The procedure for connecting consumer facilities to heating networks. Technological connection to heating networks III. The procedure for concluding a connection agreement

Mechanized tools 20.05.2021

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 307
"On the procedure for connecting to heat supply systems and on amending some acts of the Government Russian Federation"

(as amended on April 24, 2018,
with changes and additions, incorporated into the text,
in accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated 30.12.2013 No. 1314,
dated 14.11.2014 No. 1201, dated 18.01.2017 No. 32, dated 07.03.2017 No. 275,
dated 09.09.2017 No. 1089, dated 12.04.2018 No. 448)

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Heat Supply", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve attached:

Rules for connecting to heat supply systems;

paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 307 became invalid in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 No. 1201.

Rules for connecting to heat supply systems

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for connecting heat-consuming installations, heating networks and sources of thermal energy to heat supply systems.

2. For the purposes of these Rules, the following basic concepts are used:

"pluggable object"- a building, structure, structure or other object capital construction, which provides for the consumption of thermal energy, heating networks or a source of thermal energy;

"connection"- a set of organizational and technical actions that enable the connected object to consume heat energy from the heat supply system, to ensure the transfer of heat energy through adjacent heating networks or to issue heat energy produced at the heat energy source to the heat supply system;

"connection point"- the place of connection of the connected object to the heat supply system;

"applicant"- a person intending to connect an object to the heat supply system, as well as a heat supply or heating network organization in the case provided for in paragraph of these Rules;

"executor"- a heat supply or heating network organization that owns, on the right of ownership or on another legal basis, heat networks and (or) sources of heat energy, to which the connection is carried out directly or through heat networks and (or) sources of heat energy of other persons;

"related organizations"- organizations that own, on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, heat networks and (or) sources of heat energy that have mutual connection points;

"technologically connected networks"- heat networks belonging to organizations on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, having mutual connection points and participating in a single technological heat supply system.

3. Connection to heat supply systems is carried out on the basis of an agreement on connection to heat supply systems (hereinafter referred to as a connection agreement).

Under the connection agreement, the contractor undertakes to connect, and the applicant undertakes to perform actions to prepare the object for connection and pay for connection services.

The basis for concluding a connection agreement is the applicant's submission of an application for connection to the heat supply system in the following cases:

the need to connect a newly created or created connected object to heat supply systems, but not connected to heat supply systems, including when the right to use heat power is assigned;

increasing the heat load (for heat-consuming installations) or heat power (for heat sources and heat networks) of the connected object;

reconstruction or modernization of the connected facility, which does not increase the heat load or heat capacity of the connected facility, but requires the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of heat networks or sources of heat energy in the heat supply system, including when increasing the reliability of heat supply and changing modes of consumption of heat energy ...

4. Heat supply or heating grid organizations that are executors under the connection agreement are determined in accordance with the section of these Rules.

The connection agreement is public for heat supply and heating network organizations. If it is technically possible to connect to the heat supply system and if there is free capacity at the corresponding connection point, the refusal to the consumer, including the developer, to conclude a connection agreement in relation to an object located within the boundaries of the effective heat supply radius determined by the heat supply scheme is not allowed. In the event of an unreasonable refusal or evasion of the contractor from concluding a connection agreement, the applicant has the right to apply to the court with a demand to compel the contractor to conclude a connection agreement.

If the connection of the facility to the heat supply system in accordance with the heat supply scheme is possible through heat networks or sources of heat energy owned or otherwise legally owned by persons who do not provide services for the transfer of heat energy and (or) do not sell heat energy, then the conclusion of an agreement the connection is carried out by the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor) after obtaining the consent of the indicated persons to connect the facility through their own heating networks or sources of thermal energy.

If these persons do not give their consent to connect to heat sources or heating networks belonging to them by right of ownership or other legal basis within 15 days from the date of the request of the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor), the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor) is obliged to within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for connection, notify the applicant about the possibility of connection:

at another point of connection, taking into account the determination of the technical possibility of connection;

by assignment of the right to use capacity in the manner prescribed by the section of these Rules, if there is a technical possibility of such an assignment.

The applicant is obliged, within 15 days from the date of receipt of such notification, to inform the contractor in writing about the choice of the connection option or about the refusal to connect. If within the specified time period the contractor does not receive a message from the applicant about the choice of the connection option or a refusal to connect is received, the connection request is canceled.

In the event that the contractor receives a message from the applicant about the choice of the connection option within the specified time period, the conclusion of the connection agreement is carried out in the manner prescribed by these Rules for the corresponding connection option.

5. The object is connected in an order that includes the following stages:

choice by the applicant of a heat supply organization or a heating network organization (performer);

conclusion of a connection agreement, including the applicant's submission of an application for connection to the heat supply system and the issuance of connection conditions, which are an integral part of the specified agreement;

fulfillment by the parties of the terms of the connection agreement;

connection of the facility to the heat supply system and the signing by the parties of an act on the connection of the facility to the heat supply system, containing information on the delineation of the balance sheet ownership of heating networks and the delineation of the operational responsibilities of the parties.

28. Measures (including technical) to connect the facility to the heat supply system, performed by the contractor to the border land plot the applicant on which the connected object is located, and in case of connection apartment building- to the border with the engineering and technical networks of the house, measures to increase the throughput (increase capacity) of the corresponding heating networks or sources of thermal energy, as well as measures for the actual connection, contain:

preparation and issuance of connection conditions by the contractor and their approval, if necessary, with organizations that own, by right of ownership or other legal basis, adjacent heating networks and (or) sources of thermal energy;

development by the contractor of project documentation in accordance with the terms of connection;

verification by the contractor of the applicant's fulfillment of the connection conditions;

implementation by the contractor of the actual connection of the facility to the heat supply system.

29. The applicant shall pay the connection fee in the following order:

no more than 15 percent of the connection fee is paid within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the connection agreement;

no more than 50 percent of the connection fee is paid within 90 days from the date of the conclusion of the connection agreement, but no later than the date of the actual connection;

the remaining part of the connection fee is paid within 15 days from the date of signing by the parties of the connection act, which fixes the technical readiness for the supply of heat energy or coolant to the connected facilities.

30. If the payment for connection to the heat supply system is set by the regulatory body on an individual basis, the procedure and terms for making the payment are established by agreement of the parties to the connection agreement.

31. The standard connection period for heat-consuming installations cannot exceed 18 months from the date of conclusion of the connection agreement, if longer periods are not specified in the investment program of the contractor, as well as in the investment programs of organizations that own, by right of ownership or otherwise legally, adjacent heating networks and (or) heat energy sources with which connection agreements have been concluded, in connection with ensuring the technical possibility of connection, but the connection period should not exceed 3 years.

Connection to heat supply systems of heat networks and sources of heat energy is carried out within the terms determined in accordance with the heat supply scheme.

32. Connection conditions are issued by the contractor together with the draft connection agreement, are its integral part and contain the following information:

connection points;

maximum hourly and average hourly heat loads of the connected object by types of heat carriers and types of heat consumption (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply, technological needs), as well as connection diagrams of heat-consuming installations;

maximum estimated and average hourly flow rates of heat carriers, including those with water intake from the network (with an open heat supply system);

parameters (pressure, temperature) of heat carriers and the limits of their deviations at the points of connection to the heating network, taking into account the growth of loads in the heat supply system;

quantity, quality and pumping mode of the returned heat carrier, as well as requirements for its purification, if heat energy is released with steam;

voluntary recommendations regarding the need to use the applicant's own sources of thermal energy or to build a reserve source of thermal energy or a reserve heating network, taking into account the requirements for the reliability of heat supply to the connected facility, as well as recommendations on the use of secondary energy resources;

requirements for laying and insulation of pipelines;

requirements for the organization of metering of heat energy and heat carriers;

requirements for dispatching communication with a heat supply organization;

the boundaries of the operational responsibility of the heat supply organization and the applicant;

the term of validity of the terms of connection, which cannot be less than 2 years;

the limits of possible fluctuations in pressure (including static) and temperature in the applicant's heating points, devices for protection against which must be provided by the applicant when designing heat consumption systems and heating networks;

minimum hourly and average hourly heat loads of the connected object by types of heat carriers and types of heat consumption;

requirements for metering devices (technical specifications for the installation of metering devices).

33. If the connection is carried out by a contractor who is not a unified heat supply organization, the contractor shall agree on the terms of connection with a unified heat supply organization in the manner prescribed by the contract for the provision of services for the transfer of heat energy, heat carrier, in accordance with the rules for organizing heat supply approved by the Government of the Russian Federation ...

34. The Contractor does not have the right to impose on the applicant the terms of the connection agreement that are unfavorable for him or not related to the subject of the agreement, economically or technologically unjustified and (or) not expressly provided for federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, authorized federal executive bodies or judicial acts, requirements for the transfer of financial resources, other property, including property rights, as well as the conclusion of an agreement subject to the introduction of provisions regarding the goods into it, in which the counterparty is not interested.

IV. Procedure for the execution of the connection agreement

35. When executing the connection agreement, the contractor is obliged to:

to carry out actions for the creation (reconstruction, modernization) of heating networks to the connection points and (or) sources of heat energy, as well as for the preparation of heating networks for the connection of the facility and the supply of heat energy no later than the connection date established by the connection agreement;

check the applicant's compliance with the connection conditions and install seals on the metering devices (nodes) for heat energy and coolant, taps and valves on their bypasses within the period established by the connection agreement from the date of receipt from the applicant of a notification about the readiness of the on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected facility to supply heat energy and heat carrier with the preparation and signing of an act on the readiness of the on-site and in-house networks and equipment of the connected object for the supply of heat energy and heat carrier in the form according to Appendix No.

to carry out, no later than the connection date established by the connection agreement (but not earlier than the signing of the act on the readiness of the on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected facility for the supply of heat energy and coolant), actions to connect to the network of engineering and technical support of on-site or intra-house networks and equipment of the connected facility ( if this obligation is assigned to the contractor in accordance with the connection agreement);

accept or refuse to accept the proposal to amend the connection agreement within 30 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's proposal when making changes to the project documentation.

35.1. The act on the readiness of the on-site and in-house networks and equipment of the connected facility for the supply of heat energy and coolant is drawn up by the contractor in 2 copies (one for the contractor and the applicant), having equal legal force, and signed by the contractor and the applicant based on the results of the verification by the contractor of the applicant's compliance with the connection conditions and installation by the contractor of a seal on the devices (nodes) for metering heat energy and coolant, taps and valves on their contours.

36. When executing the connection agreement, the contractor has the right:

participate in the acceptance of hidden works on laying the network from the connected object to the connection point;

to change the date of connection of the connected object to a later one without changing the terms of payment for connection if the applicant did not provide the contractor within the terms established by the connection agreement with the opportunity to check the readiness of the on-site and in-house networks and equipment of the facility to connect and supply heat energy and seal the installed devices (nodes) of metering, cranes and valves on their bypasses, as well as if the applicant does not comply with the terms of payment for connection established by the contract. In this case, the date of connection cannot be later than the fulfillment of the specified obligations by the applicant.

37. When executing the connection agreement, the applicant is obliged:

fulfill the conditions for the preparation of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection, established in the connection agreement;

submit to the contractor the project documentation (1 copy) approved in accordance with the established procedure in terms of information about engineering equipment and networks of engineering and technical support, as well as a list of engineering and technical measures and content technological solutions simultaneously with notification of readiness for the executor to check the fulfillment of technical conditions;

send the contractor a proposal to amend the connection agreement in the event of changes in the design documentation for the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of the connected facility, entailing a change in the load specified in the agreement;

provide access to the contractor to check the fulfillment of the conditions for connecting and sealing metering devices (nodes), cranes and valves on their bypasses;

pay a connection fee in the amount and within the time frame established by the connection agreement.

38. In accordance with the connection conditions issued by the contractor, the applicant develops project documentation in the manner prescribed by law. Deviations from the connection conditions, the need for which was identified during the design process, are subject to mandatory agreement with the contractor.

39. If, during the construction (reconstruction) of the connected object, the validity period of the connection conditions is exceeded, the specified period is extended by agreement with the contractor on the basis of a written request from the applicant. The agreement on deviations from the connection conditions, as well as the extension of the term of the connection conditions, is carried out by the contractor within 15 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's request by amending the connection agreement.

40. The applicant has the right to receive, in the cases and according to the procedure established by the connection agreement, information on the progress of the implementation of measures for the creation (reconstruction) of heating networks provided for by the said agreement.

41. Paragraph 1 of clause 41 has ceased to be in force in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2017 No. 1089.

The Contractor monitors the implementation of connection activities without charging additional fees.

42. Before the start of the supply of heat energy, heat carrier, the applicant:

paragraph 2 of clause 42 has ceased to be in force in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2017 No. 1089;

concludes a heat supply contract;

presents, in the cases established by regulatory legal acts, devices and structures created for connection to heat supply systems, for inspection and admission to operation, to federal executive bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal state energy supervision.

43. The connection is completed by drawing up and signing by both parties of an act on connecting the facility to the heat supply system, confirming the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under the connection agreement, containing information on the delineation of the balance sheet ownership of heating networks and the delineation of the operational responsibility of the parties, in the form in accordance with Appendix No.

44. The list of individual apartment sources of thermal energy, which is prohibited to use for heating residential premises in apartment buildings in the presence of duly connected to heat supply systems, with the exception of cases determined by the heat supply scheme, includes thermal energy sources operating on natural gas, not meeting the following requirements:

the presence of a closed (sealed) combustion chamber;

the presence of a safety automatics that ensures the termination of the fuel supply when the supply of electrical energy is interrupted, in the event of a malfunction of the protection circuits, when the burner flame goes out, when the coolant pressure drops below the maximum allowable value, when the maximum allowable temperature of the coolant is reached, as well as in case of violation of smoke exhaust;

coolant temperature - up to 95 degrees Celsius;

coolant pressure - up to 1 MPa.

V. Specifics of connection upon assignment of the right to use power

45. Consumers whose heat-consuming installations are properly connected to the heat supply system have the right to reduce the heat load voluntarily and, provided there are no technical restrictions, to assign the right to use the power to other persons (consumers) interested in connection (hereinafter - the new consumer).

46. ​​The assignment of the right to use the power can be carried out at the same connection point where the heat-consuming installations of the person who assigns the right to use the power are connected, and only for the same type of heat carrier.

The technical feasibility of connection using the assignment of the right to use power at another connection point is determined by the heat supply (heating network) organization.

47. The assignment of rights is carried out by:

conclusion between the consumer, previously connected to the heat supply system, and the new consumer, in accordance with the established procedure, an agreement on the assignment of the right to use capacity;

conclusion of a connection agreement with a contractor by a new consumer.

48. The person to whom the right to use the power has been assigned shall send an application for connecting the organization to whose heating networks the heat receiving installations of the said person are connected.

In the application for connection, in addition to the information specified in paragraph of these Rules, information on the assignment of the right to use power, including the name and location of each of the parties to the agreement, the connection point and the amount of assigned power, is indicated.

To the specified application, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph of these Rules, copies of the act on the connection of the facility to the heat supply system or other documents confirming the connection parameters, and a copy of the concluded agreement on the assignment of the right to use power, as well as documents certifying the amount of the reduction, are attached heat load. Concession by several persons in favor of 1 person of capacity is allowed within the coverage area of ​​the source of thermal energy.

49. The agreement on the assignment of the right to use power provides for the following obligations of the person (s) who assigns the right to use the power:

performing technical actions to ensure connection;

amendments to the documents stipulating the size of the connected heat load of the person (s) who assigns the right to use the power, before the actual connection of the heat-consuming installations of the person to whom the right to use the power is assigned.

If the new consumer fails to connect the facility in the future for any reason, the right to use the power may be returned to the person who previously ceded the right to use the power by the decision of the parties by amending the agreement on the assignment of the right to use the power.

50. Any person interested in the redistribution in his favor of the power used by other persons, has the right, with the consent of these persons, to apply with a request to the heat supply or heating network organization, to whose heating networks or sources of thermal energy its objects are connected or can be connected, for the calculation the cost of connection on an individual project and determination of the presence of technical restrictions on the redistribution of power (hereinafter - the request).

The request specifies:

the name of the person who can assign the right to use the power (indicating the location of the heat receiving installations, connection points and the assigned power);

name of the person in favor of whom the power is transferred, indicating the location of the connected object, connection points and the volume of the transferred power.

51. The heat supply or heating network organization, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request, is obliged to provide the person who sent the request in writing with information containing the calculation of the amount of connection fees on an individual basis, information about connection points and information on the presence or absence of technical restrictions on redistribution power.

The specified information is provided free of charge.

52. The establishment of the connection fee on an individual basis is carried out on the basis of the request of the contractor, agreed with the applicant.

53. Technical restrictions on power redistribution include:

insufficient throughput of heating networks;

unacceptable violation of the quality and reliability of heat supply to other consumers, including an increase in pressure in the return pipe of the heating network above the maximum permissible.

54. The provisions established by these Rules apply to relations arising after the heat supply or heating network organization receives an application for connection by assigning the right to use capacity.

55. The heat supply or heating network organization has the right to refuse to provide the information specified in paragraph 50 of these Rules and (or) to conclude a connection agreement with the person to whom the right to use the power is assigned, for the following reasons:

the application and (or) the request was submitted to an organization that does not own heat networks or sources of heat energy, to which the heat receiving installations of the person (persons) who cede the right to use the capacity are connected;

the certified copy of the concluded agreement on the assignment of the right to use power does not provide for the obligations of the person (persons) whose connected power of heat-consuming installations is redistributed, to perform technical actions that ensure the connection, and (or) to amend the documents, providing for a change in the size of the connected heat load before the actual connection of the heat-consuming installations of the new consumer.

Appendix No. 1

to the Connection Rules
to heat supply systems

(the form)

(name of company)

hereinafter referred to as the performer, represented by ____________________________


(full name of the applicant - legal entity; full name of the applicant - individual)

hereinafter referred to as the applicant, represented by _______________________________,

acting on the basis _____________________________________________,

(charter, power of attorney, other documents)

on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as parties, constituted this

act as follows:

1. The connected object _____________________________________________,

situated _______________________________________________________.

(address is indicated)

2. In accordance with the agreement concluded by the parties on connection to the heat supply system No. dated "____" ______ 20__, the applicant carried out the following measures to prepare the facility for connection to the heat supply system:



The work was carried out according to the project No. _________, developed by ______________

and approved by ______________________________________________________.

3. Characteristics of on-site networks:

coolant ______________________________________________________;

pipe diameter: supply _______ mm, return ________________________ mm;

channel type _________________________________________________________;

materials and thickness of pipe insulation: supply _________________________,

back __________________________________________________________;

length of the route _______ m, including underground _________________

the heat pipe is made with the following deviations from the working drawings:



energy efficiency class of the connected object ______________;

availability of reserve sources of thermal energy ________________________;

availability of dispatcher communication with the heat supply organization ____________

4. Characteristics of the heat point equipment and heat consumption systems:

type of connection of the connection system:


a) elevator No. _______, diameter _______________________________________;

b) heating heater No. _______, number of sections ________________;

length of sections _______, purpose _____________________________________;

type (brand) _________________________________________________________;

c) diameter of the discharge pipe ________________________________________,

electric motor power _______, rotational speed _______;

d) throttle (limiting) diaphragms: diameter ____________________,

place of installation _____________________________________________________.

Type of heating system ___________________________________________;

number of risers __________________________________________________;

type and heating surface of heating devices _______________________


hot water supply system connection diagram _______________________


hot water heater connection diagram __________________


number of I stage sections: pieces _______, length _______;

number of stage II sections: pieces _______, length ______;

number of heaters: pieces ______, heating surface (total) _________.

p / p


Place of installation

Type of




(position name, full name of the person - the representative of the organization)

acting on the basis _____________________________________________,

(charter, power of attorney, other documents)

on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________,

(full name of the applicant - legal entity;
Full name. applicant - natural person)

hereinafter referred to as the applicant, represented by ________________________________,

(full name of the person - the applicant's representative)

acting on the basis _____________________________________________,

(charter, power of attorney, other documents)

on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as parties, have drawn up this act as follows:

1. The Contractor has completed the connection measures provided for by the agreement on connecting the facility to the heat supply system from "__" ___________ 20__ No. _________ (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) in full.

2. The applicant has completed the activities stipulated by the contract and terms of connection No. ______.

3. The applicant received an act on the readiness of the on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected object for the supply of heat energy and heat carrier.

4. The existing heat load of the connection object at the connection points (point) (excluding the new connection) is _______________ Gcal / h.

5. The connected maximum heat load of the object at points (point) is _______________ Gcal / h.

6. Geographical location and designation of the connection point of the object on the technological scheme of heating networks _____________________________________


7. The metering unit for heat energy and heat carriers was approved for operation according to the following results of checking the metering unit: _______________________________


(date, time, location of the metering unit)


(full name, positions and contact details of the persons who took part in the audit of the metering unit)


(results of checking the metering unit)


(readings of metering devices at the time of completion of the procedure for admitting the metering unit to operation, places on the metering unit in which control seals are installed)

8. The boundary of the section of the balance sheet of heating networks (heat-consuming installations and sources of heat energy) is


(address, name of the facility and equipment by which the boundary of the balance sheet belonging to heating networks is determined)

Date of signing "__" ______________ 20__

Changes to be made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 307, which approved the Amendments, became invalid in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 No. 1201.

7. If the owners of premises in an apartment building (in the case of direct management of such a building) or owners of residential buildings do not have an agreement concluded with the contractor, the said owners enter into an agreement on the purchase of cold water, hot water, electricity, gas and heat energy, as well as on wastewater disposal directly with the appropriate resource supplying organization. In this case, the resource supplying organization is responsible for the mode and quality of supply of cold water, hot water, electricity, gas and heat energy, as well as drainage at the border of networks that are part of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building or belonging to owners of residential buildings, with communal infrastructure systems. At the same time, maintenance of in-house engineering systems is carried out by persons involved under a contract by owners of premises in an apartment building or by owners of residential buildings, or by the indicated owners independently, unless otherwise provided by an agreement with a resource supplying organization.

The owners of premises in an apartment building and owners of residential buildings pay a fee for the volumes (quantity) of cold water, hot water, electricity, gas and thermal energy purchased from a resource supplying organization, as well as for the rendered wastewater disposal services based on the readings of metering devices installed at the border of the networks that are part of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building or owned by owners of residential buildings, with communal infrastructure systems, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The total volume (amount) of consumed cold water, hot water, electricity, gas and heat energy, as well as discharged Wastewater, determined on the basis of the indications of collective (common house) metering devices, is distributed among the indicated owners in the manner prescribed by paragraph 21 of these Rules, and if there are individual or common (apartment) metering devices in all premises of an apartment building, in proportion to their indications. In the absence of these metering devices, the calculation of the amount of payment is made in the manner prescribed by paragraph 19 of these Rules.

8. The terms of the contract for the purchase of communal resources and wastewater disposal (reception (discharge) of wastewater), concluded with resource supplying organizations in order to provide the consumer with communal services, must not contradict these Rules and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

II. Requirements for the provision utilities

9. When providing utilities, the following must be provided:

uninterrupted supply of communal resources of proper quality to the dwelling in the volumes required by the consumer;

uninterrupted drainage of household wastewater from the dwelling;

103. Information about gas and gas cylinders must contain information about the brand of gas and its physical and chemical characteristics, about technical condition gas cylinder (cylinder number, empty cylinder weight, date of its manufacture and date of the next technical examination, working and test pressure, capacity). Such information is indicated on the surface of the cylinder or on a plate attached to it.

104. The consumer who independently transports the purchased gas cylinder should be able to familiarize himself with the safety rules during its transportation, as well as with the safety rules when replacing an empty cylinder.

105. Together with gas bottle the consumer is given cash and sales receipts, in which, in addition to the mandatory information, the number of the gas cylinder, the mass of gas in the cylinder, the price of the goods and the date of sale are indicated.

XIV. Features of sale and delivery solid fuel

106. Solid fuel can be sold to consumers either directly at a specific point of sale or storage, or using pre-orders for the sale and delivery of fuel to a place specified by the consumer.

107. Information about the solid fuel offered for sale must contain information about the type, brand, type, size, grade of fuel and its other main indicators (including the cubic capacity of sawn timber, the rules for measuring it, the coefficients of converting round timber and sawn timber into a dense cubic mass), and also about the conditions for the possible delivery of solid fuel to the place indicated by the consumer. Such information is posted at the point of sale or storage of solid fuels. When selling coal by the contractor (seller), it is necessary to indicate the calorific value of this type of fuel and have quality certificates for it.

108. The application for the sale of solid fuel shall indicate the type, brand, type, size, grade and other main indicators, quantity (volume or weight), place and time of delivery.

109. The consumer should be able to familiarize himself with the procedure for measuring the volume and weight of solid fuel, as well as determining its grade and compliance with the established requirements.

ON. Samples of solid fuel are placed with an indication of its type, brand, type, size, grade and retail prices per unit of weight and (or) volume directly at the place of its sale or storage. Solid fuel is placed at the place of its sale or storage separately by types, brands, sizes, grades and other main indicators that determine its scope and consumer properties.

111. The consumer can select solid fuel at the place of its sale or storage.

112. The consumer, upon his request, must be provided with technical means for independent control of the solid fuel selected for purchase. The consumer has the right to demand a control weighing, measuring and checking the grade of the purchased solid fuel.

113. Loading of solid fuel on transport is carried out without additional payment from the consumer. Unloading of solid fuel delivered to the consumer is carried out at an additional cost.

XV. Monitoring compliance with these Rules

114. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies within their competence, established by acts defining the status of these bodies.

Appendix No. 1

Conditions for changing the amount of payment for utilities when providing utilities of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration

Stage start condition

Fill out the Application for connection to the heat supply system of PJSC "MOEK" in paper or electronic form.

If the Applicant has determined the required connected load, he has the right to apply to PJSC MOEK with a Connection Application without first obtaining the technical conditions for connection.

Submission form

An application for concluding a Connection Agreement is drawn up in accordance with the Rules for Connection (Technological Connection) to Heat Supply Systems, including the Rules for Non-Discriminatory Access to Services for Connection (Technological Connection) to Heat Supply Systems, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.07.2018 No. 787 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules connections).

Stage content

If technically possible connection (which is determined by the simultaneous availability of a reserve of throughput of heating networks, ensuring the transfer of the required volume of heat energy, heat carrier, and a reserve of thermal power of heat sources), the period for consideration of the Application for connection and preparation of the Agreement is no more than 20 working days, subject to the submission of a complete set of documents.

If there are any comments to the Application or a package of documents Applicant within 3 working days will receive a notification. Missing documents and information must be submitted within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the notification. If this requirement is not met, the Application will be canceled.

With a complex connection or the lack of technical connectivity, the term for issuing the Agreement may be increased:

  • commensurate with the time period for the response of the related organization to the Contractor's request for the submission of a written consent of the related organization for the indirect connection of the Applicant's facility, if the Contractor requires the written consent of the related organization to connect the facility through its own heating networks or sources of thermal energy to make the connection;
  • for the period of concluding Connection Agreements with related organizations, if the Contractor needs to conclude Connection Agreements with other organizations in order to connect;
  • for the period of setting the connection fee on an individual basis.

In the absence of technical connectivity, the Contractor within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the Application for connection to the heat supply system, sends the Applicant a letter with a proposal to choose one of the following connection options:

  • connection will be carried out for a fee set individually, without making changes to the investment program of the Contractor and with the subsequent introduction of appropriate changes to the heat supply scheme in accordance with the established procedure;
  • connection will be carried out after making the necessary changes to the investment program of the Contractor and to the corresponding heat supply scheme.

During 5 working days from the date of receipt of the specified letter from the Contractor, the Applicant sends a letter to the Contractor indicating the selected connection option or refusing to connect to the heat supply system.


LLC "TsTP MOEK" during 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Application and documents, it sends to the Applicant the signed draft of the Agreement in 2 copies in paper form or in electronic form through a single personal account, if the Application is submitted in electronic form using an electronic digital signature.

The applicant signs both copies of the draft Connection Agreement within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the signed drafts of the Agreement and sends 1 copy to the address of LLC "TSC MOEK". In case of disagreement with the draft Agreement, the Applicant within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft Agreement, sends a notice of intention to conclude an Agreement on other conditions and attach a protocol of disagreements to the draft Agreement.

In case of failure to receive from the Applicant a signed draft Connection Agreement or a reasoned refusal to sign it within 30 days after it is sent by the Contractor, the submitted Connection Application is canceled.

Stage result

Receive the draft of the Agreement on the connection to the LLC "Central Transformer Substation MOEK" at the address Moscow, Voznesensky pereulok, 11, building 1. For your convenience, we recommend it in advance.

If the Application is submitted in a single personal account on the official website of PJSC "MOEK", the issuance of the draft Agreement is carried out in electronic form.

Explore the received draft of the Connection Agreement and the connection conditions, which are its integral part. If necessary, discuss all the questions that have arisen by contacting the personal curator of the Center for Technological Connections on the Connection Application.

Sign up draft Agreement and submit it to the personal curator of the Center for Technological Connections of MOEK.


If there is a technical possibility of connection, it is established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs per unit of capacity of the connected heat load.

  • if the connected load is less than 0.1 Gcal / hour, the connection cost is RUB 550, including VAT;
  • on settlement period regulation, the payment for connection to the heat supply system is set per unit of power of the connected heat load, if the connected heat load of the Applicant's facility is more than 0.1 Gcal / h and does not exceed 1.5 Gcal / h (in thousand rubles / Gcal / h);
  • for the settlement period of regulation, the payment for connection to the heat supply system is set per unit of power of the connected heat load, if the connected heat load of the Applicant's facility exceeds 1.5 Gcal / h if there is a technical possibility of connection (in thousand rubles / Gcal / h ).

The connection fee in the heat supply system is set individually in the cases stipulated by the Connection Rules (in thousand rubles).

The payment for connection to the heat supply system is differentiated:

  • in the range of diameters of heating networks: 50 - 250 mm, 251 - 400 mm, 401 - 550 mm, 551 - 700 mm, 701 mm and more;
  • by the type of laying of heating networks: underground (channel and channelless) or aboveground (ground).

You can use Calculator of the cost of technological connection allowing to calculate payment for technological connection online.

When the need to establish a connection fee on an individual basis the draft Agreement is sent to the Applicant within 20 working days from the date of establishment of the connection fee by the authorized regulatory body.

Questions and answers

The average time for receiving an application / request in Branch # 1 exceeds the same indicator as compared to Branch # 2-9 due to the large number of requests.

To reduce your waiting time and the efficiency of receiving documents, we recommend that you contact Departments No. 2-9.

How long does it take to prepare a connection agreement?

The term for the issue of the Agreement on connection to the heat supply system / to centralized system hot water supply (hereinafter referred to as Connection Agreements), according to the Connection Rules / Hot Water Supply Rules, should not exceed 20 working days from the date of receipt of the Application by the heat supplying organization, subject to the submission of a complete set of documents in accordance with the Connection Rules / Hot Water Supply Rules.

In the absence of completeness / identification of inconsistencies in the execution of documents, the Applicant will be notified of the need to submit the missing documents and information within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the said notification.

If, in order to connect, the Contractor requires the written consent of a related organization to connect the facility through its own heating networks or heat energy sources / water supply networks, the term for sending the draft Connection Agreement increases in proportion to the time period for the response of the related organization to the Contractor's request for submitting the written consent of the related organization to indirect connection of the Applicant's object.

If, in order to connect, the Contractor needs to conclude Connection Agreements with other organizations, the term for sending the draft Connection Agreement is increased by the time period for concluding the said Agreements with related organizations. At the same time, the Contractor is obliged to immediately notify the Applicant about the extension of the term for sending the draft Connection Agreement.

How is the presence / absence of technical connectivity determined?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the technical possibility of connection exists with the simultaneous availability of a reserve of throughput of heating networks, which ensures the transfer of the required volume of heat energy, heat carrier, and a reserve of thermal power of heat sources.

How is the payment for technological connection in Moscow determined?

The amount of payment for technological connection is established by the authorized executive body in the field of state regulation of tariffs.

The cost of services is calculated by PJSC "MOEK" as part of the preparation of the offer of the Agreement on the connection of a specific facility, based on the technical solution prepared based on the results of consideration of the Application.

In terms of connection to the heat supply system:

For 2019, the order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow No. 129-TP dated 12.11.2018 " joint stock company"Moscow United Energy Company" on the territory of the city of Moscow for 2019 ".

If technically possible, the cost of connection depends on the size of the connected load.

If the connected load is less than 0.1 Gcal / hour, the connection cost is 550 rubles, including VAT.

If more than 0.1 Gcal / hour, then the cost of connection depends on the method of installation, the diameter of the network and the need for the construction / reconstruction of a heating point and is calculated in accordance with the Order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow No. 145-TP dated 30.08.2017 on the basis of Order of the FTS of Russia dated June 13, 2013 N 760-e on the approval of the Methodological Guidelines for the calculation of regulated prices (tariffs) in the field of heat supply.

If there is no technical possibility of connection, the heat supply organization prepares an individual project and sends it to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow to establish the amount of connection fee. After the establishment of the connection fee by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow, the heat supply organization for 20 working days sends the signed draft Agreement in 2 copies to the Applicant.

In terms of connecting to the Central Service of Civil Service:

For 2019, the order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow No. 229-TP dated 30.11.2018 "On setting tariffs for connection (technological connection) to the centralized hot water supply system of the public joint-stock company" Moscow United Energy Company "for 2019 is in force, as well as the order of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow dated 03.04.2019 No. 31-ТР "On amendments to the order dated 30.11.2018 No. 229-ТР".

How is the payment for technological connection in the Moscow region determined?

The amount of payment for technological connection on the territory of the Moscow Region is determined on the basis of guidelines for the calculation of regulated prices (tariffs) in the field of heat supply, approved by order of the FTS of Russia dated June 13, 2013 No. 760-e, and established by the Committee for Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

How is the individual rate calculated?

When approving the payment for technological connection on an individual basis by the authorized executive body in the field of state regulation of tariffs, economically justified expenses of the heat supply organization for the implementation of technological connection of the Applicant are taken into account.

How can I get clarification on the cost of applying the tariff?

For an explanation of the calculation of the payment for technological connection, you can contact the personal curator of LLC "TsTP MOEK", in addition, a detailed calculation of the fee is indicated in the Appendix to the Connection Agreement

Upon receipt of the Connection Agreement, can I contact LLC “CPT MOEK” if I do not agree with the terms of connection and the amount of the connection fee?

to the heat supply system and (or) inconsistency with its Connection Rules, the Applicant has the right, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft Connection Agreement, to send a notice of intention to conclude the specified Agreement on other terms and to attach a protocol of disagreements to the draft Agreement.

In case of disagreement of the Applicant with the draft Connection Agreement submitted by the Contractor to the centralized hot water supply system and (or) its inconsistency with the Hot Water Supply Rules, the Applicant has the right, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the draft Connection Agreement, to send a reasoned refusal to conclude an agreement to TSC MOEK LLC. In this case, the Contractor, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the refusal to conclude the contract, considers it, takes measures to resolve the differences and sends the applicant a new draft contract for signing.

How to connect your own half of the house separately?

In accordance with paragraphs. "A" clause 12 of the Rules for connecting to the Application, among other documents, a copy of the certificate of state registration of ownership or an extract from the USRN for the connected object or land plot is attached.

In the event that the rights to the connected object or land plot are not registered in the USRN, copies of documents of title to the specified real estate objects (contracts, acts, etc.) are provided.

In the event that the connected object or land plot on which the construction is supposed to be located in shared ownership, then according to Article 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Applicant must submit the written consent of all co-owners, since the possession and use of property in shared ownership is carried out by agreement of all its participants, and if no agreement is reached, in the manner established by the court.

The written consent of all owners is also provided if the Applicant owns separate premises in the building to be connected, since in accordance with clause 2 of the Connection Rules, the connected object is a building, structure, structure or other capital construction object.

Do the innovations in the legislative acts apply to the Agreements concluded before the adoption of these laws?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation general rules the following: The contract must comply with the rules binding on the parties, established by law and other legal acts in force at the time of its conclusion. If, after the conclusion of the Agreement, a law is adopted that establishes rules binding on the parties other than those that were in force at the conclusion of the Agreement, the terms of the concluded Agreement remain in force, unless the law states that its effect applies to relations arising from previously concluded Agreements ( Article 422 Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The applicant is the new owner of the land. The previous owner signed the Agreement and received the Connection Conditions, but the new owner does not know whether that UP has been fulfilled on its part. What should the new owner do in this situation?

It is necessary to apply to LLC "TsTP MOEK" with an application for the replacement of the party in the Connection Agreement, attaching documents confirming the transfer of ownership of the land plot or the connected object, as well as copies of constituent documents (for a legal entity), documents on the appointment of the head of the legal entity or power of attorney to a person authorized on behalf of the new owner (new Applicant) to sign an agreement to replace the party under the Connection Agreement

It's important to know!

The deadline for signing the submitted draft Connection Agreement by the Applicant is 10 days from the date of receipt of the signed drafts of the Agreement from LLC "TsTP MOEK".

If the Contractor does not receive the draft Connection Agreement signed by the Applicant or a reasoned refusal to sign it, the Application is canceled by the Contractor no earlier than after 30 working days from the date of sending to the Applicant the draft Connection Agreement signed by the Contractor.

Dear Applicants!

For your convenience, there are 9 Sales Offices of Branch No. 11 "Gorenergosbyt" (hereinafter referred to as the Branch). When submitting Applications for the presentation of technical conditions for connection and the conclusion of Connection Agreements (hereinafter referred to as the Application), you can contact any Branch convenient for you.

The average time for accepting an Application in Branch # 1 exceeds the same indicator as compared to Branches # 2-9 due to the large number of applications.

To reduce your waiting time and the efficiency of receiving documents, we recommend that you contact Departments No. 2-9.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Heat Supply", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve attached:

  • Rules for connecting to heat supply systems;
  • changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation V. Putin

Rules for connecting to heat supply systems

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure for connecting heat-consuming installations, heating networks and sources of thermal energy to heat supply systems.

2. For the purposes of these Rules, the following basic concepts are used:

"connected object" - a building, structure, structure or other capital construction object where consumption is foreseen

heat energy, heating network or heat source;

"connection" - a set of organizational and technical actions that enable the connected object to consume heat energy from the heat supply system, to ensure the transfer of heat energy through adjacent heating networks or to issue heat energy produced at the heat source to the heat supply system;

"connection point" - the place of connection of the object to be connected to the heat supply system;

"applicant" - a person intending to connect an object to the heat supply system, as well as a heat supply or heating network organization in the case provided for in paragraph 6 of these Rules;

"contractor" - a heat supply or heating network organization that owns, by right of ownership or on another legal basis, heating networks and (or) sources of heat energy, to which the connection is carried out directly or through heat networks and (or) sources of heat energy of other persons;

"related organizations" - organizations that own, on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, heat networks and (or) sources of heat energy that have mutual connection points;

"Technologically connected networks" - heating networks owned or otherwise legally owned by organizations, having mutual connection points and participating in a single technological heat supply system.

3. Connection to heat supply systems is carried out on the basis of an agreement on connection to heat supply systems (hereinafter referred to as a connection agreement).

Under the connection agreement, the contractor undertakes to connect, and the applicant undertakes to perform actions to prepare the object for connection and pay for connection services.

The basis for concluding a connection agreement is the applicant's submission of an application for connection to the heat supply system in the following cases:

  • the need to connect a newly created or created connected object to heat supply systems, but not connected to heat supply systems, including when the right to use heat power is assigned;
  • increasing the heat load (for heat-consuming installations) or heat power (for heat sources and heat networks) of the connected object;
  • reconstruction or modernization of the connected facility, which does not increase the heat load or heat capacity of the connected facility, but requires the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of heat networks or sources of heat energy in the heat supply system, including when increasing the reliability of heat supply and changing modes of consumption of heat energy ...

4. Heat supply or heating grid organizations that are executors under the connection agreement are determined in accordance with Section II of these Rules.

The connection agreement is public for heat supply and heating network organizations.

If the connection of the facility to the heat supply system in accordance with the heat supply scheme is possible through heat networks or sources of heat energy owned or otherwise legally owned by persons who do not provide services for the transfer of heat energy and (or) do not sell heat energy, then the conclusion of an agreement the connection is carried out by the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor) after obtaining the consent of the indicated persons to connect the facility through their own heating networks or sources of thermal energy.

If these persons do not give their consent to connect to heat sources or heating networks belonging to them by right of ownership or other legal basis within 15 days from the date of the request of the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor), the heat supply or heating network organization (contractor) is obliged to within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application for connection, notify the applicant about the possibility of connection:

  • at another point of connection, taking into account the determination of the technical possibility of connection;
  • by assignment of the right to use capacity in the manner prescribed by Section V of these Rules, if it is technically possible for such an assignment.

The applicant is obliged, within 15 days from the date of receipt of such notification, to inform the contractor in writing about choosing a connection option or about refusing to connect. If within the specified time period the contractor does not receive a message from the applicant about the choice of the connection option or a refusal to connect is received, the connection request is canceled.

In the event that the contractor receives a message from the applicant about the choice of the connection option within the specified time period, the conclusion of the connection agreement is carried out in the manner prescribed by these Rules for the corresponding connection option.

5. The object is connected in an order that includes the following stages:

  • choice by the applicant of a heat supply organization or a heating network organization (performer);
  • conclusion of a connection agreement, including the applicant's submission of an application for connection to the heat supply system and the issuance of conditions
  • connections that are an integral part of the specified agreement;
  • fulfillment by the parties of the terms of the connection agreement, including the connection of the facility to the heat supply system and the signing by the parties of the act on the connection of the facility and the act of delineating the balance sheet ownership.

6. If the connection requires the creation and (or) modernization (reconstruction) of technologically connected (adjacent) heat networks or sources of heat energy in order to change their heat capacity to provide the heat load required by the applicant, the contractor ensures the implementation of such activities by other persons who own on the basis of ownership or other legal basis by such heating networks or sources of thermal energy, by concluding contracts with them on connection, under which the applicant acts.

7. The procedure for the creation and (or) reconstruction (modernization) of heating networks or sources of heat energy in the case provided for in paragraph 6 of these Rules is determined on the basis of heat supply schemes.

II. Rules for choosing a heat supply or heating network organization, which should be contacted by persons interested in connecting to the heat supply system and which has no right to deny them the service for such a connection and to conclude an appropriate contract

8. The heat supply or heating network organization, to which applicants should apply, is determined in accordance with the zones of operational responsibility of such organizations, defined in the heat supply scheme of the settlement, urban district.

9. In the event that, in order to connect an object to engineering networks in accordance with the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 83 of February 13, 2006, the applicant or the local government received the technical conditions for connecting the capital construction object to the network of engineering and technical support in the field of heat supply and the period for which the technical conditions were issued did not expire, the contractor under the connection agreement is the organization that issued such technical conditions, the legal successors of the said organization or an organization that owns, on the basis of ownership or other legal basis, heat networks or sources of heat energy, for connection to which technical conditions were issued.

10. If the applicant does not have information about the organization, which should be contacted for concluding a connection agreement, he has the right to apply to the local government with a written request to provide information about such an organization indicating the location of the connected object.

The local government is obliged to submit, within 2 working days from the date of the applicant's request, in writing information about the relevant organization, including its name and location.

III. The procedure for concluding a connection agreement

11. To conclude a connection agreement, the applicant sends to the contractor an application for connection to the heat supply system, which contains the following information:

a) the requisites of the applicant (for legal entities- the full name of the organization, the date and number of the entry on inclusion in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic, date and number of the entry on inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, for individuals - surname, name, patronymic , series, number and date of issue of a passport or other identity document, postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail address);

b) the location of the connected object;

c) technical parameters of the connected object:

  • estimated maximum hourly and average hourly consumption of heat energy and the corresponding estimated costs heat carriers for technological needs, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply;
  • type and parameters of heat carriers (pressure and temperature);
  • heat consumption modes for the connected object (continuous, one-, two-shift, etc.);
  • location of the metering unit for heat energy and heat carriers and control of their quality;
  • requirements for the reliability of heat supply to the connected object (permissible interruptions in the supply of heat carriers by duration, periods of the year, etc.);
  • availability and possibility of using own sources of thermal energy (indicating their capacities and operating modes);

d) the legal grounds for the applicant's use of the connected object and the land plot on which it is planned to create the connected object

e) number and date of issue of technical specifications (if they were issued earlier in accordance with the legislation on urban planning);

f) the planned terms of commissioning of the connected object;

g) information about the boundaries of the land plot on which it is planned to carry out the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of the connected object;

h) information on the type of permitted use of the land plot;

i) information on the limiting parameters of the permitted construction (reconstruction, modernization) of the connected facility.

12. The following documents are attached to the application for connection to the heat supply system:

a) copies of title documents confirming the ownership or other legal right of the applicant to the connected object or land plot, the rights to which are not registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (if such rights are registered in the specified register, they are submitted copies of certificates of state registration of rights to the specified connected object or land plot);

b) situational plan of the location of the connected object with reference to the territory settlement or elements of territorial division in the heat supply scheme;

c) a topographic map of a land plot on a scale of 1: 500 (for quarterly buildings 1: 2000) with an indication of all ground and underground communications and structures (not attached if the applicant is an individual who is engaged in the creation (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction object) ;

d) documents confirming the powers of the person acting on behalf of the applicant (if the application is submitted to the address of the executor by the representative of the applicant);

e) for legal entities - notarized copies of constituent documents.

13. The list of documents and information provided for in clauses 11, 12 and 48 of these Rules is exhaustive.

14. If the applicant does not comply with the requirements for the content of the application and the composition of the attached documents provided for in paragraphs 11, 12 and 48 of these Rules, the performer within 6 working days from the date of receipt of the application sends the applicant a notification of the need within 3 months from the date of receipt of the specified notifications to submit missing documents and information.

If the applicant fails to provide the missing documents and information within 3 months from the date of his notification, the contractor cancels the application for connection and notifies the applicant about this within 15 days from the date of the decision to cancel the specified application.

If the information and documents specified in clauses 11, 12 and 48 of these Rules are submitted in full, the contractor, within 30 days from the date of their receipt, sends the applicant a signed draft connection agreement in 2 copies.

If it is necessary to establish a fee for connection to the heat supply system on an individual basis, the signed contract is sent to the applicant in 2 copies within 30 days from the date of establishment of the connection fee by the authorized regulatory bodies.

The applicant signs both copies of the draft connection agreement within 30 days from the date of receipt of the said draft agreements signed by the contractor and sends 1 copy to the contractor with attached documents confirming the powers of the person who signed such an agreement.

In case of disagreement of the applicant with the draft connection agreement presented by the contractor and (or) its inconsistency with these Rules, the applicant, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the draft connection agreement, sends to the contractor a notice of intention to conclude the specified agreement on other conditions and attach a protocol of disagreements to the draft agreement.

The contractor is obliged, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the protocol of disagreements, to notify the applicant of the acceptance of the draft contract on connection in the version of the applicant or of the rejection of the protocol of disagreements. In case of rejection of the protocol of disagreements or failure to receive notification of the results of its consideration within the specified time period, the applicant who sent the protocol of disagreements has the right to transfer the disagreements that arose at the conclusion of the specified agreement to the court.

If the applicant does not receive a draft connection agreement from the applicant within 45 days after it was sent by the contractor, or if the applicant refuses to sign it, the connection application submitted by such an applicant is canceled.

If, in order to connect, the contractor needs to conclude connection agreements with other organizations, the term for sending the draft connection agreement is extended by the period for concluding the said connection agreements with related organizations.

If the connection is not carried out by a single heat supply organization, the term for sending the draft connection agreement is extended by the period of coordination of the connection conditions with the unified heat supply organization in the manner established by the rules for organizing heat supply approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. If it is technically possible to connect to the heat supply system at the corresponding connection point, refusal to the consumer to conclude an agreement on connecting an object located within the boundaries of the effective heat supply radius determined by the heat supply scheme is not allowed.

16. The technical possibility of connection exists:

in the presence of a reserve of throughput of heating networks, which ensures the transfer of the required volume of heat energy, heat carrier;

in the presence of a reserve of thermal power of thermal energy sources.

17. In the absence of the technical ability to connect to the heat supply system of the connected object due to the lack of free power at the corresponding connection point at the time of the applicant's request, but if there are measures for the development of the heat supply system and the removal of technical restrictions in the investment program of the heat supply organization or the heating network organization approved in accordance with the established procedure , allowing to ensure the technical ability to connect the facility to the heat supply system, refusal to conclude a connection agreement is not allowed.

18. If, at the time of the applicant's request, there is no technical possibility of connecting the facility to the heat supply system at the corresponding connection point and, at the same time, in the investment program of the heat supply organization or heat network organization approved in accordance with the established procedure, there are no measures for the development of the heat supply system and the removal of technical restrictions that allow to provide technical the possibility of connecting the object to the heat supply system, the heat supply organization or the heating network organization within 30 days must apply to the federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government body that approved the heat supply scheme, with a proposal to include measures on ensuring the technical possibility of connecting to the heat supply system of the connected object with the attachment of an application for connection.

19. The federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government body that approved the heat supply scheme, within the time frame, in the manner and on the basis of the criteria established by the requirements for the procedure for the development and approval of heat supply schemes approved by the Government of the Russian Federation , makes a decision on making changes to the heat supply scheme or on refusing to make such changes to it.

20. If the heat supply or heating network organization does not send in due time and (or) submit, in violation of the established procedure, to the federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government body that approved the heat supply scheme, proposals to include the relevant measures in it, the applicant has the right to demand compensation for losses caused by this violation, and (or) apply to the federal antimonopoly body with a requirement to issue an order in relation to the specified organization to stop violating the rules of non-discriminatory access to goods.

21. If changes are made to the heat supply scheme, the heat supply organization or heating network organization, within 30 days from the date of making the changes, applies to the regulatory authority to amend the investment program and, within 30 days from the date of changes to the investment program, sends the applicant a draft connection agreement ...

22. In case of refusal by the federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government body that approved the heat supply scheme, to amend the heat supply scheme, these bodies are obliged to justify the refusal and provide the applicant with information on other possibilities of heat supply to the connected facility.

23. Other possibilities of heat supply to the connected object include, in particular, the possibility of connecting it to the heat supply system in the event of a decrease in heat load by consumers, whose objects were previously connected to the heat supply system in the manner prescribed by Section V of these Rules.

24. In case of refusal of the federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government body that approved the heat supply scheme, to amend the heat supply scheme in terms of measures that ensure the possibility of connecting the capital construction object of the applicant to the heat supply system, the heat supply an organization or a heating network organization refuses to connect to the applicant due to the lack of technical connectivity.

25. The connection agreement is concluded in a simple written form in 2 copies, one for each of the parties.

26. The connection agreement contains the following essential conditions:

a) a list of measures (including technical) to connect the facility to the heat supply system and the obligations of the parties to implement them;

b) connection period;

c) the size of the connection fee;

d) the procedure and terms for the applicant to pay the connection fee;

e) the size and types of heat load of the connected object;

f) the location of the connection points;

g) conditions and procedure for connecting on-site and (or) intra-house networks and equipment of the connected object to the heat supply system;

h) obligations of the applicant for equipping the connected object with metering devices for heat energy and heat carrier;

i) responsibility of the parties for non-performance or for improper performance of the connection agreement;

j) the applicant's right to unilaterally refuse to execute the connection agreement if the contractor violates the deadlines for fulfilling the obligations specified in the agreement.

27. Measures (including technical) to connect the facility to the heat supply system, performed by the applicant within the boundaries of the applicant's land plot, and in the case of connecting an apartment building - within the engineering and technical networks of the house, contain:

development by the applicant of project documentation in accordance with the obligations stipulated by the conditions for connection, except for cases when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities, the development of project documentation is not mandatory;

fulfillment of connection conditions.

28. Measures (including technical) to connect the facility to the heat supply system, carried out by the contractor to the border of the applicant's land plot on which the connected facility is located, and in the case of connecting an apartment building - to the border with the engineering and technical networks of the house, measures to increase the throughput the capacity (increase in capacity) of the corresponding heating networks or sources of thermal energy, as well as measures for the actual connection, contain:

  • preparation and issuance of connection conditions by the contractor and their approval, if necessary, with organizations that own, by right of ownership or other legal basis, adjacent heating networks and (or) sources of thermal energy;
  • development by the contractor of project documentation in accordance with the terms of connection;
  • verification by the contractor of the applicant's fulfillment of the connection conditions;
  • implementation by the contractor of the actual connection of the facility to the heat supply system.

29. The applicant shall pay the connection fee in the following order:

  • no more than 15 percent of the connection fee is paid within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the connection agreement;
  • no more than 50 percent of the connection fee is paid within 90 days from the date of the conclusion of the connection agreement, but no later than the date of the actual connection;
  • the remaining part of the connection fee is paid within 15 days from the date of signing by the parties of the connection act, which fixes the technical readiness for the supply of heat energy or coolant to the connected facilities.

30. If the payment for connection to the heat supply system is set by the regulatory body on an individual basis, the procedure and terms for making the payment are established by agreement of the parties to the connection agreement.

31. The standard connection period for heat-consuming installations cannot exceed 18 months from the date of conclusion of the connection agreement, if longer periods are not specified in the investment program of the contractor, as well as in the investment programs of organizations that own, by right of ownership or otherwise legally, adjacent heating networks and (or) heat energy sources with which connection agreements have been concluded, in connection with ensuring the technical possibility of connection, but the connection period should not exceed 3 years.

Connection to heat supply systems of heat networks and sources of heat energy is carried out within the terms determined in accordance with the heat supply scheme.

32. Connection conditions are issued by the contractor together with the draft connection agreement, are its integral part and contain the following information:

  • connection points;
  • maximum hourly and average hourly heat loads of the connected object by types of heat carriers and types of heat consumption (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply, technological needs), as well as connection diagrams of heat-consuming installations;
  • maximum estimated and average hourly flow rates of heat carriers, including those with water intake from the network (with an open heat supply system);
  • parameters (pressure, temperature) of heat carriers and the limits of their deviations at the points of connection to the heating network, taking into account the growth of loads in the heat supply system;
  • quantity, quality and pumping mode of the returned heat carrier, as well as requirements for its purification, if heat energy is released with steam;
  • voluntary recommendations regarding the need to use the applicant's own sources of thermal energy or to build a reserve source of thermal energy or a reserve heating network, taking into account the requirements for the reliability of heat supply to the connected facility, as well as recommendations on the use of secondary energy resources;
  • requirements for laying and insulation of pipelines;
  • requirements for the organization of metering of heat energy and heat carriers;
  • requirements for dispatching communication with a heat supply organization;
  • the boundaries of the operational responsibility of the heat supply organization and the applicant;
  • the term of validity of the terms of connection, which cannot be less than 2 years;
  • the limits of possible fluctuations in pressure (including static) and temperature in the applicant's heating points, devices for protection against which must be provided by the applicant when designing heat consumption systems and heating networks;
  • minimum hourly and average hourly heat loads of the connected object by types of heat carriers and types of heat consumption.

33. If the connection is carried out by a contractor who is not a unified heat supply organization, the contractor shall agree on the terms of connection with a unified heat supply organization in the manner prescribed by the contract for the provision of services for the transfer of heat energy, heat carrier, in accordance with the rules for organizing heat supply approved by the Government of the Russian Federation ...

34. The Contractor does not have the right to impose on the applicant the terms of the connection agreement that are unfavorable for him or not related to the subject of the agreement, economically or technologically unjustified and (or) not directly provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, authorized federal executive authorities or judicial acts, requirements for the transfer of financial resources, other property, including property rights, as well as the conclusion of an agreement subject to the introduction of provisions into it regarding the goods in which the counterparty is not interested.

IV. Procedure for the execution of the connection agreement

35. When executing the connection agreement, the contractor is obliged to:

  • to carry out actions for the creation (reconstruction, modernization) of heating networks to the connection points and (or) sources of heat energy, as well as for the preparation of heating networks for the connection of the facility and the supply of heat energy no later than the connection date established by the connection agreement;
  • check the applicant's fulfillment of the connection conditions and install seals on the heat energy and coolant metering devices (nodes), taps and valves on their bypasses within the period established by the connection agreement from the date of receipt from the applicant of a notification about the readiness of the on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected facility to supply heat energy and coolant with the preparation and signing of an act of readiness;
  • to carry out, no later than the connection date established by the connection agreement (but not earlier than the signing of the act of readiness), actions to connect to the network of engineering and technical support of on-site or in-house networks and equipment of the connected object (if this obligation is assigned to the contractor in accordance with the connection agreement);
  • accept or refuse to accept the proposal to amend the connection agreement within 30 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's proposal when making changes to the project documentation.

36. When executing the connection agreement, the contractor has the right:

  • participate in the acceptance of hidden works on laying the network from the connected object to the connection point;
  • to change the date of connection of the connected object to a later one without changing the terms of payment for connection if the applicant did not provide the contractor within the terms established by the connection agreement with the opportunity to check the readiness of the on-site and in-house networks and equipment of the facility to connect and supply heat energy and seal the installed devices (nodes) of metering, cranes and valves on their bypasses, as well as if the applicant does not comply with the terms of payment for connection established by the contract.

In this case, the date of connection cannot be later than the fulfillment of the specified obligations by the applicant.

37. When executing the connection agreement, the applicant is obliged:

  • fulfill the conditions for the preparation of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the facility for connection, established in the connection agreement;
  • submit to the contractor the project documentation (1 copy) approved in accordance with the established procedure in terms of information about engineering equipment and networks of engineering and technical support, as well as a list of engineering and technical measures and the content of technological solutions;
  • send the contractor a proposal to amend the connection agreement in the event of changes in the design documentation for the construction (reconstruction, modernization) of the connected facility, entailing a change in the load specified in the agreement;
  • provide access to the contractor to check the fulfillment of the conditions for connecting and sealing metering devices (nodes), cranes and valves on their bypasses;
  • pay a connection fee in the amount and within the time frame established by the connection agreement.

38. In accordance with the connection conditions issued by the contractor, the applicant develops project documentation in the manner prescribed by law. Deviations from the connection conditions, the need for which was identified during the design process, are subject to mandatory agreement with the contractor.

39. If, during the construction (reconstruction) of the connected object, the validity period of the connection conditions is exceeded, the specified period is extended by agreement with the contractor on the basis of a written request from the applicant. The agreement on deviations from the connection conditions, as well as the extension of the term of the connection conditions, is carried out by the contractor within 15 days from the date of receipt of the applicant's request by amending the connection agreement.

40. The applicant has the right to receive, in the cases and according to the procedure established by the connection agreement, information on the progress of the implementation of measures for the creation (reconstruction) of heating networks provided for by the said agreement.

41. After the applicant fulfills the connection conditions, the contractor issues a permit for the applicant to connect the specified object to the heat supply system.

The Contractor monitors the implementation of connection activities without charging additional fees.

42. Before the start of the supply of heat energy, heat carrier, the applicant:

  • obtains permission to commission the connected object;
  • concludes a heat supply contract;
  • presents, in the cases established by regulatory legal acts, devices and structures created for connection to heat supply systems, for inspection and admission to operation, to federal executive bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and state energy supervision.

43. The connection is completed with the drafting and signing by both parties of a connection act and an act of delineation of balance sheet, which indicates the boundaries of division of heating networks, heat-consuming installations and sources of thermal energy on the basis of ownership on the basis of ownership or other legal basis.

44. The list of individual apartment sources of thermal energy, which is prohibited to use for heating residential premises in apartment buildings in the presence of duly connected to heat supply systems, with the exception of cases determined by the heat supply scheme, includes thermal energy sources operating on natural gas, not meeting the following requirements:

  • the presence of a closed (sealed) combustion chamber;
  • the presence of a safety automatics that ensures the termination of the fuel supply when the supply of electrical energy is interrupted, in the event of a malfunction of the protection circuits, when the burner flame goes out, when the coolant pressure drops below the maximum allowable value, when the maximum allowable temperature of the coolant is reached, as well as in case of violation of smoke exhaust;
  • coolant temperature - up to 95 degrees Celsius;
  • coolant pressure - up to 1 MPa.

V. Specifics of connection upon assignment of the right to use power

45. Consumers whose heat-consuming installations are properly connected to the heat supply system have the right to reduce the heat load voluntarily and, provided there are no technical restrictions, to assign the right to use the power to other persons (consumers) interested in connection (hereinafter - the new consumer).

46. ​​The assignment of the right to use the power can be carried out at the same connection point where the heat-consuming installations of the person who assigns the right to use the power are connected, and only for the same type of heat carrier.

The technical feasibility of connection using the assignment of the right to use power at another connection point is determined by the heat supply (heating network) organization.

47. The assignment of rights is carried out by:

  • conclusion between the consumer, previously connected to the heat supply system, and the new consumer, in accordance with the established procedure, an agreement on the assignment of the right to use capacity;
  • conclusion of a connection agreement with a contractor by a new consumer.

48. The person to whom the right to use the power has been assigned shall send an application for connecting the organization to whose heating networks the heat receiving installations of the said person are connected.

In the application for connection, in addition to the information specified in clause 11 of these Rules, information on the assignment of the right to use power is indicated, including the name and location of each of the parties to the agreement, the connection point and the amount of assigned power.

The specified application, in addition to the documents specified in clause 12 of these Rules, is accompanied by copies of the connection act or other documents confirming the connection parameters, and a copy of the concluded agreement on the assignment of the right to use power, certified by the parties, as well as documents certifying the amount of heat load reduction.

Concession by several persons in favor of 1 person of capacity is allowed within the coverage area of ​​the source of thermal energy.

49. The agreement on the assignment of the right to use power provides for the following obligations of the person (s) who assigns the right to use the power:

  • performing technical actions to ensure connection;
  • amendments to the documents stipulating the size of the connected heat load of the person (s) who assigns the right to use the power, before the actual connection of the heat-consuming installations of the person to whom the right to use the power is assigned.

If the new consumer fails to connect the facility in the future for any reason, the right to use the power may be returned to the person who previously ceded the right to use the power by the decision of the parties by amending the agreement on the assignment of the right to use the power.

50. Any person interested in the redistribution in his favor of the power used by other persons, has the right, with the consent of these persons, to apply with a request to the heat supply or heating network organization, to whose heating networks or sources of thermal energy its objects are connected or can be connected, for the calculation the cost of connection on an individual project and determination of the presence of technical restrictions on the redistribution of power (hereinafter - the request).

The request specifies:

  • the name of the person who can assign the right to use the power (indicating the location of the heat receiving installations, connection points and the assigned power);
  • name of the person in favor of whom the power is transferred, indicating the location of the connected object, connection points and the volume of the transferred power.

51. The heat supply or heating network organization, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request, is obliged to provide the person who sent the request in writing with information containing the calculation of the amount of connection fees on an individual basis, information about connection points and information on the presence or absence of technical restrictions on redistribution power.

The specified information is provided free of charge.

52. The establishment of the connection fee on an individual basis is carried out on the basis of the request of the contractor, agreed with the applicant.

53. Technical restrictions on power redistribution include:

  • insufficient throughput of heating networks;
  • unacceptable violation of the quality and reliability of heat supply to other consumers, including an increase in pressure in the return pipe of the heating network above the maximum permissible.

54. The provisions established by these Rules apply to relations arising after the heat supply or heating network organization receives an application for connection by assigning the right to use capacity.

55. The heat supply or heating network organization has the right to refuse to provide the information specified in paragraph 50 of these Rules and (or) to conclude a connection agreement with the person to whom the right to use the power is assigned, for the following reasons:

  • the application and (or) the request was submitted to an organization that does not own heat networks or sources of heat energy, to which the heat receiving installations of the person (persons) who cede the right to use the capacity are connected;
  • the application and (or) the request does not contain information and (or) documents established by clause 48 of these Rules, or contains inaccurate information;
  • the certified copy of the concluded agreement on the assignment of the right to use power does not provide for the obligations of the person (persons) whose connected power of heat-consuming installations is redistributed, to perform technical actions that ensure the connection, and (or) to amend the documents, providing for a change in the size of the connected heat load before the actual connection of the heat-consuming installations of the new consumer.

Changes to be made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

1. In clause 1 of the Rules for Conclusion and Execution public contracts on connection to communal infrastructure systems approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2007 N 360 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 25, Art.3032; 2009, N 29, Art.3689; 2010, N 50, Art. . 6698), the words "including heat, gas, water supply" shall be replaced by the words "including gas, water supply".

2. In the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2006 N 83 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 8, Art. 920; 2010, N 21,

Art. 2607; 2010, N 50, Art. 6698):

a) in the second paragraph of clause 1, the words "heat energy," shall be deleted;

b) in paragraph 2:

in the second paragraph, the words "network gas and heat energy used for the provision of heat, gas and water supply services" shall be replaced by the words "network gas used for the provision of gas and water supply services";

in the third paragraph, the words "in the process of heat, gas, water supply" shall be replaced by the words "in the process of gas, water supply";

in the fifth paragraph, the words "heat, gas and water supply systems" shall be replaced by the words "gas and water supply systems";

c) clauses 21 - 23 shall be declared invalid.

This page contains general description the order of connection to heating networks. This article will be useful to owners of business facilities, construction companies and all those who plan to connect to heating networks.

The procedure for connecting to heat supply systems is governed by the rules "Rules for connecting to heat supply systems", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2012 No. 307.

The object is connected to heating networks in the following main stages:

  1. The choice of the heating network (heat supply) organization for which the connection will be made;
  2. Conclusion of an agreement on connection to heating networks. Also, one of the prerequisites for this stage is the filing of an application for connection to heating networks.
  3. Fulfillment by the parties of the terms of the concluded agreement.

How to choose a heating network company to which you need to send an application for connection to heat supply systems.

An application for connection should be submitted to the address of the organization within whose area of ​​responsibility there is a site or object that needs to be connected to heating networks.

The boundaries of the zone of responsibility of each heating network organization are determined in the heat supply scheme of the city or settlement.

If, before submitting an application for connection to heating networks, it is not clear within the boundaries of which organization your facility is located, then in accordance with clause 10 "Rules for connecting to heating systems", you have the right to apply to the local government with a written request. The local government body (city or district administration) is obliged to give an answer within two working days about the boundaries of which heat supply organization the object or land plot is located.

If there is a technical technical feasibility of connecting to heat supply networks, a refusal to connect is not allowed.

Technical connectivity exists:

If there is a reserve of the heating network in terms of the delivery of the heat carrier (the possibility of the heating network itself)

- if there is a reserve in heat sources (heat generation allows you to cover the needs) ..

It is worth noting that even if at present there is no technical possibility of connecting to heating networks (due to a lack of capacity of heating networks or generation), and if the removal of these restrictions is provided for in the investment program of the heat supply organization for the next period, then the refusal to conclude an agreement for connecting to heat supply is also not allowed.

Moreover, even if the elimination of restrictions on the throughput of heating networks or heat sources is not provided for by the investment program of the heat supply organization, the heating network organization is obliged to send a request to change the heat supply program of the city or district in order to make appropriate changes to it.

Also, one of the possible options for connecting to heating networks is the redistribution of the heat load from one previously connected person in favor of another person who has not yet been connected to the heat supply. In other words, if there is no technical possibility to join the heating networks, then a scheme is possible in which one subscriber (previously connected to the heating networks) refuses part of his heat capacity in favor of the other.

The assignment of the right to use thermal power can be carried out only in relation to the same type of heat carrier.

The term for connection to heating networks is:

Not more than 18 months from the date of conclusion of the contract (for general cases);

Not more than 3 years, if the applicant's connection requires the implementation of an investment program or interaction of related heating grid companies.

It is worth noting that the end of the procedure for connecting to heating networks is made when the parties sign the heat supply connection act. This act means the full fulfillment of the obligations of the parties under the contract. Also, the parties draw up an act of delimiting the balance sheet of the parties.

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