What does GVS mean. DHW on one: what it is. What does the Law on Hot Water

Block houses 20.05.2021
Block houses

First component - cold water (m3)

Second component - thermal energy spent on the preparation of hot water from cold (gkal)

What are the established normative acts indicators need to know?

Cost of component on cold water and thermal energy for the population Installed by the Decree of the Regional Energy Commission of the UR of December 17, 2013 No. 21/8.

In Izhevsk: component on cold water \u003d 11.62 m3

component Painting Energy \u003d 1368,80 Gcal

In Sarapul: Component on cold water \u003d 25.69 m3

component Painting Energy \u003d 1696.96 Gcal

For homes, where there is no general registration device, the government of the UR by his order dated January 27, 2014 No. 38-P approved temporary indicators of the specific consumption of thermal energy to heating water.

For Izhevsk - 0,051965 Gcal / m3

For Sarapula - 0,053079 GKAL / M3

How to calculate? (example of calculation is given for Izhevsk, sarapulsum change numbers)

In houses with accounting devices:

General formula: Cost of DHW \u003d.+



indications of the device for the consumption of thermal energy

_______________________________________________ x 1368 rub. / Gkal

indications of the device for the consumption of DHW

the volume of consumed cold water x 11,62 rubles / m3.

In houses without metering devices:

cost of component for thermal energy

General formula: Cost of DHW \u003d.+

cost of component on cold water,


Cost of component for thermal energy


cold water volume

0.051965 Gcal / m3 (specific consumption of heat heating water)

1 368.80 rubles / Gcal.

Cost of component on cold water \u003d the volume of consumed cold water x 11,62 rubles / m3.

Will the fee of hot water increase in the end?

Residents of houses that are not equipped with accounting devices, the fee for hot water should not change.

As for homes equipped with accounting devices, in this case there is no unambiguous answer. One will decrease in others, others will remain at the same level, the buildings will increase. It all depends on the volume of water consumption by residents of a particular home, from heat loss. For example, many in the bathroom have towel dealers who give warmly around the clock, and someone and warm floors do not work at the expense of electricity, but at the expense of hot water. For all this will have to pay additionally.


The topic of calculating fees for utility resources is one of the most difficult. Those who have not come across a problem earlier, it is difficult to understand how difficult it is, and there is no time for it.

However, let's try.

For calculations, paragraphs of the Russian Federation No. 354 (procedure and methods for all occasions), PP of the Russian Federation No. 307 (for heating only and only before July 1, 2016, then there are PP of the Russian Federation No. 354), PP of the Russian Federation No. 306 (regulations).

The text of the documents is complex, the mass payer is almost inaccessible. There is no clear system in the symbols of physical quantities, which can confuse the reader, there are no names of the physical quantities used in the calculated formulas and explanations. As if writing for themselves. Type know themselves, but the rest is not necessary.

And one more initial remark. The gentlemen from the Criminal Code and from the developer often show the great joy regarding the "energy efficiency" of new buildings, in particular our area.

Energy Efficiency Essence is the tight account of all utilities and measures to save them. Let's see during the discussion as far as such "joy" is justified.

Since we have a closed GVS system, that is, the corresponding section of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation No. 354 is applied for calculations (Appendix 2 Section IV), when the production of a communal service, in this case, the DHW is carried out by the Contractor (CC) on our ETP equipment from you Composition of common property.

Regarding this very concept of "production" of the GWS by the Contractor while you will not go into details. This is a separate pretty "muddy" and a controversial topic, who, how and what actually produces.

We only note that according to PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, paragraph 54 of the Rules clearly determined that the fee for the mainstation of the general property (equipment ITP, where the executor of the service heats the water for DHS) is charged separately. That is, "production" - the operating costs of this common property are included in the payment for the content and repair of common property and are not included in the calculation of payment for the DHW.

So, what should be taken into account for calculating the fee for the GWS?

The total consumption of cold drinking water (along the HALL line) supplied to heating for the DHW.

The total consumption of thermal energy taken into boilers in the coolant from the centralized supply system of thermal energy (heating).

It seemed simple. Shared the total heat consumption (heating) on \u200b\u200bthe total amount of cold water, which is spent for DHW and order. Received a specific heat consumption on the cubic meter of hot water.

However, in our receipts there is no accounting for the total volume on the rh3 and the DHW separately.

And the data of individual consumption of DHW and Hydz can not be used due to the systematic error of measurement of apartment meters. Therefore, the concept of ODN was introduced to eliminate this systematic error and accurately taking into account water consumption for the entire house with a common house meter.

In this sense of PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, not quite correctly and the campaign has long been outdated, when the basis of calculations is proposed to put the total testimony of the IPU, if there is no common house meter, but the authors of the regulatory text completely forgotten about the systematic error of apartment IPUs (insensitivity zone IUP on small water flow).

As a sense of the Law "On Energy Saving ...", the first thing that should be done is common household meters of accounting, and where there is no technical opportunity due to the design of the house, the technical opportunity should be created by reconstruction (attachment) of the room for mounting utility metering nodes.

The total domain registration of municipal resources is not beneficial to public utilities, therefore sabotize the process. In "muddy water" to flush easier.

We also have a hike in the ITP, there are no separate accounting of the consumption of thermal energy, which is spent on the heating of the DHW. At least it is not seen from the content of the information provided in the receipt.

But what about the Super Pouper Energy Efficiency ITP? Isn't it too easy for a super duper energy efficient ITP with "space technologies"?

Installed one common rh3 meter and one general thermal energy meter on the entire block and satisfied as elephants?

And according to the law, each individual house should be equipped with accounting devices.

What does it differ then to our ITP from the usual heat soul mate of the old Soviet home?

Why do we need "on the ears drive" which year about energy efficiency?

The campaign is to ensure that any passing is the "cash pump" on the Energy Service Agreement "authoritatively" stated that we need to establish accounting devices to increase energy efficiency.

We are so clear that we need a comprehensive accounting of utility resources.

Who interfered to put a two-channel thermal energy meter? It was hard to stick the counter to account for the consumption of feed water for the DHW system?

And if they are still there, then why aren't their testimony in calculations and do not indicate in receipts?

In the receipts, a new line appeared a few years ago - heated water. Many people do not know what this service is, and why they must pay for it. After all, earlier payment was made only for warm water. Therefore, many do not want to make a double fee. However, the non-submission of money specified in this graph leads to the emergence of debt. Since the amount for heating water in receipts is charged for a separate service.

What is heating is one of the most common issues. The document has 2 graphs thermal water supply (DHW) and heating.
What is a DHW is a hot water supply. But people do not understand why they must make money twice. But in fact, everything is different. DHW is not warm water, but heat power, which exists with housing and communal services to bring fluid to the desired temperature. Therefore, a double tariff for hot water supply and energy spent was introduced.

This tariff was established due to the fact that additional energy expects to achieve normal temperature. Previously, fuel consumption was not taken into account when calculating utility payments, and money was charged only in the heating period.
Because of what during this period, people's expenses for heating and heating increased greatly. So that people do not have increasing costs, the government divided the costs spent on achieving normal temperature for the entire year.

Whether the fee charge is legally

Seeing an extra graph in the check, people think, and it is legitimate. Some immediately appeal to the company's employees and clarify what a new graph means and why you need to pay. And some simply do not make money for it.

However, such actions of consumers will be considered illegal, since the obligation to pay for water heating is indicated in the articles of the Housing Code. Also, the validity of the payment requirement for this is also indicated in

That if the equipment breaks

If the heater breaks, he will not increase and not decrease for heating. Therefore, it is important to quickly return it to the system. In this situation, payers must immediately inform the employees of the management company about breakage. After receipt of the application, the legal entity should immediately send specialists to restore the water heater.

The duty of tenants is also the acquisition of equipment.

How to independently determine the cost

The cost of heating the cold water is indicated in the receipt. For the cold and hot liquid, calculate the size of the total amount is quite simple, but how to calculate the amount of fees for an additional service know a few.

How water cameras are calculated in the summer and winter, and what data it will be necessary to know:

  1. Be sure to know which tariff is set in the region.
  2. What losses suffered an account for the resource transportation.
  3. How many actually energy was used to achieve the required temperature.
  4. How much each month the resource is spent.

Not all managers provide such data to residents of apartment buildings. However, anyone can request this information in the HOA or the Criminal Code, and the legal entity staff is obliged to give reliable information to pay for the supply of apartments.

If you refuse to answer a request, the applicant may submit to the employees of the management company the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Having received all the necessary data, you can independently calculate and compare the heating account specified in the account.

Calculation of the total amount in 2018

Heating is the most expensive utility service. This is due to the fact that special heating devices are used for heating, which spend a lot of energy.

To calculate the amount of payment for heating for the DHW, it is necessary to determine how much the resource was spent, for this you need to read the testimony from the meter or make a calculation for the hot moisture if it is not. The calculation of the amount of remuneration for heating GVS is made according to the following formula:

P HB \u003d VGV × TXV + (V V CR × VI GV / Σ VI GV × TV CR)

V GW - the volume of hot water consumed for the estimated period (month) in the apartment or non-residential room

T ch - tariff for cold water

V V cr - the volume of thermal energy used for the estimated period for heating of cold water during the independent production of hot water control company

Σ VI GW - the total volume of hot water consumed during the estimated period in all

T V cr - tariff for thermal energy in the premises of the house.

The rate installed in the region is multiplied by the heat standard necessary for heating the cubic meter of the liquid. The resulting digit is multiplied by the amount of resource consumed.

Residents who do not have a counter, the calculation should be done like this: the standard is divided into the number of tenants in the house (apartment).
The resulting result will not be accurate, as the management company also adds expenses spent on the repair, maintenance and ensuring the performance of special devices.

Communal payments for heating greatly hit the budget of the owners of the housing. In connection with which people do not want to make money it is not clear for what. And the appearance of a new graf in paper for heating, always causes the appearance of questions, especially if the innovation needs to pay a rather big amount. Heated not so long ago appeared in the receipt, because of which many people have not yet figured out why they need to pay separately for him, because they already pay water supply.

Generating payment for utilities, consumers see various abbreviations in receipts. It is important to know what is behind these letters and what money goes. DHW is a hot water service. But what it includes and from which it consists, consider in more detail.

Regulatory framework and definitions

Hot water, centrally submitted to consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06.05.2011, is one of the utilities. The utility service is the provision of a resource to the consumer by the Contractor (supplier) services.

That is, in the case of GVS, the utilities is the delivery of hot water required parameters to apartment apartment buildings, hostel rooms, enterprises and public buildings (hospitals, laundry, kindergartens, etc.).

Services for the supply of hot water Residents have a heating network, in its own duties, the implementation of centralized heating of residential and public buildings.

Features Services

The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs on centralized heating boilers, there, where the heat carrier of the heating system is heated.

Boiler rooms can be connected to a drop-down DHW system or be dead-end - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, roof boilers). The closer the consumer is located to the source of hot water (boiler room), the better the service, above the water temperature will be better. However, the connection to the flaked networks is preferable from the point of view of the reliability and uninterruptedness of the DHW.

The service includes:

  1. Boiler room service. Unlike heating, the DHW is provided all year round, while the boilers go to the summer (minimum) mode of operation.
  2. Road service.
  3. Conduct planned repair work on networks.

The water heated in the boiler room for an open (open) system of the DHW enters the apartments of consumers by supplying water supply systems, distributing on domesticated DHW networks.

It should be remembered that hot water cannot be used to prepare food due to the presence of additives in it - special additives that reduce the level of formation of scale on the inner walls of pipelines.

The temperature of hot water in consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal norms and is + 50 ... + 65 ° C. In fact, it often does not exceed +40 ° C.

This is due to heat loss in the supply of heat carrier along the tracks (poor-quality insulation of pipes, impulses) or due to the low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler operators adjust the output parameters based on the outdoor temperature.

Task Supplier Services Provide a communal resource for good quality in apartments. Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor-quality provision of services by the deplorable state of networks - built in the last century, the tracks that require major repairs will not withstand the temperature difference in winter, if you maintain the coolant parameters from the boiler room at the normative level.

It turns out a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature or generally refuse to this service, moving to heated water with electric boilers. And the enterprises of the heating network cannot produce repair work, because The debt of the population does not give them the inflow of funds.

On video about the service of the DHW


Pay or not for the DHW service, if it turns out in insufficient quality, the case is purely personal. It is important to understand that deciding to go along the path of non-payment, it is not necessary to simply produce debts. It is necessary to assemble the evidence base according to the following scheme: to produce commissions of water temperature, send results to the enterprise supplying services. Be sure to get the official response explaining the causes of low quality service. Having collected a package of evidence, you can contact the court to defend your rights.

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