Description of a person for his beloved color. Favorite color and character of a person in psychology. Value of yellow in psychology

Brevna 31.01.2021

Correspond to our real or ideal Ya. The character that we have, or the one we would like to have. If we want to make a definite impression, we also unconsciously choose the shade you need.

White- symbol of purity and perfection. In the Christian tradition, the color of holiness, virtue, divinity. People who choose the white color, usually neat, decent and sincere. Or they want to seem such (do not forget, yes?).

Greychoose people who are afraid too loudly declare themselves. Either want to be inconspicuous to get something ("Gray Cardinal"). Gray - color neutrality. This is the perfect background for any other color, for any manipulation or game. It gives the power to someone who is weak and vulnerable.

Pink- color softness, tenderness, kindness and sentimentality, color of dreams and dreams. If you like pink means, do not tolerate cruelty and violence in any of its manifestation. A person choosing this color for himself prefers to live in a lightweight, comfortable world invented by him. Pink dults aggression and nervousness, so it is good for people who are very annoyed and who are hard to take themselves in their hands.

At the same time, too much pink around can lead to complete abundance from the world. Be careful with people who love pink, they are very wounded.

Blue - cooling and soothing color. Blue (despite stereotypes) - femininity color, motherhood. Symbolizes the world, calm, carelessness. It has rest and relaxation.

Yellow - The brightest color. The symbol of lightness, lively, brightness and joyful perception of life. It is chosen by people contact, curious, optimistic, accustomed to attract the attention of others. If a person completely rejects yellow, it means that it is in the state of emptiness, insulation or extreme irritation.

Orange - Color of warmth, bliss, joy, energy, freedom and strength. Symbolizes development, focus on success. Another orange is the color of enlightenment, there is no wonder of Buddhist monks. He shows the hidden possibilities of a person, helps to get rid of fears and depression, relieves tension in all conflicts.

Purple personifies all non-standard. This is the color of our fantasy, magic, magic. The one who loves him does not only wish to be the faded, but he himself craves to possess the wizard force. Rejection purple speaks of a desire to establish as clearly as possible relations with people.

All of the above, of course, you need to perceive with a certain proposition. And do not forget that we live in the world of shades, halftone and fancy mixed paints.

Buying one or another thing, such as clothes or furniture in the apartment, we are constantly confronted with the problem of choice. And we are talking not only about the quality of the thing, but also about it. You wondered why one shade seems to us more attractive, and the other is not? Most will answer that the color just like or that he is beautiful. But some time will pass, and this shade can "explore", preference will change, and a relatively new thing ceases to delight the eyes.

This is our oddity is one of the many manifestations of features, and it has a much greater value than it seems at first glance. The choice of a certain color can say a lot about:

  • personality of man
  • his character
  • interests
  • emotional condition
  • features of behavior.

Phenomenon of color suppuration

The fact that the color environment affects our psyche and even physical condition, known for a long time, even representatives of the oldest religious cults used the color to create a certain mood. But the preference by a person of this or that color has long been explained by fashion, cultural traditions or just characteristics of taste. No wonder there is a saying that "there is no taste and color of comrades."

Only in the middle of the 20th century, the phenomenon of color should be seriously studied psychologists and physiologists. Interest in this problem was purely practical and is connected with the needs of large manufacturers of widespread goods. They were concerned about both the most attractive for customers of the color range of advertising, and the flavor of bright selling packaging. Then it turned out that the same color can both attract and repel different people, and this is little depends on their age, profession and social status.

Communication with the individual personality features of a person was one of the first to reveal and studied a psychologist from Switzerland Max Lusher. The result of its research was a color personal test, which allows to determine the psychological characteristics of a person on the basis of choosing them the most and least attractive colors for it.

This technique is already actively used both foreign and domestic psychologists, and there is nothing mystical. The relationship between character and beloved color is confirmed not only by scientists, but also thousands of people who have passed the test.

Colors of personality

We are able to distinguish more than 120 colors and thousands of their shades, and, of course, it is unrealistic to establish the relationship of individual identity features with each of them. For example, yellow color has both warm and cold shades, and the difference in the perception of yellow-salad and gray-yellow even more than in respect of pure yellow and orange.

Therefore, creating your personal test, M. Lucher took only the spectral or clean colors of saturated shades. And they are not 120, but only 8:

  • grey,

But if your favorite color did not turn out among them, you can choose the most attractive of these eight, still the rest of the colors are somehow the combinations of three basic: red, blue and yellow.

Choose your favorite color

Lucher's studies were continued by psychologists and psychophysiologists of different countries. Now the big actual material has been accumulated, and with confidence it can be said that the choice of the most attractive color allows you to say a lot about a person.


Prefer movable, funny, sociable and slightly frivolous people. They strive for freedom and are aimed at the future. It can be said that they live in anticipation of a joyful event and are little thinking about pressing problems - everything somehow calms down. But disappointed in life, in friendship and love lonely people yellow color reject. He causes them irritation and disgust.

Red and orange colors

Like active, active, purposeful personalities with the potential of the leader. Red often choose women focused on their sexual role and in active search for satellite life. Preferring red possess a strong will and stubborn character, they are demanding on themselves and others, and often cruel. Red and orange colors are unpleasant to tired and sick people with low vital tone.


The color of persistent and even stubborn workaholics, enthusiastic people in love with their business. A person who prefers green, confident in his abilities and abilities and strives to prove everything in the world. He is not just "burning at work", but also wants to recognize his merit from society. And those whom the green is unpleasant, reject society, considering it overwhelming power. For these people, a feeling of resentment and a sense of guilt are characteristic.


Choose those who want to enjoy a serene rest and idleness. They are focused on the circle of loved ones, for them the family, a loved one and friends are the highest value. The same who relies only on themselves and does not trust anyone, blue is unpleasant.


The color of people filled with internal contradictions, and himself he is the mixing of two opposite energies: active red and passive blue. This color is chosen by adolescents, sharply experienced crisis of their age, people prone to mysticism, and homosexuals. Purple also assess the purple, those who have a tendency to self-analysis and philosophizing.


Warm and comfortable, and attracts people, most appreciating the convenience and comfort, calm quiet evenings on a comfortable sofa, tasty food, unhurried interesting work and communication with loved ones. But too active personalities, prone to demonstration, seeking popularity and glory, brown is unpleasant.

The black

Always associated with denial. Preferring his man negativist or, as it were, they said in the XIX century, nihist. He does not accept the world in which he lives, the case who is forced to do, and often himself. "Black is an absolute border where life ends. Therefore, the black color expresses the idea of \u200b\u200b"nothing," M. Lucher wrote. Most people choose bright shades, black reject.


Choose people seeking to burn out of experiences, or simply indifferent, not interested in bright manifestations of life, passive or very tired.

The choice of this or that color indicates certain qualities of the individual, but what is the associated color rectification? Why often do we strive to surround yourself with things of a certain color, carefully selecting the most appropriate shades as possible to our taste? Is it only in taste here?

Four colorful person

In ancient India, there was a belief that the human soul was woven from musical sounds and light flows of four colors, so a harmonious person called "Tedjashi" - a light-base. The constituent luminous streams are painted in different colors, the combination of which creates a unique, unique personality.

Studies of the relationship between color and psyche, which was conducted throughout the 20th century, confirmed the justice of the guesses of the ancient wise men. A person really strives for the color whose energy of which he lacks for complete harmony. This is said by M. Lucher in his theory about the "four-color person" or four color types of people.

What is a colorotype

The color bottle is not a color gamma of human appearance, but the features of its nature, depending on the color preferences.

Creating a flavor of his environment, for example, buying furniture in an apartment or clothes, we unconsciously choose those colors whose energies we lack for the feeling of inner harmony.

It is difficult to achieve complete harmony, since the choice of color is associated not only with the mood and the physiological state of the body, but also with the nature, objectives of the activity, the needs, installations and learned cultural color code from childhood.

Personality Colors: Coloring Characteristics

4 main color steels, corresponding to red, yellow, green and blue colors are isolated. And each of these colors is associated with certain personal quality, which dominates the character of a person, depending on which type it belongs.

  • Red - self-confidence and their own power.
  • Blue is a sense of satisfaction with the world.
  • Yellow - feeling of inner freedom.
  • Green is a sense of self-sufficiency and self-esteem.

Choosing one of these colors, we strive to fill the lack of this or that quality. This is what color is missing to us for the feeling of inner harmony.

A person harmoniously manifest itself in all four areas - "This is a person who feels happy, which everything perceives is much more intense and which finds life extraordinarily interesting." (M. Lucher)

These four colors correspond to the four main types of temperament.

  • Melancholic is green.
  • Choleric - red.
  • Phlegmatic - blue.
  • Sanguine - yellow.

Psychologists argue that the types of temperament in pure form do not exist, each individual combines the characteristics and melancholic, and phlegmatics, and a sanguine, only presented in varying degrees. There is also no one-color people, in us there are particles of all color, at least most often the properties of one of the colors are dominated. Based on this, people can be attributed to red, blue, yellow or green type.

The color bottle is not rigidly predetermined, it can change, as well as the person himself changes, his needs, interests, goals of life. In addition, M. Lucher believed that in different fields of life, a person can demonstrate different color types. For example, showing itself as a red color bottle in business, a person behaves in communicating with friends in accordance with the yellow type.

People prefer some one color, as a last resort - two-three (depending on where these colors are used: in clothing, atmosphere, etc.). One of the popular questions is: "What is your favorite color?" Is not it? The answer to it can not only satisfy simple curiosity, but also help solve the character, emotional warehouse of the person. Of course, it is impossible to deny the fact that over time, a person can change the taste and addiction to the color.

Before you start reading, think about what color is your favorite, and what will move lately: red, pink, orange, yellow, green, salad, blue, lilac, blue, purple, brown, beige, gray, white, black.


Red color symbolizes unrestrained desire for success, dramatization of experiences, feeling of completeness of life. This is an incentive to any activity, activity in all sorts of spheres. A person is distinguished by courage, will of the will, authority, quick-tempered, community, a tendency to altruism, if its red beloved color. If you put a red color to the first place, then you want to intensify your emotional sensations, act energetically.

However, a bright, joyful picture has the opposite direction ... Since you with such a force crave bright colors in life, the routine can bring you to madness; An impatibility leads to changeability and impermanence.

It is difficult for you to remain objective, your behavior is distinguished by self-confidence and stubbornness. You prefer, after listening to someone's advice, to do in your own way. Patience is not one of your virtues. Nevertheless, other people with you are wondering, you encourage action. The world would be a boring place without the "red" people.

Since the red color is associated with a fragile thirst for life, excitement and passion, dislike for this color can mean that it is now that you hardly want to experience so intense emotions. Perhaps you are scared with aggressiveness and pressure, with which the perception of red color is connected. Or, perhaps, you still seek more satisfaction from life, but are afraid to be drawn into her cycle?

People irritable, tired, worried about many problems often turn to cooler colors in search of recreation and relaxation - this is a natural protective reaction.

In people who put this color to the last place, a complex of inferiority is developed, fear of quarrels, love for solitude, instability in relations.


Pink color - softened red, it combines passion and purity. This color is associated with romance, freshness, refinement and tenderness.
A person who prefers pink color, all his life is in the world of dreams and waiting for miracles.

Dreams of sublime love, it is gentle and relaxed. He is a terrible opponent of Paradise in a halate - adores comfort and comfort. Often, "pink glasses" replace him with reality, so calm is his second "I". But a date with harsh (if at some point she is such) the reality can quickly knock him out of the gauge. It happens that the "pink" person often brings others around, as it overestimates his strength. But after trouble and life storms, it almost instantly calms down. Such a person often promises much more than it can fulfill, but his plans are often illusions.

If you put pink color to the last place, then you are a pragmatic person and do not like to "turn in the clouds". In general, soft, moderate shades do not differ in emotion, so many people are indifferent to pink color. If you do not like pink, you may seek bright impressions, and this color is too calm for you.


This is the color of people possessing an extraordinary intuition and prone to dreaminess. They are insanely love to shine in any society and be in the center of attention. Possessing many abilities, such people are most likely original, but not ingenious. Disadvantages?

Let us turn to the ancient Italian comedy of masks - there an orange color meant hypocrisy and pretense! People who have an orange-friendly beloved, are often inconstant: such a person will most likely call such a thing with which he recently came across. In love they are independent and always ready to conquer new worlds!

If you prefer peach shades, you have the same qualities as "orange" people, but calm and even less aggressive, you are just as friendly and charming, and even softer in communication. You are able to work as hard, but in the game more often choose the role of the observer.

If you put an orange color at the last place, apparently, too bright colors in life you do not like it: you do not like noisy parties, irrepressible fun, loud laughter, boasting and intimacy. Therefore, you are difficult to converge with people and, perhaps, even hear an unlike one. A huge number of familiar you prefer a narrow circle of really close friends, and if you find a friend - this is a friend of life.


Yellow color is perceived as glowing and warm, as it is strongly associated with sunlight. This color sparkles optimism, it symbolizes calm, ease in relations with people, intelligence. When he loves, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoying pleasure to like and attract people to themselves. People who are yellow are beloved, original, endowed with a rich imagination and developed artistic taste. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they love everything new and interesting. If you like yellow, you are most likely reliable friend. Your ambitions are often implemented, and in general, you have a very bright look at life.

However, you are often selfish, and do not like to be second. You can be generous, but often incredulous, and it may look like you will keep away people. Sometimes you are intolerant towards the ideas of other people who seem to you are not so well thought out like your own. You sincerely crossed about the good of society, but still more prone to reflect on this than anything to do. "Yellow" people are prone to pedanthism, but at the same time quite satisfied with the world and happy.

If you are unpleasant yellow color, then you are disliked and those traits that are "yellow" people possess. You are a realist, a practical person with utilitarian preferences and, most likely, critically treat those who do not share your views. You are skeptical accepting new ideas, and rather concentrate on familiar things, which will try something new. A guaranteed result is always important for you, since you prefer to reliably protect yourself from disappointments. If you put yellow to the last place, then most likely you are a person concentrated, pessimistic, difficult to start acquaintance with you.


Green - color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The most "natural" color fascinates the balance of heat and coolness, and "green" people often turn out to be confident and balanced in nature. They are diligent citizens, caring parents, not indifferent neighbors - legible, good and generous people.

If you prefer green, it means you are afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-affirmation, as it is vital for you. You are smart and with the summer you understand new ideas. On the other hand, you rarely agree to risk and try something new where you can go a proven, generally accepted. "Green" people never suffer a lack of appetite, and even if you have to sit on a diet, it is rare to lose weight. One of the worst features of these people is a tendency to gossip and envy.
A fan of dark green is stubborn and persistent. Those who put this dark green color in the first place are mostly straightforward, uncompromisingly strive to perform their own decisions, discover the tendency to idealize themselves, while having a tendency to force others.

The one who does not like green color is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general - all difficulties. A person who resolutely discarded green, often complains that those surrounding too much require it. Those who put the green color at the last place can hardly be called sociable or mining. The natural need for recognizing a group of people will rather pushing you from them than make you join. You do not like to do, think or look just as they do, think and look most people around you. Picnics and parties, and even trips to visit relatives - not for you.


Salad is considered the favorite color of people who have a powerful character and a pretty cynical view of life and relationships between the floors. Such people love to suppress, to begin not only at work, but also in the family. In such people generally inherent in the fear of active actions: they all the time fear to get into the predicament. But they love to push on the activity of others and wait: What happens?

If you put a lightweight color to the last place, then most likely you are a closed person, uncommunicative, do not like to command people, you are much easier to obey. At the same time, you are a mandatory person, tactful, sometimes even delicate.


Blue color is a symbol of impressionability, affection, loyalty. Those who put the blue color in the first place in the moments of failures are easily falling into the despondency. This is a typical infantile tone, and if he prefers an adult, it means that he retained the "child" and related character traits. Blue color speaks about freedom, careflaim, tendency to change the setting.

This is the color of the artists, and not necessarily artists by profession. Such people love life, love to play beautiful roles in it, adore success and, as a rule, it is easily achieved. We strive for recognition. If they are working for them, they seek great success. If a person prefers a light blue color, he does not endure loneliness and, as a rule, suffers deeply if emptiness is formed around it. From nature is very sociable and has many friends. He knows how to give a lot, but in return wants to get as much. Of those few qualities that make life complicate him, you can call the fear of loneliness.

If you resolutely throw off the blue color, then this means the inner concern and the desire of changes that will help get rid of depression and passivity.


People who loving the color of lavender often prefer it to all others. Such people like when they are considered unlike others; They are smeared, although they do not always differ in a subtle mind. The "lilac" personals in life are striving for perfection and even sophistication, they belong to the fantasy about the world, in which all the "dark" side of life can be simply ignored. Appearance and first impression of the interlocutor are very important for such people.

Aristocraticity and a tendency to sentimentality are associated with lilac color, as well as romanticism, nostalgia and refinement. Since this color is very close to purple, "lilac" people often have a creative mind warehouse and supported talented people with pleasure.

If you put a lilac color lately, your approach to life is business. You do not like when the interlocutor flies or evades direct conversation, as they themselves prefer to be straightforward. You are not subject to nostalgia because you live in real. Those who do not like purple and lilac colors also experience strong hostility to surface behavior or appearance, and usually do not hide it. Pissible color they usually perceive as fresh and boring.


Blue is a color of calm and peace. This is probably the most widely preferred color. Since this is the color of the sky, it is usually associated with the spiritual elevation of a person, its purity. If he likes, it speaks of modesty and melancholy; Such a person often needs to relax, it quickly and easily gets tired, he is extremely important a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others.

People who prefer blue color are trusting and need trust. Sensitive to the needs of others capable of strong attachment, such people are seriously experiencing any betrayal or disappointment. They do not avoid large companies but, nevertheless, prefer to stay in a circle of close friends. "Blue" people strive for harmony, calm, patience and resistance, to peacekeeping. They are conservative, reliable, possess a smooth character and before you say or do something - think twice.

If your color is blue, you have a strongly developed sense of responsibility. You should be careful that Pedantism does not make you too demanding to others. However, your attentiveness to people and the softness will ignore the negative features of your character.

In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed, who wants to impress that everything can be done. But, in essence, it is a sample of uncertainty and closetness. Indifference to this color speaks of famous eagerness in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtship.

In general, dislike for blue color means anxiety, restlessness, the need to escape from the surrounding monotony. Perhaps you want to change the work, or even change all your life in search of impressions. You probably are tired of the fact that someone constantly "hopes for you," but the conscience does not allow you to quit everything. Would you like to be rich or famous (or both?), Because sometimes it seems to you that it allows you to enjoy life without having to work so much and stubbornly. A deep saturated blue color is often associated with sadness and melancholy, and therefore some people put it late.


The one who loves the purple color is unusual. He seeks freedom and independence, adores surprises and zigzags. He may seem like "Sleeping", but in the shower tends to fly, dreams of wings in order to take off as high as possible. Loves intellectual communication, and, by the way, he often does not have enough! Purple-colored lovers often have non-light intelligence.

The "purple" personality is mysterious, possess the creative warehouse of the mind and quickly perceive sublime ideas. Purple color often like artists, as well as people who believe that they are strongly distinguished from the uniformity of their crowds. If this is your color, you are most likely generous and charming. Purple is often associated with observation, susceptibility, vanity and variability.

Since purple is a combination of red and blue, which are perceived as opposite, your character is distinguished by a combination of contradictory traits, and you are constantly trying to balance between these opposites - the excitation of the red and tranquility of the blue ...

It is believed that with the "purple" people just live, but they are hard to find out. You can be secretive, so even in those moments when you reveal the soul, the closest friends can not always fully understand you.

If the purple color you do not like, then you are materialist, you used to justify your views on life, appreciate stability, clearer, symmetry. In communication is straightforward and open, and, apparently, do not like people who are distinguished by arrogance, unnatural refinement or superficially judge things.


Mother Earth color is associated with durability and reliability. People who are not indifferent to the shades of brown, have a smooth character, a solid sense of debt and responsibility, are valued subtle humor, simplicity, comfort, quality, harmony and homely focus. A brown fan is a thorough and tries to make only the deliberate acts.

Prefers not a noisy company, but loneliness and silence. Such a person is distinguished by severeness in relations, resistance in life and thrift. He loves power and strives for her. For him, the most important thing is firmly and firmly stand on Earth. Such a person rarely produces a brilliant impression on others, but in a difficult moment you can rely on it. "Brown" man is active in love and devotes her a lot of time, although love will never prevent him from controlling himself (at least in order to not lose his head at all). He is also inclined to reflect on the problems of the world, and, if he sets himself a goal, he will seek her by anything!

"Brown" people are faithful friends, understanding but adamant, they are distinguished by firm convictions and can be intolerant to those who think, says or acts too quickly. They carefully relate to money, know how to look at the product and make a profitable purchase.

If you put a brown color to the last place, then you seem to fantasize about the many things - for example, you dream to go on a trip with a stray circus or become a rolling trip ... All new captures you, and everyday things seem incredibly boring. You are a witty, impulsive and generous person. Life on the farm is not for you, and the households are scored for you. You love people, but they should be bright and outstanding. Serious relationships can be very risky for your partner - after all, you are so hard to make it stop in one place!


"Beige" people possess the same main features as "brown", only these features are very softened and manifest not so clearly. Creamy-beige color and honey tones are largely adopted by the qualities that are associated with yellow, and the pinkish shades of beige closer to the mood to pink color.
The color beige likes the mental people who appreciate the quality and practicality and strive to maintain neutrality in difficult situations.

If you do not like beige color, you are more restrained than those who do not like brown, but possess many of the qualities inherent in it. Beige's pallor symbolizes for you Pale existence is boring and tedious. You hate ordinary.


Gray is a favorite color of reasonable and incredulous people who have long inflatable before accepting some solution. People who prefer this most neutral of all shades are distinguished by the same neutral attitude towards life, they seem to try to protect themselves from a crazy world, rushing into reliable covers from neutrality.

If this is your color, you obviously prefer a safe, prudent, balanced lifestyle, and unlike red lovers, strive not to vivid impressions, but to satisfaction. It is important for you in any situations to keep the "Status Quo".

You often go to compromises in life. You are practical and calm, and do not like to attract attention, you get pleasure from work and strive to be useful. In general, you are a leisurely, conservative, discreet and reliable.

Do not love gray - it means not to love neutrality. You will prefer to be right or wrong, but not abstainable. Odenship is too boring for you: you are striving for a more complete, rich life. Perhaps it makes you often change attachments, interests and preferences in search of your happiness ...

In a word, people who do not like this color have impulsive, sometimes even frivolous character.


This is a synthesis of all colors, so it is the perfect color, "dream color." It laid a meaningful meaning, since it simultaneously transfers the shine of light, and the cold ice. This color can give preference to a person with any character, he rarely pushes.

White color symbolizes purity. Those who prefer pure white prefers are usually distinguished by accuracy in everything, they are careful and insightful, critical and several fussy. White also means self-sufficiency and, often, innocence. He is like a childhood memory and simplicity ...

The dislike for white does not mean that you are an unorganized or untidy person, but you are unlikely to have a passion for the order, the more you can not be called too a fussy man. Slightly asymmetrical things for you are much more interesting for ideal proportions, and several dust in the bookshelf do not cause your desires to immediately begin great cleaning. You are relaxed, and in the company with you a pleasant time to spend time.

The black

Black in reality is not a color, but its absence. However, in black on the rarity, many adherents. A person who chooses him is always ready to fight, he is full of fire and passion. The feelings of the "black" absorb it entirely, sometimes overlap.

This is the color of the rebellion, the elements, but not a voluntary feeling, but inspired by circumstances or other people. Alas, the black lover does not always correctly appreciate the situation, which is why loses and suffers very much. In his life, Intimate plays a leading role, he is very passionate, a kind of "king of the night", loves to love and be loved. Regardless of the goal, he always goes with half, without stopping. In relations with him, you will definitely come across uncontrollable emotions.

Often, black symbolizes the bladder perception of life. The one who prefers to dress in black (excluding mourning symbolism is a special case), often perceives life in the dark colors, is unsure of himself, unhappy, inclined to depression, because it does not doubt that ideals in life are unattainable. Frequent change of costume or black dresses on another, brighter, is the indicator that pessimistic moods are dispelled.

In people who put black on the last place, this color can be associated with absolute denial ... This is an eternal mystery, the abyss, a black hole ... He can symbolize death and mourning. Perhaps you were afraid of darkness as a child and forgot about it, but the feelings of discomfort pursue you when you look at the black color. However, black may seem just too heavy, dark for you.

You, most likely, feel uncomfortable in society of people with sophisticated manners - you more like people sincere, not burdening themselves and other conventions of the social situation.

Since childhood, we prefer certain colors, choosing clothes, bed linen, dishes, room wallpapers and other attributes.

With age and life experience, our favorite shades are replaced by others. A competent psychologist can spend a test and determine the character of a person in his favorite color.

We are looking for a favorite color to determine the character

How to understand what color is your favorite or your experimental (colleagues, family member, lover)? After all, often in choosing a shade of clothes, we are guided by the arguments of reason, practicality, modesty, the color of appearance.

Black, for example, slightly and looks elegant, while red is too causing, and white is too vintage. Not every lady to the face of pink or blue, although in the shower he will be her favorite.

Nevertheless, it is possible to define a pet. Analyze the interior in the apartment of a person (what things are put on the foreground?), Explore adorable decor items.

Look at the dress selected for the graduation, on the strap of expensive hours or on the sneakers that the subject does not remove. It is on such trifles that we relax the soul and do not listen to the voice of rational Ya.

Color and character: addiction from each other

After analyzing the inclination of the individual to one or another range, it is possible to draw conclusions about its warehouse of mind, emotionality, personal qualities, sexual preferences, phobias, and even health status.

Therefore, if someone asks: "What is your favorite color?", Think whether it is worth immediately disclosing all the cards to him.

So, the favorite color of man:


Such personalities are conservative, restrained, strict and careful. Do not like to take the risk of water, although brave in critical situations. Their weapons - mind, logic, intuition, rational approach.

They are reliable, responsible, make work on conscience and are always ready to assist in the framework of reasonable.

However, such an individual is almost always melancholic and closed, not confident in himself and eager for approval, supporting others.

Blue color pacifies, causes the feeling of comfort and peace.

Often it prefers those who suffer from stress, fatigue, insomnitz, frequent conflicts.


People inoperative, powerful, strong, selfish, sociable and emotional, are peculiar.

With all passion, they are given to the new case, with courage, participate in adventures, little things are ashamed.

They love their attention and success, quickly take off through the career ladder and can go through foreign heads.

In the heat of anger can be reduced and act aggressively, but quickly cool and skillfully smooth the blame (if, of course, their pride is not visible).

These are fervent lovers, extremals by nature. In a boring atmosphere, on routine work, they can snap.


Such a person is calm and romantic. His main passion is order and comfort.

He gladly wakes the nest, cares for the garden, raising offspring. With all the tenderness, he is given to the real feelings and is ready to give way of any whims partner.

From household boredom and vitality, such people hide in the world of fantasies. These are excellent creators (writers, painters, sculptors, cooks).

At the same time, they are non-conflict nature, they are closed, fearless, often hung in the clouds, live in the inner world.

Family life is comfortable, if you provide them with support, care and sense of security.


These people have an active life position, are involved in society, sociable and actors. This is a positive personality, their vector is directed outside.

Their branded traits are sincerity, kindness, attentiveness to the problems of others. They participate in charity, work by volunteers, work more modestly and not expose their merits at the bottom.

These are good friends - next to such people is always calm, safe and warm. They themselves prefer loneliness, as they fear the negative impact and suppress their will.

Fans of light green shade - softer nature than fans of a dark palette (those more tough, straightforward and fight for their principles).


Mr. "Positive" - \u200b\u200bthis is who is this, this amateur yellow. Sometimes it is unnecessarily optimistic and irresponsible, from its sociability and joyful mood can be tired.

But in any company such a cheerful guy is an adored guest. Orange gamma fan has similar features.

However, the Merchant has a "double bottom": it is characterized by considerable ambitions, the thirst for success, the non-light power of the will.

It quickly adapts to an unfamiliar atmosphere, and close to becoming a vertex of evolution.

It will work out and a good creator (thanks to a wide range of and excellent imagination), and a good entrepreneur.

This is a generous, open leader who loves all the staff, but excessive thrust can play a joke with him.

The black

True black fans are prone to depressions, gloomy thoughts, denial.

Their emotions are very strong - both love and luster hatred, - and may bring suffering around.

They love to look mysteriously, although often experience insecure in their own power. Their calling is a riot against the system.


The faithful and sensual nature that become best friends and devotees.

They strive for a serious relationship, dream of marriage. For its partner stand the mountain, providing reliable rear.

Their small happiness is home, garden, children, stability. They prefer the "blue in hand", love to give advice and are often obsessive.


Mystic and magic are not empty words for this person. His life is shrouded in secret.

He loves everything nontrivial, fantastic, stands out among the gray mass with its non-standard views and tastes.

More prone to creativity than to science. Usually becomes freelancer, artist or free artist.

Spiritual, internal for him is more important than the external: he thinks little about his health, and because of this often suffers.

This is smart, with acute language and independent temper. It does not tolerate someone else's pressure and unreasonable criticism.


This is a symbol of purity and innocence, nostalgia for youth. The reference shade prefer people who value simplicity.

They are annoyed by apparent, pathetic, deposited. Their values \u200b\u200bare justice, peace, peace, mind.

These people are creative and smart, while they have intuition. Assocate to empathize, merciful, kind.

Sometimes it is so perceptive that they seem to be extrasens.


The individual is inclined to compromise, its position can not be called solid and principled.

He has excellent business qualities, she works until the seventh sweat and persistently leads its company to the top.

This person is careful, judged, appreciates loneliness and silence.

Similar features are peculiar to fans beige shade.


These are patient and reliable comrades, distinguished by strong health and independent temper.

They are characteristic of unprecedented good nature: they are not melted evil even on the largest offenders.

Burners, they say a little, listen more and always try to help.

They face the legs firmly (this shade is associated with Mother-Earth), build corporations, houses and provide family financial well-being.

In everyday phrases, we, without thinking, often mention various colors and their shades when characterize any person, his moodAnd sometimes even a group of people as a whole - for example, a "bright man", "Green longing", "gray mass".

A certain color is a criterion that strongly affects our choice - clothes, car, interior design elements, any works of art.

Lit can learn about a person more According to their preferred color? The favorite color and character of a person - do they have a connection?

What is the connection?

Is it true that the character of a person can be determined by favorite color?

Each person prefers to some one color from the whole color range, quite often even without giving himself a report, why he does it.

Psychologists held a number of studies of groups of people who liked one or another color and found a lot in common in the inclined and characters Tested - people from one group were largely similar to each other.

Generalizing this information, scientists were able to withdraw the characteristics of the character of a person who preference for one or another color.

Why is it possible?

How are the color of the car and the nature of its owner? Test car rainbow:

Psychology and meaning

Turning to the archetypes - the concept introduced, K. Jung, and meaning the element of the collective unconscious, which is identical for all people, it can be noted that some colors have long been to this day have a certain symbolic meaning.

For example, the bride dresses in a white wedding dress that symbolizes innocence and purity, while mourning color grief and sadness - black. Red symbolizes danger, and yellow - the color of the sun is a yield and wealth.

Man choosing a favorite color comes from of their individual associations and claimsHowever, its meaning for many people remains the same.

That is why the preference for one or another color reflects the prevailing mood of a person, his inclination and character.

What can be said about a person on a certain color that he likes?

Find out the nature of the hair color:

Characteristic personality

What does your favorite color talk about a person? What does, if you like:

  1. White.This color is a symbol of purity and innocence. People who prefer white color are neat and pedantic, strive for perfectionism. They differ cautious optimism, which allows them to successfully realize themselves in life.
  2. As a rule, white-colored adherents are insightful and self-sufficient, and they are able to put the direct criticism of other people whose acts seemed immoral or unreasonable.

  3. The black.People who love the black color, what are they? This color prefer people who are quite confident in themselves and their actions. They are always able to correctly assess the situation, respect family values, traditions and honor rules. Also, love for black color can talk about the desire to achieve high social status.
  4. At the same time, the fanatical love for black in clothes, especially if there is a sudden change in its attributes on a brighter and light, it can say that a person is inclined to and pessimism.

    Failures are able to easily remove them from equilibrium and lead to understated.

  5. Grey.This color loves rational people who are discarded towards emotion when making decisions. Due to this, they successfully find compromises in a variety of difficult situations, as they are able to come from their position in response to mutual concessions of the opponent. They are alien to stormy bursts of energy, and most often they have neutral and calm attitude to life.
  6. Brown.People who prefer brown color seek success and prosperity. They do not regret forces to achieve the desired. With all this, they have a tendency to loneliness and support noisy companies, preferring them only a narrow circle of well acquaintances, close people.
  7. However, as well as black lovers, they are hard to experience their own failures that make them fall into despondency.

  8. Red.People whose favorite color is red, very hard to endure everyday routine domestic worries. They will always crave novelty, change the situation, do not have an effortfulness, which affects them on their choice of profession.
  9. They are impatient and stubborn, but at the same time they always sympathize with others because of their immediacy and the desire to pull them all.

    These are inborn leaders who, to implement their leadership, not even necessarily have the relevant official power.

  10. Yellow.People whose favorite color is yellow, sociable and immediate. They love to receive the knowledge that they will not be useful in life - just out of curiosity. As a rule, they have a natural tendency to good manners, they know how to behave in society. They are also very contradictory and often change their own opinion.
  11. Their negative features are egoism and the desire to put their own interests higher than the interests of other people, which often leads to conflict situations in communicating with them.

  12. Blue.This is a color that prefer people prone to melancholy. They do not like aggression and conflict situations, often avoiding conflicts even to the detriment of their own interests. They do not attract places with a large cluster of people - they prefer a relaxing atmosphere in a circle of their loved ones.
  13. Such people are very appreciated by loyalty, and even the most insignificant lies of close people are interpreted by them as a betrayal. They are also prone to conservatism and do not like spontaneous solutions. Sometimes their conservatism becomes a real problem for others.

  14. Green.People who love green color are calm and balanced. They extremely rarely violate the rules and almost never have problems with the law. The pathological desire to comply with the rules leads to the fact that each action they can turn into a real ritual, which without any attribute cannot be performed. Their pedanotism often turns out to be undervalued.
  15. Such people are ideal family mans, above all presenting family values \u200b\u200b- everyday care, loyalty and devotion.

  16. Purple.This color is loved by independent people seeking primarily to personal freedom. They do not accept conservatism, stability quickly bored them and forces to seek adventures.

    Such people are contradictory by their nature - they can strive for any purpose, and, reaching it, to declare that they wanted completely different.

    Nevertheless, they quickly converge with people thanks to excellent empathy and observation.

  17. Orange.This color prefers active, optimistic personalities. They are perfectly assessed by any situation, because they are taking it with the pros and its cons, which allows them to find the most worthy way out of the problem. They do not tend to worry because of the smallest things and fall into the despondency for any occasion.
  18. The surrounding appreciate such people for the ability to change the mood for the better.

  19. Burgundy.This color is loved by people who can first seem sullen and unfriendly, but for such behavior there is a desire to know the person better before revealing him. These are very faithful friends who will not leave even in the most difficult situation. They are inherent in huge vitality and will.
  20. Blue.Blue color loves people who tend to change the mood. They can join as quickly as. They do not like to feel adults and power, since the most appropriateness and openness are most appropriate. Such personalities become excellent actors, because artistry is their innate trait. They are also very.
  21. Pink.Pink color prefer romantic nature. They are gentle and sophisticated. The expression "dress up pink glasses" as it is impossible to come true to such people - often their fantasies are issued for the actual position of things, and at the same time tend to overestimate their own capabilities, which ultimately can lead to disappointments.
  22. However, such people are fairly easily experienced trouble, since they can easily switch attention.

  23. Turquoise.This color is loved by power and calm people. They calmly accept all the complexity of life, without falling into a despondency, but at the same time, and never express blessing optimism. Such behavior allows them to make the right decisions in any situation, which is often perceived by the surrounding people as luck. Also such people are easily raging friends thanks to their goodwill.

  24. Beige.This color is softened brown, so people who love beige are similar to those who prefer brown, but these features are somewhat washed away. Such people are practical and pleasant in communication, for them, moral values \u200b\u200bare above material claims. They are calm and mental, seek to come to neutrality in controversial situations.
  25. Salad. This color loves people who strive for power. They can be fairly cynical - and even with the opposite sex, they strive to subordinate themselves to themselves and achieve the rules. However, with all this, they absolutely do not like to risk, which makes them agree in controversial situations with other people, since any conflict can lead to trouble.

Also, such people are responsible in professional terms and are beautiful family mans.

Choose a color and find out about yourself:

How to find out what shade do you like?

How to find out your favorite color? Pay attention to the prevailing color in your wardrobe, as well as the clothes of the rest of people - what colors do you like most of all?

Look at the rainbow, on the same figures of different colors and determine which color to you by moral.

Look at the surrounding and find out their color preferences - it will help you. it is better to deal with people, understand their inclination, perhaps improve relations with them.

The eye color will tell about you:

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