How to properly invest in investment companies. Where to invest without risk. Endowment life insurance

Dacha 20.05.2021
    • 1. Put money on deposit
    • 2. Investment in real estate
    • 3. Investing in mutual funds
    • 4. P2P lending
    • 5. Investing in someone else's business
    • 6. Investing money in your own business
    • 7. Investment in precious metals
    • 8 how investment in art works
    • 9. Investing in venture funds
    • 10. Investing in cryptocurrency
    • 11. Investing in applications for phones (iOS, Android)
    • 12. Investing in groups, publics in social networks
    • 15. Purchase of a payment terminal
    • 16. Investing in yourself
    • Method number 1. Acquisition of shares
    • Method number 2. Microcrediting in Webmoney
    • Method number 3. Investing in web projects (sites, portals, services, etc.)
    • Method number 4. Investing in PAMM accounts
    • Method number 5. Earnings at dachas and summer cottages(Editor's Choice)
    • Expert advice # 1. Commercial bank deposit
    • Expert Advice # 2. The attachment Money in real estate
    • Expert Advice # 3. Foreign exchange investments
    • Expert Advice # 4. Investing in your own online business
    • Expert tip # 5
  • 4. Where money is better not to invest - recommendations
  • 5. Conclusion

Economists' forecasts for 2019 (the 20th most likely too) are becoming less and less reassuring. The catastrophic collapse of the ruble, irrational leaps in lending rates in banks, the tense atmosphere in the stock market - all this gloomy news makes every Russian think seriously.

Everyone thinks about the same thing: how to avoid annoying financial losses, what and where to invest your money in order to earn, keep, or at least not lose, in order to receive monthly income and so that the wave of financial cataclysm does not completely absorb the money, as well as what purchases should be abstained from today, etc.?

But first you need to recharge. optimistic ... Just think about the fact that, unlike millions of other people, you have free capital today. This means that you did everything right before, and you have a chance to get out of this situation well. The main thing- choose the most justifiable investment instruments.

What if you want to invest and earn money, but you don’t have any money. To do this, we wrote an article - where we also described what to do if banks and microloans refuse to give you money.

Read about ways to invest money in order to preserve and increase below. There you will also find expert advice on where to invest during and after the crisis.

1. Where to invest so as not to lose - 15 ways to preserve capital

Each of the following ways of investing money is characterized by a greater or lesser share of risks. And at the same time, under favorable conditions, each of them is able to provide liquidity and profitability to your capital.

Let us consider in detail financial instruments and their capabilities, where you can invest money today in order to consistently receive monthly income.

1. Put money on deposit

This method is hardly more profitable than saving money at home "under the pillow." It is hardly worth considering for a serious investor. It is reasonable to use a bank deposit only as a "transit" point on the path of capital movement into more solid financial instruments.

1.1 Bank deposit

Investing money in a bank deposit is not the best way to increase capital, it can rather be attributed to a way to preserve your money.

Any economist will doubt the reliability " airbags »Bank deposit. Indeed, in the event of an urgent withdrawal of money, you can lose all the accrued interest. It is generally difficult for banks to part with dollar deposits.

If you want to entrust money to a financial and credit institution for a while, then the most optimal solution would be to distribute 1,400,000 rubles to various banks. Such a volume of deposits will allow you to reliably insure your capital in case of ruin of any of your chosen financial institutions.

In which banks is it better to invest money at interest?

When deciding which bank to invest money in and where to open a deposit account, get acquainted with TOP 10 leading banks in the country, pay attention to their reliability rating. It is good if the state is the co-owner of the financial institution. It is unlikely that it is interested in the termination of the activities of their own banks. These include, for example, such "bison" of the Russian financial market, such as Rosselkhozbank, Sberbank, VTB and some others.

We present the TOP-5 banks in which you can safely invest your money at interest

  1. Bank "Sberbank"
  2. Bank "Rosselkhozbank"
  3. Bank "VTB24"
  4. Bank "Gazprombank"
  5. Bank "Alfa-Bank"

1.2 Deposit on an individual investment account

A much more profitable investment instrument is federal loan bonds, here there are two options, the first is a deposit at 13% excluding inflation, or at 2%, but with inflation compensation. I talk about this tool in more detail in my author's online passive income marathon. Now you can watch it for free simply by registering here.

2. Investments in real estate

There is a misconception that in order to start making money on real estate, you need to have a large start-up capital. In fact, there are several options to get all the benefits of investing in real estate having at your disposal a small amount from 200 to 1 million rubles:

  1. Using the principle of leverage and good debt
  2. Participating in a co-investment project when a group of investors jointly buys some tasty asset

One of the principles of investing that Kiyosaki constantly talks about is the use of good debt and leverage. The bottom line is that you use only part of your money to buy, and you take the rest from the bank at a certain percentage.

For example, you have 1 million rubles that you are ready to invest in real estate, consider two options:

You buy a small studio apartment in a new building in a provincial town for cash. When a new building is commissioned (about 1.5 years after the foundation pit), it usually rises in price by about 20-30%, that is, in fact, you will receive a profitability of about 1.5 - 2 times higher than the banking one.

Option number 2 - you take 1 million rubles and buy 3 apartments using leverage (mortgage). For each apartment you pay an initial payment of 10% and the rest is paid by the bank. While the new building is being built, you pay interest on the mortgage - about 10,000 - 15,000 for each apartment or 30 - 45,000 per month for a loan, then at the final stage, exit the transaction - with this scheme, the profitability rises to 60 - 100 per annum.

Real case on profitable real estate:

Acquisition of real estate at the stage of closed sales

A real example of one of our investor Nikolai Mrochkovsky - he bought an apartment in a new building in the town of Gorodets in the Nizhny Novgorod region at an early stage on closed sales for 975,000 rubles, after 6 months he also sold it at an intermediate stage through a developer company for 1.3 million) profit amounted to 325 thousand rubles for 6 months of investment, or 33% in just 6 months.

But such projects usually do not appear in open access; it is better to look for them at closed meetings and in investor clubs.

Investing in real estate with parent capital

Investing in real estate in 2019

During the collapse of the ruble, square meters become much more accessible. However, this investment instrument requires a professional approach.

In 2019, we recommend considering real estate investment strategies that are focused on obtaining a stable cash flow, rather than relying on an increase in property value.There is a high probability that the price tag for sale will be low for a long time, and many new buildings are at risk of becoming unfinished

Investing in real estate will almost always preserve your investment, and with a competent approach to investing in real estate, it will increase your investment

Real estate investment options with stable rental income

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If you are going in the future make a profit by renting out housing, then it is most rational to buy several apartments now in a new single building or a tenement house. The rental price will be increased by such factors as the location of housing near the metro or railway station, the developed infrastructure of the area, the presence of large enterprises, airports, etc.

By investing in real estate for rent, you can consistently receive a monthly income. (This can include both commercial real estate (renting out commercial premises, warehouse, office, etc.) and residential (cottage (house), apartment, room, etc.))

It is advisable to carry out investment activities with real estate in the very apogee of the crisis. Determine the moment when the economic recession reaches the bottom, can only be a true pro. Therefore, enlist the support of such a specialist. He will provide you with the best purchase.

3. Investing in mutual funds

The essence of this contribution is as follows: you entrust your capital to a fund, where it is managed by a team of professionals. You pay for the activities of your money managers and you yourself are responsible for it. But for all that, it is a fairly stable source of average income.

It is important to choose a mutual fund with the most popular securities and hope that the market is not "stormy" from strong fluctuations. According to statistics, after the previous crisis, solid mutual funds managed to return money to investors only after 4-5 years. The most persistent of them were able to accumulate up to 40 % arrived. (What is a mutual fund, as well as about other ways of investing money in order to make a profit)

A significant advantage of this investment method is the ability to withdraw your capital or its share at any time.

4. P2P lending

We are talking about the so-called social loan, when ordinary citizens act as lenders and borrowers. The monthly return on such equitable lending can be as high as 50 % ... Your clients will be ready to conclude insured deals with you at one and a half percent per day.

True, the system that provides a platform for such microloans takes half of your every interest. However, you will have your 0.70% per day stably. And after some time, having withdrawn your deposit, you can already make money on profits.

5. Investing in someone else's business

Investing money in someone else's company is always a risk, especially in times of crisis. After all, it is not easy, as some believe, "put in - and forget", and the interest "drips" by itself. To get profit, you need to be on 100 % confident in people you trust with your savings.

In Russia, such "numbers" are rare. Any business with us requires personal involvement. If you still decide to invest in someone else's company, do not part with all your money at once - limit yourself to some part.

6. Investing money in your own business

Small-scale business is the surest way to increase investment in times of crisis. Of course, at the very beginning, you cannot avoid meeting with risks. However, having crossed the starting line, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

It is clear that it is hardly worth counting on something grandiose against the background of the fading banking activity and wage arrears. However, being passionate about something interesting and overcoming difficulties on the way to success guarantee moral satisfaction. (you will find business ideas with minimal investment, what kind of business you can start at home, etc.)

Business investment is an excellent investment in order to generate monthly income. See the picture for recommendations on where to start starting a business.

Well-promoted business is a reliable financial instrument where you can now invest money in order to receive monthly income, since it is the business that will not only generate stable income, but over time it will provide funds for investing in other financial instruments.

  1. Try to find your niche in the market with minimum amount competitors. Do not rush into the "pool" inhabited by "alien devils".
  2. Follow the beaten path: use ready-made models and business schemes - you will get fewer bumps.
  3. It is best to start with the sale of services, especially if there is not enough money to purchase goods.
  4. Try to do without bank lending.
  5. Do not be afraid to start: it is not the gods of the firm that open.

7. Investment in precious metals

This is a proven way to save and increase your savings. Metals used to make jewelry are considered precious. Such valuable raw materials include palladium, platinum, silver, gold ... They are too tough for inflation, therefore they are always in favor with far-sighted people.

There are several ways to acquire precious metals:

  • Buying bars in banks ( keep in mind that you will have to pay 13 percent tax if they are sold (after 3 years, no property (gold) sale tax is levied)).
  • Purchase of coins from these metals (you can use the services of Sberbank - the main supplier of such products). Unfortunately, the value of the coins was initially greatly overstated in relation to the value of the precious metals from which it is made.
  • Purchase of art and antiques from precious metals.
  • Purchase on stock exchanges securities backed by gold.
  • Creation of an impersonal metal account. In such an account, metals act as currency. At the same time, the person who opened a metal account actually does not have any metals on his hands. This convention is a huge plus: there is no need to keep valuables. Income from a virtual product is possible when metal prices begin to rise.

The profitability of this method of investing money is also not very high. In fact, no one will give you gold in your hands

8. How investment in art works

This reliable type of investment is far from being liquid for everyone. First of all, you should be well versed in art. Then the profit from these investments can simply go off scale. One painting masterpiece or one marble figurine can generate hundreds of percent of income.

It is clear that the value of brilliant creations is not threatened by any financial cataclysms. However, finding their true connoisseurs is, oh, how difficult it is. Practice shows that by buying a true work of art, you can save one hundred percent money in times of trouble. But, as a rule, only 4 masterpieces out of 10 manages to sell.

9. Investing in venture funds

Investing in startups- innovative projects or enterprises - a business, as profitable as it is risky. We are talking about the introduction into production of previously unused technical know-how. Statistics show that only 2 % enterprises justify such an investment. But the profit from them, as a rule, outweighs the rest. 7-8 % unsuccessful investment objects.

The contribution can be made not only with real money, but also with the promised amounts (commits). Profits should be expected in 3-7 years, until the financially sponsored companies are on their feet. Small businesses established in high-tech production areas have the greatest chances in this matter.

10. Investing in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Is a new electronic means of payment that has come into practice on the threshold of the new millennium. Differs in a high level of protection. Bitcoin became the pioneer, followed by the other 150 of its "clones".

Today, cryptocurrencies are becoming real competitors to the usual money and significantly affect the world economy. EBay and Amazon are already working with cryptocurrencies.

Of course, like any innovation, cryptocurrencies do not yet have a wide distribution sphere. However, many experts believe that they are the future. Their main argument is the complete impossibility of inflation of a new type of money.

11. Investing in applications for phones (iOS, Android)

The most profitable business- Profiting from applications that can provide real help. It is equally profitable to invest in applications that aggregate useful information on a specific topic.

Also noteworthy are free applications, the distinctive feature of which is the sale of something.

12. Investing in groups, publics in social networks

Publics in social networks Is one of the most common online messages today. Some try to make money on public pages, although this is a rather risky business - since there are a lot of scammers and schoolchildren in this field who come for easy money

The main thing is to be a mega-active performer. If you are one of those, you are guaranteed success. This activity does not require special investments. It is enough just to fork out a little at the initial stage. And in the future, the number of subscribers can be increased through exchanges.

A large role in this matter is assigned to the content of the public, or rather, its quality. You need to be able to choose a topic that is interesting to a wide audience. The relevance of the topic will attract a lot of advertisers. The most popular and maximally monetized are publics that touch on the problems of money, success, and gender relations.

On the basis of such a popular public, it is quite possible to establish a profitable sales channel. The main thing is that the products sold are not very expensive and intended for a mass user.

15. Purchase of a payment terminal

Payment terminals currently serve millions of people. The range of options for these software systems is constantly expanding. Using them involves a fairly high commission. Having bought several such devices, you will burden yourself with only one concern - to take money out of them on time.

16. Investing in yourself

Finally, let's talk about the main thing - investing in our own development. It's not just important. This is the starting point for any business success.

Do not spare money on Smart books, useful seminars, efficient trainings, valuable information products, especially courses on investing and making money ... They will become your landmarks in the ocean of money flows and investment whirlpools. They will teach you how to avoid pitfalls and avoid shallows. With their help, you can quickly filter out unnecessary, ineffective earning methods.

The capital acquired in this way will always be with you. Under no circumstances can anyone take it away from you. He is not threatened by any force majeure, any crises. This is the lowest cost and at the same time the most profitable type of investment. After all, it is not just risk-free - it is anti-risk. Any investor can only dream of such a combination.

Without self-development, building an investment business is doomed to failure. Investing in yourself is a powerful generator of ideas and a unique catalyst for success.

Before deciding where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee, you need to understand that such an investment is a difficult task, since a guarantee implies low investment risks. The activity itself (investing) is a risky business, therefore, in any case, where high profitability (high percentages) are present and high risks.

2. Where can you invest money to make money - 4 ways to profitably invest money

A fatal mistake is an unforgivable luxury for an investor. Especially in times of crisis. Therefore, experienced financiers know: a reasonable investment has nothing to do with what the people call "fever".

And one more taboo of an investor: he never reacts to the revelations of some unknown "trader-investor" Vasya Pupkin, accidentally found on the Internet.

Basic rules for breaking even investment

  1. Until you have experience, use only free funds for deposits.... This does not include money borrowed from someone, bank loans. Investing is always risky. Don't deprive yourself of your last penny.
  2. Don't invest with your last money
  3. Take care of passive income by regularly setting aside a portion of your salary.
  4. Keep in mind "easy" money (won or inherited) tends to leave just as easily: you do not mind it, it is not earned. With them, you will need to be especially restrained.
  5. Do not deviate from your investment plan.
  6. Study each niche of your investments carefully based on the advice of competent people who have achieved real results and sincerely wish you success.
  7. Start learning investing right now, just like when you studied art or physics at school, most people remain poor only because knowledge determines success in any business - especially investing.

Let's consider the main ways where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee.

Investment is a risky investment in order to generate income. Therefore, no one will ever give a guarantee that you will receive income from your investment. Each type of investment has its own risks, in some the risks are large, in others less.

Method number 1. Acquisition of shares

Buying securities can be a source of stable income. After all, having become a shareholder of a reputable company, you can count on regular dividends. But this investment tool needs to be mastered thoroughly. One cannot rely only on luck, although in the history of the stock market there have certainly been cases when the price of shares has “skyrocketed” dozens of times over the course of several years.

However, more often there are unpublished stories with the loss of all capital investments. In order not to go broke, it makes sense to entrust the management of your savings to a professional trader with a credible track record of profitability.

Method number 2. Microcrediting in Webmoney

This payment service provides an excellent opportunity to make money on microloans. You can determine the amount of the borrowed amount and interest yourself. However, it will not be easy to return a loan from an Internet scammer.

So the risks of such online investing are quite high. Experts recommend acquiring a large clientele and giving out small amounts. And you can check the absence of claims against the virtual borrower using his account.

Method number 3. Investing in web projects (sites, portals, services, etc.)

The advantages of Internet investments include the following:

  • the admissibility of their small volume;
  • quick response;
  • high level of profitability;
  • the ability to scale the business without the threat of serious risks.

Now let's consider the features of various types of investing in sites:

1. Investment of funds for CPA-affiliate programs

The essence of this method is that you receive your reward for a certain action on the site, namely: registration in the game, product purchase, tour request, credit card processing... Such affiliate programs are necessary for the promotion of any selling resource. Moreover, each affiliate program solves its specific task.

For example, you are tasked with creating a bank card landing web page. You describe several offers and then give affiliate links. If the application of the user of your page is approved by the bank, you are entitled to a remuneration, say, 1,500 rubles (payment for each application is determined by the conditions of work in a particular bank).

The only difficulty here is to catch up with traffic. However, if your efforts have taken effect, such affiliate programs can be very profitable.

2. Investing money in MFA sites

This time it comes about resources aimed at generating income from contextual advertising. You will hardly get a super-large gain from this type of earnings. However, it has one very big advantage - the ability to install an ad unit on the site almost immediately. (For example, Adsense blocks or YAN blocks (Yandex Advertising Network))

This means that the site will start making money almost from the first day of its existence. The level of profitability is largely determined by the topic of the site.

For example, a popular medical portal can bring from 15,000 rubles in monthly income (with an average traffic of 1,500 users per day).

It all depends on the ability to monetize traffic on the site. The most profitable sites for payments in contextual advertising are sites for financial, construction, etc. subject.

For example, the average financial "trust" site can generate income every month in the amount of 10 - 30 thousand rubles on link sales.

True, at the current stage of development of search engine robots, the income from this type of investment has dropped significantly for many. Some even stopped betting on it, having analyzed the unprofitable dynamics of income.

The main disadvantage of such monetization - after it, the site can be confidently written off to the scrap, since search engines can impose sanctions on web resources and then the traffic to the project will fall, respectively, and the income from the sale of links too. If the site earns by this "unclean" method, you will not see a lot of traffic for "clean" methods of income (contextual, banner advertising, etc.).

Method number 4. Investing in PAMM accounts

This type of investment in Forex is becoming more and more attractive today. The amount of the deposit may be limited to just 500 rubles, which contributes to the growing popularity of PAMM. The mechanism of this method of investment is to transfer money savings to the management of a professional trader. This virtually eliminates non-trading risks. (We recommend reading in - How to trade on the Forex market, where to start playing on the Forex exchange)

The guarantee of the safety of the investor's interests is the presence of the manager's capital on the PAMM-account. The latter is only allowed to make transactions on the account without withdrawing the principal's money from it. The depositor can always follow the course of transactions online or view the history of their execution.

Big plus PAMM investing is a contributor's opportunity fully dispose of their funds , entering and withdrawing them at your own discretion. An investor can also diversify his money by placing on PAMM accounts of various traders. You can also make trading operations yourself, copying the deals of experienced traders.

Method number 5. Earnings in summer cottages and summer cottages (editor's choice)

Dachas are one of the most undervalued markets today and here's why:

  1. Now it has become fashionable and profitable to have a rest in Russia again.
  2. You can now register at the dachas
  3. You can live in dachas all year round and connect all the necessary communications
  4. Transport accessibility in big cities has grown significantly
  5. The dacha market has not yet won back the new conditions and there is practically no competition on it, while there are more and more people who want to buy a house for a weekend or for a vacation every day.

Watch a lesson from our expert - Anton Murygin, who specializes in this special type of real estate:

3. Where to invest to get monthly income - 5 expert tips where to invest money

2020 in Russia promises to be years of testing for all citizens, including investors. So that it does not become ruinous for you, experts unanimously urge you not to keep your savings at home. In a year, they can depreciate by 10-15 % , or even higher.

You should also follow the forecasts of specialists and the advice of experts in various sectors of the economy and, of course, rely on your sixth sense.

Where is it more profitable to invest money now? What investment recommendations do experts give in 2019? In what areas of investment now, in their opinion, are the minimum risks for the placement of funds? Where to invest to get monthly income?

Expert advice # 1. Commercial bank deposit

This financial instrument, which is popular among our compatriots, is recommended to use, first of all, for those who do not seek to increase their capital, but only to protect it from depreciation.

It is expected that in the 2020s, the inflation rate in the country will reach 13% - 15% (the Ministry of Economic Development predicts inflation at 5-7%, but it all depends on the state of the economy and we can safely assume that inflation will reach the aforementioned 13-15 percent) ... Meanwhile, the interest on deposits in national currency averages 10-13%. Thus, interest payments in banks should cover the cheapening of money.

However, when giving your savings to banks, you need to take into account two important points:

1 . When choosing a deposit program, give preference to the most reputable and stable financial and credit institutions. Today, the first positions in the reliability rating are occupied by such large financial institutions as Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, FC Otkritie and Rosselkhozbank.

2 . Before opening a deposit with a financial institution, you need to clarify whether it is a member state deposit insurance programs... If you receive an affirmative answer, you can open an account without fear, depositing up to 1,400,000 rubles : such a deposit is considered insured, and, in case the bank loses the license, it will be guaranteed to be returned.

Expert Advice # 2. Investment of funds in real estate

Experts reasonably believe that investment in residential buildings in 2019 is a long-term investment. Now, many industries have already begun to win back the sharp jumps in the rate and prices have pulled up, real estate is still holding, and many developers and private owners give good discounts.

But if you know how to wait, then such a use of your money will be optimal. In a couple of years, prices will rise again, and you will be the owner of a decent profit.

Experts give the following instructions regarding the choice of investment objects:

  • Don't invest now (buy) commercial real estate.
  • It is advisable to purchase housing in small, but promising cities: it is they who will become the "first swallows" in terms of rapid development in the post-crisis period.
  • The ideal option is to acquire one- and two-room apartments: they are easy to rent out even in times of crisis; moreover, they are considered the most liquid type of real estate.
  • To successfully sell a home after the crisis is over, it is often necessary repair it, take care of finishing work, which will give the room an imposing and respectable look.
  • Reputable investors can consider proposals in foreign real estate markets. Today there is a rise in prices in the markets PRC, Thailand, Morocco, Brazil, Malaysia... Moreover the cost of housing in these countries is not much higher than in the Russian market.
  • If you do not feel confident enough in this area, hire a pro and pay him well. The financial assistant will warn you against many risks, obtain valuable information for you about promising construction projects located in residential neighborhoods. You will definitely not go wrong with this advisor.

Expert Advice # 3. Foreign exchange investments

This type of investment is considered a worldwide recognized way of income in a crisis economy. Experienced depositors can make a good income in a few weeks by transferring money from one currency to another. (We recommend reading -)

However, foreign exchange investors need to take note of the following information:

  1. Those who are willing to take risks can make traditional deposits in dollars and euros: the value of these currencies will change depending on fluctuations in oil prices and the alignment in the world political arena. The main thing is to keep track of forecasts when concluding contracts.
  2. A more conservative group of depositors it is necessary to give preference to more stable currencies - the Swiss franc, Chinese yuan or pound sterling.
  3. The acquisition is considered promising now euros and dollars for the purpose of selling them in next year when an increase in market value is expected.

Expert Advice # 4. Investing in your own online business

The most profitable business in the context of current economic problems is conquest of virtual space . The production of goods, as well as the provision of services, are extremely risky ventures in today's real market. Therefore, experts advise to invest (invest) money in Internet projects.

Your own Internet project can be created in various ways:

  • in the form of an online store selling consumer goods;
  • in the form of a personal blog or forum providing users with paid services or consultations;
  • in the form of an information portal that allows you to place ads and advertising banners of third-party organizations and individuals for a fee.

It is best to order a website and its promotion for IT specialists, and then constantly fill it with high-quality content and relevant offers. Unlimited network activity by territorial and time frames is the best prerequisite for its profitability.

A fairly lucrative option is investing in profitable cars.

Other options for smart investments in 2019, according to experts, are:

  • investments in PAMM accounts;
  • own foreign exchange reserves
  • investments in blue-chip stocks and bonds;
  • but we emphasize that real estate remains the most stable and interesting

These are typical pyramids like the infamous MMM. Crazy profits - up to 3% of profits - are shining here only for their creators. The lifespan of such a pyramid is from a year to a couple of months.

Another continuous gamble is online casino... No one has yet managed to win big money in it, but it is quite possible to drain all the capital. The fraudulent scheme of an online game is based on the inability of a gambler to stop in time.

If you are not in control of yourself, it is better not to have anything to do with either real or virtual rogues. Don't be tempted by "free cheese": the pursuit always ends with the click of the mousetrap door.

All or Nothing - Binary Options

This is sometimes called binary options. This investment tool either gives a fixed amount of profit, or gives nothing. It all depends on the fulfillment by its participant of a certain condition at a certain time. Here you can acquire huge capital, or you can lose it.

If you are not versed in the marketing topic, then fortune is unlikely to smile at you here. Only the “aces” of the currency sphere, who are able to predetermine the potential risks of a transaction, feel like a fish in water on a binary option. What are binary options and how to make money on them read in.

Binary options are a high-risk financial instrument, but where there is high risk - high profits

If you still want to try yourself in binary options trading, we recommend choosing a reliable broker that has been providing its services for many years. For example, this could include a company IQoption.

5. Conclusion

So, you have learned about the most popular investment methods during the crisis and got acquainted with the opinions of authoritative experts on this matter. Now it's up to you. After all, it is up to you and only you to decide where to invest your money (your acquired capital). The burden of responsibility for the decision will also fall on you.

Perhaps the choice of objects for investment in this moment not as wide as many would like. Moreover, the situation in the country is so unpredictable that all forecasts are very relative. Therefore, you need to keep your eyes open and be able to quickly rebuild. The main thing to understand is: a crisis- it's not forever. Look forward with confidence and stay in mind.

Finally, we recall « Golden Rule» investing: never use your last money as an investment.

Smart investments are the way to a secured future, in which there are no debts, no property pledges, or heavy loans. It remains only to be smart about the question "where to invest so as not to lose." After all, the primary task is not to lose, and only then - to earn. I wish you success, luck and patience!

Although most people would like their funds to generate income, only a small percentage decide to invest them, fearing any difficulties and restrictions.

Anyone can become an investor and receive, even having an amount of 500-1000 rubles, since there are assets where you can invest a little money.

To help novice investors, below will be presented options for where to invest a little money so that they work, the specifics and pitfalls with various earning assets, as well as a number of recommendations on the topic.

Here you will find real investment options for small amounts that are suitable for people with almost any income.

What does a small amount mean

According to Rosstat, the average salary in Russia is just over 45 thousand rubles. Of course, it varies significantly depending on the region and in fact fluctuates on average. from 20 to 50 thousand... Almost everyone can save 10% of their income, thus having 2-5 thousand rubles per month.

But it is important that the amount that you set aside to earn money in the market was not to the detriment of your financial situation. Roughly speaking, you do not need to save on food and eat doshirakas in order to buy a couple and wait for the payment of dividends on them.

V modern conditions even a thousand rubles can be an excellent start for earning money and increasing capital.

Money makes money.

This is a favorite phrase of all investors and traders.

For earnings, this amount is not large, but it may seem so only at first glance. In fact, investing only 3,000 rubles a month and receiving from them an average of 1.5% per month or 18% per year, in 10 years the investor will have a million rubles on his account, and in 20 years - already 7 million.

The secret to the growth of profitability in this case is the efficiency of the use of which grows along with the investment period.

Of course, in some cases it makes sense to invest a little more in order to earn more tangible profits: for example, 15-20 thousand rubles postponed for several months. Consider specific options for where you can invest a small amount of money and what potential such investments may have.

Now let's give one real example.... Let's take the amount of investment in 2000 rubles, which all citizens of a country with average earnings can afford. We open a brokerage account with an average yield of 25%, which, according to statistics, is inherent in earnings in the stock market. Let's take 2% yield per month.

Let's imagine that over the course of 20 years we will replenish this account with 2,000 rubles. And after this period, the account will already have 11,800,000 rubles! It's hard to even imagine such a sum. But it's real! It all started with this small amount of 2,000 rubles.

20 years may show a lot for someone, but even if you are 40 years old, then you probably already understand that at 60 you will not give up that kind of money and it will be very useful to you.

Where to invest small amounts of money

There are many options for multiplying money. And everyone can choose the one that suits them based on the amounts, risks and potential incomes. Below we will analyze the most proven and popular ones.

There are specialized services that allow startups to find funds to implement their projects, and investors can profitably invest their money, helping to develop other people's ideas. Such sites are called.

On them, the investor can evaluate the proposed investment options, the expected timing and profitability, and then choose the most suitable one for himself. We can mention Napartner, Planeta, Startupnetwork and others.

The Napartner platform features many projects at different stages: idea, prototype, start-up and expansion. The startup organizer indicates the essence of his business, the required amount of investment, the percentage of profit that the project investor will receive in the future, as well as the estimated payback period.

Amounts and terms can be very different, depending on the type of business, and the future share of the investor, as a rule, varies from 10% to 80% future profits. For example, a startup is looking for 6 million rubles to open an Internet hypermarket of building materials. In the future, the investor will receive 30% of net profit with a payback period of only 1 year. As you can see, there are options where it is profitable to invest a little money.

At the same time, it is profitable to invest a small amount of money, becoming a full-fledged sponsor of a separate project on the resource, it can be difficult, since the number of cheap startups on it is small. Now the most affordable of them requires an amount of $ 1,350.

However, a huge plus of such services lies in the availability of joint investment opportunities - even in the largest and most expensive one, you can invest any amount, becoming one of the many investors, between whom the profit will subsequently be divided.

Thus, you can invest in an expensive large-scale project even if you have $ 100.


When choosing high-yield bonds, you need to remember about the very real probability of default on them, which is why you should pay attention to large issuers with a good reputation and stable financial position.

Corporate debt securities are not as reliable as government bonds, but they are one of the most balanced options for where you can invest small money in terms of the ratio of profitability and risk.

An example is the bond issue Mechel 17 about... The corporation offers holders a coupon at the level of 10.38%, paid every six months. At the same time, a really small amount of money can be invested in securities, since the lot size for them is one bond, and the par value is only 350 rubles.

The market price for them practically corresponds to the face value, which allows you to start investing with an amount of even less than 500 rubles, and this is a fairly reliable option where you can profitably invest a small amount of money.

It should be borne in mind that in Russia, private investors will have to pay personal income tax from all income received on corporate bonds.

Private lending (P2P lending)

A risky, but quite attractive option for where it is profitable to invest small money is considered P2P lending, or the issuance of loans to individuals.

You can turn borrowing into a regular investment activity. For this, there are various services, one of the most famous of which is WebMoney and its credit exchange.

In order to use this service, you need to confirm your identity with a personal certificate of the service, which reduces, but does not exclude, the risks of fraud and non-return.

Of course, lending from individuals is more expensive than from banks, which allows an investor on the Webmoney credit exchange to receive income from their investments per month, equal to the interest on bank deposits for 2-3 years.

At the same time, it is quite possible to start investing with $ 100 on the account.

Thus, investing relatively small amounts, you can count on a potential income of 100 percent or more per year.

However, this is possible only in theory, since in practice the share of defaults in the total amount of debts reduces profits to 50%. Of course, there are risks everywhere and this is not a reason not to do it.

Digital options

This way of investing money is considered trading rather than investing. However, digital (binary) options are still one of the options for where to invest a small amount of money with a lack of funds for more serious investments.

The attractiveness lies in the high profit - from 70% in just 10-15 minutes.


Investing money in sites implies active income, not passive, since the site needs to be managed, new content added or advertised.

Even if you want to do any service or paid service, you need to constantly monitor your performance and attract new customers.

If we talk about small investments, then this means that you will need to add content to the site yourself and spend a lot of time promoting it, for example, publishing links to your site on forums and social networks.

But there are also simpler ways - for example, buy a ready-made website and add ads to it. Google adsense, and then passively receive profit from advertising.

You can choose and buy a site on the largest exchange But even for this, you need to understand a little about the site's indicators in order to distinguish a profitable and promising project from a loss-making one.

Profitable sites sell for various reasons - urgently need money for a new project, another more profitable; a person is engaged in creating websites and selling them; the main work of the current owner does not leave time for the development of the site; the site is just tired of the owner and there is no desire to deal with it, it also happens.

Some people just buy websites. The payback rate of the project is up to 8 thousand dollars in about a year or two. The more expensive the site is, the longer the payback period.

Investing small money in currency

This way of investing is a bit similar to the classic trading on.

The purchase of currency can be carried out both with the help of banks familiar to us, and in the terminals of specialized brokers. The largest are those - which have been on the market for almost two decades.

Let's take a look at the example of a popular and well-known currency pair. By the way, remember that famous collapse of the ruble, when the dollar rate rose from 30 rubles to 70? Many have made money on this, especially since the dollar rate has been growing for quite a long time. Those who were able to invest in time, even if small money, made good money. And in the world, such fluctuations occur constantly.

Wherever you invest money, you always find out how it works, what it can bring. It's the same with currencies. It is necessary to analyze the market situation before investing even small amounts in 500-1000 rubles... If everything is done correctly, then this thousand can multiply with just one transaction.

For example, here is the result of one of our GBP / NZD trades with a broker in just one day:

At first, you can invest in the so-called safe-haven assets - the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. The latter is one of the most stable at all. This is a kind of analogue of gold in the foreign exchange market.

Many professional and large traders do not open deals every day, but wait for a good moment and open positions for a month or more. This is more like investing, not trading. And the profit is also high here.

Someone else's business

Someone else's business is a rather risky, but at the same time a very promising option for investing small money in order for it to work.

An advantageous difference from your own business in this case is the absence of the need to constantly spend your time, as well as a lower entry threshold.

There are several options for such investments:

  1. Stock... Equity securities allow you to participate in management joint stock company, and also give the right to receive part of its profits.
  2. Loan agreement with the founder... In this case, the return of the debt will not legally depend on the success of the business, and the amount of profit will be agreed in advance as a percentage of the amount owed.
  3. Investments in business development as an investor... This can include startups, but in addition to them, you can invest in the development of a ready-made business, for example, in the opening of new directions or points.

Investments in a ready-made business not through a stock exchange and brokers will always go through an individual path. These can be contracts, the acquisition of shares outside the exchange, all sorts of agreements.

Just think, maybe there are people in your environment who work for a good company, where you could invest money. You just need to make an offer and start negotiations.

The disadvantage of such methods is the increased risks.

Bank deposit

The bank is the most proven, reliable and less risky way where you can invest small amounts of money. Its essence lies in the fact that you conclude an agreement with the bank, within the framework of which it not only stores your money, but also calculates profit on them in the form of interest. It can be obtained after the expiration of the contract.

At the same time, you can invest money at interest, starting with almost any amount.

Well, the bank uses this money in its financial transactions and trading in the market in order to get more profit from additional funds.

The guarantee that you will receive your money is compulsory insurance of deposits in the amount up to 1.4 million rubles... Roughly speaking, if your deposit is just not more than this amount, then the bank will pay it to you anyway, even if it goes bankrupt. Refunds in this case are at the expense of the state.

Naturally than more money, the higher the profit. But seasoned pros advise "don't keep all your eggs in one basket." - this is one of the basic rules of successful investment, which we will talk about later. Therefore, divide the amount of your deposit into several banks within the insurance.

If we talk about classic time deposits, then for most of them the minimum threshold is an amount of 5-20 thousand. However, there are proposals from relatively small banks that allow opening a full-fledged deposit even from 1000 rubles: for example, MTS Bank offers a deposit MTS Profitable, and Textbank - Profitable +.

In addition, there is such a product as a savings account, the minimum amount for opening which is only 1 ruble. Services for its provision are offered even by such giants of the industry as Otkrytie - on this account, customers are charged 6,17% annual. This may not be a lot, but you've already seen what compound interest is capable of.


Federal bonds are considered a highly reliable asset, so there is a wide choice of options, since the investor does not have to discard proposals with a high level of risk.

There are various types of securities on the market, however, federal loan bonds with constant income are in the greatest demand for obtaining a stable profit. The coupon for such instruments is set at issue and remains unchanged until maturity, which allows you to calculate your future income.

As an example, consider OFZ-PD 25083 with a fixed coupon equal to 7% from par. The positive thing is that payments on it are made twice a year, which allows you to reinvest more often or just spend the profit you receive.

The par value of the security is one thousand rubles, however, due to the decrease in the Central Bank rates, there has recently been a general increase in interest in OFZs, which is why the bond is now traded with a margin of 2,4% from par. Accordingly, it can be purchased for 1,024 rubles and a guaranteed 70 rubles of profit will be received in a year.

Federal loan bonds are not traded in lots, due to which you can invest small amounts of money in them by buying one or more securities.

A significant advantage of investing in OFZs is considered to be the exemption of the investor from paying tax on the coupon income received. Corporate bonds are deprived of this preference, which somewhat reduces their real yield.

Despite the availability of investments and profitability, the OFZ profit does not suit everyone.


When you buy SPDR stock, you buy a basket of 500 companies. If you bought these shares separately, you would need a lot more money.

The number of funds that are not tied to indices, but tied to the industry is growing, for example, PureFunds Drone Economy Strategy ETF (IFLY) invests in drone manufacturing companies. There are separate ETFs for various industries like oil, refining, biotechnology, medicine, fast food, and so on.

The average share price is $ 10-40. By buying one share, you are acquiring a whole portfolio. It is worth saying that, like mutual funds, these are more long-term investments. Large portfolios reduce risks, but also profitability.

You can see the charts of more than 140 ETF funds:

Minimum deposit to start working on - $200 at the same time, you need to tick the box that you are a qualified investor when registering. This is a formality from the European regulator, confirming that you understand the risks of financial markets.

Also, a broker with a 20-year history of work has popular ETFs in its assets:

Investments in gold and other precious metals

Recently, more and more people began to invest in purchases. But you don't buy bars or store them under your pillow. In fact, you won't even feel them. Upon purchase, all this is stored in a special account in cash equivalent at the bank.

Like the foreign exchange market, commodities are subject to short-term ups and downs. But for the most part, the main precious metal is rising in value in a long-term trend, as shown in the screenshot below.

It is not for nothing that gold has been considered the main asset of the refuge for many decades. This metal is not subject to inflation, which eats up your savings on bank deposits, devaluing part of the profits. Also, no economic shocks, political events, natural disasters, geopolitical risks affect the dynamics of gold. How, for example, a currency or the stock market can collapse in a matter of hours.

Gold in such unstable situations can only get even more support and begin to grow. Since all investors will begin to withdraw investments from risky assets and invest them in stable metals.

It would seem - since everything is so wonderful, why doesn't everyone invest in gold?

And this has its drawbacks. Namely, an inconvenient storage system, high taxation, and so on. You can store gold only through the banking system. Well, profit can only be counted on in the long term.

To summarize, you can invest in gold in quality. Investments in metal are available from 1000 rubles through banks.

The goal is to save or earn

The choice of an investment asset depends almost entirely on the goal of the investor. If he invests the last money in order to secure them from inflation, it is necessary to choose low-yield assets with a minimum level of risk. In turn, the higher the desired level of return for the investor, the more risky assets he should use.

If you are saving money to buy real estate or another important acquisition, then risking money is not worth it. In this case, it is better to choose a bank deposit, since only it has a guarantee of return on the invested money even in the event of bankruptcy of the organization - after all, deposits up to 1.4 million rubles are insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

In search of the ideal option for where it is better to invest small money, investors often forget that it is not necessary to choose the only one, because even 300-500 dollars can be divided into several different assets. This will help keep your investment in the event that one of the investments fails and brings losses.

Basic principles of investing small money

Investing even small amounts requires taking measures that increase the likelihood of making a profit. Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk, however, following these tips can significantly bring the investor closer to the goal.

  • Investing free funds... A good investor knows to invest only free, deferred money that will not worsen your standard of living.
  • Having a goal and strategy... Investing is about analysis and forecasting. It is not worth investing money in any instruments just for the sake of investing - a good investor should know how much, in what time frame and under what conditions he would like to earn.
  • Discipline... Following your own strategy should be mandatory for the investor, despite the fact that no one will control him. If the strategy says that it is time to sell one or another asset, you should not try to hold it further under the influence of momentary emotions - often such incidents end in losses.
  • Reinvestment... The secret to good long-term profits is compound interest. That is why it is better not to spend your profit, but to invest again, expanding your investment portfolio.
  • Regular investments... Since we are talking about where to invest a little money, the best way to increase your profits is to make regular investments. For example, if you save 2,000 rubles a month, the investor is unlikely to lose much in the quality of life, but at the same time it will significantly increase the rate at which his profit will grow.
  • Don't stop learning... Stay up to date with events, news and new promising directions. This is the only way to be the first to find promising activities and have time to “catch the wave”. As it was in due time with Bitcoin.

Where is it better not to invest

There are many ways to invest funds that attract an investor with high returns and quick profits. However, the proverb about free cheese has not been canceled. Consider a few assets that are undesirable to invest in.

HYIP projects

Various sites promising 50-90% profitability per month, which do not have a clear concept of how such profitability is achieved. As a result, they turn out to be just financial pyramids. Of course, it is possible to make money on such projects, but not at all. It turns out this, as a rule, only at the very beginning, because, after attracting a certain amount of money, they simply close and all participants know about it in advance. The goal is to have time to withdraw the deposit before closing.

For this reason, investing in various HYIP projects, financial pyramids, money multipliers, etc. are permissible only if the investor is aware of the risk and is ready to completely lose all invested capital in a short time. If it is a pity to lose money, it is not worth investing even small amounts in such projects.

Personal growth trainings

Self-development is the best way to invest, but for this it is better to read books and get a specialized education.

Various kinds of seminars and trainings have long become a business in which the goal in itself is not to teach clients how to invest, but to make money on what they come (give me 10,000 and I will tell you how to make money).

The overwhelming majority of such seminars will not provide the investor with information and skills beyond those that can be found for free on the Internet, but at the same time it can significantly empty his wallet.

Microfinance organizations

The large percentage offered by the MFO against the background of bank deposits looks very tempting, but it must be remembered that such investments are not protected by the state, and a significant part of companies of this kind end up through bankruptcy when it becomes impossible to continue to partially pay out money to their first investors at the expense of attachments are as follows. For this reason, there is a very significant likelihood of losing your funds, and on a completely legal basis.

An investor must understand that if an organization offers income that is much higher than the market, and at the same time very profitable and comfortable conditions for investment, this should arouse suspicion. There are a huge number of scammers working on the network who want to make money on novice investors - you need to learn not to fall for their tricks.


V modern world any person can become an investor, regardless of income level.

1000 rubles can become a million in the future.

There are many ways to invest a small amount of money in both stock market instruments and more complex and risky projects.

Depending on the type of asset, you can start investing both from 30 thousand and from 1 ruble, which gives a novice investor the opportunity to try his hand and earn his first profit in this industry.

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Money has to work, otherwise it loses its value. One of the ways to not only save, but also increase funds is to invest money at interest. There are many options for such investments, but it is worthwhile to decide in advance on their goal, which you are pursuing: increasing capital or preserving it? The method you choose depends on the amount of risk you can afford; the amount available for investments; the period for which they will be made and other details. When calculating the final result, it should be borne in mind that in most cases the income received from capital turnover must be legalized and taxed.

Investing money at interest - available directions

One of the main advantages of investing money at interest is the ability to pre-calculate the expected risks and rewards. There are options for which the amount of deductions for interest indicated at the conclusion of the contract :

  • bank deposits;
  • investments in companies that provide loans;
  • banking gold.

We invest money at interest in these funds:

The following ways to make money on a percentage of your investment are related to conditionally predictable :

  • Mutual funds, OFBU, other investment funds;
  • purchase of shares, work on the stock exchange.

There are ways to invest money at interest on the Internet with the expectation of great profits: startups, HYIPs. However, it is almost impossible to predict exactly how successful a project will be and how long it will last.

There is no single correct option - a potential investor chooses where to invest money at interest. Each method has its own pros and cons, which are worth considering separately.

Bank deposits

For those wishing to increase their investments made with a view to receiving high interest, a deposit in a bank is unlikely to be suitable, rather it is a means, saving money from loss of value ... Before transferring money to a deposit account, it is worthwhile to study the offers of various banks. Low interest rates that do not cover inflation are usually offered from state-owned banks or organizations whose profits are based on financing large businesses. At the same time, too high interest rates, much higher than the general level of the market, may indicate the instability of the bank.

It is important to consider that if a bank has a Central Bank license, it is a mandatory member of the Deposit Insurance Agency. Even if such a financial institution has problems or even the license is revoked, the deposits are considered insured and will be returned in any case.

However, the amount to be returned must not exceed 1.4 million rubles. Therefore, if the possibilities and desire to invest at interest exceed this capital, it must be allocated in parts - no more than 1.4 million in one bank.

You should also decide on the investment period, amount and option for receiving interest. The usual practice is that the longer the term of the deposit, stipulated in the agreement, the higher the interest charged. The same applies to the amount of investment.

  1. Interest on the deposit is withdrawn depending on the terms of the agreement: monthly, quarterly, after the expiration of the term.
  2. Another option - due to the accrued interest, the principal amount of the deposit may increase.

Naturally, before making such investments, you should familiarize yourself with the information about the institution, because, even with a guarantee of return, it is unlikely that anyone will want to deal with solving problems later.

Individual investment account

A relatively new and not yet very well-known way of investing at interest. Since the beginning of 2015, Russians have the opportunity to open an IIS (individual investment account) through which they can invest in Russian business. You can open such an account through a management company (MC), and the number of companies includes the largest associations, including banks (Alfa-Bank, VTB24, Sberbank).

The management company is directly involved in the investment, and the maximum annual investment amount is 400 thousand rubles.

One of the advantages of such investment with interest is that the profit received is not taxed, and a tax deduction is applied to the amount of investment, therefore this method is available only to working Russians - taxpayers.

For every 100 thousand in the form of income tax refund, 13 thousand can be returned back. However, such a benefit can be used only after the money has been kept in the account for at least 3 years.

Shares of large companies

You can invest money at interest on your own. Shares in Gazprom, Sberbank or Lukoil are traded on the stock exchange, and buying them can serve two purposes.

  1. First, they can be sold as their value increases.
  2. Second, companies pay dividends to shareholders based on their annual performance.

If we consider investing money at interest as a fixed goal, then it is impossible to count on the exact amount, since this issue depends on many external factors and on what decision will be made on the result of activities at the annual meeting of shareholders. Interests are usually not very large, but at the same time, the shares themselves become more expensive over time, so they can be considered separately as the result from which it is desirable to expect a long time.

In this case, two factors should be taken into account:

  1. The purchase of shares can only be made by brokers, therefore it is necessary to conclude an agreement.
  2. You can count on the profit from resale if the investor is able to predict fluctuations in quotations, which requires certain knowledge.

Mutual funds

Similar to investing in IIS. The so-called management companies (MC), whose activities are to distribute money received from investors in several areas and funds:

  • shares;
  • bonds;
  • money or commodity market;
  • real estate (mutual funds created specifically for such investments);
  • credit funds.

Such an investment of money at interest on the Internet has its own characteristics. Some of the management companies are capable of generating a profit of 30-50%, although in recent years the average yield has dropped to 11%. Before deciding to invest money at interest, you should study the indicators of a particular mutual fund (one management company may have many of them), the amount of drawdowns (this is a common thing, it is impossible to constantly make a profit on the market), its duration and other information.

The advantages of such an investment of money:

  • all actions can be carried out on the Internet;
  • minimum starting threshold - you can even start with an amount of 1 thousand rubles.

The procedure for making a profit depends on the specific conditions negotiated in the agreement concluded with the mutual fund.

Investing in MFIs

Microfinance organizations that offer small amounts for a short time not only issue loans, but also attract money from the population. In order to have working capital, they need money, which the companies take at interest.

MFI business is associated with high risks of non-repayment, since when issuing loans, candidates undergo minimal verification. This leads to the fact that loans are issued at very high interest rates. However, potential investors are promised a fairly large profit.

In order not to lose money, but to really get profit at interest, you should check the period from which the MFI works, whether it is included in a special register and whether it works legally.

There are several organizations with extensive experience in Russia - they have developed their own base of regular customers therefore, one can hardly expect their bankruptcy. , but a certain, rather high, degree of risk still remains.

Another disadvantage of such investments at interest is that many MFIs set a fairly high level of initial investment.


This is an abbreviation General Funds of Banking Management in which the finances of investors are managed by a banking organization. Compared to mutual funds, they have more powers, but there are also restrictions.

So, if a mutual fund has the right to invest only in assets that are agreed upon by law, then OFBU, on the contrary, can work with any non-prohibited assets. At the same time, such organizations cannot invest more than 15% of investors' money in the securities of a single company (with the exception of government securities).

Investing in OFBU can bring high profits, their profitability indicators are 10-60%. Profit payment is made either at the end of the contract, or at the end of the year.

HYIP projects, startups

The most risky investment options. Such projects offer to invest money at interest on the Internet, promising a profit that is impossible to get elsewhere: 1-10% per day. The sites and any such companies describe activities that involve investing in any direction. In reality, most of the time the job is to create a pyramid scheme.

At the initial stage, the interest declared in the proposal is paid, and after a while, after the investment reaches a high level, the site is terminated and the money is lost. At the same time, if you understand how HYIP works, you can try to get an easy and large profit at the beginning of the offer. However, there is a catch in this method - some HYIPs do not transfer the promised profit even to the investors who invested first. Therefore, it is very important to be able to competently weed out promising startups and HYIP funds from other dummies.

Before you start investing money on the Internet, you should minimize possible losses. To do this, you need to take into account some factors and conduct business in accordance with simple rules:

  1. Don't invest everything you have ... allowing you to live at the usual level for several months. You should only invest money that does not exceed this amount.
  2. Diversify risks - distribute money between different investment instruments - it is forbidden to invest more than 20% of the total amount in one direction.
  3. Consider losses - before investing, consider not the potential profit, but the possible loss.
  4. Consider the possibility of passive income - the less time investment management requires, the more it will remain for earning in a different way.
  5. Learn, meet new ways of investing at interest and management methods that are already in use.
  6. Attract co-investors - if you need to invest a large amount of money, it is easier to attract another investor, in this case, the possible losses will be divided in accordance with the contribution share.
  7. Get professional help - if possible, it is worth paying for the help of a financial consultant who will form an investment portfolio that takes into account the desired levels of risk, profitability and the amount of money intended for investments.

In the case of a correctly chosen strategy of the risk / reward ratio, studying possible places for investment, and adhering to simple rules, investing money at interest may well become a source of sufficiently high profit, allowing either to increase investments or improve the quality of life.

Where to invest money to generate income?

This is the main question that interests business people in Russia. It began to rise especially sharply within the framework of the economic crisis. The unstable economic situation in the country makes one think.

Instability in the financial market prompted citizens to think about where can you invest money in Russia, due to increased risks and lack of understanding of the ongoing changes.

It's dangerous to invest, it's pointless to store

Precious metals (for example, gold)

Bonds and shares, only “ securities»Subject to temporary influence. Gold is the most stable currency among precious metals. For several centuries, this precious metal only continues to increase its growth rates.

State banks maintain the value of this area with gold and foreign exchange reserves. Investor, invested in gold, sleeps well, knowing that the price for it will only increase.

Precious metals have some peculiarities, suppose a person decided to invest in gold, went to a banking institution to buy a gold bar, in addition to the value of the goods, an 18% tax will be imposed by the state. When selling bullion, there is no taxation, but no one will return the interest overpayment.

Investing in precious metals at the household level

Russians consider Jewelry from gold and silver - by investment. This is partly true, but the cost of the product includes the work of a master (jeweler). The second negative point is sales. When trying to sell jewelry, pawnshops accept it at the price of scrap significantly different from the cost of goods.

Acquisition of precious metals is a very profitable direction of investment, you should take into account the minimum threshold of profitability - 3 years. Average income from gold + 20% per annum.

Securities (bonds, shares)

People who are risk averse can afford to invest in bonds. A bond is a business issue, the instrument is designed to receive a fixed income after a certain period of time.

You should not expect big earnings on bonds, call them a profitable investment - the language does not turn out, but how deposit mechanism worth considering.


One of the most profitable forms where you can invest rubles now are “ Stock". Along with high profitability, it is associated with increased risks that depend on external influences.

A share is an equity security giving the statute “ co-owner of a company»Allowing you to count on a part of the organization's profits. The connection is simple, the company develops and flourishes, the package of securities grows in value, the co-owner receives a part of the profit, if the company suffers losses, the owner also suffers losses.

The work is done through brokers. More offers, allows you to independently choose stocks, work out strategies, predict the behavior of indicators. Low threshold for entry, high probability rapid development is constantly attracting new faces to the industry.

TOP 7 Where not to invest cash

The main thing in the investment business- gaining financial literacy. Keeping current projects under control, anticipating market behavior, and capturing the subtleties of the environment are the main components of a competent capital investor.

Financial cushion is an integral part of the investor

The term " financial pillow"- 6-month financial reserve, for painless living, without changing the previous state of life. This condition must be met without taking into account other sources of income.

  • Do you want to know what you can save money on now in order to afford more? If so, follow this link.

Study investment activities without a certain cash reserve - it is unreasonable. The only exception is a deposit in a banking institution, which for the most part acts as an instrument for saving current savings.

In case of delay in transfer, freezing of the project, risks associated with full or partial loss of allocated funds, there should be an airbag. This is not advice, this is a postulate!

Alexey 32 years old Krasnodar

Time passes, and money depreciates. I started looking for where to invest them. First, I opened an account and started trading Forex. I came to the conclusion that this is not mine.

And here I was right. Look at the course he has now! Cryptocurrency is the future, it is already accepted in stores.

There is always a way to earn more and faster, especially when it comes to Internet investments, because there are no borders, the audience is huge and all good things spread at lightning speed.

This review is devoted to highly profitable investments, where you can invest money to get high profits, how much you can start with, what are the risks and other issues.

Highly profitable investmentthis is investing in projects that are able to bring in a very short time ( from several days to several months) profits significantly exceeding the annual yield on classical instruments of financial markets, such as bank deposits, bonds, mutual funds with conservative strategies, etc.

Before considering highly profitable investments, you need to know at least roughly what numbers to focus on.

As a benchmark, let's take a bank deposit with a rate 12% annual and amount RUB 100,000... as the most reliable and conservative way to generate income.

Having invested such an amount, in a year you will receive 12 thousand rubles. or 1000 rubles. per month, which is not so much with such a significant amount even without inflation adjustments, and not everyone has free 100,000 rubles for investment.

V rating of highly profitable investments only projects are included, the profitability of which exceeds this indicator by 2 times, and the benefit covers possible risks. In practice, high-yield investments on the Internet bring from 60-80% to 100-200% per annum.

Rating of highly profitable investments

Highest return on investment
Variants Profitability, per annum Risk Experts Min. attachments
Stock 30-80% Average Need thorough analytics and information From $ 50-200 per portfolio
PAMM accounts 40-90% Short A portfolio of 5 PAMM accounts is required. From $ 10 to one PAMM account
Binary options 100-3000% High You don't need to apply a lot of market analytics, don't play From $ 10 per trade
Microcredit 100-300% Average Success comes with experience From $ 10-100 per loan
HYIPs 100-200% High A very dangerous option. From $ 10-100

Note that we do not consider venture investments, hedge funds and startups, since most of them are practically not available to individuals with small capital, where institutional investors invest mainly with amounts from 20-50 thousand dollars.

The average return on investment in the stock market is 20-25% per year, which is already twice the bank deposit. But this is just an average percentage that can be raised to 30-80% by investing in fast-growing companies.

For example, only one Amazon has grown by 300% in the last 2.5 years.

Look at the performance of some securities on the NASDAQ stock exchange:

But what kind of profit can even well-known companies bring in a month, whose products you may use yourself:

If you look at the indicators not only for the year, but also for 6, 3 months, you will see that the results are quite stable.

It is worth clarifying that not every PAMM account is able to enter rating of highly profitable and reliable investments, but only those whose managers have been trading profitably for more than 6 months, showing stable results.

When investing in portfolio, you can choose different managers, so the investment will be more reliable, and the portfolio will protect you from losses.

Potential risk, as elsewhere, is present, but it is still much less than in HYIPs, so PAMM can be attributed to highly profitable investments of high reliability.

The manager can open trades using the general funds of investors, but cannot withdraw money or transfer it to other accounts.

As a rule, PAMM-managers trade on Forex, but the scheme can work in other markets as well, providing highly profitable investments in stocks, raw materials or cryptocurrency.

Before investing in, it is worthwhile to study in detail the statistics of the work of the managing trader, as well as familiarize yourself with the size of the commission that he takes.

As for the profitability, on PAMM it is not the same and varies greatly not only from one manager to another, but also from one manager in different periods. The more conservative the trader's strategy, the lower the income, but more stable. A good result is +5-10% per month is stable for a long time ( that is, 60-120% per year).

More aggressive, but acceptable strategies can give 20-30% for several months in a row in some periods, but sooner or later they will lead to -5-10% , and even large losses, which can also last for quite a long time.

Thus, investing $ 100 under the average 10% per month, which is quite realistic for PAMM, in a year it will run over 100-120% , that is, an investment in $100 in 12 months will turn into $220 ... If you constantly apply profits, then after 12 months, with constant indicators, it can be more than 160%.

Unlike classic trading on Forex and stock exchanges, where you often have to wait for hours, days and even weeks to get high profits, they allow you to earn huge amounts of money in minutes.

All you need to do is set the option expiry time ( and some other brokers allow you to set this value equal to 30 seconds), select an asset and specify the terms of the deal UP or WAY DOWN, that is, the price will rise or fall at the end of the option's term.

Sounds simple, but look at the yield! Brokers pay for every successful trade from 69 to 80% profit... And it doesn't matter how long your deal is, whether it's 30 seconds or one day.

Let's show with an example how this happens. We went in and selected an asset:

Indicated the term of the transaction until 21:20 (after 9 minutes it will automatically close):

Since a stable downtrend has formed on the chart, we decided to follow it and indicated the forecast as the main condition WAY DOWN:

Securities do not change their trends as quickly as currencies and it is unlikely that something will change in 9 minutes.

If the Starbucks stock price is lower at close of the deal than our DOWN forecast at the time of purchase, we will receive a 79% return.

9 minutes flew by quickly and look at the chart at the time of the option closing:

In just 9 minutes we got 79% profit or from our investment in $80 net profit was $63,2 (total revenue $ 143.2). These are not only highly profitable investments, but also very short-term ones.

Perhaps someone will object to the above example and say that this is not always the case, but the opposite result is quite likely, in which case we lose the entire amount of the investment. Yes, this is quite likely, since high-yield investment without risk practically does not happen, and the loss is equally proportional to the probable profit, but if you apply, analyze and intelligently make short predictions, then you can make more than 60% of successful transactions, and this can bring you to a profit of 100-300% per month, thanks to proper capital management.

High-yield investment risks

In order to achieve high profits, a high risk is required, which is why the correct one is needed, this means that you do not need to invest all the money in one project at once, but in several different ones, dividing the amount into parts, so that even in case of failures in some of the them, the profit in others completely covered the loss of investment and still brought it to a plus.

As a result, all risks are minimized, and the opportunity to get a high income remains almost at a high level.

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