Tea is a healthy drink. Useful properties of tea A story about tea is a healthy drink

Landscaping 27.07.2020

It is safe to say that tea is the most popular drink on our planet. For several centuries, people of different nationalities, professions, and ages have been drinking it with pleasure. Many of them do not know anything about the history of this drink, but this does not prevent them from enjoying the wonderful taste and aroma of this wonderful drink. Such love for tea is also explained by the fact that tea has beneficial properties, has a beneficial effect on the body.

Tea leaves are rich in nutrients. They contain vitamins PP, K, B, P, C, essential oils, trace elements (fluorine, iodine, manganese, zinc), theobromine. There are flavonoids and antioxidants in tea. Experts talk about the many medicinal properties of tea, highlighting the main points:

  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • normalization of blood circulation, metabolism, heart function;
  • slowing down the processes of fat formation in blood vessels, this reduces the occurrence of blood clots;
  • suppression of tumors in the body;
  • slowing down the aging process of cells;
  • antibacterial effect on microbes;
  • prevention of caries development.

Which tea is healthier for the body

It's hard to say which tea is healthier. Each variety has its own unique properties. Green tea better stimulates the brain, black is indispensable for infectious diseases. Pu-erh helps to lose weight, red - removes cholesterol, white contains many useful vitamins... Let's try to figure out what kind of tea is useful.

The benefits of black tea for the body

Regular consumption of black tea helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, rid the digestive tract of microbes and harmful substances. It has a beneficial effect on brain function. If you have to remember a lot of information, it is worth having a cup of black tea.

The drink neutralizes damaged cells, protecting against the development of cancerous tumors. The condition is that you need to drink five cups of tea for this. Black tea is effective for intoxication of the body, poisoning, including alcoholic ones. It is necessary to drink tea during the day in small sips.

The benefits of green tea for the body

Green tea removes toxins, toxins and carcinogens from the body. With regular consumption of tea, you can increase the tone of the body, speed up the metabolism. Green tea is often included in weight loss programs. By normalizing metabolism, you can effectively bring the weight back to normal.

This aromatic and tasty drink strengthens the functions of the immune system. Colds can be avoided as green tea has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Experts recommend drinking tea for those at risk of blood clots.

The benefits of hibiscus for the body

Hibiscus tea, which is made from hibiscus leaves, has become more popular in recent years. It has a special aroma and taste, contains a large amount of fruit acids, amino acids, vitamins, microelements. Hibiscus strengthens the immune system, the body becomes resistant to viral and infectious diseases.

Tea regulates the menstrual cycle and is recommended for women if they have problems. The antispasmodic effect of hibiscus allows you to take it during severe pain... action that promotes weight loss. It helps with kidney and liver diseases, also affects the work of the heart, blood vessels, thinning the blood.

The benefits of white tea for the body

White tea belongs to the category of elite teas. It heals the body, rejuvenates, helps to strengthen the immune system. The drink practically does not contain caffeine, therefore it is allowed to drink for pregnant women, hypertensive patients. White tea prevents tooth decay. The large amount of antioxidants contained in this type of tea help the body fight the formation of cancer cells. It well cleanses the body of harmful substances, removes excess cholesterol.

The benefits of yellow tea for the body

Yellow tea increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, has a positive effect on the functioning of the spleen, liver, and normalizes the endocrine system. This drink is an excellent antidepressant. It improves immunity, helps to get rid of headaches. Compresses with tea help with burns.

Benefits of mate tea

Mate tea is one of the healthiest drinks. It helps to improve concentration and has tonic properties. Regular consumption of mate helps to strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure.

Speaking about teas of different types and varieties, one cannot fail to note the beneficial properties of herbal teas. What is tea useful with? Very useful, St. John's wort, mint, ginger, lemon.

There are many drinks - delicious, nutritious, healing, but none of them can compare with the drink called tea. Tea is known and loved by millions of people all over the world. Tea is drunk at any time of the year, at any hour of the day or night, as a delicacy and as a medicine, at the desk and during friendly conversation. Tea is one of the oldest drinks. Tea is a huge layer of history, culture and economic activity of many nations. There are peoples who cannot imagine a day without tea, they value tea along with bread as a vital product. For over 5000 years, tea has been studied as a plant, as a food raw material, as a finished food product, and even as a medicine.
Tea is a wonderful and healthy drink, but only if it is prepared correctly. Inexperienced and careless brewing can spoil any of the best and most expensive varieties of tea. Tea has a huge number of varieties, and the only botanical type of tea plant with various factory processing is capable of producing all varieties of tea and all variety of commercial varieties of tea.
Since ancient times, tea has been considered a magical healing drink. Tea contains a huge number of chemicals, diverse and rare, and almost the entire alphabet of vitamins. Tea is a kind of chemical warehouse, and the most amazing thing is that the most complex chemical compounds, changes and transformations occur in tea continuously - both during the growth of a tea leaf and during its transformation into a tea leaf and during the preparation of tea as a drink. For many centuries before the chemical composition of tea became known, people discovered the beneficial properties of tea through observation and experience. Tea has a tonic effect for a person, enhances efficiency, helps to cope with fatigue and blues. Tea helps a person for a long time to withstand a lack of food, and when drinking tea during a poor diet, not only is there a slower weight loss, but, most importantly, working capacity is largely preserved.
While brewing and drinking tea every day, we, unfortunately, have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bits preventive and medicinal properties... And the knowledge of the beneficial effects of tea, coupled with the ability to prepare this tea, will present the most useful and effective product.
Tea is used not only as a drink, but also as a raw material for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Tea factories produce caffeine, vitamins and pain relievers from waste leaves. Tea seed oil goes to the cosmetic industry and some other areas (as a lubricating oil for fine devices, for making soap, instead of olive oil in the food industry).

Natalia Manuilova

if this is a question, then, of course, it has a lot of useful properties, I think it makes no sense to list all this. (soothing, tonic, etc., etc.) Green tea is especially useful, preferably without sugar.

Natalia Shavyrina

Ancient Chinese called tea “the fire of life”. At the beginning of the 18th century, a physician of the Japanese imperial court noted that "drinking tea helps to cleanse the blood, cleanses the mucous membrane of the eyes, regulates the liver and spleen, relieves drowsiness and lethargy, revitalizes the muscles of the body ..."

The world around us tea is a healthy drink

Do you know ... how?)

Despite the fact that according to statistics, the inhabitants of Russia prefer tea from all drinks, it is not a Russian drink, which many consider it to be. Once upon a time, before the appearance of tea, in Russia they drank infusions of various herbs, leaves and berries of wild strawberries, lingonberries, currants, rose hips, drupes, mint leaves, linden blossom, etc. And tea was brought to Russia only in the XUP century, however since then it has become strongly Russified and has rightfully become one of the most favorite drinks.

Many of us know that tea is not only delicious, but also a healthy drink that plays an important role in a healthy diet. In an ancient Chinese manuscript, you can read the following lines about tea: - "Tea strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, removes fatigue, awakens thought and does not allow laziness to settle, lightens and refreshes the body and clarifies receptivity." But not every tea is really healthy. "Fresh tea is like a balm, and left overnight is like vinegar," continues in the treatise on tea.

There are many varieties of tea, and each of them is tasty and healthy in its own way! Black tea is not only an invigorating drink, it also improves appetite and digestion. Microelements contained in tea dilate blood vessels, regulate muscle activity, it removes harmful substances from the body, including heavy metals. Tea makes the stomach and kidneys, and to some extent the liver, work better.

For centuries, green tea has been considered a medicine for its high content of vitamins, as well as potassium, fluoride, copper, iodine, zinc. There is even more vitamin C in green tea than in orange juice. Green tea has the highest concentration of kakhetins, which inhibit substances that cause cell mutation. And until now, green tea is an important product for healthy eating... In the East, they brushed their teeth with thick green tea, as it contains substances that kill bacteria in the mouth. Green tea can be sweetened with honey, but drinking more than 2 cups a day is not recommended.

If the tea is stale or improperly brewed, there will be no benefit. There are as many ways of brewing tea as there are varieties of it. But there is also general rules brewing tea:

The water for brewing is brought to a boil with a "white key", this is about 90º, and not 100, as with long-boiled water. The water should be freshly boiled, not hot. The teapot must be porcelain. Better to use a large teapot to pour the tea without adding boiling water after brewing. Before brewing, the kettle must be warmed up by rinsing with boiling water.

For each glass, approximately one teaspoon of tea is placed, plus one more spoon, boiling water is poured. The kettle is closed with a thick napkin for better infusion.

The tea is infused for about 5 minutes, then it must be stirred and poured into cups. The beneficial properties of tea persist for about 10 minutes after brewing.

If these simple rules, then the tea will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Help write a short story for the 3rd grade about the world around you on the topic: Tea is a healthy drink.


Long before the chemical constituents of tea were known, people noticed that the drink had health benefits. First of all, its tonic effect was noted. Tea quenches thirst and warms, and, in addition, increases efficiency and relieves fatigue. It is no coincidence that tea was introduced into the diet of the armies. different countries peace as an indispensable component. It is an indispensable remedy for relieving stress in people experiencing rather heavy physical and mental stress due to their profession.

In ancient Chinese treatises, ten main properties of tea are noted. In short, they are as follows: tea relieves headaches, invigorates, sobering up and helps to cope with alcohol addiction, helps to endure heat more easily, satisfies hunger, relieves stress, promotes the process of digestion of fatty foods, removes toxins from the body, increases intellectual capacity and prolongs life. Agree, more than enough. But to this can be added other "abilities" of tea.

In India, tea is considered a good remedy for blindness and various eye diseases. Both gift green tea and black tea help, but black is the most effective.

Tea compresses relieve puffiness around the eyes, and make the skin color healthier. Using tea compresses for bruises and sprains helps to quickly relieve pain.

Green tea destroys the bacteria that cause tooth decay. It contains fluoride useful for teeth. Another feature of green tea is also known, which is important for many. It helps you lose weight. Green tea has a healing effect on internal organsassociated with the exchange and processing of substances. In addition, green tea regulates blood glucose levels, making it beneficial for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and diseases of the endocrine system. Tea also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Hence its calming effect.

For colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, tea is used not only because it is a good diaphoretic, but also because of its ability to facilitate and stimulate breathing.

It is worth noting that for each specific person and external conditions, the set of tea should be different. But the use of good, well-brewed tea in reasonable quantities brings undoubted benefits.

In Russia, tea appeared relatively recently, at the time of its appearance it was expensive. The people mainly consumed kvass, cooked jelly from berries and drank decoctions from dried herbs. In the winter cold, sbiten was in use, it was consumed hot and was carried along the streets of cities by merchants, similar to how they now carry tea and coffee in markets.

Only over time, with the cheapening of delivery and the appearance of the first tea plantations in the Mediterranean countries, including the Georgian ones, did the price of tea decrease to reasonable limits. Tea has become widespread.

What is the secret of the popularity of tea, you ask?

When dried, it takes up little space, since when dried, tea leaves curl, become compact and easy to transport.
In the simplicity of preparation, just hot water and a pinch of tea leaves and the drink is ready.
Tea contains a set of trace elements and vitamins, as well as caffeine, tannins and tannins.
In small amounts, two to three cups a day, tea will not hurt, but tea should not be overused, it raises blood pressure and increases heart rate with the whole set of subsequent reactions of the body.
Tea also speeds up the body's metabolism.

What tea to use a matter of taste, the main thing is that it is natural, without chemical flavors, and not in bags, since tea bags contain tea dust, and not natural tea as many people think, however, the choice is yours.

In addition to the widespread black and green, there are also red, yellow, and other varieties of more exotic teas.

After purchase, tea should be poured into a glass, tightly sealed container and stored separately from other pungently smelling foods, as tea can pick up an off-odor.

What's the best way to brew tea?

There are many recipes for making tea, but it is best to brew tea in a mug from which it they will drink directly, and after brewing, cover with a lid so that the aroma does not evaporate.

True, not everyone likes this method, because of the tea leaves remaining in the drink, but it is useful to just chew tea.
If the method of brewing tea in a mug does not suit you, then you can brew tea in porcelain or glass teapots. It is not recommended to brew tea in metal dishes, although in my practice there have been people who do not accept brewing tea in any other dish, except metal, wherever it suits you.

To get more tart tea it should be brewed with steep boiling water, and if you want to stretch the pleasure then green tea should be brewed with moderately hot water of 70-80C, then the tea can be drunk several times. Green tea should also be allowed to infuse for a long time up to 20 minutes. With black tea, the opposite is true, it should be drunk immediately, do not let it rest, since the tea with the appeared film should not be consumed. If you drink strong tea, be sure to add milk, it will bring down the bitterness and improve the taste.

Black tea brewing recipe.

We take a dry, clean, preheated teapot, heat it up not much, you can spoil the taste and then pour one teaspoon of tea per cup of water, plus one teapot, pour half boiling water.

We give the exposure for a couple of minutes and add water almost to the very lid, let it brew for a minute or use it immediately. In our conditions, especially in winter, you should wrap the teapot with a dry, clean, odorless towel. It is very important that the towels are clean, as tea picks up a smell not only during storage but also during brewing. If the tea is acidic, then you can add half a spoonful of granulated sugar, this will knock down the acid and make the extract more tart, and the taste of the tea richer.

Here is another way to brew black tea, called "scalding the Chinese" if the tea contains a lot of dust or the smell leaves much to be desired, you can try the following method:
Pour tea into a cold teapot as usual and pour it over with boiling water, immediately drain and immediately pour boiling water up to the top, insist and consume.

I recommend brewing green tea in a cold cup, from which we will fill it with not too hot water of 70-80 degrees, letting it stand for a while.
If we want to get tart tea, let it brew longer, then the tea should be mixed only not with an iron teaspoon so as not to spoil the taste, but preferably with a wooden or stirring method, pouring from cup to cup. Thus, with a certain skill, you can get rid of annoying tea leaves.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few tips.
Try not to overuse strong tea. Do not consume tea on an empty stomach. People with high blood pressure and stomach problems should not drink tea. I think common sense in the use of any drinks will not hurt anyone.

Drink tea with friends at work or at home with bagels or jam, with and without sugar, the most important thing for health.

In the writings of ancient Chinese philosophers, tea is mentioned under a variety of names: "tse", "tou", "chung", "ming", as well as "cha", which translates as "young leaf" (the fact is that for the preparation of a delicious drink, you need to take the youngest and freshest leaves of the tea bush). The word "tsai" came from Mongolia, which later began to sound more familiar to the Russian ear - "tea".

Such a simple at first glance, the word "tea" contains more than one concept, and it is unlikely that it will work out immediately, without hesitation, to give it an unambiguous and capacious definition. Indeed, tea is both a plant from the camellia genus, and the harvested leaves of this plant, and the product obtained as a result of processing these leaves, and, of course, a drink prepared from this product. And in all these states, tea has a different chemical composition.

The fact is that during processing, many substances contained in fresh green leaves change their qualities or completely lose them, and others appear in their place. For example, during fermentation, the bitter taste of tannin completely disappears, and the tea leaf is enriched with aromatic compounds with floral and fruity aromas. But, of course, when they talk about chemical composition tea, as a rule, implies its final embodiment - a drink.

Since ancient times, people have discovered the healing properties of tea, finding that it drives away sleep and gives vigor. There is one ancient Chinese legend that confirms this fact no worse than real historical events.

According to this legend, a certain Buddhist monk, performing the ceremony, could not stand it and fell asleep, and waking up, in despair, cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. At this place, the first tea bush grew, from the leaves of which the Chinese prepared a drink that gives extraordinary vigor (by the way, the meanings of the words "vigor" and "tea" in chinese almost identical, since they are denoted by the same hieroglyph). Since then, all the monks began to drink tea during the performance of religious rituals.

Of course, the tonic effect is one of the main reasons why tea is so loved and appreciated. This effect is achieved primarily due to caffeine, which is found in tea leaves in a higher concentration than anywhere else (4-5%). Even coffee beans contain less substance. But in combination with tea tannin, it acts much softer, and therefore does not have a harmful effect on the body.

Many have noticed that tea, among other things, also stimulates creativity. For example, Leo Tolstoy spoke about the “drink of vigor” as follows: “I had to drink a lot of tea, because I could not work without it. Tea releases those possibilities that are dormant in the depths of my soul. "

Thanks to caffeine, tea has a positive effect on the brain, increases mental alertness and even improves creative process... But at the same time, unlike coffee or alcohol, tea does not cause oppression and depression that follow arousal, so you can drink it in almost any quantity.

Toning is not the only beneficial property of tea. It is known that in ancient times, philosophers and alchemists considered this drink one of the main components of the magic elixir of immortality. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Of course, tea does not give eternal life, but it can be effectively used to treat and prevent many diseases. In some countries, tea was initially used not as a drink, but as a universal healing remedy. The fact is that it contains a huge amount of vitamins and other substances useful for the body.

The healing properties of tea were discovered in the years 2737–2697. BC e. According to one of the legends, this discovery belongs to the great Second Emperor Shen Nun, who went down in history under the name of the Divine Healer. Around the 3rd century. n. e. in a letter from one of the Chinese aristocrats, tea was mentioned as a substitute for wine.

Among the vitamins contained in tea, in the first place is vitamin A, or carotene, which is extremely useful for vision and is used for the prevention and treatment of many eye diseases. This drink is no less rich in B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as on the appearance and condition of the skin. In considerable quantities, tea contains vitamin P, which contributes to the accumulation in the body and the better absorption of vitamin C (which is also present in the tea infusion). But the main function of this vitamin is that it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing minor hemorrhages.

One of the main components of tea is tannin, a tannin containing catechins. Tea tannin is very special in its chemical properties, it is very different from artificially obtained and is much healthier.

It is tannin that influences the taste and aroma of the drink, ultimately determining its quality and giving the tea a tart, slightly bitter taste. The southern teas (Indian and Ceylon) possess these qualities to the greatest extent, since they have a higher tannin content.

During the processing of tea leaves, the amount of tannin is reduced, but aromatic compounds are formed, giving the tea the smell of orange, lemon, rose, etc.

The spectrum of useful properties of tannin is very wide. Firstly, it produces an action similar to vitamin P. In addition, it has a strong antibacterial property, and the concentrated tea infusion is able to destroy even such dangerous microbes as dysentery bacillus. Because of this, tea is very good at promoting the functioning of the digestive tract.

Since the 800s. tea began to gain popularity in Japan. At first, it was perceived among the Japanese as a ritual medicine for priests and monks. Several decades passed before the Japanese discovered healing properties tea and began to take it as a medicine.

Essential oils are present in small amounts in tea. They not only saturate the drink with a variety of floral and fruity aromas (although most of them are lost during processing), but also prevent many kidney diseases. For example, it is known that the Chinese, who are the best in the world who know the technology of making a drink, suffer the least from urolithiasis.

In addition, tea contains proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, pectins, minerals and many trace elements necessary for life. The concentration of these substances is highest in green tea, since it does not undergo heat treatment and fermentation for as long as other varieties, and therefore retains more useful properties.

Thus, we can say that tea has a positive effect on all systems of the body, and as a result of improving the general physical condition, both moral satisfaction and peace of mind often occur. Probably, it was not in vain that it was customary to drink tea during the performance of Buddhist religious rituals: strong infusion not only chased away sleep, but also helped to abandon unnecessary thoughts and focus on the main thing. Probably connected with this is the tradition of accompanying complex and delicate diplomatic negotiations with a cup of tea.

But still, do not abuse the drink, not paying attention to the proportions and brewing rules, because if used incorrectly, tea can become harmful. For example, the consequences of improper storage of tea can be very dangerous: it is able to well absorb vapors of various toxic substances, which sometimes leads to poisoning.

In addition, it was noticed that too strong tea has the opposite properties: it does not cause vigor, but, on the contrary, drowsiness. Some even try to achieve a drug-like effect from this drink (although it would be a big mistake to believe that tea contains narcotic substances).

A weak infusion is also not useful: in the cold form, it simply tints the water without exerting any effect on the body, and in the hot one it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane (while it is almost impossible to burn yourself with strong tea due to its special properties).

Therefore, simply drinking tea is not enough for health and pleasure; it is necessary to do this competently, competently. First of all, you need to know how to brew tea correctly and, of course, have an idea of \u200b\u200bits varieties and varieties, of which there are many.

In terms of frequency of consumption, tea ranks second after water. Every day, on average, a person drinks 3 cups of tea, and in an evening in the sincere company of close friends, you can completely drink a week's norm. As a drink, it warms, refreshes and quenches thirst. As a powerful and effective relaxant, it soothes and adjusts to the desired mood. Any meal is rarely complete without a tea ceremony, the drink is so much included in our daily lifethat it is difficult to imagine how one can exist without it. But tea has many substances necessary for the body, for which it received the name of the most useful drink for health. What are the health benefits of tea, ELLE has studied.

China is considered the homeland of tea; this hot drink was first mentioned in ancient times. According to Chinese legends, the tea bush appeared simultaneously with the creation of the Earth and Heaven. In ancient philosophical writings, there is already an answer to the question of why tea is useful. It was believed that tea is better than wine, because it does not cause intoxication, and is superior to water, since it is not a carrier of infection. Even now, the beneficial properties of tea discovered in ancient times have not lost their relevance.

Tea leaves contain trace elements (calcium, fluoride, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium). In terms of vitamin P concentration, tea is four times higher than citrus fruits. Even tea contains many times more carotene than carrots. B vitamins help fight viral diseases, help to strengthen nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin E strengthens cell membranes, has a positive effect on the human reproductive system.

The question of whether tea is healthy, because it, like coffee, contains caffeine, causes heated debate. Coffee gives quick results and a short-term boost of energy, while tea caffeine acts on the body for a longer time. Moreover, tea has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, kidneys and digestive tract. In the presence of diseases of these organs, doctors do not always recommend drinking coffee.

Tea helps to improve the absorption of vitamin C by the body. The tonic drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels, saturates with antioxidants, and cleanses from toxins. Tea slows down the formation of fatty deposits on the inner surface of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of developing sclerosis, hypertension and cerebral blood clots.

Tea without added sugar and sweeteners normalizes work digestive system, promotes the production of gastric juice, restores intestinal microflora, regulates metabolism.

The controversial issues did not end there. If everyone makes the choice of tea or coffee for himself, then it is not always easy to figure out the next item. Which tea is healthier? In the Chinese tea tradition, it is customary to distinguish six types of tea: green, white, red, turquoise, yellow, black (puer). Each of these species has its own unique properties.

It is believed that the healthiest tea is green. Black and green tea varieties are harvested from one bush, depending on how it is processed, one or another variety is obtained. Green tea is made from the same young leaves, but not fermented and dried immediately after collection. At the same time, the leaves retain their original color and natural properties... In the process of obtaining black tea, half of the catechins is lost, as a result of which the healing properties of tea are reduced. Therefore, it is believed that it is green tea that is biologically more active.

The beneficial properties of green tea are the same as that of black tea, with only one significant difference: they are more pronounced in a green drink. But the main property of green tea has made it world famous and number 1 in the healthy lifestyle community: green tea is a powerful antioxidant. Green tea earned this reputation thanks to a unique substance - epigallocatechin gallate, which is 100 times more active than vitamin C in protecting the cells of the body from harmful effects that provoke cancer or cause cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy teas for women should be chosen based on the problem to be solved. Tea with the addition of grated ginger helps in the fight against overweight, white tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, this is especially important for varicose veins, linden tea normalizes the menstrual cycle, chamomile tea removes toxins and toxins, is used in numerous home beauty rituals (rubbing the skin, rinsing hair). Green tea eliminates inflammation, tones, moisturizes the skin and hair, relieves fatigue, increases skin elasticity, reduces puffiness and improves complexion.

The advantage of tea for men is the high concentration of vitamins necessary for the body. This tonic drink gives vigor and energy. Green tea for men is also considered the most beneficial: the carotene contained in the drink contributes to the growth and maintenance of hair density. Few people know about this, but it is fresh tea, not coffee, that is the best helper for hangover. A few cups of hot tea after a party will restore clarity to thoughts and strength to the body.

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