Elder Jonah's prediction. The prophecy of Elder Jonah: the time will come when dollars will be like autumn leaves, and no one will bend down for them Prediction of the third world war, Elder John

Apartment selection 29.03.2021
Apartment selection

Many prophecies and saints speak of the start of the third world war. However, it should be noted that usually we are talking not about the year, but about the season. However, there are also indications for the year.


Elder Matthew of Wresfensky: (source not found)

<...>After the resurrection of Russia, there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia.

Yugoslavia no longer exists, but Serbia was once part of Yugoslavia.

Elder Vladislav (Shumov)

"The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia."


Venerable Theodosius (Kashin), Elder of Jerusalem, predicted that the Mother of God would protect Russia during the next war. “Was that a war? (Second World War- Approx. author). There will be war ahead. It will start from the East.

Mystical folk beliefs indicate at the end of the world, when China rises, its great battle with Russia between Biya and Katun. And then enemies will crawl to Russia from all sides.(source not found)

To us Christians, who understand the meaning of symbolism, it must seem significant that the emblem of China is the Dragon. The dragon is called the Ancient Serpent. It is not for nothing that the Russian people from time immemorial have developed the belief that when China rises, then the world will end. China will go against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers. It contains the true faith of Christ.(source not found)

The demons will first divide Russia, weaken it, and then begin to plunder. The West will contribute in every possible way to the destruction of Russia and will give its entire eastern part to China. Everyone will assume that Russia is finished. And then a miracle of God will appear, some kind of extraordinary explosion will take place, and Russia will be reborn again, albeit on a small scale. The Lord and the Most Blessed Mother of God will preserve Russia.”(source not found)

Feofan Poltava

“Was that a war (the Great Patriotic War)? There will be war. And then from all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. This is going to be a war!"(source not found)

Elder Vladislav (Shumov)

“There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

The southern half of China will be flooded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.

When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.

The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.

Everything will be on fire!... Great sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in the fire.

Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then more crying!

The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.”

Regarding the unification with Mongolia and the conversion of the Chinese to Orthodoxy, one can doubt. Maybe there will be a union with India?

Elder Vissarion (Optina Hermitage) (I did not find the source. In Optina, they also do not know who the elder Vissarion is)

“Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians on the Orthodox principle ... "

Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

“The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, with an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem.”

Casualties and outcome of the war:

Joseph of Vatopedi

“This will be their main obstacle to world domination. And they will force the Turks to still come here to Greece to begin their actions, and Greece, although it has a government, in fact does not have a government as such. It has no power, and the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia, too, will move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop as follows: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, no merging of the two Orthodox peoples. Other forces will also be aroused, such as the Japanese and others. There will be a great massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. Only the dead will be about 600 million people. The Vatican will also be strongly involved in all this in order to prevent the growth of the role of Orthodoxy and such a reunification. This will be the time of the complete destruction of the Vatican influence to the very foundation. This is how the providence of God will turn.

Prophecies of Methodius of Patara

In the ancient Byzantine prophecies we find the following place, which speaks of what will happen on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire " a battle like never before", in which many peoples will participate: "... human blood will flow like a river, so that even the depths of the sea will become clouded with blood. Then the ox will roar and the dry stone will weep."

Prophecies of Saint Cosmas of Aetolia

“After the war, people will run a half-hour path to find a person and make him [their] brother; happy who will live after the general war. He will eat with a silver spoon."

Elder Matthew of Wresfensky (source not found by me)

“This war of the world, perhaps of the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia.<...>After the resurrection of Russia, there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Kingdom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents..

Probably the elder meant all the same not billions, but millions of lives.

teacher Seraphim Vyritsky (source not found)

"Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands."

About the coming Russian Tsar

Feofan Poltava.

« In recent times, there will be a monarchy in Russia. This will cause a worldwide hostile reaction. Enemies will crawl on Russia like locusts"

Monk Gabriel, from the Monastery of Bosnian (Serbia)

“Our Tsar will be from the Nemanzhich clan through the female line. He was already born and lives in Russia.

The elder described what it would look like. High, Blue eyes, blond hair, pleasant appearance, with a mole on his face. He will become right hand Russian tsar.

I myself heard from another source, from another monk, believe me 100%, the Russian Tsar will be called Michael, and our Andrey.

After reading these and many other prophecies, we can already draw certain conclusions about the upcoming events. Although we must not forget that not all prophecies walking on the net are true. There are distortions, errors, and, as it seems, many events in the view of the seers are, as it were, compressed. After all, many say that it is possible to “live to see the Antichrist” at the same time that events have not yet occurred that can stretch for many decades or even centuries.

It seems appropriate and credible interpretation of the Revelation of John the Theologian, set out on the website www.apokalips.ru, where it is proposed to consider the image of the opening of the seven seals as seven global periods of 70 years each. And according to this interpretation, we are now living in the period of the opening of the third seal, which ends in 2054, when the period described as the exit of the rider named "death" begins. This is very similar to the beginning of the third world war.

It is also noteworthy that, according to many instructions, before the war itself there will be the resurrection of Seraphim of Sarov and the election of the Tsar in Russia. It must be assumed that these two events are in a providential way interconnected.

In 2053, there will be the 150th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarov in the face of saints, and it is said: “ In Diveevo, having risen in Sarov, I will come alive with the Tsar". Thus, the King will be chosen not by people, but by the Lord. As the elder Nikolai (Guryanov) said: “ The Tsar whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people"- and we will add - through Seraphim of Sarov.

I would also like to draw attention to the prediction about a kind of coup d'état before the war and the coming of the Tsar, about which Elder Vissarion from Optina Hermitage speaks: (“ Something like a coup d'état will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack»).

It must be assumed that this will be a kind of troubled time. Or some patriotic forces will take power in the country because of the obvious disastrous path that the "democratic" government will follow.

It must also be said that the image of the opening of the third seal, which describes the modern period, speaks of a rise in the price of food.

coming out “A black horse, and on it is a rider who has a measure in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four animals, saying: A quinix of wheat for a denarius, and three quinixes of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and wine"(Rev. 6:5, 6).

In the prophecies, we also find an indication that there will be cards and famine before the war.

Vladislav (Shumov)

“In Moscow, cards will be introduced, and then famine”

Reverend Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi Father Anthony (source not found)

“The grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. From there, from Syria, everything will begin !!! After them, expect grief with us, hunger and grief.

Schemaarchimandrite Christopher

“There will be a terrible famine, then a war, it will be very short, and after the war there will be very few people left.”


Many predictions say that the war will start through Serbia. And we have no reason not to believe it. At the same time, we have the predictions of the Greeks about the attack of the Turks on Greece. And that the Russian army will come further and take Constantinople in response to this aggression. The fact that the Russian army will take Constantinople has been known for a long time, and this tradition is preserved both among the Greeks and the Turks.

It is known that enemies from all sides will attack Russia, and China will be the most dangerous enemy. Nevertheless, the battle for Constantinople is, in our opinion, extremely important.

Elder Martin Zadeka(1769) (didn't find the source yet) « Constantinople will be taken by the Christians without the slightest bloodshed. (read about this in the comments) Internal rebellions, civil strife and incessant unrest will completely ruin the Turkish state; famine and pestilence will be the end of these disasters; they will die most pitifully of themselves. The Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fetzan and Morocco"

“You can’t hide and you can’t get away from your worst enemy- Turk! They will attack and take over your islands! It won't happen for long. Because they are on fire. Fire from the Russian fleet. From the Russian fleet and from their side.

This fire will scatter them and they will not know where to run and where to hide. Everything that they have done to you for so many centuries - they will pay for everything. That will be their pay."

Due to the turmoil that began throughout the world, the Turks will attack and capture Greek islands. In addition, Turkey will let through American ships that will hit Russia.

Inscription on the tomb of Constantine the Great: « The fair-haired family with his assistants will completely defeat Ismail and Semikholmie [Constantinople] with special advantages [in it] will receive. Then a fierce internecine strife will begin, [lasting] until the fifth hour. And there will be a triple voice; “Stop, stop with fear! And, hastening to the right country, you will find a husband there, truly marvelous and strong. This will be your master, for he is dear to me, and you, having received him, do my will.

Kutlumush manuscript: "17) the struggle of the seven powers for Constantinople. Three-day mutual extermination. The victory of the strongest power over the other six;

18) an alliance of six powers against the victor; new three-day mutual extermination;

19) the cessation of enmity by God's intervention in the person of an Angel and the transfer of Constantinople to the Hellenes"

From this prophecy, we can conclude that the capture of Constantinople will not be so easy (“three-day mutual extermination”)

Prophecy of Methodius of Patara: « And the blond-haired family will rule Semikholmie for five or six [months]. And they will plant potions in it, and many of them will be cut off in vengeance for the saints. And the predetermined three [terms?] will rule in the East, and after this, someone autocratic will rise, and after him another, ferocious wolf ... and the settled peoples will be thrown into confusion, which is on north side, and they move with power and great fury, and are divided into four principalities, and the first winters near Ephesus, the second near Melagia, the third near Pergamum, the fourth near Bithynia. Then the peoples who dwell on southern country, and Philip the Great will rise with eighteen tribes, and flock to the Semiholmium, and start a battle like never before, and rush inward through its gates and passages, and the blood of people will flow like a river, so that even the depths of the sea will become clouded with blood. Then the ox will roar and the dry stone will weep. Then the horses will stand and a voice will be heard from heaven: “Stop! Stop! Peace to you! Enough vengeance on the unfaithful and obscene! Go to the right land of Semiholmia, and you will find there a man standing near the two pillars in great humility, bright and righteous, enduring great poverty, severe in appearance, but meek in spirit "... And the command from the Angel will be announced:" Make him king and put the sword into his right hand with the words: "Be of good cheer, John! Be strong and conquer your adversaries." And, having received the sword from the angel, he will smite the Ismailites, the Ethiopians, and every unbelieving generation. Under him, the Ismailites will be divided into three parts, and the first part will be killed with a sword, the second part will be christened, the third part, which is in the East, will be conquered by force ( about this passage, read in the comments) . And upon his return [from the East], the treasuries of the earth will be opened, and all will be enriched, and they will have no beggar, and the earth will give "

It is not entirely clear from this prophecy: And if the “fair-haired family” are Russians, then it is not entirely clear what the “northern peoples” who will set in motion mean. In any case, the Christian faith will be restored in Constantinople and given to the God-chosen Greek King - John, who will rule for 2-3 decades. And this will be the time of the last flowering, and the time of the spread of the Orthodox faith throughout the earth.

Andrey Yurovy: « And there will be a world in the likeness of the world that was in the days of Noah, for they will no longer fight. And because there will be no war on earth, they will reforge their swords into plows, sickles and [other] agricultural implements. And [the king] will turn his face to the east and humble the sons of Hagar, for our Lord Jesus Christ will be angry with them for the iniquity of Sodom, which they do. Many of them will receive Holy Baptism and will be honored by that pious king, but he will destroy the rest, burn them with fire and betray [any other] violent death. In those days, everything will be restored, and Illyricum [will become part of the power] of the Romans, and Egypt will find its gates. And [the king] will lay his right hand on the surrounding nations, and subdue the fair-haired race, and defeat his haters. And he will keep the kingdom for thirty-two years, and taxes and gifts will not be collected for twelve years. He will restore ruined treasuries and rebuild holy temples. In those days there will be no litigation, nor the unrighteous with the wicked, for the whole earth will be afraid of the [royal] face, and he will compel all the sons of men out of fear of him to be chaste, and among his nobles he will destroy every transgressor ... Then joy and fun will come , and many good things will come from the earth and the sea. And it will be as it was in the days of Noah ... When his dominion is over, the beginning of evil will come.

Paisiy Svyatogorets: « Will happen in Constantinople Great War between Russians and Europeans, and much blood will be shed. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it, not because the Russians will revere us, but because there is no better solution, and they will agree together with Greece, and difficult circumstances will put pressure on them. The Greek army will not have time to approach there, as the city will be given to it.

War start time:

Prediction of mother Alipia of Kiev: (I haven’t looked for a source yet)

« The war will start on the apostles Peter and Paul. It will happen in the year when the corpse is taken out»

Prediction of Vladislav (Shumov)

“The war will begin shortly after my holiday (meaning the holiday of Seraphim of Sarov). As soon as the people subside from Diveevo, it will begin right away! But I am not in Diveevo: I am in Moscow. In Diveyevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive together with the Tsar.

Prediction of a Greek nun (from one monastery in Attica) (source not found)

“From a united government, the prophecies say, things to come will begin.

Everything starts in June. Everyone will run away in the dark night, and we will not have a government. This is how the end of the pseudo-Roman will begin. This was prophesied by the holy martyr Cosmas of Aetolia. This is how the Turks will knock on our gates. The war will be nuclear, and so all the waters will become poisoned. And in the summer these events will begin, in order to make it easier for people to endure difficulties and sorrows..

This refers to the beginning of certain events in Greece.

Thus, we see that many prophesy about the beginning of the Third World War, but there is no clear indication of the month. But everyone agrees that it's summer.

Prediction of a Greek nun (from one monastery in Attica)(source not found although it seems to be true)

Now I say - that after 2050 there will be a time of antichrist.

Whoever prays for peace now is wasting his time. The world will no longer be.

Joseph of Vatopedi
6. The Russians will enter Constantinople, install their own governor, but later give everything to the Greeks. At the very beginning, the Greeks will hesitate to accept or not the new territories, but will accept them later and will rule over what was once a Turkish possession. The Greeks will return to Constantinople 600 years after they left it. (In 600 years - 2053) http://www.polemics.ru/articl…

duration of the war.

There are prophecies that say that the war will be hard, but not long.

« St. Cosmas Etalos predicted a third world war. He described it as short and scary, that it would start on the territory of Dolmatia (Serbia)"

Schemaarchimandrite Christopher He said that there would be a war, a terrible famine all over the earth, not only in Russia. ... " There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast, missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth. As China goes, so everything will begin ... And he said another time: The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.»

If we take as a basis the assumption that the war will begin in 2053 - or 2054, then the prediction known as the Kutlumush manuscript, dated 1053 (found in the monastery of Kutlumush on the Holy Mountain), is very interesting. It contains predictions, some of which have come true, and some of which refer to future events. Beginning with the 15th prophecy, events are described that have not yet come true, for example, the battle of seven states for Constantinople. But we will turn your attention to the last - the 24th prophecy:

“24. In the fifty-fifth year - the end of sorrows. In the seventh [summer] there is no accursed, there is no exile, for he returned to the arms of the Mother [about his children rejoicing]. This will be, this will be done. Amen. Amen. Amen". It is very likely that the year 2055 is meant, which will be the year of the end of a short but exterminating world war. Thus, it can be assumed that the war, which began in the summer of 2053, will end in 2055.

Paisiy Svyatogorets: « - Know that Turkey will fall apart. There will be a war for two halves (years?). We will be winners because we are Orthodox.

- Geronta, will we suffer damage in the war?

- Uh, at most, one or two islands will be occupied, and Constantinople will be given to us. See, see!"

The director of the Blessing publishing house, Yuri Grigoryevich Samusenko, in an interview with Orthodox publicist Konstantin Dushenov, told two famous elders about the approaching World War III. The video conversation was published on April 13, 2014, just at the beginning of the bloody events in the East of Ukraine.

Yuri Samusenko about the prophecy of Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa

Yuri Samusenko: “Everything that is connected with the last times, with, much becomes obvious and obvious ...

The Lord, through those who prophesy, informs people of some information. The apostle Paul said, “Quench not the Spirit. Do not despise the prophecies."

I can tell right away what I know from my spiritual father. Our confessor in the family was a very famous elder, Archimandrite Jonah (Ignatenko). He labored in Odessa monastery, where Metropolitan Agafangel. He is very famous, people came to him ... from all points of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and Vladivostok. The Patriarch came to meet him in order to have a tete-a-tete talk, I even have a photograph where they were photographed together at a meeting; other famous people.

– Konstantin Dushenov: “Patriarch… Do you mean Pimen?”

– Yuri Samusenko: “Patriarch Kirill... Four years ago, when he... being already a Patriarch visited Odessa. In Odessa, on the territory of this monastery, there is the residence of the Patriarch.

- Konstantin Dushenov: “Is the father alive, is your confessor?”

- Yuri Samusenko: “Father has rested. And so, in connection with this, I will now tell you when he reposed, when many asked him and I also asked: father, but here is the Third World War, which we all know about, and which with tension, looking at what is in the world is happening, and marveling at God's long-suffering... we ask ourselves, when will it be? Here, who will attack Russia?

“No one will attack Russia.”

“Well, who will attack the United States?”

"No one will attack."

- Well, how will it be, what kind of World War III is this?

“It will start with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and Russia and the United States and many countries will be drawn into this civil war funnel of a small country. And that will be the beginning of World War III.”

- And when will it be, father?

- "Well, I'll die - and in a year it will begin."

He passed away in December 2012. Euromaidan began at the end of November at the beginning of December 2013...”

Yuri Samusenko on the prophecy of Schema-Archimandrite of the Romanian Church Justin (Pyrvu)

Yuri Samusenko: “The question is, when will it be, do we have any information? So I can say, here I have a photograph of an old man in my hands. This is Schema-Archimandrite Justin (Pyrvu). Romanian. He passed away last year, 2013. I was recently on holy ground, at the beginning of Great Lent. And I had a number of interesting meetings there. Firstly, right away, from the first day, it was interesting to observe when, somewhere in a holy place where pilgrims from all over the world go, huge, tourist buses stop, a group of pilgrims, in particular from Russia, falls out of there, and you can hear, instead of the usual there are exclamations related to shrines - people go out of the doors of one bus, from the second and only audible: Ukraine, Maidan, and the whole topic of people is a sore subject that does not leave them even in the holy places where they came in order to touch the grace of the eternal places of worship for people of all faiths and especially Christian, Orthodox.

And so I was in the Lavra of Savva the Sanctified. One monk returned there, who had been called to Romania for several years in order to look after the elder. Here behind this elder, father Justin, because he already fell ill and he already needed a constantly present cell-attendant. This monk told me that Father Justin reposed on July 16, 2013, on Sunday. And three days before he died, he invited him and someone else and said that I want to tell you, brothers, in the end that a year after my death, there will be terrible events on a global scale; these will be catastrophic events in the world and I feel sorry for you. I'm not verbatim, but that's the meaning. He warned, without naming, that it would be World War III. What can we assume in the light of developments in Ukraine today, in the spring of 2014? That perhaps the military phase of the Third World War could come in the coming months. Here is July 2014 named by the elder.

"About times and dates"

Yuri Samusenko's interlocutor, Konstantin Dushenov, of course, doubted these prophecies, calling them "knowledge of times and dates." He cited, as an objection, the well-known theological opinion that "Russia will be reborn at the end of time", calling it "the prophecies of the holy fathers." What can be said here. Yes, there was a prophecy about a powerful Russia, about the merging of "all Slavic tribes", but this prophecy has already come true in the person of the USSR, the Warsaw Pact, and the CMEA. This was the peak of the power of the Third Rome. And what Dushenov (and many other “Orthodox patriots” – modern zealots) is talking about is nothing more than a theological opinion, bizarrely formed on the basis of this prophecy, and fueled by anti-communism and anti-Sovietism. By the way, in this theological opinion there is a claim to the knowledge of “times and dates”: they say, the Second Coming will not be a certain period until such and such happens.

In this regard, the warning of St. Theophan the Recluse about such Pogodite moods is very important: “The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (2 Pet. 3:10). The thief sneaks up at night when he is not expected. So the day of the Lord will come when it is not expected. But when they do not wait for the Coming One, they do not prepare to meet Him. So that we would not allow such a mistake, the Lord commanded: “watch, because you do not know at what hour your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42).

Meanwhile, what are we doing? Are we watching? Are we waiting? I have to admit - no. Death is still waiting for another, and the day of the Lord - hardly anyone. And they seem to be right. Our fathers and forefathers waited, and the day did not come. As we do not see anything, why should we think that he will come in our days; then we don’t think; We don't think and we don't wait. What a marvelous thing if, with our disposition like this, the day of the Lord should fall on us like a thief. We will be like the inhabitants of the city, whom the head of the province promised to visit, now or tomorrow. They waited for him for an hour, waited for another, waited for a day, and then they said: it’s true, it won’t, and they went home. But they just dispersed and indulged in peace - it is here and there. The same will happen to us: whether we wait or not, the day of the Lord will come, and will come without warning, For the Lord said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35; Luke 21:33 ; Mark 13:31). But isn't it better to wait, so as not to be taken by surprise? Because it won't come to us in vain.

What the Apostle led us to yesterday, now the Gospel directly inspires us. “Look, watch, pray; for you do not know when that time will come” (Mark 13:33). "Watch therefore... lest he come suddenly and find you sleeping" (Mark 13:35-36). One must wait and keep in mind every moment that the Lord is about to appear and shine like lightning from one end of the universe to the other. Others think that this expectation of the Lord can be replaced by the expectation of death. Well, this or at least this. But the expectation of the Lord's coming is one thing, and the expectation of death is another. Another thought about both; another and a feeling that is born under the influence of one and the other thought. Wait for the day of the Lord, in which everything will end with an irrevocable determination. After death, there will still be a time of unresolved state; and the day of the Lord will distribute everything for eternity and seal it in such a way that you no longer expect a change. Waiting, you say. And still wait. And keep waiting. But this, you say, will poison all the joys. It will not poison, but only expel from the order of your life such joys that illegally use this name. You will rejoice at the same time, but only in the Lord. And you can wait for the Lord in such joy, and if the Lord finds you in this joy, he will not seek you, but will praise you,” concludes St. Theophan the Recluse.

In connection with the above, in our opinion, it is worth listening to those prophecies that say that at the end of time the vast majority of Christians will be engulfed in the process of apostasy from the Truth. The situation will be similar to that which took place among the Jews at the time of the First Coming of Christ.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov prophesied about the retreat of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church from Christ: “The Lord revealed to me,” he said, “that there will be a time when the bishops of the Russian Land and other clergy will deviate from preserving Orthodoxy in all its purity, and for that the wrath of God will hit them. For three days I stood, asking the Lord to have mercy on them and asked that it would be better to deprive me, the wretched Seraphim, of the Kingdom of Heaven than to punish them. But the Lord did not bow to the request of the wretched Seraphim and said that he would not have mercy on them, for they would teach the teachings and commandments of men, but their hearts would stand far from Me.

There is a prophecy by the blessed old woman schema-nun Makaria (Artemyeva) that "he who is God's will not see the Antichrist." But, as we see, there is another prophecy: whoever does not wait for the Lord will not recognize the Antichrist. For almost two thousand years, the Jews have not recognized the Messiah in Christ, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many Christians do not recognize the Antichrist, following "the teachings and commandments of men."

What is happening in Ukraine, if you look at the events in the light of the Apocalypse?

At the beginning, we will describe the events taking place in worldly language, and then we will translate them into the language of the Apocalypse.

The vast majority of analysts, experts, publicists, not biased by liberalism, almost unanimously say that in Ukraine there is a place between the oligarchy and presidential power. Moreover, the Ukrainian oligarchs, according to most of these researchers, express the will of the international oligarchy. A lot says this: mercenaries from private armies, and the unanimity of the Western media, and the financing of the Euromaidan...

What is an oligarchy in the light of the Second Coming? - This is a concentrated expression of mammon's power, that is, wealth. This is the heart of the "whore of Babylon". The Apocalypse says this about the “Whore of Babylon”: “The woman whom you saw is a great city that reigns over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18). In essence, here we are talking about an urban civilization of the Babylonian type. Orthodox researcher Valentin Katasonov calls this civilization Cainite. Undoubtedly, there is a spiritual relationship between Babylon and the world of Cain, whose descendants laid the foundation for urban civilization in general: “And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and bare Enoch. And he built a city; and he named the city after his son: Enoch” (Gen. 4:17). And one more important point. The Apocalypse connects all murders on earth with the “great city,” that is, the Babylonian-type urban civilization: “And in it was found the blood of the prophets and saints, and of all the slain on earth” (Rev. 18:24). The words of Jesus Christ also speak of the same: “Let this generation be required of the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the temple. She, I tell you, will be exacted from this generation” (Luke 11:50,51).

Where is the center of the "great harlot", that is, the Babylonian type of civilization today? Many Orthodox researchers agree that we can only talk about New York as the "capital of the world", the capital of the "great harlot", in the image and likeness of which modern megacities are built.

The so-called "contradiction between city and country" is an expression of the contradiction between the urban civilization of the Babylonian type and the traditional civilization, that is, the one that retains faith in God. Today, the city civilization of the Babylonian type, the foundation of which is self-interest, has essentially taken over the traditional civilization, suppressing it in every possible way, and often even directly destroying it. Traditional civilization, traditional society with great work in the conditions of megacities. But we know that the time will come when God's people will be called by a voice from Heaven to leave the "great harlot": not be exposed to her plagues; for her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Rev. 18:4,5). Who is this "God's people" who will be commanded by a voice from heaven to come out of the "whore of Babylon"? "The remnant of Israel", "the remnant of Japheth", "the remnant of Ishmael" - we do not know. It is clear, firstly, only that we are talking here about representatives of traditional civilization. Secondly, this exodus from the Babylonian type of urban civilization will begin with the "capital of the world", that is, New York. Thirdly, it is the people who believed in Christ.

So what is happening in Ukraine from the point of view of the Apocalypse? The "whore of Babylon" in the person of the oligarchy challenged the "horns" of the "beast", that is, the presidential power of the CIS countries. The natural consequence of this was the hatred of the "horns" for the "great harlot". And the finale of this battle is described in the Apocalypse as follows: “And the ten horns that you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, and will destroy her, and will expose her, and will eat her flesh, and will burn her in fire; because God has put it on their hearts to do His will, to do one will, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled” (Rev. 17:16,17). The "kingdom of the beast" here is the kingdom of the "red dragon" with seven heads, that is, the "Big Seven" of imperialist states. The "red" color of the "Big Seven" is the color of the blood shed by these countries in the struggle for world domination: hundreds of millions of human lives are on the conscience of this dragon with seven heads. Look at what the nascent imperialist state of the United States of America did: Indigenous peoples were drowned in blood on the territory of this state, and their pitiful remnants were driven into reservations. Look at Africa, which is being killed by famine, epidemics, diseases, wars, on the juices and blood of which the luxurious life of Europe and America is built. The poverty of China and India, the bloody wars in these regions are a direct consequence of the imperialist policy of England and Japan. Well, the strategic headquarters of the "Big Seven" is the oligarchy, acting through various kinds of financial institutions, TNCs, the media.

It would be wrong to say that the "great harlot" is just an oligarchy. Since the essence of the “Babylonian harlot”, her spirit is self-interest, then all servants of self-interest, regardless of social, national origin, religious affiliation, occupation, constitute the “body” of the Babylonian-type urban civilization. Of course, there is a certain dependence between the classes of bourgeois society, professing self-interest, and the desire for a certain state of society of the "great harlot." Thus, big capital basically orients its holders towards oligarchic power. Average capital - to extreme nationalism. Small capital orients its representatives and proletarians, who are thirsty for enrichment, for the most part towards ochlocracy, that is, the power of various kinds of "new left". It was this audience that formed the backbone of the Euromaidan.

But why did such love arise between the ohlos, nationalists and oligarchs on the one hand, and the G7 on the other? The "Big Seven" is the "red dragon", the "beast" with seven heads with "seven diadems" (Rev. 12:3). Essentially, the G7 is a global tyrant. Naturally, inside his world, this tyrant arranges a satisfying and cheerful life, but in relations with traditional society, with other countries and peoples that are not part of the Big Seven, this tyrant behaves like an insatiable, cruel and bloodthirsty beast, which he appreciates " great whore." The Apocalypse calls the "Big Seven" the "ancient serpent", that is, it represents it as the personification of Satan. In light of the fact that in the last twenty years, through state power countries of the G7, traditional morality is being destroyed and various kinds of perversions are planted, this kind of definition of the G7 should not, it seems, be surprising: propaganda of the Sodom way of life, the destruction of the traditional family, repressions against those who resist the destruction of traditional morality, - all this and much more speaks of the satanic essence of the "Big Seven" or the "kingdom of the beast."

The disastrous processes within Western civilization are named with the seemingly harmless word "transhumanism". But what does transhumanism talk about and what does it teach? Ignoring the problem of the fall, he says that the human body is imperfect by nature and teaches to move in the direction of "progressive development" and "perfection" of the human body. Transhumanism says that there is no faith on Earth that gave spiritual guidance to man and society, and therefore calls for "unlimited improvement" of the human spirit on the basis of "applied philosophy", for the creation of "new spiritual practices". How can one not recall the words of Christ here: “I say to you, my friends: do not be afraid of those who kill the body and then are unable to do anything more; but I will tell you whom to be afraid of: be afraid of him who, after being killed, can cast into hell: yes, I tell you, be afraid of him ”(Luke 12: 4, 5). In another Gospel, this warning of our Lord Jesus Christ sounds like this: “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna” (Mat. 10:28). It is not surprising in this connection that transhumanists are loudly screaming about "totalitarianism" traditional society, call "to be afraid of those who kill the body": the thief shouts "stop the thief!".

Russians and Ukrainians fought side by side for many centuries against enemies. At first they were Poles and Crimean Tatars, then Swedes and Germans. And today Russia has become an enemy for Ukraine.

But, surprisingly, the prophets, who were themselves from Nezalezhnaya, said that Ukraine simply cannot exist without Russia. And it was at a time when relations between the two countries were already strained.

The Odessa Monastery of the Holy Assumption until recently was a place of pilgrimage for many believers. And all because Schema-Archimandrite Jonah lived here. The whole country knew and revered this elder. Crowds of people flocked to him from all over Ukraine and Russia to hear his advice and receive his blessing.

Jonah's father began his journey to the church after he fell ill with a severe form of tuberculosis. Seeing in what terrible agony the patients with this disease die, Jonah of Odessa decided to devote himself to monasticism and serving God. After that, he made a walking pilgrimage to Abkhazia, where he lived for several years among local hermit monks. Having received their blessing, Jonah went to the Holy Assumption Monastery in Odessa, worked as a tractor driver and lived in the monastery yard in a cowshed. Hard work and humility led him to the post of confessor of the monastery, he made many of his predictions while in the monastery walls. Having spent more than 40 years as a monk, Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa was remembered by church children as a bright, God-loving person. People not only from all over Ukraine came to talk to him, even His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia warmly recalled his conversation with him during his visit to the Holy Dormition Monastery.

For everyone, he was the ideal of modern monasticism. He argued that there is no separate Ukraine and Russia, but there is a single Holy Russia.

Surprisingly, he predicted big war, which will begin a year after his death. Then this prediction was treated with great skepticism. Until the Maidan began. Then many remembered the old man. After all, Iona Odessky died on December 18, 2012, and almost a year later, rallies began throughout the country, which led to a coup d'état and war in Ukraine.

There will be very big upheavals, war, there will be a lot of blood. Then there will be a Russian tsar.

According to him, residents expect deep shocks that not many will be able to adequately go through.

The elder's predictions also concerned the beginning of the Third World War. The Odessa prophet spoke about the escalation of the military conflict in a small state bordering Russia. In his prophecies, Jonah did not talk about the beginning of a confrontation between the two powers - Russia and the United States, he saw the prerequisites for the start of the Third World War, just in this small state. Internal strife, the uncertainty of the political position and instability in the prediction of Jonah can lead to the most sad consequences.

In the last years of Schema-Archimandrite Jonah's (Ignatenko's) life, we had occasion to meet him several times in Odessa at the Holy Dormition Monastery, where he labored. Batiushka answered our questions about spiritual life and salvation, questions from the history of the past and events of the future. Sometimes, even without our asking, he himself began to tell us about what interested and worried us. One day, in 2009 or 2010, he began to say the following.

“The time will come when one day the parishioners will come to the service in the monastery in the evening for Vespers, and everything will be as usual: the same hymns, the same monks and confessors, the same service as always. And when they come to the liturgy in the morning, they suddenly begin to peer into their surroundings and become perplexed: there are no familiar faces of the inhabitants of the monastery, instead of the monastery priests, some strangers… Parishioners will ask each other, and no one will be able to understand anything.

And it will happen that at night buses will drive up to the monastery, all the monks will be driven out of their cells, loaded into buses and taken out in an unknown direction. And others will be brought to the monastery, strangers, not our Church. This will be the capture of the monastery. And so it will be everywhere in Ukraine.”
After such a story about. Jonah had a painful feeling in his soul: will they really kill everyone? And there will be no more well-known sweet faces of humble monks, wise confessors and perspicacious elders? And then how can we all be nourished, how can we confess and take communion, how can we live and be saved in general?

Then, dumbfounded by such information from the elder, we did not ask questions about how this would happen, who would arrange it, where the monks would be taken, whether they would be shot or what else would be done to them? And only a year later, at the next meeting with Fr. Jonah, we were able to find out the answers to some of these questions.

And now, on September 10, 2018, when Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople made an unauthorized, non-canonical decision to legitimize the schismatics of the so-called "Kyiv Patriarchate" by giving them official church status, the mechanism for seizing churches and monasteries became visible.

If in recent years church schismatics, recognized by no one and having no status, have seized 50 churches of the canonical Church in Ukraine with the connivance of the police or with its direct participation, then with giving them the status of an independent autocephalous Church, the civil authorities of Ukraine will be able to commit the most daring lawlessness against The UOC-MP... Even if this status is not recognized by any of the Local Orthodox Churches.

What did we learn a year later from Fr. Jonah about the coming sad events of the distant future, which is already coming now? The inhabitants are not shot. All of them will be taken away from the city and released into the open field. And even told where they would come. And what about the invaders? They will try to serve in the occupied temples and deceive people with their alleged legitimacy. But people won't believe them. Almost no one will go to such captured temples and monasteries. They will stand empty. The schismatics will be left with nothing. And in about six months they will leave in disgrace.

"Prophecies" of Elder Jonah of Odessa (Ignatenko). II part.
[an article from a series on the history of prophecy].

When articles today mention the “prophecy” of Elder Jonah of Odessa (in the world, Vladimir Afanasyevich Ignatenko, 1925-2012), most often there is a reference to the spiritual son of the elder, Archpriest Georgy Gorodentsev. Therefore, I suggest readers to familiarize themselves with the “Reflections” of Archpriest Georgy Gorodentsev himself on the “prophecy” of Elder Jonah of Odessa for 2016:
“In our troubled times, many people ask themselves: what will happen next?
Politicians and political scientists, scientists and ignoramuses, astrologers and other fortune-tellers are now trying to broadcast about the future, but ... most often, they are mistaken, "getting their finger into the sky."
Meanwhile, in the Church of God, since the Old Testament times, there is a whole host of true prophets who have always accurately predicted the future. There are such prophets in our time. One of them, oh Jonah, began asceticism in Odessa St. Assumption Monastery at the end of the Soviet era. I remember those times well - the second half of the 70s of the last century. We, young Odessa Orthodox who had just come to the faith, in our attempts, so to speak, to “cling” to the Church were like kittens thrown under the church threshold. Which were originally "picked up" by Fr. Jonah, then still a simple monk.
I remember a small house on the territory of the monastery, which he was in charge of. There was a kind of monastery power plant, consisting of several diesel engines decommissioned from submarines that generate electricity. The latter was sold by the Soviet authorities to the monks at such an unthinkable price that it was more profitable to produce it ourselves; especially given the constant power outages in the area.
And so, I remember, we are sitting in this house and, under the even rumble of diesel engines, with our mouths open, we listen to stories from monastic life and the lives of saints that the future elder told us. And which for us, people who grew up and educated in atheism, were real spiritual manna! Already then about. Jonah was distinguished by the deepest humility and love for God and neighbors. For which, apparently, the Lord gave him His grace-filled gifts of healing and prophecy (cf. James 4:6). I personally had the opportunity to verify the latter much later. When the prophetic words of the elder about one clergyman, due to the latter’s disobedience to his advice, were, unfortunately, fulfilled in the most terrible way.
But I will go directly to the well-known prophecy of Schema-Archimandrite Jonah.
The first time I heard it in this form:
“They say that before his blessed death, which followed in 2012, he predicted the following:
“The first Easter after my death will be well-fed; the second is bloody; the third is hungry, and the fourth is victorious (victorious) ... ".
And indeed, at least until now, the events in our Ukraine, where Fr. Jonah, developed exactly according to this prediction. The first Easter after the death of the elder, Easter of 2013, was indeed relatively well-fed; the second in 2014 was bloody, because a massacre was brewing in Odessa and a war in the Donbass; the third Easter in 2015 was really hungry, because by this time the cost of everything (except salaries and pensions) had tripled. Now it remains to be fulfilled the end of this prophecy about the victorious (victorious) Easter of 2016, which is coming soon.
But here a natural question arises about the reliability of this prophecy!!!
Of course, if the elder, Schema-Archimandrite Jonah really spoke it, then it is quite reliable. But personally, I did not hear this from his lips; and then, perhaps, this is the fruit of someone's fantasies?!!!
But even the first glance at this prophecy shows that this is not so. I first heard it in the fall of 2014. And, of course, by this time a number of events predicted by him had already happened. Therefore, it would be possible, under the guise of "prophecy", to speak about the already former "full" Easter in the 13th; and about the "bloody" in the 14th; even then it was possible to guess by deduction that on the 15th Easter would be hungry.
But who in the fall of the 14th, in the midst of the “ATO”, could have guessed that the next Easter would no longer be bloody, but only hungry?!
But the Minsk agreements (Minsk-2), which significantly reduced the level of bloodshed in the Donbass, were concluded only in the winter of the 15th!
There is one more thing to pay special attention to. Many reduce this prophecy only to the events in Ukraine and the war in the Donbass. But in my opinion this is wrong. In fact, the disasters that have befallen the people of Ukraine, and especially the residents of Donbass, are only a part of the disasters that our country and our people have experienced over the past almost 100 years. During this relatively short historical period, we had: direct participation in two world wars, and the second was especially bloody for our people; there were three revolutions; were long Civil War and other wars; there were monstrous repressions of the Bolsheviks; there was the greatest persecution of the Church in the history of Christianity; there were periodic famines and total robberies, accompanied by complete impoverishment of the population, etc. So the current Ukrainian events are not the disease itself, but only one of its symptoms or stages.
A natural question arises, or rather three at once: why did this happen; when will it end; and will it ever end?
Answering the first of these questions, I will say the following. In my opinion, these disasters are the result of the betrayal by our people of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, which led to the overthrow of the autocracy and the villainous ritual murder of the Tsar and members of his Family.
Why this seemingly ancient and private crime led to such unprecedented catastrophic consequences, I have repeatedly written. Because, as St. Paul, the Antichrist will not come until “until He who now restrains is taken out of the midst” (2 Thess. 2:7).
By “Restraining”, the holy fathers understood the Roman power and the Roman emperor, deriving the word “Restraining” from the word “power” - the Roman Power. But since Russia is the Third Rome, then the holy Tsar Passion-bearer Nicholas II is the last Roman Emperor. The overthrow of which was supposed to lead to the coming of the Antichrist, monstrous disasters and the rapid end of the world, which, according to the prophecies of the Apocalypse, should have come soon (3.5 years later) after the worldwide reign of the Antichrist.
However, in the 17th year of the last century, and throughout that century, by the grace of God and the Mother of God, this did not happen. It did not happen because the Queen of Heaven became the Queen of the Russian Land, which was clearly shown by the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “Reigning” on March 2 (according to New Style), 1917, on the day of the so-called abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. By this appearance of the icon of the “Reigning” Mother of God, she showed that She became that one who restrains or Retains (we note the same connection of words: Reigning - Restraining), Which does not allow the Antichrist to come. But at the same time, our people, as a form of repentance, had to suffer a severe punishment for their especially grave sin of renouncing the King of the earth and the King of Heaven. Which was expressed in the disasters listed above, the last of which are precisely the Ukrainian events.
Yes, all this is very, very hard, terrible and regrettable!!!
However, the fact that God did not punish us to the end, but through the prayers of the Mother of God and Her gracious intercession did not allow us to perish completely through the action of the Antichrist, inspires hope in God's mercy. He also sets a time limit for the action of satanic forces hostile to our people and country, for our sin of betraying the Tsar, so successfully for almost a hundred years, by the permission of God, acting against us, which is the direct cause of our disasters. This term is in the words: "Below, forever at enmity" (Ps. 102.9). After all, a century is literally a hundred years; one hundred years of punishment of our people, which have almost expired!!! Moreover, God "below in the age (i.e. less than a century, a little less than a hundred years) is at enmity."
And the prophecy of Father Jonah about the victorious (victorious) Easter of 2016 surprisingly fits into this period! Indeed, the most probable moment of the beginning of the countdown of these hundred years is March 2 (N.S.) 1917. For on this day the betrayal of the Tsar-Martyr by our people took place, when the army and the people did not rise up against the insane conspirators who illegally renounced the Tsar from the Kingdom. And it is from this moment that the disasters of our people and country begin: the lost, almost won war with Germany under the Tsar; Bolshevik coup; forcible introduction of communism (war communism); Civil War; famine and pestilence - famines in places, etc.
But, if this is so, then these hundred years should end on March 2, 2017, i.e. somewhat less than a year later. Considering that the Lord "below the age of war" (i.e., a little less than a hundred years), Easter 2016, which will be May 1 (according to New Style), is all the more suitable for this period. Therefore, it is quite possible that it is from her that the Lord will stop the actions of these executions on our people, which are much more serious than those of Egypt! Moreover, this prophecy is not even an old man, all the more transmitted to us through many intermediaries. No, this prophecy is contained in Holy Scripture - Ps. 103:9, and therefore it is quite reliable! And the words of the elder Jonah about this period, connected with the current Easter, fully correspond to this biblical prophecy!
But I'm only human, so I could be wrong. After all, as you know, man only proposes, but God disposes. Perhaps the Lord considers these hundred years not from the moment of the renunciation of the Tsar of our people (that is, not from March 2, 1917), but from the day of the villainous murder of the Tsar, i.e. from 17 or 18 July 1918?
Perhaps, but then all of the above still applies. Only it is necessary to slightly move the time frame of upcoming events relative to the last date.
Perhaps, finally, I'm wrong, ie. Did you understand the words of Holy Scripture too literally: “Below, for ever, he is at enmity” (Ps. 103:9)?
Maybe here a century is understood not as a hundred years, but another, indefinite period of time?
It is possible, but it is easy to check, just wait until mid-July 2018. If a little earlier than this time, the severe disasters over our people and country do not stop, then I was wrong.
What are we to do then?
If we have preserved the Orthodox faith, then we should also endure (for only “he who endures ... will be saved to the end” (Matt. 24:13) and thank God like this: “Glory to God for everything”!
If, nevertheless, I am right in my expectations, and, so to speak, the age-old turning point will occur, the age-old severe disasters over our people will stop, then we have HOPE!!!” (Archpriest Georgy Gorodentsev, Odessa).
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As you can see, from the “Reflections” of Archpriest Georgy Gorodentsev himself, he himself did not hear this “prophecy” from the mouth of the elder Jonah of Odessa, but for the first time he heard this “prophecy” only in the fall of 2014, that is, he cannot be a witness and references to it are incorrect .
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