Presentation on the world around on the topic "Onion is our green friend." Presentation on the topic: "Green friend onion" Onion is our green friend presentation

leaking 09.03.2021

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Research project "Green onion is our friend" Boarding school №5 Nizhneudinsk Grade 2 Khrapenko Yana Chernyshova Lilya Petrova Natasha Curator: Mikhlina Svetlana Anatolyevna

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Project type: design and research, creative, search, collective, long-term. Type of project: cognitive-ecological. Performers: pupils of the 2nd grade. , teachers, parents. The nature of the project: educational and research work.

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Introduction: There are a lot of bows on earth. Scientists can't even accurately count their number. It is believed that there are 500-600 species of this plant. And they all combine into one genus, which botanists call onions. Onions are widespread throughout the world. 223 types of onions grow on the territory of our country. No matter how the plant of this family looks, one property will always distinguish it from others - a special onion smell. The homeland of onions is Southwest Asia.

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Project objectives: To arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing onions, learn about its benefits, and interest in the stages of the experiment. Learn the skills of research work from pupils.

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Project Objectives: To increase knowledge on how to create a bed on the windowsill and take care of the bulbs. Check scientific knowledge about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for the growth of plants, namely onions. Follow the change in bulbs (how long roots and “feathers” appear) Learn to see the result of your work. Formation in children of knowledge about the unity of living and inanimate nature, the laws of natural phenomena, the interaction of nature, society and man.

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Project problem: How can one grow green onion on the windowsill, on the ground? How can onions be useful? What can you do with onions? Study useful properties Luke.

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Hypothesis: There is an opinion that if you know the healing properties of onions, you can avoid some diseases.

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Project idea: To unite children, parents and teachers in joint activities, growing onions on the windowsill in winter and in the garden in summer.

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Principles for the implementation of the project: The principle of conformity to nature provides for the organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with the laws of nature, its rhythms, cycles. The principle of integration is realized through the inclusion in the process of children with different educational needs and the association educational areas in the organic connection of the game with other specifically children's activities of pupils. The principle of cooperation presupposes the unity of the group of adults and children of the group as equal partners. The principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics allows us to consider various problems at a level accessible to children. The principle of developing the integrative qualities of the child is aimed at the formation of curiosity, activity, emotional responsiveness, a positive, respectful attitude towards nature, work and its results.

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Expected result: Learn how to plant and care for onions; Familiarize yourself with the terms of its content.

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Projected results of the project implementation: Short-term results of the project: Mini-gardens on the group's site. Knowledge and practical experience of students. Development of creative and experimental activities. Development of new methods and technologies introduced by teachers within the framework of the project. Results and analysis of project results for the current period

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Long-term results of the project: Formation of a positive attitude towards work, education of a value attitude towards its results through the organization of the collective work of children in the mini-garden of the class. Raising the desire to participate in joint work activities. Children will develop an interest in the natural world. Children will learn how to plant and care for onions, notice the benefits and beauty of green onions, and get acquainted with the conditions for growing onions. Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the growth of green onions in room conditions, both in containers with soil and in a glass of water.

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Work plan: 1) stage - preparatory (1 week). In the playroom, we planted onions in a jar, put them on the windowsill. 2) stage - research (2-3 weeks). Observed the growth of onions, conducted experiments, experiments. They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - heat, plants - man. The results were recorded in the photo. 3) stage - final (4-5 weeks). The results were analyzed and summarized.

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Onion is a green friend Presentation for young children (2-3 years old) 2016

What's this? Onions - a green friend Very bitter, but useful! Protects from disease! And he is not a friend to microbes - Because it is an onion.

What is an onion like? Long Round Flat

Onions come in different colors White Yellow Red

He is covered in scales

We are kids, kids. We love to work. Let's plant an onion, Let's be proud of it! How to plant onions?

Pour the earth into the box

We plant the bulb in the ground

Be sure to water

The bow loves light and warmth, so we put it on the window

He grows…

Here is a green arrow To the light, to the sun has risen. We put it in the soup, After all, this seasoning is an onion.

Green onions - delicious! He is a condiment for dishes. Eat, children, green onions. It is useful to people. There are countless vitamins in it - You need to eat green onions!

Internet resources: 4. 5. 3. 2. 7. 6. 8. 10. 9. 11. 1. 12. 13.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

How can you grow green onions on a windowsill? How can onions be useful? What can you do with onions? Is...

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Onion is a truly amazing plant. Appreciate and love it not only here, but all over the world. And this is understandable: it is not only a storehouse of valuable vitamins and minerals, but also a faithful guardian of health, a brave fighter against pathogenic bacteria. Onions are perhaps the most common seasoning for food, especially for meat dishes and soups. I wanted to learn as much as possible about this vegetable, why it is considered medicinal plant and they say: “The bow is our friend”, “The bow is from seven ailments” or “The bow in your arms heals every disease.”

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Hypothesis: A bulb planted in soil will have thicker and longer feathers than a bulb growing in water. Purpose: to prove that onions can be grown at home all year round. Tasks: 1. To study the history of the emergence of culture 2. To explore the varieties and medicinal properties of onions 3. To conduct observation and practical work 4. To draw conclusions Object of study: onion Subject of study: growing onions on a feather

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The history of the emergence of culture

Already primitive people paid attention to wild onions. They began to grow it 4000 years before our era. It is believed that the birthplace of this green healer is Southwest Asia. The physician and philosopher Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote in the famous work "The Canon of Medicine" that onion juice is used for sore throats, festering wounds, and to purify water.

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In Russia, this crop has been cultivated since the 19th century. Especially a lot of onions were consumed in Russia during epidemics of plague, cholera, typhus. Interestingly, the shape of the bulbs was used by Russian architects in the construction of churches. If you look closely, then all the built churches were bathed by an exact copy of the bulbs. We heal our soul and our body, all this negativity comes out of the domes of the church.

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Onion varieties

Onions belong to the lily family. It is a biennial herbaceous plant. The bow got its name because the loop of growth, crawling out of the ground, bends like a bowstring. There are 650 types of onions. The most common: Onions Leek onions Shallots Onions - batun Multi-tiered onions Schnitt onions Fragrant onions Slime onions

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Research on onion varieties

ONION Onion emits a characteristic smell - it contains essential oils, sulfur. "Tear" properties are determined by volatile substances, which, dissolving in the moisture of the eye, release sulfuric acid, which irritates the lacrimal glands. Bulbs are very nutritious, they contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Onions are rich in vitamins: C, A, D, B1, B2, B6, PP, E. Contains calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron.

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LEEK This is one of the most valuable types of onions in chemical composition, productivity. This type of onion contains: vitamin C, mineral salts, especially potassium. It is applied in diet food because it contains few essential oils.

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ONION-BATUN The plant does not form bulbs. It branches strongly and has a large leaf mass. After cutting, the onion batun grows back. It is very useful for health, as it contains: calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, iodine. V traditional medicine used for influenza, hypertension. From it prepare drops from the common cold.

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CHNITT ONIONS Chives are grown for their green feathers, cut periodically from early spring to late autumn. Onion leaves are high in vitamin C, carotene, carbohydrates, sugar. Used as a dietary remedy.

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ONION FRAGRANT It got its name due to the pleasant aroma of flowers. This onion is a wonderful honey plant, and the honey obtained from it does not have an onion flavor. Allium fragrant is valued as a food, medicinal and ornamental plant. Greens are used for food.

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ONION-SLIZUN When cutting its leaves, mucus is released, which served as the name of this onion. It is very useful for anemia, it has a high iron content.

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MULTILAYED ONION It can grow in one place for 5-6 years. Named for its unusual structure. Instead of an inflorescence, it forms air bulbs arranged in 2-4 tiers, they have a pungent taste. This variety of onion has a lot of ascorbic acid. It has bactericidal properties.

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The use and medicinal properties of onions

The healing effect of onions has been tested by the centuries-old experience of mankind. Its effect is due to biologically active substances: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential oils. Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: where and how the bow is used. Its most important and main use in medicinal purposes- can be used in two forms: - inhalation (inhalation of vapors essential oil grated onion); - ingestion of extracts, infusions, alcohol tinctures.

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My practical work

For the experiment, I took onions. Studied favorable growth conditions at home (light, heat, water).

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Having chosen two identical bulbs with a diameter of 6 cm, on January 10, I planted one in a container with heated soil, and placed the other in a glass of water at room temperature.

- In a fun way, tell the children about onions.
- To promote the development of the child's creative abilities.

Event progress


(Slide 3)

2010 according to the Slavic calendar is the Onion Year. The Slavs gave the names of the twelve-year circle of years according to the name of the useful gifts of nature: turnip, linden, bread, raspberry, carrot, cabbage, onion, apple, cucumber, pea, currant-bersyan (bersen - gooseberry) and honey-hoppy .

Story about the bow. (Slide 4)

Once upon a time there was a cheerful Cipollino. Constantly laughing, running, jumping and playing.

Once Chipollino saw that the guys were playing football, he approached them and asked.

Guys, can I play with you?
Sorry, we don't want to play with you.

Chipollino got upset and ran to his grandfather. He ran to him and asked.

- Grandfather, why is everyone crying and sad next to me?
- And because, granddaughters, such a vegetable as onion has a pungent smell and its own specific properties. But onions are very healthy and contain many useful vitamins that everyone needs.
“Okay, now I understand everything! I will now run to my friends and explain everything to them. Till.

Chipollino came to school and had fun lessons there.

Lesson 1. History.

(Slide 5) Note: mouse click on underlined words.

The history of the appearance of onions in human life is lost in the mists of time. In ancient Egypt, they swore with a bow; in ancient times, Homer spoke about its miraculous power. In Orthodox Christianity domes of temples very similar to bulbs.

In ancient times, the peoples of different countries and continents believed in the fabulous healing ability of onions. For instance, Roman legionnaires along with cabbage before the battle, they ate a lot of onions to increase strength and endurance. Fighting cocks the British teased with a bite from a finely chopped onion, so that courage and courage were instilled in the birds. The ancient Egyptians used onions for all ailments and diseases. For the prevention of diseases of slaves and pyramid builders they were fed with onions and leeks, because in the heat and great human overcrowding, the threat of mass diseases is great.

In Russia, from ancient times in the villages they wove bulbous braids and hung them in the house, and not so much because of the design, but to keep the onions warm and dry and to disinfect living quarters and protect against diseases.

Variation "Eight Bows".

(Slide 6-14).

Lesson 2. Biology.

(Slide 15-18)


"Collect puzzles." Match the description with the image. (Annex 2)

Note: puzzles cut figuratively from one edge.

Lesson 3. My Karelia.

Read North Karelian riddles. (Slide 21-22)

Answer1: "One grandfather in nine fur coats, whoever looks, he cries."

Answer 2: “An old man is sitting in the garden, dressed in a hundred fur coats, while undressing, shedding tears.”

Change. Rearrange the letters in each square and read the folk sign.

Answer: “If the skin on the bulbs is thin - for a mild winter, thick and rough - for a harsh one.”

Lesson 4. Literature.

1. Proverbs about onions. (Slide 24)

2. Riddles. (Slide 25)

Task for the slide: collect the picture and find the corresponding riddle or proverb for it (for this, the pictures need to be cut into 8–9 parts).

3. Guess the rebus proverb. (Slide 26)

Lesson 5 (Slide 27)

The lesson takes the form interactive game. (Annex 3)

The event ends with a tasting of onion dishes. (Annex 3)

Other materials were also used in the design of the cabinet.

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