Green onions - calories, benefits and harms. What is green onion useful for a person - vitamins and minerals in the composition, calorie content and contraindications What is green onion

Putties 26.08.2020

This vegetable makes everyone who picks it up cry, but no one doubts that this is a great gift from nature. And, despite the seeming simplicity, green onion shoots include a huge amount of usefulness.

Green onion, which is the ground part of the onion, has been known to mankind since ancient times. A vegetable culture unique in its properties has been used for more than 5 thousand years all over the world. But the real homeland of onions is considered to be Central Asia and Afghanistan. At the same time, the onion does not grow in the wild, but is a fully cultivated plant obtained during selection.

In Russia, onions became known in the 12th century. Since then, this vegetable has been actively used in both culinary and medicinal purposes. Today, scientists have studied the healing properties of green onions quite deeply, and they never cease to amaze with their variety and efficiency, proven for centuries.

Composition of green onions

Green onions are unique in their vitamin and mineral composition. Green onion shoots contain more vitamin C than its direct relative, onions. In general, it is worth remembering that green onion feathers contain much more nutrients than its bulb. Green onions, among other things, contain many essential oils and phytoncides, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, carotene, magnesium and nitrogen. Green onions contain a sufficient amount of sugar, and more than in apples and pears.

100 g of green onion shoots contain the following substances:


Vitamin B9

Vitamin PP 0.116 mg 1%
Vitamin B5 0.123 mg 2.5%
Vitamin B6 0.120 mg 9%
Vitamin B2 0.027 mg 2%
Vitamin B1 0.046 mg 4%
Vitamin A 333 mcg 37%
Vitamin C 30 mg 33,3%
Vitamin E 0.02 mg 0%
Vitamin K 166.9 mcg 139,1%
Vitamin H 0.9 µg 1,8 %

15 Health Benefits of Green Onions

  1. Healthy teeth and gums

    Green onions, due to the presence of phosphorus in their composition, are often used to prevent tooth decay and the development of various oral infections. Chewing raw onions for 2-3 minutes potentially kills all germs present not only in the mouth area but also in the throat and lips.

  2. Immunity Boost

    The increased content of vitamin C in green onions strengthens the immune system in the fight against toxins and various infections. Also in the composition of green onions, scientists discovered a special phytonutrient allicin, which has antiviral properties that save you from the development of influenza and other colds. Often green onions are used as a prevention of the development of beriberi.

  3. Healthy heart and blood vessels

    Green onions act as an anticoagulant, that is, they help thin the blood, which in turn prevents red blood cells from forming clots, leading to malfunctions. of cardio-vascular system. Potassium and magnesium in green onions improve heart function, remove excess cholesterol from the body, thereby preventing the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.

  4. Management of diabetes

    Onions contain chromium, which is rarely found in vegetables. The functions of chromium are to control blood sugar levels and ensure a slow and gradual release of glucose in the muscles and cells of the body. Therefore, eating onions can help regulate blood sugar levels, which is vital for diabetics.

  5. insect bite remedy

    Onion juice is used to relieve pain from honey bee stings and other insects that also cannot tolerate the smell of this vegetable, so onions can be used as an insect repellent.

  6. Cancer Prevention

    green onion rich in antioxidants The article selected twelve foods with the highest content of antioxidants. How to add more antioxidants to your diet and what to choose from inexpensive. that successfully block the development and growth of cancer cells. The plant contains a significant amount of quercetin, which is a very powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the presence and effect of free radicals throughout the body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

  7. Ear pain relief

    A few drops of onion juice can actually be extremely beneficial for people suffering from acute ear pain.

  8. healthy skin

    Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 incredibly useful properties olive oil for the body. as well as contraindications to its use. is the best treatment symptoms or signs of acne. Onion also has anti-inflammatory properties, so the active compounds in it reduce skin redness and swelling.

  9. Healthy breathing

    The essential oils contained in green onions are very beneficial for the respiratory system, and therefore the vegetable can be used to relieve symptoms associated with flu and respiratory tract infections. Folk healers have long known a recipe for treating cough. Using a mixture of onion juice and honey, you can cope not only with a cough, but also with a sore throat.

  10. Increasing sex drive

    This property of green onions has been known for a long time. Just one tablespoon of onion juice with one tablespoon of ginger juice three times a day can boost libido and promote a healthy sex life.

  11. hematopoiesis

    Due to the significant content of iron in its composition, green onions are able to compensate for its deficiency in the body and cope with the development of anemia.

  12. Relieve pain and spasms

    Green onions have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can ease the pain of indigestion. This property is associated with the substances saponins, which were found in onions. These substances have pronounced anti-spasmodic properties and contribute to the normalization of digestion. In addition, green onions stimulate appetite and secretion of digestive juice.

  13. Healthy urinary system

    Onions will help those who suffer from burning sensation during urination, giving significant relief. People suffering from this condition should drink boiled water with 6 to 7 grams of onion juice. Green onions also have a diuretic effect. It helps to remove sodium ions from the body, replacing them with potassium ions. Due to this, excess fluid is removed from the body, which is very important for the genitourinary system.

  14. healthy bones

    Green onions contain sulfur compounds that exhibit excellent anti-inflammatory properties and prevent cartilage atrophy and the development of arthritis.

  15. healthy eyes

    Green onions contain lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. The beneficial properties of these compounds are associated with eye health, namely the prevention of the development of cataracts, as well as age-related macular degeneration.

Contraindications to the use of green onions

Green onions, in addition to a huge list of useful properties, have a number of serious contraindications. And for some people, it can be dangerous.

It is worth refraining from excessive consumption or completely excluding green onions from the diet for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis with hyperacidity;
  • peptic ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute liver disease;
  • bronchial asthma.
Athletes and soldiers in ancient civilizations used onions as a source of nutrition. Before entering competitions, they ate or rubbed onion infusion into their skin and believed that the bow could give them more strength and speed of movement.
Onions are one of the most ancient vegetables used by the first modern civilizations. It was grown in ancient Egypt, where, due to its spherical internal structure, the bow was considered a symbol of eternal life, and the Egyptians themselves, in litigation, swore an oath to tell only the truth, with their hands on the onion heads.
About 50 million tons of onions are grown annually in the world. Average person consumes 13.7 kg of onions per year. And in Libya, where onions are very popular, each person consumes 66.8 kg of onions per year.

Green onion, also known as leek, is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the same family as chives. Green onions have been used by mankind for centuries, not least thanks to the outstanding healing properties this plant. However, as before, today green onions are also used purely for taste reasons.

The edible parts of the green onion plant are the young, light green stem (or trunk) along with the lower white bulb-like part. The stalk and leaves of older green onions are usually no longer used for food due to their more fibrous consistency, but in vain - they contain a huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

Green onions have a rather pungent aroma, but they taste sweeter and more tender than onions. Green onions can be used in a wide variety of raw and cooked dishes to make the dish not only tastier, but also healthier. So what are beneficial features green onions we know?

Nutritional composition

Green onions consist mainly of water - up to 90%. The remaining 10% is occupied by a variety of dietary fiber, minerals (nickel, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus), vitamins A, C and K, folic acid and a moderate amount of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6). Another advantageous beneficial property of green onions is that they contain a very small amount of calories and therefore are an excellent dietary food.

Since time immemorial, people have known how important green onions are - the beneficial properties of this plant have been used for many centuries. And, even if you do not like the harsh taste of green onions, you should include it in your diet at least in moderate doses - the body will thank you.

Health benefits of green onions

Due to their high iron content, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin (a protein in the red cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body), leeks can help combat various types anemia, especially those caused by iron deficiency. The vitamin C content helps the efficient absorption of iron, so green onions are a must for anemia. Green onions also have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, thanks to which they can be used to treat arthritis, gout, and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Very helpful and important essential oils contained in green onions. Due to their content, leeks have a beneficial effect on Airways, and therefore can be used to relieve symptoms associated with flu and fever. In addition, leek (as well as onions, garlic and celery) has been known since antiquity as an aphrodisiac - this is due to the content of aphrodisiacs. So for men and women whose intimate life begins to fade, leeks can be a good stimulant.

Leek may help regulate bowel function and motility due to its high fiber content. Also, this plant helps to populate the colon with beneficial bacteria, thus stimulating correct work digestion. And due to the high content of potassium, leeks promote diuresis, that is, it helps to lower or regulate blood pressure. This is why green onions are especially important for men and women suffering from high blood pressure.

And this is not all the beneficial properties of green onions known to medicine. Green onions help with high cholesterol levels, as well as atherosclerosis. The fact is that eating green onions helps to reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines, as well as stop the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the formation of various atherosclerotic diseases.

Magnesium, phosphorus and folic acid found in green onions are important nutrients necessary for the normal functioning nervous system. They will help improve concentration, memory, and the brain's ability to process information. Folic acid also has importance to prevent brain defects in infants.

To choose onions for planting on greens, look at the cross section, how many buds have formed inside it. If there is only one germ, there will be little greenery. Varieties of onions should be chosen multi-germ, such as Rostov, Arzamas, Black Prince, Amber, Bessonovsky.

The following varieties of green onions have gained particular popularity:

  1. Schnitt. Its second name is chisel. It is valued for its leaves. They are fragrant, 50 cm long and narrow, do not get stale for a long time, remaining tender. This bow is unpretentious in care. Its yield is 30 kg per 9 m 2.
  2. Leek, another name is pearl. The feathers of such an onion resemble garlic. It has broad leaves and a delicate flavor. The yield of leek per 9 m 2 is 20 kg. The variety is known as fistulous, sandy, Tatar, or winter.
  3. Batunny. The greenery is even. The cost of planting is quite low. The feathers of this perennial onion are cut 2-3 times per season, in the annual only 1 time. Harvest from 9 m 2 from 20 to 35 kg.
  4. Slime. Such onions have wide and flat leaves, they have a delicate structure and a slight aroma of garlic. The variety ripens quickly, resistant to frost, fruitful. In closed ground it grows all year round, in the open it stops growing with the onset of cold weather.
  5. Shallot. It surpasses onions in the quality and quantity of their feathers. Unpretentious in care and very productive: 25-45 kg per 9 m 2.
  6. Tiered. Another name is Egyptian, Canadian. Of all the varieties, the multi-tiered one is more unpretentious and frost-resistant. The quality of the greenery is much higher than that of the batun.

Varieties of green onions have many useful properties.

Growing onions for greens in open ground

Different varieties are grown in almost the same way.

The planting material is a multi-germ onion with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. It is planted in autumn in open ground a few weeks before the onset of cold weather or in early spring immediately after the snow melts. Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in warm water. Then cut off the crown. These measures will speed up the forcing of green onions and increase yields by an average of 65%.

There are two methods for growing green onions:

  • Bridge

Onions are laid tightly to each other down with roots and fall asleep 2-3 cm of earth.

  • Tape

The bulbs are planted 1-4 cm apart, the distance between the grooves is 10-20 cm. Then the bed is leveled.

If you land before winter, manure or humus is laid out on top. In the spring, fertilizers should be removed and a frame covered with a film should be placed over the beds.

When planting, you can also use green onion seeds, they take a little longer to plant, but are cheaper.

In order to have fresh, fragrant greens on your table in the spring, onions should be sown in open ground in mid-July. First you need to loosen the earth and fertilize it. Before placing the seeds in the ground, the bed is leveled and compacted. Sowing onions should be continuous, while maintaining a distance between the beds of 30-40 cm. After the appearance of the first leaf, the crops must be thinned out so that the distance between shoots is at least 3.5 cm. For the winter, when the feathers grow to 20-30 cm, the soil will need to be covered with straw or peat. After the snow melts, you will have a wonderful harvest of greenery.

Growing in greenhouses and greenhouses

In greenhouse conditions, onions for greens are grown in October-April, and from February to May - in a greenhouse. They sit only by the bridge method. The bulbs soaked in advance in warm water are tightly laid in the grooves. Can be covered with peat or humus. In the greenhouse, bulbs with cut tops should not be sprinkled with earth.

You can plant onions in boxes filled with compost or humus. This will increase productivity. Asthenia planted in boxes are sprinkled with earth, and the boxes themselves are placed on top of each other and left in this position for 15-20 days. After the boxes are placed in the greenhouse and monitor the temperature. It should be kept at a mark not higher than 19 about. For the entire ripening season, onions should be watered at least 4 times, fertilized between waterings. Chemical fertilizers for green onions should not be used. The feather is harvested at a length of 20-25 cm.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Green onion - a feather representing leaves.

Green onion - fresh leaves of a herbaceous bi- or perennial family Amaryllis. Green onions are often called onion feathers because of their resemblance to the long feathers of birds. Green onions are still found in the wild, and for the first time it was tasted in ancient times by shepherds from Asia, for whom the sharp taste and aroma of onions became an excellent help to a meager diet. In ancient Egypt, green onions were revered and worshiped, in Ancient Greece wrestlers rubbed before the competition green onions muscles for guaranteed victory.

Green onion arrows have a round base of white color, turning into hollow juicy green leaves, with a sharp-spicy burning taste and aroma. Depending on the variety, the leaves are flat or tubular, differ in height (some feathers reach a meter) and color saturation.

green onion calories

The calorie content of green onions is 19 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Green onions contain fiber that improves digestion and intestinal motility. Phytoncides, which are rich in onion feathers, have disinfecting and antibacterial properties, so green onions can be used as prophylactic during the cold season. There are bioflavonoids in green onions, which are inherently natural antioxidants and have an anticarcinogenic effect. Saturated green color onion feathers speaks of the presence in them, which is involved in hematopoiesis and strengthens the walls of blood vessels (calorizator). As part of green onions there are vitamins needed to strengthen immunity, accelerate hair growth and improve condition skin, as well as some minerals, including:,. It is believed that the white parts of the onion feather have the highest concentration of nutrients.

The harm of green onions

The most valuable thing in a green onion is a fleshy white leg, then feathers at a distance of up to 10 centimeters from this white part. The rest, the upper part of the green onion, is of no particular value.

Fresh green onions, the upper part of the feathers, can irritate the gastric mucosa, so onions should be used with caution for those diagnosed with gastritis and ulcers, especially in the acute stage.

When buying green onions, you need to choose dense, not withered leaves without yellowness and signs of drying. If possible, it is better to purchase onions with roots, so it can be easier and more reliable to save. Dark green onions have a more pungent, “vigorous” taste compared to light green leaves.

You need to store green onions in the refrigerator, if it is with roots, then by placing it in a container with, ordinary feathers can be placed in a vacuum container, where the beneficial properties will remain for 10 days.

green onions in cooking

The beneficial properties of onions are preserved while they are fresh; during heat treatment, most of the vitamins and minerals disappear. Therefore, it is reasonable to use green onions fresh, adding them to salads with fresh and not only, to cold appetizers and hot dishes when serving. Green onions will add brightness and piquancy to both everyday and festive dishes.

Green onions in cosmetology

The upper parts of green onions can be used for cosmetic purposes. For example, against hair loss, a gruel of fresh arrows is applied to the hair for one hour, while warming the head with a towel, after which the hair is washed well.

How to grow green onions at home

Green onions can be grown in a regular plastic bottle. To do this, holes must be made in the bottle. To make them easy to cut, you can pour water there and freeze, after which cut holes with a knife.

Next, pour nutrient soil into the bottle to the level of the lower holes and insert the bulb into the hole, with the sprout outward. So alternate filling the bottle with soil and bulbs. Bulbs act as plugs and do not allow the earth to fall out.

Install such a "bed" on a pallet so that water and soil do not pollute the window sill. Activation of onion growth will begin when there is enough sun. A bright window sill is a suitable place to grow and in a week you can expect the first green feathers. Timely moistening will make the taste of onions not very sharp, so do not forget to water and spray onions in a bottle.

The disadvantages of this technique include the manufacture of a container for growing onions at home. Cutting holes is carried out with sharp objects, so you need to remember the safety rules. The manufacturing process of the structure is very dirty, as it has to be in contact with earth and water. In order not to stain the window sill, monitor the level of liquid in the drain pans. Watering is done slowly so that the soil has time to gradually soak. Cultivation in toilet paper and sawdust is less of a problem, but such mixtures are less nutritious and quickly deplete the bulbs.

Green onions can be grown all year round. It must be stored at a temperature of 0 ° C, then it remains fresh for ten days.

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