Register of houses for major repairs of the house. Memo "Overhaul

Repair from ZERO online 28.06.2019
Repair from ZERO online

Before you begin the process of collecting information about the possibility of repair work in your house at public expense, you need to stock up on the following improvised items:

  • Reference book of telephone numbers.
  • The decision of the relevant state authorities to carry out repairs.
  • Personal computer with installed graphics editor.
  • Internet connection available.

How to put a house on the waiting list for major repairs: paperwork

The process of obtaining information about whether it is possible to carry out a major overhaul of an apartment building at public expense consists of several step-by-step activities:

  • Finding out how your apartment building is operated as described in the Housing Code.
  • Obtaining information about these data from the local administration.
  • Sending a request to the required department (which one - find out in the administration).
  • Appeal to the apparatus of the local council with an application for placing the house in the queue for overhaul.
  • Submission of an application for extraordinary repairs.

Find out if the house is in the queue for a major overhaul.

An apartment building may be operated by various communities or authorities. This may be a partnership of homeowners, a management company, or the management of a home.

If there is an association of homeowners in an apartment building, then you can ask its chairman about the prospects and conditions for a major overhaul. Also, several partnerships of this type can submit a joint application for participation in the regional competition for major repairs of houses.

In the absence of a partnership, a certificate can be obtained from the administration. In this case, the construction company does not perform any repairs, but acts as a contractor. You need to get information about what government agency makes a decision on the matter, and then refer to it.

The request can be sent orally and writing. It will be more efficient to send a request in writing. In this case, you can count on the mandatory receipt of a response within thirty days. The request can be sent by mail or through the secretary. It is optimal to make a request in duplicate, and ask the receiving party to sign the date of receipt of the paper. This way you will have proof in case of non-compliance with deadlines.

If there is a conclusion of the relevant commission on the need for repairs, then it must be attached to the request and it.

This request must be made in writing. The answer is also submitted in writing in the form of a certificate.

Step 5: Submit an emergency repair request

A request for repairs at public expense can be made under the signature of the management company or the housing council. The relevant authority will receive the application and consider it in due course. Upon receipt of a positive decision, the repair will be carried out without waiting in line.

Thus, the article described and characterized the process of putting the house in line for major repairs.

Azovsky district, settlement of Vasilyevo-Petrovsky Azovsky district, settlement of Zeleny Azovsky district, settlement of Kayalsky Azovsky district, settlement of Koysug Azovsky district, settlement of Krasny Sad Azovsky district, settlement of Mechetny Azovsky district, settlement of Novopoltavsky Azovsky district, settlement of Vegetable Azovsky district, p. Oporny Azovsky district, p. Sukhodolsk Azov district, p. Timiryazevsky Azov district, p. Koisugsky Azov district, with. Aleksandrovka Azovsky district, with. Kagalnik Azovsky district, with. Kuleshovka Azov district, with. Novotroitskoye Azovsky district, with. Peshkovo Azov district, with. Samara Azov region, with. Semibalki Azov district, h. Elbuzd Azov district, h. Sandy Azov district, x. Pobeda Azov district, x. Rogozhkino Aksai district, Aksay city Aksai district, Verkhnetemernitsky settlement Aksai district, Divny Aksai district, Dorozhny Aksai district, Kovalevka village Aksai district, Red Kolos settlement Aksai district, Krasny Kolos settlement Aksai district, Oktyabrsky settlement Aksai district, Rassvet settlement Aksai district, Rekonstruktor settlement Aksai district, Russian Aksai district, Temernitsky Aksai district, Elite Aksai district, Yantarny Aksai district, st. Grushevskaya Aksai district, st. Olginskaya Aksai district, h. Bolshoi Log Aksai district, h. Upper underground Aksai district, h. Lenin Aksai district, h. Ostrovsky Bagaevsky district, settlement of Otradny Bagaevsky district, settlement of Pervomaisky Bagaevsky district, settlement of Sadovy Bagaevsky district, settlement of Yasny Bagaevsky district, station. Bagaevskaya Bagaevsky district, h. Elkin Bagaevsky district, h. Krasny Bagaevsky district, x. Tuzlukov Belokalitvinsky District, Belaya Kalitva Belokalitvinsky District, Bondarny Belokalitvinsky District, Gornyatsky Belokalitvinsky District, Koksovy Belokalitvinsky District, Razezdevsky Vasilyevsky Belokalitvinsky District, Sinegorsky Belokalitvinsky District, Sosny Belokalitvinsky District, Coal-stone Belokalitvinsky district, Yasnogorka settlement Belokalitvinsky district, settlement. Sholokhov Belokalitvinsky district, with. Litvinovka Belokalitvinsky district, h. Boguraev Belokalitvinsky district, h. Golubinka Bokovsky district, settlement Krasnozorinsky Bokovsky district, st-tsa. Bokovskaya Bokovsky district, h. Grachev Verkhnedonsky district, p. Sukhodolny Verkhnedonsky district, st-tsa. Kazanskaya Veselovsky district, settlement of Veseliy Veselovsky district, settlement of Novy Veselovsky district, settlement of Chakanikha Veselovsky district, h. Krasnoe Znamya Veselovsky district, x. Malaya Zapadenka Veselovsky district, h. Manych-Balabinka Veselovsky district, h. Pozdneevka, Volgodonsk region, settlement of Krasnodonsky, Volgodonsk region, settlement of Progress, Volgodonsk region, settlement of Salovsky, Volgodonsk district, settlement of Solnechny, Volgodonsk district, st. Romanovskaya Volgodonsk district, h. Potapov Volgodonsk district, h. Ryabichev, Azov, Bataysk, Volgodonsk, Gukovo, Donetsk, Zverevo, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Shakhty, Dubovsky district, with. Dubovskoye Egorlyksky district, village Rogovsky Egorlyksky district, st-tsa. Egorlykskaya Egorlyksky district, h. Izobilny Egorlyksky district, h. Mirny Zavetinskiy district, with. Zavetnoye Zernogradsky district, Zernograd city Zernogradsky district, village of Zernovoy Zernogradsky district, village of Komsomolsky Zernogradsky district, village of Sorgovy Zernogradsky district, village of Shosseiny Zernogradsky district, village of Experimental Zernogradsky district, st-tsa. Mechetinskaya Zernogradsky district, h. Gulyai-Borisovka Zernogradsky district, h. Donskoy Zernogradsky district, x. Chernyshevka Zimovnikovsky district, Zimovniki settlement Zimovnikovsky district, st-tsa. Kuteynikovskaya Kagalnitsky district, village Berezovaya Roshcha Kagalnitsky district, village Vorontsovka Kagalnitsky district, village Malinovka Kagalnitsky district, village Malinovka Kagalnitsky district, village Mokryi Batay Kagalnitsky district, with. Novobataysk Kagalnitsky district, st. Kagalnitskaya Kagalnitsky district, st. Kirovskaya Kagalnitsky district, h. Zhukovo-Tatarsky Kamensky district, village of Vasilyevsky Kamensky district, village of Kamennogorie Kamensky district, village of Molodezhny Kamensky district, village of Talovataya Balka Kamensky district, village of Chistoozerny Kamensky district, rp. Deep Kamensky district, st. Repnaya Kamensky district, h. Bogdanov Kamensky district, h. Lesnoy Kamensky district, x. Staraya Stanitsa Kasharsky district, Industrialny settlement Kasharsky district, Red Kolos settlement Kasharsky district, Teplye Klyuchi settlement Kasharsky district, p. Pervomaiskoye Kasharsky district, sl. Kashary Konstantinovsky district, Konstantinovsk Konstantinovsky district, st-tsa. Nikolaevskaya Konstantinovsky district, h. Vedernikov Krasnosulinsky District, Krasny Sulin Krasnosulinsky District, Molodezhny Krasnosulinsky District, Pervomaisky Krasnosulinsky District, Prigorodny Krasnosulinsky District, Rozet Krasnosulinsky District, Topolevyi Krasnosulinsky District, Cherevkovo Krasnosulinsky District, Rp. Gorny Krasnosulinsky district, rp. Uglerodovsky Krasnosulinsky district, st-tsa. Vladimirovskaya Krasnosulinsky district, st. Zamchalovo Krasnosulinsky district, h. Dashing Krasnosulinsky district, x. Malaya Gnilusha Krasnosulinsky district, x. Mikhailovka Krasnosulinsky district, h. Proletarka Krasnosulinsky district, Kh. Sadki Kuibyshevsky district, with. Kuibyshevo Martynovsky district, settlement of Voskhod Martynovsky district, settlement of Zelenolugsky Martynovsky district, settlement of Novomartynovsky Martynovsky district, settlement of Central Martynovsky district, settlement of Yuzhny Martynovsky district, sl. Bolshaya Martynovka Martynovsky district, sl. Bolshaya Orlovka Martynovsky district, h. Novosadkovsky Matveevo-Kurgansky district, Krasny Bumazhnik settlement Matveevo-Kurgansky district, Leninsky settlement Matveevo-Kurgansky district, Matveev Kurgan settlement Matveevo-Kurgansky district, Nadezhda settlement Matveevo-Kurgansky district, Podlesny settlement Matveevo-Kurgansky district, village. Maryevka Matveyevo-Kurgan district, with. Novoandrianovka Millerovsky district, Millerovo Millerovsky district, village Dolotinka Millerovsky district, village Yarsky Millerovsky district, sl. Voloshino Millerovsky district, sl. Degtevo Millerovsky district, sl. Krivorozhye Millerovsky district, st. Malchevskaya Millerovsky district, h. Kamenka Millerovsky district, h. Krasnyanka Millerovsky district, h. Malotokmatsky Milyutinsky district, st. Milyutinskaya Milyutinsky district, st. Selivanovskaya md. Diamond micro. Factory microdistrict. Likhovskoy Morozovsky district, Morozovsk Myasnikovsky district, with. Big Sala Myasnikovsky district, with. Crimea Myasnikovsky district, with. Chaltyr Myasnikovsky district, sl. Petrovka Myasnikovsky district, h. Cheerful Myasnikovsky district, x. Kalinin Neklinovsky district, p. Novoprimorsky Neklinovsky district, with. Aleksandrova Kosa Neklinovsky district, with. Lakedaemonovka Neklinovsky district, with. Pokrovskoe Neklinovsky district, with. Primorka Neklinovsky district, with. Sinyavskoe Neklinovsky district, with. Troitskoe Neklinovsky district, st. Marine Neklinovsky district, x. Novozolotovka Neklinovsky district, h. Rozhok Oblivsky district, settlement of Kashtanovsky Oblivsky district, settlement of Sosnovy Oblivsky district, settlement of Sredny Chir Oblivsky district, st-tsa. Oblivskaya Oktyabrsky District, Verkhnegrushevsky Oktyabrsky District, Internatsionalny Oktyabrsky District, Kazachy Camps Oktyabrsky District, Kachkan Oktyabrsky District, Krasnogornyatsky Oktyabrsky District, Nizhnedonskoy Oktyabrsky District, Novozaryansky Oktyabrsky District, Novokadamovo Oktyabrsky district, Novopersianovka settlement Oktyabrsky district, Persianovsky settlement Oktyabrsky district, rp. Quarries Oktyabrsky district, st. Zaplavskaya Oktyabrsky district, st. Krivyanskaya Oktyabrsky district, h. Ilyichevka Oktyabrsky district, h. Markin Orlovsky district, settlement Krasnoarmeisky Orlovsky district, settlement Orlovsky Orlovsky district, h. Bystryansky Orlovsky district, h. Kamyshevka Orlovsky district, h. Majorsky Peschanokopsky district, with. Peschanokopskoe Peschanokopsky district, with. Razvilnoye Proletarsky district, Proletarsk Remontnensky district, with. Remontnoye Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky district, sl. Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky district, h. Vesely Salsky District, Salsk city Salsky District, Belozerny Salsky District, Gigant Salsky District, Budyonny Stud Farm Salsky District, Manychstroy Salsky District, Seyatel Severny Salsky District, Stepnoy Kurgan Salsky District, p. Yulovsky Salsky district, with. Ekaterinovka Salsky district, with. Kruchenaya Balka Salsky district, with. New Egorlyk Salsky district, with. Sandata Semikarakorsk district, Semikarakorsk city Semikarakorsk district, settlement Nizhniy Salovsk Semikarakorsk district, st-tsa. Zadono-Kagalnitskaya Semikarakorsky district, h. Baklanniki Tarasovsky district, Voikovo settlement Tarasovsky district, Donskaya Niva settlement Tarasovsky district, Tarasovsky settlement Tarasovsky district, sl. Aleksandrovka Tarasovsky district, sl. Bolshinka Tarasovsky district, sl. Efremovo-Stepanovka Tarasovsky district, h. Arkhipovka Tarasovsky district, h. Vasilievka Tarasovsky district, h. Krasnovka Tatsinsky district, settlement Bystrogorsky Tatsinsky district, settlement Novosukhovy Tatsinsky district, settlement Uglegorsky Tatsinsky district, rp. Zhirnov Tatsinsky district, st. Tatsinskaya Tatsinsky district, x. Kovylkin Tatsinsky district, h. Mikhailov Ust-Donetsk region, settlement. Ust-Donetsky Ust-Donetsky district, st-tsa. Melikhovskaya Ust-Donetsk region, h. Aparinsky Ust-Donetsk region, h. Pukhlyakovsky Tselinsky district, p. Korennoy Tselinsky district, p. Novaya Tselina Tselinsky district, p. Olshanka Tselinsky district, with. Middle Egorlyk Tsimlyansky district, Tsimlyansk city Tsimlyansky district, village Sarkel Tsimlyansky district, st-tsa. Krasnoyarsk Chertkovsky district, p. Chertkovo Chertkovsky district, with. Kuteynikovo Chertkovsky district, with. Mankovo-Kalitvenskoye Chertkovsky district, with. Preservation Sholokhov district, st. Veshenskaya Sholokhov district, h. Belogorsky Sholokhov district, h. Dubrovsky Sholokhovsky district, h. Kalininsky Sholokhovskiy district, h. Merkulovsky Sholokhov district, h. Ternovskaya

If until 2013 the owners carried out major repairs voluntarily, now the Housing Code has introduced new rules: all regions must adopt special programs, and all owners must make contributions for the major repairs of their homes. They will be reflected in the bills as a separate line.

What documents determine the course of overhaul in the Moscow region?

The course of overhaul in the Moscow Region is determined by two main documents: "On the organization of the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located in the Moscow Region" and the targeted program "Overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located in the Moscow Region, for 2014 -2038 years”, approved by the government of the region. The program includes all apartment buildings located in the region: the document is accepted for 25 years, during this period the overhaul period is suitable even for new buildings.

How will the order of overhaul be determined?

The Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region will be responsible for the implementation of the program, as well as determining when which house to repair. In accordance with the year the house was put into operation, the date of the last overhaul (if any), technical condition and percentage of collection of contributions, the houses will be assigned the amount of points. She will determine their place in the queue for overhaul. You can see how the points will be assigned in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 No. 1187/58 “On Approval of the Procedure for Using the Priority Criteria for Capital Repairs of Common Property in Apartment Buildings Located on the Territory of the Moscow Region”, posted on the government website. Priority will be repaired at home, which required major repairs on the date of privatization of the first apartment, but it never happened.

What is included in the list of works?

The program contains a list of overhaul works, which includes the repair of in-house engineering systems, the repair or replacement of elevator equipment, the repair of elevator shafts, foundations, roofs, and basements.

How much will we pay?

The minimum contribution for major repairs is annually set by the regional government. In 2014, it was 7 rubles 30 kopecks per month per 1 square meter total area apartments, in 2015 - 7 rubles 80 kopecks.

The owners of the premises in the house, which is recognized as emergency, are exempted from paying contributions. It is not economically feasible to repair such houses; they will be included in municipal and regional resettlement programs. Those whose house is located on a plot that has been decided to be withdrawn for state or municipal needs will not pay either.

The line "overhaul" will appear in payment orders from May 1, 2014. Owners themselves can choose how these funds will be accumulated and spent.

In addition to contributions from residents, budgetary funds can be attracted to the overhaul fund. The procedure and conditions for providing state support will be established by the Government of the Moscow Region.

When do you need to choose the method of forming the overhaul fund?

The regional law gives two months after the official publication of the regional program to determine the method of filling the overhaul fund, that is, until April 2014. If the decision is not made, the funds will be automatically accumulated on the account of the regional operator.

At the same time, the regional legislation gave the owners one more opportunity: if the apartment building is not included in the short-term overhaul plan and the repair has not yet been carried out, the owners at the general meeting can decide to stop the formation of the overhaul fund on the account of the regional operator and form such a fund on a special account. They will be able to switch to a special account after 4 months from the date of sending the minutes of the meeting to the regional operator.

The owners must choose a method together, at a general meeting. The decision on choosing the method of forming the overhaul fund will be considered adopted if two-thirds of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building support the decision. If a quorum is not met, the same agenda may be submitted to absentee voting. If the owners themselves did not meet during the first month, the local administration has the right to organize the second meeting.

The law offers citizens a choice: to create a special account for your house to raise funds for major repairs, and subsequently carry out and pay for all the work on their own, or entrust the management of money and repairs to a regional operator.

Pros and cons of a special account

The first way to form a capital repair fund is to transfer contributions to a special account. You can open it in Russian bank, the amount of capital of which must be at least 20 billion rubles. The list of such banks is published on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The owner of a special account can be a HOA or a housing cooperative, as well as a management company (since January 1, 2015). Owners whose houses are serviced by management companies can issue a special account on the account of a regional operator. In this case, the functions of the regoperator are reduced simply to opening an account, and according to the law, he does not have the right to refuse this to the owners. The regoperator cannot dispose of the funds of such a special account - this is done by the residents themselves.

The funds of the owners of a particular house are accumulated on a special account - and they can only go to repair it. At the request of any owner, information on the amount of credited payments, on the balance of funds and all operations on this special account must be provided by the owner of the special account and the bank in which the account is opened.

The owners themselves propose and determine the date for the start of repairs, the list and cost of work.

Since the funds on the special account are not the property of the HOA or the regoperator,

if the owner goes bankrupt, incurs fines, or incurs legal costs, the funds in the special account are inviolable. Only the owners of the house have the right to dispose of them.

The owners of the house have full control over the funds on the special account - at the same time, they are fully responsible. It will be necessary to work with the bank, insure the account, look for contractors, check estimates and accept work.

Pluses and minuses of the regoperator

The second option is the transfer of contributions to the account of the regional operator. In the Moscow region, this is the non-profit organization Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings, it was created by the Government of the Moscow Region, the Board of Trustees of the fund was headed by the Minister of the Construction Complex Marina Ogloblina.

The safety of the regoperator's funds is guaranteed by the budget. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the regional operator of obligations to the owners, the Moscow Region bears subsidiary liability.

Funds are accounted by the regooperator separately for each owner. Each owner at any time will be able to check how much has been collected, how much and on what types of work has been spent.

The owners do not have to deal with current issues themselves: the regooperator selects banks by competition, accumulates funds, acts as a technical customer, finances the overhaul costs, proposes overhaul proposals to the owners for approval, attracts and controls contractors, etc.

Funds collected from the population cannot be directed to the maintenance of the regoperator, his expenses are paid by the state.

Owners of all apartment buildings, including those with HOAs and housing cooperatives, can choose this method.

The Regoperator has the right to use the funds collected by one house to repair another, who needs repairs earlier. True, such a redistribution is possible only within the framework of one municipality and only on a return basis. The Goszhilinspektsiya supervises the observance by the regoperator of the mandatory requirements of the regional overhaul program.

How to implement a solution?

It is important to remember one more thing: the law prescribes that in two months it is necessary not only to decide where to accumulate money for overhaul, but also to implement this decision.

For “clean” special accounts, it is necessary at the general meeting to decide on the method of managing the overhaul fund, select the bank where the account will be opened, determine the amount of the monthly contribution (it cannot be lower than the minimum), determine the list and terms of work (no less and no later than certain address program). All these issues must be reflected in the agenda of the general meeting. Then you should open an account and, within five days, provide a copy of the minutes of the general meeting, along with a bank certificate on opening a special account, to the State Housing Inspectorate, which maintains a register of special accounts.

To create a special account on the account of the regoperator, it is necessary to send a copy of the minutes of the general meeting to his address.

In order to transfer the management of the overhaul fund of your house to the reoperator, the owners are required to conclude an agreement with the reoperator, and it will be considered concluded if the owner, after receiving the draft agreement, pays a fee to the account of the reoperator.

If the citizens do not make a decision, the administration will transfer the house to the management of the regional operator.

If the house is not in the program?

Do not be alarmed if suddenly you do not see your house in the program. Pro emergency houses and those who will be affected by the withdrawal for state needs, mentioned above. In addition, by decision of the regional Government, houses with less than three apartments, houses, physical deterioration which are more than 70%, the total cost of all overhaul works per square meter of the total area exceeds the cost determined by the Government of the region.

The procedure, timing and sources of funding for reconstruction, demolition or other activities for such houses will be determined by the Government of the Moscow Region. If you do not find your home in the regional program, contact the local administration.

For all questions related to the overhaul, you can contact the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region or the contact center by phone: 8 800 550 50 30.

Shota Gorgadze, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, lawyer

Solving the problem of underrepair in the Moscow region is moving into a systemic, practical plane. What is very important - the law gives the owners a choice: how to save money, when to carry out repairs, to determine the types of work themselves and control their quality. But at the same time, no matter what way the citizens choose to form the overhaul fund, the minimum amount of work and the deadline for its implementation will be controlled by the region, which means that the house will be brought into proper condition in a timely manner. For the most difficult houses, federal and regional financial support will be provided. People will finally see a real perspective, real terms.

Svetlana Boikova, chairman of the council of the house at the address: Mytishnsky district, Pirogovsky settlement, Fabrichnaya st., 11a

It is good that the overhaul program has finally been adopted, it is very much needed! I am convinced that the council of the house should deal with all issues of overhaul, and the best form is a special account. Of course, a lot of effort and time will have to be spent on choosing contractors and monitoring the progress of repairs. But the council, and therefore all the inhabitants of the house, will know exactly how much and what was spent. We have already planned the replacement of internal communications and elevator cabins: the house is already 25 years old, and the elevator facilities have fallen into disrepair. There are 336 apartments in our house, the area is 19.2 thousand square meters. Based on the accepted contribution for the overhaul of 7 rubles 30 kopecks per square meter, I think that these works will take three to four years.

Natalya Shibaeva, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Seniors in Khimki Houses, senior at the address: Khimki, 47 Yubileiny Prospekt

It is necessary to choose a regional operator for those houses that need repairs "here and now." Residents themselves cannot quickly save up for major repairs. Indeed, in "Khrushchev" and even older houses, the number of apartments cannot be compared with huge new buildings, which means that the amount of contributions for the year will be much less. And the wear of both the house itself and engineering networks in old houses is very high. One example: the repair of the roof of a typical five-story "Khrushchev" will cost about 1.5 million rubles. But the risers and balconies, the façade and foundations still need repairs... And the regional operator can raise borrowed funds for urgent repairs. Now in Khimki we are planning to hold a seminar for the chairmen of the councils of houses just under the overhaul program. The main goal is to convey to them that it is imperative to comprehensively assess the condition of your home. And then make an informed and informed decision.

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