Complete walkthrough of silent hill 2. Walkthrough. Safe code

Ladders and railings 02.10.2020

Silent Hill 2- a sensational continuation of the cult (alas, only on the PlayStation) horror movie four years ago Silent Hill... A quiet American city, enveloped in eternal fog and eternal mystery, is a great place to start a heartwarming story in the spirit of Hitchcock or Lovecraft.

By itself, Silent Hill 2 does not open up any new horizons in the long-established Action / Adventure genre, and if you have played games like Alone in the Dark, Ecstatica or Resident evil, then mastering the interface and management should not cause absolutely no problems. For everyone else, we'll briefly go over the main details.


The game interface consists of a single window, called by the key I... Using this screen, you can see the contents of your hero's pockets ( Inventory), assess the state of his health ( Status), examine all documents, notes and the like found during the game ( Memos), study the map of the area ( Map), and also "combine" several items into one ( Combine). You can do almost all of the same with hotkeys.

When choosing an item from a duffel bag, you can also take several options: examine the item closer ( Examine), use it for its intended purpose ( Use), and other actions depending on the type of item. For example, a flashlight or portable radio can be turned on or off ( On / Off).

Weapons, items and battle tactics

Throughout the game you will have to fight quite a lot with various creatures of the other world, so remember one feature of all your opponents: even being defeated, after a while they are able to miraculously come to life and rush into battle again, so seizing the moment and after waiting for the dead man to fall to the ground, go to the body of the sick person and press the "action" button. So your hero will nail the zombie to the ground with a powerful kick of his boot, which will calm him down forever.


You start your battle against evil with just a simple wooden plank with a rusty nail at the end. The weapon is rather weak and effective only against monsters on early stages games. In this case, skirmishes with two or more zombies are best avoided - it is fraught with sharp health losses.

Steel Pipe

More effective, but still not comparable in power to a firearm. It appears closer to the middle of the game and can only be used in case of a sharp ammo shortage.


The first firearm is at your disposal. Three to five shots are enough to "calm down" the weakest zombie. It works flawlessly and practically does not experience a shortage of ammunition. Of the clear advantages - it can be recharged on the go. The chamber holds ten charges at a time.


Thunderstorm for all zombies that do not belong to the sacred caste of "bosses". One, maximum two shots - and the road ahead is clear. Of the obvious shortcomings - a lower rate of fire and reload speed. Contains six rounds in the magazine at the same time.

Hunting Rifle

Hunting weapon of the 19th century. Extremely powerful and extremely slow thing. Four rounds in the magazine, long reload time and unsurpassed fire performance. Appears in the later stages of the game and is used only against the most powerful monsters.

Medicine (Health Bottle)

A typical item in your duffel bag is a bottle of Healing Elixir. Restores about 20% of your character's health.

First-aid Kit

First aid kit. Restores about 50% health.


Medical ampoule with antibiotic. A very powerful antibiotic that restores 100% health.

Remember that while Silent Hill 2 is a fairly linear game, many encounters with monsters can be avoided by simply ... running past them. This is especially true for those episodes when the action takes place in the open air. If you confront every zombie encountered in the game, closer to the finish line you will simply run out of any ammunition.

Never forget the benefits of a pocket portable radio. In the event of an approaching "otherworldly object", a crackling and ethereal noise will begin to be heard from the speaker, signaling the degree of proximity of the enemy.

Flashlight is your compass in the impenetrable darkness. With the help of a flashlight, you can not only make out the terrain, but also, for example, read inconspicuous graffiti on the walls, look at documents or study a map of the area.

By the way, about the map. Constantly (especially if you are going to use our passage) check with the map to determine your position on the ground. Alas, the game does not provide for any compass, so the top of the map is conventionally taken as north, and its left and right sides, respectively, as west and east.

Make it a rule to inspect every room in any the room where you appear during the game. If the entrance to the room is blocked, then a characteristic wavy line appears on the map, and if it is simply locked, but can still be opened with a key, a bold red line appears on the map.

You can assess your health condition only visually using the menu Status... Shaking screen - health is not one hundred percent, but satisfactory, red - health is clearly less than fifty percent. When a flashing red cross appears at the bottom of the game screen, this is a sure signal that it is time to use the first aid kit.

Well, the last, most important advice - always try to reason logically. This applies to both the entire passage of the game in general, and some riddles in particular. Although the action of the plot is full of secrets and mysticism, there is absolutely nothing otherworldly in the problems you are solving of the moment - unclouded logic and pure reason. Good luck in Silent Hill!


Difficulty level

In Silent Hill 2, before the start of the game, you are free to choose the difficulty level for the puzzles ( Puzzle) and for battles ( Combat). The first parameter directly affects the difficulty of some riddles, for example, with an easy ( Easy) level, you get almost a direct answer to all questions in documents accidentally encountered at the level, and with a difficult ( Hard) even direct prompts can be encrypted. The difficulty level of battles affects the number and vital energy monsters encountered along the way, as well as the duration of their "coma". So, on the hard difficulty level, monsters do not die at all, even after brutal kicking.

This walkthrough is written for normal ( Normal) settings for the difficulty of both puzzles and battles.

Restless dreams

I see you more and more in my restless dreams. I remember you. I think of you. I'm waitingyou. There in Silent Hill, our special place ... Whatever you say, always unexpectedly receive letters from your own wife. Especially if she died three years ago ...

The man admiring the early morning haze over the lake and endlessly scrolling the same lines from a mysterious letter in his head is James Sunderland, our onscreen alter ego. Three years ago, he and his wife Mary spent a month in the quiet American town of Silent Hill, lived in a hotel in room 312, and spent whole days in the park by the lake. Mary died and James left. If not for this letter, everything would be so simple and so commonplace. If not for the letter ...

So, after a short correspondence meeting with James, take a look around. We are located at the very entrance to Silent Hill, near a small abandoned diner. "Our special place" - is it a park near the lake? Be that as it may, you need to check all the options. Approach James parked near the diner and take the map of Silent Hill from the salon and go down the steps near the sign on the right side of the screen.

Walk constantly in one direction, and you will not go astray, the path will wiggle, go down and be understood up, but still stubbornly continue moving until you see a well right along the course. Inside the well there is a mysterious object that looks like a red square. In the future, you will come across similar "squares" more than once in the game, with their help you can save or build the game, however, we, as proud owners of the PC version of the game, may not need this - the developers allowed us to save and revive in any convenient place ...

Leave the well and continue down the path. In the lowland there is a terrible fog with visibility no further than ten to fifteen meters. Get used to it, we will not wait for the best meteorological conditions. Follow the path until you see an iron gate. After passing through them, you will be taken to the cemetery. Hello ... sorry ... yes, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you looking for someone? At the cemetery, you will meet a strange woman named Angela, apparently crazy. She seems to be looking for her mother, but why in the cemetery? And how to understand all this nonsense about the "evil fog there in the city"? Be that as it may, after listening to Angela to the end, go through the gate near the collapsed chapel, on the road to Silent Hill.

Misty morning in Silent Hill

Stop and carefully study the map taken from the car so as not to get lost in the foggy streets of the city. The place where we ended up is called Wiltse Road, the road that leads to the city gates. Run in the only direction you can, past abandoned cars and overturned trucks, and go through the gates on Sanders Street. On the opposite side of the street there is a small flower shop. Take a first aid kit on the table near the entrance and head down the street to the intersection with Lindsey Street. A shadow flickered ahead and disappeared into the fog, leaving a thick trail of blood behind it. Forgetting to be careful, follow the blood trail along Lindsay Street. On the way, you will encounter a bottle of healing drink, just in case, grab it and continue on to Vachss Road, where the trail turns and goes to a dead end.

Keep following the trail. On the right side of the street there is a small courtyard fenced with an iron mesh, and inside, on the table, there are two more bottles with a medicinal drink. After capturing trophies, move to the end of Wachs Road until you hear a strange noise. Sounds like the crackle of a broken radio. The noise comes from the fallen scaffolding near the entrance to the tunnel - make your way through the fallen boards and ...

Thank God there was a board with a rusty nail on hand. Take this makeshift sword at the ready and prepare to resist what looks like a wiggling pile of charred human remains. The zombies, and these are they, strike the first blow. Having dealt with the dead, examine the find. Yes, really broken radio. Enter the personal items menu and make sure the radio is On. Now, whenever an ominous dead man is nearby, the radio will warn us with a characteristic crash.

Back on Wachs Road back into the city, you will find that it is literally overrun with zombies, recklessly strolling through the streets or waiting in dark corners. Examine the map and try to plan further actions. You cannot go back down Wilt Road, the road is blocked, so you need to find some way to the park near the lake located in the north. I want to warn you in advance that whichever street you go to the park, there will be a dead end at the end of each road, but it will still be useful to wander around and look for useful things like bottles of healing liquid, first-aid kits and pistol cartridges.

Continue to the end of Saul Street and, having stumbled upon another dead end at the end of the path, enter the trailer parked on the left side of the road. Explore all the contents of this mobile home until you find a piece of paper stating "something interesting" at a bar on Neely Street. Get out into the fresh air and move to the new mark that appears on your map. Having defeated a couple of zombies loitering near the back entrance to the bar, go inside the room and take the card from the table. This is the same map of Silent Hill, but with some additional markings, in particular an incomprehensible symbol placed near the dead end of Martin Street.

Go down Martin Street, be careful - some zombies can suddenly appear from under the wheels of cars standing by the side of the road. At the end of the street, you will notice a torn to pieces. Search it and, having got hold of the key to the house (Apartment gate key), look at the map again. This house is also marked with a special symbol at the end of Katz Street. Having reached the cast-iron gate, open it with the found key and enter the courtyard.

House with the ghosts

The grate slammed behind our back, separating us from the vain world of the living dead, but leading us to the mournful abode of an abandoned house. After wandering around the courtyard, you quickly become convinced that the left wing of the building is locked and there is only one way forward - through the wide oak doors on the right. Once inside the building, first of all grab the Map of the apartment building from the left wall. You can navigate by this plan in the same way as by the general map. Having picked up a bottle with a healing drink and, just in case, shook the door in the hall (alas, it was locked), go up the stairs and go up to the second floor.

After a short battle with the undead in a narrow corridor, look around the area and study the map. So, on the second floor, in fact, there are only a few rooms we need, the rest are either locked from the inside or blocked. First of all, examine the small open room to the right of the stairs. This is what is called a public laundry, combined with a garbage chute. Examine the chute, and James will say that there seems to be "something interesting" stuck inside, but there is no way to remove "it". Well, let's forget for a while.

Exit the laundry, check the map and follow to apartment # 205. An amazing dwelling ... and an even more amazing mess. Notice the mannequin glowing with some kind of unnatural light. Move closer and remove the flashlight from him. Great, now we have something to light our way! As soon as you get a flashlight, a certain creature, which at first looked like a second fallen dummy, rises from the floor and goes into a frontal attack. Meet our new zombie friends: the dummies.

Go to apartment number 208 and carefully examine the whole room. On the table next to the phone is an inconspicuous notebook with poems like this: "Henry is the shortest and slowest, Mildred is the longest and fastest, and Scott is the smallest and most agile of them all." Apartment 208 has another room with a huge wall clock and a strange writing on the wall. Light up the inscription with a flashlight and you will see three arrows with the captions: "Henry, Mildred, Scott". The riddle is simpler than simple: Henry is the hour hand, Mildred is the minute, and Scott is the second. It remains only to turn the hands, but ... another problem: the clock is locked. We'll have to look.

Laura, you are with her

Exit into the corridor. There is nothing more remarkable on the second floor, go to the end of the corridor, go out to the landing and climb to the third. Hmm ... Who guessed to put the grate right in the middle of the corridor? Look closely at the corridor and you will notice what looks like a key behind the steel bars. So it is - the key, but when you try to reach it out of nowhere, an unknown little girl will appear and with a dexterous blow will knock the key away to the wall. Take a closer look.

So, there is nothing to do, you will have to temporarily do without a key. After getting rid of the zombies in the corridor, examine all the available doors. In apartment # 303, take a few bottles with a medicinal drink and a box of cartridges, go out into the corridor and go to apartment # 301. Some crazy maniac obviously lived here, there is no living space on the walls from the traces of shots, but the "weapon of crime" itself lies in a small cart in the middle of the room. Police pistol (Handgun), just what you need to successfully confront our otherworldly friends.

Get down to the second floor and move along the corridor until you hear someone ominous scream. Apparently, they were shouting in some apartment opposite the exit. Run to apartment # 208 and ... who is that grinning through the broken bars? Well, it doesn't matter, go into the room and ... It seems that this poor fellow, gutted near the TV, was shouting. But where did he come from? Search the whole room again and on the shelf near the wall you will find the key to apartment # 202 (Key to room 202). Once again, having done all the way along the corridor, approach room number 202, unlock it with the key and go inside. Never mind the butterflies fluttering in the flickering light, the occupant of Apartment 202 was once an accomplished entomologist. Look around the room and pay special attention to the huge hole in the wall, oozing some kind of sticky goo. Overcome disgust, stick your hand inside - and voila! Clock key.

Return to apartment number 208, go into the room with the clock and open the door. So, all that is now left is to correctly arrange the hands on the clock, in accordance with the drawing on the opposite wall. Remember: Henry is the hour hand, Mildred is the minute hand, and Scott is the second. When the hands are in the desired position, a click will sound and the invisible lock will open. Walk around the clock and push it aside with all your might. The opened passage in the wall leads to a room on the opposite side of the corridor grate. In the smashed kitchen, take a bottle with a medicinal drink from the table and go out into the common corridor. The strange creature seems to be ... gone, but where? Go north, go through the door to the staircase, pick up the cartridges and go up to the third floor. First of all, take away the key from the fire exit (Fire Escape Key) and proceed to inspect the premises. Most of the apartments are locked, only in room 303 you can get hold of a first-aid kit, a bottle of healing elixir and a pack of cartridges, and in room 307 ...

You better not walk into room 307, James. Some terrible creature with a head that looked like a huge pyramid (Pyramid head), in front of our eyes, jokingly dealt with two dummies, but, frightened by the shots, retreated, leaving one on one with cold sweat and a frantically pounding heart. When the cutscene is over, look around the room and take the Courtyard key from the closet where James was hiding.

Once again in the corridor, go to the opposite exit, open the door and go down to the landing. Continue downhill until you reach the first floor. Plastic packaging for Canned juice. And this is what we went through all the trials for? Be that as it may, take the trophy, use the key to unlock front door and step out into the painfully familiar patio. Do you still remember "something" stuck in the garbage chute on the second floor? The juice packaging is pretty heavy, and if you throw it down the chute, then ... well, you get the train of thought.

So, go into the door in the right wing, go up to the second floor, turn into the "laundry" on the right and boldly throw the package onto the bag stuck in the garbage chute. Go down to the patio and approach the trash can between the doors. The trash can contain an old magazine with an article about a local maniac who killed two children and committed suicide, and something more interesting - a silver coin with a minted old man's profile (Old man coin). After collecting the trophies, return to the right wing of the building, use the key from the front door to unlock the back door on the first floor and exit from the other side of the courtyard. Three zombie friends have already settled in the wide pool in the middle of the yard. Carefully shoot all three, jump over the side and examine the contents of the baby carriage in the center of the pool. Another coin, this time with a snake coin. Carefully looking at the map, you will understand that the whole house was dug upside down, with the exception of the previously locked first floor. Direct your feet to the first floor and enter apartment # 101. A picturesque corpse crushed by a refrigerator, and a sound, a sound ... where did this sound come from? Grab the bullets from the table and unlock the door to the next room ...

No, I did not kill, I did not kill anyone, they are all dead! .. In this ... this city! A certain huge, really huge citizen with a clearly upset stomach, on his knees confesses to the toilet, at the same time trying to make acquaintance with us. So, his name is Eddie, he got to Silent Hill quite by accident and, hiding from the monsters, locked himself in this room. Is it all true what you say, Eddie? I swear I didn't kill anyone!

Well, take care of yourself, big guy.

Well, there is nothing more remarkable about this house. Go up to the second floor, look at the map again and go straight to the fire escape and open the door with the key .. Hmm ... It looks like the house is so old that the fire escape was removed during the construction of the adjacent building. There is nothing to do, you have to jump into the next window and go through another house.

House with a locked safe and a crazy woman

The layout of this house is very similar to the layout of the one you just escaped from - the same floors, the same stairs, even the decoration of the premises is somewhat similar. Well, this is not the time to think about design. So, looking around, head to the bathroom and get ready for one not very pleasant procedure, namely: plunging your hand directly into the toilet in order to fetch out a useful note. The note contains some combination of numbers, but for what? Oh, that's why, there is a locked safe in the next room. Go to the safe and type the required combination. The arrows on the note indicate in which direction you should rotate the knob, and the arrows indicate at what number to stop the rotation. The episode with the safe is not important for the successful passage of the game, however, by opening the iron box, you will have at your disposal as many as four boxes of cartridges. Take a bottle with a healing potion from the kitchen and leave the room.

Zombie zombies ... Looks like we can't get away from them. Having suppressed the resistance of the undead, try to open the doors to other apartments, but all of them, alas, will be locked. Only in one apartment (no. 209) there will be a note from some Lin informing that he took the key to his uncle, who lives in a room near the stairs to the first floor. By remembering useful information, go out to the landing and go downstairs. For ease of orientation, do not forget to grab the next map of the west apartment building lying on the stairs. Go down to the first floor, take away from the "laundry", exactly the same as in the haunted house, a first-aid kit and go into apartment number 109. For some reason, it immediately became a little ... creepy. Take some bullets from the sofa and open the door to the next room.

Is it you again? James, my name is James. And my name is Angela. The second acquaintance with Angela came out somewhat strained. And still, try to talk to a woman with clear signs of mental illness and a huge knife in shaking hands. Did you find your mom? No. Did she live in this house? Do not know. So all you know is that she lived in this city? Angela saw neither Mary nor her mother. Something strange is happening with this woman, and she runs away, leaving us as a souvenir her terrible knife (Angela "s knife). After the end of the video scene, look around the room and take from the same coffee table as the knife, a coin with a woman's profile ( Prisoner "s Coin).

Go out into the corridor and go to the room that a certain Lin mentioned in a note on apartment # 209. There is nothing remarkable about the room, except for a strange secretaire near the wall. The secretaire has neither a lock nor a keyhole, but on its surface there are several small holes (what a coincidence!), Which are exactly the same diameter for the coins we found. On the back of the secretaire there is a tablet with verses: "On the left is an old man, and on the right is the one who is crawling, between them is the one who is captured." Using the method of simple logical reasoning and elementary selection, arrange the coins into the holes in this order: in the second from the left - a coin with an old man, in the far right - a coin with a snake, and in the third from the left - a coin with a woman captive. The secretaire opened, revealing Lin's key to room 209 inside. (Lyne house key).

Follow the familiar road to room number 209, open it with the key and go to the balcony. Amazing layout - the balconies in apartment no. 209 and no. 208 were shared. Go to apartment # 208, take some bullets from the chair and the Apartment stairway key from the bed. Once outside the room, head down the east corridor to the door to the staircase, open it with the key and ...


Our recent acquaintance Pyramid seems to have come to say hello. It is impossible to kill this beast in any way, but on the contrary it can happen quite - just look at the huge sword-cleaver in his "hand". There will be only one tactic for dealing with this monster - movement, shot, movement. The room in which the battle will take place is a small patch of land in the ocean of a damp basement. If your pistol has enough charges, proceed as follows: run back to the corner and, while the Pyramid unfolds its heavy sword, fire exactly five shots, reload the pistol on the run and rush to the opposite edge of the room. So, running from one edge to the other and not letting the Pyramid use your weapon, continue to fire at the monster until the water suddenly disappears and the angry Pyramid retreats into the basement along the iron stairs. Run after the foe, open the doors and go out ... into the street.


Gloomy day in Silent Hill

Morning is long gone, but the fog has not cleared yet. The pyramid disappeared somewhere, and we were again left alone in our strange war with the silent city. Remember that we went through two terrible houses just to get to the western part of the city and get into the park near the lake? Check the map and start moving along the road north. As soon as you leave the house, suddenly appears on the wall ... Hey, didn't you knock the key out of my house there ?! What do you want? Maybe me too! The little girl, who has badly spoiled our blood in a terrible haunted house, now sits carelessly on a high wall and reads some kind of paper. What is it in your hands, a letter? And what do you care! You didn't love Mary anyway! Mary? You know her, hey, stop! The girl disappears just as suddenly, without clarifying the situation at all.

Continue along the northern road, referring to the map and after passing the tunnel, you will eventually arrive at the park. Well, one of the clues is already close. After wandering a little through the relatively safe park, you may find several boxes of cartridges and bottles with a healing composition, but, be that as it may, your main goal is the northern embankment of the park near the water itself. Once on the embankment, go to the observation deck, when suddenly ... Mary? No, my name is Maria. A woman who is remarkably similar to James' late wife, the same voice, the same face, the other only clothes and hair. But this is not Mary, this is just a woman who woke up in the morning and saw the fog ... All people left, and those who did not leave turned into monsters. The electricity disappeared, the telephone connection disappeared ... so she came to the park, hoping to meet at least one living soul. But this park ... it was our "special place". "Special"? And weren't there any others? Hotel! The hotel on the other side of the lake, where they spent a whole month three years ago. This is what "special place" Mary could talk about in her letter.

Maria, who for obvious reasons does not want to be left alone, imposed on the journey with us. From now on, Maria will continuously follow us, and now during the battles with the revived dead, you need to monitor not only your health, but also Maria, because in the event of her death, the game will end in a completely different way than you would like. Exit the park in the direction that Maria will show you, along the way shooting all the zombies and dummies that come across along the way. Check the map and follow the road north that curves around the lake and leads to the hotel. If the mania of the explorer has woken up in you, then you can simultaneously examine all the houses, courtyards and buildings that you meet along the way, but pay special attention to the Texxon Gas Station, where you can get hold of new melee weapons in the car, instead of a plank with a nail, - a steel pipe (Steel Pipe), as well as several boxes of cartridges and bottles with a medicinal mixture.

As you continue north, you will eventually find that the road drops off and the bridge ahead is destroyed. Near the cliff lies someone's corpse (apparently - a policeman), carefully search his pockets, and you will find a map of western Silent Hill with a special note - Pete's Bowl-O-Rama. located a little further south on the road from the place where the bridge was destroyed. Having reached the place marked on the map, Maria will suddenly refuse to go in. Well, we will have to go alone. Approach the central entrance and open the door. Hmm ... Because of the locked You can hear someone's inarticulate talk, walk through the white door to the right of the entrance and while you bend around the torn-up tables and swept away shelves, you will have time to hear a part of the conversation between Laura and Eddie, that same "big guy" with an upset stomach. Oh, James, hello, and I just met Laura. The big guy eats pizza as if nothing had happened and swears that he does not know who this girl is or where she is from. He only knows that she is looking for some woman. Mary ... or what is her? Damn, the girl literally ran away from under her nose! Run out into the street and after a short conversation with Maria, run after Laura.

Move down the alley with right side from the bowling alley until you reach the gate. Turn right and run along the alley until you see Laura deftly slipping into the opening between the walls. There is no way for us to crawl after her, but here Maria comes to the rescue, from nowhere she got the key and opened the next door. Hmm, thanks for that. Once inside some premises, apparently a nightclub, take the first aid kit from the chair and go out into the street through the opposite door. Walk down the street until you see Laura again, hiding behind the doors of some building, and enter the room after her ... And yet here's what is strange: why of all the buildings in such a rather big city like Silent Hill, the damn girl chose an insane asylum?

Clinic for the mentally ill

The Historical Society Building is unusually deserted tonight.

Before starting your search for Laura, take from the wall at the entrance the plan of the hospital with all its rooms, wards, examination rooms and offices. Taking into account the fact that half of the doors are locked, and the other half is opened with a variety of keys, the labyrinth turns out to be rather big. Wander the corridors, having practiced in shooting a new kind of zombie - a kind of mutated nurses with ulcerated faces, and then start one by one to open all the available doors. Few will be open, for example the Reception office, through which you can go to the Document room. In this room, read all the documents you find, especially those concerning violent patients. Also notice the handwritten paper on which someone admits to having got hold of "this key." "This key" is located here (Purple bull key). We have nothing else to do on the first floor. The elevator, alas, does not work, so you will have to climb up the good old steps. Well, well, there's nothing to moan, let's knead the bones.

Once on the second floor, get rid of the zombie nurses and start exploring the area. First of all, look into the Men 's locker room and from the pocket of the robe take the Examination room key, go through the parallel door and examine the Women' s locker - there, in one of the lockers, you will find -So a long-teated thing - a shotgun (Shotgun). Now it will be incomparably easier to repulse stubborn monsters. Continue exploring the premises. In the same room for women, notice the teddy bear toy, which is in it ... hmm ... a fish hook (Bent needle) - it will work on the farm. Exit into the corridor and explore the clinic further. In Examination room 3, in addition to a first-aid kit, which is certainly useful in the household, you can find a typewriter with an unfinished sheet containing a lengthy message and a "code for the box". What this "box" is, we still have to find out, but remember the code, or better yet, write it down.

Then you can walk along the corridor with rooms numbered with the letter M. Almost in each of them you will find something useful: a first aid kit, cartridges or a bottle with a healing elixir. In room M2 you will find another mysterious key (Lapis eye key). After finishing the examination, go down to the first floor and use the newly acquired key to open the Examination room, from where, without wasting time, immediately go to the Doctor's lounge. there is a wall sheet for various notes. Study it and remember the code from the door leading to the wing of the building, reserved for the wards for the sick. There is nothing more to do on the first floor, finish shooting all the surviving non-living paramedics and go up to the third floor.

Well, it's time for a decisive confrontation. Feel free to unload your shotgun at all the pressing zombies, trample the defeated without sparing your boots and move deeper into the level. Near the door to the wing leading to the patient rooms (numbered with the letter S), remember the code seen on the first floor. Enter it on the combination lock and enter the vast hall. The tactic remains the same - suppress the resistance of our inanimate friends and begin a methodical examination of each room in search of useful things. And work your way up to room S3. Maria, what's the matter with you? I'm tired, I'm just tired. Well, so much the better, let Maria rest, and take the Roof key from the bedside table and go out into the corridor. In room S11, there is a box, tied with chains and locked with several locks, containing something clearly of great value. Remember this place and keep looking for Laura. What's left? Only shower (Shower room), go into the room and carefully examine the drain. There is clearly something inside, but you can't reach it with your hand - too narrow cells in the lattice. The fishing hook is also missing, so something else is missing.

Well, all the available rooms have been examined, almost all the locked rooms are open, so there is only one thing left - the roof, only there we haven’t looked for it yet. Climb the stairs to the very top flight, unlock the door and go out into the fresh air. Evening is slowly descending over Silent Hill, and with it the darkness of the night, and we need to hurry. Examine the roof, try to open the locked doors and carefully examine the tattered notebook that turned out to be the diary of some patient. Rain, rain again today. It hasn't stopped since I got to this damn clinic. What do they want from me? What will they do to me? I do not know. Wander around the roof a little more and try to approach the locked elevator control room. Suddenly there will be some noise, and ... Pyramid! An old acquaintance will suddenly appear behind his back and with all his spirit will whack James with his terrible sword. Scream, flight, blow and darkness ...

You will wake up on the third floor, in a locked room for "violent" patients (Special treatment room). Having broken the roof, you fell down, so urgently improve your health with the help of a first-aid kit or several bottles with a healing elixir and try to explore the room. All doors are closed, except for one, the middle chamber, thickly smeared with blood. To the left of the entrance door to this closet, try to make out the inscription made in blood on the wall. Strange, but this is just another code. Remember it and go out into the common corridor.

So, let's see what we have: two mysterious keys and two no less mysterious codes, one hastily written on a typewriter, the other, apparently in a fit of insanity, with blood on the wall of the chamber. Isn't it enough to open the Mystery Box in Room S11? Go to the ward and alternately use the Lapis eye key and the Purple bull key on the box. The chains have disappeared, it remains to open the combination locks. Dial the code that you saw on the printed sheet on the electronic code panel, and the second code, written in blood, dial on the combination lock. But what is it, what ?! All this torment for the sake of a cotton pad and a tuft of someone's long hair! What a disappointment ... Although ... wait a second, what if you tie a fairly strong hair to a fish hook and try to get that "something" stuck in the shower drain. Go to the shower room at the other end of the corridor and do the whole operation with an impromptu fishing rod, combining the Hair and the hook through the Combine menu item. Great, we got exactly what we need - the Elevator key. Use the newly acquired key to open the plug near the door in the corridor, call the elevator and go down to the first floor, into wing C.

Using the scheme already worked out many times, begin to study all the rooms. Try to open room C1, in room C3 take some ammo boxes and go into room C2. Well, you must: in a city teeming with the dead, in an insane asylum, decorated with streaks of someone's blood and full of evidence of the terrible torment of patients, Laura calmly sits in a quiet room and plays with a teddy bear. Laura, tell me, do you know Mary? Yes, we were friends with her when she was in the hospital. So. But this is impossible, Mary is dead. No, she's alive, she wrote a letter. Tempted by the opportunity to see the mysterious letter, James follows Laura. And ... falls into another trap. A sly girl locks up James, who is already starting to go crazy, in the examination room and ... Laura, open up, do you hear? Open the door immediately! .. But it won't open anymore.

"Live meat"

The next "boss", or rather even two whole "bosses", with whom we have to fight because of Laura's foolishness, is a little more terrible than the Pyramid. Two mutants, looking like huge pieces of revived fresh meat, appear from the ceiling and, slowly moving in "carriages" suspended from the ceiling, try to grab James with their terrible tentacles. The tactics here are the same as during the fight with the Pyramid - move, move and move again, only this time, instead of a pistol, use a shotgun to kill these monsters. Bring two mutants as close as possible, then make a series of shots, run to the opposite corner of the room, reload and wait again for them to come close. As soon as the last of the monsters sag lifelessly in his "wheelchair", a siren will sound, and James, from long exhaustion, will fall unconscious on the spot.

Night in a madhouse

What happened while we were unconscious is called "space substitution." Silent Hill lives in two forms - in the image of a city of mysterious fog and in the image of a city that seems to have come from a parallel world. The otherworldly, hellish world. A universe of concentrated evil. Night has fallen, and the former Silent Hill is no more. Welcome to the world of crazy night, James.

So, we woke up in the garden of the sinister clinic. It's raining outside, night is falling over Silent Hill, and the lunatic asylum is getting mad. Go around the rooms in the corridor with the letter C again - in addition to the ominous graffiti, several gifts such as first-aid kits and cartridges have appeared there. Take the elevator and go up to the second floor. Continue to comb through all the rooms in the M corridor using the pattern that has already been worked out many times. In Ward M6, in addition to a set of a first-aid kit and a box of cartridges for a pistol, after examining the painting on the wall, you will find a Basement storeroom key and a fresh battery (Dry cell battery). Read the note next to the painting ... Hmm ... it seems that someone defended the ring in the basement, but does not want to return for it "for some reason." Memorize this message well and continue the "detour". There is a huge refrigerator in the Day room in the middle of the hall. What, James, didn’t open, did you have to eat more porridge? Apparently, you can't do without help here. Exit into the corridor, call the elevator and go up to the third floor.

In the corridor with the letter S, everything is the same, except for the fact that Maria disappeared from room S3 ... This was still not enough, we begin an active search. Open the door to the common wing and go out onto the landing. We have nothing to do on the roof, so we go down the stairs to the lowest level and with the help of the found key we open the door to the basement. Empty, don't you think? Try to push the closet away from the wall and ... Maria? Where were you? Did you find Laura? I was so scared, everything was lost, this ... this night! After a short exchange of impressions, Maria rejoins the team. We continue the research: go down the stairs into the opening behind the cabinet and in the opened cellar take a cheap copper ring from the floor. There is nothing else to look for here: go back to the landing, go up to the third floor, call the elevator and go down to the second floor.

What was it? Suddenly, the radio, which had just quietly crackled in his pocket, burst into a real concert at the request! Voice says something strange, some questions similar to radio quiz questions. If you listen carefully to the entire presentation, you will receive three questions:

1. What is the name of the park in the northern part of Silent Hill?

2. What was the name of the maniac who killed two children? and

3. What is the name of the road from Silent Hill to Palville?

Anyone who answers the questions correctly can come to the warehouse on the third floor and get their own pri-and-and-and-out! As in the long-standing puzzle with the safe, this radio talk is an optional, but interesting episode of the game. If you want to take part in this kind of quiz, take the elevator to the third floor, go to the storeroom, which is electronically locked, and press the correct answer options on the electronic console: in the first row, button number 1, in the second - number 2, and in the third - No. 3. If successful, you will receive as many as five boxes of shotgun ammunition and two medical ampoules as a reward.

After finishing the quiz, go back down to the second floor, go to the rest room and, with the help of joint efforts with Maria, open the refrigerator on the floor. ??? Lead ring ... hmm, where would a ring come in handy? Maybe you noticed a woman's portrait near the elevator that appeared on the third floor? The hands of the painted woman look just like real ones ... So, go up to the third floor, use both rings found on the portrait, and hurray! - a secret door, a long-awaited way out of the impasse. You go into the opened passage and start going down the stairs.

After reaching the lower level, go with Maria along the long corridor. Pyramid! Here again, you old scoundrel. Fighting an insidious beast in such a narrow space is simply unrealistic, so that there is a spirit, run straight down the corridor, not paying attention to the rapid breathing behind your back. Forward, forward, forward and ... The door begins to close behind her, Maria desperately stretches her hands, the Pyramid comes closer. James!.. The door slams shut, and Maria is no more.

The lift comes to the first floor. Whether we have a desire to continue searching or not, we need to go further. Once in the Director's room, look at the map on the table. A new direction has opened, a path has been marked: back to the eastern Silent Hill, from there again to the park by the lake, where the treasure is buried in a secret place, and only then to the Historical Society Silent Hill Historical Society Take the Hospital Lobby Key from the table and exit the cursed clinic through the center door.

Darkness over Silent Hill

Night has fallen over the city, the streets are teeming with awakened zombies, and our way back to the streets of Silent Hill is very difficult. Check the map, choose a direction and start smoothly moving back towards the city. In principle, for the sake of saving ammunition, you can avoid engaging in fights with the numerous dead, but then forget about collecting all the useful gifts scattered along the side of the road, and just rush forward, periodically controlling the route along the map.

Run down Carroll Street, take the exit onto Rendell Street. From there, head south on Monson Street and, east of Saul Street, turn into a long tunnel. Be careful - you will have to run along the slatted floor, behind which several dead people are hiding. Just do not stop and you will easily pass this dangerous section. At the end of the path, open the gate and ... doesn't it look like anything? We came to where we started. If you want to replenish your supply of medicines, you can look into an old trailer on the side of the road and get hold of a first aid kit. Look at the map again and move to the Gonzales "s Mexican Restaurant. On the steps of the front door, someone left a letter and a Wrench for you. Take your things and read the message carefully: about There is something important hidden in the statue of a praying woman in the park by the lake.

To get into the park, we no longer have to go through a terrible haunted house. This time, everything is much simpler - go to Katz Street, move west and at the end of the path open the previously locked door leading to the western part of Silent Hill. Still not paying attention to the raging zombies, get to the park, go to its western part and look for a small area with a stone statue. Does it look like a praying woman? .. Quite. Walk around the rear of the statue and carefully examine the suspicious bump behind it. Throwing away the ground, open the discovered box with a wrench and take the old bronze key.

The penultimate piece of the puzzle has been solved, and now our path lies in only one direction - the Silent Hill Historical Society, marked in the northern part of your map. Run to the familiar highways to the mark on the map, pick up the first-aid kit near the central gate and use the old bronze key to unlock the front door.

Silent Hill Historical Society

At first, it will be quite problematic to navigate without a map, so listen carefully to the advice. Through the only door you enter the central building of the society and, if you wish, you can examine the paintings hung on the walls. Pay special attention to the huge panel depicting ... yes, the Pyramid! A pyramid standing with his sword in the background of the wicked prisoners of the Toluca prison. You go into the next room and go downstairs through the huge hole in the wall. Get down, are you kidding me !? In fact, the descent down is not just long, it is extremely, arch, maxi, impossible, extremely, surprisingly long. You will sink lower and lower and lower, but do not worry, in the end, somewhere in the distance, a door looms, and you will enter a kind of underground dwelling.

Hmm, it looks like there were no living people in this room for a hundred years ... Or maybe two hundred. The document on the table dates back to the first half of the century before last, and it deals with quite ordinary things. After looking around the area and, for loyalty, grabbing a first-aid kit, go out into the next room. Since we still do not have a map, try to concentrate and listen carefully to the instructions on the route you need to follow in order to find your way out. So, behind the gate, turn right and follow until the fork, then turn right again, ignore the door and turn around and go to the door where you came from. Are you surprised? This corridor is not as simple as it seems. Finding ourselves in a completely new room, we find ourselves in a dead end. The only way out is to jump into a seemingly bottomless hole in the floor. Well, forward - jump, flight, blow.

How stupid it is! On their own free will fall to the bottom of a deep well, from which there is no way out! However, do not lose hope: ransack every inch of the well wall. Keep looking until James says he noticed something strange. Stop there, grab a jagged board or steel pipe and start banging hard on the wall. Eventually, the brick will crack, and through the secret passage you will be able to penetrate further. Step along the damp sewers until you notice a door on the right wall; go inside and pass the floor grate into the next door. In a small room, grab the Spiral-writing key and ... Damn it, the battery ran out at the wrong time ... and what is this damn rustle? Quickly, before the worst happens, use the battery found in the clinic for the mentally ill, turn on the light on the flashlight and begin to trample the huge beetles that have come running from all sides. When the arthropods calm down a bit, look for a way out. Activate the panel at the slammed door and get ready to solve another, not too difficult puzzle. See, only three numbers out of nine are highlighted on the console? You need to find the required combination of pressing these three buttons in the simplest way in the world - brute force. Try it, there are not so many options in reality.

Freed from the terrible room, return to the room with the grate and open the lock on the floor. Well, shall we risk it one more time? Jump down.



Eddie? What are you doing here, big guy? How the hell did this fat man get here? You know, James, it's actually not that scary to kill. You just take a gun, put it like this, and ... bang! Eddie is clearly not in himself, like Angela, he somewhere got himself a weapon (a huge Colt) and is plotting something not very kind. Having coldly said goodbye to the big guy, explore the room into which we were carried. So, it looks a lot like a prison, yes, in fact, this is an old, abandoned underground prison from the century before last. Take from the room two bottles with a medicinal mixture, a strange "Tablet of" Gluttonous Pig "and exit the room into the corridor. Walk forward along the corridor past the bars and doors and at the opposite end of the corridor on the table take the Map of the prison. At the end of the corridor, go into the left door and head towards the showers. Walk around the entire perimeter of the room and take the Tablet of The Seductress.

Even in the endless sea of ​​fog, every traveler has his own guiding star.

Having finished your exploration of the area, look at the map: do you see two complexes of prison premises, north and south ??? wings of the prison, consisting exclusively of small barred cubicles? First of all, we should examine the northern block. Ignore the zombies growling from behind the bars, just try not to approach them and get close to inspecting other rooms. Alternately try to open each of the latticed doors, behind some of them are cartridges or medicines, and in the second chamber from the entrance of some crazy voodoo sorcerer, take a wax doll (Wax doll).

The southern prison block is much more interesting - first of all with the camera of the artist, who painted obviously unhealthy pictures, and secondly, with the fourth camera from the left, in which lies the "Tablet of" The Oppressor ". Since there is nothing else to do in the prison block, go through the wide door to the huge room on the east side of the prison. A strange place? .. Hmm, apparently, sentences were carried out here, which is clearly indicated by the scaffold placed in the center of the huge hall. Take a close look at the foot of the scaffold and the three holes at its base. Lo and behold, they seem to fit our plaques perfectly. Insert all three plaques at the foot of the scaffold and ... and nothing. In confused feelings, go to the exit and take the horseshoe that has come from nowhere on the door. Well, a horseshoe is a symbol of happiness. Let's hope for him.

Go through the prison block to the western part of the prison and start ransacking all the rooms that come across on your way. It makes sense to enter the meeting rooms, fenced in the middle by bulletproof glass, through both the east and west doors - it is quite possible that pleasant surprises in the form of cartridges or first-aid kits will come across both sides. In the southern meeting room with east side pick up the Lighter, an absolutely useful thing in every adventure game. Glass is broken in the northern meeting room, go through the gap into the western corridor and proceed to inspect the utility rooms. On top of that, don't miss the Armory, where you can borrow an excellent Hunting Rifle and two ammo boxes from the prison's extensive storage facilities.

So it's a dead end. All exits are closed, there is nowhere to run, and in fact, too, to return. However, there is also a mysterious hatch in the southern part of the corridor, but it cannot be opened in any way - the handle is missing. Turn on your savvy at full power and prepare for a decisive blow of the intellect on the damned cellar lid! Enter your items menu and use the Combine button to combine a lighter, a wax figurine and a horseshoe into one item. The logic is simple: the wax melted on the lighter will fill the hole in the hatch cover, and the horseshoe frozen in the resulting mass will serve as an excellent handle! Open the hatch and ... just not that again! Jump down into the bottomless hole.

It did not take long to fall. After waking up after hitting, leave the room into the double door. What, really, a terrible place. Prison morgue, leave the inhospitable room through the only door and go out to ... you know, but you can earn a pretty phobia and start to be afraid of heights. Another hole in the ground, and this time seems to be the deepest. And, it was not, take a deep breath and jump down. Once in the elevator shaft, take the elevator and slowly and sadly start going downstairs.


Time and space seem to have long ceased to exist in Silent Hill. Does Silent Hill itself exist? The track of time is irretrievably lost. Life seems to be frozen in some kind of indefinite existential jelly. In the underworld, where the hard work brought James, we will have to do without a map, but nevertheless, a certain plan of the premises will be drawn up automatically, since the surrounding for some reason strangely resembles an intricate maze.

Walk, no matter in which direction, bypassing intersections and bypassing dead ends until you see a staircase. There are several stairs in this room and, no matter which of them you go down, they all lead you to the same damp basement. In the basement, be careful and quickly run through dangerous areas on the ground, from where the tentacles of bloodthirsty zombies can reach you from behind the bars. In addition, in the same basement, the hateful killer Pyramid is slapping on the water, this time, however, not very eager to stab James. Without slowing down, run away from the Pyramid, keeping to the right wall at all times. Eventually you will notice a ladder going underground. Go downstairs, go down the corridor and go down the next stairs. After going to the end of the next corridor, you will see a strange iron room and a stone block in the form of a human head.

The essence of the next puzzle is relatively simple - by turning the block up and to the sides, you change the direction and color of the eyes of the stone "face". Depending on your actions, the architecture of the iron room changes accordingly. You need to achieve such a position of the stone head so that the hole in the covering of the iron room falls exactly on the southern wall and thus opens the passage to the new room. When the desired position is established, go through the door in the iron room, approach the grate ...

Maria! But how? I thought you died there in the clinic when you stayed outside the elevator doors. Maria is acting really strange. She claims that she does not remember anything that happened, does not know about any clinic, and mumbles something incoherently about a hotel on the shore of the lake. Do you remember how we spent our time there? Maria ... Or is it Mary ?! Discouraged, James will cease further questioning and walk away from the bars. We urgently need to find a way to her room. Return to the stone-headed room and take a close look at the electrical panel near the stairs. Someone forgot the Wire Cutters inside, pick up and go down the stairs back to the dank basement. After passing along the corridor, reach the passage closed by the wire, and with the help of the wire cutters, free your way. Climb the stairs down, turn right in the corridor, then along the newly opened corridor to the stairs and down again. Then follow exactly on the map, bypassing the numerous descents and ascents of stairs. Remember one main rule - every room has one entrance and one exit, it doesn't matter if the stairs go up or down. Passing seven corridors in a row, you will find yourself in a small hall littered with bloody newspapers. And with a door also sealed with newspapers. Run to the muffled scream coming from the room, go through the door ...

"Angela's Father"

Angela? Angela is trapped: some terrible monster, which the mad woman seems to take for her own father, approaches from the depths of the room with clearly ill intentions. Do not lose your composure, take a shotgun at the ready (it is much faster than a gun, which will only serve as a plus in such a closed room). And start the systematic shelling of the foe. The tactics remain unchanged: two shots - a sharp dash to the opposite side of the room, again two shots. The situation is complicated by the fact that in the place where the TV is located, you can "get stuck" for a while, which will give the monster a chance to attack James. The bite of this colossus is quite painful, so after each unsuccessful maneuver, do not forget to sip the healing elixir from the bottles at hand.

After the monster is defeated, try to talk to Angela, but you will hardly wait for intelligible answers. The woman has completely lost her mind, and we are unlikely to help her.

The Hanged Man's Room

Leave the room after Angela and open the only remaining door in the corridor. In the new hall, open the nearest door and carefully examine the room. This is another execution room. The six hanged hang in orderly rows. Walk past each of them, reading the tablets on the chest, and remember why each of them was executed. You leave into the corridor and go to the door opposite. This room is identical to the one where the hanged men were, except that there are empty hinges hanging from the ceiling. Read carefully the short poem on a tin plate against the wall. This is a typical "poetic riddle" explaining who was the culprit and who was hanged for nothing. If you don't know English very well, here's a simple hint: The Arsonist is the innocent of all the criminals. Pull the empty loop corresponding to the one that hung the Pyro in the previous room and head back out into the hallway. Return to the room with the hanged and under the place where the innocent person hung, take the key (The key of persecuted). Continue down the hallway until you see a massive water tap, handcuffed to the wall. Using the found key, open the handcuffs, turn the tap and go down the stairs that have opened. In the next damp basement, go straight ahead, without turning off at the intersection, and enter the door.

Mary (if it was Mary) is dead. Dead again. And again we came too late to prevent something ... Leave the sorrowful room, turn in the corridor and go down the stairs.

Once in the cemetery, search the graves and collect all kinds of ammunition and several medical ampoules. You can read the inscriptions on the graves. One of the monuments is embossed with "Walter Sullivan" - remember that strange maniac who killed two children? Three of the graves are empty, but the gravestones already bear the inscriptions: "Angela Orozco", "Eddie Dombrowski" and ... "James Sunderland". Graves for us and for our friends. Someone in Silent Hill has already planned out our entire destiny in advance ... Jump to the bottom of the grave with your own name.


It seems that under the cemetery someone prudently placed a real underground refrigerator. Eddie? It is you again? What are you doing here? No, James, what are you doing here? The big guy is crazy, he brandishes his huge colt, threatens, tries to justify himself, breaks down and, unable to bear it, attacks James. This dog! They all yelled at me for killing the damn dog! But killing a dog is so easy! The tactics of dealing with Eddie are quite simple: constantly shoot the fat man with a shotgun, from time to time run around the room and, after waiting for the return shot, quickly reload and continue firing. When Eddie breaks down, the battle will be transferred to the next room - a huge refrigerator. Be careful - the fat man can hide behind the carcasses. Since the spaces around are more than vast, it is worth changing the shotgun to the gun. Four or five shots - and the madman, wheezing, stretches out on the floor. Enough, James, now it's too late to repent and kill yourself. The big guy is dead.


After the fight with Eddie, leave the refrigerator for fresh air, towards the new morning rising over Silent Hill. Go to the lake and go to the pier. If you cannot get to the hotel by land, then we will try swimming. Hop on a boat and take a trip across the misty lake. The most important thing is not to lose orientation in space while swimming. Lean on the right paddle and circle a little on the sides - somewhere in the fog you will see a faintly flickering light, similar to a small star. Aim the boat straight at the light, and eventually you will dock at the deserted shore.

Hotel by the lake

It hasn't changed at all in the past three years. The same hotel by the lake. The same sad. And as if abandoned alone on this quiet shore. Step off the pier and up the steps to the hotel's courtyard. Take a walk on the terrace and notice the idle fountain. On its side is a small music box with a "Little Mermaid" music box. Take the box and enter the hotel through the central door.

Once in the lobby, immediately turn to the left of the door and take the Hotel map for guests from the wall. Carefully study all three pages of the plan and ... on the square of number 312, someone wrote "I'm waiting for you ...". This was the room that James and his wife had stayed in three years ago. So, rather, rather, up! But - alas, if you run without making out the road up the stairs - in front of the stairs to the third floor there will be only a cast-iron grate and a dead end. We'll have to go around. First of all, we will walk along the first floor. Walk down the corridor to the right to the "Lake Shore" restaurant, enter the main entrance, take the Fish key from the table, go to the piano ... Laura! The ugly girl again with her jokes, but this time she looks much calmer and gives James a long-awaited letter from Mary. Judging by the date of the letter and other circumstantial evidence, it was written a week ago, which means that Mary may still be alive. Laura quickly runs away, and James is left alone again, bewildered.

Go to the central hotel lobby (Lobby) and go to the reception desk. Read the note left on the table for you. It says that the videotape "left by you" is kept in an office on the ground floor. Open the door near the counter and take the key to room 312 from the shelf. Also note the old mechanical organ in the center of the hall. If you take a closer look, there are three small notches in its surface for music boxes like your "Little Mermaid". It remains to find the other two. Exit to the central hotel corridor and go down the stairs to the Basement. There, getting rid of several nervous zombies, reach the end of the corridor, go into the broken elevator and take a bottle of reducing fluid (Thinner). So far, the business on the first floor is over, take the gun at the ready and rise to the second.

First of all, shoot noisy zombies marching along the corridor, and then take up the inspection of the premises. In the closest room (Cloak Room) you can get hold of first aid kits and several boxes of various cartridges. Pay attention to the case lying on the table. Open it with the key found in the restaurant and inside take ... another key, marked "204" (Key to room 204). Well, now you can safely go to this room 204, unlock the door and go inside. Hmm, as if Mamai went through - a terrible mess, where only the administration is looking? Take the Employee elevator key from the table and go through the gap in the wall to the next room. The order is no better than the previous one. Pay attention to the diplomat lying on the sofa: it is locked with a cunning combination lock with a letter combination. Look around the room with your eyes and take a photo from the floor, painted over with a black marker. Use a bottle of excretory liquid on her - and voila! We have a code word for a diplomat. Open the diplomat and take from it another music box, this time with Cinderella ("Cinderella" music box).

Exit into the corridor and head to the opposite wing of the building, where the Employee elevator is located according to the diagram. Unlock the door with the key and go inside the elevator room. So, the elevator, apparently, is designed to carry not too heavy loads, children or ballerinas - as soon as James enter the car, an overload signal immediately sounds. There is nothing to do, you will have to somehow lighten your weight and store all the things from your inventory in a closet next to the elevator. Alas, the game does not understand arguments like "the pistol weighs only some four hundred grams!", So everything will have to be unloaded, that is literally everything, down to a flashlight and paper notes. Don't you feel almost naked without a good shotgun in your hand? Having got rid of the ballast, boldly step into the elevator and go downstairs.

Once in the office premises, first of all, take the complete hotel map (Hotel map for employees) from the blackboard on the left, focusing on the acquired map, go to the office (Office) and take from the safe the videotape mentioned in the note (Videotape) and a can opener (Can opener). Search the remaining service rooms for ammunition and in the Pantry grab the last music box, the "Snow white" music box. Since we cannot go up by elevator, we will have to get out through the basement. Go down the stairs and, with a quick step past the zombies located in the corridor, run into the room with the electrical room (Electrical room). Take the first aid kit from the shelf and grab the Bar key. Check the map again and plan your next route - along the corridor to the bar, through the kitchen. Pass the damned dead again and quickly close the kitchen door behind you. You can already collect some trophies - take a few vials of healing liquid and use a can opener to open the jar on the table. You will never guess what was mothballed there ... Light bulbs! Take one of the light bulbs and go through the opposite door to the Bar "Venus tears". Hmm, the door cannot be easily opened - the bar is too dark and James simply cannot distinguish the keyhole. Let there be light: use the light bulb on the lantern lying on the bar counter, and with a clear conscience open the door with the key.

Phew, having escaped from the damned basement, run up the stairs, straight to the second floor and the elevator. Grab all your belongings from the closet and head downstairs to the lobby with a calm heart. Remember the old mechanical organ? Use all three of your boxes on it in the following sequence: in the middle niche "The Little Mermaid", in the right - "Cinderella", well, in the left - "Snow White". Music will play, and the heavy grate will disappear from the stairs to the third floor. Go upstairs, unlock the door of room 312 and go inside ...

The most ordinary number, exactly the same as it was three years ago. Go to the VCR and insert a three-year-old videotape into it. Are you filming again, James? You know, I think more and more about Silent Hill, about us and about this place. It seems to be steeped in mystery, this lake, this fog. I wish I could live here all my life ... No one could have known that it would turn out this way. That it will be so in reality, that it was so or that it should be so. When did Mary really die and did she die? Why did you kill your wife, James? Shock, confusion, panic. Laura, are you here? It’s my fault, it’s me who killed Mary. The world, it seems, has finally turned from weak legs to a crazy head ...

The killer and his dead wife

The suddenly turned on radio awakens from a long oblivion. Through the interference, Mary's voice is heard, which is still calling somewhere to her. But where? Get up from the chair at the TV, look around. The hotel has changed markedly, it is now not the same lake hotel we came to. The same metamorphosis happened to him as to the clinic for the mentally ill a day ago. Although it seems like a hundred years have passed. Exit room 312 and go down the steps to the second floor. First, deal with two rather ferocious monsters in the hallway. There is no sense in saving ammo now, so use your hunting rifle. The right wing is locked, and the doors of the rooms in the left wing lead ... One into the other. Leaving one room, you find yourself in the previous one, and so on. Enter the door with number 202 and, once in the east wing, take the elevator and go down to the basement.

So, it seems, during our absence somewhere a tap burst. Knee-deep in water, search the bar and kitchen for first aid kits and ammunition. When the search is over, go out to the service rooms and climb up the stairs. Angela? Mama! This time the madwoman mistook James for her own mother. The staircase is on fire, and Angela calmly climbs up. Who's really crazy here ?! This fire ... It's hot as hell here! I got used to it, fire always burned me. As in real hell. Angela leaves, and we are left alone with progressive psychosis. Leave the room ... and you will find yourself back on the stairs, but this time a real, not a hellish staircase. Go upstairs, go to the first floor, and ... Where has the hotel gone? Where is the hall, where is the reception, where is everyone? Run forward along the long corridor until you reach a lonely door at the end of the path. It seems that the solution to the mystery is close. Draw in your lungs full of air and open the door.

Maria! This time, the real, true Mary, who is killed in front of James by two Pyramids. So here's the thing, there were always two of them! Mary was chosen to punish James with her death. Repeated, constant, ongoing death. Punish James for killing his own wife.

"Two Pyramids"

After the end of the execution, the Pyramids will go down and move to James. If you still have some shotgun ammo, it is better to use it than a slow and clumsy shotgun. Basic tactic: shoot! In no case do not let the Pyramids split, run from one corner to another and make sure that the damned creatures do not try to surround you and walk one after another. No matter who you shoot, the main thing is to keep your hands on the trigger for a second. Shot - a run to the opposite corner, again a shot, again a run, and so on until the Pyramids, tired of the struggle, are impaled on their own terrible swords. Seems ... the end?

Not yet. Go to each of the defeated creatures and take out of them two colored eggs (Scarlet egg and Rust-colored egg). Insert these eggs into the niches at the door in the pedestal with the executed Mary and through any of them you leave the ominous room.


Run into the distance along the seemingly endless corridor. The memory slowly recovers, fragments of the conversation between James and Maria, when she was still in the hospital with some strange ailment, float into my head. James, why did you come, James? Away, away from the burden of the past. Run without stopping, and at the end of the path, exit through the door into fresh air.

Rain and gloomy noon, climb the tin stairs to the very top and somewhere there, in a broken window, your wife, who died three years ago, will be waiting for you. You see, James, that's how it was planned. So it was decided, from the very beginning. Silent Hill is not the place to return from. And the whole point of the tragedy is that you will never get your Mary back.

"Mary" in front of your eyes will take on its true form and in the form of a monster crucified upside down will move into the attack. To resist such an onslaught is possible only with the help of a hunting rifle or shotgun. Construction site where the battle takes place is quite extensive, so you have some room to maneuver. The catch lies in the fact that "Mary" attacks not only at close range, but also sending clouds of poisonous moths to us, so it is strictly contraindicated to stay in place for a long time. The tactics are simple: a shot from a gun (or two shots from a shotgun), retreat, shot, retreat. When the monster breaks loose from its supports and falls to the ground, approach and mercilessly finish off the creature, despite all Mary's pleas.


It all ended the way it should have ended any story that happened in a small American town somewhere far from the big roads. The last goodbye, the roar of the starting engine, the screeching of the brakes - and Silent Hill again plunges into fog and its long ominous silence ...



Traffic - cursor keys

Lateral movement to the right / left - A, D

Action - space

Cancellation of any action - Esc

Run - left shift

Inspection Mode - S

Keep the enemy at gunpoint - F

Enumeration of weapons - Q, E, 1-5

Reloading weapons - R

Free your hands - ~

Duffle bag - I

Map view - M

On off. flashlight - L

Fast health recovery with a first aid kit - H

Fast save - F5

Pause - P

With all the wealth of choice ...

There is always another alternative! Silent Hill 2 is not so simple, and despite its rather linear plot, the authors provide as many as four different endings for the game. In addition to the standard ending of adventures in Silent Hill, there are several more options for the possible development of events. However, in order to "open" other endings, you must perform a number of different actions throughout the entire process of passing.

For example, at the end of the game, being in a hotel by the lake, in the Reading room, finding a pair of headphones and using them carefully listening to the recorded conversation, you can get closer to the chances of changing the denouement. However, in the same case, you must carefully read the diary of the unknown, found on the roof of the clinic for the mentally ill, study the knife that Angela gave you in the haunted house, and spend most of the game in a "beaten" state with health tending to zero.

Another version of the ending of the story provides for the direct opposite actions: constantly improving your health after the fights, ignoring the diary of the madman and, ignoring the outpouring of Mary after the battle with the two Pyramids, immediately heading for the final battle, you just as naturally change the ending.

But that's not all. In addition to several endings, there are a number of "hidden" objects in the game, and in particular weapons. So, starting the game for the second time, after meeting with Angela, on the road from the cemetery to the gate to the eastern part of Silent Hill, you will find ... a chainsaw stuck in a huge log. Or, traveling in an underground labyrinth after a dialogue with Maria, who ended up behind bars, you can return to the basement with the Pyramid, calmly open the door that was locked before and get hold of a huge sword. In Silent Hill 2, there are not one or even two secret bottoms, and we will try to reveal them in more detail in the next issues under the heading "Tips of the masters".

Walkthrough for James


James Sunderland looks at his reflection in the mirror ... Exit the closet. After a short monologue, walk up to the car and take the Silent Hill City Map. Head left and go down the stairs. Then follow the winding path. On the way, you will meet a well, there is a red square sheet in it - this is a save point (You will meet such sheets throughout the game). Save if you wish and go through the gate. You are in the cemetery. Go forward to one of the gravestones, there will be a young girl - Angela. After talking with her and finding out how to get into Silent Hill, go to the opposite gate. Go straight all the time (If you are playing on the "Novice" difficulty level, then along the way you can find a chainsaw lying on a log. If you are playing on a different difficulty level, then this weapon will be available upon repeated playthrough).
So, you find yourself on the street of the city of Silent Hill. Turn right and go to the intersection, you will see bloody footprints on the ground and someone's silhouette disappearing into the fog, follow this silhouette, it will lead you to a dead end. Climb over the wooden railing. Hmm ... Where does this crackle come from? This is a radio, now you have it in your inventory and will emit strong interference if there are monsters nearby. After examining the radio, James sees the first monster. Having torn off a stick with a nail from the fence, kill this evil spirits and climb back. Go out to the city streets the same way you walked here. On the right, behind a lattice fence, you can find bottles of healing drink and a save point.


Now monsters roam the streets of the city - you can simply ignore them by running around. (As you run, pay attention to the sidewalks on the sides: very often there will be bottles of healing drink).
Follow Saul Street until you see a parked trailer by the side of the road. Go inside and take a look around. Read the note that says about Nelly's Bar. James will mark this place on the map - this is where you now need to go.
Exit the trailer and, using the map, follow to the designated place. Go to Neely's Bar. Take the map, it has a location on Martin Street. This is where you need to go.
After reaching the location indicated on the map, you will find a human corpse on the ground, approach it and take the key from the Wood Side Apartment. Find this place on the map and head there. Use this key to open the gate to the courtyard.

Wood Side Apartment

There is a map of the apartments on your left, take it. Head to apartment 205. Take a lantern there and kill the monster. Go up to the third floor. You will see a key behind the bars, as soon as you try to get it, a little girl will run up and push him away. Now you can't reach him ... Go to apartment # 301. Take the pistol from the shopping cart. Get down to the second floor. You will hear noise. Go to apartment 208. Behind the bars is a strange creature with a pyramid on its head. You can not be afraid of him, as long as he does not harm you. Go to the apartment, check the corpse and take the key to apartment 202 from the shelf.
Go to apartment # 202, use the key found to open the door. Go to the room where butterflies are flying. Pull out the clock key from the hole in the wall. Go to apartment # 208, open the clock door with the key. Set the clock hands to 21:10. You will hear a click. Move the clock and go into the adjacent apartment through the hole in the wall. Go up to the third floor. Take the same fire escape key that the girl threw away. Go to apartment # 307. After a small scene, take the key to the courtyard that lies next to you. Go to the first floor on the south side. Take the juice pack. Go up to the second floor to the garbage chute - there is something stuck there. Throw the juice container in order to push the item through. Go outside and examine the trash bag. Take the Old Man coin and read the newspaper. Go to the courtyard. Go down to the pool, kill the monsters, and take the Snake coin from the stroller. Go to apartment # 101. Go to the restroom, from which sounds are coming, talk to Eddie. Go up to the second floor. Open the fire escape door with the key. Jumping through the window, you find yourself in the adjacent Blue Creek Apartment building.
Go to the toilet. Take your wallet out of the toilet. Go to the next room, which contains a safe. In order to open it, you need the code that is in the wallet that you just took. Depending on the level of difficulty you choose, the code can be of several types. One of the simplest looks like this: 01 >> 02<<14>> 19. You will need to turn the handle of the safe, following the arrows, and stop at the corresponding numbers. The code can be of the following type: h >> X3<<08>> XX. This means the following: h is replaced by 8, because h is the eighth letter in the English alphabet. X3 equals 13, because X - 10, and 10 + 3 = 13. Also, XX is 20.
Note: In some Russian pirated versions of the game, the code is not displayed, and you can see the following record: >><< >> <<. Поэтому, для того, чтобы увидеть код, вам потребуется поставить английскую версию игры или русскую версию, в которой код виден.
Take four boxes of Pistol Ammo from the safe. Exit to the stairs. Take the building card. Go to apartment # 109. There will be the same girl you met in the cemetery. After a little dialogue, Angela will leave and leave you a knife. Take the Prisoner coin from the nightstand. Go to apartment # 105. There will be a box with five slots for coins and a puzzle for their correct location.
Easy: Old Man is the first slot, Snake is the third slot, Prisoner is the fifth slot.
Normal level: Old Man is the second slot, Prisoner is the third slot, Snake is the fifth slot.
Hard level: Old Man is the second slot, Snake is the fourth slot, Prisoner is the fifth slot.
If you did everything correctly, the box will open, inside will be the key to apartment 209. Go to apartment 209, go through the balcony to the neighboring apartment 208. Take the ladder key and ammo. Be sure to save!
Exit through apartment 209. Go left along the corridor. Open the door with the key.

Pyramid head

First boss. Pretty lightweight. The battle tactics are as follows: just run away from him and avoid hits with a huge cleaver. It's useless to shoot him. After a certain period of time (depending on the difficulty level), the siren will start blaring, after which the Pyramid Head will leave. Go down the stairs and go outside.

Rosewater park

After going a little forward, you will meet a girl sitting on the wall, the one who threw the key away from you. After the dialogue, go straight. Entering the park, you will meet Maria - an exact copy of James' deceased wife. After the dialogue, she will join you. Protect her from monsters and try to keep them as little damage as possible. Head to Nathan Ave. At the end of the street, check the map lying next to the corpse. Go to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama. There you will meet Eddie and from you learn that the girl's name is Laura. Follow her. Leaving the bowling alley, go to the right, go through the fence, then Maria will open the door to the building for you. Go to the opposite door. After leaving the building, head left along Carroll Street. Laura will go to the hospital, follow her.

Brookhaven hospital

Take the hospital card that hangs on the left on the wall. Go to the Reception Office, and from there to the Document Room. Read all documents and take away the purple bull key. Go up to the second floor. Kill all the nurses that get in the way. Go to Woman's Locker Room. Take the Examination Room key from the robe. Take the shotgun from the locker. Examine the teddy bear, James will take the hook. Go to Examination Room3. Check what is written on the paper near the typewriter. The code will be there.
Note: In the pirated Russian version of the game, the code may not be displayed, in order to see it, put the English version or any other in which it is visible.
Go to room M2. Take the azure key. Go to the first floor, to the Examination Room. From there, go to Doctor's Lounge. The code for the door to the hospital wing will be written on the board. Go up to the third floor. Enter the code you just received. Examine rooms S. Go to room S3, Maria will tell you that she is feeling bad. James will leave her here alone. Take the ROOF KEY. Climb to the roof. Read the diary. The door will not open back, go to the one that leads to the Elevator Control Room. Pyramid Head will attack you. After falling, you will find yourself on the third floor with a minimum of health - use healing means to restore it. A code will be written on the wall in blood, remember it. Go to Rooms S14. Use the keys and codes you have to open the box. There will be a lock of hair inside. Go to the Shower Room. Use a lock of hair and a hook to get the elevator key from the tube. Use the key to open the plug at the door, go down the elevator to the first floor.
Take some ammo boxes in room C3. Save before entering room C2.

Flesh lip

In room C2, you will meet Laura, deceiving, she will lock you in the room. Flesh Lip monsters will attack you. The second boss in the game. At first there will be two of them. Change your position to dodge their attacks. Shoot them with a shotgun. After they die, another one will appear. After you kill him, a siren will start blaring. What is it for?

Alternative brookhaven hospital

You are in the hospital garden. Go to the corridor. Take the elevator to the second floor. Go to room M6, take the basement key and battery. Explore the second floor. The Day Room will have a refrigerator. You cannot open it. Go up to the third floor. Maria has disappeared from room S3. Go down the stairs to the basement and open the door with the key. Move the closet, there will be a ladder behind it. Maria will appear here. Now she will accompany you again. Go downstairs and take the copper ring. Go up to the third floor. Take the elevator down to the second floor. In the elevator, a radio show is waiting for you, in which the presenter will be asked three questions, each of them will have three answer options. Remember the correct options. Go to the Day Room, open the refrigerator with Maria. Take the BONE RING.
Go up to the third floor and go to the Store Room. Remember the three-question puzzle? It's time to solve it. The instruction is as follows: horizontally there are lines with numbers 01; 02; 03, and the answer options vertically. On line 01, press button 1, on line 02 - 1, on line 03 - 3. If done correctly, you have received five boxes of shotgun ammunition and two ampoules. Go to the third floor, to the door with a picture of a woman. Use two rings. Save and get down. At the very end there will be a long winding corridor. Pyramid Head will chase you. Run as best you can. If he kills Maria, then it's over. There will be an elevator at the end. Only James will have time to run. After a small scene, go to the Director's Room. Take the key to the front door of the hospital and examine the map. Exit the hospital.


Now darkness has descended on the city and nurses roam the streets. Walk down Carroll Street, then Rendell Street, then Monson Street. Go to Saul Street to the tunnel. Be careful there: there will be monsters under the bars. Run without stopping and they won't be able to damage you. The location of the wrench is indicated on the map. On the way to Lindsey Street, stop by Neely's Bar. Take the wrench and read the letter in the envelope. Walk west along Katz Street. Now you can open the door that was closed during the day.
Go to Rosewater Park. Find a statue of a praying woman. Dig a hole behind it and use the key to open the box. Take the Silent Hill Historical Society key. Head down Nathan Ave.

Silent Hill Historical Society

Go through the open doors. There will be a hole in the wall in the room, go down the stairs. After a long run, you will see a door. Come into it. Examine all doors. One of the rooms will have a huge hole in the floor. Jump.
You are in a well. There seems to be no way out of here. Examine the wall of the well, slowly moving along the perimeter. James in one place will see that the tiles are slightly different. After breaking through the wall, you will see a door. Come into it. Go to the only open door on the right. There will be a grate key on the floor. Your flashlight will run out of batteries. Use the battery you took from the hospital. The room will be filled with cockroaches, and you will not be able to open the door. There is a code bar on the right. You should only click on the glowing numbers, there are only three of them. You don't know the exact sequence, so you have to go through the various options at random.
After opening the door, go to the rooms with a grate on the floor, open the lock and jump once again into the hole.

Toluca prison

You are in the kitchen. Eddie is sitting on the floor. After the dialogue, take the bottles with the medicinal drink and the sign with the image of the pig. Exit, find the prison map in the long corridor. Guided by it, go to the central door on the right. This will be the shower room, there take the plate with the image of the seductress. Go to the South Corridor. Check all cameras. In one of them you will find a wax doll. Go to the north corridor. Also check all cameras. There will be paintings in one of them, just look at them. In one of the cells there will be a sign with the image of the oppressor. The cell door will jam, but don't worry - push it three times and it will open. Go to the largest room. You can ignore strange rustles. Go to the center of the garden, there will be a scaffold with three loops. Insert the found plaques with three holes. You will hear the scream of the person. Go to the exit. Remove the horseshoe from the door handle. Head through the northern corridor to the west. Examine the two rooms on the right. One of them will contain a first aid kit. The other room will have a passage opposite. Enter the first room on the other side. Take the lighter. Check the toilets. Go to the reception, read the magazine and in the same room, in the second room, take the gun. Find the hatch. He has no pen. Use a horseshoe, doll and lighter. Open the hatch and jump down. You will find yourself in the basement. Go to the only open door. Do not be afraid of corpses, they do not bite :) go through the door. There will be a large hole in the room, jump into it. Open the door and jump into another hole.


Enter the elevator. It will close and take you downstairs. Pack your things. After a long descent, enter the door. The map will be completed as you progress. Go left, reaching the wall, left, then right, right again. Below there will be a Pyramid Head and monsters under the grate. Find the door. There you will find the Great Knife. Go up and find another ladder. Go downstairs and go up. In the center of the room there will be a cube, on the edges of which faces will be depicted. Flip the cube so that the green eyes are facing down. Go through the door that appears in the back. Maria will sit behind bars. After the dialogue, return to the stairs and take the wire cutters.
Go back to the very beginning, cut the wire with pliers. Follow the numerous corridors using the map. When you get to save, read the newspaper and save.

Abstract daddy

Walk a little further, you will hear a scream. James will enter the room. Angela was attacked by a monster. The third boss in the game. The main thing is not to get too close to it and not stand in one place for a long time. The difficulty lies in the fact that the room is too small and there is practically nowhere to run away. It's best to shoot him with a shotgun. After the victory, Angela will finish off the monster. Watch the dialogue and exit.

The Hanged Man Riddle

Go to the door. Enter the door on the right. There will be six hanged corpses. Look at the signs on their faces. Remember their location. Go to the next room on the left. There will be six loops. Read the inscription that hangs on the grate. You must pull the noose of the criminal who was unjustly executed. If you pulled the wrong loop, then three monsters will appear in the corridor. At all difficulty levels, you need to pull the loop that corresponds to the Pyro. Return to the room with the corpses and take the key. Open the handcuffs and the passage. Go downstairs and go through the white door. After a short dialogue with Maria, go into the opened passage. You will find yourself in the cemetery. Save and go down to the grave.

Go through a not very long corridor. There will be a door at the end, come in. After the dialogue, it becomes clear that Eddie is against you. Shoot him, after that, he will leave you. Follow him and shoot him completely. The boss is not that strong, so it won't be difficult to kill him.

Lake View Hotel

Board the boat at the pier. Swim to the white point. When you get there, head up the stairs. Before entering the hotel, take the Little Mermaid's casket at the left fountain. Come to the hotel. Take the map for guests on the right. Go to Restaurant "Lake Shore". Take Fisk Key. Before leaving, there will be a scene with Laura. When you exit, monsters will walk along the corridor, similar to the boss from the maze, but much weaker. Go to the Lobby, check the music box. There will be three niches for caskets. Insert the little mermaid's box into the left niche.
Go to Reception. Take the key to the room from room 312 there. It is useless to climb to the third floor. Go down to the basement. Go to the elevator, take the solvent there. Go up to the second floor. Go to Reading Room. Take the elevator key. Go to room 204. There will be a passage to room 202, there will be photos of the diplomat scattered there. Check the photos, one of them will have something crossed out with a black marker. Use a solvent. The photo will show the code for the diplomat. Open it up. Take Cinderella's box. Go to the music box. Insert Cinderella's casket into the right niche. Go to the service elevator. Open the door with the key and go inside. The signal will go off - the elevator is designed to carry not too heavy loads. There is a closet next to it, leave all things in it. Get down to the first floor.
Collect the staff card. Go to Pantry. Take Snow White's box. Go to Office. Take the videotape and can opener. Go to the basement. Go to the Boiler Room. Take the key to Bar “Venus Tears”. Proceed further into the Kitchen. Open the jar with a can opener. Take the lamp. Go to Bar “Venus Tears”. Use the lamp in the lamp. Use the key to open the door and run after the things. After picking up things, go down to the music box. Insert Snow White's box into the central niche; take the key to the third floor. Go up to the third floor and go to room 312.

Alternative Lake View Hotel

Look at the cassette; after dialogue with Laura, leave the room. The flashlight does not work. Get down to the second floor. Visit the Reading Room. Listen to the conversation with headphones. Go to room 204. When you enter it, you will leave room 219. Without going through the doors, leave this corridor. Take your things and enter the elevator. Go down to the basement and go to Bar “Venus Tears”. Exit to the service premises. When you find the door leading to the stairs, there will be a dialogue with Angela.
Go back. Go up the stairs. Go to the only open door. Go to the double doors, there will be ten save sheets. Save and go in.

Pyramid head

After a short scene, you will be attacked by two Pyramid Heads. This is arguably the hardest battle in the game. If you have a lot of healing tools in your inventory, then you can take the Great Knife and use this weapon against bosses. Or use a rifle. The most suitable tactic is as follows: stand in the corner of the room and shoot the monsters, as soon as they get close enough to you, run to the opposite end and keep shooting. Continue these actions until you kill them.
After their death, take the scarlet and rusty egg. Insert them into the doors and enter any of them.

Mary / Maria

Enter the large door. Listen to a monologue as you run down the long hallway. Go through the door. Climb the stairs up. After the dialogue, you will be attacked by Mary, who has become a monster. She will attack you not only close, but also from afar, sending moths at you. The boss is not very difficult. Use a rifle or shotgun against him and do not stand in one place.


Well that's all, you have completed the game, now you can observe one of several possible endings.

James Sunderland stares at himself in a filthy mirror and rubs his eyes wearily. Is he dreaming all this, or is he really in Silent Hill? It seems that he actually went crazy if he came to this God-forsaken town, obeying the request of his long-dead wife. "Maybe she's not dead, Jimmy? Maybe this is a prank, and Mary is waiting for you here to explain everything? You will forgive her?" the voice inside Jim asks cautiously.
James turns away from the mirror - "You know that I ask her anything, if only she comes back," he says quietly, and walks out into the fog to meet the unknown.
Everything that happens to Jim further depends only on you. So we start ...

Map and cemetery

Exit the toilet and take the card from a nearby car. It is highly desirable to use the map, because the names of all the streets of the town are marked there.
Now go down the stairs and run along the path until you see the gate ahead. For now, ignore the screams and breathing behind your back, anyway you will not be touched until ... Enter the gate - you are in the cemetery. The only living soul is the girl at the grave. Talk to her. It turns out that her name is Angela. After the conversation, exit through the west gate and follow the road to Sanders Street.

Walk around the town

Turn onto Lindsay Street, where some remains are smeared, and then go to Vachss Road. Pick up the health drinks on the right side of the road. Follow Vachss Road to the very end in the form of a wooden dead end. Move the boards apart and climb inside. Yeah, here's the first monster. Grab a stick with nails and deal with the bastard. Finish it off if necessary, otherwise they have a habit of coming to life.
In addition to the stick, you will find a radio that starts showing signs of anxiety when monsters are around. Grab your belongings and head to Lindsay Street. Turn onto Saul Street and then Martin Street.

Woodside Apartments

Now you can't drive down the street, you can't walk, without bumping into another monster. Cut the road to the end of Martin Street, where a monster is sneering at the corpse. Kill him and take the Woodside Apartments gate key from the corpse. Go there and open the gate. Enter the house.
Take the building card from the stand. There is also a bottle with life-giving moisture. Climb up the stairs. Enter the door on the second floor.
Go down the corridor to apartment 205. Inside, examine the remains of a man. The apartment has a lantern. Take it and a monster will attack you. What to do - you know.
Exit and go to apartment 210, having killed a monster along the way. Take the ammo inside and head up the stairs to the third floor.
As soon as you go up, you will see a key lying behind the gate. Try to get the key, a little girl will appear and deftly throw it into the depths of the corridor. Bad girl!
Go to Room 301. Hooray, there's a shotgun inside! Well, if we get you one more time, little girl ...
Go downstairs to the second floor. Go to apartment 208. So there is a monster outside the gate, but we are not afraid of it. Enter the apartment. So, there is another dead man inside. On the shelf is the key to 202 apartments. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock in apartment 208 is lying in the bedroom. Walk back to 208.

Clock puzzle in room 208

Enter the clock room. Use the 202 room key to open the clock. Now turn the arrows until you hear a click. In my version, this happened at around 21:10, but this indicator may vary depending on the difficulty of the level.
Now try to move the clock. Hurray, they moved away, and behind them was a hefty hole in the next apartment. Well, rats are found here! Climb into the hole. You are on the other side of the gate. Go forward and climb the stairs to the third floor.

Third floor

Your task: to get to the key, which was thrown away by the little girl. Check the map where it is and run there. Take the key to the fire escape. Go to room 307. My God, what is this ugly woman ?! Don't move and let the monster go. Then take the yard key from the cabinet and exit.

Go to the stairs to the east and head down to the first floor. There is a pack of juice near the closed door. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside.

Trash can coin and patio

Next to the entrance is the exit of the garbage chute where you threw the juice. Now an old coin fell out of it - take it and enter the building. Use the courtyard key to open the door near the stairs. Come in - there is a swimming pool. Jump into the pool and quickly get out of it - this will attract monsters. Kill all the monsters. Then take the Snake Coin.
Exit the courtyard through the east door. Go to room 101. Take the bullets. Inside you will find poor Eddie. Talk to him and go outside.
Go up to the second floor. At the left end of the corridor, use the fire escape key by opening the blue door. Lord, another building!

Blue Creek Apartments

You are in the bedroom. Go to the toilet and find the piece of paper with the code. I wonder what it would be for? One thing is clear, not good. Search the room.

Yeah, here's the safe. It's time to break it. Use a piece of paper with a code to open the safe.
The main thing is to remember Roman numerals and be able to add. If you come across a combination like X3, it means: X3 = 10 + 3 = 13 and so on. It seems nothing creepy. There are four ammo boxes inside. Thank you, they will still be useful to us.
Come out and arm yourself with a stick. Find the door under the exit sign. On the right is the Blue Creek Apartment Association map. Take it away. Get down to the first floor.
Take the ammo in apartment 109. Now go to the next white door, and it will come out to meet you ... no, not a monster, but Angela. Watch the video. Take the Prisoner Coin and Knife. So, now you have three coins, it's time to visit room 105 and the riddle hidden there.

Riddle with three coins

In room 105, notice the small bedside table with five circles. The solution to the riddle depends on the chosen difficulty level. So:

Simple level: Old Man coin in the first slot, Snake coin in the middle slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.
Normal level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the last slot, and Prisoner coin in the middle one.
Hard level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the fourth slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.

If everything is correct, a box will open, which contains the key to the Lyne House. This same Lin lives on the second floor - room 209. It's time to visit her.

Apartment 209

Enter and walk to the balcony, through which you can get to room 208. Quickly grab the key from the stairs and the bullets. Exit through number 209, turn left and open the door with the key. SAVE! Get ready to face the first boss, but watch the video first.

Boss 1 - Pyramid head

The main thing is that you have a shotgun and at least forty cartridges for it. Stay as far away from the monster as possible, do not let yourself be hurt. Recharging is best on the menu so that Jim does not get crippled while he does it during the fight. You don't have to shoot at all, the main thing: to hold out for a while will fray your nerves, but keep the cartridges.
After a couple of minutes of fruitless boss fight, you will hear a siren howl. The boss will rush down the stairs filled with water. Do not run after him, otherwise they will finish you off, let the bastard go. When the water disappears, you can leave the cursed place.

Park Rose Water

Go to the park where Jim was eager from the very beginning of the game - this is Rosewater Park (see on the map). Watch the video. Talk to Laura - the girl who took the key from you. Move on to the park. You have come to the lake, which means to the next video.
Hmm, you have a companion named Maria - to be happy or sad about this - I don't even know, because you will have to protect the girl, making sure that she is not banged. It is best to run and most importantly - shoot carefully so as not to shoot Masha with your own hands. Exit the park. Now you can either go in search of a decomposed corpse, or head straight to Petes Bowl-O-Rama.

Pita's bowling alley

Another video insert. Laura will run away and leave you alone with Eddie. Talk to him and go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Walk along the alley and enter the door that Mary will open for you. You are in the hospital.

Brookhaven Hospital

Take the hospital card on the left. Go to the room with the documents, for this go through the reception. There is a lilac bull key next to the typewriter. Read a magazine about a patient treated at this hospital. Forget that you are a gentleman and kill any lady you meet on your way.
Use the map to find the stairs to the second floor. Go to the Ladies' Changing Room. There you need to get a crooked needle stuck in an ivy bear and a shotgun. Now go to the men's locker room. It's scary to think what awaits you there, after the finds in the women's room.
The locker room contains the key to the examination room. It lies in the pocket of a blood-stained robe. Go downstairs and unlock the patient examination room.
Take the cartridges inside and go up to the second floor. Go to room number three. Take the first aid kit and check the copy paper in the typewriter. Write down or remember the number on a piece of paper. It will still be useful to us.
Now head to room M2 and take the ammo and the Lapis Eye Key. What kind of a miracle is this?
Go to room M3 for ammo and health drink. Go up to the third floor. The door leading to the rooms under the letter "S" is locked.

Silent Hill 2.1 Walkthrough


James Sunderland looks at himself in the mirror and rubs his eyes. He doesn't believe he is in Silent Hill, but he is. He came to find his deceased wife. He is ready to forgive her everything. Leave the toilet on the street and take the card from the car, which is nearby. The card is very convenient to use, so you need to use it whenever you need to get somewhere.

Now let's go down and follow the path until a gate appears in front of you. Enter the gate and you are at the cemetery. There is a girl near the grave. Talk to her and find out her name. Her name is Angela. Now exit through the west gate and onto Sanders Street.
Turn onto Lindsay Street, where there are pools of blood, and then go to Vachss Road. There are first aid kits on the side of the road, take them. Follow Vachss Road to the very end. There will be a wooden dead end at the end. Break the boards and climb inside. This is your first monster. Kill him with the stick with nails, which is nearby. Together with the stick, you will find a radio. When there are monsters nearby, it will alert you. Go to Lindsay Street. Take Saul Street and then Martin Street. There are already a lot of zombies on the street. Go to the end of Martin Street. There is a corpse, and next to it is a monster. Kill the monster and take the Woodside Apartments house key from the corpse. Go there and enter the house. Take the building card from the stand. There is also a bottle with lives. Climb up the stairs. Go forward to apartment 205. There is a corpse or remains inside. Examine it. There is a lantern nearby. Take it. A monster will appear. Kill him. Now let's go to apartment 210, there will be a monster along the way. Inside 210 there are cartridges, take them and go up the stairs to the third floor.

On the 3rd floor, you will see a key. Try to get it, but you will fail, because when you try to lift the key, a little girl will come out and throw the key away. Go to apartment 301. Take the shotgun there. Get down to the second floor. Go to apartment 208. There is a monster outside the gates, but you should not be afraid of him because he is outside the gates. Enter the room. Inside is a dead man worth fearing. In this room you will find the key to 202 rooms. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock in room 208 is lying in the bedroom. Go to room 208 again.

Use the 202 room key to open the clock. Opened, good. Now turn the arrows until you hear a click. We are trying to move the clock from its place and if you did everything as described above, then you will succeed. There is a hole behind the clock. Climb into it. Go forward and go up to the third floor. You need to get the key that the girl threw back. Look on the map where it is and run there. Take the key. Go to room 307.
There is a monster, and you do not move and do not breathe, let the monster pass. Then take the key from the yard from the cabinet and leave. Go to the stairs to the east and head down to the first floor. There is a pack of juice near the closed door. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside. Here is the garbage chute into which you previously threw the juice. The place of the juice is lying around here. Pick it up and enter the building. There is a locked door near the stairs. Use the courtyard key to open it. There is a pool outside the door, into which you need to jump and quickly get out. It will attract the dead. We take away another snake coin. We leave through the door to the east and go to room 101. Take the cartridges inside. You will also find Eddie inside with whom you need to talk. After the conversation, go outside. We go to the second floor. There is a door at the left end of the corridor. Open it using the fire escape key. You are in the bedroom. If you go to the toilet, then there you will find a piece of paper with the code, now you can still search the room. Safe. In front of you is a safe. Use the code to crack it. There are 4 boxes of cartridges inside. We take them. Exit after finding a door with an exit sign. There is a map on the right. Take it and go down to the first floor. You can pick up the bullets in room 109. Now go to the next door. Angela will come out to meet you. Watch the cartoon. Take the prisoner's knife and coin. Riddle - three coins.

We go into room 105. We find there a bedside table with 5 circles. If you are playing on a medium difficulty level, then the coins should be positioned as follows: 2 OLD MAN slot, the last SNAKE slot and the middle PRISONER slot. If you play on a different level of difficulty, then you will have to select the slots yourself. Sorry. So, if you did everything right, then a box will open in which the key is located. We take the key and go to room 209. Room 209. Enter and head to the balcony, and from there go to room 208. Take away the key from the stairs and equipment. We leave through number 209, turn left and open the door. Watch the video. First ringleader. This is your first leader. Not complicated. Keep your distance from him and shoot. After a while, you will hear a siren howling. The leader will also hear, and throw himself down. Don't run after him, just wait. After the water has come down, you can go down. Head to ROSEWATER PARK. Watch the video. You will have a talk with the girl and go further to the park.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2. 2nd part

Rosewater Park

There is a lake in front of you. Watch the video. You have a companion. Be careful with her. Now we go to Pete's bowling alley. Pete's bowling alley. Again the video. Laura runs away. Talk to Eddie. Then go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Walk down the alley and enter the door that Mary will open.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2.3 part


You are in the hospital. On the left is the map of the hospital. Take it. Go through the reception to the room with the documents. There is a key next to the typewriter. Read the patient journal. Go up the stairs to the second floor. Go to the Ladies' Changing Room. Take the bent needle and shotgun there. Now in the men's room. There is a key to the examination room. This key is in the pocket of your robe. Walk down and use the key on the door for an inspection. Take the cartridges inside and you can go up to the second floor. Go to room 3. There, take the first aid kit and check the paper in the typewriter. There is a number written on it. Remember it. Now go to room M2 and take the ammo and the key. Now we move to room M3. We take there a health drink and cartridges. Go to Floor 3. In front of you is a door locked under the letter s. The code is on the wall on the ground floor in the examination room. The door has opened and now you need to go to room S3. Maria leaves you. Take the roof key from the table. Now we go around the rooms and collect cartridges and first-aid kits, as well as read the diary. We climb onto the roof. The door is locked and this is the merit of our first leader. Watch the video. You need to get to the 3rd floor in the therapy room. In one room, the wall is covered with blood. Your task will be to see the password. Go to the second floor and check what's with Masha. Now into room S14. Use 2 keys and type the passwords that you memorized during the game, there are only 2 of them. There is a lock of hair inside. Now head to the shower room and look at the green stuff. In inventory, combine the strand and the needle. Pick out the key to the elevator on the third floor. Take the elevator down to the 1st floor. Go to room C3 and talk to Lorca.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2.4th part

Second leader

Now you need to kill the second leader. There are two of them for now. Kill one by one with the shotgun and a third will appear. He also needs to be killed. Search room C2 and you will find first aid kits. Head to the elevator and go down to the second floor. Collect the ammo. Go to room M6. Take the batteries and the vault key. You will need the batteries when your flashlight goes out. Take note, first aid kit and cartridges near the batteries. Again to the elevator and go up to the 3rd floor. You are in front of the door. To open it, you need the rings mentioned in the book you just found. Go to room s11 and take the amulet ammunition. After reading the note, you learn that the amulet is magical. It makes the owner invisible for 20 seconds. Back to the 3rd floor. We open the storage with a key. You need to push the shelf inside. Watch the video. Now go down the stairs and take the ring. Go (again) to the 3rd floor. Take the elevator down to the 2nd floor. Remember what the radio says. Go to the Day room on the second floor and open the refrigerator. Mary will help you take the ring. Return to the closed door on the 3rd floor. You will see buttons on the closed box. Click in the correct order. 1st row button 3. 2nd row button 1. 3rd row button 3. There are 2 amulets and cartridges behind the box .. Go to the door on the 3rd floor. Use 2 rings. Now down the stairs. And you are in a long tunnel. Now all you have to do is RUN. Run to the elevator. Watch the video. Now head to the director's office and take the key to the hospital. Exit the hospital. Go to CARROLL STREET and then RENDELL. Now to MONSON. There are several things there.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2.5 part

South valley

Return to SAUL STREET. Look out the window. Take the files from the bar. We go to the restaurant MEXICAN RESTAURANT. Walk north on LINDSAY. Take the WRENCH and NOTE. Go to Rose Water Park again, to the place where you met Mashulka. Enter the park and find a statue of a woman. There should be a brown spot behind the statue. You need to find him and dig a hole. Now we use the adjustable wrench on the box in the inventory. Take the Bronze Key. We go to the Historical Society. There is the only room open to enter. There is a hole in the wall. Climb into it and run forward. Go through the door and take the ammo and the first aid kit. Exit through the door that is nearby, that is, the next one. Now we are looking for a room with a hole in the wall. Climb in and you find yourself in a well. Arm yourself with a pipe. Blast your way down the drain. Go right to the open door. We go into the door and take the key. All of a sudden, your flashlight goes out. We change the batteries. Monsters attack you, and we fight back. Find a panel with buttons. Your task will be to choose a combination, but you need to press the buttons that light up. With the right combination, the door will open. We leave and go to the right. At the end there is a hatch on which you need to use the key.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2.6th part


Now we go down. James ends up in a deserted cafeteria
Video clip! Looks like Eddie is in trouble. After he leaves, take two
bottles of healing drink and a strange plaque with the inscription gluttonous pig. Let's follow Eddie. As you run past the second table, stop and
take the map of the neighborhood that we have been missing so much. In this hall there are
pistol cartridges. Now let's go east to the room in the middle.
the hall is a shower room. Finish off two obsessive demons at once and pick up the plank
with the inscription the seductress in the open cockpit in the north
the eastern part of the room. Now exit and follow the corridor south to
the only door on the left. You will find yourself in the southern part of the building in the cells. V
some cameras have monsters, so be careful! In the fifth cell
there are cartridges for the pistol, and in the ninth there is a wax doll. Now make your way
through the east wing to the north. Take away the cartridges for the pistol lying on the table.

Take the Rifle Ammo in the middle room. This room must be observed
caution and start shooting from the doorstep at the nurses. Return to the hall and follow first north and then west.

You have to get to the cameras. In the first chamber you will see strange drawings and nothing
more, and in the seventh you will find a plaque with the inscription the depressor. It was time to return to the east hall. Go outside into a rather large courtyard, in the center of which is a scaffold with three loops. In its center there is a scaffold with gallows. In its front part there are three recesses into which you need to insert the brought boards. When all three boards are on their own, you will hear the scream of the executed person. Return to the door you left and find the horseshoe. Take it and enter the building. Walk through the cameras located in the northern part of the building. But look for something useful. Exit the corridor and return to the hole that leads to the sewer. In inventory, use the doll on the lighter. Now use the horseshoe and the door to the sewer will open. Go through the door to the room where the hole is. Get into the elevator and roll to the stop. We found ourselves in a long hall.

Walkthrough of game Silent Hill 2.7th part


There is no map for this area in the game. Enter the long corridor and turn right. There should be a door in front, entangled in wire. You will find yourself in another water corridor. Then head to the east side, and you will find yourself in another corridor leading from north to south. In it you must find a ladder to go down. Search quietly for the door without drawing undue attention. You will find a large knife that our first leader once used, also grab two boxes of ammunition for the gun and make a run to the south stairs. There will be several nervous demons. Kill them quickly and head down the stairs. To the place with the hole. Walk forward through the tunnel until you see a block. We approach it and begin to rotate the cube until a face with red eyes appears at the top, and green eyes appear below. The entrance will open and you will enter. You see a live Masha. Return to the room where the block is and take the wire cutters. Now we run to the beginning of this level. We find the door, which is blocked by wire and bite it with pliers. Get down. Take the 1st staircase that leads to the right. Walk around looking for something useful. And come out. Climb up the stairs. And go left. Now we climb even higher and +. The leader again. Third leader. We run around him at a distance and shoot him with a shotgun. Angela runs away. Follow her. There are 6 corpses in one room. You have to decide who is innocent and pull the tab in the next room. Easy: Thief, Medium: Pyro, Hard: Counterfeiter. Remember the location of the corpses in the room. Take the persecutor's key. Go out into the corridor and step into the room where you were not yet. You are in Masha's cell. Exit through the gate to the cemetery. We take away the cartridges and go to the grave. Jump down.

Walkthrough of the game Silent Hill 2. 8th part

Battle with Eddie

After the cutscene video, immediately start shooting Eddie. As soon as you notice that
the level of health will begin to decrease, start to heal your hero. After every
six shots, reloading will take him some time, which it takes
use it as wisely as possible. Stop and keep shooting him.
Eddie may try to hit you at this moment, but the force of his blow is not comparable to
gunshot wound.

When Eddie feels the breath of death, he will run to another room. At that time
James needs to heal, reload his weapon and take two boxes of ammo
for the gun. Run after him and finish him off. Now you can exit the maze. Boat. You are behind the building of the historical society. The day has come. Go to the pier. Get into the boat and row into the light. After a while, you will see the pier next to the hotel. Come out. Go up the stairs and turn left.

Find the little mermaid's music box near the fountain. Enter the hotel.
On the left is the card to be drawn. Go to Lakeside Restaurant. Examine the piano and read the letter from Laura.
There is a fish key on one of the tables. Monsters will appear, but they will be weaker than their boss. Run to the small stairs outside the door. Go downstairs. Find the Tears of Venus bar. It is closed. Nearby in the elevator is a felt-tip pen filled with solvent. Take it and go down to the first floor in the lobby.

Use the casket in the center stand on the left slot. Take the key to room 312 from the letter slots.

Go up the stairs and turn right. Go to the clock room. Inside there is a suitcase that opens with a fish key. Take the key to room 204. Go there and find the key to the working elevator. Crawl through the hole in the wall to the adjacent apartment.
There are photographs on the bed. Use a thinner pen to find the hidden code. Use the found code to open the safe. Inside is Cinderella's box. Exit and walk towards the working elevator. There is a locker next to the elevator, where you must put all your items from your inventory, otherwise, you will not be able to ride the elevator.

Get down to the first floor. Take another hotel card with marked work areas. Go to the pantry and take Cinderella's casket.

Go to the office nearby and take the videotape and the can opener. Go to the Boiler Room.
Inside, take the key on the right side of the rope. Go to the kitchen. There is a tin can inside. Open it with a knife and get a new flashlight bulb. Go to the Tears of Venus Bar. Now, using the new light bulb, find the door and open it with the newly found key. You will again find yourself in a corridor with an elevator. Go up to the second floor to pick up the left things. Go to the lobby and place the box next to the mermaid. It remains to find the last box. She's in the office next to the service elevator.
Collect Snow White's box and return to the lobby. Play with combinations of boxes until you get the key to the third floor of the hotel.
Go up to the third floor and go to room 312. Look inside the videotape and talk to Laura. Exit the room.

Go to the second floor to the reading room. Listen to the conversation with headphones. Go to the elevator. Then to room 202, from where you will go to room 219. From there, run to the elevator and to the Tears of Venus bar.
Come in and collect five health drinks. Run to the kitchen for bullets.
Talk to Angela on the staff stairs. The fire started. Get down to the first floor.
Pick up the ammo at the manager's office. Now you need to run as fast as possible along the corridor to the door. Once in the room, there will be nine save locations on the wall in front of you. Get your shotgun ready. Leader. Now there are two of them. The main thing is not to stand, but move and shoot constantly. If you still have amulets, it's time to remember them.
The number of hits is not less than twenty. A little less when using a hunting rifle, but you need to be even more agile.

When the bosses are dead, run up to them and search them. Take the rusty egg and crimson egg from their cold corpses. Go to the nearest door. Insert the crimson egg into the right door and the rusty one into the left. Enter any of the doors. Go through the hall, you can run, or you can sneak. At the end of the hall, enter the door. Turn left and go up the stairs. The last leader is waiting for you at the top.
The last ringleader.
Well, that's all, almost the end of our torment. The last monster remains. Take what you want and beat the reptile. Wish you luck. After you kill the monster, watch the last video clip. Enjoy!

James Sunderland stares at himself in a filthy mirror and rubs his eyes wearily. Is he dreaming all this, or is he really in Silent Hill? It seems that he actually went crazy if he came to this God-forsaken town, obeying the request of his long-dead wife. "Maybe she's not dead, Jimmy? Maybe this is a prank, and Mary is waiting for you here to explain everything? You will forgive her?" the voice inside Jim asks cautiously.
James turns away from the mirror - "You know that I ask her anything, if only she comes back," he says quietly, and walks out into the fog to meet the unknown.
Everything that happens to Jim further depends only on you. So we start ...

Map and cemetery

Exit the toilet and take the card from a nearby car. It is highly desirable to use the map, because the names of all the streets of the town are marked there.
Now go down the stairs and run along the path until you see the gate ahead. For now, ignore the screams and breathing behind your back, anyway you will not be touched until ... Enter the gate - you are in the cemetery. The only living soul is the girl at the grave. Talk to her. It turns out that her name is Angela. After the conversation, exit through the west gate and follow the road to Sanders Street.

Walk around the town

Turn onto Lindsay Street, where some remains are smeared, and then go to Vachss Road. Pick up the health drinks on the right side of the road. Follow Vachss Road to the very end in the form of a wooden dead end. Move the boards apart and climb inside. Yeah, here's the first monster. Grab a stick with nails and deal with the bastard. Finish it off if necessary, otherwise they have a habit of coming to life.
In addition to the stick, you will find a radio that starts showing signs of anxiety when monsters are around. Grab your belongings and head to Lindsay Street. Turn onto Saul Street and then Martin Street.

Woodside Apartments

Now you can't drive down the street, you can't walk, without bumping into another monster. Cut the road to the end of Martin Street, where a monster is sneering at the corpse. Kill him and take the Woodside Apartments gate key from the corpse. Go there and open the gate. Enter the house.
Take the building card from the stand. There is also a bottle with life-giving moisture. Climb up the stairs. Enter the door on the second floor.
Go down the corridor to apartment 205. Inside, examine the remains of a man. The apartment has a lantern. Take it and a monster will attack you. What to do - you know.
Exit and go to apartment 210, having killed a monster along the way. Take the ammo inside and head up the stairs to the third floor.
As soon as you go up, you will see a key lying behind the gate. Try to get the key, a little girl will appear and deftly throw it into the depths of the corridor. Bad girl!
Go to Room 301. Hooray, there's a shotgun inside! Well, if we get you one more time, little girl ...
Go downstairs to the second floor. Go to apartment 208. So there is a monster outside the gate, but we are not afraid of it. Enter the apartment. So, there is another dead man inside. On the shelf is the key to 202 apartments. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock in apartment 208 is lying in the bedroom. Walk back to 208.

Clock puzzle in room 208

Enter the clock room. Use the 202 room key to open the clock. Now turn the arrows until you hear a click. In my version, this happened at around 21:10, but this indicator may vary depending on the difficulty of the level.
Now try to move the clock. Hurray, they moved away, and behind them was a hefty hole in the next apartment. Well, rats are found here! Climb into the hole. You are on the other side of the gate. Go forward and climb the stairs to the third floor.

Third floor

Your task: to get to the key, which was thrown away by the little girl. Check the map where it is and run there. Take the key to the fire escape. Go to room 307. My God, what is this ugly woman ?! Don't move and let the monster go. Then take the yard key from the cabinet and exit.

Go to the stairs to the east and head down to the first floor. There is a pack of juice near the closed door. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside.

Trash can coin and patio

Next to the entrance is the exit of the garbage chute where you threw the juice. Now an old coin fell out of it - take it and enter the building. Use the courtyard key to open the door near the stairs. Come in - there is a swimming pool. Jump into the pool and quickly get out of it - this will attract monsters. Kill all the monsters. Then take the Snake Coin.
Exit the courtyard through the east door. Go to room 101. Take the bullets. Inside you will find poor Eddie. Talk to him and go outside.
Go up to the second floor. At the left end of the corridor, use the fire escape key by opening the blue door. Lord, another building!

Blue Creek Apartments

You are in the bedroom. Go to the toilet and find the piece of paper with the code. I wonder what it would be for? One thing is clear, not good. Search the room.

Yeah, here's the safe. It's time to break it. Use a piece of paper with a code to open the safe.
The main thing is to remember Roman numerals and be able to add. If you come across a combination like X3, it means: X3 = 10 + 3 = 13 and so on. It seems nothing creepy. There are four ammo boxes inside. Thank you, they will still be useful to us.
Come out and arm yourself with a stick. Find the door under the exit sign. On the right is the Blue Creek Apartment Association map. Take it away. Get down to the first floor.
Take the ammo in apartment 109. Now go to the next white door, and it will come out to meet you ... no, not a monster, but Angela. Watch the video. Take the Prisoner Coin and Knife. So, now you have three coins, it's time to visit room 105 and the riddle hidden there.

Riddle with three coins

In room 105, notice the small bedside table with five circles. The solution to the riddle depends on the chosen difficulty level. So:

Simple level: Old Man coin in the first slot, Snake coin in the middle slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.
Normal level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the last slot, and Prisoner coin in the middle one.
Hard level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the fourth slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.

If everything is correct, a box will open, which contains the key to the Lyne House. This same Lin lives on the second floor - room 209. It's time to visit her.

Apartment 209

Enter and walk to the balcony, through which you can get to room 208. Quickly grab the key from the stairs and the bullets. Exit through number 209, turn left and open the door with the key. SAVE! Get ready to face the first boss, but watch the video first.

Boss 1 - Pyramid head

The main thing is that you have a shotgun and at least forty cartridges for it. Stay as far away from the monster as possible, do not let yourself be hurt. Recharging is best on the menu so that Jim does not get crippled while he does it during the fight. You don't have to shoot at all, the main thing: to hold out for a while will fray your nerves, but keep the cartridges.
After a couple of minutes of fruitless boss fight, you will hear a siren howl. The boss will rush down the stairs filled with water. Do not run after him, otherwise they will finish you off, let the bastard go. When the water disappears, you can leave the cursed place.

Park Rose Water

Go to the park where Jim was eager from the very beginning of the game - this is Rosewater Park (see on the map). Watch the video. Talk to Laura - the girl who took the key from you. Move on to the park. You have come to the lake, which means to the next video.
Hmm, you have a companion named Maria - to be happy or sad about this - I don't even know, because you will have to protect the girl, making sure that she is not banged. It is best to run and most importantly - shoot carefully so as not to shoot Masha with your own hands. Exit the park. Now you can either go in search of the decomposed corpse, or head straight to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama.

Pita's bowling alley

Another video insert. Laura will run away and leave you alone with Eddie. Talk to him and go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Walk along the alley and enter the door that Mary will open for you. You are in the hospital.

Brookhaven Hospital

Take the hospital card on the left. Go to the room with the documents, for this go through the reception. There is a lilac bull key next to the typewriter. Read a magazine about a patient treated at this hospital. Forget that you are a gentleman and kill any lady you meet on your way.
Use the map to find the stairs to the second floor. Go to the Ladies' Changing Room. There you need to get a crooked needle stuck in an ivy bear and a shotgun. Now go to the men's locker room. It's scary to think what awaits you there, after the finds in the women's room.
The locker room contains the key to the examination room. It lies in the pocket of a blood-stained robe. Go downstairs and unlock the patient examination room.
Take the cartridges inside and go up to the second floor. Go to room number three. Take the first aid kit and check the copy paper in the typewriter. Write down or remember the number on a piece of paper. It will still be useful to us.
Now head to room M2 and take the ammo and the Lapis Eye Key. What kind of a miracle is this?
Go to room M3 for ammo and health drink. Go up to the third floor. The door leading to the rooms under the letter "S" is locked. You need a code.
Easy to Normal - 7335
Difficult level - 1328.
For the curious - the clue is on the wall, on the first floor in the examination room.
After you open the door, go to room S3. Maria will pretend to be sick and leave you - thank God. Take the roof key from the table. You can immediately climb onto the roof, or you can walk around the rooms, collecting first-aid kits and cartridges, and also read a diary.

Recommended to read
