Do-it-yourself marble chip tile. Production of artificial marble based on polyester resins. Technology for the production of marble from concrete

Marble 02.07.2019

From time immemorial, marble has been used to decorate the interior and exterior of any building, but not everyone uses this material, since it is expensive, and the deposits are located in the mountains, where it is difficult to deliver the necessary equipment for its extraction. And due to the fact that its processing increases the cost so much, and mining is associated with the destruction of already limited deposits, people tried to make this material. Today, concrete marble is widely used not only for exterior decoration, but it is used to frame fountains, flower girls, columns, vases, pavement, and it is also suitable for landscape design.

The method of making such a material from a simple concrete mix, allows you to create a high-quality and durable artificial stone from Portland cement and dry sand, which has a glossy surface. Using this technology, tiles are made using a frost-resistant mixture with low water absorption. For this technique, special forms are used that imitate the surface of stone blocks.

The service life is quite long, since the strength of artificial marble slabs is compared with products made from wild stone and granite paving stones. The assembly of such material is simple, since the form has precise outlines and grooves, which make it possible to tightly stack and join the tiles.

Instruction (step by step)

Consider how to make it yourself, at home. In order to make it is necessary to have the following materials:

  • cement and water;
  • plasticizer and sand (preferably fine-grained);
  • a mold made of polyurethane or plastic;
  • fine gravel and polyethylene;
  • water-insoluble pigment (dye or oil paint);
  • construction mixer or drill with a similar nozzle.

In order to understand what the technology of making marble tiles from concrete is, consider a special guide offered by professionals:

  1. Pigment, gravel, sand (2 shares), cement (1 share) are placed in the washed container. At the same time, there is no need to color the composition evenly, otherwise the finished mixture will not have the same spots and streaks as the natural material. In order for the marble to have an unusual pattern and color, a pigment of several colors is added.
  2. The bowl is placed on a special vibrating table and air (excess) is removed from the mixture. In the event that this tool is not available, then simply shake the bowl with the composition (several times).
  3. In a small amount of heated water, 80% of the plasticizer is diluted.
  4. Everything is mixed and a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  5. The rest of the plasticizer along with water is added to the composition. Using a drill with a nozzle or a construction mixer, stir the mixture.
  6. For staining in a uniform color, the pigment is introduced either into the prepared or dry mixture, the components are mixed for 7-8 minutes.
  7. The resulting composition is placed in already dry forms. In order to increase the strength of marble, it is reinforced, for which a wire is used, which is heated in an already poured mixture. Forms are covered with polyethylene. Wait until the composition is completely hardened.
  8. Start grinding. Each cube is taken out of the mold and processed, and for these purposes it is better to use a special machine, although if you don’t have one, you can this work do it manually. It must be taken into account that during this operation there will be a lot of dust. Therefore, they prepare a hose, connect it to a tap and, if necessary, open the water under high pressure.

Before making marble from concrete, the required amount of water is calculated, which depends on the proportion of cement included in the composition.

First, the value of the coefficient is determined, which indicates the amount of liquid required for hydration (the process in which the grains of the composition are enveloped in water) for the cement slurry.

This value is expressed by the formula:

Coefficient = Water / Cement

In order for the mixture to be closed, the following indicators are used:

  • if water and cement are taken in 1 share, then the coefficient is 0.2;
  • when using 1 part of the liquid for 2 parts of the composition - 0.25;
  • if cement 3 shares, and water 1, then the coefficient is 0.3.

But at the same time, they take into account that the sand must be dry.

Let's look at a specific example.

  1. Using 15 kg of cement and 30 kg of dry sand, a mixture is prepared.
  2. Calculate the required amount of water using the formula:

Water / cement = 0.25

From this it is concluded that in order to determine the required amount of liquid, it is necessary:

Cement X 0.25 = Water;

So the amount of water is:

15 X 0.25 \u003d 3.75 kg, that is, 3.75 liters.

"Pros" of homemade marble

Among the advantages of this material is the fact that it can be made independently, without special work skills, that is, it is its availability for a wide range of consumers.

Compared to natural marble, the artificial material is light, which makes it possible to clad even an inclined surface. This material does not need to be further processed. The shape and thickness of the tiles are set initially, they depend on the needs of the owner. Using this material for cladding, you can achieve a relief surface, but its smoothness will not suffer. For example, the front side can be made to look like wood, sea ripples, brick, etc.

Tiles are connected like puzzles, which gives reliable adhesion not only between individual elements, but also within the same layer.

Self-made marble can have different colors, and there are seven staining methods:

  • in mass;
  • in powder;
  • selection;
  • not a promise;
  • broach;
  • under marble;
  • under granite.


When using such a finish, the interior of the house acquires originality and sophistication, and the production of marble from concrete has entered the world arena as the most profitable business. But it is worth noting that it is very easy to make the product you need on your own, without making much effort and without making large financial investments.

Recently, the technology of manufacturing concrete products with color stains imitating marble has gained great popularity. There is a completely logical explanation for this, because marble is able to give prestige and sophistication to the facades of buildings or decorate rooms from the inside. In addition, the advantages of this technology include the fact that you can make marble from concrete at home.

General information

The technology for the production of artificial marble from concrete is quite simple, thanks to which every home craftsman can make such a material. However, some knowledge is still required.

If the work is done correctly, the material will turn out to be so similar to marble that an ordinary passer-by can hardly guess what, for example, artificial stone was used for the fence.

In addition, this material has several advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Excellent physical and mechanical properties;
  • Do-it-yourself technology of marble from concrete is waste-free, which is an important factor;
  • Ease of restoration;
  • The price is much cheaper than natural marble;
  • Good moisture resistance;
  • Possibility of obtaining any color and any form of material.

Artificial marble technology


Before we start making stone, you should prepare a certain set of materials:

  • Sand;
  • Cement brand M500;
  • Pigment - high-quality oil paint is suitable for these purposes;
  • A plasticizer is a special compound that, when added to concrete, significantly improves its characteristics.

In addition, you will need more forms into which the solution will be poured. For these purposes, it is best to use special polymer forms. If you can’t find them, then you can use any other forms made of plastic.

For example, if you want to make marbled concrete window sills, then you should find suitable plastic trays. In extreme cases, you can complete the forms yourself by fastening plastic panels together.

It is also desirable to have a vibrating table, which you can do with your own hands. If you will be engaged in the production of marble once, then you can do without it by shaking the mixture by hand. Vibration will compact the solution and make a denser material as a result.

I must say that the same technology can be used to produce polymer concrete.

The only thing is that instead of cement, in this case, thermosetting resins are used as a binder:

  • Phenolic;
  • Furan;
  • Epoxy etc.

In the manufacture of polymer concrete, a larger amount of filler is added to the composition than in a conventional concrete solution.

Marble manufacturing

After all the materials are prepared, you can get to work. The production of artificial marble and polymer concrete begins with the preparation of the solution.

The concrete solution is mixed in a standard proportion - 1: 3. In this case, it is best to use calcium carbonate or other similar neutral fillers as a filler.

If polymer concrete is mixed, then the solution should be made in a ratio of 1: 4. Coarse-grained fillers are used as a filler.

In particular, crushed in the form of gravel or coarse sand are suitable for these purposes:

  • Limestone;
  • Quartz;
  • Sandstone;
  • Dolomite.

Further instructions are as follows:

  • After the solution is ready, you should add the dye. I must say that it is not necessary to diligently stir the composition until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. To get a similarity with marble, it is better to do it casually so that characteristic divorces are obtained.
    You can experiment, for example, by adding a few drops of paint of different colors. In general, this stage can be called creative process which allows you to feel like an artist and show your imagination.
  • After the solution is colored, shake the container or place it on a vibrating table. If you spend time making this device, then in the future it may come in handy in the manufacture of paving slabs, cinder blocks and other building materials.
  • Further, the resulting solution should be poured into pre-prepared and well-dried polyurethane molds and covered with plastic wrap. To increase the strength of the material, it should be reinforced with wire. To do this, after the mixture is poured into molds, you need to drown the wire into it.
  • After the final, the resulting products should be removed from the molds and the surface should be sanded. For these purposes, you need to use an angle grinder and diamond discs-cups. After performing this operation, the surface will become smooth, resembling marble as much as possible.

Here, perhaps, is the whole composition of the production of artificial marble from concrete. I must say that there are other technologies for the manufacture of artificial stone. Moreover, some of them are even simpler and do not require finishing polishing.

However, at home, the considered method is the most affordable.

Since the resulting material will be strong enough, it can only be processed with a diamond tool, in particular, in addition to the aforementioned grinding, effective method is the cutting of reinforced concrete with diamond wheels, as well as diamond drilling of holes in concrete.

On the picture - artificial marble In bathroom

Options for using artificial marble

Most often, artificial marble is used for finishing fences outside the premises. However, such material can be an excellent alternative. ceramic tiles, for example, in the bathroom. In addition, "concrete marble" can be used as countertops in the kitchen.

It can also be an excellent decoration for fireplaces, which are not only the hearth of home comfort, but also a sign of luxury. If the interior of the room is made in a classic style, then the material can be used as a floor covering.

In any case, wherever you use marble, its use will be a sign of good taste and luxury!


From the video in this article, you can get more information on making artificial marble at home.

Modern analogues of traditional natural materials are widely used today. The advantages of using artificial stone in interior design are incalculable, it is enough to mention the exceptional strength of the material and the relatively low cost.

The possibility of self-manufacturing, ease of installation and processing of the finished product, as well as the use of innovative technologies in manufacturing - all these aspects are described in detail in the information of this article.

The use of natural stone in the design of residential and public buildings has more than one hundred years of positive use. Such cladding has always been the prerogative of the upper strata of society, but with the advent of artificial analogues, such luxury has become more affordable.

You can learn about how it looks from this article.

This significantly expands the scope of use and promotes the popularization of artificial marble products.

Advantages of using artificial stone in the interior:

  • Excellent strength and performance characteristics.
  • A high degree of decorativeness of products made of artificial stone.
  • Relatively affordable price.
  • Possibility of self-production.
  • Easy installation.
  • The material is non-combustible and chemically inert.
  • Relatively light weight.
  • Surface durability.
  • There is no need for special care.
  • Color fastness is maintained in direct sunlight.
  • The material is characterized by low hygroscopicity and can be used in a humid environment.

You can find out what it is from this article.

On the video - the technology of manufacturing artificial marble:

However, we should not forget about some of the features of this material: finished products must be appropriately certified, and when self-manufacturing, it would be useful to study the production technology in advance, stock up on all the necessary materials and tools. The manufacture of artificial marble requires compliance with safety rules, since contact with chemicals occurs during work.


Here everything is limited only by your imagination! Artificial marble is widely used as a facing material, both indoors and outdoors. Facades made of artificial marble are absolutely resistant to atmospheric phenomena, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage. The scope of this material is very wide, good strength and harmlessness to others will allow the material to perform a wide variety of tasks.

On the video - the use of artificial marble:

A few examples of the use of artificial stone:

In principle, artificial stone in general and marble in particular can be used to decorate any interior detail. Depending on the type of sand, marble can form a rather thin layer, which is successfully used for interior wall covering instead of traditional wallpaper.


In order to better understand the possibility and technology of independent production of artificial marble, one should study in more detail the qualitative composition of the molding sand and the types of this material. A brief overview and a master class on making marble with your own hands - later in our article.

There are the following types of artificial marble:

In more detail, you should familiarize yourself with the undisputed leader of this list - cast artificial marble, which, in terms of its performance and ease of manufacture, is in the greatest demand.

Technology for the manufacture of injection molded products in an industrial way

Cast marble contains polyester resins, mineral fillers, water and special pigments. Thanks to natural ingredients, marble is obtained with the most natural composition and excellent characteristics. Thanks to dyes, it is possible to recreate the structure of almost any natural stone, but marble imitation has gained the most popularity.

The algorithm for creating products from cast marble:

The resulting part is then subjected to grinding for the final removal of burrs and inclusions of the mixture. Also, the surface is polished with a special brush to give smoothness and visual appeal to the product.

Manufacturing technology at home

The process of making artificial marble with your own hands is not much different from industrial method. The tool can be used the same, only expensive forms to create one product will not be worth buying. That is why there are many ways to make matrices yourself.

Usually, plastic containers of a suitable size and configuration are used for this. For the manufacture of a conventional plate, a wooden pallet with folding sides will be quite enough. Dimensional accuracy will not be so important, because the finished product can be cut to the required dimensions.

The presence of a vibrating table will greatly facilitate the task and make the structure of the artificial stone more durable and uniform, but for lack of a better one, you can use the manual mixing method. A layer of gelcoat can also be applied with a hand spray gun or a conventional paint brush. In general, any home master may well independently choose how to replace industrial equipment with him. Special mixing containers can be successfully replaced with a mixer attachment for an electric drill. The top layer of the homemade form is insulated with a plastic film for successful removal from the frozen mass.

Artificial marble is an excellent finishing material that is widely used in everyday use. It is used for aesthetically attractive and durable cladding of interior walls and exterior facades of buildings.

On video -

Floor tiles made of this material are extremely resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage, and kitchen worktops and backsplash very successfully resist aggressive influences. temperature regime and chemicals.

Sinks made of artificial marble are distinguished by their excellent design and trouble-free operation. Self-manufacturing artificial marble will significantly reduce the cost and allow you to get original configurations and colors of finished products.

but is a beautiful, and most importantly inexpensive finishing material. The simplicity of its production makes it possible to make artificial marble with your own hands. Can be used for both interior decoration premises, and for outdoor design in landscape design.

Scope of decorative marble

To begin with, let's figure out what decorative concrete is and consider its composition. The basis for artificial marble is a cement-sand mixture with various additives and colors. Marble made of concrete is durable, fire resistant, and is distinguished by environmentally friendly components in the production. Found the main application in the production of the following building elements:

  • Decorative tiles
  • Countertops
  • Monuments
  • Balustrades and balusters
  • window sills

What is needed to produce marble from concrete?

There is nothing complicated in the production technology of decorative marble, but some equipment is needed:

  • Concrete mixer - for mixing decorative concrete components a
  • Forms - for pouring marble from concrete into them
  • Vibrating table - for filling the corners of the form

To prepare a solution of artificial marble, we need:

  • Cement brand PC400DO or PC500DO
  • Sand - must first be sifted from debris
  • Pure water
  • Plasticizer - the amount of addition depends on the manufacturer (read on the package)
  • Kohler - it is better to take resistant to weather conditions

A little about color
If you want to achieve saturated shades, then it is better to use white cement. This will not only make the product brighter, but also stronger, since the amount of dye for such marble will need less. Dyes can be of different types:

  • Powder
  • liquid color
  • Granular Pigments

Proportions for mortar of artificial marble

All other components are added according to the data on the package and mixed for 10 minutes.

Technology for the production of marble from concrete

The finished solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream. After mixing, put the finished mixture into molds and put them on the vibrating table. We “shake” a little to fill all the corners and bends and set it aside for a day in a room protected from straight lines sun rays. After exposure, we can pull the finished product out of the mold.

Pros and cons of artificial marble


  1. Strength - surpasses natural stone by an average of 45%
  2. Wear resistance - two times less prone to abrasion
  3. Safety - does not emit toxic substances when heated
  4. All-weather - resistant to all weather conditions
  5. Price - cheaper than natural stone


  1. Certain equipment is required. The main problem is forms.
  2. Requires some skills, according to the number of added components (comes with experience)

This concludes the review article on the manufacture of marble from concrete, and in future articles we will delve deeper into the production of artificial marble. You can leave your questions in the comments.

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Marble, which has excellent aesthetic qualities, has always been a valuable material, but because of its high cost, it is rarely bought. Therefore, artificial marble was invented, which is not inferior in its characteristics to natural.

The current environment in the field of building materials, especially artificial stone, can be described as accompanied by a growing demand. At the same time, beginners and experienced businessmen who want to engage in this production should not only satisfy such demand, but also stimulate it.

Basic properties

Artificial marble is a material that is made on the basis of acrylic resin and filler, imitating the properties and appearance of natural stone. It is environmentally friendly and wear-resistant, easy to operate and maintain. The substance is characterized by high strength, reliability, excellent aesthetic characteristics and, most importantly, it is cheaper than natural. Various textures and colors make this material unique and popular in the construction market.

The scope of its application is wide, it is used for external surfaces (countertops, tables, window sills, bar counters), during construction, restoration of premises and in industry.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process is generally simple. It consists in mixing the ingredients and placing them in a mold until hardened. Depending on the components, marble is divided into types:

  1. molding;
  2. liquid;
  3. chipped;
  4. plaster.

Cast marble

It is one of the most popular types. It is a composite material of mineral filler (quartz, marble chips), hardened polyester resin and pigments, dyes.

Manufacturing technology lwicker marble:

  1. Prepare the molds - clean them from the previous cycle, polish, lubricate with an anti-adhesive agent.
  2. Prepare the consistency by mixing all the ingredients. The presence of pigments determines the final color of the product.
  3. Pour the substance into specially prepared forms that will determine the future shape of the product (for example, the surface of a countertop or window sill).
  4. The form is moved to the vibrating platform for several hours, where it is processed to reduce the porosity of the material.
  5. After hardening, the resulting marble is removed from the mold (about 12 hours).
  6. If necessary, mechanical processing of the finished product is performed.

Manufacturing technology of marble from concrete:

The technology for the production of artificial marble from concrete makes it possible to obtain a durable material that practically does not differ from natural stone in appearance. To make it you need:

  1. cement;
  2. quartz sand;
  3. pigments, dyes;
  4. plasticizers.

The resulting products have a streamlined glossy surface. Once demoulded, no further processing is necessary. Tiles using this technology are made from frost-resistant concrete in various original forms, which imitate old paving stones or a glossy sidewalk surface. Such material is durable and reliable, does not lend itself to mechanical damage.

liquid marble

This type of marble belongs to the newest finishing materials. It consists of acrylic polymers and marble chips. The result is liquid marble - a flexible, elastic, durable and lightweight material. It can be easily cut, cover different surfaces with it. It makes it possible to align curved walls, hide oversights and flaws. Columns, arches, stairs are faced with this material.

Financial calculations

The amount for the organization of this business depends on many factors - the scale of the project, assortment, manufacturing technology. Consider an approximate financial business plan for artificial marble.

Starting costs:

  1. purchase of basic equipment - 120 thousand rubles;
  2. purchase of inventory - 40 thousand rubles;
  3. preparation of the premises - 40 thousand rubles.

The production of cast and flexible marble requires the following monthly costs:

  1. purchase of raw materials - 160 thousand rubles;
  2. fund wages- 120 thousand rubles;
  3. rent - 40 thousand rubles;
  4. utility and tax payments - 60 thousand rubles.

The price depends on the thickness of the product, the type and final product to be manufactured. For example, to buy a window sill made of cast marble costs 8,800 rubles per square meter.

On average, the gross revenue of an enterprise of this type will be from 500 thousand rubles. (the minimum threshold is taken). In this case, net income will be 120 thousand rubles. (500-160-120-40-60).

Taking into account such production indicators, the payback period will be 2 months.

Business registration

For the production and sale of products, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Registering an individual entrepreneur is simple, and a minimum package of documents is required. The procedure for opening an LLC is more laborious, but it opens up great opportunities and eliminates financial risk (since the founder of the company is responsible for the business only with the authorized capital, while the individual entrepreneur is responsible for personal property). The choice of legal form depends on the volume of production, source of financing, distribution channels.

To sell products you will need:

  1. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion - a document that confirms the right to manufacture and sell products and indicates its safety;
  2. Certificate of conformity - a document confirming the compliance of manufactured products with safety standards established by law.


This business idea does not require the purchase of high-tech equipment. Since the manufacturing technology is simple, you need to buy the following equipment for the production of artificial marble:

  1. Mixer for mortar - used for mixing and turning into a homogeneous mass. The service life of the mortar mixer does not exceed 2-3 years, after the expiration of the period it is better to purchase a new installation, since repairs and adjustments do not cost less.
  2. Vibrating table with connected vibrator. The filled forms are installed on a table that is responsible for the absence of pores and bubbles inside the material.
  3. Forms (from 20 pieces).

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