Dream interpretation of freckles on your face. Dream interpretation for bitches. Interpretation of vision by various dream books

Ceramics, fireclay 19.11.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

The wife is dreaming in freckles - to a pleasant pastime in the company of his wife. Joint activities will allow you to become even closer, strengthen the existing union.

Have a romantic evening, remember your youth and the old days. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy a wonderful time.

Seeing freckles on your face in a dream

Dream Interpretation Orakul considers freckles on the face as an unfavorable symbol. We saw the cannabis on the face in the mirror - you will have a serious rival. A lot of freckles on someone else's face - to meet an interesting, but unusual person.

We saw freckles all over our face - to multiple failures and hardships, which will become the reason for failed plans and unjustified hopes. Freckles on someone else's face are identified with the ability to change everything. We saw freckles on your face - a reflection of your dissatisfaction with your own appearance.

Try to perceive what is happening as an ordinary event. Be patient, failures and troubles will soon end.

Why do freckles on the body dream

Dreamed of freckles on the body - for a solemn, happy event. If in a vision you are saddened by the fact of the presence of freckles - to trouble due to excessive carelessness and frivolous behavior.

Freckles on your legs are a reflection of your light secret flirting in the presence of your spouse. Freckles on the back portend parting with the second half. Freckled hands in a dream promise a serious quarrel with the second half. You will be disappointed in the chosen one, which will be the reason for the separation.

Freud's dream book

The dreamed freckles symbolize brightness, individuality, originality.

So, if you dreamed of a person with freckles, it means that soon you will be destined to meet an extraordinary person who in the past had many connections and therefore differs in a very "peculiar knowledge of sexual skill. Seeing freckles in your home promises you to have sex in an uncharacteristic place, in completely exotic conditions. You will be pushed to this by a person who is very liberated in this regard and has a great imagination. and the degree of sexual arousal.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Emotions - anger, sadness.

Organs - liver and gallbladder - projection area on the left cheek; lungs - right cheek, nose.

Planets - Jupiter, Venus.

Explanation and interpretation

Sadness is a symptom of empty lungs (yin). The lungs are missing vital energy... Anger - overcrowding / non-release of the liver from excess energy or from pathological energy. If lung function is impaired, liver function is also impaired, which causes fatigue, mood swings, pain and tightness in the chest, dizziness and headaches. Disorders in the liver also affect the condition of the lungs: coughing, shortness of breath, chest pains appear. To see freckles in a dream is to experience, perhaps, still hidden, but already existing fear and sadness caused by internal reasons: malfunctioning of the lungs and liver. The internal state, splashing out on the external level, can lead to a constant struggle for independence on the basis of unreasonable distrust of others. The result can be damage to business and relationships. Instead of giving in to the mood of sadness and anger, the lungs and liver should be checked and treated. If the dreamer is not inclined to distrust and pessimism (there is confidence) and there are no painful symptoms (see above), then seeing freckles is a premonition of the possibility of future loss - parting. Sleep is rather unfavorable and is more often caused by internal (illness) than external causes.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Freckles - It is as if a man sees freckles on his face - perhaps, in reality, events will occur because of which this man will shed a tear; there will be no end in sight. If a young woman sees freckles on her face, she will be disappointed in her lover in the coming days; she will understand that external attractiveness is not the most important thing in a man. A young woman sees in a dream that her whole body is strewn with freckles - such a dream dreams of the loss of a loved one.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Miller's dream book

If a woman sees freckles on her face in a dream, her happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by sad events. Looking at your freckles for a long time in the mirror promises you the loss of a loved one.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Modern dream book

For a young woman, a dream in which she sees that her face is covered with freckles means that a lot of annoying misunderstandings will interfere with her happiness. Looking at your freckles in the mirror is a serious rival.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Esoteric dream book

On your body, face - there will be a lot of pleasant troubles, perhaps a wedding.

On someone else's face or body - joy from friends, gifts.

Erase, remove freckles - your disbelief in luck can turn it away.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Spring dream book

You will show coquetry in front of your friend's husband.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Autumn dream book

To get acquainted in a dream with a pretty girl with freckles - perhaps the same will happen in reality.

Why do freckles dream from a dream book -

Summer dream book

Seeing yourself in the mirror with a face covered with freckles - for some reason you are very unhappy with your skin on your face recently, and this haunts you, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

You dreamed about freckles?

1 The interpreter of 1829

To see freckles on your face - portends to someone who really does not have freckles, happiness and benefits; but to the one who has freckles, tears and new worries.

2 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Freckle - you show coquetry in front of your friend's husband.

3 Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Freckles - It is as if a man sees freckles on his face - perhaps, in reality, events will occur because of which this man will shed a tear; there will be no end in sight. If a young woman sees freckles on her face, she will be disappointed in her lover in the coming days; she will understand that external attractiveness is not the most important thing in a man. A young woman sees in a dream that her whole body is covered with freckles - such a dream dreams of the loss of a loved one.

4 Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Sleeping with freckles means:

For a young woman, a dream in which her face is covered with freckles means that many annoying misunderstandings will interfere with her happiness.
Looking at your freckles in the mirror is a serious rival.

5 The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Freckle Sleep Meaning:

Freckles - On their face they portend happiness and benefits to those who do not have them, and to those who have freckles - tears and worries, why should you take care to reduce them, turning to the most famous cosmetics for this.

6 Imperial dream book

Emotions - anger, sadness.
Organs - liver and gallbladder - projection area on the left cheek; lungs - right cheek, nose.
Planets - Jupiter, Venus.
Explanation and interpretation
Sadness is a symptom of empty lungs (yin). There is not enough vital energy in the lungs. Anger - overcrowding / non-release of the liver from excess energy or from pathological energy. If lung function is impaired, liver function is also impaired, which causes fatigue, mood swings, pain and tightness in the chest, dizziness and headaches. Disorders in the liver also affect the condition of the lungs: coughing, shortness of breath, chest pains appear. To see freckles in a dream is to experience, perhaps, still hidden, but already existing fear and sadness caused by internal reasons: malfunctioning of the lungs and liver. The internal state, splashing out on the external level, can lead to a constant struggle for independence on the basis of unreasonable distrust of others. The result can be damage to business and relationships. Instead of giving in to the mood of sadness and anger, the lungs and liver should be checked and treated. If the dreamer is not inclined to distrust and pessimism (there is confidence) and there are no painful symptoms (see above), then seeing freckles is a premonition of the possibility of future loss - parting. Sleep is rather unfavorable and is more often caused by internal (illness) than external causes.

7 Dream Interpretation Of Steps Veles

Freckles - for good (for those who do not actually have them) / tears and worries (for those who actually have them), disappointment in a friend.

8 Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

Freckles, in a dream mean:

If you dreamed that you had freckles - know: a lot of annoying misunderstandings will interfere with your happiness.
You dreamed that freckles poured out from your beloved (lover) - soon your beloved (lover) will leave you for the sake of your rival (rival).
Freckles poured out on the face of one of your relatives or friends - this person can betray you at any time.
Meeting with an unfamiliar freckled person means that soon you will get rid of lying people that have crept into your surroundings.

9 Old Russian dream book

Freckles - To see on your face portends to someone who really does not have freckles, happiness and benefits; but to the one who has freckles, tears and new worries.

10 Freud's dream book

The dreamed freckles symbolize brightness, individuality, originality.
So, if you dreamed of a person with freckles, it means that soon you will be destined to meet an extraordinary person who in the past had many connections and therefore differs in a very "peculiar knowledge of sexual skill. Seeing freckles in your home promises you to have sex in an uncharacteristic place, in completely exotic conditions. You will be pushed to this by a person who is very liberated in this regard and has a great imagination. and the degree of sexual arousal.

11 Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Why do women dream of freckles:

Seeing yourself in the mirror with a face covered with freckles - lately, for some reason, you are very unhappy with your skin on your face, and this does not give you peace of mind.

12 Esoteric dream book

Seeing freckles in a dream means:

Freckles on your body, face - there will be a lot of pleasant troubles, perhaps a wedding.
On someone else's face or body - joy from friends, gifts.
Erase, remove freckles - your disbelief in luck can turn it away.

13 Dream interpretation of lovers

A dream with freckles in the dream book is interpreted as:

If a woman dreams that she sees freckles on her face, this means that unpleasant events will occur that can interfere with her happiness. If she looks at her freckles for a long time, this promises her parting with her beloved.

14 Women's dream book

Sleeping with freckles means:

If in a dream you, looking in the mirror, find that your whole face is covered with freckles, you will be constantly accompanied by misunderstandings and failures, which will ultimately interfere with the realization of all your plans and aspirations.
Looking at freckles in the mirror - indicates that you should be prepared for the appearance of a rather serious rival.

15 Ukrainian dream book

Freckle Sleep Meaning:

16 The newest dream book G. Ivanova

What does it mean if a woman dreams of freckles:

Freckles - light, secretive flirting in the presence of a husband (wife).

17 Big online dream book

What freckles can dream about:

Freckles - Seeing freckles on your face in a dream - the serene course of your life is overshadowed by sad events. Trying to get rid of freckles means losing a loved one. Seeing freckles on the faces of others - get an advantageous offer that will bring you happiness, but only tears and worries for your loved ones.
Freckles - Seeing on your face - happiness and benefits (to those who do not have them), tears and worries (who have them).

18 Slavic dream book

Freckles, in a dream mean:

Seeing on your face - happiness and benefits, others - tears and worries.

19 Women's dream book

If a girl dreams of freckles, then this means:

What does it mean to see Freckles in a dream - If a woman sees freckles on her face in a dream, her happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by sad events. Long gazing at your freckles in the mirror threatens the loss of your lover, this is how Freckles's dream book interprets.

20 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why does a woman dream of freckles:

Seeing Freckles in a dream - Seeing freckles on your face in a dream portends to those who do not have them - honor, benefit and profit, and to those who have - tears and worries, this is the interpretation of Freckles from the dream book.

21 French dream book

  • According to the interpretation, seeing freckles on your face portends to those who do not have them - honor, benefit and profit, and to those who have them - tears and worries.
  • Why does a woman dream of freckles - separation from her beloved.
  • Freckles on the face of the enemy - happiness and benefits (to the one who does not have them), tears and worries (who does).

22 Family dream book

If a woman sees in a dream that freckles have appeared on her face, her happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by sad events.
Long staring at freckles in the mirror - to the loss of a loved one.

23 Family dream book

A dream in which you see a person with freckles portends a meeting with an unusual partner. He has a wealth of experience in sex, and he will amaze you with his knowledge of love.
If you see freckles in yourself, it means that soon you will have sex in unusual conditions. Perhaps a person experienced in non-standard sex will motivate you to do this. He has an inexhaustible imagination, which will attract you. You will experience a surge of passion for this person, he will conquer you with his eccentricity.

24 Universal dream book

A symbol of youth and innocence - is there anything sweeter than freckles? In a dream, do you dream of looking younger than your age or do you want to be young at heart? How do you react to freckles?
In a dream, are they on your face or on the face of another person? - do they seem to you to be a flaw, an obstacle on the way to the ideal, or are they a piquant detail of your appearance?
Freckles often appear after prolonged exposure sun rays- therefore, it is possible that your dream symbolizes the influence of the sun on you.

25 Dream interpretation for bitches

Why are Freckles dreaming:

Freckles - a touch of sadness and sadness will be added to pure joy and cloudless happiness, and some events will occur that will entail a series of grief and disappointment.
Looking at freckles in the mirror is separation, a break in relations with a lover.

26 Wanderer's dream book - Terenty Smirnov

Freckles - new worries; joy; for a woman, separation from her beloved.

27 Rick Dillon's dream book

Freckles are small, random annoyances. Looking at freckles in the mirror - a cheerful mood will be overshadowed.

28 Christian dream book

Freckles - Your happiness will be overshadowed by some small, but unpleasant events. Perhaps you will be blackened in the eyes of a loved one. Imagine that you smear your freckles with a lightening cream, and they disappear before your eyes.

29 Dream interpretation 2012

Freckles are strangers - a reminder of the possibility of updating something.
Theirs are a reflection of unfounded worries about their appearance.

30 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why are Freckles dreaming:

To get acquainted in a dream with a pretty girl with freckles - perhaps the same will happen in reality.

31 Miller's dream book

If a woman sees freckles on her face in a dream, her happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by sad events.
Looking at your freckles for a long time in the mirror promises you the loss of a loved one.

Freckles are cheerful prints of the sun. But they that appeared in a dream more often portend trouble. Although a lot depends on who you saw them on. For example, looking at them on your face in the mirror - to a lot of small problems. And to notice cannabis in a stranger, it means in reality to meet with an unusual person.

Miller's forecast

In a dream, you tried on the role of a freckled boy (girl) - you will realize that the difficulties are insignificant, and you can easily get rid of them.

For a woman who sees freckles on her face, Miller's dream book foreshadows many small problems, the resolution of which will take time and effort.

You are freckled

Are orange-brown dots appearing on your hands and other parts of your body? There will be a falling out with a loved one. You will probably be disappointed in your fan and decide to part ways. But the dream book draws attention: real beauty is not in external perfection, but in the sincerity of the soul and the nobility of deeds.

For a man, a dream, where his face is thickly covered with sun marks, portends a waking incident that will provoke his tears. And Vanga's dream book predicts: you will have more responsibilities and worries.

Felomena, if in a vision they noticed the appearance of cannabis and were delighted with them, predicts happiness. But when freckles upset you, this is a recommendation to take life seriously. Carelessness and frivolity will lead to trouble.

Eager to bring out cannabis in a dream? In reality, you have chosen the wrong strategy. By trying to eliminate the consequences of the troubles, rather than their root cause, you complicate things even more.


To meet a red-haired girl in a dream portends the onset of an easy and carefree period in life. You will be sincerely surprised at the changes taking place, you will plunge into a carefree atmosphere, - foresees the Lunar Dream Book.

Dreamed of a child with cannabis on his face? You will radically change your behavior, which will cause a violent and positive reaction from others.

In a dream, I was invited to a thematic children's party, and you painted the face of yourself and the child with freckles? You are tired of the monotonous existence, so do what you have wanted for a long time, but have been constantly postponing. An unusual hobby, inventing traditions will bring bright colors to life.

Ginger people

Why do freckles on the skin of a young girl dream? A meeting with a character that will cause a lot of trouble is expected. But acquaintance will have a positive impact, and you will begin to change, showing your best qualities.

The dream interpretation deciphers a meeting with a young red-haired guy as an acquaintance with an unusual man.

A large number of freckles on someone else's face and body portends in reality a meeting with a very extraordinary and unusual person, whose actions are equated by some to abnormality, - predicts the Eastern dream book.

Sexual overtones

In a dream, you purposefully draw freckles, because they excite your lover. In reality, you will behave perversely with a barely familiar person, - foreshadows Freud's dream book.

The woman dreamed that she had a very freckled child. Her secret sexual fantasy is a flirtation with an unfamiliar guy, culminating in intimacy.

If you dreamed about freckles, this indicates your brightness, individuality, originality. If in a dream you met a freckled person, it means that in the near future you will meet with an original person who had a rich past for intimate relationships. That is why his sexual experience is so valuable, because he has achieved real sexual mastery, and his knowledge in this area should not be underestimated. Freckles on your own face seen in a dream portend having sex in an unconventional place for you, in exotic or extreme conditions. Will push you to this or be inspired by a rather sexually liberated person with a rich imagination and ingenuity. He should not be considered sick, or having any psychological pathology. Not at all, just a sexual intercourse performed in non-traditional places, in non-standard, even extreme conditions for him is more interesting, attractive, since the acuteness of sensations, sensual pleasures at the same time increases, as does sexual excitability.

Miller's dream book

A woman in her dream to see herself with freckles on her face - unpleasant events will occur in her life that will darken her happiness. If, according to the plot of the dream, you carefully examine the freckles on your face, looking in the mirror, there is a chance of losing your loved one.

Dream interpretation of Khamidova

If freckles appear on a woman's face in a dream, one should be prepared for adverse events that can disrupt her plans for happiness. If she has been trying to see something in her freckles for a long time, there is a chance of parting with her lover.

Dream interpretation of Semenova

The appearance of freckles on a woman's face in a dream warns her that her happiness will not be cloudless. It can be disturbed by events that can hardly be called favorable. But if she stares at her freckled reflection in the mirror for a long time, you should be on the lookout: she may lose her lover.

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