Where to hide money in a private house. Where you do not need to hide money in the apartment (2 photos). Where to hide large valuables

Painting 31.05.2021

The burglars broke into my apartment. I stood on the threshold in shock, looking around at the mess: the upholstered furniture was ripped open, books were scattered, and in the middle of the kitchen lay a broken jar of jam - the same one in which I once hid the stash for a rainy day, rejoicing at my own ingenuity.

Sergey Antonov


As it turned out later in a conversation with the investigator, many secluded places that seem original to us are checked by thieves in the first place. But it is precisely the knowledge of this fact that can make it possible to save savings and protect housing from destruction.

It is clear that it is better not to store large sums at home. It is much wiser to take the money to the bank, where it will not only be safe, but also generate income. However, there are situations when you need to overhold a large amount of money at home - say, before a major purchase.

Where thieves will look first

It only seems to you that the freezer or flush tank in the toilet is the last place where attackers look. In fact, the opposite is true.

First of all, thieves search the bedroom - chests of drawers, wardrobes, probe the mattress and pillows. They can shake the earth out of a flower pot, tap the laminate. In addition, everything that hangs on the walls falls under suspicion - carpets, paintings, mirrors.

In the kitchen, thieves check bulk food cans, the refrigerator and freezer, the oven and microwave, and the trash can.

Tanks, cupboards, jars, containers, books - no

Do not try to hide money behind the ventilation grill: Mikhail Bulgakov told everyone about this cache in The Master and Margarita long ago.

It's a bad idea to hide money in books, even if there are a lot of them. They are viewed very quickly. The same goes for CDs.

Having delved into the search, thieves can begin to open expensive equipment - a TV, set-top box, computer, etc.

Where can you hide money

Before you think about the device of the cache, estimate how often you yourself will have to climb for your stash. It's foolish to move a heavy wardrobe every other week before going grocery shopping. Naturally, if your stash is intended for a purchase postponed to the distant future, then it makes sense to have such a hard-to-reach cache.

The main rule when choosing a secluded place is non-obviousness. Stand in the center of the room, look around. There are a lot of surfaces and objects around you - you can actually make a cache in almost every one:

  1. The cornice is hollow inside, a bundle of banknotes rolled up into a tube can easily fit there.
  2. At the top and bottom interior doors you can drill holes for banknotes.
  3. Cavities inside any racks, walls, window sills are good places if you come up with these cavities yourself. Thieves won't be able to check every facet of every piece of furniture, especially if they don't know where to look.

How to prevent a rout in the apartment

A good cache also has a downside. Imagine that you went on vacation, the thieves know about it. Consequently, they have nowhere to rush and they are ready to search to the last.

The attackers may not find a well-hidden stash, but they will search thoroughly - they will break the furniture, throw all the clothes out of the closets on the floor, turn over the cans with bulk products in the kitchen, and tear off the baseboards. Everything that you hid and put aside, you will eventually have to spend on repairs and furnishing.

However, this outcome can be avoided. Divide the money into two, and preferably three parts. Hide the main amount more securely. Put the smaller part in a place easily accessible to thieves. Let's say between the clothes in the wardrobe.

Make a false cache that is easy to find and easy to lose

He will be one of the first to be searched. They will find your pseudo-stash, they will think that this is all the savings stored at home. The maximum that you will lose is these several thousand and some of the digital equipment, which is easy to carry away and sell.

Install a small safe at home. A compact model costs about 2000-3000 rubles. Put a smaller part of the money in it, and hide the safe itself in the same closet. For more credibility, screw the safe to the cabinet wall so that thieves would be interested in tearing it off.

Thieves will hardly open the metal container on the spot, they will simply take it with them. And even if they open it, they will be satisfied with what they found.

How to protect yourself from thieves

Security. All major cities have first responders: a magnetic sensor is installed in the apartment, which must be deactivated when you return home. If the sensor is not deactivated for some time, armed guards go to the apartment. The mere presence of a security system can deter thieves.

Security camera. Install an Internet camera in the apartment. This device sends notifications to your smartphone if it detects movement. If thieves enter the apartment, you will immediately know about it.

Neighbours. It makes sense to know your neighbors in the stairwell and be on good terms with them. You should not give them the keys for the holidays, but it makes sense to warn about the holiday.

Friends. But close friends should be given a spare set of keys, so that in which case you can call them and ask them to come with a police squad.

Accumulation Money“for a rainy day”, perhaps, is our national feature, however, it is lost over time - many are addicted to loans, and cannot not only accumulate, but also pay off their debts. Another thing is if your income allows you to save part of the money you earn, then the question arises: Using the above link, we tried to answer it and develop the topic, and this article will discuss the topic of preserving our hard-earned homes. Unfortunately, no one is immune from theft, and besides, it makes sense to take a more responsible approach to the choice of storage places - money should not fall into the eyes of a child or a friend. Below we will consider options for where to hide money so that no one appropriates your stash, and where you do not need to hide your savings.

A gift to a thief, or where you can not hide money

As funny as it sounds, most people use the same ideas (storage locations) with no originality at all. Naturally, criminals will first of all inspect banal hiding places, proven by years of illegal activity - it is difficult to come up with an original hiding place in an ordinary apartment, all of them have long been, as they say, well-known.

The list of unreliable caches looks like this:

There is an opinion that money (various valuables) should be hidden in the most visible place - where no one will even check. But it’s rather stupid and impractical to do this: you still won’t hide a large sum (your hand will tremble to put it in a conspicuous place), and they can find it by accident (your child). And, finally, thieves are not fools either - they are well aware of this.

If we are already talking about where you do not need to hide money at home, then you can resort to a simple but very effective trick. Put a small amount in the “unreliable” storage described above (it is clear that not 100 rubles, but a more impressive amount, at least from 5000 rubles), this will distract the criminal from the main cache, and possibly reduce the amount of damage from damage to property. Here, how lucky: an experienced burglar will climb into you and dig through the whole house, or a novice thief who will grab the first valuable thing that comes to hand and give a tear.

We hide money in an original way

The most obvious answer to the question: "Where to hide the money?" sounds like this: Do not hide them at home at all, but no matter how trite it sounds - entrust them to the bank, putting them on a deposit or on a regular savings account. At least a dozen stable banks can be found without problems (if you don’t want to bother, you can immediately limit the list of banks to institutions with state participation). For example, there are deposits that provide for the replenishment and withdrawal of cash at any time without loss of accrued interest. However, when circumstances force you to keep funds with you (or a large amount for a while), you should protect your money from theft as much as possible. So, where should the money be hidden so that the attackers are left with a nose?

Making niches

A secluded place can be a door, a cavity in the eaves, a countertop and other wooden (chipboard) surfaces. To make a hiding place in the door, you can gouge a small indentation in the upper part of the door leaf, which will be invisible to the eye of the criminal. The recess must be closed together with the adjacent surface, because. gaps between different materials storage will be issued immediately. With other surfaces, you can perform similar machinations, the main thing is that no outside interference is visible from above.

Unusual ways of storing in standard places

You can refresh old ideas - for example, use the toilet bowl a little differently. The float will act as a hiding place here. To prevent thieves from finding valuables there, you should carefully put them inside the float. If a narrow entrance is not enough, you can make an incision along the seam or on the back side, invest money there and solder or glue it back. Make sure that the money, in case of violation of the integrity of the seam, does not get wet.

The refrigerator can be given a chance to become a hiding place, only for this you should hide the money under the rubber band along the edge of the door.


Even an experienced burglar is unlikely to risk his health and will not want to climb into the wires under current. In order to successfully hide valuables, it is necessary to de-energize the wires, remove the socket cover and put the "treasure" into the cavity. Wrap valuables in non-conductive material to prevent fire. You can make a fake outlet, as long as it is located in the usual place and does not arouse suspicion.

Water pipe

The bathroom or toilet are worthy contenders for hiding money and more. The device of the bathroom assumes the presence of pipes and tubes, and the installation of another one will not be noticeable. You can put a stash inside the pipe and carefully screw it next to the rest. There will be no time for a thief to look for the right pipe, and even more so to unscrew it.

Where to hide money: interesting ideas

There is still something to add to the previous caches. When looking for a suitable place, turn on your imagination, every detail of the interior can be the best option. You can hide money using ordinary items:

  • a photo album, where bills are placed under a photograph glued along the edges;
  • legs of chairs and tables, sealed at the bottom;
  • working materials of needlewomen - skeins of yarn, jars of acrylic, floss, etc.;
  • stationery with cavities - pens, felt-tip pens, stapler, etc.;
  • flower pots with a double bottom (it is better not to hide money in the ground, it is found once or twice);
  • children's toys, preferably not soft - a typewriter, the result of children's creativity, etc .;
  • tree decorations;
  • the base of a chandelier or table lamp.

When equipping a place to store banknotes, remember that paper money is subject to deterioration, especially in a humid environment. Wrapped in cellophane, dollars in a year will be covered with fungus, which will reduce their real value. The disadvantages of complex caches include difficult access: for the next replenishment, you will have to try hard. However, for attackers, it is the time factor that is decisive, so for the sake of greater reliability, it is worth suffering some inconvenience.

When looking for suitable caches, it is important not to overdo it. For example, installing a heavy cabinet in place of a hiding place is questionable if you are going to use your stash at least once every few weeks.

How to protect your home from thieves?

It is categorically contraindicated to store large amounts without an installed security system, which is under round-the-clock monitoring of a specialized security agency (an agreement must be concluded with such a company for the protection of a house / apartment, which provides for the departure of a rapid response team in case of unauthorized entry into your home). It's definitely not cheap, but it's worth it. It is hard to imagine what thieves can do to an apartment during your long absence. The damage can be significant, which can be prevented for 1 thousand rubles, which you will pay for security services monthly. By the way, even the sticker on front door The logo of a security agency is already capable of scaring off uninvited guests.

A budget option is to install a camera with motion sensors or a home alarm (all of this in bulk on Aliexpress) with the possibility of independent remote monitoring through an application on your smartphone. Let's say a motion sensor has worked, and you receive a signal on your smartphone via the Internet and via SMS. You immediately open the application and watch the video from the camera or listen to the signal from the installed microphone. If the apartment is broken into, then call the police or your neighbors yourself. At the same time, a triggered alarm will surely scare away the thief, leaving no time for further searches for the cache.

We all know very well the phrase from the legendary Soviet film, which sounds like this: "Citizens, keep money in a savings bank ... if, of course, you have them." But today this way of storing money is definitely not the best.

Yes, you can hold funds in an account with or with any other financial institution. But what if you urgently need cash? One way or another, you will have to think about where to hide them. And right now we will tell you 12 very practical and interesting options for where you can hide money.

1. Under the mattress

Certainly not the most the best option protect cash from thieves, because in 98% of cases it is under the mattress that robbers look in the very first place. However, many pensioners still keep their money there out of habit, and this is much better than just putting it on the table.

2. Food container

This option already looks safer, since not every thief will guess that money can be hidden in a container in the refrigerator. The main thing - do not forget to thoroughly rinse such a container and wipe it dry, otherwise you risk saying goodbye to money even without outside help.

Sometimes started packs of cereals are used as a safe. It is also very convenient, especially if you have a large selection of them. But it should be borne in mind that the popularity of this method of storing cash makes it attractive to thieves in the first place. As familiar investigators said, sometimes after a robbery, the kitchen looks like a construction site - everything is covered in flour and porridge.

3. Fake outlet

A very original solution would be an unusual safe in the form of a simple socket. It is only important to choose all sockets of the same color, otherwise the thief will very quickly realize that something is not clean here.

4. Inside a ballpoint pen

Of course, you can’t hide a lot of money here, but this option is quite suitable for storing a couple of bills. Most importantly, do not forget that you have money in this pen, and do not give it to anyone.

5. The bottom of the dresser

If you simply put money in an envelope in the bottom drawer of your chest of drawers, it will be too easy prey for any thief. Instead, do something more original and stick this envelope with money using ordinary tape under the box. The same trick can be done with a chair, because not every thief would think of looking for money under it.

6. Pillow

How do you like the idea of ​​sleeping on money? In the literal sense of the word. You can always store your money in a pillow, because most of them have a special zipper. They opened the pillow, hid the money and fastened it. The risks here are the same - you risk forgetting exactly where you keep the money, and one day decide to wash all your linen, including pillows.

7. Comb

Keep money in a regular comb? Why not! After all, you very often use this item, especially for ladies. And not all thieves will guess to look for money in a comb, so this way of storing cash seems to be very promising.

8. Book

A classic of the genre… a more obvious place to store money is, perhaps, a mattress. The only problem for thieves may be that it is not at all necessary that the book in which the money will be hidden should be in the closet. You can always hide it in a safer and more secure place.

9. Shoes

Not the most The best way to hide money from robbers, but storing it in shoes can be very convenient. But do not forget about the hiding place during the next disposal of unnecessary trash. However, having stuffed the entire space of shoes with money, you definitely can’t help but notice them.

It is also a very popular place to store savings, so these boxes go to check right away. Make a double bottom or put something unsightly on your boot, do not be too lazy to protect yourself from thieves.

10. Tennis ball

Make a cut in the middle of the tennis ball and put the money in there, then send your original "safe" back to the box with the other tennis balls.

11. Inside the eaves

Everything is simple here: we disconnect one of the ends of the cornice, put money inside the cornice and close it. Of course, this does not guarantee you 100% safety of money, but this method does not look obvious - hiding money in a chest of drawers, under a mattress or in a book is much easier.

12. Wall clock

Who said that watches are needed only to check the time? You can also use them as a safe and always have access to them. Simple, affordable and practical.

Of course, thieves also read such articles, and replenish their knowledge of where to hide money in time, but still, when the criminal does not have much time, he cannot check all the options, so do not keep all your savings in one place - in There are enough places in the house where you can neatly hide finances.

Helpful Hints

Sometimes it becomes necessary to hide your savings so that no one can find them.

Where is the best place to hide money? own apartment? The place must be accessible to you and at the same time inaccessible to thieves and unwanted guests.

By choosing the right place to store cash, you can safely store it there without fear that someone will find it.

Some "vaults" can be created with your own hands and camouflaged in such a way that it fits into the overall interior without attracting the attention of strangers.

Here is a list of some of the best places to hide money:

Where to hide money

1. Inside a tennis ball

Have you ever thought that you can hide money in a tennis ball?

But that's a great idea if we are talking not about a big wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The incision should be large enough so that you can easily put the pack in and just as easily remove it from there.

Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

Of course, if you don't have other sports equipment, it may at least seem odd to have such a collection of tennis balls in your home.

2. At the bottom of the dresser

You might think it's too obvious to hide money at the bottom of a chest of drawers. And at first glance, it seems that the money will be found easily. And so it will be if you just put the money at the bottom of the drawer where you store socks or other things.

Instead, attach the money envelope under the drawer with duct tape or tape. Uninvited guests can rummage through your socks and underwear all day long and they'll never find that envelope.

By the way, the same can be done with a chair: attach the envelope to the bottom of the seat. It is unlikely that someone will guess to turn over a chair in search of money.

3. Inside a ballpoint pen

Did you know that money can also be hidden in a pen? If it's one or two bills, then yes.

For example, you can roll a $100 bill so that it fits inside the inside of a ballpoint pen.

Just be aware of the precious stuff in your pen and don't lend it to anyone. Otherwise, by doing a good deed to someone you know, you may lose your money.

4. Under the mattress

This place is quite controversial, as it is too obvious and the most common place where people hide their finances. This is especially true for older people who, out of habit, put their pension under the mattress.

Perhaps it is so common that it will be the first place a thief will look when entering an apartment.

But it's still better than just keeping money on your desktop.

5. Inside the shoe

You probably have shoes that you don't wear.

If this is the case and you have a pair of shoes dangling around, why not remove the insoles and use shoes like a safe?

Simply place banknotes in place of the removed insoles and store them that way.

Where to hide money in the apartment

6. In an empty food container

Empty one of the plastic containers from the products, rinse it thoroughly and the safe for storing your cash is ready!

Then place this safe in the freezer. Of course, the money will be cold when you take it out of the container. But this way is really safe.

Or, if you don't want to store money in the freezer, you can do the same with an empty cereal box.

You can also use clean cans from various products to store money.

Just make sure someone doesn't accidentally throw this safe into the trash.

7. Inside the eaves

Most curtain rods have ends that detach.

If this is the case, then you can remove the curtain rod, secure the money in this void with a stiff rubber band, put the ends back on the cap and fasten the curtain rod again.

8. In sofa cushions

Hiding money in sofa cushions is easy.

This is easy to do because most pillows have a zipper with which you can quickly open the pillow, stuff it with money and zip it up again.

But the following things should be purchased for the house to hide money in them.

Not only can you store your cash in the items you already have at home, but you can also buy items that will mix with the items you already have. Here are some of those items:

9. Fake electrical outlet

A good idea would be to camouflage the safe under the guise of an ordinary electrical outlet.

This is indeed an unusual place where you can hide money. However, make sure that all outlets are the same color.

Otherwise, the fact that one outlet is different from the others may arouse the suspicion of an uninvited guest.

A color mismatch will give away your secret vault, and the thief will be interested in such a clear difference between one outlet and another.

Where do people hide money?

10. In an empty Coca Cola bottle

Another great way to hide your money is with an empty Coca Cola can. What is the advantage of such a safe?

It's simple: in addition to the fact that the can is tin and opaque, few people can suspect an ordinary can that it contains such valuable wealth.

Just be careful not to accidentally throw out such a mini-safe.

11. In an empty shaving cream jar

Since basically every man needs a daily shave, no one will be suspicious of an ordinary shaving cream on a shelf in the bathroom.

But such an empty jar can do an excellent job: store money in it. Just always remember that the jar is not empty and put it away from prying eyes.

For any normal person, the phrase “My home is my fortress” is familiar. That is, it is the apartment that is the last stronghold of protection, here they will always understand and support, no danger can threaten definition here. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that many people have to think about where to hide money at home and show extraordinary ingenuity when solving this issue.

Who should you hide money from?

Of course, the most obvious answer to this question is thieves. It is they who account for the lion's share of thefts. Penetrating into apartments and private houses, they are ready to turn everything upside down to find your savings or jewelry.

All thieves can be divided into two categories - amateurs and professionals. The former usually act impulsively and arrange a raid simply by hearing that wealthy neighbors have gone on vacation for a long time. Most often, they stage a coup in the apartment, throw books and things out of closets, panic a lot, rush, get lost at the sight of safes and rarely find well-hidden stash.

Professionals act differently - only on a tip. They are rarely stopped by good locks and safes - after spending a few minutes, they calmly deal with them. What is even more dangerous - they are well versed in human psychology, they know well where you can hide money in the house and therefore quickly find hiding places.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to hide savings from loved ones. For example, from the husband of an alcoholic who is ready to do anything to get finance to buy another bottle of vodka. Or from a wife who suffers from shopaholism, who is able to spend all her savings on repairs, a car or the education of children, on updates for herself. If you had problems with the law in the past, then you have to look for a way to hide money from the cops - during a search, an envelope with savings lying in a conspicuous place may well disappear.

Sometimes you have to hide savings from your parents. In their declining years, many people become overly gullible and may well spend all their savings thoughtlessly or give them to cunning scammers.

Therefore, the decision is that only the head of the family, who is responsible for financial side life, can be called the right decision. The main thing is to make sure that the hiding place does not suffer due to ignorance of loved ones, for example, the oven in which it is arranged will not be turned on during your absence from home. And of course, leave some hint for a rainy day. After all, history knows cases when, after the death of the head of the family, an old mattress filled with money was sent to a landfill.

Where not to hide money

It would seem that there are many places where you can hide money at home. Alas, many of them, even seemingly original and successful at first glance, were used earlier, which means they cease to be reliable. After all, a cache “lit up” by someone ceases to be safe:

  1. A safe is the safest place where nothing threatens your savings and valuables. Unfortunately, in practice, it does not live up to expectations. A professional can always open the safe. Moreover, having discovered it, he will understand that the most valuable things are stored there. This means that he will not rummage around the apartment, but will immediately focus on it. On the other hand, knowing this feature, you can always use it for your own purposes. In addition, the safe can always be pulled out of the wall and carried away to be opened in a safe place. After all, usually small models are used to store compact valuables.
  2. Hiding places among books, CDs, in ventilation shafts and toilet bowls have long ceased to be reliable. Alas, they are found quite quickly - knowing where you can hide money at home, thieves first of all check these places. Some people think that rummaging through an entire bookcase is problematic. Actually it is not. Books are scanned roughly and very quickly.
  3. Quite often, people arrange a stash under the sink, bathtub or behind the toilet tank. This means that these places are also compromised - you should not use them if you do not want to part with finances.
  4. In recent years, some resourceful owners have found original way where you can hide money at home - in cases of household appliances. They dismantle music centers, televisions, computer system units - and hide the treasured bundle there. But, as practice shows, this is not the best option. Not finding a hiding place, many thieves (especially amateurs who do not disdain anything) will try to take out at least something valuable - household appliances. As a result, your stash will not be detected, but you will still say goodbye to it.

What is the right place?

After listing the bad places, we will tell you where to hide money at home.

It is best to provide a hiding place during repairs - at least cosmetic. For example, family jewels or large savings for a rainy day can be hidden in a small niche specially made in the wall and hidden by wallpaper. Or arrange a small warehouse in the floor, under the linoleum. Some hide money in a slot behind the plinth. Yes, it will be difficult for you to get there. But if you do not plan to use this money in the coming years, then thieves will certainly not be able to find it.

It is very rare for thieves to check pipes. Therefore, a home cache can be arranged in a pipe under the sink. The main thing is to make sure that the bundle is very well insulated from moisture. It is best to put the bills in 5-6 plastic bags, carefully wrapping each of them with tape. Jewelry is easier to hide - the main thing is that the package does not break through, and gold and silver are not afraid of moisture.

Not bad can be called a cache in a sofa or other upholstered furniture. You can easily tear off the back upholstery, and then hide the bundle in the middle of the foam layers. It would seem that the secret is obvious. But thieves very rarely tear open every chair, sofa and mattress on the bed.

Do you have an aquarium at home? Great - it's hard to find a better place to safely hide finances! Then a small bag can be hidden in a beautiful shell - they are often sold in stores. But she draws attention. Therefore, it is better to simply bury it in the ground - put it on the bottom, and then fill it with coarse sand on top. And if algae is planted on top, then the cache will probably not be found. Of course, in this case, take care of a very reliable waterproofing. It's nice that in such a place the savings are reliably protected from fire.

Do you like flowers? Another good solution. After all, savings can always be simply buried in a pot - preferably by laying a bag around the perimeter. But this is only suitable for avid flower growers. A single flower growing in an apartment will immediately attract attention. Thieves will not be too lazy to drop it on the floor, breaking the pot and checking if there is anything interesting there.

Many are interested in where money is hidden in a private house. There is even more room for imagination here. After all, you can use not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, but also the adjacent territory. For example, just bury it in some inconspicuous place - on the lawn, three meters north of the porch. They certainly won't be looking for it here. The main thing is to hide secretly, and not in the middle of the day, in full view of all neighbors and passers-by.

Don't forget about false caches

If a large amount is stored at home, any owner wants no one to find it. For reliability, it is worth not only putting it in a reliable cache, but also creating several less reliable ones - you can use those that are given above. For example, hiding a million rubles in a flower pot or a pipe under the sink, you can put 50-100 thousand in a small, cheap safe or toilet bowl. The main thing is not to leave money in plain sight - the robbers are far from stupid and can understand that their attention is deliberately diverted. The ideal solution will create several false caches. Then the robber, having found two or three, will be sure that he has completely cleaned the apartment. And not the fact that he will find everything.

Of course, I really don't want to donate even a smaller amount. But in the best case (if there is no robbery), then you will not lose anything. If the preparations were not in vain, and you were not in vain looking for a place where you can hide money from thieves at home, then it’s better for thieves to get a small part of your savings, and not the entire amount.

We create unpleasant working conditions

To secure savings, you need not only to know where it is better to hide them, but also to take into account certain nuances.

The main requirement of the thief during "work" is silence and the possibility for a long time search the premises. For example, knowing that the owners will arrive home only by 18:30 or even go to the resort for a couple of weeks, he will slowly look through each book, open everything Stuffed Toys, shake flowers out of pots, inspect pipes. Of course, with this approach, he has every chance of discovering every cache - both fake and real. Therefore, you need to deprive him of rest.

The easiest way to do this is with an alarm. No need to register with the police or security companies - it's quite expensive. But it is quite possible to buy an inexpensive Chinese “signal”, which will react to the opening of doors with a deafening roar. The main thing is to hide it more securely so that it “screams” for at least half a minute, and is not turned off in a matter of seconds. This will immediately knock the thief out of his usual rut, make him nervous and get out of the apartment as soon as possible.

Ideally, relations with neighbors should be good enough that when they hear the alarm, they come out to see what happened and if your apartment needs help. In this case, you don’t even have to puzzle over where it is better to hide finances from robbers.

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