Will pay off who will be a boy or a girl online. Fortune telling who will be born? Numerology - Magic numbers

Stoves, fireplaces 13.12.2020
Stoves, fireplaces

Undoubtedly, all parents in early pregnancy want someone to predict the sex of the future kid, find out, a girl or boy will be born.

Someone wants to test their feelings. Someone just checks out of curiosity what folk Methods The definitions of the gender of the baby will eventually be effective. Someone wants to quickly decide on the purchase of dowry or furniture in the nursery.

Previously, exact learn half of the child before birth did not exist. Now you know the girl or boy will be born, you can simply just before the middle of the pregnancy with the help of medical methods.

So there are no problems. But I want to know before!

We all heard or more degrees or faced with the signs or folk methods for determining the gentle of the baby in the early pregnancy.

For example, it is believed that a woman who carries a girl shares with her beauty, so the skin and hair future mom "Spoil." There are other well-known folk signs.

Should I believe these signs? How accurate is the forecast made with their help?

In today's article will we are talking About folk methods to find out, a girl or boy will be born. And also about what medicine it provides opportunities to determine, boy or girl will be born in a couple.

Medical capabilities

Let's start with the ultrasound, as it is it that almost with 100 percent accuracy helps to determine the gender of the baby.

All familiar ultrasound procedure differs simultaneously with accuracy and availability. The disadvantage - the definition of the sex of the child is impossible in the early deadlines. Only about the 14-15 week of pregnancy, a specialist can determine the boy or a girl is in her mother's belly.

I am not in vain above used the word "almost". Not always, that is, not at any time of the examination, with the help of ultrasound, you can accurately determine the floor of the future child.

It depends on the posture in which the child is located. It happens that he simply hides (sits in Turkish) or turns away. Depends the accuracy of determining the period of pregnancy, from the qualification of the doctor, from the quality of the ultrasound-apparatus itself.

Test for the definition of the floor of the future child

There are two types of tests for determining the gender of the baby sold in the pharmacy. This is a test strip "GenderMarker" and the test spin test system.

The test can be used from the 9th week of pregnancy. The effect of such tests is based on the reaction of the fetus hormones contained in the urine of mothers and chemical test reagents.

When using "Testpol" in a tank with a reagent, you must add the urine of the future mommy. As a result, the reaction of the relief of the fetus hormones occurs. Watering is painted in a certain color. Orange spectrum suggests that a baby is a girl - a girl, and green testifies to the development of the male fetus.

GENDERMARKER test strip has a slightly different principle of determining the floor of the future child. After contact with the urine, the indicator part of the test strip also changes the color. But the colors are different here. Pink color Indicates that the girl develops, and blue - that a woman awaits a boy.

A large plus of such tests is that they can be carried out at home. To find out, a boy or girl will be born, you don't need a lot of time. Processor takes 5-10 minutes.

Tests are not ivazivna. To determine only urine (Morning!). The accuracy of the definition is about 94%.


Amniocentesis is one of the methods of prenatal diagnosis of diseases of the future child. The method is used in suspected genetic mutations in case of poor heredity of the child's parents.

During this procedure, a puncture of the abdominal wall of the abdomen, the walls of the uterus, the fetal shells are made. That is, it is the puncture of the cavity of the fetal bubble.

Through the puncture, an amniotic fluid is taken, which is then subjected to a genetic study. This method allows you to determine the child's gender with an accuracy of 99%.

Amniocentesis - the procedure invasive and unsafe, is carried out in exceptional cases. Only for the definition of sex does not make it.


Similar to amniocentesis, this procedure is carried out according to strict indications for identifying likely infectious or genetic diseases of the fetus. For analysis, the fetus cord blood is taken through the proclaim.

If this method is shown and carried out for any reason, then parents can learn half a child with 100% accuracy.

DNA study

The method can be applied from 6 weeks of pregnancy. Gives a high-precision result. A special DNA test allows you to detect Fruit DNA fragments in the venous blood of the mother and evaluate the set of chromosomes.

Most often, such a test of the mother's blood is carried out according to the testimony. For example, in case, at the stage of the prenatal diagnostics, the specialist detected deviations during ultrasound screening.

The method is very expensive. Only for the definition of sex is also not done.

Egg cell is a female sex cage. It carries always only one sex chromosome (always alone, and only x-chromosome).

Sperm - men's sexed cells. Each of them also carries one gender chromosome. But it can be either X-chromosome, or Y-chromosome. That is, spermatozoa can be of two types: bearing x-chromosome and carrier y-chromosomes.

If when connecting a sperm with an egg, a set of germ chromosomes XX is a girl. If after merging the spermatozoa with an egg, a set of genital chromosomes Hy is a boy.

There is a Microsort technique that allows you to selectively cut off spermatozoa carriers, for example, X-chromosomes (if parents want a girl) using proton laser sorting.

The material thus obtained using artificial insemination is introduced into the uterus, where the egg fence occurs. There is a planned conception of a child of a certain gender.

It has been proven that spermatozoids with the X-chromosome live longer than with the Y-chromosome. It is probably why the technique is triggered in 90% of cases for girls and only in 70% of cases for boys.

Considering that the probability of conception of a boy or a girl without extraneous interventions is 50%, the question arises: whether the use of such complex expensive methods is justified if 100% result is provided.

Calculation by the date of conception

There is an opportunity to calculate the floor of the future child by the date of conception. This method works when a woman has a regular cycle and is it possible to calculate the exact day of ovulation. The method is based on the differences in the properties and life expectancy of spermatozoa, bearing x or y-chromosome.

Sperm with X-chromosome (female) is less advanced. But it is able to exist a longer period of time (up to 4 days) compared with a more movable Y-sperm.

If the proximity occurred before the onset of ovulation, the egg cell is likely to rain spermatozoa with a X chromosome. Then the pair will be the heir.

If the contact was directly on the day of ovulation, then in fertilization, most likely, a more "smart" spermatozoa with Y-chromosome will take part. Then the heir will be born.

Calculations, tables, folk signs, fortune telling to determine the sex of the child ...

Preparing for writing this article, I "reap" a lot of information, including in paper books and on the Internet. It came to think that in order to estimate the accuracy of predictions, you need to hold a mini-polling of familiar about the effectiveness of calculations, formulas, calendars and will take.

I cite below the most effective and effective unscientific techniques that will help determine, a boy or a girl will be born.

In the comments, you can bring your examples of coincidence or incompatience. So it will be interesting in doubly.

A very popular method of determining the floor of the future child is the calculation of the Chinese calendar. The calculation is carried out on a special table.

No scientific substantiation does not have this method. It was based on the observation and the centuries-old practical experience of the Chinese people.

How to use the table?

It is necessary to know the month of birth of a pregnant woman, as well as the month of conception of the baby. In the table, it is necessary to find the corresponding cells, at the place of intersection of the column of the age and line of the month of the conception, see the estimated gender of the fetus.

Many couples talk about the high efficiency of the Chinese table. Data in many sources of 90% accuracy are given.

The first association that occurs with me when applying this table: how to be with the month of birth mom, if she was born prematurely. What month to take: when did she have to be born in terms of conception or when was it really born? The difference can be large enough.

It raises misunderstanding, as can the date of birth of the mother can determine the child with great accuracy. After all, in fact, nothing depends on the mother here. The sex of the child is determined exclusively spermatozoa father. What spermatozoa containing x or y-chromosoma will be more active, such a result and get.

Do not forget about the difference in the biological and psychological features of the persons of the Mongoloid and Caucasian race.

By the way, the floor of my children does not help me to predict.

Nevertheless, many couples who want to plan the baby's gender are resorting to this table. And for God's sake. There is nothing wrong with that. As they say, it will not help - it does not hurt.

To increase the likelihood of the desired result, choose this table for this table (better for several months in a row), during which at a certain age it is most likely to conceive, for example, a boy. That is, if a woman is 23 years old and she wants to give birth to a boy, it is better not to choose July, and September-November.


There are many formulas for which parents are trying to calculate and predict the sex of the child.

The gynecologist at one time suggested to me this formula: the month of the last menstruation (number) + the age of the mother at the time of conception. If an even number, then wait for the girl. If an odd number is a boy.

Another proven formula that this time takes into account the age of the father. 49 - a + 1 + in + 3, where a is the age of the father at the time of conception, and B is a month of conception. If after the calculations it turned out an even number, it is worth expecting a boy, an odd - girl.

On a note! My little study showed that these formulas gave more coincidences at my familiar family couples than the Chinese table.

Blood Update Calculations

I will give another option for determining the sex of the child to update the blood of parents, which is calculated from the date of birth.

In women, blood is updated more often than in men - every three years. This is due to menstruation.

In men, the full blood update takes place every four years.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that blood loss during injury, operation or blood transfusion leads to an extraordinary blood update.

After counting, the result is interpreted by this - whose blood "newer" at the time of conception, that sex will be a child.

I will give an example: dad 28 years old, and mom is 25 years old, it turns out 28/4 \u003d 7 and 25/3 \u003d 8.3. Consequently, the father has a blood renewed 7 times, and the last update ended just. The mother's blood has been updated 8 times, and a year ago (in 24 years) a new update process began. This means that at the time of conception of the blood of the father "newer". Parents most likely will start a boy.

The method is also probability that does not guarantee accuracy.

Calculations for this formula involve the alternation of intercolties. But each of us has examples in memory, when the couple has conceived practically every year for several years, and at the same time children of one sex are born.

There are also folk signs that conventionally can allow to calculate the floor of the future child. As a rule, they are based on assumptions defined observations and coincidences. They also do not guarantee accuracy. But it is still curious to familiarize themselves with them.

I will give these signs in the form of a table

Neat slightly pointed belly, which is not visible from the back (it is not blown around, but is issued forward, the waist is saved).With increasing belly, the waist disappears, unattractive sides appear, the tummy has the right round shape.
Dry skin of a pregnant woman, prone to peeling.There are rashes on the face, pigmentation on the skin.
The hair on the head grows quickly, becoming thick and shiny.The hair on the head became dull and much falls out.
There were many unwanted vegetation on the body (due to the development of male sex hormones).Hair growth slowed down, the cells of the hair disappear.
The tip of the nose and cheekbones sharpened.The features of the face became less clear.
Clumsy, heavy gait (pregnant woman often gets cold).Light gait and graceful movements.
The belly opens more on the right, the child is more on the right side.The child is longer in the left half of the abdomen.
I want salted, sharp, acidic, more protein food.I want sweet, fruit, more carvous food.
Prevailing good, calm mood.Mood swings, whims, nerves.

Test these signs on yourself or analyze the experience of acquaintances, appreciate how to trust them.

Divination and superstition

  1. Try to hang the wedding ring on a thread over the belly of a pregnant woman. Rocking from side aside, like a pendulum, says a boy growing in his stomach. If the ring is spinning in a circle - wait for the girl.
  2. If unfamiliar little boys are interested in the belly of the future mommy, then the little princess is growing there.
  3. Ask pregnant without warning to pull hands forward. If the future motley pulls hands with palms down - boy, up - girl.
  4. Offer pregnant bread. If a pregnant prefers a pump - wait for the hero, if she is more to taste the mealky bread - to the girl.
  5. Suggest pregnant to take a long key without a ring from the table. If a woman comes up for a wide round part - to the heir, if for a long part or a toothed crown - to the heir.

Large importance is women's intuition. So it was with me. Both times I felt the floor of my babies. Despite the fact that many around the tables and signs tried to prove the opposite.

By the way, now, having calculated in all methods, I know that the floor of my older child (girls) at that time would not help me determine any of these techniques (except formulas). But from the first days of the first pregnancy I was sure that I would have a girl.

Often, all these calculations do not have a 100th warranty, and it is not serious to treat them. After all, parents will not be more or less to love the child of any particular gender. For all of us, the main thing is the very fact of the birth of a child, a native little man, "Bloodyniki". And I would also very much like the kid is a healthy born.

But for entertainment or, in a sense, for the cohesion of the family, - why not look for the coincidence.

About how to learn before birth, boy or girl will be born, you told you a practitioner pediatrician and twice Mom Elena Borisov-jello.

Guess who will appear on the world, love grandparents, parents, acquaintances and friends. Even in antiquity, a huge amount was collected, beliefs, how to identify a boy or a girl during pregnancy, which are still being inspected in modern life.

The form of the changed tummy of the future mother, according to experts, is in no way responsible for the floor of the child. Pregnancy in women always proceeds in different ways. In addition, during the first and subsequent pregnancies at one mom, the stomach does not happen exactly the same.

How to identify a boy or a girl during pregnancy will help weight. A woman waiting for a daughter rapidly increases in size.

Despite these, future mothers tend to believe the observations or signs of past generations. The era of the hippocrata assumed the visual method of determining the gender of the baby. It was believed that a girl is in the left side of the abdomen, and in the right - a boy.

How to identify a boy or a girl during pregnancy interests all future mothers. A variety of signs and tables will help.

Today, many girls believe how the gender floor is determined:

  1. The belly during pregnancy protrudes forward, acute shape and resembles cucumber, Located horizontally. Behind, the change in the figure is unnoticed - the boy grows.
  2. When the stomach oval or oblong shape, From the back, the sizes of the waist increased significantly. In general, the figure of women becomes very voluminous - you should wait for the girl.

Mom's gastronomic preferences and sex

During pregnancy, taste preferences change, the smell is enhanced. Favorite previous products are no longer delivered, sometimes even cause disgust. Unusual food, on the contrary, it seems very tasty.

There were addiction to flour, confectionery, fruits (especially oranges and bananas) - daughter will be born. Some moms who carry the little princesses are tested for grapefruits, grenades, cottage cheese, yogurts, kefir, that is, to easier treats and rich carbohydrates.

If you constantly want sharp, salty food, meat, sausages - a son will be born. Men, even in the womb, prefer fundamental, serious food. In early terms, most women experience a constant feeling of hunger.

Good appetite, the desire to taste a large roasted steak or kebab for moms of future soldiers The phenomenon is frequent, as well as the use of a huge amount of water.

Note! Determining, boy or girl during pregnancy, it should be noted as a future mother eats bread. Lover of crusts await the appearance of a son, and breadfall - daughters.

The behavior of the future child in the stomach - as an indicator of his sex

The first movements of the baby Moms are always felt in different ways: one compes with it with fluttering butterflies, others - with stroking, buggy.

Boys do not mind knock, pop up with small legs bladder Mother. Girls behave more calmly, the movements are measured, prefer to occupy the place on the left side of the abdomen, near the liver.

It's important to know! Active movements, the kid gives signals when he lacks oxygen or nutrients. You should change the pose or go snack.

Indicators of weight change and sex

How to identify a boy or a girl during pregnancy, tells the weight of the future mother.

A girl waiting for her daughter rapidly increases in size. The mass is gaining very quickly, rounded not only the belly, but also hips, buttocks. The chest increases in size, considerable differences between the right and left (left much more).

Women carrying her son possess an attractive figure, due to the uniform distribution of the fat layer throughout the body. The outlines of the forms are practically not changed, with the exception of a noticeably grown abdomen.

The well-being of pregnant and the floor of the future child

Mothers daughters argue that in the first trimester of pregnancy they were tied by strong toxicosis. But medicine has proven that this sign does not affect the sex of the child. During pregnancy, the girl is often shining, and the legs are not frozen, urine becomes lighter and more transparent.

Mothers daughters argue that in the first trimester of pregnancy they were tied by strong toxicosis.

Frequently headaches, fainting, loss of consciousness, edema limbs, dry palms, cold legs, heat in the body - all these phenomena are accompanied by tooling the future hero. This is explained by the development of more male hormones (androgen).

The influence of the child's sex on the skin and hair of the future mother

The changed condition of the skin and hair is not in best side Indicates the rapid appearance of princesses. Baby "takes the beauty of the mother. On the face and body of girls appear rash (acne, acne), pigmentation. The hair dumps and radically slow down their growth.

The female appearance in anticipation of the Son is noticeably improved, the skin is clean and smooth. Hair becomes more dense, silky, shiny. But they grow not only on the head, but throughout the body. Dark strips appear above the lip, in the middle of the abdomen. A gun covering legs and hands is converted into more hard hair.

If the strip running along the abdomen (from the woven to the sword-shaped process), clear, with dark hair - to the birth of a future man, bright, barely notable hairs in this area - to the girl.

Behavior of a pregnant woman as a child's floor indicator

Active life position, the vigor of the spirit, a steady emotional state indicate a pregnancy boy. Girls are in high spirits, not irritable, collected.

The absolute opposite is traced in the behavior of the future mother of the girl: frequent hysterics, whims, mood change, plasticity, unpredictability. The tremendous patience of the future father will help to cope with confusion and inattention to their faithful. The decision of the responsible tasks is better at such moments not to trust his wife.

How to determine a boy or a girl during pregnancy: folk signs

There is a few will accept, with the help of which in the past generation of mother rely on the definition of the sex of the child:

Item Description of action
Milk cowTake it cow's milk And the urine of a pregnant woman in proportions 1: 1. Bring to a boil, when coagped the mixture - you need to expect a girl.
Golden Wedding RingRing immelerance to the water. White thread of cotton, flax or silk is drawn through it. Hang the ring over the palm of a pregnant girl. In the direction of his movement, a secret is revealed: circular movements - daughter, pendulum - son. If you hang a ring right above the stomach, then to interpret the value of the ring movements should be exactly the opposite. Doodles also use a needle as a way to determine a boy or girl during pregnancy.
Another choice of floor recognition is freezing the rings in water tanks. Watching the Nutro Bugorka - expect the appearance of heroes, the pits - the princess.
Long key with leg and ringClaw the key to lay out the key, ask for a pregnant woman to raise him. If the girl takes him for a jazed part - a male child, for a round - female.
Palm pregnantAt the request, pull the hands forward, the moms of boys lower palms down.
Convenient position of the future motherWatching the walking along the steps, the choice of the side for a comfortable sleep and rest, hands for support when picked up from the floor, pay attention to which side of the body becomes more convenient. If left - there will be a girl.

Do not really treat signs very seriously, Let it be just a game called "Satisfying your own curiosity."

Some predictions of the evacuarians, non-professional fortune-ups operate 100%, others with less efficiency. Any woman is trying on their effect on himself, and shares its experience with friends (the method works or not).

Intuition as an assistant in the definition of the floor of the future child

American psychologists argue that pregnant women are able to predict the sex of the child with their intuition.

Studies have shown, as relying only on their own premonition when determining a boy or girl during pregnancy, future mothers in 70% of cases guess who are in the womb. The data of the ultrasound study at the same time they were unknown.

The only barrier in the prediction of the gentle of the baby is a huge desire to show a child's child's light. Then the woman is inclined to take the desired for reality.

Japanese and Chinese tables: how to help determine the floor of the future child

For the emergence of the successor of the genus in China, a table has been used more than 200 years ago.

Interesting! Calculations to determine the sex of the child in accordance with the calendar table exactly coincide with reality.

The table was created by the ancient Chinese wise men, in which the interaction of the Moon phases is taken into account and blood replacing in women's body. Actually, the menstrual cycle, according to specialists, determines the floor of the child.

Some predictions of the evacuarians, non-professional fortune-ups operate 100%, others with less efficiency.

For Japan, the birth of only girls is considered disrespect for his father, there must be a heir. Allowing this problem japanese thinkers came up with a calendar, the effectiveness of which reaches 98% of the probability of coincidences.

Need information about the month of birth of the alleged father and mother. At the intersection of data on parents, a digit is written, indicating the time of conception for a boy or a girl.

All folk methods of guessing the gender of the baby cannot guarantee the accurate result. Ultrasound is the most proven way to recognize the one who lives in the abdomen of Mom. Love and care of parents contribute to the birth of a healthy baby, regardless of gender.

Interesting video, how to determine who will be born: boy or girl

How to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl with an acceptance and tables see this video:

Definition of gender in the form of a belly during pregnancy:

Everything, without exception, future parents wish to find out as early as possible to find out how sex they have a child will be born. Thanks to ultrasound research (ultrasound), it is possible to figure out this not before the second trimester, and on such early time Often errors happen. Everything that remains parents is just relying on scientific and folk techniques, so that 7-8 months before delivery to find out who will be born - a girl or boy. Who will have a mother and father, which methods for calculating gender exist and how reliable they will tell in our article. Here will also imagine an extensive list of adoption that will help find out the floor of the future kid at home.

Ultrasound procedure

The most famous and most common method of determining the sex of the child is an ultrasound study. Thanks to the ultrasound, the doctor and the future mother can follow how much pregnancy proceeds, make sure that the fetus has no developmental anomalies, and at the same time finding the floor of the child. In many Russian ultrasound diagnostics centers, this service is paid additionally, since the state of the fetus is still put forward, and not its floor.

Find out on the ultrasound who will be a boy or a girl can be in 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. However, errors often occur on this period. A more accurate result gives an ultrasound made on a period of 18-25 weeks, but it is impossible to call it 100% correct. More than once there were cases when a woman, being confident from 20 weeks, that she was wearing a girl under his heart, gave birth to a healthy boy, and vice versa. The position of the fetus, and the condition of the ultrasonic apparatus, and the qualifications of the doctor, which conducts a study is also affected.

Future heartbeat

This theory is based on the fact that boys and girls have in the womb of the mother different frequency of heart abbreviations. According to this technique, if the child has a heart beats with a frequency of less than 140 blows per minute, then the boy is likely to be born. In girls, cardiac frequency is always equal to or above this value. This method is quite effective in the assumption of someone to be born from a woman - a girl or boy. Who will actually be, you can only find out in the maternity hospital.

Calculate the exact number of heart impacts per minute at home is not possible. But the people already appeared a sign associated with the heartbeat of the child. It is based on the fact that if the heart of the kid beats faster, then we should expect the girl's appearance, and if more slowly, a boy will be born.

DNA analysis

Starting from 5 weeks of pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the child on the DNA of the fetus detected in the blood of the mother. This analysis is largely even preferable than an ultrasound study, since its performance is 99.9% on the period of 8 weeks.

To perform analysis in a special laboratory, blood is made in the mother. The analysis itself is based on the fact that if the y-chromosome will be detected in it as a result of the blood test in it, it means that the woman is entering the boy. If, when analyzing, this chromosome will not be found, it means that it is necessary to prepare for the appearance of girls.

The technique is very effective in determining the one who will be born from the mother - a girl or a boy. Who will be, becomes clear in the first month of pregnancy. At this time, the cells of the mother appear in the blood of the mother. If the woman puts out a boy, then y-chromosomes arise in her blood, which can be identified only by highly sensitive method in the laboratory.

What will show the test: who will be - a boy or a girl?

It is absolutely necessary to wait for ultrasound research in the second trimester to determine the baby of what floor is under the heart of mom. And even DNA analysis is not required. With an accuracy of 99%, it is possible to find out the gender floor using the first morning urine.

Today, special tests are sold in pharmacies, which allow you to find out, a son or daughter will be born from a woman. The kit of such a pharmacy test includes: urine collection capacity, a special dispenser for liquid and directly test with a catalyst inside.

How to find out who will be a boy or a girl in a dough from a pharmacy?

You need to perform the following steps:

  1. Collect the first morning urine in sterile container.
  2. Fill the urine dispenser to 20 ml.
  3. Insert the dispenser into the hole in the dough and pour all the liquid into it.
  4. Careful movements clockwise Mix the test contents and put it on the table.
  5. After 5 minutes, you can check the results according to the instructions on the test.

The accuracy of the test is one of the highest after ultrasound and DNA analysis.

Home Test with Soda

Among pregnant women is another test, which is performed at home using the funds available in each home. Thanks to this technique, you can find out who will be - a boy or a girl - without ultrasound. What is the essence of the home test?

Two sterile tanks will be needed for the test. In one, you will need to score the first morning urine, and put the food soda to another (1 teaspoon). Further all actions are performed on the principle of pharmacy test. A prepared urine is poured into a container with soda. The result of the test can be judged by the reaction. If the soda begins to hiss, as when reactions with vinegar, it means that the woman is entering the boy. With the girl, the reaction with soda will be zero. Watering on soda does not work.

Ancient Chinese Table

Studies argue that the Ancient Chinese table, which was compiled more than 700 years ago, by 90% correctly determines the sex of the child if it is used correctly. The sex of the child is predicted on the basis of the month of conception and age of the mother. With accuracy, knowing the month of conception, you can easily find out who will be a boy or a girl.

The table allows you to calculate the sex of the child, which the woman is hacked, up to the 45th age of the mother. The age is specified in the right column, and the month of conception is in the upper line. At the intersection of values \u200b\u200bis the predicted sex of the child: Boy or Girl (boy or girl).

Blood update

The blood update technique is used by future parents quite often, since it is one of the most efficient and efficient. It is based on the fact that both men and women have blood systematically updated. However, the frequency of this phenomenon in both sexes is different.

If a woman has blood updated after four years, then the man happens a little more often - every three years. Calculate who will be a boy or a girl, this technique is quite simple. It is necessary to calculate, some of the future parents have blood freshly. If the blood update later happened to the woman, it means that the girl will be born, and if a man, it means, a boy will appear. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account possible surgical operations, injuries with great blood loss or donation. All this will contribute to unscheduled blood renewal.

You can check the technique on the example. If the woman at the time of conception was 30 years old, it means that her blood was updated for the last time in 28 years, that is, 2 years ago. At the same time, the age of a man is 34 years. His blood was last renewed at 33 years old, that is, 1 year ago. In this case, men's blood is more recent, it means that a boy will be born in a pair.

Who will be - boy or girl: blood group table

The following floor definition system is based on the parental blood group. It is not 100% reliable, but among future mothers and dad is quite popular.

You can predict the sex of the child at the planning stage, before the pregnancy has come. Who will be - a boy or a girl, can be calculated, knowing the blood group of mother and father. At the intersection of two specified values And the answer to the question.


The definition of the sex of the child is engaged in the science of numerology. To calculate who will be a boy or a girl, you must translate all the letters into the numbers using the following table.

Child Floor Numerological Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

According to the numerological table, it is necessary to make the appropriate calculations for determining the sex of the child. To do this, you need to know the surname and full name Pope Kalyusha, Maiden Familia and the full name Mom, month of conception. With the help of the table, all letters in words are transformed into numbers, fold and divided by 7. By the number that was as a result, the sex of the child is determined. If the result is an even number, this means that there will be a girl, and if an odd number, it means, it is worth expecting the boy's appearance.

How to find out who will be a boy or a girl? Let's consider an example of calculations.

Surname and full name Pope: Sergey Kuzin - 3 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 2 \u003d 50

Mother's Mother and Name: Book Eugene - 3 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 6 \u003d 47

Month of conception: February - 4 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 \u003d 19

Counting results: 50 + 47 + 19 \u003d 116.

The resulting number is divided by 7: 116/7 \u003d 16.57. After the comma, we fold and result in the number 16. This means that the couple awaits the birth of the girl.

Fortune telling with ring

No less popular among pregnant fortune telling on the definition of the floor of the future kid. One of them is based on the use of a wedding ring (exactly wedding and no other). By how the ring suspended on the rope will be moved, you can find out who will be a girl or boy.

Who will be the floor the child is born, according to this technique, you can find out as follows:

  1. Replace with a nameless finger right hand Wedding ring and bind a thick thread to it about 30 cm.
  2. A pregnant woman needs to take a horizontal position.
  3. Take the pendulum made of thread and rings, and hold it above the stomach of pregnant 30 seconds.
  4. If the pendulum will move forward-back, it means that a woman has a girl. If the pendulum will perform circular movements, pregnant should be prepared for the birth of the Son.

Folk signs

With folk techniques for the definition of sex, pregnant women always face, regardless of whether they are interested in themselves or some kind of good neighbor tells the lackerel. Motionable signs are associated with floor definition.

Who will be a boy or a girl, you can learn from the following signs:

  • if the future mother wants sweet, it means that under his heart she wears a daughter, and if it pulls on sour, then a son will most likely be born;
  • if the future mother wants to sleep all the time, then a girl will be born, and if, on the contrary, it is full of strength and energy, it means that the boy's appearance should be expected;
  • if when looking at a pregnant woman behind a woman, you can clearly see the waist, it means that she will have a boy;
  • the boys in the abdomen of Mom usually behave more actively than girls;
  • when entering girls, women appear more often, stretching on the skin, become brittle nails;
  • if the belly has a circle form, then there will be a girl, and his tummy is sharp, then the boy.

Despite the effectiveness of many of the presented methods, you should not trust them by 100%, because the floor of the child can only be found in the hospital.

Divination on the floor of the child is popular - pregnant want to know who will be born. Do not always trust medicine, referring to the highest forces to answer the question.

In the article:

Fortune telling

There are many and methods that will help determine who will be born: boy, girl, twins, triples.

There is a theory that the women have blood updated every three years, and in men - every 4. To determine who will be born, take the full age of women and divide on 3, and the year of her husband - on 4. If a woman has more, in the family Boy will be born, no - girl.

Ritual with ring

Determine, helping fortune telling. For the ritual take a wedding ring. The method of determining the floor of the infant was used in medieval Europe.

The blood relative of a pregnant woman takes her wedding ring, threads thread, hangs over his belly. Watch the pendulum swinging. If the decoration is constantly moving back and forth, a son will appear. If the movement of Parsny in a circle will be a girl.

Prediction with needle

As a magic attribute, a needle is used, which has not yet been used for sewing. Take pristine white threads. Bold threads in a needle, spend the pendulum above the head of pregnant. Get up so that the pendulum is above the painter.

Watch which movements do. The fortune telling is suitable for women who are pregnant for the first time and did not make abortion. If the needle performs circular movements, a girl will be born. If the pendulum moves in different directions, a boy will appear on the light.

Ritual with fish

The method was popular in Siberia. Pregnant came to the river and the hands tried to catch live fish. After completing the task, they looked at the catch. If the name is a female fish (pike, trout), this is a daughter. If I caught the perch, crucian, predicted the son.

Today it is difficult to fulfill the ritual, but people believe that when a woman is pregnant, dream of a dream in which she buys or catches fish. Remember the name of fish in a dream.

How to determine the floor of the future child with the help of letters

Early in the morning they go out into the street, fit the first oncoming and asked to call any letter of the alphabet. Expressed letter even, waiting for her daughter, odd - Son.

Additional ways

The fortune telling was used in ancient Egypt. The priestesses scored two bowls: barley poured into one, in another - wheat. The urine of the pregnant was a little watered grain. If the first germinates wheat, waiting for the appearance of a girl, barley - a boy.

Some are sure to learn the floor of the baby can, asking the pregnant show. Stretches hand palm up - My daughter will be born.

The sorcerers believe that the girls draw beauty from the mother. When the pregnant woman worsens appearance, in his stomach daughter. The skin of the future mother becomes clean, smooth, hair - shiny and thick, good in front of the boy.

Languages \u200b\u200bclaim that a woman under the heart of the Son, if in the first trimester a strong toxicosis.

The fortune telling on the definition of the child's floor is simple, but does not guarantee. Often the information is hidden, and the highest strength is reluctant to share it with people.

In contact with

Despite the seeming simplicity, fortune telling ultimately, it is a ritual predictive fate. Online version of any divination
Of course, this is a less serious procedure than say the real fortune telling on the Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
Previous results We offer you to perform a number of simple rules before starting the process of divination:

1. Before the start of fortification, be sure to focus on your question, think what you want to know exactly.

2. During the divination, it is important to be in a relaxed atmosphere, so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhales.

4. It is very useful to think about the way through which you want to come true.

5. You should not repeat more than two times the same fortune telling - cards will lie. Try the other fortune telling and change a bit
Or specify the question!

6. Even a negative response to divination perceive as positive. Remember that it is not done - everything for the better!

7. And remember: you and only you decide what your future will be! You received a forecast, but how to act depends
Only from you.

Have a good fortune telling!

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