Emir is the name of what nationality. The meaning of the name of the amir. It is worth highlighting the positive character traits of Amir

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Even in antiquity, people learned that a name is not just a collection of letters and syllables. In fact, it has a rather serious impact on a person, his fate and life. Therefore, almost everyone is very interested in learning about with a surname, and what it generally means. In this article, you can find out the history of the name Amir and its meaning.

Amir's name: history

Amir is a Muslim, Jewish, Pakistani and Arabic name, which explains its meaning. The name Amir from Arabic: "ruler", "chief", "prince", "emir" or "wife of the emir". But in Pakistan, Amir means “prosperous”. Amirchik, Mira are diminutive forms, the second of which may be an independent name. Today this is a fairly common name in many countries, including in Russia. In general, this name is of Arabic origin and is derived from the female name "Amir". A male name is now much more popular, so it's a rarity to meet a girl with that name.

Amir: the meaning of the name, character

As a child, Amir is very mobile and is always ready to help his parents or friends. Usually this child is shy and a little shy. Even if he does not participate in the Olympiads, his knowledge will be at a sufficiently high level, which confirms his cleverness. Also, Amir easily gets close to people, so he has many friends and just friends.

Usually this is a rather witty, creative, and also very purposeful person. A person with such a name never forgets about anything and is a clear leader in almost all matters, often choosing the profession of a teacher at an institute or a teacher. But this is not all that can be said about its significance. The name Amir brings its owner success in many endeavors. It depends to a large extent on how seriously Amir takes on business. He seeks a creative approach to solving emerging problems.

Amirs are quite charming and bright people. They love to sing and dance and are often good at drawing. They prefer to embody all their fantasies alone, in which their egoism can manifest. Criticism is often taken too personally.

It is known that each name has its own meaning. The name Amir means "master", which has a strong influence on the attitude towards problems. A person with this name never runs away from problems, but tries to solve them on his own. Before making a decision, he will carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only after that will he say his final answer. But, despite all this, Amir is a delicate and vulnerable nature who hides her kindness and gentleness behind a screen of confidence.

Family for Amir will always come first, so even to the detriment of work, he will definitely come to or a festive dinner. He usually plans his activity in advance and also thinks about the ways of its implementation.

Name and destiny

Many believe that if you choose the right name, then life will be more successful. Therefore, such people choose names for their children that fit the date of birth or surname. In general, it is believed that Amir is an energetic, purposeful, authoritative, strong-willed, reasonable, extraordinary and open person, but you still need to remember that these qualities depend not on the name, but on ourselves.

The beautiful, unusual, sonorous, but at the same time sharp and daring meaning of the name Amir embodies all the advantages and disadvantages of a real oriental man. Truly masculine, not suitable for any girl, this name for a child will be a symbol of masculinity and courage.

The origin of the name Amir is a mystery that has not yet been fully revealed. There are many references to similar names in various cultures, but all the individuals who bore them were certainly great and powerful in their time. In translation, it means "prince", "prince", "military leader", "leader", "leader".

What does the name Amir mean:ruler (Chechen name Amir of Muslim origin).

Angel Amir Day: not marked, since the name Amir does not appear in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

The nature of the name Amir: First, let's analyze the meaning of the name Amir by the letters that make it up. This, of course, does not allow you to get a 100% correct psychological portrait of a person, but it is quite possible to trace the main features of his personality. So, the following qualities are inherent in Amir: activity, creativity, practicality, optimism, emotionality, intelligence, independence.

The secret of the name Amir:

The origin of the name Amir is combined with astrological and earthly talismans:

  • Patron planet - Mercury;
  • Zodiac constellation - Virgo, Gemini;
  • Lucky shades are mixed colors;
  • A favorable plant is basil, from trees - a nut;
  • Totem animals - monkey and fox;
  • Stone talisman - agate, emerald.

What is the meaning of the name Amir in adulthood?

Its character is most easily described by the term “contradictory”. As in childhood, he loves to be alone with himself, avoids big parties, rarely visits nightclubs. A man spend hours of loneliness thinking, gaining new knowledge or reading books. People around him are easily imbued with sympathy for him, impressed by his originality. However, Amir prefers to keep his distance.

What does the name Amir mean for friendship? Rare people who have managed to become friends with this person can count on him in almost any situation. A man is not capable of meanness, always keeps promises, attaches great importance to justice. However, Amir is not devoid of selfishness, it is difficult to make him give up his own interests for the sake of others. Another disadvantage of character, which at some moments turns into a plus, is authoritarianism.

At the same time, with all his positive qualities, Amir has such disadvantages as pessimism, conflict, secrecy, self-doubt, ambition. The man Simenem Amir often enters into disputes if his point of view differs from that of the interlocutor, and he will defend his position to the last. Due to his excessive temper, he rarely makes friends.

Amir is the sovereign, the ruler. The name has ancient roots and is revered among the Chechen people. The zodiac sign that patronizes the name is Virgo, Gemini. Both of these signs indicate the instability of the energy of the owner of the name. Amir is prone to duplicity, he tries to defend, first of all, his personal interests.

The planet that rules the main events in the life of Amir is Mercury. This planet is in charge of the processes of destruction, chaos, war. She betrays Amir's temperament hot temper and ruthlessness.

Amir is better off choosing mixed colors for his wardrobe. He will be impressed by both bright and pastel colors. The tree that will become Amir's talisman is a nut. The plant that will bring him good luck is basil. Amir's patrons in the animal kingdom are a monkey and a fox. The stones that will become talismans for him are agate and emerald.

Characteristics of the name Amir

Masculinity, endurance, poise are the main features of the Amir. His character personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal man by most women. But despite such significant advantages, the owner of this eastern name has both pros and cons.

The disadvantages include the frequent inability to bring what has been started to the end. The brain of this man is like a generator of ideas that are generated with great frequency. Because of this, he grabs onto everything in a row, and chasing several hares in the end does not achieve anything.

But this negative quality is rather characteristic of a young guy, and becoming a mature man, he becomes a symbol of consistency, decisiveness, and consistency in actions. He attaches importance only to those undertakings where intuition tells him the presence of great benefits. It is for the monetary component of the business that he has a special flair.

The origin and history of the name Amir

The meaning of this short, harsh, but nevertheless sonorous name is the ruler, commanding. Arab countries, where the rulers of the emirate were called Emirs or Amirs - that's where this word came from.

Its etymology has something in common with the title of Emir, as mentioned above, and the Emir, in turn, is the owner of the emirate. History contains many facts about the people named so. For example, in Muslim states in ancient times, the prefix -amir- was added to the name of any ruler, military leader, whose name refers to the noble ones.

The name is of Muslim origin but is considered Chechen. Historians have several versions of its origin, but they are inclined to believe that the name Amir means the ruler. A man who leads the people and troops.

The saint of the same name is absent in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions. Therefore, he does not celebrate the name day. But for the Muslim people, this is not a problem. In Europe, the name did not become common. Used only in rare cases.

The character and fate of Amir

It is worth highlighting the positive character traits of Amir:

  • Creativity;
  • Activity;
  • Optimism;
  • Practicality;
  • Intelligence;
  • Independence.

The meaning of the name Amir determines all of his positive character traits, since they should be inherent in the present ruler. But even as a true ruler, he is prone to isolation and secrecy.

It is also worth highlighting his other negative character traits:

  • Irascibility;
  • Pessimism;
  • Conflictness.

Because of the negative, pronounced character traits, it is very difficult for Amir to make friends. He very rarely makes concessions. He tries to always be ahead of others. But he chooses negative methods to achieve the goal. He can quarrel even with the closest people, if the case requires it.

For Amir, the number seven is considered lucky. She patronizes a man in all his endeavors. Amir may seem overconfident. Outsiders will consider him a cynic. But only close friends know how talented he is.

He can have a lot of hobbies and hobbies from an early age. Amir does not seek to prove to others that he is better than them, it just is. He will become a wonderful leader, a leader, if he can restrain his negative emotions.

He has been restless since childhood. Because of this, his studies suffer. Parents begin to sound the alarm and scold their son for not being able to stay focused for a second. At all the admonitions of the elders, Amir simply shrugs his shoulders. His pranks are sometimes very dear to parents. He is very cocky at school. Constantly gets into fights. Creates problems out of the blue.

Teachers consider him not a promising student, but if Amir decides to devote his life to his favorite work, and most likely, it will bring him a lot of money, he will achieve everything himself.

Amir has a strong bond with his mother. He is very dependent on her opinion. If Amir really wants something, he can beg for it for a long time. The mother adores her naughty and difficult son. Father is often very strict with Amir. It may even lead to the boy running away from home at an early age. Amir will return home shortly, as his mother will miss him very much.

Amir sees no reason to understand the intricacies of the soul of loved ones, it is easier for him to bombard them with ultimatums, take offense and stop communicating than to understand the causes of the conflict. It is this character trait that does not allow Amir to build relationships with colleagues and subordinates. He does not know how to lead wisely and calmly, nor is he able to unconditionally obey the instructions of his superiors.

Amir's love and relationship

The character and fate of Amir determine his fate in personal relationships. Amir's love for his mother also determines the type of woman he will choose as his wife. She will be very similar to his mother. It will be a real beauty, clever, strong woman. Despite the obnoxious nature, Amir will want to feel protected at home.

Amir does not tolerate betrayal and will not betray his beloved himself. He will be ready to load her with gifts, spend every minute of his free time with her. To which Amir's beloved will only respond with affection and attention to him.

Amir loves children very much. He wants to have many children in his family. He himself is ready to provide his large family with everything necessary. The wife will always feel the support of a caring husband.

She will feel needed. This polarity in Amir's character is explained by the innate qualities of his temperament. If he learns to curb his temper, it will be much easier for him to negotiate with others, with colleagues. He will spend much less energy and vitality in order to achieve results. In any case, Amir is destined to become a great man.

The Eastern origin of the name Amir leaves an imprint on his behavior in marriage. Often his behavior turns out to be rude, harsh, which may be associated with the wife's attempts to get out of control. He loves sons and daughters, takes care of the material well-being of the family, but does not show tenderness to the household. In principle, he does not participate in housework, leaving "female" responsibilities to his wife. Read more:

To create a family good compatibility named Amir with the names:

  • Milan,
  • Karina,
  • Malika,
  • Marina,
  • Sophia.

Relationships with:

  • Antonina,
  • Catherine,
  • Hope
  • Amina,
  • Elvira,
  • Yana,
  • Elina.

Synonyms for the name Amir. Emir, Emre, Amirkhan, Emirkhan, Amirhamza, Amirsaid.
The origin of the name Amir. The name Amir is Muslim.

The name Amir is a Muslim name of Arabic origin. In translation it means "lord", "prince", "prince", "leader", "chief", "lord". The name can also sound like Emir. Among the Turks, there is a variant of the name - Emre.

Among the Arabs, "emir" means the title of the ruler, as well as, in general, the person who bears this title. Among the descendants of the Turks, the name Amir is used in two-part names, for example, Amirkhan, Amirkhamza, Amirsaid. From this name, the names of Amirov and Emir were formed. The paired female name is Amira.

The owner of the name Amir is a strong and independent person. He is an authoritarian, active and resourceful man, he is always focused on a specific and pragmatic task, his first concern is his precious ego and his own material well-being.

But this man is also open to compassion, he has an unconditional love for everything that is, he has a sensitive and emotional soul, in his soul Amir is a real idealist. He is capable of great dedication, generosity and sacrifice, he seeks to find like-minded people with similar goals and beliefs. But all this is happening only in Amir's soul, this man never loses control over reality, does not drift away with his dreams, but stands firmly on the ground and only cares about his own interests in the first place, he postpones the interests of others for later.

In addition, given his strong personality, even when he takes part in a group or social activity, he strives to be the undisputed leader. Amir is respectful, but often quite harsh, towards other people and their opinions, and tolerance cannot be called his best quality, so his behavior can seem quite intimidating. Endowed with courage, energy and a strong will, Amir is inclined to think that everything that he can do himself is also within the power of others, so he often perceives the people around him as lazy and mediocre.

His ambition is already noticeable in childhood. He prefers to avoid a subordinate position, seeks to surpass himself, either for his own satisfaction, or for recognition of his success from other people. He is nevertheless a very shy boy, so he hides behind a cocky attitude and a mask of swagger. Amir despises injustice and flattery, despite the fact that he himself is a rather proud and proud man, rather touchy. And yet, he is a very responsible young man who can be completely trusted.

Status for Amir is very important, wealth, security, other external symbols of wealth are not an empty phrase for him, he is ready to put in a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Despite this, Amir is an extremely generous man, he also loves to make other people happy. In family life, this is a faithful, frank and sincere husband, and he expects the same attention to himself. If his wife disappoints him, he will not be able to forgive, and it will be even more difficult for him to forget this insult. Within the walls of the house, he can also be bossy, harsh and even a little rough, but in fact, you can find the key to his sensitive and tender heart.

Amir most often chooses administrative, management professions in various fields. His preferences may be influenced by a sense of solidarity and the profitability of the profession. Therefore, the owner of the name Amir can work in the police, the army, be a politician, but such spheres as medicine, tourism, finance, science, sports are also not deprived of Amir's attention.

Amir's birthday

Amir does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Amir

  • Amir Damar Koku ((born 1979) Sudanese footballer)
  • Amir Rashid Muhammad ((born 1939) Iraqi politician)
  • Amir (Emir) Khalil ((15th century) Persian artist, master of the classical style of Persian miniature, illustrated manuscripts, "Shahnameh", "Anthology" and other works)
  • Amir ad-Din ((died 1312) an Arab architect at the court of the Mongol Khan Kublai. It is this architect who is considered the creator of the city of Khanbalik (modern Beijing). The master plan of the city was completed in 1274, in the same year the construction of the khan's palace began.)
  • Amir Muizzi ((1072-1127) Persian-Tajik poet, lived at the court of the Sultan)
  • Amir Kurbanov ((1909-1966) Soviet playwright and theatrical figure originally from Dagestan, also an actor. Author of over 30 plays.)
  • Amir Khadir ((born 1961) Canadian politician of Iranian descent)
  • Emir Najip ((1899-1991) Soviet orientalist, philologist-Turkologist, compiled the Uyghur-Russian dictionary)
  • Emir Kusturica ((born 1954) Serbian and Yugoslavian film director, twice awarded the Palme d'Or and many other film awards)
  • Amir Mazitov ((born 1968) Russian landscape and portrait painter)
  • Amir Gareev ((1928-2008) Soviet Bashkir writer, translator and journalist, author of essays and stories about his native Bashkortostan)
  • Amiryan Khaidarov ((1911-1996) Hero of the Soviet Union, machine gunner)
  • Amir Sharifuddin Harahap ((1907-1948) Indonesian politician)
  • Amir Kashiev ((born 1989) Russian footballer)
  • Amirkhan Yenikeev ((1909-2000) Tatar writer and publicist)
  • Amirkhan Adaev ((born 1988) Russian Chechen fighter (mixed martial arts))

Meaning of the name:Translated from the Arabic language, Amir means "chief", "manager", and from "Tatar," it means "commanding prince".

Origin of the name: The name Amir is of Arabic origin. In eastern countries, they were called the title of the supreme head of state, or spiritual leader. Some sources claim that the name Amir comes from the word "Emir", which also means army and title titles. In the East, this name is considered royal. It is rare in Russia.
Other forms:Emir.

February - 9th;

April - 1 number;

October - 30th.

Name characteristic

In Eastern countries, it is generally accepted that men named Amir have a strong and courageous character. This is indeed so, the name Amir endows its owner with all the necessary character traits that should be inherent in a real man.

From early childhood, boys named Amir are very similar to their father, they like to copy his behavior... In cases where a child grows up without a father, he imitates an older brother or a man who often visits his home. Little Amir urgently needs a man's upbringing, since his complex character is subject only to a man's hand. As a child, Amir is active and curious, often disobedient, may show some cruelty. By nature, he is a little shy, he loves to spend time alone, he always tries to create his own space, which does not allow other people to enter. At school, Amir does not study badly, he is diligent, but a little stubborn and proud. Outwardly, he looks like a strict and cocky boy, but in fact, Amir is quite romantic and sensitive, likes to help other people.

Adult Amir is a strong and intelligent man with a controversial character... He knows how to be tough, and can be sensitive and kind. The owners of this name will never sacrifice their interests for the sake of ghostly ideals, he knows how to stand firmly and confidently on his feet and will find his benefit from any situation.

The name Amir reveals the essence of an oriental man, it symbolizes courage and courage. The man who bears this name is assertive and bold, energetic and fair. He has an acutely developed sense of justice, which will never allow him to go to meanness or deception.

Amir is a good and loyal friend, he can be trusted and always be sure that he will never give. This man is an honest and generous person, he enjoys great authority with his friends. He is purposeful, demanding, very fair.

The nature of the name

Amir has a difficult and somewhat contradictory character, has a pronounced personality... He is good-natured, always ready to help others. This man is not capable of deception or meanness, he is fair and reliable. In critical situations, he behaves with restraint and courage, can flare up, but only on business. He will not tolerate lies and betrayal, he is very demanding of himself and his loved ones. At the same time, he is very kind, understanding and generous. Purposefulness, prudence, justice and the ability to endure makes Amir even stronger and helps him to achieve his goals.

"Winter" - friendly, fair;

"Autumn" - honest, responsible;

“Summer” is demanding, unselfish;

"Spring" - hardworking, determined.

The fate of the name

Since childhood, Amir behaves like a real man, he is independent, honest, proud, restrained, often arrogant. Such character traits are the merit of the parents, especially the father, in whose upbringing Amir needs like air. A boy named Amir from early childhood has an acutely developed sense of justice, he is brave, he always knows how to protect himself or his friends. He has many friends with whom Amir is open and honest. Despite the openness of this boy, he often likes to be alone, he likes to dream. She does not study badly at school, she has the ability for complex sciences. As he grows up, Amir shows all the necessary qualities of a real protector, he is courageous and courageous, fair and decisive. Boys named Amir grow up early, become independent and self-reliant.

The adult owner of the name Amir has not only real masculine qualities, but also pronounced traits of a leader. He is smart and decisive, knows how to make the right decisions, has good organizational skills. In dealing with people, it is easy and simple. It is easy to find a common language with him, but if Amir suspects meanness or deception on the part of his interlocutor, he will immediately interrupt communication.

Amir knows how to feel well the sources of enrichment, has a well-developed intuition. Choosing a profession, he looks to ensure that it brings him not only material, but also spiritual well-being. He will make a good leader, businessman, military man, economist, bank employee. He can also work in the field of philosophy, art, or engage in religious activities.

In relations with women, Amir is just as noble, he knows how to compliment and bewitch the opposite sex. Outwardly, Amir is handsome, has good physical characteristics, and is smart. In women, he likes intelligence, beauty, hard work and kindness. Family for Amir is sacred. He makes a good husband and a caring father. Amir brings up his children from an early age, teaches them goodness and justice. His wife is very comfortable and calm to live with Amir, she feels his strength and masculinity. Amir does not help his wife much around the house, but he always does his male work perfectly.

Amir has good health, he is a physically strong and strong man. In adulthood, he may complain of heart problems.

Positive traits of the name

Amir is a strong and intelligent man with a strong character. He is a fair and decisive, loyal friend and a wonderful family man. In this name, all the qualities that should be present in every man can be considered.

Negative traits of the name

Holders of the name Amir are very demanding of others, but often they do not demand from a person what he is not capable of.

The beautiful, unusual, sonorous, but at the same time sharp and daring meaning of the name Amir embodies all the advantages and disadvantages of a real oriental man. Truly masculine, not suitable for any girl, this name for a child will be a symbol of masculinity and courage.

Such is the fate that the named boys very often grow up in the company of their mother, without a father, and this position in the family leaves its imprints on the interpretation of this name. Little Amirchik grows up energetic, active, active, which is very good for a boy, for his development.

But his energy often borders on disobedience, and even some cruelty, which is especially manifested in contradiction to the mother's opinion. Yes, he attaches importance to her words and remarks, but still does in his own way, which causes her just indignation.

It is very important for this wayward boy to instill an example of decent male behavior from childhood, so it is important for a mother to provide him with communication with older male relatives if she is raising a child alone.


The imprint of “orientalism” in a matured man is always present, which means that he knows how to compliment, look after, in general, achieve the girl he liked. But his passion often passes as quickly as it flared up.

The secret of the name Amir is that he categorically does not accept intrusion into his personal space, to which he attaches great importance, it is much more comfortable for him to be alone, only periodically letting women into his life.

The characteristic of the name Amir is such that he makes too strict demands on the chosen one, and if she does not strictly obey him, then he will simply leave her alone. Even having found his "one", for which he is ready to move mountains, he will still put pressure on her, therefore, trying to maintain a relationship, the girl often has to step over her moral principles.

Sex with the owner of this name is always good, since a man considers it his duty to please not only himself, but also his partner. But he does this not out of great love, but purely technically, without special feelings - just not to lose his face in the mud, because he attaches great importance to his experience in the eyes of his partner.

A family

In family life, it is difficult to achieve a hot manifestation of a feeling of affection from a spouse named so, but this feeling is definitely there, and very strong. He just does not like ostentatiousness, and only attaches importance to actions with which he can provide his wife and children with a dignified existence.

With his wife, he can be harsh, and even rude, but this does not mean either neglect or cooling towards his wife. He simply perceives her disobedience as a personal fiasco, and may even become depressed about this. He loves children very much, of whom there are often a lot in his family. She will do everything so that they do not need anything, but there is not very much warmth and tenderness in relations with children.

Business and career

Amir always succeeds in professional activity. He attaches great importance to his success and credibility, which means that he will do everything to achieve unprecedented heights in his specialty. But mental labor does not appeal to him, so you will not find a person named so among scientists.

Aamir Hussain Khan is an outstanding Indian actor, producer and film director.

He has an outstanding mind, excellent memory, ability to build strategic plans. That is why he, starting his own business, very rarely burns out, suffers defeat.

The origin of the name Amir

The meaning of this short, harsh, but nevertheless sonorous name is the ruler, commanding. Arab countries, where the rulers of the emirate were called Emirs or Amirs - that's where this word came from.

Its etymology has something in common with the title of Emir, as mentioned above, and the Emir, in turn, is the owner of the emirate. History contains many facts about the people named so. For example, in Muslim states in ancient times, the prefix -amir- was added to the name of any ruler, military leader, whose name refers to the noble ones.

Characteristics of the name Amir

Masculinity, endurance, poise are the main features of the Amir. His character personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal man by most women. But despite such significant advantages, the owner of this eastern name has both pros and cons.

The disadvantages include the frequent inability to bring what has been started to the end. The brain of this man is like a generator of ideas that are generated with great frequency. Because of this, he grabs onto everything in a row, and chasing several hares in the end does not achieve anything.

Amir Khan is a British professional boxer.

But this negative quality is rather characteristic of a young guy, and becoming a mature man, he becomes a symbol of consistency, decisiveness, and consistency in actions. He attaches importance only to those undertakings where intuition tells him the presence of great benefits. It is for the monetary component of the business that he has a special flair.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - emerald, agate
  • Name day - the name does not apply to the Orthodox, so the day of the angel is not celebrated.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Virgo, Gemini

Famous people

  • Amir Damar Koku is a successful footballer from Sudan, defender for the Al-Merreikh club and the Sudan national team.
  • Amir Khosrov Dehlavi - famous Persian and Indian poet, scientist and musician

Different languages

Hot Arab countries - this is where the origin of the name Amir comes from. Everyone knows the country - the United Arab Emirates, and the translation of the word "Amir", or in other words - "Emir" - is the ruler of the emirate, king, prince.

To say that this sonorous name is universally popular is impossible, most often it is given to oriental boys. Therefore, there is no need to talk about how this word is translated into other languages, since only a small number of nationalities have its analogue.

The most important, perhaps, is the Arabic language, in which this word is written using the Arabic script -أمير, and pronounced in the same way as in Russian. Using the Latin alphabet, it can be written Amir, and its pronunciation will not change either.

The meaning of the name Amir in Chinese and in Japanese is also absent, but in Japanese, go can be written using the hieroglyphic pronunciation of Russian letters: Karinkishi.

Name forms

The presence of only two syllables in the name Amir gives little room for a flight of imagination, but still loving parents manage to come up with derivatives from it. For example, they affectionately call their son Amirushka, Amirchik, another diminutive - Amirka, as often used as the two previous ones.

In abbreviated form, this man can be called Ama, or an even shorter Am, but still he prefers to use the abbreviated World, and better - the complete one. The variants of this name in the Arab countries is Emir, and the declensions of this word obey all the basic rules of the Russian language.

The meaning of the name Amir is Muslim, less often Jewish, therefore it is not used in Orthodoxy, but according to church calendar it is impossible to find mention of the persons named so. Therefore, if you are going to baptize your baby, then the father will give him an Orthodox name, the name day of which is closest to the date of birth of the boy.

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