hunt was famous not only because of the pomp's clothing and careful design of the ceremonies, and also because the Estregon Chapter was nothing more than a long language of the forbidden way, the uncomplicable wall of the surrounding tower of the ruler of Ganiada. Therefore, the beasts in it has always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the strength of the brew, reaching his peak in the forbidden forest, causes life to beat the key in its impassable thickets, generating incredibly mighty and unusual animals. But the forbidden way for people is not available. Moreover, this inaccessibility is also protected by not so much banners, but rather, those monsters that fill it. The monsters, once, probably who had the usual beasts in the ancestors are now unrecognizable, but rather, perverted by mighty power of the brew. And the closer to her heart, to the tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But on the outskirts of their many. No wonder the peasants in no type of sight will be closer to the daytime transition from the forbidden forest. And the fat meadows on its edges are always notepins ...

But the Estregon Bath was granted by the dominated by Ganad. Lenan possession of the Duke of Eznelmsky. The beast in it although it was unnecessary to the corrupt and large (the hares were smeared with the dog, and they had a little bit from Elk), but still not too different from the usual. And not as an example of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest in writing, it was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens met more often in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. A week later, the cold autumn rains will be charged, the roads will take off, and almost a month, the castles, as well as cities, villages and lonely farmers of the northern brand, will be cut off apart from each other. As long as the first frosts and the land does not force the fluffy snowy bedspread. However, while there were warm days, and the trees still carried on their branches almost in a summer magnificent, but already quite in autumn bright and multicolored foliage.

Duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking out of his hands perfectly visible from this hill forest gave. The numerous retinue stopped the steps of ten steps and talked quietly. Hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the main catbed reported that on the Western Ostroe, the county, the counties came across the marks of the bone Vepry. It was one of the origin of the forbidden forest, because of what reason wandered into the Estregon thicket. Usually, so mighty and dangerous creatures do not leave the forbidden forest. For, being the order of the power of the brew, cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force that, according to philosophers and alchemists, is spilled in world air and is available everywhere, and not only in the forbidden forest, they are not enough. Therefore, the Wear, who accidentally choosing the Forest debrie for him, most likely, was already pretty weakened. And the hunt for him could well do not be too much of emotioned lives. And the trophy with luck would be noble. Give the dominator, one luller of the castle from the hundreds could boast that something similar to the head of the bone jerry hangs on the wall of his hunting hall. Although just the castle of the Duke of Eznelmsky, it could brag like that. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of hellish ps. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if armor, the monstrous bone outgrowths of the head of the bone musty there were no ...

Duke carelessly threw his hand, tightened into a thin black hat, and the main cattle immediately gave Schenkel to his horse, driving up to the Mr.

- Your Highness…

- Where is it, is it?

The main catcher listened to barely heard from here in the dogs of dogs.

- from the east chase. From the stray fusion.

- From the east? - Duke swung his head. - And it seems to me that in the south of Lai louder.

- So accurately, your grace, from the south louder. There are no less than three suts lead. Yes, only they have a gambling. Because the usual beast is chasing. And from the east, those gloiness is hammer. Puggy. As if they themselves are afraid of those who drive.

Duke nodded carelessly.

- Okay. Rancing has already been allowed?

- No, no, s, your lordship. We are waiting for the beast to deteriorate. And for the samples that it is already driving, rushing. Many dogs will put. She is her. But when it feels a little, and even the pekiners are singing, then it is driving with a sophisticate.

- Where do you think to take?

- And at the hare beam. The very place.

The duke bowed his head again in a negligent consent gesture. And, with a slight movement of the hand, letting the leather, touched the horse, leaving the hill of the hill. He is tired. No, not for today, but in general. Even the current so unusual hunt for him no longer pleased ...

Twenty years ago, the fame of the adventures of the young heir of the domain, then the Viscount even called Berzar, thundered throughout the Northern Mark. At a long time, he also reinforced the contract, he left the father's house at twelve and went to the court of Count Tammelsmain. It was officially believed that the education in the family can only spoil the boy. For women are weak, and the mother will never agree to move aside and not to participate in the upbringing (and therefore, and not spoil) the future nobleman. In addition, the children of Vassalov, at the courtyard of the Mr., served as the best order of compliance with the vassal oaths, and the children of the rulers sent to the courtyard of rivals - concluded contracts. No agreement concluded by former opponents has never accounted for without orally, if the cessation of the previous war was too strong, even a written agreement on the exchange of heirs. So often those who were to have to join the domain, they really got acquainted with their inheritance already in quite a mature age. Twenty years old. For, despite the fact that you usually keep at the courtyard who have reached seventeen age and already dedicated to the knights, was considered indecent, and usually they sent more junior to replace themselves, and the elders were sent home, heirs did not always concern. And the last war between Eznelm and Tammelsmain was long and rather cruel. So Viscount Berzhar, heir to the duke of Eznelmsky, stayed at the courtyard of Count Tammeelsmain to twenty-five years. Until then, when his father, the former Duke Eznelmsky, died from a blow straight on one of his wife's Freint, nee Baroness Galland. At that time, Viscount Berzhar, the death of the father even approved, because he himself was very famous in the light of the skirt junction. For general opinion, he did not miss a single lubricant face in the castle of Tammelsmein's Count - from the thrush to the Freillic Countess, and in rumors, even to the graphic bedroom. However, rumors and there are rumors, and the Countess in the light was considered a woman virtuous and strict. Although luxurious, black as a Smol, curly curls of the viscont, wet, slightly hang eyes, in the depths of which burned the most frank and shameless lust, and sensual lips seduced not one virtuous soul. And about his crazy pours, the three burnt taverns and countless losses in others, remembered in the counties still. As well as the trick with the corner of the captain of urban guards. Yes, there was a fun time ...

Gron died. Gron has been revived. In a new beautiful world. New life, new friends and no ordinary. Live and be happy? No matter how. For someone who is doomed to battle, the new world is a new challenge, new enemies and ... the strength is more interested in the Order. Lords of the new world, who no need to hide their power over it. But not only they threaten Grona. Here he has a new one personal The enemy knowing about him what is not known anymore anyone else in this world ...

Roman Zlotnikov

Beautiful new world


Duke Eznelmsky travertil beast. Hunting in Estregonskaya more often, which arranged the duke, was famous over the entire Northern Mark. Like balls in his castle. Like his frontal trips, the horses in which were chosen in touch - the Rural, black as Smin, or white with black gters on the front legs ... For generally admission, the duke had the most brilliant yard, ranging from the southern spurs of the Bannelonian mountains to the northern coast of Tengen seas. And although the graph of Tammelsmain and Duke Zhadkesky was ready to argue with this, but everyone understood that more of their own girona than a sense of justice. And on the other side of the Bannelon Mountains there were no courtyards. There were wilds there were wild, dangerous, regularly subjected to devastating raids of wild barbarians and mountainiculturists, so that the castles did not resemble the luxurious castles, shining a lot of windows with mirror glasses Duke Eznelmsky. Not so much castle as the palace, in which only the outer wall with a dozen towers remained from the castle, which has long been fulfilled rather the duties of the palace fence than the fortress wall, and the old donjon donzhon, after restructuring the castle, turned out of his heart in his backyard. The same castles still remained a sullen nest of harsh warriors, always ready at the slightest sign of danger, jump into the saddle and recall the sword from the sheath. So what kind of yard could we talk about?

However, Duke's hunt was famous not only because of the pomp's clothing and careful design of the ceremonies, and also because the Estregon Chapter was nothing more than a long language of the forbidden way, the uncomplicable wall of the surrounding tower of the ruler of Ganiada. Therefore, the beasts in it has always been inexhaustible.

Everyone knows that the strength of the brew, reaching his peak in the forbidden forest, causes life to beat the key in its impassable thickets, generating incredibly mighty and unusual animals. But the forbidden way for people is not available. Moreover, this inaccessibility is also protected by not so much banners, but rather, those monsters that fill it. The monsters, once, probably who had the usual beasts in the ancestors are now unrecognizable, but rather, perverted by mighty power of the brew. And the closer to her heart, to the tower, the more terrible and dangerous they become. But on the outskirts of their many. No wonder the peasants in no type of sight will be closer to the daytime transition from the forbidden forest. And the fat meadows on its edges are always notepins ...

But the Estregon Bath was granted by the dominated by Ganad. Lenan possession of the Duke of Eznelmsky. The beast in it although it was unnecessary to the corrupt and large (the hares were smeared with the dog, and they had a little bit from Elk), but still not too different from the usual. And not as an example of the creatures of the Forbidden Forest in writing, it was quite suitable. But sometimes more exotic specimens met more often in Estregonskaya ...

This hunt was the last autumn. A week later, the cold autumn rains will be charged, the roads will take off, and almost a month, the castles, as well as cities, villages and lonely farmers of the northern brand, will be cut off apart from each other. As long as the first frosts and the land does not force the fluffy snowy bedspread. However, while there were warm days, and the trees still carried on their branches almost in a summer magnificent, but already quite in autumn bright and multicolored foliage.

Duke drove to the top of a small hill and stopped, looking out of his hands perfectly visible from this hill forest gave. The numerous retinue stopped the steps of ten steps and talked quietly. Hunt promised to be interesting. And unusual. A week ago, the main catbed reported that on the Western Ostroe, the county, the counties came across the marks of the bone Vepry. It was one of the origin of the forbidden forest, because of what reason wandered into the Estregon thicket. Usually, so mighty and dangerous creatures do not leave the forbidden forest. For, being the order of the power of the brew, cannot exist for a long time without feeding it. And that part of the force that, according to philosophers and alchemists, is spilled in world air and is available everywhere, and not only in the forbidden forest, they are not enough. Therefore, the Wear, who accidentally choosing the Forest debrie for him, most likely, was already pretty weakened. And the hunt for him could well do not be too much of emotioned lives. And the trophy with luck would be noble. Give the dominator, one luller of the castle from the hundreds could boast that something similar to the head of the bone jerry hangs on the wall of his hunting hall. Although just the castle of the Duke of Eznelmsky, it could brag like that. For on the wall of his hunting hall hung the head of hellish ps. But decorated with a huge horn and covered, as if armor, the monstrous bone outgrowths of the head of the bone musty there were no ...

As was a fool, so they stayed. But you must admit, the fool you are lucky. How many people went, and you are not scratching. Well, okay, we need lucky. I will fly away tomorrow at the "Greater Earth." You fly with me.

I want to fight, - Casimir was sold.

The fires frowned:

I disappear on what you want, I said you will do. And now - she was won.

Casimir war finished captain with six battle orders and a dozen medals. When he, barely left the three-day celebration of victory, was called to the headquarters, then, holding the door handle, he already knew who would see there. The bonfire, borrowed half an hour office of the head of the headquarters (still, would have time to refuse to lieutenant colonel of state security), traditionally put a mug into his hand, filled with German Schnaps, and said:

For victory! "And drinking, put a mug on the table, Uther lips and asked:" Are you afraid of me? "

Casimir chuckled and shook his head:

And in vain. - Kostov took some prescription from the table and put the Casimir: - Check out, you go with me - to establish Soviet power in Western Ukraine. There are proven people with knowledge of Polish and German - on the weight of gold.

It was there that Casimir received a nickname, under which he passed on all western intelligence files. Bandera nicknamed his fangs. Once, after a continuous two-week chase, his opera-detachment went to the deaf khutur, on which, in one of his mistresses, the famous head of Zozul's wire was overshadowed. The operation was a lightning and bloody. They put everyone: Zozulu himself, a dozen of his guard, his modules, their son. Alive only left the pomegranates of the elderly Father of Morodoha, who lived her age with her daughter and grandson. When Kazimir saw the sprinkles of the oak table and the corpses of Zozuli, a woman and a child on the floor, he was suddenly struck by a strange resemblance to the hot June morning, which he tried not to remember. Kazimir turned sharply and hit the trunk of PPS, who his deputy is already superior in the old man's chest.

What are the commander? - I did not understand the one.

Take it with you.

Yes, I feel from him ... - He began the deputy, but, encroaching on a violent look, argued.

So Casimir appeared uncle Boguslav. After three days of interrogation, Kazimir took it from the cellars of the Lviv management of the MGB and took to his apartment. Dyadko Boguslav looked quite quickly, started acquainted with the peasants who brought their products to the local market, and once, when Casimir hardly burned his eyes after the wild booze on the occasion of the successful completion of the next operation, he saw a mug with a cucumber brine, and a gentle voice said :

Sude, Casimirushko, the head will be lighted.

He looked at the mug as much as a time, then he cautiously swallowed. Late in the evening, gloomy watching the uncle Boguslav fussily covers on the table, Casimir suddenly said:

I expected your family at the root, and you are me brine ...

The old man had legs. He collapsed on the bench, he smiled sadly:

At the end of the fortieth Casimir went to Moscow, to study. However, when him immediately after the release urgently called with a banquet to the Rector of the Institute, he was almost sure who would find in the extensive office.

Are you afraid of me? - Kostov said the faceted "bastard" about the drunk cup of Casimir.

He chuckled, and the fires, brightly a new colonel pattern, burglaryly buried:

Fool, traditions must be observed. - And, tilting the stack, continued: - I took you to myself, on Far East.

Once, returning from the next business trip, Casimir found at the door of his apartment of the brave policeman. He concerned about the documents, but when he saw a small little book, turned pale and drove:

Here, I apologize, relatives to your ... Togo ... Robbery, you understand, and he resist ... Your medals did not give ...

Casimir darkened in his eyes. An hour later, he sat at the investigator, who led this business. That fussily shifted on the table some folders and convinced robot:

Find why not to find, I'm them, bitch, for such a period of streaming ...

Wait, Captain, - Casimir stopped him, - you just show them them, on the street, then my business.

A week later, the captain called Casimir and asked to go. When Casimir entered the office, a relief silver charker rushed into the eyes, which Dselko Boguslav brought more from Lviv. He stepped toward the table and short, without a crazy, hit a shut-looking to the Fryer who broke into the chair. He flew over to the wall and overturned on the floor. The captain shook his head ashamed:

Yes, it is not him, he shouler, he won this thing in the card, but about those who took your apartment, he knows something.

When the casimira documents were presented to the schulera, he immediately.

Remember, - instructed his captain, - describe the friend Major as a "clikuchnik". You punished him for a large amount, and he paid with you the church "Ryzhukhoy", and you are a lot of prospects that he has a lot of her.

After that, Casimir began to walk in the specified captain, at old warehouses, with a large suitcase. On the third day he was met by three: two healthy jams and a small, smart man with evil eyes.

Listen, Freier, - Shourshene started, - Doesn't you think that Comrade Stalin ordered such halts, how did you sit on the peak? - And he grabbed Finka. - Goney "Ryzhukhu", goat.

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