When to submit originals to the university. Rules for admission to the university. What is "Consent to Enrollment" in the new procedure for admission to universities

Adhesives 06.08.2020

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation revises the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates the outdated admission rules. Graduates, as well as everyone who wants to enter Russian universities, need to carefully study the changes introduced by authorized officials of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation that directly affect the likelihood of admission to the desired university.

Of course on this moment new rules in the education system aimed at enrolling applicants in the 2018-2019 academic year have not yet appeared, but based on past experience, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. And to the main question from graduates and everyone who wants to become students - when to apply to the university in 2018 - you can find out the answer right now.

Below is important information, after reading which, many burning questions will disappear by themselves.

Every institution of higher education wants not random students to study with them, who have not been able to enter other coveted places and come to them for lack of choice. No, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

Therefore, there is an unspoken screening of applicants: those applicants who personally came to the admissions office and brought the originals of the documents necessary upon receipt, and did not send them by e-mail, have an advantage.

Most nonresident students send copies of documents within the first week after graduation. Taking into account the fact that only five universities are allowed to submit documents, it is necessary to decide in advance which of them the originals should be brought to. The other four higher education institutions can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

So, as soon as the graduation party ends, the next day you can go to the admissions office of the university or institute that is in priority.

Some universities do not consider copies of documents. Well, that's their right. We will share with you the secret of how to get around this nuance. To do this, you just need to certify with a notary the copies of the original documents necessary for the receipt and, if required by the order of the selected university, you can personally present notarized copies.

If the university needs to take additional exams introduced by the university, then the documents must be submitted within the time limits prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date "floats" in the early days of July.

If the university does not imply entrance exams, then you can submit documents to the admissions office immediately after the school graduation.

How to enter a university

To begin with, it is worth preparing documents that need to be submitted to the admissions office.

  1. Application addressed to the rector, which contains information about the successful passing the exam (as well as those chosen by the applicant himself) indicating the results of the exams. In addition, the application must give consent to the processing of personal data. Don't be alarmed, this is a common procedure. A sample application can be asked at the admissions office.
  2. Identity document, as well as the citizenship of the applicant.
  3. High school graduation certificate. If an applicant enters a university after receiving an education, then you need to submit a document on vocational education or a diploma from the university on obtaining higher education.
  4. Photos in the amount of two pieces.

In some cases, the following documents should be attached to the main documentation:

  1. Document on the recognition of foreign education. It is necessary if the education was obtained abroad and the corresponding documentation on the received education was issued by another state.
  2. Document confirming disability. It is necessary to use the benefits if the applicant is disabled or to create special conditions for entrance examinations, if there is such a need.
  3. Conclusion on the absence of restrictions for studying at the university. A similar document is issued by the institution of medical and social expertise of the Russian Federation. It is required for admission to a university for disabled people of I and II groups, disabled children, disabled from childhood, as well as those who received a disability during military service. This also includes getting a disability from an injury or illness that was received during military service.
  4. A document that confirms the pre-emptive right to enroll. Required for the preferential category of applicants to the university.
  5. Other documents, depending on the category of the applicant.

What benefits can be used for admission

School graduates who have received honors or medals are admitted to the university bypassing the competition. Such applicants are interviewed. Some specialized universities, nevertheless, adhere to the practice of enrolling such applicants on a general basis.

  • olympiad winners and prize-winners (basic educational subjects are taken into account);
  • prize-winners of sports competitions (all types of Olympiads or European championships and world championships are counted);
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation.

Applicants who have advantages in admission to universities:

  • military National Guard;
  • children of employees of the National Guard;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear and radiation facilities.

The following items can automatically be counted as exams for admission to a university:

  • uSE results;
  • the results of exams in another university;
  • test results conducted by the Ministry of Education;
  • results of all types of Olympiads;
  • results of tests of preparatory departments funded by the state.

The start of admission of documents to universities is approaching. Today we will talk about how not to miss your chance because of the little things.

The admission rules are pretty simple. Don't miss the deadline and have time to submit the original documents; study the additional conditions of the chosen educational institution, go through the medical examination, if necessary, and everything will work out. Now let's take a closer look at each stage.

The most important thing about documents

If you have prepared in advance for admission, then the meeting with the admissions committee will take you 10-15 minutes, not counting the possible queue of those wishing to become your fellow students and friends at the university. For ordinary public and private universities, a standard package of documents is needed:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of the certificate with the attachment.

In 2018, the USE results of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 will be valid.

Some universities may require a medical certificate 086 / y. You can find out about the need to provide it, as well as a list of other documents on the official website of the university.

Also, collect documents that will prove your admission benefits, if any. The originals of these papers must be brought to the chosen university. This rule applies to all beneficiaries, target groups, winners of Olympiads and specialized professional competitions.

  • winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • gold medalists of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics;
  • world or European champions in any sport;
  • members of Russian national teams of international Olympiads in general education subjects (profile directions).

Athletes can only enroll in areas of study related to physical education and sports without entrance tests.

Applicant's calendar: application deadlines and other important dates

Applicants to military universities, academies of internal affairs and educational institutions that have special requirements for the physical training of students need to prepare much earlier. Get a standard medical examination in November or December. This will save you time.

Approximate date (find out the exact date at the chosen university)


The admission of documents from applicants is coming to an end, the primary right of admission is based on the results of additional creative or professional tests

The acceptance of documents in universities that conduct additional entrance tests is coming to an end

✓ The acceptance of documents from applicants who do not pass additional exams (standard USE admission) is coming to an end.

✓ Universities are required to complete their own entrance tests for all applicants

Appears full list applicants according to the standard protocol (information stand, university website)

Acceptance of originals of documents from applicants entering without exams (athletes and winners of creative, professional, intellectual competitions) is coming to an end

An order is ready to enroll applicants entering the university without exams on a quota

"First wave of admission." The university registers applications from those who entered and expressed their consent to study (80% of the competition places are filled)

Order on the admission of applicants of the "first wave"

“Second wave of admission”. The university registers consent to study from applicants (the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the competition places are filled)

Order on the admission of applicants of the "second wave"

After July 27, all your attention should be focused on the university website. You cannot miss the moment when you will need to submit an application for consent to enrollment and original documents. Without these papers, even with the best USE results, the university will not consider you as a future student. You see that you are passing by the rating - run to submit documents.

The main admission tool is the university website, where the ranking of applicants will be regularly updated

2018 changes

This year did not bring global changes to the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions, but some amendments should be taken into account when preparing. What's new?

  • Universities will independently determine the requirements for applicants with vocational education diplomas (college, technical school). Applicants will take entrance tests at the educational institution.
  • The total number of competitive places for correspondence courses will decrease.
  • You can now get up to 10 points for a variety of achievements during school education and sports career (in 2017 - up to 20).
  • Victories and prizes in all-Russian Olympiads will give benefits for 4 years. Win an Olympiad in 9th or 10th grade and don't think about your future admission at all.
  • For another year, Crimeans can take the all-Russian test or take special entrance tests at universities upon admission. In 2019, Crimean schoolchildren will also start taking the Unified State Exam.
  • One of the main changes in the process of admission to higher educational institutions will affect target students. Now the contract will be concluded between the applicant, the university and the employer. Previously, this scheme involved only the applicant and the university. After successful training, the applicant must work for three years in the organization that issued the referral.
  • Universities themselves will determine how many additional points an applicant will receive for an essay (1-10).
  • Applicants who have chosen the direction "Intelligent Systems in the Humanities" will take mathematics for any chosen period of study.

Typical mistakes and questions of the applicant

So, now you have complete information about when and how to apply to universities. But not always and not everyone succeeds perfectly, so we have selected several examples of typical mistakes of applicants and options for correcting them.

There is one more situation that sometimes brings applicants who prefer "a bird in hand".

What if I entered the university of my dreams in a second wave, but I have already given the originals to another educational institution?

So, you entered one of the universities, took the original documents there and calmed down. But it's a little pity that the same best-prestigious-popular-convenient-interesting the university did not take you to study. You open the website of the desired educational institution and see that your name is already on the list of recommended for admission. What to do?

Estimate the timing of the originals and your position in the rating. It will take about a day to draw up an order for expulsion and take documents from a first-wave university, after which it is necessary to transfer the originals of documents to a new university and have time to submit an application for consent to study. You should have at least 2-3 days for the re-acquisition process.

Take action! Some universities deliberately, although they do not admit that, delay the issuance of originals. Especially if the educational institution is not very popular, and you have good results. Therefore, do not tell the admissions office about your dream. Tell them that there are family circumstances, which is why you take the documents.

You will soon become a student and start new lifeUntil then, get ready for a few weeks of stress. Good luck and let it work out!

After leaving school, many have an acute question about entering the university. This is a very important stage in life, for which both parents and children need to be prepared, because there are a huge number of pitfalls that many do not know about. Let's try to disassemble everything in order.

First, let's look at the process of entering a university via the Internet. Modern technologies save a lot of time and can simplify such a process as admission to a university. To begin with, you need to decide what kind of educational institution you are going to enroll in. If you have already decided this, you need to go to the website of the educational institution you have chosen.

On every website of any educational institution you will find an online admission committee, through which you need to fill out an electronic application for admission. This application must be accompanied by scanned copies of documents required for admission, for example, a certificate of registration. You can see the documents that need to be submitted for admission below. After you send the application, it goes for consideration, you will learn about the results later. But you also need to remember that the originals of the documents will need to be submitted personally to the admissions office.

With all the convenience of applying through the Internet, you still need to go to the university in order to hand over the originals of documents. Therefore, consider the process of regular admission.

Many people ask the question, is it possible to enter a university by giving only copies of documents?
It is best to give originals to the admissions office, as this increases the chances of admission. Below is a list of documents that you will be asked for at any university:

  1. Certificate of education. A document that you receive after graduation, containing information about your progress and final grades. Of course, without uSE results no university will enroll you in training.
  2. Copy of the passport. 2 spreads containing personal data with a photograph and registration.
  3. Application for admission. The application can be filled out in advance by downloading it from the official website of the university, or you can fill it out right on admission, at the admissions office, usually everyone does this.

After you are enrolled, you will need to bring the following documents:

  1. Matte photographs of 4-6 pieces, size 3 × 4 cm, without corner. Photos can be taken at your nearest photo studio. The cost ranges from 200 to 500 rubles, the filming process takes 5-10 minutes.
  2. Medical certificate "086-U". A certificate that confirms the suitability of a person for admission to a university or when applying for a job. The best option will undergo a medical examination in a private clinic, where you will be quickly examined by such doctors as: surgeon, therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT doctor, and will give you the necessary
  3. Certificate of attribution (for boys). The certificate that you receive after a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.
  4. If you are going to enroll in some kind of creative specialty, for example, a designer. You will most likely need an example of your work, which will be specified in the selection committee.
  5. Also, it is advisable to attach to the documents various school certificates and diplomas characterizing you with better side... Most often this is not so necessary, because they mostly look at the certificate, but still it will not be superfluous.

Now you know what documents are required for admission to the university. Now we need to decide on the timing of these same documents.

The deadline for submitting documents in 2017 is July 26. This is if you enter the university only on the basis of the USE scores. If you are entering a creative specialty, where you need to pass additional exams in the form of examples of your work, then the deadline for submitting documents is from June 20 to July 8, this applies to such specialties as: Design, Journalism, Acting and so on. Each university has its own creative challenges, so be prepared for this.

But as for the timing of their holding, it is approximately from 11 to 26 July. You can get more detailed information on the university website by looking at the relevant documentation, by the way, on the university website you can get a huge amount of information regarding training, so use this.

University enrollment waves

In 2017 there will be 2 waves of enrollment. During the first, the main part will be filled - 80% budget places... If you want to get into it, you will need to submit the originals of documents before August 1, the enrollment order in the public domain is most often published on August 3.

The second wave will fill the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof the budget seats. The same documents will have to be brought before August 6, the enrollment order will appear on August 8.

The process of admission to a higher educational institution is quite long and laborious. You will need to collect a considerable amount required documents... And also if you are entering a creative specialty - pass the required exams. We recommend that you be patient and do not hesitate with admission, so you will have more chances to get on the budget.

Before submitting documents to an educational institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with how enrollment in a university takes place. With all the distinctive awards and solid knowledge, it is possible to fail by filing an application at the wrong time. It is also worth paying attention to the competitive conditions for the selection of applicants. Each educational institution has its own rules.

General principles

Different conditions affect how university enrollment takes place. Local characteristics, educational profile, as well as the acquired profession after graduation, contribute to this process. Even the material condition of both the applicants themselves and the place where they enter affects.

Still, the general conditions of selection are traced in all universities in the country. Among those there are:

  • School grade point average, USE results.
  • Knowledge on entrance exams, expressed in the received marks for them. (Additional testing is done at some universities.)
  • Availability of awards for participation in conferences, additional education (preparatory courses).
  • Having a referral to a privileged place or other privileges.
  • Competition during the application period.

Not everyone understands how admission to a university takes place with a huge flow of beneficiaries. The streaming system also introduces difficulties, when some of the places are already occupied even before the start of the exams. This is due to courses from the university, which are held annually on a material basis.

If you carefully consider how enrollment to a university takes place, you can see that priority remains with those who have attended additional training with the teachers of the institution for a long time. In other words, all other things being equal, first of all, those who paid for additional classes are taken. This was previously called the admission of applicants from the first stream exams.

The competition on the second stream is often higher. The most prepared applicants are selected here. There is some inequality for university entrants. At this moment, "freeloaders" enter the ranks of applicants with preferential directions. To be admitted, it is enough for them to have a rating comparable to the top three in all subjects.

Counting indicators

Consider how enrollment in a university is based on the results of schooling - points for the USE. For this, several indicators are used, tabulated for ease of calculation. However, the results of the ranking of applicants can be seen only after the submission of documents to the selection committee and the calculation of all data. So, the lists are posted annually after July 27. But you can submit copies of documents. However, there are some peculiarities, the original will still be needed before the results are announced.

To understand how admission to a university on a budget takes place, it is necessary to compare the following indicators of applicants:

  • The total score for all indicators.
  • Grades for the three entrance exams are compared separately.
  • Points for individual achievement are taken into account.
  • Often, admission to a university is influenced by whether the applicant has submitted an original document of education or a copy.
  • All other things being equal, they take into account the existence of a preemptive right (these are target areas, benefits, and others).

The given list determines how the enrollment to the university takes place according to priorities. If strong applicants have gathered in the stream, it may happen that the excellent student will be left out of work. The Troechnik will go to another department, where at that moment the requirements were lower.

Often, with good performance, the rector of a university can make an extraordinary decision and open several additional budget places. This is quite rare. After all, the institution itself, and not the Ministry of Education, will pay for the education.

Selection procedure

It is important to remember what date the university enrollment takes place. The original educational document must be submitted no later than the following dates:

  • Applicants in targeted and preferential areas - no later than July 29. Documents will no longer be accepted after 4 pm on that day.
  • For budget places - no later than August 3. Reception ends at 16.00 on this day.

How to assess the chances of admission?

Let's consider how the process of admission to a university takes place, using an example. So, we will assume that there are 30 budget places. Of these, only 8 are allocated to beneficiaries and target groups.

Of all the places, applicants will be able to take 22. Confidence in enrollment can give a position in the ranking that will be above 80% of 22 budget places. The lucky ones are those whose surnames will be higher than position 22 * \u200b\u200b80% \u003d 17.6 \u003d 17th line.

If your last name is higher, you can safely carry the original document. There will be guaranteed admission to the selected university. It is important to be in time before 4 pm on August 3 for admission on a general basis.

How are the recruitment stages different?

Let's figure out in more detail how enrollment in a university takes place. The first wave provides for the allocation of 80% of seats for state employees, the rest are given for targeted applicants. Beneficiaries will have a low passing score, no consideration of other priorities when submitting original documents.

The second wave accommodates only 20% of all available budget places. At the same time, for the rest of the state employees, the passing score often becomes higher due to the growing number of applicants who did not get into the first wave.

Who are the beneficiaries?

To understand how enrollment in a university takes place in waves, it is recommended not to panic immediately after you find the name below the boundaries given in the example. After all, beneficiaries may not submit documents. For this, the rating lists should be monitored daily.

If the target audience has copies of documents, then these places go under the budget. Your last name may be among them. Beneficiaries may include:

  • Olympiads.
  • Applicants with targeted directions from certain schools, gymnasiums.
  • Participants in educational projects.

Control rules

When you get on the list of lucky ones, you need to monitor your position every day. It is especially important to check when trying to enter two universities at once. Those beneficiaries who have indicated a copy of the documents always have a chance to bring the original before 4 pm on July 29.

For budget applicants, this period is even longer - until August 3, 16.00. Therefore, constant monitoring of your position will help you to correctly assess your chances and transfer the original to another university in time, where the probability of admission will be much higher. It should be remembered that for those who failed the first wave there is a second one.

When re-sampling, you can also flip the original documents admissions committees... Together with them, they must submit an application with a request for admission to a university. Special proof of awards and achievements is also provided.

Conditions for beneficiaries

Documents are submitted to target places in the first wave. Medalists and other beneficiaries have the right to enroll in two universities at the same time, submitting a copy to one place and the original to another. If the applicant does not pass somewhere according to the rating, then he has the opportunity to participate in the second wave of admission.

However, the resubmission of documents will already take place on a general basis. Students will be selected according to a new, higher rating. This approach allows you to choose the most literate guys from the entire stream.

Second run

The first stage of selection ends on August 3, and on the 4th the enrollment order is already issued and the lists are posted. 80% of budget places have already been taken. By the number of applications submitted, the second wave of applicants is gathering.

At this stage, all the same rules for selecting the most successful guys apply. The originals of the documents are required to be brought before August 7. Already on this day, the second enrollment order will be issued.

At the second stage, the remaining budget places are filled - 20%. If you did not find your last name on the lists, then you were not lucky to become a student. However, this is not the only way to get education opportunities.

Did not work out. What's next?

Without going through the competition of the first and second waves of admission to budget places, you can get an education on a paid basis. The recruitment of applicants is also carried out by competition from the remaining lists. The rules are similar to the previous ones: you will need to bring the original documents and an application asking for admission to the university.

The number of places is determined by the manager of the university and is limited only by the technical capabilities of the institution. The competition here is significantly lower than for budget places. If this option is not suitable, there are still two possibilities to graduate from a university: extramural budget education or a similar paid one.

Dates of acceptance of documents:

  • Under the contract, applications are accepted until August 27. There are preferential loans for students to study at universities. You can also pay expenses from the parental capital of the parents.
  • You can apply for part-time education until August 10 for budget-funded places.
  • For correspondence under the contract is submitted until September 29.

Considering all the possibilities, only the lazy one does not enter the university. To correctly assess your capabilities, you need to constantly look through the lists and do not despair if your surname is not found in the boundaries of the lucky ones. It is not easy to withstand the competition for prestigious places, but with a great desire, you can find a suitable training option.

Was the admission order passed?

This is, of course, good news if the surname is found on the list of the lucky ones. But what happens after enrolling in a university? It is imperative to visit the HR department and find information on the required documents.

Those who are enrolled in the university need to prepare photographs for their personal files and student ID. Size - 3x4 cm, no corner required. The next stage is a medical commission, the result of which should be a certificate 086U.

Persons liable for military service hand over attribution certificates for reporting. Recently, documents can be submitted through the university website or by mail. The date of the meeting will appear on the notice board soon.

Freshmen will be gathered to get acquainted with the group, a headman will be appointed. A little later, they will announce the day of issuance of student, test records. And a week before the start of classes, you can see the schedule.

Many will have to deal with the housing issue before the start of classes. You will have to write a statement asking you to allocate a room in a hostel if you have the right to do so. Details of this action can be found in the educational department. It is worth starting immediately to resolve this issue after the issuance of the enrollment order.

The problem of acquiring travel cards remains urgent. After all, they are produced in limited quantities. It is also worth picking up literature before class.

1. What documents are needed?

When submitting documents: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate (all pages), benefits (if any), achievements (Only those that are taken into account by the university. Each university has its own list. You can find it in the section of the rules for admission to the university "Accounting individual achievements applicants ").
Upon enrollment: original certificate, photo 6 pcs, medical certificate form 086u.
Each direction of bachelor's / specialist's training has its own package of documents!

2. How many universities can you submit documents confirming preferential conditions?

The privilege can be used when submitting documents only at one university. In other universities, you will pass the general competition.

3. Do I need to certify copies of documents?

Copies of documents need to be certified only if you do not submit the documents yourself (parents, relatives, etc.).

4. What are the deadlines for submitting documents?

Until July 26 (For those who enroll only in the exam for full-time or part-time studies on a budget).

There is no relationship between the date of submission of documents and the place in the final ranking!
- on July 5 (Or 10) (If you have additional entrance tests at the university itself (Find out specifically)).

Date of submission of the original certificate and statement of consent to enrollment (This is an innovation of this year. You can write this application at each university no more than two times. It is submitted for a specific area of \u200b\u200bstudy. Even with a certificate, but no application, you will NOT be enrolled):
The first wave - until 18:00 on August 1. The enrollment order will be released on 3 August.
The second wave - until 18:00 on August 6. The enrollment order will be released on 8 August.

If you want to be enrolled in the 1st wave, then in your university you must have the entire package of documents + the original certificate and a statement of consent until 18:00 on August 1st.

5. How to submit documents?

Documents can be submitted in person / by mail / electronically (Be careful! In most universities, this form of submission does not cancel personal presence).

The original of the certificate and the statement of consent to enrollment can be submitted in person or by mail.

6. Can I apply to both college and university?

Yes, and the number of colleges where you can apply is not limited.

7. Do I need to come with my parents to submit documents?

It is only necessary if you are not yet 18 years old and you conclude a study contract with the university.

Questions about enrollment:

1. What to do with the original of the certificate during the waves?

You give the original of the certificate when submitting documents or during waves. Without the original, you will not be enrolled in any university. The original document can be collected at any time.
It's better not to rush to serve it.

2. What are stages 1 and 2 of enrollment?

The first wave is the enrollment of 80% of certificates (originals only) of the first in the rating of USE points from the number of budget places.

For example, if 10 budget places are allocated, then the first 8 people (80%) in the ranking will be enrolled in the first wave with a certificate and consent to enrollment.
The second wave is 20%.

3. Is it true that the probability of being accepted is higher if the original of the certificate is submitted immediately?

Questions about admission:

1. Is it possible to enter a university with triplets in the certificate?

Yes. Your grades do not affect anything. There is no account of the average score of the certificate.

2. For what can you get additional points to the exam?

For the TRP badge, diploma with honors, olympiads of various levels, essay, volunteering, etc.

3. Is it possible to apply for a contract and then transfer to the budget?

Yes, but only on condition that someone is deducted from the budget.

4. Is it possible to apply for part-time education on a budget?

5. Is it possible to enter one university for full-time education, and in another for correspondence?

Yes, provided that one of them is paid.

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