Preparation for the exam on history The theme of troubles. The tasks of part V. One of the reasons for the beginning of the Troubles is

Floors 06.08.2020

1) Suppression of the Rurikov Dynasty

4) coming to the power of the Boyar Government - "Semiboyarschina"


For the reasons, University refers to the prevention of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598, when the last king of Dynasty Rurikovich Fedor Johnovich died. The decay of the state to the specific principalities occurred in the XII century. The beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Cathedrals refers to the period of the Board of Ivan IV. The Government of "Semiboyarschina" Rule in the period of Discharge.

Answer: 1.

What consequences led to the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia at the end of the XVI - early XVII century?

1) to the Livonian War

2) to Smoot

3) to copper rebellion

4) to the administration of oprichnin


End of the XVI-beginning of the XVII centuries. - This is the period of trouble in the history of Russia. The reasons of the troubled was the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia. Osrichnina Ivan the Terrible, unsuccessful Livonian war led to the emergence of these contradictions. The copper riot (1662) is the People's Movement of the XVII century.

Answer: 2.

What of the named refers to the results of political fragmentation of Russia?

1) the presence of its authorities and troops in each princess

2) the emergence of status institutions

3) Establishment of close economic ties between principalities

4) adoption of laws attached peasants to the Earth


Political fragmentation is a period of decay of an ancient Russian state into individual lands and principalities. Its results include the presence of its authorities and troops in each principality. During the period of fragmentation, there are no close economic ties between the principalities. The estate and representative authorities, the laws that attached the peasant to the Earth appeared in the XV-XVI centuries.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

The government of the Russian state formed after the overthrow of the king V. I. Shuisky in 1610, called

1) "Semiboyarschina"

2) Supreme Secret Council

3) All Earth Council

4) Boyar Duma


The government of the Russian state formed after the overthrow of the king V. I. Shuisky in 1610, is called seven-warehouse. The Supreme Secret Council is the authority in the period of palace coups. The All Earth Council was created for the leadership of the national militia in 1611-1612.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Ivan Ivan Grozny Okrichnina led to

1) the final legal registration of serfdom

2) cancellation of locality

3) cancellation of feedings

4) strengthening the personal power of the king


The purpose of the Officials of Ivan the Terrible was to strengthen the personal power of the king, the struggle against the separatism of Boyar-Votchinnikov, strengthening the centralized state.

Answer: 4.

The consequence of the Livonian war has become

1) joining Russia Baltic

2) base of St. Petersburg

3) Accession to Russia of the Left Bank Ukraine

4) Economic ruining of the Russian Earth


The consequence of the Livonian War, which ended with the defeat of Russia, was the economic ruin of the Russian Earth.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

Old Believers in Russia arose as a result

1) Decisions of the Fine Cathedral

2) Moving Metropolitan from Kiev to Vladimir

3) The struggle of Josephlant and nonstavor

4) church split


Old Believers in Russia arose as a result of church split on supporters and opponents of Nikon's reforms.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

What consequences led to the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia late XVI-early XVII century?

1) Livonian War

3) copper rebellion

4) administration of oprichnin


The aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia at the end of the XVI early XVII century. led to Smoot. University is a period in Russian history 1598-1613, caused by a dynastic, economic, social crisis. The remaining events belong to other historical periods.

The correct answer is subject to number: 2.

Answer: 2.

2) creating a regular army


As a result of the reforms of the elected Rada in Russia, the Streetsky army was created - the first permanent army. The shelves of ingenic building appeared in the XVII century. Regular army, the Guards Shelves were created in the XVIII century.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

1) dynastic crisis

2) Introduction of copper money

3) Introduction of pillow

4) Introduction Recructacles


The cause of the troubles (1598-1613) was a dynastic crisis associated with the preventing of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598. The rest of the events occurred after the end of the troubled.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

The final design of serfdom in Russia was the result of adoption

1) "Tabel about ranks"

2) "Declaration of the Preconsession"

3) "The humble diplomas of the nobility"

4) "Cathedral Cutting"


The final design of serfdom occurred in 1649 as a result of the adoption of "Cathedral Carding". A permanent wrapping period was introduced - the urgent summer was canceled. The remaining documents are not related to the formation of serfdom.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

That from the named refers to the results of the elected Rada in the 50-60s. XVI century?

1) administration of recruits

2) the creation of the regiments of "Inrogen building"

3) Introduction of Universal Military Means

4) the creation of shooting troops


To the results of the choice of the elected Rada in the 50-60s. XVI in. The creation of Streletsky troops. The introduction of reccrosses was in 1705. The creation of the regiments of "Inrogen-building" - in the XVII century. Introduction of the Universal Military Meetility - in 1874.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

What of the named is related to the consequences of the Ordansky rule in Russia?

1) the flourishing of the evening orders in the Russian lands

2) Return to pagan beliefs

3) the slowdown in cultural development

4) strengthening links between individual parts of Russian lands


Horde dominion had a negative impact on Russia and slowed down the cultural development of the country, as it was interrupted stone construction, some crafts disappeared, and cultural monuments were killed.

The correct answer is indicated at number: 3.

Answer: 3.

Source: Yandex: Training work of the EME on history. Option 1.

What was one of the reasons for the fall of the elected Rada?

1) uprising in Moscow 1542

2) Disagreements in choosing the main direction of foreign policy

3) The campaign of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Hire to Moscow

4) convocation of the outline cathedral


One of the reasons for the fall of the elected Rada disagreement in choosing the main direction of foreign policy. Ivan IV was a supporter of the war with the Livonian Order. Families of the selected Rada were for the fight against Crimean Khanate.

The correct answer is subject to number: 2.

Answer: 2.

What was the cause of the rebellion of the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery in 1668-1676??

1) Church Reform of Nicon Patriarch

2) Creating Holy Synod

3) secularization of monastery lands

4) the abolition of the patriarchate in Russia


The cause of the rebellion of the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery in 1668-1676. There was a church reform of Patriarch Nikon. They refused to adopt new books and rites. The creation of the Holy Synod and the abolition in Russia of the Patriarchate was in 1721. The secularization of the monastery land was carried out in 1764

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Which of the named was related to the reasons for the emergence of Discharge in the Russian state at the beginning of the XVII century?

1) Suppression of the ruling dynasty Rurikovich

2) the collapse of the state to the specific principalities

3) the beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Councils

4) Prelbeno to the power of the Boyarsky government - "Semiboyarskins"


Troubles - this is the period of the late XVI - early XVII centuries. The beginning of Troubles are considered to be 1598 - the year of the death of the king from the Dynasty of Rurikovich Fyodor John. The decay of the state to the specific principalities occurred in the XII century. The beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Cathedrals is referred to 1549. The coming to the power of the Boyarski government - "Semiboyarschina" - occurred in 1610 and belongs to the period of Troubles.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Source: demo version of the EGE-2013 on history.

One of the reasons for the campaigns of Russian troops to Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate was

1) The desire to establish control over the Volga trading way.

2) Accession of Eastern Siberia.

3) the spread of Orthodoxy at the affiliated areas.

4) Conclusion of the Military Union with Crimean Khanate.


One of the reasons for the campaigns of Russian troops to the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate during the reign of Ivan the Terrible was the desire to establish control over the Volga tradeway. The remaining territories are not related to the Volga.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Due to the implementation of church reforms of Nikon in the XVII century. in Russia

1) liquidated patriarch

2) Established Holy Synod

3) the secularization of monastic lands

4) there was a church split


Due to the implementation of church reforms of Nikon in the XVII century. In Russia, there was a church split on Old Believers and supporters of Nikon reforms. The elimination of the patriarchate and the institution of Holy Synod occurred as a result of Peter I reforms in 1722. The secularization of monastic lands occurred during the reforms of Catherine II.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

Which of the named was related to the reasons for the emergence of Discharge in the Russian state at the beginning of the XVII century?

1) Peasant Uprising S. Razin

2) the collapse of the state to the specific principalities

3) the beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Councils

4) Suppression of the Moscow Princess Dynasty


To the reasons for the emergence of Discharge in the Russian state at the beginning of the XVII century. It belongs to the prevention of the Dynasty of the Moscow Princes (Rurikovich) in 1598 and the subsequent dynastic crisis. The decay of the state to the specific principalities occurred XII century. The first convocation of the Zemsky Cathedral was in 1549 the peasant rebellion of S. Razin was later - in 1670-1671.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

What of the named reasons for the reasons for the reasons?

1) Introduction of copper money

2) introduction of pillow

3) Introduction Recructacles

4) Dynastic crisis


By reasons for the troubles of the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries. The dynastic crisis associated with the suppression of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598 is the rest of the events are not related to the period of Discharge.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

What of the named was the result of military reform, conducted by the elected Rada in the middle of the XVI century?

1) the creation of shooting troops

2) creating a regular army

3) Creating Guards Regions

4) the formation of the regiments of an ingenic system


The formation of the regiments of an ingenic system refers to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich;

The creation of a regular army and the Guards regiments to the Board of Peter the Great;

The creation of Streletsky troops is one of the reforms of the elected Rada to the Board of Ivan the Terrible.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Which of the listed events led to church split in the XVII century?

1) the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia

2) secularization of church lands

3) Patriarch Nicon Reform

4) confrontation of Josephlanes and nonstavor


As a result of the reform of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the XVII century. An church split occurred.

The confrontation of Iosiflans and nonstasters is the XV-beginning of the XVI centuries;

The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia - 1589;


"Trouble time in Russia"

Smoot (troubled time) - Period domestic history The beginning of the XVII century, when the country experienced a political, economic and social crisis.

The reasons of the troubled

    Dynastic crisis (cessation of the Rurikovsky dynasty).

    Economic crisis (rains, early frosts for three years in a row → Hunger 1601 - 1603).

    The struggle for power between boyars groupings.

    Social crisis (discontent with its position of all classes).

    Expansion of spheres of influence by military methods of neighboring states (Poland, Sweden).

1598 - 1605Boris Godunov. February 17, 1598 B. Godunov was elected the Zemsky Cathedral. First chosen king! September 3, 1598 - Wedding B. Godunov to the kingdom.

The activities conducted by B. Godunov were ambiguous (these examples cover examples related both by the period of the Board of Fyodor John and the Independent Board of B. Godunov):

    Release the population from arreed.

    Encouraged the development of trade and entrepreneurship.

    The economic revival of the country has begun.

    Construction of new cities in Siberia and Volga region (Samara, Saratov (1589-1590), Tsaritsyn (1589), Tomsk).

    The establishment of the Patriarchate provided it with complete autocephaly and raised the international authority of Russia (the first Patriarch of Job (the years of the Patriarchate 1589-1590)).

    Make measures to combat hunger.

    The convergence of Russia began with the West (invited to the service of foreigners to serve Russia, sent noble children to learn abroad).

    Active (successful) foreign policy: January-February 1590 The campaign of Russian troops to Narva (taking a pit, siege of Narva and Ivangorod); 1598 - the defeat of Russian warlods of the Siberian Khan Kuchum's troops in the Barabinsk steppe, the liquidation of the Siberian Khanate; 1601 - Conclusion of the Russian-Polish truce for 20 years

The name B. Godunova was associated with the Uglich case.

Farm and hunger in Russia (1601 - 1603).

Government measures B. Godunova during hunger caused discontent with the population.

Claims B. Godunova for the throne did not support a significant part of the boyars, because He considered him not valid enough.

1603 - The uprising of the cotton closer.

April - May 1605Fedor Godunov.

Godunov is already a dynasty on the Russian throne !!!

1605 - 1606.LhadmitryI. (Grigory Freakov). Invgested in Russia in October 1604. Support for the Polish king Sigismund III and the governors of Yuri Mnishek. Lhadmitryy promised them Russian lands and maintaining Catholicism in Russia. In October-November 1604, South Russian cities (Chernihiv, Putivl, Oskol, Voronezh, Elets, etc.) were transferred to the side of Faldmitria. Patriarch Job was lowled (June 1605), Ryazan Archbishop of Ignatius became the new Patriarch (until May 1606, then he was exiled to the monastery miracles). July 1605 wedding to the kingdom. Was married to the daughter of the Polish magnate Marina Mnishek (marriage May 1606).

The reasons for the success of Falsmitria

1. Support for various sections of society, dissatisfied by the Board B. Godunova

2. Many considered him the legal heir to the throne, the "natural king". B. Godunov was the king who took the throne not by inheritance, but by elections on the Zemsky Cathedral, therefore the boyars used the False Deadmitry I in his own interests in the fight against the "lawless king" B. Godunova.

3. A sharp deterioration in the economic situation in the country caused dissatisfaction with the Board B. Godunov.

4. The bottom of the society was hoping to obtain from Falsmitria I to relieve their position, and serve people, Cossacks - Benefits and Privileges.

5. Part of the royal governor, the troops of the Cossacks, taking into account the mood of the masses, moved to the side of Falsitriya I.

The reasons for the overthrow of Falsmitria I.

1. The situation of the society has not improved: the tax oppression, serfdom, has been preserved.

2. Attempts to carry out independent policies led to the exacerbation of contradictions with boyars led by V. Shuisky.

3. Did not get the expected many serunens.

4. Refusing to fulfill promises, data from the Polish king and the Catholic Church, he lost support for external forces.

5. The clergy and boyars expressed discontent with a violation by the False Deadmitria I of the old Russian customs, the usual order of life.

6. Displeasure the impostor was associated with the approach to the Tsarskoye Yard of Polish gentles who felt like real owners in Moscow and their behavior insulted the national feelings and the Orthodox faith of the Russian people.

1606 - 1610.Vasily Shuysky (VasilyIV ) (He was called the "boyars king").

When he joined the throne, he gave conducting writing "The promises do not punish the boyars, not to execute the boyars, do not deprive them without the consent of the Boyar Duma, will not listen to false denunciations and punish the relatives of the optocrium.

From June 1606 New Patriarch Hermogen.

1606 - 1607. - uprising under the leadership Ivan Bolotnikova. The goal is to restore on the throne of the legitimate king (Tsarevich Dmitry, because rumors were rumored that he did not die in Uglich). Bolotnikov called himself a governor of Tsarevich Dmitry. In the uprising, the Cossacks, nobles, peasants, chores participated in the uprising. Moscow could not be taken due to the betrayal of the nobles. The uprising is suppressed, Bollyns are executed.

1607-decree on the 15-year term of the cheek of the runaway peasants.

June 1608 -invasion to Russia Lhadmitria II troops. He was called Tushinsky thief, because It is located not far from Moscow in the village of Tushino. I had my yard there.

September 1608 - January 1610 -siege of Trinity-Sergius Monastery by the troops of Tushinsky thief. Russian troops under the command of M.V. Skopin-Shuisky can be siege.

February 1609 - Treaty of King V.I. Shuisky with Sweden on help in the fight against Tushinsev. Russia has pledged to return to Sweden the Korean parish in exchange for Military assistance in Sweden in the fight against Tushinsev. July 1609. The victory of the Russians and Swedish troops under the command of M.V. Skopin-Shuisky under Tversa. Union of Russia and Sweden - a reason for the Polish intervention.

Intervention- the violent intervention of one or several states into the internal affairs of another state.

September 1609. - June 1611. - Siege Poles led by Sigismund III Smolensk. Defense Smolensk (624 days) was led by Mikhail Borisovich Shein. Smolensk is taken, Shein was captured.

1610 - 1612 - Semiboyarschina. Chapter - F.I. Mstislavsky.

September 1610 - Boyar let the Poles in Moscow.

January - February 1611 - Formation in the Ryazan of the first militia. Leaders: P.P. Lyapunov (nobleman), D.T. Trubetskaya (Prince), I.M. Zarutsky (Cossack Ataman), D.M. Pozharsky (Prince, until the big role played). In Yaroslavl in June 1611 was created Council of All Earth - The governing body of the militia. The goal is to free Moscow from the Poles. The result: due to the inconsistency of actions, disputes, failed. P.P. Lyapunov was killed by the Cossacks. The militia in July 1611 broke up.

Militia - Military formation created from free peasants, nobles, citizens, etc. during the period of enemy invasions.

July 1611. G. - Taking the Swedes Novgorod.

September - October 1611 - Formation in the Nizhny Novgorod of the second militia. Leaders: K. Minin (Zemsky Starost), D.M. Pozharsky (Prince). March 1612 - Speech by second militia from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow through Kostroma and Yaroslavl. April - June 1612 - the creation of the Council of the entire Earth in Yaroslavl - the temporary government of Russia. August 1612 - The entry of the second militia to Moscow, the union with the remnants of the first militia. October 22, 1612 - Liberation by the militia of China-city. October 26, 1613 - The capitulation of the Polish garrison in the Kremlin.

1613 - Zemsky Cathedral elected King Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. The Board of the new Dynasty of Romanov began. Candidates In addition to M. Romanov: Swedish Korolevich Karl Philipp, Ivan - Son of Falseedmitria II and Marina Mnishek, Golitsyn, Vorotynsky, Trubetskoy, Pozharsky.

A 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov was elected a new king. He was young and soft and did not have time to express himself in the time of the Troubles. Boyars and nobility hoped that they could easily put pressure on it. The crucial role was played by the position of the Cossacks, among whom Romanov was popular. The formal basis for his election was the relationship of the female line with the last king of the Dynasty of Rurikovich Fyodor Ivanovich and Ivan Grozny.

For peasants and landing people, Mikhail was a "natural king", a symbol of national independence and Orthodox faith (reluctance to elect on the throne of foreign applicants).

For the Cossacks, Mikhail Romanov - Son of Patriarch Filaret, for a long time Appeared in the Tushin camp and associated with the Cossacks.

Support church.

The consequences of Smaddy

    Terrible ruin and launch of the country: economic destruction, large human losses, financial problems, impoverishment of the people.

    Strengthening of the population from the center of the country to the outskirts.

    Loss of a number of territories (Smolensk and Seversk land - captured Poland, Novgorod - Sweden, loss of access to the Baltic Sea).

    Weakening of the country's military potential.

    Preservation of national independence and Russian statehood.

    Beginning of a new dynasty.

    Weakening of the positions of generic boyarism and the amplification of the nobility.

    Lifting the self-consciousness of the people.

Material for fixing

on the topic "Troubles in Russia"

1. Dates:



The Board of Fyodor Johnovich

The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia

Death Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich ("Uglichsky")

Introduction of the "urgent years"

The Board of the King Boris Godunova

Hunger in Russia

Uprising under the ledity of cotton closer

False Deadmitria I.

The reign of Vasily Shui

Rebellion under the leadership of I. Bolotnikova

The Board of Semiboyarschina

The beginning of the open Polish intervention to Russia

Formation of the first militia

Capture by Poles Smolensk

The formation and activities of the second militia

The liberation of Moscow from Polyakov

Election of Mikhail Romanov's king. The beginning of the Romanov dynasty

2. Terms

Conducting recording (grades), intervention, "Semiboyarschina", militia, the Council of All Earth.

3. Theory.

The reasons for the troubles. Periodization of troubled time. The main events of the Troubles.

4. Personality

Boris Godunov, Fedor Godunov, Lhadmitriy I, Yuri Mnishek, Maria Mnishek, Vasily Shuisky, Ivan Bolotnikov, Lhadmitriy II, Sigismund III, P. Lyapunov, D. Trubetskaya, I. Zarutsky, Patriarch Job, Patriarch Ignatius, Patriarch Hermogen, K. Minin, D. Pozharsky, Korolevich Vladislav, Patriarch Filaret, Mikhail Romanov.

Test on the topic

"Trouble time in Russia"

Part 1 (a)

1. Historians refer to troubled time ... Years:

1) 1598 – 1605

2. Rurikovsky dynasty ended after death:

1) Ivan the Terrible

2) Fyodor Ivanovich

3) Boris Godunova

4) Mikhail Fedorovich

3. One of the reasons for the beginning of the Troubles is

1) Penetration of European Reformation Ideas

2) Low-earth landowners

3) displeasure to the people of the monetary reform of Boris Godunova

4) Suppression of the legitimate royal dynasty

4. In 1598, Boris Godunov took the Moscow throne on the basis of:

1) Fedor Johnovich's wills

2) Solutions of the Queen Irina

3) Decision of the Boyar Duma

4) Decisions of the Zemstvo Cathedral

1) belonging in the past to the oprichnin

2) information about low origin

3) defeat in war with Sweden

4) hunger and cripples

6. Which of these events happened to the reign of Boris Godunov?

1) Uglich Drama

2) Patriarchate

3) Kosolap cotton uprising

4) Swedish intervention

7. The uprising in Moscow in June 1605 led to

1) to the top of Mikhail Romanova

2) coming to the power of the semiboyarskins

3) Flashing of Falsmitria I

4) convening the Zemsky Cathedral

8. Successful adder to the Russian throne of Falgestmitria I is explained

1) the hope of the people on a good and just king

2) support for Polish interventory

3) the intervention of Western states

4) Support all the boyars and nobility

9. Lhadmitry I.

1) tried to spread western customs

2) gave part of the Russian lands of the Commonwealth

3) rules with a mass terror

4) destroyed the boyar duma

10. After the overthrow of Falsmitria I became Russian

1) Ivan Mstislavsky

2) Fedor Romanov

3) Vasily Shui

4) Bogdan Belsky

11. With the beginning of the reign of Tsar Vasily Shui Patriarch became

2) Philaret

3) Hermogen

4) Ignatius

12. King Vasily Shuisky after its overthrow

1) was deprived of the throne and forcibly benounced monks

2) was killed by boyars as a result of conspiracy

3) renounced the throne and passed the power to his nephew

4) Suddenly died at the moment of coup

13. Stan Falsmitria II during the siege of Moscow was located in

1) Kolomna

4) Trinity Sergiev Monastery

14. The Government of the Russian State formed after the overthrow of the king of Shuisky V.I. In 1610 they call:

1) Semiboyarschina

2) Supreme Secret Council

3) All Earth Council

4) Boyar Duma

15. Boyars agreed to invite Kruiech Vladislav to the Russian throne provided

1) Returns of Russia previously captured by the Poles of Russian lands

2) associations of Russia and the speech by compulcilable in one state

3) joint struggle against Sweden

4) adoption by the Orthodoxy

16. States that carried out armed interference in the internal affairs of Russia during the time of troubled time were

1) Denmark, Norway

2) Commonwealth, Sweden

3) England, France

4) Turkey, Crimean Khanate

17. An example of heroic defense from the interventionation in the years of Troubles gave the city

1) Nizhny Novgorod

2) Novgorod Great

3) Smolensk

18. Open Polish intervention began immediately after

1) murders of Falsmitria I and beating Poles in Moscow

2) coming to power of Falsmitria I

3) Conclusions by Vasily Shui Union with Sweden

4) the death of Boris Godunova

19. The protection of the deposited by Poles Smolensk was led

1) M.V. Skopin-Shui

2) M.B. Shein

3) D.T. Trubetskoy

4) F.I. Mstislavsky

20. The defeat of Tushinsev and the removal of the siege with the Trinity-Sergian monastery was led

1) M.V. Skopin-Shui

2) V.I. Shuysky

3) F.I. Mstislavsky

4) V.V. Golitsyn

21. With a call to decisively deal with those who captured Moscow, Patriarch spoke by Patriarch

1) Philaret

2) Hermogen

3) Ignatius

22. The main purpose of the first militia

1) liberation of the whole territory of Russia from foreign interventory

2) Establishment of the Republic in Russia

3) the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov

4) Removing the siege of Smolensk

23. For the organization of the second militia k.z. Minin called

1) sign up to the militia of all men from 15 to 50 years

2) to give the fifth part of the property and income as a tax

3) to collect foreign mercenaries

4) convey church property on the organization of troops

24. The concept of "Condelted Record" applies to reign

1) B. Godunova

2) False Deadmitria I

3) V. Shui

4) M. Romanova

25. What event happened later than others?

1) Election of the king of Vasily Shui

2) the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov

3) Movement under the leadership of Bolotnikov

4) Close-up cotton uprising

26. Which historical actor the words of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky: "He was only baked in the Polish stove, and frowned in Moscow?".

1) Kingdom Vladislav

2) Vasily Shui

3) Lhadmitry I

4) Lhadmitria II

27. Which of the named persons was a participant in the events of Discharge?

1) A. Karbsky

2) A. Adashev

3) G. Freakov

4) S. Razin

28. The Zemsky Cathedral of 1613 is unique in that

1) Representatives of the Black Hour Peasants participated in it

2) This is the only cathedral who choose the king

3) There were no members of the Boyar Duma

4) He gathered not in Moscow

29. From the listed events used to happen

1) The beginning of the speech of Ivan Bolotnikova

2) Flashing of False Deadmitria I with Marina Mnishek

3) Speech by Muscovites against Fedor Godunova

4) Adoption by V. Shui "Conducting Record"

30. A characteristic feature of the troubled time was

1) widespread of impostor

2) creating a regular army

3) streamlining orders

4) Fortress and Monasteries

Part 2 (B)

1. As it was called in Russia in the XVI - XVII centuries. Central-defined representative institution with legislative functions?

2. Place in the chronological sequence.

1) Choice M.F. Romanova Tsarev

2) Combining the first and second militia

3) Camping Troops D.M. Pozharsky in Moscow

4) creating a second militia of the Council of All Earth

3. Select three leaders of the first militia

1) P.P. Lyapunov

2) I.M. Zarutsky

3) D.T. Trubetskoy

4) D.M. Pozharsha

5) M.V. Skopin-Shui

6) K. Minin

4. The following is a number of names. All of them, with the exception of one, were participants in the troubled.

1) Boris Godunov, 2) Vasily Shuisky, 3) Ivan Bolotnikov, 4) Stepan Razin, 5) Ivan Zarutsky.

Find and write the sequence number under which the name relating to another historical period is indicated.

5. Install the correspondence between religious leaders and the facts of their biography.

Religious figure

Fact biography


Member of the Defense Trinity-Sergius Monastery

First Russian Patriarch

Proclaimed by the patriarch in Tushina

Abrahami (Palitsyn)

Killed by the associates I. Bolotnikova

Founded by the Poles hunger

6. Write The name of the period of Russian history, the events of which are depicted in the scheme.

7. Name the Russian king, whose rule broke out a terrible hunger, which became one of the causes of events depicted in the scheme.

8. Write the nickname of the impostorHe received due to the fact that it was located his camp in the village near Moscow, indicated by the number 2.

9. What judgments, Related to this scheme, are faithful? Choose three judgments out of six offered. Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

1) Participants in the events depicted in the scheme were K. Bulavin and Avvakum Protopop.

2) A campaign to Moscow, marked on the scheme of point arrows, headed the impostor, known as Grigory Fravev.

3) The Starost of Posad appealed to the collection of funds to combat the interventionists in the city marked in the diagram of the number 4.

4) The consequence of the events depicted in the scheme became the loss of Russia shaded on the scheme of the territories.

5) One of the reasons for the events depicted in the scheme was the prevention of the reigning dynasty Rurikovich.

6) Ancient Russian city, marked in the diagram of the number "1", beat off all attempts to capture it.

10. What judgments about the monumentshown in the photo, are faithful? Choose two judgments out of five offered.

1. The monument was created at the beginning of the XVII century. In honor of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles.

2. The sculptor of the monument is I.P. Martos.

3. The monument was the first building of this type in Moscow.

4. The monument was established before the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

5. The creation of a monument went to the money, which Russia received from the speech by compulcpension on the deuly truce.

11. Which of the structures, Presented below, is closer to others to this object of culture?

Part 3 (C)

From the "State of the Russian State" N. M. Karamzin:

"In the zealous love for civilian education, Boris surpassed all the oldest standings of Russia, he had the intention to start schools and even universities to teach young Russians to European and science languages: in 1600, he sent German John Kramer to Germany, authorizing him to look there and bring to Moscow to Moscow Professors and doctors ... this important intention was not fulfilled, as they write, from strong defendency's objections ... But leaving the idea to start universities in Russia, the king sent 18 young boyars in London, in Lübeck and to France to learn languages \u200b\u200bin foreign, as well As young British and the French went to Moscow to study Russian .... He called to himself from England, Holland, Germany, not only drugs, artists, artisans, but also those who are official in service.

He was not, but was tyrant; It was not impassable, but he had a harsh, like John, eliminating the joints or executive executioners. If the Godunov for a while landscounted by the power, for a while he elevated it in the opinion of Europe, then he did not impede Russia into the abyss of the malfunction of almost unheard of - betrayed in the extraction of Lyakham and the vagabonds, caused the premium of the Avengers and the impostors by the extermination of the ancient Tsar's tribe? Has he finally contributed to the humiliation of the throne, overweight on him with holybee? "

1. To what Time refers to the reign of Boris Godunov? What was the peculiarity of his topics?

2. What are, According to the historian, the merits of Boris Godunova? Name at least three provisions.

3. Using the source And knowledge of the course of history, explain why Boris Godunov, despite all his merit, left the contradictory memory about himself in the history of Russia. Give at least three explanations.

4. Consider the historical situation and answer questions.

In January 1613, the Zemsky Cathedral was opened, which was attended by representatives of the clergy, boyars, nobles, urban Posads, Cossacks and even elected peasant peasants. The Cathedral decided that he would not look for the king among the ingenians, and also rejected the candidacy of Marina Mnishek and "Voroka" - the son of Mnishek and Falsitriya II. The king was elected Mikhail Romanov. Name at least two reasons for the election of Mikhail Romanov on the Russian throne. What significance for the further development of the country had this event? Specify at least three positions.

5. In historical science there are discussion problems for which various, often opposite points of view speak. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

"The Troubles was a manifestation of a deep inner crisis, one of the long-term consequences of Oprichnina and defeat in the Livonian war, which caused the ruin of the economy, the growth of social fermentation, widespread discontent, besides, the crisis was strengthened by the intervention of external forces."

Using historical knowledge, bring two arguments that can be confirmed by this point of view, and two arguments that can be refuted.

6. Below are three names. Historical figures of the Epoch of Disame. Perform one of them alone and perform tasks.

1) Boris Godunov

2) Lhadmitry I

3) Vasily Shui

Specify the name of the life of a historic figure (up to a decade or part of the century). Name the main directions of its activities and give them a brief description. Specify the results of this activity.

List of used literature

    EGE-2014. History: Model examinations: 30 options / ed. A.B. Bezborodko, A.V. Ignatova. M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2013. 384 p.

    History. Preparation for the EEG-2013: educational and methodical manual / Ed. OG Vrachina. Rostov on Don: Legion, 2012. 304 p.

    Katsva L.A. The history of the Fatherland: a reference book for high school students and entering universities. M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2012.

    A short course of Russia's history from ancient times before the beginning of the XXI century. Ed. Kerova V.V. M: AST: Astrel, 2011.

    Pazin R.V. The history of the development of Russian culture. 10 - 11 classes. Preparation for EGE: reference materials, Practical tasks and illustrations: educational and methodical manual. Rostov on Don: Legion, 2013.

    Pazin R.V. Russian history. 10-11 classes. Thematic tests for preparing for the exam. Tasks of a high level of complexity (C4-C7): educational and methodical manual. Rostov on Don: Legion. 2010. 312 p.

    Pazin R.V. History. Preparation for the exam. 10 - 11 classes. 140 historical personalities of domestic and universal history: materials biographies. Task C6: Historical Essay: Educational and methodical manual. Rostov on Don: Legion, 2013.

    Website Federal Institute Pedagogical measurements fipi .ru. Open task bank.

Read the excerpt from the historical source and briefly answer the C1-SZ questions. Answers suggest the use of information from the source, as well as the use of historical knowledge at the rate of the relevant period

From the composition of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky

"... the soil for her served as the mood of the people, issued by the people from the reign of the Terrible and enhanced by the Board of Boris Godunov. The reason for the troubled Dan was the preventation of the dynasty and then followed attempts to restore it in the face of impostations. The random reasons for the Troubles need to admit a folk view of the attitude of the old dynasty to the Moscow state, which prevented to relieve the thought of the elective king, and then the state of the state with his heavy major basis ... University promoted other circumstances: the image of the actions of the rulers who became the head of state After the king Fyodor, the constitutional desires of the boyars, which went wrong with the nature of the Moscow Supreme Power and with a folk view; Boyarsky opals, hunger, mor, regional disintegration, Cossack intervention ... The end of Smoothie was laid by the entry into the throne of the king, who became the twin-bar of the new dynasty: it was the closest investigation of the Trouble. "

What event, according to the author, put the end of the smoothie? How were foreign policy issues with Poland and Sweden settled? What were the consequences of the troubles and interventions for Russia? To answer, use the text of the document and your knowledge of history.


1. The end of the smoothie was put on top of 1613. Mikhail Romanova and the beginning of a new Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne.

2. Regulations on the settlement of foreign policy issues:

In 1617. The world was concluded with Sweden (in which Russia retained Novgorod lands, but lost the way to the Baltic Sea)

In 1618 A deulinist truce with Poland was concluded (Smolensk, Chernihiv and Novgorod-Seversk land were departed to Poland)

3. Consequences:

Russia has managed to defend its independence

Russia came out of the troubles extremely exhausted, with large territorial and human losses

To overcome the consequences of the University, the rules of destroyed were taken to strengthen serfdom and autocracy

In historical science there are discussion problems for which various, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

"The main reason for the troubles was the growing social conflict in Russian society."

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can be confirmed by this point of view, and two arguments that can be refuted to it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

The answer is written in the following form.

Arguments confirmation:

Refuture arguments:



1) in confirmation, for example:

- Smoot was preceded by a kindergarter, in which many historians saw the conflict between the boyars and nobles, this conflict because of participation in power and due to land holds continued in the Trouble (movement against the "Boyarsky Tsar" Shui, in which provincial players were played nobles);

- In Smoot, the peasants were actively involved, dissatisfied with the reinforcement process (the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov);

- In the period of Discharge against the central authorities, citizens and peasants were made, dissatisfied with the growth of duties;

2) to refutation, for example:

- the troubled was the result of a dynastic crisis, preventing the Rurikovsky dynasty on the Moscow throne;

- The troubled began as a result of the actions of the external forces - Poland and Pope, without the support of which the impostor could not succeed.

Other arguments can be given

1) Suppression of the Rurikov Dynasty

4) coming to the power of the Boyar Government - "Semiboyarschina"


For the reasons, University refers to the prevention of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598, when the last king of Dynasty Rurikovich Fedor Johnovich died. The decay of the state to the specific principalities occurred in the XII century. The beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Cathedrals refers to the period of the Board of Ivan IV. The Government of "Semiboyarschina" Rule in the period of Discharge.

Answer: 1.

1) to the Livonian War

2) to Smoot

3) to copper rebellion

4) to the administration of oprichnin


End of the XVI-beginning of the XVII centuries. - This is the period of trouble in the history of Russia. The reasons of the troubled was the aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia. Osrichnina Ivan the Terrible, unsuccessful Livonian war led to the emergence of these contradictions. The copper riot (1662) is the People's Movement of the XVII century.

Answer: 2.

1) Livonian War

3) copper rebellion

4) administration of oprichnin


The aggravation of political and social contradictions in Russia at the end of the XVI early XVII century. led to Smoot. University is a period in Russian history 1598-1613, caused by a dynastic, economic, social crisis. The remaining events belong to other historical periods.

The correct answer is subject to number: 2.

Answer: 2.

1) dynastic crisis

2) Introduction of copper money

3) Introduction of pillow

4) Introduction Recructacles


The cause of the troubles (1598-1613) was a dynastic crisis associated with the preventing of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598. The rest of the events occurred after the end of the troubled.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

1) Suppression of the ruling dynasty Rurikovich

2) the collapse of the state to the specific principalities

3) the beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Councils

4) Prelbeno to the power of the Boyarsky government - "Semiboyarskins"


Troubles - this is the period of the late XVI - early XVII centuries. The beginning of Troubles are considered to be 1598 - the year of the death of the king from the Dynasty of Rurikovich Fyodor John. The decay of the state to the specific principalities occurred in the XII century. The beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Cathedrals is referred to 1549. The coming to the power of the Boyarski government - "Semiboyarschina" - occurred in 1610 and belongs to the period of Troubles.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Source: demo version of the EGE-2013 on history.

1) Introduction of copper money

2) introduction of pillow

3) Introduction Recructacles

4) Dynastic crisis


By reasons for the troubles of the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries. The dynastic crisis associated with the suppression of the Rurikovsky dynasty in 1598 is the rest of the events are not related to the period of Discharge.

The correct answer is specified at number: 4.

Answer: 4.

1) introduction of pillow

2) establishing a single period of transition of peasants in Yuriev Day

3) Economic crisis caused by Officient and Livonian War

4) the welling of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne


One of the reasons for the troubled, the consequences of the devastation caused by the Livonian war and oprichnina were.

Powder to file and the welling of the Romanovs were after the troubled, the establishment of Yuryev's day significantly earlier 1497

The correct answer is indicated at number: 3.

Answer: 3.

Source: EGE on history 05/30/2013. Basic wave. Siberia. Option 5.

1) Suppression of the ruling dynasty Rurikovich

2) the collapse of the state to the specific principalities

3) the beginning of the convocation of the Zemsky Councils

4) coming to the power of the Boyar Government - "Semiboyarschina"


Preventing the ruling dynasty of Rurikovich, after the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich in 1598, it became one of the main reasons for the Troubles.

The rest is incorrect since:

the collapse of the state to the specific principalities occurred in the XII century;

the beginning of the convening of Zemsky Cathedrals is 1549;

the coming to the power of the Boyarski government - "Semiboyarskins" in the years of the University, which means there can be no reason.

The correct answer is subject to number: 1.

Answer: 1.

Source: demo version of the EGE-2015 history.

Install the correspondence between the fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: to each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by the numbers.

Fragments of sources

A) "... Boyar people and peasants gathered, Ukrainian Posads, Sagittarius and Cossacks were stuck to them and began to grasp the governors and plant the governors. The boyars ruined their homes and the property robbed ... They had the eldest people of Prince Andrei Andreevich Telylevsky Ivashka Bolotnikov. Gathered [he] with many people and came under the chicks; And the governors from chrocked away. They heard the boyars under Yelts that they were indignant under the chicks, they walked away from Yel away and went to Moscow. The routine people, moving to Moscow, went away from their homes, the king ... in Moscow remained with a small army. "

B) "In the current [year], May 10 wrote to us, the Great Sovereign, from the Don Ataman and the Cossacks of the roots of Yakovlev complied ... that they, the Cossacks, fighting like Industion in all towns and serve us, the Great Sovereign, went Cherka town under the cogolnik for the fishery on the thieves and trains on the strip of razin from the comrades. And the charity of the all-toysist Lord God ... They ... under the cogolnik, many of the thieves and Tovo's thief and a ladder of Razin and Evo of like-minded people, who came to the karthal from Tsaritsyn and on Don to Evo, they were taken. And Evo, Stenka, brought in Cherkaya and challenged into the shackles and gave hersion for a strong watchman. Job of EEO like-minded thieves in the kagalnik and in Cherkasky everyone broke and overwhelmed, and Evo, the thief was sent, sent ... to Moscow with Ataman with the root Yakovlev ... "


1) the event described in the source relate to 1671

2) The king, on behalf of which a document was drawn up, was Ivan the Terrible.

3) The document describes the times of the Troubles.

4) The events described in the document belong to the XVI century.

5) The king, whose rule, includes the events described, lost the throne as a result of the conspiracy.

6) In the same reign, to which the events described in the document occurred, a salt rue occurred.

Fragment A. Fragment B.


Document A is dedicated to Smoot, the time of Vasily Shui.

Document B is dedicated to the Cossack-peasant Bunta Stepan Razin.

1) The events described in the source refer to 1671 - yes, it is true, refers to document B.

Preparation for the exam. Test on "Trouble Time"

    Place the historical events in the chronological sequence. Record the numbers that are indicated by historical events, in the correct sequence in the table.

    The reign of FalsmitriaI.

    The liberation of Moscow from Polyakov

    The reign of Boris Godunova.


    Set the match between events and years: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Events years

a) the beginning of the invasion of foreign troops to Russia 1) 1589

b) the creation of a second militia 2) 1597.

c) election to the kingdom of Mikhail Romanova 3) 1609

d) the introduction of the Patriarchant 4) 1612

e) Decree on the "Urgent years" 5) 1613g.


3. The following is a number of names. All of them, with the exception of two, were participants in the troubled.

1) Boris Godunov, 2) Vasily Shuisky, 3) Ivan Bolotnikov, 4) Stepan Razin, 5) Ivan Zarutsky. 6) Patria Nikon


4. Record the term in question.

Boyar government (7 people) in Russia in 1610, nominally before 1612 transferred actually the power of Polish interventory, was liquidated by the second militia under the leadership of K. Minina and D. Pozharsky in October 1612._______________

5. Install the correspondence between the processes (events, events) and facts relating to these processes (events, events): to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Processes (phenomena, events) facts

A) Suppression of the Dynasty Rurikovich 1) Introduction of the Patriarchate

C) Return of the Baltic coast 3) Construction of fortresses

D) strengthening the economy 4) Decree on "urgent years"

E) increase in the defense capacity of the country 5) the death of Tsarevich Dmitry


6. Install the correspondence between the fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: to each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.

Fragments of sources

"The ill-fated insurgency, for which the traitors have long been united ... Their leader was the current king - Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, who promised to share fortresses and states between them and appoint them to high positions. These troops were released against the "Moscow", which could be on the side of Dmitry. At first in the morning, such a signal was served on Saturday on Saturday: "To the city! In town! The city is burning! " - And this was done for ours, so that they thought that in the fortress was caught fire. Immediately surrounded all Polish apartments,

so that they could not fight back there. Very quickly took the fortress. Then they hit all the bells, from everywhere the incurred crowd flocked to the fortress. First, they scattered the alabardes, then broke into the palace. Shuisky himself with assistants entered the first chambers. "


"At the same time, the wicked Lithuanian king was rising at the Orthodox Christian faith ... He came to the limits of the Moscow state under the city of Smolensk and many cities and villages ruined, the churches and monasteries destroyed. And he was captured by the city of the wicked king. When the Polish and Lithuanian king was under Grared Smolensky, then the enemy of the Cross of Christ, who called the King Dimitri called himself, stood under the royal hail of Moscow with the damned Lithuanians. Many and from Russian people because of their farewell, for the sake of Lucchimita and robbery, they joined him. "


1) Lhadmitria II near Moscow was in Tushina.

2) After the events described by Vasily Shuisky became the king.

3) The Polish and Lithuanian King is Sigismund III.

4) the events described occurred in 1605

6) Events occurred in Uglich.


7. What of the following belongs to the events of the Troubles period (1598-1613)? Select three answers and write down the numbers in the table, underwhich they are indicated.

1) Conducting Record

2) Cancellation of locality

3) Fighting Poles

4) Fighting with Swedes

5) Oprichnina

6) Shelves of "New Build"


8. Fill in passing in these proposals using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

A) in June a) _______ the government came to power, consisting of noble7 boyar, led by the prince B) _________________.

C) in January 1613 in Moscow was convened IN)__________ who played an important role in the election of a legitimate new king D) ____________

C) Heroic feat made the Kostroma peasant, starting to the Polish detachment of the intervention in the swamp, although he himself died. Name Hero -D)_______________

Missed elements:

1) Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

2) Ivan Susanin

3) 1610

4) Zemsky Cathedral

5) Fyodor Mstislavsky

6) 1612

7) Boris Godunov


9. Install the correspondence between events (processes, phenomena) and participants in these events (processes, phenomena): to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Events participants

A) rebellion in Putivl in 1606 g 1) P.Laipunov

B) first militia 2) Kuzma minin

C) second militia 3) Mikhail Fedorov

D) election of the king in 1613 g 4) Ivan Bolotnikov

5) Lhadmitry I

6) Vasily Shui


10. Read the excerpt from the composition of the historian S.F. Platonova and name the impostor, which is discussed.
"... in the spring of 1606 V.I. Shuisky, together with Golitsyn, began to act much more careful; They managed to attract troops to their side, standing near Moscow; On the night of May 16, on May 17, the detachment was introduced to Moscow, and there she had enough sympathy. However, the conspirators, knowing that not everyone in Moscow is irreconcilable against the impostor, they considered it necessary to deceive the people and the rebellion raised allegedly for the king against the Poles, who were offended. But the point soon explained. The king was declared an impostor and killed on May 17 in the morning. "True Tsarevich", whom he had yet recently met and whose salvation was so happy, was labeled "Rasp", "heretic" and "Polish whistle".

Tops: __________________

11. Fill out empty table cells using those represented in the given

below the data list: for each cell, indicated by the letter, select

number of the desired item.

Missed elements:

1) M.V. Skopin-Shui

2) Boris Godunov

3) Vasily Shui

4) 1598-1613

5) 1609 g

6) 1612

7) Okrichnina

8) first militia

9) Killing Dmitry Coal


12. 1 Read the excerpt from the article Yu.P. Sosvets

"Lhadmitry I (1605-1606), who changed the year in the Russian throne, not only did not make fundamental changes to the pro-European course. russian politicsBut made it in an even greater degree aimed at rapprochement with Europe. So, for example, N.M. Karamzin reports that the impostor, convinced of Europe's superiority over Russia, urged Russian people to go to study to Europe, rebuilt the activities of the Boyar Duma, following the example of the Polish Sejm, and promised that he would rule Russia not autocably, i.e. With the help of tyranny, and in European, by mercy. CM. Solovyov argues that Flavodmitry I was published two decisions that facilitated the position of the hills and the fortress peasants "

Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three in the list

faithful judgments. Write down in Table numbers under which they are indicated

1) the events described in the article occurred in 1613

2) the politician inherited the royal throne in the right

4) LhadmitryI. Rules Russia for more than 5 years

5) Boris Godunov defeated the troops of Falsmitria I

6) FLAGE FLASTMITRIY I became the Polish Pani


Consider the scheme and follow the tasks 13-16.

13. Write the name of the period described on the map

14. Name the Russian king , whose rule broke out a terrible hunger, which became one of the causes of events depicted in the scheme.


15. Write the nickname of the impostor He received due to the fact that it was located his camp in the village near Moscow, indicated by the number 2.


16. What judgments related to events designated on the map are

true? Choose three judgments out of six offered. Write down in Table

numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Participants in the events depicted in the scheme were K. Bulavin and Avvakum Protopop.

2) A campaign to Moscow, marked on the scheme of point arrows, headed the impostor, known as Grigory Fravev.

3) The Starost of Posad appealed to the collection of funds to combat the interventionists in the city marked in the diagram of the number 4.

4) The consequence of the events depicted in the scheme became the loss of Russia shaded on the scheme of the territories.

5) One of the reasons for the events depicted in the scheme was the prevention of the reigning dynasty Rurikovich.

6) Ancient Russian city, marked in the diagram of the number "1", beat off all attempts to capture it.


17. Set the match between cultural monuments and their briefs

features: Each position of the first column pick up

the corresponding position from the second column.

Monuments of culture characteristic

B) Monument to minin and

Pozharsky in Moscow 2) Place of collecting the first militia

C) Ipatiev Monastery 3) first printed book

5) Warring ownership of the Boyar Romanov


18. What monument judgmentsshown in the photo, are faithful? Choose two judgments out of five offered.

1. The monument was created at the beginning of the XVII century. In honor of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles.

2. The sculptor of the monument is I.P. Martos.

3. The monument was the first building of this type in Moscow.

4. The monument was established before the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

5. The creation of a monument went to the money, which Russia received from the speech by compulcpension on the deuly truce.

19. Which of the facilities, Presented below, is closer to others to this object of culture?

Part 2

Read the excerpt from the historical source and briefly answer questions 20-22. Answers suggest the use of information from the source, as well as the use of historical knowledge at the rate of the history of the corresponding period.

Read the passage from the diploma.

"From the Tsar and the Grand Duke Vladislav Zhigmontovich, All Pyces, in the Moscow State, Boyars of our ... and any people in the Moscow state.

To you, as the fate of God in the Moscow state, the participated root of the great sovereigns of Rosiyski was gone ... and the Moscow state of the Patriarch, apxypiscopes and all the spiritual rank, in addition, and you all all kinds of the people of the entire Moscow state, and you are not from the royal root sovereign It would be difficult, the earth will be in the intercussive, kissed the cross between themselves, which is ahead of the Moscow childbirth to the state, but would choose from other states from the royal root, ... and chose us to the Moscow state, the great sovereign ... and the cross we, the Great The sovereign, I kissed the Earth, and with the Ghettoman Glakovsky, the Voivod of Kiev ... strengthened that to be to us the sovereign of the king and great prince ... All Pursues were sent to the Great Zhigmont to the King of His ambassadors, from all the land, Filaret Metropolitan Rostov and Yaroslavsky, yes Prince Vasilla Vasilyevich Golitsyn with comrades, ... And Philaret Metropolitan began to do not be on that, what was given to him from you, I read and plotted on Moscow e State of his son Mikhail.

And ... the sovereign the king of the petition of the entire Moscow state is not rejected and give us a great sovereign, the Moscow kingdom promised; And our trip to the Moscow state was noticing ... And now we, the great sovereign ... came to the perfect age to the sceptorroduction ... and you would, all kinds of people of the Moscow state ... Recall their cross kissing, to us, the great sovereign, to finish our brow and serve with joy ...

And the belief of the Christian of the Agricultural Act of Greek, the estate, and the estate, and the money salary, everything will be, as before, and the Napa, the great sovereign, according to their merit, everyone will be sufficient, and Boyarsky children Will be in the service of liberty ... under the contract of Hetman Golkivsky. And about Mikhail, Filaretov Son, how God will give in the royal her throne, in Moscow, and in those poses our royal mercy will be the right to the whole land ... "


Specify who (according to its social origin) was a person who was named after the "King and Grand Prince". Specify the time (up to a decade), when this person went to the detention campaign to Moscow and issued this diploma. Specify who was by the time of writing this letter called in her "Mikhail, Child Philadiov".


What did the certificate accused Filaret? Indicate at least two obligations, which in this letter are given to Moscow people, so that they recognize the King of Vladislav Zhigmontovich.


Specify the year when the contract was concluded, which is mentioned in the literacy. Indicate for what reason it was not executed. Name the war ended by the world, according to which the author of this diploma refused his claims to the Moscow throne.

23. Consider the historical situation and answer questions.

In January 1613, the Zemsky Cathedral was opened, which was attended by representatives of the clergy, boyars, nobles, urban Posads, Cossacks and even elected peasant peasants. The Cathedral decided that he would not look for the king among the ingenians, and also rejected the candidacy of Marina Mnishek and "Voroka" - the son of Mnishek and Falsitriya II. The king was elected Mikhail Romanov. Name at least two reasons for the election of Mikhail Romanov on the Russian throne. What significance for the further development of the country had this event? Specify at least three positions.

24 In historical science there are discussion problems for which various, often opposite points of view speak. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

"The Troubles was a manifestation of a deep inner crisis, one of the long-term consequences of Oprichnina and defeat in the Livonian war, which caused the ruin of the economy, the growth of social fermentation, widespread discontent, besides, the crisis was strengthened by the intervention of external forces."

Using historical knowledge, bring two arguments that can

confirm this point of view, and two arguments that can

disprove it. When setting out arguments, be sure to use

historical facts.

The answer is written in the following form.

Arguments confirmation:

1) …

2) …

Refuture arguments:

1) …

2) …

25. You need to write a historical essay of one of the periods

history of Russia:

1) 1598-1605; 2) 1598-1613; 3) 1654-1667

The essay requires:

specify at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to this period of history;

name two historical identities whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russia's history;

Exile of the Poles from the Kremlin in 1612
Picture of the artist E. Lisner, 1907. Trinity-Sergiev Lavra

1598-1613. Historical essay.

The era of the troubled Time

Period 1598-1613. In the history of Russia called Time time.

In this period, the kings were ruled:

  • Boris Godunov (1598 - 1605)
  • Lhadmitry I (1605 - 1606)
  • Vasily Shui (1606 - 1610)
  • Semiboyarschina (1610-1613)

General characteristics of the era

The period of Troubles in Russia is one of the most difficult, since at this time there was a real threat to the loss of independence of the state.

The most important events of the troubled time:

  • The struggle for power in the country, the impostor, confrontation of influential boyars.
  • Folk performances against the strengthening of the negle, the uprising of cotton and Ivan Bolotnikova.
  • Intervention from Poland and Sweden
  • The liberation struggle against the interventionists, folk militia.

All data of events and phenomena are bright pages in the history of Russia. Severe two of them.

Historical events (phenomena, processes)

  1. The struggle for power in the country, the impostation, confrontation of influential boyars.

Two Persons who played a significant role in these events (phenomena, processes)

The time of University was characterized by an endless struggle for power. This was caused by the preventation of the Rurikov dynasty: the last representative of her representative - Fedor John, died under the unknown circumstances of Tsarevich Dmitry. The Zemsky Cathedral chose the kings - Boris Godunova and Vasily Shui. However, this power was not sustainable, the struggle for the power of influential birth continued. It was not by chance that from 1610, a sevenboyarschina was even established - the government was in the hands of representatives of 7 genera. Semiboyarschina included members of the Boyar Duma: Princes F.Mstislavsky, I. Vorotnsky, A. Trubetskaya, A.Golitsyn, B. Lykov-Obolensky and boyars I. Romanov, F. Sheheremethev.

It was during this period that impostations appeared:

LhadmitryI. With the support of Polish magnates, let him briefly, but rules between Russia. LhadmitryII.represented a real threat Vasily Shui.

Such unstable, and most importantly, illegitimate power, that is, not supported by the majority of the country's population, only adversely affected general Russia: the crisis of all aspects of life, hunger, death, the impoverishment of the people is the result of the instability of power.

Terms: safetyZemsky CathedralSemiboyarschina

  1. Liberation struggle against intervents, folk militia

University brought a lot of Russia's misfortunes: weakened the economy, the situation of the people was worsened, the threat of the loss of independence of the country appeared. Therefore, all the people rose to the struggle with Polish interventory. Two militia were organized. First, in 1611, under the guidance Lyapunova P. and Zarutsky I., not brought liberation. And only the second militia under the guidance K. Minin and D.PhozharskyWhen all the people opposed the enemies, the entire world collected funds for repraining Poles, only the second militia led to the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow. Zemsky Council was created - "All Earth Council"(April 1612, Yaroslavl), all the actions of the leadership were thought out, the militia included thousands of people with large territory Russia.

The presence of common goals, a clear leadership, support of the people - all this was the reason that on October 26, 1612, the people expelled the Poles from Moscow, and this was the beginning of the end of the intervention.

Terms:interventions International Easterns All Earth

Causal relationships

Causes of these events.

Both events have one common cause: the time of the University led to instability in all spheres of society.

1. The suspension of the power of the power was the cessation of the rule of the Rurikovsky dynasty. Lack of legitimate power transmitted by inheritance. It was the crisis of power that led to the struggle of influential groups for her, which had a negative impact on the situation in the country.

2. Anonymously troubled and the reason for the unification of the people to the struggle for their independence. The crisis in all spheres of life of society caused by Smutow, led to the unification of the people against common enemies, caused high patriotic feelings, regardless of the situation in society. All defended their homeland - Russia.

Investigative relations of events.

The consequence of events became:

1. The crisis of power led to a frequent change of rulers, which further aggravated the situation in the country and at the same time led to the creation of militia.

2. The development of the country's situation was becoming the creation of the first and second militia, the liberation of the country from the intervention, the conquest of freedom and independence.

Identities associated with this epoch

Personality Activity.
Bolotnikov Ivan (? - 1608) Runling slammer, leader of the uprising of 1606-1607. He managed to apply a number of serious defeats with the tsarist troops of Shuisky and settle Moscow. After the suppression of the uprising is exiled to a cartoor, where it was blinded and dried.
Hermogen1530-1612) Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1606. Supported militia against the Poles. Arrested in 1611, concluded in the miracles of the monastery. Canonized.
(1589-1605) Son Boris Godunova. Russian king in April-May 1605. Overthrown and killed together with the mother when approaching Moscow, Falgestmitriy 1.
Dmitry Ivanovich (1582-1591) Son of Ivan the Terrible and Mary Nagya. He lived with her mother in Uglich, received by inheritance. There are two versions of Dmitry's death: murder on the orders of Boris Godunova and random death during the seizure of Padoch's disease. Another version, he stayed alive, which was the cause of impostations.
Zarutsky Ivan (? - 1614) One of the leaders of the Cossack traffic during the period of Discharge. He headed the Cossacks during the rebellion of the Bolotnikov, supported Falseedmitria 2, one of the organizers of the first national militia in 1611. In 1611-1612 fought against the Poles, and against the militia. After the top of the Romanov left south. Tried to create bufferthe state (that is, a small, located between the two warring states), but was issued by the authorities and executed.
(30th century 16th century - June 1607) First Patriarch Moscow and All Russia from 1589, by the Don Monastery in 1591 refused to support Falsitria 1, was lowered and exiled. Subjected to persecution and at V.shui. Canonized.
Lhadmitriy 2 (Tushinsky Thief) (? - 1610) An impostor, I gave myself for Dmitry.1608 - an unsuccessful attempt to take Moscow, broke a military camp in Tushino. Secretly married Mnishek. They had a son Ivan. In 1610 fled to Kaluga, killed in 1610. His son was executed with Zarutsky I. in 1614
Lyapunov proof (? - 1611) In 1610, one of the active participants of the overthrow of V. Huysky, participated in the organization of the first militia in 1611. He headed the first Zemstvo government formed by the militia. Killed Cossacks Zarutsky I.
(Goat) (? - 1616) Nizhny Novgorod Starost, organizer of the national liberation struggle against the Polish intervention, one of the leaders of the second militia in 1611-1612. I gave all my state to organizing the militia and called on other donating funds. In the battles for Moscow showed personal courage. In 1612-1613, a member of the Zemstvo Government - "Council of All Earth". From 1613, a twin nobleman.
Mniek Marina (1588-1614) The daughter of the Polish magnate Yuri Mnishek, who was one of the organizers of the Intervention of Poland against Russia. The wife of both Lhadmitriev. She was hanged in 1614, herself died in Kolomna monastery.
Nagaya Marina (? - 1612) The seventh wife Ivan the Terrible, mother of Tsarevich Dmitry. In 1584, his son was sent to Uglich, after the death of the Son 1591, he was tonsured to the monks. In 1605, he recognized the Son in the Lhadmitria, then renounced. Then acknowledged Falseedmitria 2.
Dmitry Pozharsky (1578-1642) State and military leader, prince. Member of the first folk militia. Together with K. Minin was the organizer of the second militia, a participant in the temporary Zemsky government. In 1612-1618 headed the struggle with Polish interventory. Later was the chapter of some orders.
Skopin-Shuisky Mikhail (1586-1610) Prince, boyar, commander. Commanded with troops when suppressing the rebellion of the I. Bollinova. In 1610, at the head of the Russian-Swedish army liberated Moscow from the siege of the troops of Falsenedmitria 2.
Susanin Ivan (? -1613) Russian national hero. According to legend, in the winter of 1613, the Polish detachment was started in the swamp and died with him, but did not allow the Poles to reach Kostroma, where Mikhail Romanov hid.

Historical assessment of the importance of this period for the history of Russia

The troubled time in Russia - the period in which Russia experienced difficult times: the Dynasty of Rurikovich was ended, there was no legitimate king, who received the power, intervention, hunger, the impostor, the crisis of all parties of life, and the most important threat of the loss of independence. However, during this period, Russia made a common force for freedom, the people rose and overcame all the difficulties - expelled the hated enemies from Moscow, which means that he marked the beginning. Power - in unity. It was once again understood by the people of the country. It is not by chance that at present on November 4, it was the day of unity and consent to the memory of those distant years.

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

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