Name Day March 9 Men's names. Name Day in March, Orthodox holidays in March. Learn about the value and characteristics of names

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Names on March 9 church calendar (Svyattsy)

9/22 March

Aglaiy (Ageli) is a magnificent, beautiful, shining, brilliant (Greek);
Othei (Aeri) - Eagle (Greek.);
Akaka - not making evil, innocent (Greek);
Alexander - People's defender, courageous (Greek);
Alexandra - courageous, protector (Greek);
Alexy (Alexey) - Defender (Greek); Assistant (Lat.);
Angi - festive (Heb.); reservoir, vessel (Greek);
Athanasius (Afanas) is immortal (Greek);
Vivian - Live, Living, Living (Lat.);
Guy (Guy) - Mr. (Lat); Born earth, earthly (Greek);
Gorgonium - rapid, fast, belonging to Gorgon (Greek);
Dimitri (Dmitry) - High Earths; demeter (Greek);
Dometian - Roman generic name - teller (lat.);
Domn - Mr., Lord (Lat.);
Evenok - benevolent, prudent (Greek);
Evtichius (Entiphius, Yuttyphors) - Good in purpose, happily, happy (Greek);
Ekdiiki (Ekdict) - dropped clothes (Greek);
Ilivan - Sunny, high-pool (Greek);
Eli - Sun (Greek);
John (Ivan) - the grace of God, God pardoned (Heb.);
Joasaf (Asaf, Asaphi, Iosaf) - God gathered, Lord - Judge (Greek);
Heraclius - the hero or hero of the famous; Hercules (Greek);
Isy - quiet, peaceful, calm (Greek);
Candid (Candidium) - brilliant, white, clean (lat.);
Kaesari - Tsarsky; Cesarev (Lat.);
Kirill (Kiril) - Lord, Vladyka, Mr. (Greek); Sun (PERS.);
Kyrion - Gerold, priest, deputy (lat); power, domination (Greek);
Claudius (clally) - chrome, chromone-legged (lat.);
Xanphius (Xanf) - redhead, light-blond, blonde, fiery color (Greek);
Leonthius (Leon) - Lion (Greek);
Lisima - stopping battle (Greek);
Melitone - Honey, delighted with honey, making sweet (Greek);
Mikhail is equal to God, himself like God (Heb.).
Natalia (Natalia) is a native, natural, relevant, christmas (lat.).
Nikolai - winning people (Greek);
Big - old, ancient, old (lat.);
Sakerdon - priest, priest (lat.);
Severian (Nighborne) is strict (lat.);
Sergius (Sergey) - high, respectable (lat.);
Sisini - Star. rare;
Smaragd - Smaragd, Mineral like Malachite; malachite; Emerald (Greek);
Tarasius (Taras) is disturbing, restless, exciting, exciting (Greek);
Wallent (Valentelf) - strong, strong, healthy (lat.);
Waperia (Valery) - strong, strong, vigorous (lat.);
Urpasian - city (Lat.);
Feodul (Fedul, Fedulius) - God's slave, servant of God (Greek);
Ferofil (Fethyl) - god, friend of God (Greek);
Phillatimon - Loving Values, Wealth (Greek);
Flavius \u200b\u200b- Golden, Yellow (Lat.);
Hudison is simple, ordinary, universal (Greek).

Do you know that...

9 (22) Martha Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of 40 Sevastia Martyrs, one of the most distortions of Christian holidays. 40 Sevastia Martyrs - 40 Warriors who took the martyrdom for faith in Christ in 320. These warriors, formerly from Cappadocia (now the territory of Turkey), stood in Sevastia as part of the Roman troops.

The warlord, an ardent supporter of paganism, demanded them to bring the victim to the pagan gods. The warriors responded with refusal, they were stripped for it and put in custody into the lake, covered with ice. For those who were ready to renounce Christ, a warm sauna was arranged on the shore. One of the soldiers on the morning ran there, but he died on the threshold. One Roman joined the standing in the lake.

Learn about the value and characteristics of names

Women's names
Most parents, choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, in addition to other reasons, and its meaning. Consider the origin and the importance of women's popular for today.

Who celebrates the name day in March? What women's I. male names Need to give a newborn? All about the Orthodox holidays of March, we publish in the article!

Name Day in March (how to call boys and girls in March)

Holy Great Martyr Feodor Tiron

1 - Daniel, Ilya, Makar, Nikon, Paul, Porfiry, Julian.

2 - Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Paul, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor, Feodosius.

3 - Anna, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Paul.

4 - Arkhip, Dmitry, Evgeny, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot, Filimon.

5 - Agafon, Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Ion, Leo, Leonte, Luka, Nikolay, Pakhom, Pimen, Savva, Sergey, Sidor, Tit, Tikhon, Fedor, Philipp, Thoma, Yaroslav.

6 - Alexander, George, Grigory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Olga, Pavel, Timofey.

7 - Andrei, Athanasius, Vavil, Varvara, Vladimir, Victor, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Praskovya, Sergey, Stepan, Tit, Fedor, Philipp.

8 - Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Demyan, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolai, Polycarp, Sergey.

9 - Ivan, Hilarion.

10 - Alexander, Anton, Evgeny, Taras, Fedor.

11 - Anna, Ivan, Nikolay, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey.

12 - Makar, Mikhail, Peter, Prokop, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Tit, Julian, Yakov.

13 - Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Kira, Marina, Nestor, Nikolay, Sergey.

14 - Alexander, Alexander, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Veniamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Matrona, Mikhail, Hope, Nestor, Nikifor, Olga, Peter, Sylvester.

15 - Agafon, Arseny, Joseph, Savva, Fedot.

16 - Marfa, Mikhail, Sevastyan.

17 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniel, Paul, Yakov.

18 - Adrian, Georgy, David, Ivan, Iraida, Konstantin, Nikolay, Mark, Fedor, Feofan.

19 - Arkady, Konstantin, Fedor.

20 - Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Evgeny, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Ksenia, Lawrence, Mary, Matrona, Hope, Nestor, Nikolai, Nile, Paul.

21 - Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Feodosius.

22 - Alexander, Alexandra, Alexey, Athanasius, Valentin, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Irakli, Kirill, Leonte, Mikhail, Natalia, Nikolay, Sergey, Taras.

23 - Anastasia, Vasilisa, Victor, Vasilisa, Galina, George, Denis, Dmitry, Cyprian, Claudia, Kondrathy, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nika, Nikifor, Pavel, Feodor.

24 - Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan, Sophon, Feodora.

25 - Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semen, Sergey, Feofan.

26 - Alexander, Grigory, Mikhail, Nikifor, Nikolai, Terente, Christine.

27 - Venedict, Mikhail, Rostislav, Feodosius.

28 - Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Nikandr.

29 - Alexander, Anton, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Pimen, Roman, Trofim, Julian.

30 - Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Paul.

31 - Daniel, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalia, Trofim.

Church Orthodox Holidays in March

Theodore lived at the end of II - early III century. In the city of Alasia on the Black Sea coast and was a warrior, opened by the confessional faith in Christ. In 306, under the emperor gallery, the warlord tried in vain to force Feodorore to bring the victim to the pagan gods. After a long torment, the saint was sentenced to burn at the fire. His body intact with fire was buried in the city of Yukhaita, laterally moved to Tsargrad.

Fifty years after the death of Feodor, the emperor Julian Apostode ordered the Gradnikon Konstantinople to sprinkle in the first week of the Great Post all edible supplies in the markets of pounded blood. The Holy Feodor, appearing in the dream of Archbishop, commanded to declare all Christians so that no one bought anything in the markets, but ate boiled wheat with honey. In memory of this event, the Church annually makes another celebration of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron - on Saturday of the first week of the Great Post.

Holy Martyr Ermogen.

2nd of March The church also remembers. Saint Ermogen lived at the end of the XVI - early XVII century. He was the first Kazan Metropolitan and did a lot to appeal to Christianity local residents. In 1606, Metropolitan Ermogen was elected to the First Protection Department. During the University, when Polish troops captured Moscow, the Patriarch was sent into custody in the miracle monastery. From imprisonment, he turned with the last message to the Russian people, blessed the liberation war against the conquerors. Alive in nine months, the patriarch accepted a martyr's death from hunger. After the liberation of Russia from the invaders, the body of the priest was buried in a miracle monastery, and in 1654 was transferred to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

Holy burgher prince Yaroslav Wise

the 5th of March - Day of memory of the blessed prince Yaroslav Wise. Holy Prince Yaroslav was born in 978 and was the son of Holy Equal-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir. He left about himself the memory of the compilation of the laws of laws Kievan Rus - "Russian truth", which, supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh, became the legal basis of the life of the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav paid a lot of attention to Christian enlightenment, dozens of temples in various cities were built on his order. Worship of the blessed prince Yaroslav Wise as a local devotee began immediately after the presumption in 1054 in the face of the holy prince glorified in 2005 to bless the His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Head of St. Prophet John Forerunner

First (IV) and second (452) acquirement of the head of John the Forerunner.
Liturgy of paid gifts.

Farmear of the Forerunner, Glas 4: From the Earth Handing, the predichene chapter / rays eats the nonsense of faithful healing, / over collects many angel, / the same convenes the human genus // unanimous thanks to the glory of God to God. Kondak Forerunner, voice 2: The prophetic of God and the forerunner of grace, / chapter, Yako ships sacred, from the land of Obreth, / Healing is always acceptable, / for Paki, Pakzkin before, // in the world preaching repentance. Forerunners: Major, / Baptist Savior John, / And Wearing VSI / Honest Vody Chapter // Observing.

A special school of prayer is the temple prayer. Need to raise yourself in striving to understand what is pronounced in the temple. But even if we are thinking from prayer to the weakness of your imagination, it's still being in the temple, in a fertile atmosphere of prayer of other people, we are under constant influence of Divine Grace. That is why prayer in the temple has a special meaning, meaning and strength, for where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matt. 18, 20). Post and prayer are the great means of elevation of the soul, overcoming sins, changes in the internal state of the person. In the Great Post, it is especially necessary to use these funds to help themselves to change their inner world to be closer to God.

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