Focus English Practice Exercises 7. Why Choose This Assistant

Sheet glass 01.08.2020

The proposed collection is an additional component of the teaching materials of the series "English in focus" for the 7th grade of general educational organizations authors Yu.E. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako and others. The collection offers a system of tasks for the development of reading, writing, lexical and grammatical skills as the basis of speech skills. The collection not only solves the problem of training the established formats of examination tasks, but also adds up to the development of universal training activities according to the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. The materials of the manual can be used in English lessons and at home on your own.

During the lunch break Craig usually
a) eats in the school canteen
b) goes to his mother’s school
c) eats food that he brings from home

Craig loves History, especially he is interested in
a) western countries
b) the history of the UK
c) old civilizations

Craig usually has dinner
a) when the whole family is at home
b) whenever he likes
c) at six sharp

After dinner craig
a) reads and watches TV
b) does some house chores
c) helps his father with the computer

Being a Scout means
a) climbing mountains
b) going in for sport
c) going camping

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Date of publication: 14.05.2014 07:51 UTC

  • English language, grade 7, Workbook, Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D., Podolyako O.E., Evans V., 2014
  • English language, grade 7, English in focus, Spotlight 7, Additional materials, Vaulina Yu.E., Evans V., Dooley D., Podolyako O.E.
  • English, Training exercises in the GIA format, grade 5, Spotlight 5, English in focus, Vaulina Yu.E., Podolyako O.E., 2013
  • English, grade 7, Peter Pan, English in focus, Vaulina YE, Evans V., Dooley D., Podolyako OE, 2011 - A reader for Spotlight 7 consists of 2 parts. The first part is an adaptation of the famous fairy tale by Peter Pan ... Books on english language

The following tutorials and books.

Do you want to do everything possible for your child to receive a decent education and do well at school? You may encounter such a problem as a lack of knowledge, simple academic failure, which later affects the general condition of the child, forcing you to turn to tutors, to solve the problem in other ways. However, you just need to enlist support. reshebnik in English for grade 7 (authors: Vaulina Yu.E., Podolyako OE). Below we propose to consider in detail the features of the presented manual in order to know exactly how best to use the available information in this teaching material so that your student can learn most productively and enjoy reading.

Reshebnik features

Compiled by GDZ in full compliance with all the requirements and standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, which provide the most rational use knowledge and skills, guaranteeing complete and practical training in the future. The data is characterized by structure, it can be easily used for independent study and study within the framework of the school curriculum. Such a manual is practical and accessible, it can easily be available for the student and parents online. Be sure to pay attention to the very structure of the textbook, which contains all the relevant information on the learning process, prepared the most practical and noteworthy material, and collected everything that the student only needs at the first stage of the school session.

Why choose such an assistant?

  • convenient navigation;
  • the service works 24/7;
  • detailed solution of tasks.

You can just enter the number of the lesson, the tasks that are offered in grade 7 on this subject, how ready, correct answers to the questions presented are given, on the basis of which it is already possible to form a general opinion not only about the subject, but also about the methodology itself that is proposed potential readers. FROM GDZ in English by Yu.E. Vaulina be able to prepare for control works, anwser the questions verification work and much more that is provided in the work program of the school course. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your own knowledge.

Do you want to do everything possible for your child to receive a decent education and do well at school? You may encounter such a problem as a lack of knowledge, simple academic failure, which later affects the general condition of the child, forcing you to turn to tutors, to solve the problem in other ways. However, you just need to enlist support. reshebnik in English for grade 7 (authors: Vaulina Yu.E., Podolyako OE). Below we propose to consider in detail the features of the presented manual in order to know exactly how best to use the available information in this teaching material so that your student can learn most productively and enjoy reading.

Reshebnik features

Compiled by the GDZ in full accordance with all the requirements and standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, which ensure the most rational use of knowledge and skills, guaranteeing full and practical training in the future. The data is characterized by structure, it can be easily used for independent study and study within the framework of the school curriculum. Such a manual is practical and accessible, it can easily be available for the student and parents online. Be sure to pay attention to the very structure of the textbook, which contains all the relevant information on the learning process, prepared the most practical and noteworthy material, collected everything that a student only needs at the first stage of school.

Why choose such an assistant?

  • convenient navigation;
  • the service works 24/7;
  • detailed solution of tasks.

You can just enter the number of the lesson, the tasks that are offered in grade 7 on this subject, how ready, correct answers to the questions presented are given, on the basis of which it is already possible to form a general opinion not only about the subject, but also about the methodology itself that is proposed potential readers. FROM GDZ in English by Yu.E. Vaulina you will be able to prepare for tests, answer test questions and much more, which is provided for in the work program of the school course. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your own knowledge.

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