What roller is better to paint the ceiling and walls with water-based paint

Paint rollers and brushes 07.06.2019
                  Paint rollers and brushes

Structural paint is a fairly popular finishing material used to cover walls or create a laminated layer. The term of operation of structural paint depends on compliance with the technology of its application. We learn further how to apply structural paint correctly.

  Structural video wall paint, features and benefits

Previously, the most popular type of decoration was wallpapering or coating the walls with putty and painting. Modern building stores offer a range of decoration materials  a new generation, with which, with minimal cash resources, it is possible to create an original and attractive coating.

Structural paint is also called textured or textural, this is due to the fact that this substance contains structural fillers. The type of filler determines the type of paint used in the work. Structural paint is applied to concrete, wood, brick surface. Since it contains an acrylic filler, the paint is particularly resistant and practical.

In addition, this material is hypoallergenic and is used for wall decoration in children's rooms. Also, the paint is resistant to moisture, so it is easy to clean with a damp cloth. Some variants of structural paint are used to decorate walls outside the room.

There are two types of paints - structural and textured. In order to understand the features of structural paint, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its varieties:

  • mineral-based paint - it is a dry composition of cement with lime, water is used to dilute this composition, with the help of this paint it is possible to finish the surfaces from the outside;
  • silicone-type paint - is distinguished by good performance and practicality in application; silicone resins are used to manufacture this composition;
  • the most expensive is a silicate type paint - the use of this composition involves coating the walls with silicate soil and the presence of a mineral surface;
  • acrylic is the most popular interior decoration  walls, such paint is applied to any surface composition and is sold ready-made, dilution with water is not required.

Among the main options for textured paint, we note:

  • mizuri - modified starch is used to produce this paint, the resulting surface is smooth, but at the same time has a certain texture;
  • paint in the form of Marseille wax - with the help of this composition it is possible to imitate stone, cork, wooden surfaces, this version of the paint is resistant to moisture and easy to care for, after applying the paint it is coated with a special type of wax, it is used both for decoration of premises and in industrial and office buildings;
  • embossed paint - has a base in the form of an acrylic-based polymer, quartz chips and other natural fillers are added to the paint, this paint is easily applied to the surface, allowing you to create various surface defects.

Structural wall paint has the following advantages:

1. The ideal viscosity is ensured by a certain paint composition, due to which it has a stretching texture. Because of this, the paint structure is distinguished by its originality and depth. A variety of textures is provided by the interconnection of different color enzymes. Further surface treatment with a spatula allows you to achieve the original structure.

2. The ability to tint paint in various colors is performed both in the store and at home. The color of the paint is individual and unique.

3. After the paint dries, a strong, flexible film forms on the wall surface.

4. Structural paint tolerates moisture well and does not dissolve when exposed to water. Therefore, this material is used in both exterior and interior wall decoration.

5. The high level of vapor permeability of the material allows the walls to breathe and provides natural ventilation in the room.

  How to apply structural paint: features of the preparation of the material

Before applying structural paint, read the manufacturer’s instructions for applying it. The instructions, as a rule, indicate the drying time of the material, the features of its preparation for work, the properties of the paint and the technology of its application to the surface.

Structural paint is most often packaged in buckets and has a rather thick consistency. In order to ensure high-quality application of the material on the wall, simple water is added to it and the paint is mixed with a mixer. Note that there should not be much water in the paint, since the liquid composition is not able to stay on the wall and provide its complete overlap.

The maximum amount of water that is added to the textured paint is ten percent of the total material. The average amount of water that is sufficient to dilute the paint is about 4%.

If the tinting of the material is carried out at home, then this process needs to be given great attention. First of all, take your time and add a little bit of color. Each time after adding the dye, mix the paint well and apply it to the wall in order to really appreciate the color obtained. Wait for the paint to dry, to speed up this process, use a hairdryer.

Buy paint and pigments from one manufacturer, only in this case, you can achieve the desired shade.

Before applying structural paint, care must be taken to prepare the surface. The final result of the work will directly depend on the quality of the wall. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of horizontal swings. The surface to be painted should be even. Daylight, after applying the composition to the surface, will show all the bumps on the wall. Therefore, before applying the paint, plaster the surface thoroughly or finish it with putty.

Further, it is mandatory to cover the walls with a primer. The composition absorbs finely porous putty particles, reduces paint consumption and disinfects the surface. We recommend staying on deep penetration ground. A possible application of the soil with quartz sand, this composition provides excellent adhesion between the structural paint and the wall.

For applying decorative paint, a roller having structural irregularities is used. With its help, the paint qualitatively covers the wall.

  How to apply paint with a structural roller

In addition to the structural roller, before applying the structural paint to the wall, prepare the tools in the form of:

  • wide spatula;
  • structural roller, the pattern of which is selected individually, depending on the preferences of the owners.

How to apply structural paint video:

Initially create the desired color tone by adding dye to it. Apply it on the wall, wait for it to dry and evaluate whether this shade is suitable for surface treatment. This whole process is carried out in the daytime and with intense solar radiation.

Mix the paint thoroughly before painting the wall. To create a rough surface, add sand to the paint, the amount of which is determined by the instructions.

The option of replacing the roller with a stencil is possible. In this case, the process takes longer. To get a scratched surface, use graters and scallops. However, with the help of a structural roller, it is possible to obtain a uniform texture in a very short time.

Apply the paint longitudinally and then crosswise. If a spray gun is used for applying paint, the first layer is applied from top to bottom, and the second in the transverse direction.

Paint for working outdoors is not applied in wet or windy weather. Paint consumption is determined by the method of applying it to the surface. To reduce this indicator, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface for painting and cover it with a primer.

The setting time of the ink reaches half an hour, so the work needs to be done very quickly. To prevent drops of paint on the walls, coat the surface with a paint composition from one corner to another. After the paint dries, it usually takes at least two days, apply decorative wax, varnish or acrylic-based enamel on its surface.

Note that the paint is applied to the surface exclusively in one coat. Complete drying of the material occurs after one or two weeks from the moment the composition is applied to the wall. Only after that it is allowed to wash the surface or impose various kinds of mechanical loads on it.

The presence of a draft or direct sunlight in the room where the work is performed is not allowed. They adversely affect the quality of the resulting coating.

  How to apply azure to structural paint

With the help of azure, it is possible to achieve additional aesthetic appeal of the coating. This material allows you to create a shiny, glossy, pearlescent wall surface.

The final result of work depends on the method of applying azure. Most often, a roller is used for applying azure. In this case, the wall is glued with masking tape to get neat joints. Next, you need to apply the glaze in two layers. Observe the direction from the bottom up or cruciform movements. A roller having a short pile is suitable for work. After painting the surface, remove the tape from the wall.

A possible use of a paint brush for applying azure. In this case, the azure is applied to the wall with a roller, and the brush decorates the surface according to the specified texture. Use only high quality synthetic brushes.

The third way to cover the wall with azure is to use a natural sponge. Initially, the instrument is wetted in water and wrung out well. Next, dip the sponge in a pearl azure and apply it to the wall with soft washing circular movements. In order to get a more textural pattern, press the sponge on the surface and scroll it. After painting, remove the adhesive tape from the wall.

It is possible to use a template or stencil with which the surface of the wall is processed. Apply azure to the stencil with a sponge, brush or roller.

  Structural paints for interior use

The process of applying paint indoors is not particularly difficult. Structural paint should be applied to a pre-leveled surface, the maximum differences of which are two millimeters.

Next, you should cover the surface with a primer, if this is not done, then the paint consumption will increase approximately twice. In order to create the desired structure, practice on a small piece of plywood. Please note that the curing time of the material is limited and the whole process must go quickly and without interruptions.

Paint is applied to the wall in one layer, while creating a structure is done using a special roller, grater and other decorative tools. Structural paint for indoor use very quickly sets, so try immediately after applying it to the wall to create the necessary texture.

After the paint has dried, be sure to apply a primer to its surface using a roller. In hard to reach places, use a brush. Some formulations are not diluted with water, but with a special solvent. In this case, you must purchase it in advance.

If you want to achieve a light pattern, then paint with a thin layer, treating it after that with a roller. By using additional materials together with structural paint, it is possible to achieve a variety of decorative effects.

The use of sawdust in the paint allows you to get a relief surface. The addition of modified starch makes the surface both textural and smooth.

With the help of wax, it is possible to imitate the bark of trees and achieve amazing results in the decoration of the room. For stunning reflective effects, add silica sand and metal pigments to the paint.

How to apply structural paint video:

Add to the room a stylish design and make it unusual will help the rollers for decorative plaster. It is amazing that such an affordable and familiar to everyone tool for leveling the walls has become a full-fledged tool for decorative decoration. The secret of the transformation is hidden in the textured rollers, which allow you to create a figured print on the wall, imitating various types of surfaces, for example, the texture of stone, wood, leather, "fur coat", etc.

  Using curly rollers, you can easily create a picture on the wall

Varieties of Rollers

For a long time, craftsmen worked on walls with improvised means: sponges, a comb, a stiff brush. Today, an assortment of construction tools for decoration allows you to find a roller with a ready-made relief that is suitable for the design, which, after processing the plastered wall, turns it into real three-dimensional images. Variations of the cylinder coverings:

  • rubber;
  • foam rubber;
  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • silicone;
  • the cloth;
  • leather.

  Before choosing a roller, you need to decide on the desired pattern on the wall

Tools with a soft surface, such as fur, create a “fur coat” effect on the plaster. We get a marble finish with a fabric roller with pressed fabric, and a leather surface gives a finish like a natural stone. As a rule, they work with such rollers when it is necessary to process a painted surface. Standard foam cylinders can be modernized by winding twine, threads, pieces of foam to create natural patterns, for example, the structure of the tree bark.

Features of structural plaster rollers

If you are interested in a more pronounced decor, then you can not do without hard-coated rollers. Their cost is an order of magnitude higher than conventional clamps, but this is due to their high aesthetic value. In addition, you can use them several times. The most productive will be rubber rollers, which can have a convex pattern to get a depressed pattern or a welt pattern to form volumetric textures.

Since such an innovation for decorative plaster came from Western countries, it is in their stores that a variety of textures and patterns reigns: leaves, flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes.

Structural work is carried out in two ways: first, put the plaster, wait for some fixing, then finish the work on a layer or apply to the wall (already putty putty in one layer) plaster, dipping into the composition of the roller. But, basically, the second method is used to carry out pattern painting with color by creating prints with this rubber product.

Stages of wall plastering

  Before applying decorative plaster, the wall must be carefully prepared

To keep the plaster longer and not crack, it is necessary to do preliminary processing. To do this, the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, old wallpaper, dust and a primer is applied to it. Then they are putty for leveling. For puttying, use spatulas with a size of 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm. Putty should be uniform. And do not push hard.

After the first layer of putty has dried, it is necessary to apply the second, using a spatula of 600 mm. Apply and smooth the putty in two mutually perpendicular directions. Next, you can proceed to the decoration process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry plaster is mixed with water, bringing to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Then they are engaged in applying the mixture to the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm in order to proceed to create a decor, or more dense if it is also necessary to level the surface. Smooth with a spatula.
  3. They give ten minutes to thicken the composition, and begin to pass with a textured roller from top to bottom, forming a pattern. It is more convenient to work in pairs when the first person is engaged in applying plaster, and the second creates a relief, for example, a "fur coat".
  4. Subsequent processing of the wall with paint is done after 48 hours, when the plaster finally dries. If it is necessary to paint over the entire wall, then a roller with a long pile is bought, and to add color only to the protruding parts take a tool with a short pile.

Principles for Accurate Drawing

Using rollers for decorative plaster, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The roller is not pressed strongly against the wall, the movement should be smooth and unhurried.
  2. The application of the second track of paint begins where the border of the first drawing passes, without overlap.
  3. At the ceiling, the roller needs to be pressed a little upward, but to maintain a low pressure force further.
  4. If the pattern is too embossed, it can be smoothed out with a wet sanding mesh.

How to create a "fur coat" surface

The wall under the "fur coat" implies that the plaster is sprayed onto the surface with a broom, brush or a special machine. “Fur coat” is especially popular for a facade surface, but it will be interesting to look in the room as well. The modern version of creating a fur coat includes the use of a textured roller, which allows you to make the layer uniform and presentable.

Facade processing under the "coat" is carried out as in the room. First putty is applied, it is plastered, and a platen roller is applied along the plastered layer. If an error occurs or you see that the plaster is uneven, remove the excess with a spatula. It is impossible to take breaks in the process of creating a “fur coat”, otherwise the composition will have time to dry, and there will be a too noticeable joint at the edges.

The use of structural rollers will allow you to design a wall no worse than any specialist repair. Decorative plaster has long outgrown its main purpose (wall alignment) and is a great way to create exclusive interiors, and even in ethnic style.

Recipe for success!

Large flat surfaces, such as ceilings or walls, are conveniently manually painted with a paint roller. Rollers of various designs and sizes are industrially manufactured. You can find rollers having a roller width of 5 cm to 30 cm. They also differ in the length of the handle. It is necessary to choose the right size based on the task. So, for painting walls, as a rule, choose a tool with longer handles. But much more important is to make the right choice of the so-called fur coat.

How to paint the walls with a roller

Before you start choosing a paint roller for painting walls, you should determine the type of paint. The appearance of the roller itself depends in many respects. For example, you can work with water-based paints foam roller. It is also suitable for applying various water-glue compositions (wallpapering). It is not recommended to apply emulsion paints with such a roller. Foam rollers are the most inexpensive of all existing. Their main disadvantage can be considered fragility. In addition, there is a lot of spray from them if you work energetically.

Which roller is better? Make a choice

To work with various types of paints, including those that have an organic base, rollers with fur, velor, thread surfaces are well suited. These materials absorb a relatively small amount of paint, apply it more evenly on the surface to be painted, do not spray and do not create stains (smudges).

When painting walls, it is important that the paint layer is uniform. Do it well fur rollers. In addition, they perfectly stain various surface defects of the walls (small irregularities, cracks, indentations, chips). A minus of fur rollers can be considered their ability to climb, leaving “hairs” on the painted surface. This mainly applies to cheap tools.

What roller to paint the walls and ceiling? Fur tested by time

Velor rollers  have characteristics similar to fur. But they create an even more even coat of paint. After their application, the painted surface looks completely smooth. This type of roller is used for critical wall painting. They say that this is a roller for real professionals. If a beginner uses the velor roller, any marriage is noticeable on the walls. By the way, this tool is optimal for applying varnishes.

Velor roller

In the case when the quality is not as important as the speed of the work (for example, if the surfaces have a very large area), it is convenient to use thread roller. When working with it, remember that too high a cylinder rotation speed can lead to paint splashing. Therefore, it is better not to rush much. The thread roller gives the painted wall a nice texture.

Thread roller for walls

Choose a roller for painting walls: pile length

There is a rule:  the rougher the surface of the walls, the longer the pile of the coat should be. The long-nosed should be the roller with which it is planned to paint the embossed surface (for example, or wallpaper with an imitation of it). The long pile paints over various recesses, dents, and indentations well. Smooth walls need a short pile roller! This is important: if you use a long-nosed roller on a smooth surface, smudges, streaks and color unevenness may occur.

How to paint the ceiling

The roller for ceilings must be selected according to the same criteria as for walls. Typically, a ceiling roll, unlike a wall painting tool, has a relatively short or medium-sized handle. The quality requirements for painting the ceiling are usually higher, so the roller should be selected more carefully. Most often, for painting ceilings using rollers with a slightly elongated soft pile. It is very good if such a pile is made of natural materials, for example, wool. Too short a pile is collecting insufficient paint. You can use a foam roller for the ceiling, but this is not the best choice: it forms “bubbles”.

The process of painting wall surfaces is not as simple as it might seem at the beginning of the repair. This is a very good way to update the interior in a short time. But only if the walls are even, absolutely smooth and do not require any additional action. Most often, before starting the finishing work, you have to solve many problems and look for answers to questions:

  • how and how to better level the surface;
  • which tool to choose - brush, roller or spray gun for painting walls and ceilings;
  • which dyes are best for indoor use;
  • when to carry out such repairs.

Thorough repairs require space. First of all, you need to free the room from furniture and foreign objects. The floors must be covered with film or thick paper, the remaining furniture, too.

Cooking surface

Staining does not hide the imperfections of the base, but rather reveals the slightest defects in the painted surface. Therefore, preparatory measures are, if not the main ones in the overall process, then very responsible. The main alignment, in the presence of large irregularities, cracks, sinks, chips, is carried out by traditional methods: plastering or lining with plasterboard sheets. Then it is necessary to perform starting puttying on plaster. In the case of drywall, it is first necessary to putty the joints using reinforcing tape and putty on the hats of the self-tapping screws. Then there is a choice:

  • to finish finishing with subsequent grinding;
  • to paste over the walls with special wallpaper for painting.

By the way, wallpapering will help to hide small irregularities and will serve as a good basis for any coloring composition. Dry and sanded walls must be carefully coated with a primer. It will remove fine dust particles and contribute to better paint adhesion. At the same time protect the walls from the appearance of dampness, mold, fungi. At the same time, the primer to some extent will save the coloring composition. In order to avoid paint rejection or mismatch of formulations, the primer should be purchased from the same brand as the paint. In extreme cases - universal for internal work. Wallpaper priming is possible, but undesirable. Since the primer has a liquid consistency and can penetrate into the inner layers and reach the adhesive layer. Wallpaper "will lead" and have to change them.

If repairs concern not only walls, but also ceilings, then the ceiling should be finished first. Otherwise, droplets of the coloring mixture may fall onto the already painted walls and spoil all the work. Of course, you can cover them with a film, but this is an extra red tape.

Choosing Tools

If we are talking about repairing an apartment or a house, and not a production workshop, then it is undesirable to use a spray gun. Work with him requires thorough protection in the interests of labor safety. Also, the spray gun can spray paint not only on the desired surface, but also around it. The most convenient to use at home will be rollers and paint brushes. In addition, you will need a tray for paint, an extension to the roller handle, masking tape, tape measure, a stick for mixing the dye. Consider what are the rollers for painting walls:

  • Short-pile velor is usually painted with oil compositions. Dyes are highly absorbed, so they must be dipped too often in the composition.
  • Fur rollers, like velor, are suitable for enamels and oil paints. They are well applied to the surface, especially effective when painting reliefs. However, they lose a lot of pile, thereby spoiling the work.
  • How to paint the walls with a roller water-based paint? Definitely - velor with an average pile length. Since a small pile requires a lot of paint, and a long one leaves streaks.
  • Foam roller is suitable for all paints and varnishes, except emulsion. Since it leaves small air bubbles on the painted surface, which after drying the paint become too noticeable.
  • Textured paint rollers for walls are used for applying patterns on the painting. They are made of rubber or soft plastic with various ornaments. Such a tool works on the main background, shading it with a pattern. In different versions, the pattern may be close to the primary color or contrasting color.

Among other things, there are still some requirements for the rollers. For example, the seams on the shell should not go out. The fur coat should be tightly stretched over the base, which, in turn, should freely and smoothly rotate around its axis.

Paint brushes will be needed to tint hard-to-reach spots and borders. Therefore, it is better to stock up with flat and round tassels of small and medium size with soft natural nap.

What paint to choose

For interior surfaces in rooms where people are located, it is best to use water-based compositions. Since it’s easy to paint the walls with a roller, this kind of paint dries quickly. In addition, they are absolutely harmless to health, they can be easily diluted with ordinary water when thickened.

Aqueous emulsion dyes fit perfectly on the surface of any materials: concrete, wood, stones. They have a normal degree of vapor permeability, the ability to "breathe". Such dyes are produced by many manufacturers, so there is plenty to choose from in terms of cost and color. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the calculation and purchase a sufficient amount of the product of the same color. Since in case of a lack of paint, choosing the right shade will not be easy.

Painting technology

Paint the walls with a roller begins with the preparation of the coloring composition and tools. If there is a need to work using an extension cord, then it should be fixed to the tool handle in advance. You need to prepare a tray for paint and composition. If this is a ready-made mixture, then it should be easy to mix. If the pigment is added to the white base, then it is necessary to prepare the amount of the coloring composition necessary for coloring the entire room. Start finishing only after the primer or wallpaper has completely dried.

Now it is necessary to identify the boundaries of the painting, especially with regard to the ceiling, window and doorways. To do this, use masking tape, they also need to close the electrical fittings and other parts that cannot be finished. First, the corners are painted with a brush - the mating lines of the walls with each other and with the ceiling. Then a roller comes into operation, on which there should be a moderate amount of paint. Movement should be directed from the bottom up, smoothly with a little pressure. There is a small nuance, since it is necessary to paint the walls correctly with a roller, not vertically, but a little obliquely, moving it to the left or to the right. The stroke of the instrument is a bit like the English letter W.

Another way of applying coloring compounds is staining with squares. First, the paint tool is moved up / down, then from the left - to the right and again up / down. And so square by square. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the borders between neighboring sections are well rubbed. Masking tape must be removed immediately after staining. If this is done later, the paint will dry out and part of it may be removed along with the tape.

To get a beautiful and unique apartment design, the walls are painted. This work is not difficult, but even very pleasant in execution. To achieve a quality result, you need to know how to properly paint the walls with a roller.

The paint roller paints the wall more evenly than a brush.

Wall painting technology


  • roller;
  • bath;
  • brush;
  • paint.

Before you begin, you need to prepare all the necessary tools. Depending on the achievement of the effect of painting, it is chosen which roller to paint the walls with. A high-quality fur roller is used to apply an even basic layer, and a fabric roller is used to obtain marble stains. Also, to work, you need a special bath, one of the sides of which has a ribbed surface to remove excess paint. If there is no such device, then squeezing nets can be made, for example, from a piece of plywood, on which holes (12-15 mm) are drilled in a checkerboard pattern with a pitch of 20 mm.

How to paint the walls to get a uniformly painted surface? First, with a brush, places inaccessible to the roller are carefully painted over, i.e. corners of walls, near skirting boards, etc. Then the roller is lowered into the paint and rolled to spin. To paint the walls you need to start from the side on which the window or doorways are located. Work should be carried out sequentially step by step, starting from the edges. Apply paint to the wall with a roller, you need to roll them all over its height from top to bottom, back and a little diagonally. In this case, the next strip should be necessarily superimposed on the edge of the previous strip by 4-5 cm. To make the painted surface uniform, paint should be well shaded, cleaning the joints between the strips. As necessary, you can apply it in two layers. On walls with a small area, you can first paint with a brush, shade it well, and then roll it with a roller.

In order for the roller to serve for a long time, it is necessary to care for it. After each use, the remains of the primer or oil paint are carefully removed from it. After painting, the roller should first be washed in a solvent, and then in water with soap. After using the primer, it can simply be washed in soapy water.

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Decorative painting of walls with a roller


  • fabric roller;
  • primer;
  • paint;
  • acrylic emulsion.

How to paint the walls to get a marble effect? To do this, use a roller made of pleated fabric. Thanks to them, unpainted areas remain, and a mottled surface is obtained. In this case, the paint is applied in two shades: the first for the main background, and the second for the marble effect. Walls painted in light colors look very beautiful, on which brighter paint is structurally applied.

Before painting, a surface is prepared with which the dust is first cleaned and then the primer is applied.

After that, you need to paint the walls with the main background. When the first coat dries, then if necessary, you can apply another. To apply the structural layer with a fabric roller, one mixes: a matte water-based paint and acrylic pearlescent emulsion in a 1: 1 ratio. The prepared composition is applied to the walls, starting from the top. In this case, you need to move the roller in different directions. When painting the surface, special attention is paid to the corners and places above the skirting boards. To paint them, you need to dampen a lint-free cloth in paint and use it to apply smears to unpainted areas, simulating the resulting stains.

When performing a roll of fabric, you need to know that when applying one layer through it, the main color will be perfectly visible. And if you often draw the tool over the surface, the result will be a more saturated and dense structure. To achieve the desired effect, work is carried out in small areas. As with any other tool, the fabric roller should be looked after. After each painting, it is thoroughly washed. The dirt and cobwebs adhered to it are removed using the sticky side of the masking tape.

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