Reference material on social studies gia. Oge in social studies

Where to begin? 06.08.2020
Where to begin?

Social science. Preparation for the OGE-2016. 20 training options. Chernysheva O.A., Pazin R.V., Ushakov P.A.

R. on D .: 2015 .-- 288 p.

The new training manual of the Legion publishing house is intended to prepare for the OGE in social studies in 2016. By working through this book, students will acquire solid, informed and fundamental skills in completing all exam assignments in grade 9. The edition includes the following materials: 20 new training oGE optionscompiled in accordance with the draft demo version and specifications for 2016 from 08.21.2015 with answers; brief guidelines on completing tasks with a detailed answer (working with the text of a document, drawing up a text plan); a short dictionary of basic social science terms. The publication will be useful primarily to ninth-graders who are preparing to take the OGE in social studies, as well as teachers and methodologists. Parents will be able to use the book to monitor their children's readiness for the exam (the availability of answers contributes to this). A useful addition to the book is a pocket guide to social studies for grades 8-11, which contains in a concentrated form almost all the material of the course.

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Watch, download: 14 .12.2018, links removed at the request of the Legion publishing house (see note)

From the authors 3
Training options 7
Option 1 7
Option 2 18
Option 3 30
Option 4 41
Option 5 53
Option 6 64
Option 7 75
Option 8 86
Option 9 97
Option 10 108
Option 11 119
Option 12 130
Option 13 141
Option 14 152
Option 15 163
Option 16 175
Option 17 187
Option 18 198
Option 19 209
Option 20 221
233 responses
Option 1 233
Option 2 235
Option 3 237
Option 4 239
Option 5 241
Option 6 243
Option 7 245
Option 8 248
Option 9 250
Option 10 252
Option 11 254
Option 12 257
Option 13 259
Option 14 261
Option 15 263
Option 16 265
Option 17 268
Option 18 270
Option 19 272
Option 20 274
Glossary of Terms 277

In order to successfully pass the basic state exam (OGE) in social studies, you need to have a set of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Good exam preparation will give you a high score, and the book in your hand will help you with this. It will be not only easy for you to study with our manual, but also interesting. The main thing: to study regularly and in good faith, to fulfill all the teacher's tasks, to read more, to be interested in various events taking place in the economy, politics, and culture.
Many of you hope that personal social experience will help you answer most of the exam questions correctly. This is true, but only partially. Your life and social experience is still small, but you will have to interpret social phenomena and events, correlate them with the provisions of the basic social sciences - philosophy, economics, sociology, social psychology, political science and jurisprudence. The assignments in our manual cover all of these difficult questions.
We offer you 20 training options for test tasks, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version and the OGE specification dated 08.21.2015, published on the FIPI website (, and taking into account the experience of a real exam. The authors selected interesting texts, gave detailed answers to all questions, including the most difficult ones, and recommendations for drawing up a simple text plan and working with documents.

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The new training manual of the Legion publishing house is intended to prepare for the OGE in social studies in 2016. By working through this book, students will acquire strong, informed and fundamental skills in completing all exam assignments in grade 9.
The publication includes the following materials:
20 new training options for the OGE, compiled in accordance with the draft demo and specifications for 2016
from 08.21.2015 with answers;
brief methodological recommendations for performing tasks with a detailed answer (working with the text of a document, drawing up a text plan);
a short dictionary of basic social science terms.
The publication will be useful primarily for ninth-graders who
are preparing to take the OGE in social studies, as well as teachers and methodologists. Parents will be able to use the book to monitor their children's readiness for the exam (the availability of answers contributes to this).
A useful addition to the book is a pocket guide to social studies for grades 8-11, which contains in a concentrated form almost all of the course material.

The district court heard the claim for the division of property between the heirs. The basis for making a decision by the judge will be
1) Civil Code
2) Administrative Code
3) Family Code
4) Criminal Code

Are the following judgments about society correct?
A. Man in his essence is a biosocial being.
B. Man is a part of nature and is inextricably linked with society.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong

People who make up a society and live within the framework of their culture turn to the cultural heritage of their ancestors. What is the function of culture in this?
1) safety function
2) fixture function
3) predictive
4) communicative

From the authors
Training options
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
Option 17
Option 18
Option 19
Option 20
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
Option 17
Option 18
Option 19
Option 20
Glossary of terms.

  • Social Studies, Grade 9, Preparation for GIA 2014, Chernysheva O.A., Pazin R.V., Ushakov P.A., 2013
  • GIA, Social Studies, Grade 9, Thematic tests, Chernysheva O.A., Pazin O.A., 2012
  • Social studies, Large collection of thematic tasks to prepare for the main state exam, Baranov P.A., 2018
  • OGE 2019, Social studies, grade 9, 40 options, Typical test tasks, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Koval T.V., Rutkovskaya E.L., Kalacheva E.N.

We present to your attention the section on preparation for the OGE in Social Science. This subject is the third most popular after the mandatory and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to provide you with the most useful and necessary material for each assignment with detailed explanations and theory. We are sure that this section will help you pass the social studies exam in the 9th grade perfectly!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with short the answer. The second part - 6 tasks with deployed the answer.

For the performance of the examination work in social studies, 3 hours (180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written in the form of one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are written as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 assignments to it. To complete these tasks, you must:

  • select the desired information from the text
  • disclose (including by examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate information from the text with the knowledge gained during the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and substantiate their own opinion.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are recorded on a separate sheet. When completing assignments can use a draft. Draft entries are not included in the evaluation of the work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

Brief theory for the successful completion of tasks (recommended reading before parsing options).

Topic 1. Society as a special part of the world. Systemic structure of society

1) In the broad sense of the word, society - this is a part of the material world that is isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, consisting of ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.

2) In the narrow sense of the word, society:

a) K friends of people united by a common goal, interests, origin(for example, a society of numismatists, a noble assembly);

b) C trana, state, region(for example, modern Russian society, French society);

in and historical stage in the development of mankind(feudal society, capitalist society);

d) H humanity in general

Basic concept: society - a complexly organized self-developing open system that includes individual individuals and social communities united by cooperative, coordinated connections and processes of self-regulation, self-structuring and self-reproduction.

Society functions:

    Production of material goods and services

    Distribution of products of labor (activity)

    Regulation and management of activities and behavior

    Human reproduction and socialization

    Spiritual production and regulation of human activity

The essence of society lies not in people themselves, but in the relationships in which they enter with each other in the course of their life. Consequently, society - there is a set of social relations.

Society is also characterized as dynamicself-developing system ( a system that able, seriously changing, to maintain at the same time its essence and qualitative certainty).

System - complex of interacting elements

Element is some further indecomposable component system that takes direct participation in its creation).

Subsystems these are intermediate complexes, more complex than the elements, but less complex than the system itself.

To analyze complex systems like society, the concept subsystem .

Certain groups of social relations form subsystems. The main subsystems of society are considered to bespheres of public life.

The main spheres of public life:

The basis for delineating the spheres of public life are basic human needs.

The division into four spheres of public life is arbitrary. Other spheres can also be named: science, artistic and creative activity, racial, ethnic, national relations. However, these four areas are traditionally distinguished as the most general and significant.

Topic2. Society and nature


TOPIC 3. Social institutions

Social Institute - it is a historically established, stable form of organizing the joint activities of people performing certain functions in society, the main of which is the satisfaction of social needs.

Each social institution is characterized by the presencegoals of actionand specificfunctions,ensuring its achievement.

There are dozens of social institutions in modern society, among which the key ones can be distinguished.

Functions of social institutions:

They organize human activity by establishing patterns of people's behavior in various spheres of social life (school, includes the roles of teacher and student). Some of the most important norms are enshrined in legislation, others are supported by traditions, customs, public opinion;

They include a system of sanctions - from legal to moral and ethical;

They order, coordinate many individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character;

Provide standard behavior for people in typical social situations.

the double standard of social relations - threatens the stability of society. The situation is even more dangerous when, along with official institutions,shadow institutions,which take on the function of regulating the most important social relations (for example, criminal structures).

Social institutions define society as a whole.

Any social transformations are carried out through changes in social institutions.

Topic 4. Multivariance of social development.

Typology of societies

Social development can be reformist

or revolutionary.

Reforms can take place in all spheres of public life.


Economic - transformation of the economic mechanism: forms, methods, levers and organization of management of the country's economy (privatization, bankruptcy law, antimonopoly laws, etc.)

Social - transformations, changes, reorganization of any aspects of social life that do not destroy the foundations of the social system (these reforms are directly related to people)

Political - changes in the political sphere of public life (changes in the Constitution, the electoral system, the expansion of civil rights, etc.)

It should be recognized that both reform and revolutiontreat already neglected disease, while constant and possibly early prevention is needed. Therefore, in modern social science, the emphasis is shifted from the dilemmareform -revolution onreform - innovation.

Innovation - an ordinary, one-time improvement associated with an increase in the adaptive capabilities of a social organism in these conditions.

In modern sociology, social development is associated with the process of modernization.

Modernization - it is a process of transition from a traditional, agrarian society to modern, industrial societies.

Classical modernization theories described the so-calledprimary modernization, which historically coincided with the development of Western capitalism. Later modernization theories characterize it through conceptssecondary, orcatching up modernization. It is carried out in the conditions of existencesample, for example, in the form of the Western European liberal model, such modernization is often understood as Westernization, that is, the process of direct borrowing or planting. In fact, this modernization is a worldwide process of displacement of local, local types of cultures and social organization.universal (Western) forms of modernity.

Classifications (typologies)society:

1) pre-written and written,

2) simple andcomplex (the criterion in this typology is the number of levels of society management, as well as the degree of its differentiation: in simple societies there are no leaders and subordinates, rich and poor, in complex societies there are several levels of government and several social strata of the population, located from top to bottom in decreasing order income);

3) primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, communist society(the formation feature acts as a criterion in this typology);

4) developed, developing, backward (the level of development acts as a criterion in this typology);

5)traditional (pre-industrial), industrial, post-industrial (informational)

Formational and civilizational approaches

to the study of society

The most common approaches to the analysis of social development in Russian historical and philosophical science are formational and civilizational. The first of them belongs to the Marxist school of social science, the founders of which were the German economists, sociologists and philosophers K. Marx (1818-1883) and F. Engels (1820-1895). The key concept of this school of social science is the categorysocio-economic formation.

Despite the relative independence,the type of superstructure is determined by the nature of the basis.He represents the basis of the formation, determining the belonging of this or that society.

The productive forces are a dynamic, constantly evolving element of the mode of production, while the relations of production are static and inert, not changing for centuries. At a certain stage, a conflict arises between the productive forces and production relations, which is resolved in the course of a social revolution, the breaking of the old basis and the transition to a new stage of social development, to a new socio-economic formation. Old relations of production are replaced by new ones, which open up scope for the development of productive forces. Thus, Marxism understands social development as a natural, objectively conditioned, natural-historical change of socio-historical formations:

The key concept of the civilizational approach to the analysis of social development is the concept of "civilization", which has many interpretations:

Any civilization is characterized not so much by a production basis as by its specificlifestyle, value system, vision and ways relationship with the outside world.

In the modern theory of civilization, there are two

Various researchers distinguish many local civilizations (for example, the English historian, sociologist, diplomat, public figure A. Toynbee (1889 - 1975) counted 21 civilizations in the history of mankind), which may coincide with the borders of states (Chinese civilization) or cover several countries (ancient , western). Usually, the whole variety of local civilizations is divided into two large groups - westernand eastern.

In this way, formationconcentrates attention on the universal, general, repetitive,and civilization - on the local-regional, unique, peculiar.

TOPIC 5. The concept of socialprogress

Progress- this is development, from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect.

Humanity as a whole has never regressed, but its forward movement could be delayed and even stopped for a while, as they saystagnation.(stagnation is a decrease or partial stop of progress in society)

The concept of progress in modern conditions is increasingly being transformed towards enriching it with humanistic parameters and characteristics. The development of a person in his spiritual and physical dimensions, awareness of the intrinsic value of human existence, the creation of favorable conditions for a person - this is the progress of modern society.


    average life expectancy of a person.

    the level of education.

    development of culture.

    degree of respect for human rights.

    attitude to nature, etc.

Topic 6. Processes of globalization and the formation of a single humanity

Globalization- the process of integration of states and peoples in different areas of activity.

Globalization is a process during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states increases.

The formation of a global economy gives rise to the interdependence of the economies of individual states. The success or crisis of countries is having a tangible impact around the world. Power turns out to be powerless in front of global processes. This prompts the unification of efforts of different countries to address socio-economic and political issues, for example, the expanding European Economic Community.

Consequences of the globalization process

Training tasks Part 1 (A)

A 1. Definition: ≪The sphere of human existence, deployed in space and developing in time, the environment and the product of human activity ≫ refers to the concept

1) formation 2) society 3) state 4) culture

A 2.Which feature characterizes society as a system?

1) constant development 2) part of the material world

3) isolation from nature 4) ways of interaction between people

A 3. Are the following judgments about society correct?

A. Society is the population of the Earth, the totality of all peoples.

B. Society is a specific group of people united for communication, joint activities, mutual assistance and support for each other.

A 4. The concept ≪ society ≫ includes

1) the world 2) natural habitat

3) ways of interaction of people 4) maintaining a connection with nature

A 5. Are the following judgments about the interaction of nature and society true?

A. Starting from a certain level of production development, society gets rid of direct dependence on climatic factors.

B. The influence of natural conditions on the life of society is decisive and will remain so.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 6. The concepts "nation", "ethnos" are

1) to the economic sphere 2) to the social sphere

3) to the political sphere 4) to the spiritual sphere

A 7.The concepts "property", "production", "exchange" refer to

1) to the economic sphere 3) to the political sphere

2) to the social sphere 4) to spiritual realm

A 8. Are the following judgments about the main spheres of social life correct?

A. The main spheres of society are quite autonomous and at the same time inextricably linked.

B. Changes in one area of \u200b\u200bsocial life do not affect other areas and society as a whole.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 9. The elements of the spiritual sphere of social life include

1) classes, social groups 2) political parties

3) morality 4) labor

A 10. Definition: ≪Directional development, which is characterized by the transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect≫ refers to the concept

    Stagnation 3) Progress

    Regression 4) Modernization

A 11. Are the following judgments about the criteria of social progress correct?

A. The criterion of social progress can be the level of development of the productive forces.

B. The criterion of social progress can be the level of development of social institutions, including science and culture.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 12. A characteristic feature of regression in society is

1) transition from lower to higher

2) moving back to less perfect

3) transition from simple to complex

4) moving forward to a more perfect

A 13. Are the following judgments about public


A. Progress in one area of \u200b\u200bsocial life may be accompanied by regression in another.

B. Social progress can be graphically depicted as a rising broken line.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 14.Definition: ≪The process of transition from a traditional, agrarian society to modern, industrial societies≫ refers to the concept

1) stagnation 2) progress

3) regression 4) modernization

A 15. Are the following judgments about the essence of the revolution correct?

A. A revolution is a change (transformation, reorganization) of any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure.

B. A revolution is a gradual transition of society from one state to another.

A 16.Definition: "A radical qualitative revolution in the entire socio-economic and political structure of society" refers to the concept

1) counter-revolution 3) revolution

2) reform 4) counter-reform

A 17.Are the following judgments about reforms correct?

A. Reforms can take place in all spheres of public life.

B. Reforms can change social systems or types of economic activity.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 18. A characteristic feature of evolutionary changes in the life of society is (are)

1) regressive orientation 2) revolutionary changes

3) gradual processes 4) abrupt changes

A 19.Are the following judgments about industrial society correct?

A. Industrial society is characterized by machine production, conveyor belt, standardization, scientific organization of labor.

B. An industrial society is politically characterized by a despotic regime.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 20. What is the sign of post-industrial society?

1) the development of individualized consciousness

2) the emergence and leadership of mass culture

3) the presence of a homogeneous culture

4) the prevalence of oral transmission of information

A 21.Are the following judgments about traditional society correct?

A. In traditional society, individualism prevails, and the value of a person lies in himself.

B. In a traditional society, people seek to dominate nature, subjugating it and extracting the maximum possible benefit from it.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A 22.Socio-economic formation is

1) a certain type of economic system

2) the form of existence of society

3) a certain type of society, taken in the unity of all its aspects and spheres

4) a set of manifestations of culture as such

A 23. Are the following judgments about the formational approach to the analysis of social development correct?

A. The formation approach allows us to see what was common in the historical development of various peoples.

B. Formation approach puts the human and his activities at the center of research.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 24.Definition: ≪A set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from another ≫ refers to the concept

1) society 2) culture

3) formation 4) civilization

A 25. Are the following judgments about the essence of the concept of "civilization" correct?

A. Civilization is the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism.

B. Civilization is a state of society that recognizes the values \u200b\u200bof peace, economic prosperity, freedom, law.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 26... Are the following judgments about the civilizational approach to the analysis of social development correct?

A. The civilizational approach allows a deep study of the history of specific societies and peoples in all their diversity.

B. The civilizational approach puts man and his activity at the center of the study.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 27. The structure of civilization includes the following element

1) industrial relations

2) culture as a set of social values

3) production method

4) the state as a system of domination of the minority over the majority

A 28. The structure of the socio-economic formation includes the following element

1) social productive forces

2) way of communication

3) the state as a system of managing the affairs of society

4) industrial relations

A 29.Are the following judgments about the causes of global problems true?

A. The reason for the emergence of global problems lies in the unprecedented flourishing of productive forces, as a result of which the technogenic load on the Earth has increased sharply.

B. The reason for the emergence of global problems is that the person was not intelligent enough to foresee in time the harmful consequences of technical influence.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

A 30. The global problems of our time include

1) the problem of war and peace

2) the problem of religious conflicts

3) the problem of the development of trade relations

4) the problem of the development of the CIS countries

A 31. Are the following judgments about the global problems of our time correct?

A. Global problems are generated by the activities of one country or group of countries.

B. Global problems threaten the existence of all mankind, the foundations of life on Earth.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 32. The global problems of our time include (are)

1) energy problem

2) the problem of subsoil development in the countries of the East and Latin America

3) the problem of interaction between Russia and the West

4) all of the above

A 33. Are the following judgments about sociology correct?

A. Sociology is the science of society as holistic system.

B. Sociology is a science that studies the history and laws of the emergence of state and law.

1) only A is true 3) both statements are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

A 34. Relationships between people established in

the process of their joint practical and spiritual activities,

are called

1) economic 3) public

2) civilizational 4) political

A 35. The concept of a social institution does not include

1) school 2) marriage 3) army 4) friendship

Part 2 (B)

When completing the tasks in this part, write down your answer in answer form number 1 next to the task number (B l - B6), starting from the first box. The answer must be given in the form of a word (phrase), a sequence of letters or numbers without spaces and punctuation marks. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the given samples.

IN 1. Write down the word missing in the outline.

1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of ≪ progres.

Social reform; stagnation; social revolution; social development; modernization.


2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "civilization".

Social evolution as the main form of movement; social productive forces; the class, bipolar structure of society; culture as a set of social values; way of communication.

Find and specify a term not related to the concept

≪ civilization ≫.

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "spiritual social relations".

Political relations; religious relations; relations of production; legal relations; philosophical relationships.

Find and specify a term not related to the concept

“Spiritual social relations”.

1. Establish a correspondence between the types of society and their main features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) traditional society

2) industrial society

A) high social mobility

B) despotic state

B) indivisibility of administrative power

D) recognition of democratic rights

and personal freedoms

E) the inclusion of everyone in the team

2. Establish a correspondence between the main spheres of society and their institutions (organizations): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) parliament

B) health care system

B) public organizations

D) government

E) utilities


1) social sphere

2) the political sphere

3. Establish a correspondence between the two forms of social progress and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



1) reform

2) revolution


A) destruction of the foundations of the existing social order

B) active political action of the masses

B) purposeful transformation of any side of public life

D) the presence of a goal to transfer the leadership of society into the hands of a new class

D) preserving the fundamental foundations of the existing system

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces and any symbols).

1. Find specific features of society in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) self-sufficiency

2) predictability

3) static

4) dynamism

5) linearity

6) complex organization

2. Find the global problems of our time in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the problem of education of the masses

2) demographic problem

3) food problem

4) trade problem

5) the problem of using space

6) scientific problem

Write the circled numbers in ascending order. Answer:.

3. Find the characteristics of an industrial society in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) subordination of society to the state

2) preservation of class privileges

3) the relationship between the individual and society is built on the basis of mutual responsibility

4) the main regulator of social life - traditions, customs

5) radical changes in the entire social structure

6) rationalizing spiritual life

Write the circled numbers in ascending order. Answer:.


(1) Society is a product of the aggregate activity of many people. (2) According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, only people are able to voluntarily and consciously unite in a society, which makes a person a "political animal". (3) As a way of human existence, society must perform a set of specific functions, for the implementation of which appropriate organizations (institutions) and relations are formed. (4) In our opinion, one of the most pressing problems of our time, on the solution of which the future of mankind depends, is the problem of the relationship between society and nature.

A) factual nature

2. Read the text below, each position is numbered.

(1) Humanity as a whole, in our opinion, has never regressed, but its movement forward could be delayed and even stopped for a while. (2) French philosopher and educator J-A. Condorcet recognized social progress, considering it a criterion for the development of reason. (3) Progress goes in many directions in all areas of human activity and at the same time it has side effects, unpleasant, negative consequences. (4) It is believed that the concept of progress in modern conditions is increasingly being transformed towards enriching it with humanistic characteristics.

Determine which positions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Write a letter under the position number indicating its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

3. Read the text below, each clause

which is numbered.

(1) Reform is any degree of improvement in any area of \u200b\u200blife, carried out simultaneously, through a series of gradual transformations that do not affect the fundamental foundations. (2) According to most researchers, reforms can be both progressive and regressive (reactionary). (3) From the point of view of Soviet historical science, since reforms are always carried out “from above” by forces that already have power and do not want to part with it, then the results of reforms are always lower than expected. (4) However, the degree of reformatory transformations, in our opinion, can be very significant, even change the social order.

Determine which positions of the text are:

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Write a letter under the position number indicating its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.


≪The concepts industrial society≫ and industrial __________ (1) ≫ can be used interchangeably. The French philosopher and sociologist R. Aron describes the process of the progressive development of society as a transition from a backward agrarian "traditional" society, in which natural ____________ (2) and class _____________ (3) dominate, to an advanced, industrially developed "industrial society". From the point of view of the supporters of this theory, it is the characteristics of large ________________ (4) that determine ____________ (5) in all other ____________ (6) public life≫.

A) sphere B) state

B) economy D) consciousness

E) process E) revolution

G) industry 3) civilization

I) hierarchy

2. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

≪ _________________ (1) French enlighteners saw progress in the development of human _______________ (2), in the spread of ______________ (3). Such an optimistic view of history changed in the 10th century. more complex representations. So, Marxism saw progress in the transition from one socio-economic __________________ (4) to another, higher one. Some sociologists considered the essence of progress to be the complication of social ______________ (5), the growth of social heterogeneity. In modern sociology, historical progress is associated with the process of ______________ (6), that is, the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one, and then to a post-industrial one.

The words in the list are given in the nominative, singular. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) stabilization

B) modernization

B) r a z u m

D) formation

D) education

E) criterion

G) civilization

I) structure

3. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

≪Historical _____________ (1) stretched over millennia and considers different stages of the development of human society up to the present day. It is integrated into social ____________ (2), which are its integral essence: ______________ (3) people (individuals, social groups), human products ____________ (4) (material, spiritual), judgments, statements (theories, ideas, concepts). It is based on ____________ (5), that is, certain past or passing facts or phenomena of public life. It is in them that economic, social, political and cultural ties and ________________ (6) ≫ are embodied.

The words in the list are given in the nominative, singular. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) attitude I) structure B) progress

B) factor D) process E) experience

F) action G) event 3) activity

The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

Part3 (FROM)

For answers to the tasks in this part (CI - C8), use answer form No. 2. Write down first the task number (C1, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Read the text and complete tasks CI - C4.

≪Society is a very complex social organism and it is impossible to evaluate it in a one-dimensional coordinate system. It is necessary to use a group, a set of criteria, each of which would modify the leading (main, decisive) criterion in relation to different periods of human history and to individual spheres of society.

It should be borne in mind that in publications on this topic, social progress and social progress are usually considered synonymous. Meanwhile, they are not identical, as are the relationships associated with them. Social relationships are only part of social relationships. Consequently, social progress includes progressive changes in both the social sphere itself (relations between classes, intraclass changes, relations between town and country, physical and mental labor, the development of the social-class structure of society and the political superstructure), and beyond: production (economic), ideological, foreign policy and other relations. This means that the criteria of social progress must capture broader phenomena and processes than social ones themselves.

In order for the general sociological criterion of progress to be established, it is also required to determine the area of \u200b\u200bsocial life, which would have no alternative. This means that such an area cannot be eliminated in any society or in any historical epoch.

The eye should be a single common feature, an indispensable property for any society, and a fundamental, decisive area, without which its existence and development is impossible. Another requirement for it: the continuity of functioning, which ensures the continuity of society, and therefore the objective possibility of comparison, comparison of levels of development≫ (Migolatiev A.A.Social progress and regression: philosophical aspect // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2004, No. 3. S. 81-82).

C1. How can one objectively evaluate a particular society? What is the reason for this way of assessing it?

C2. Based on the text, indicate how the concepts of "social progress" and "social progress" differ. Which one is broader in content?

SZ. Indicate the enduring, eternal factors ("the area of \u200b\u200bpublic life, which would have no alternative character") of the existence of society, its evolution?

C4. Formulate a general criterion for social progress in the conditions of modern civilization. Expand its social meaning.

1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "institutions of society"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about the institutions of society.

2. Name two reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time.

3. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "civilization". Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about civilization.

1. Expand on two examples the relationship between nature and society.

2. Illustrate with three examples the relationship of problems related to the widening gap between developed countries and countries of the Third World, with the problem of preventing a new world war.

3. Expand on three examples the characteristics of society as a system.

1. Get acquainted with the statement of the Russian-American sociologist P. Sorokin: ≪Each subsequent generation becomes the inevitable heir of the previous one. The life, fate and activities of each generation are predetermined by the life and activities of previous generations ... Each subsequent generation is bound by an indissoluble chain with the previous one. It may die, but it is powerless to break this chain цепь.

What is the significance of the experience of previous generations in the life of modern society? There have been tragic events in history that interrupted the connection between generations, giving rise to the "vais who do not remember kinship". Can this serve as an argument against the conclusion of P. Sorokin about the "indissoluble chain" of generations? Justify your position.

2. When characterizing the global problems of our time, one has to hear the opinion that humanity is coming to its end, people do not have the strength to save themselves, the doom of the world community is proclaimed. What are the three most important signs of global problems? Do you agree with the above opinion? Argument your position.

3. One author of a history textbook argued that when covering the historical process, the center of gravity should be shifted from studying economic history to studying the history of culture and spiritual life. It is necessary to reveal the specific way of development of human society, reflected in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and spiritual values, in the aggregate of people's relations to nature, among themselves and to themselves.

What approach to the analysis of the historical process did the author of the textbook suggest using? State two advantages and two disadvantages of this approach.

C8. State your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the issues raised in the statements below. Provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.

In carrying out the assignment, use the knowledge gained in the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

1. “Nature creates a person, but develops and forms his society” (V. Belinsky).

2. "Society is created by moral principles" (F. Dostoevsky).

3. "Regression took place as often as progress" (G. Spencer).

4. "Any reform, except moral, is useless" (T. Carlyle).

5. “Revolution is a barbaric way of progress” (J. Jaures).

6. "Culture is the soul of mankind, civilization is its body" (G. Matyushov).


1. Purpose of CMM for OGE - to assess the level of general education in social studies of graduates of the 9th grade of general education organizations for the purpose of the state final certification of graduates. The results of the exam can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes.

The OGE is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to the selection of content, development of the structure of CMM

The model of the exam work of the OGE reflects the integral nature of the subject: in the aggregate, the tasks cover the main content lines of the social science course, the basic provisions of various areas of scientific social science.

The objects of control are didactic units of knowledge and requirements for the formation of skills, enshrined in the Federal component of the state educational standard. This is a wide range of subject skills, methods of cognitive activity and knowledge about society in the unity of its spheres and basic institutions, about the social qualities of an individual and about the conditions for their formation, about the most important economic phenomena and processes, about politics, law, social relations, and the spiritual life of society.

KIM tasks for the OGE differ in form and level of complexity, which is determined by the way of cognitive activity necessary to complete the task. The performance of CMM tasks involves the implementation of such intellectual actions as recognition, reproduction and extraction of information, classification, systematization, comparison, specification, application of knowledge (according to a model or in a new context), explanation, argumentation, assessment, etc. , in contrast to the basic ones, suggest a more complex, usually complex in nature, cognitive activity.

The specificity of the subject and social and humanitarian knowledge as a whole is also taken into account when selecting the sources of information used in the examination work. These are, as a rule, the results of sociological research, adapted texts from publications of a popular scientific, socio-philosophical nature, extracts from legal acts. For tasks to distinguish between judgments that reflect facts and evaluative statements, small texts are constructed, in style close to the information messages of the media.

4. The relationship of the exam model of the OGE with the KIM of the exam

A number of tasks of the OGE examination model are similar in type tasks of the exam... This approach seems to be quite justified, since the list of skills being formed, the basic components of content in the primary and high school are largely the same. In addition, this approach allows, taking into account the role of the state final attestation of secondary school graduates in the emerging all-Russian system of assessing the quality of education, to ensure the continuity of the two stages of state final attestation.

At the same time, when developing the CIM for the OGE, the cognitive capabilities of students of the basic school, the volume and nature of the educational content presented to them in the subject were taken into account. This predetermined the features of the exam model of the OGE. The most significant differences from the KIM USE have part 2 of the examination work, which is not only an independent, but also an internally holistic section: all six tasks of different type here are directly related to a specially selected text that illuminates a certain side of social reality.

5. Characteristics of the CMM structure

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 tasks with a short answer, part 2 contains 6 tasks with a detailed answer.

For each task 1-20 of the work, four answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the student wrote down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered unfulfilled in the following cases: a) the number of the wrong answer is recorded; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the answer number is not recorded.

In tasks 21-25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces and separating symbols.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are independently formulated and recorded by the examinee in a detailed form. Their implementation is checked by experts on the basis of a specially developed system of criteria.

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