Psychological tests for yellow corn. Take the Lusher color test online for free. Is it possible to use the Luscher test if the person being tested is color blind?

Interior elements 22.09.2020
Interior elements

Your favorite color reflects your personality. It can tell you about your well-being, mood and even well-being. By choosing the right color scheme, you can increase your productivity and create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Your favorite color reflects your personality. It can also tell you about your well-being, mood and even well-being. Studies have shown that a person, by choosing the right color scheme for himself, can increase his productivity and create a comfortable environment.

We invite you to choose from a list of 12 colors, two colors that seem to be more preferable, and one color that you do not like at all. Each color corresponds to a specific aspect of personality.

It is important to make a choice quickly, without spending a lot of time thinking about it. Don't associate colors with clothing or the color scheme of your home, or anything of the same nature - just decide for yourself what you like most and what you like least.


  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Green
  • Grey
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Turquoise
  • White
  • Yellow
  1. Choose the color you like best from the 12 listed. Write it down separately.
  2. Choose your next favorite color from the remaining 11. Write it down next.
  3. Now choose from the remaining 10 the color that you like less than others. Also write it down.

The personality of each of us is very contradictory. In one situation a person can be sociable and friendly, in another - shy and withdrawn.

The color test is based on the study of the effect of color on humans. For example, it was found that people with a hot temperament, when they find themselves in a room whose walls are painted pink, very quickly calm down and relax. Product manufacturers are aware of the impact color effects have on consumers and use them when choosing packaging for their products.

The color test is an example of how easy it is to create an illusion scientific approach to the assessment of personal characteristics. This is an example of a stereotypical approach to personality assessment - for example, many believe that people who prefer the color red are usually quick-tempered, also enterprising and self-confident. And those who prefer green are most often calm and thoughtful. We often use these stereotypical characteristics when describing various people: “seeing everything in pink,” “green with envy,” “blue,” “being in a black mood.”

Interpreting Color Test Results

The following personality characteristics correspond to the 12 colors. Determine your two most preferred colors and choose descriptions that correspond to them.

If you have a least preferred color, then the situation will be reversed: this color will least suit your personality type.

  1. Black. It is usually chosen by people. This means that the person who chooses it always strives for success, which is why this color is often called the “color of achievement.” At the same time, with no less reason, it means a willingness to act without thinking about the consequences and regardless of authoritative opinion.
  2. Blue. The color blue is believed to attract conservative people with a practical mindset. This is the color of calm and appeals to those who crave peace and comfort. They say that people who prefer the color blue can be trusted, and they themselves strive for an organized and orderly lifestyle. Sometimes choosing this color can be a sign that a person is worried about something.
  3. Brown. Like black, the choice of this color is one of the signs of a person’s desire for success, as well as his reliability. “Brown” people feel comfortable being alone and like to arrange their home. Sometimes the choice of this color may indicate insufficient self-realization of an individual and his desire to make the most of his potential.
  4. Green. The choice of this color does not make it possible to unambiguously characterize a person, since such a person can at the same time be an introvert and is clearly interested in the impression he makes on others. “Green” people like to have their actions approved and appreciated. Sometimes they have a domineering character or give advice to other people on how to live.
  5. Grey. Those who choose gray are usually reliable and at the same time prefer to keep their “I” intact. However, sometimes the choice of this color indicates the individual’s hidden desire to make a favorable impression on others and the desire to be noticeable. Therefore, “gray” people, with the aim of some kind of moral compensation, sometimes zealously engage in social activities.
  6. Orange. Choice orange color is a sign of an impulsive and friendly personality. It is often preferred by people who accept life as it comes. “Orange” people do not worry about little things and tend to see the will of fate in everything. It is a color full of life, and people who like it have an outgoing, outgoing personality.
  7. Pink. Pink color Usually chosen by people who are caring and at the same time sensitive, one might even say, have a passionate temperament. “Pink” people want to be the center of attention, sometimes to the detriment of others. Such people often think that they know better than anyone else what others should do, and they tend to impose their opinions.
  8. Purple. Purple is a powerful color, and it is usually chosen by creative, intellectual individuals, and people of a restless, restless nature also prefer this color. It is chosen by those people who are looking for the meaning of life. It is not surprising that the festive clothes of priests are often purple.
  9. Red. Red color is like a burst of energy. This color is most often chosen by extremely confident people and those who have a keen sense of life. "Red" people strive to be winners, their behavior is permeated with the spirit of competition. The choice of this color can also indicate a hot-tempered and sometimes unreliable character. And at the same time, a “red” person usually has influence, he has increased sexual needs, supported by the same sexual energy.
  10. Turquoise. A mysterious color that symbolizes spiritual energy and renewal. This is a sign of a self-possessed and balanced person with dignity and awareness of his own importance. Sometimes turquoise people can appear overly relaxed.
  11. White. White color is chosen by people who want to express themselves as much as possible. This is a characteristic sign of those who need their own space for reflection or experimentation. White people are usually great idea generators, but they sometimes lack practicality. White color is often associated with purity.
  12. Yellow. This color is preferred by optimists. However, it is often chosen by people seeking escapism from reality. "Yellows" can be very energetic, but these are just short bursts of activity. “Yellow” people love change and sometimes change their environment and things without any purpose, just for the sake of the process.

Comment on the article "Color test"

how everything is fine.

09.24.2018 10:30:07, aigul

Everything given in this test has very little relation to the works of N.V. Serov. Rather, this is the metaphysics of M. Luscher

08/11/2006 12:44:48, Nikolay


07/06/2005 01:31:04, Tatyana

Total 5 messages .

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The Luscher color test is based on the assumption that the choice of color often reflects the subject’s focus on a certain activity, mood, functional state and the most stable personality traits. Developed by M. Lüscher, the first edition of the test was published in 1948. Also known as the Luscher Eight-Color Test.

Purpose of the technique

Luscher color diagnostics allows you to measure a person’s psychophysiological state, his resistance to stress, activity and communication abilities. The Luscher test allows you to determine the causes of psychological stress, which can lead to the appearance of physiological symptoms.

Advantages of the technique

Each of the eight colors of the test was carefully selected according to its special psychological and physiological meaning - its structure - for this purpose, preliminary experiments were carried out over five years with 4500 shades of colors. Their meaning is universal, it remains unchanged for different countries, does not depend on age, the same for men and women, educated and uneducated, or “civilized” and “uncivilized.” Many people are prejudiced against “psychological tests” primarily if they have to answer countless, time-consuming questions or if they are forced to sort through a lot of cards. Experience with the Luscher test shows that the number of those who do not accept it is very small. The test is attractive, it can be completed quickly, and the test takers do not feel that they are compromising their dignity by choosing colors. They might change their minds if they knew how revealing the test really is.

History of creation

The first edition of the test, which brought the author worldwide fame, was published in 1948. In 1970, M. Luscher released a voluminous manual for his test. The theory and practice of the method are also presented in such books by Luscher as “Personality Signals”, “The Four-Color Man”, etc.

The test colors were selected experimentally by Luscher from 4,500 color tones. The author specifically emphasizes that adequate diagnostics from the standpoint of his method is only possible when using a standard, patent-protected set of color stimuli.

Adaptations and Modifications

The color selection method proposed by L.N. Sobchik is an adapted version of the Luscher color test. The method is intended to study unconscious, deep-seated problems of personality, current state, basic needs, individual style of experience, type of response and degree of adaptation of the subject. In addition, it allows us to identify a person’s compensatory capabilities and assess the severity of painfully acute character traits and clinical manifestations.

Theoretical (methodological) foundations

The development of the Luscher test is based on a purely empirical approach and is initially associated with the aim of studying the emotional and physiological state of a person for the purpose of a differentiated psychotherapeutic approach and to assess the effectiveness of corrective action. The technique is devoid of any serious theoretical justification, hints of which appeared only in the later works of both Luscher himself and his followers. The interpretative approach of the methodology, which is very eclectic, is based on the socio-historical symbolism of flowers, elements of psychoanalysis and psychosomatics. The experience of using the Luscher eight-color test in domestic conditions not only confirmed its effectiveness, but also made it possible to comprehend its phenomenology in the context of the modern scientific worldview. Its advantage over many other personality tests is that it is devoid of cultural and ethnic basis and does not provoke (unlike most other, especially verbal tests) reactions of a defensive nature. The technique reveals not only the conscious, subjective attitude of the subject to color standards, but mainly his unconscious reactions, which allows us to consider the method as deep, projective.

Method structure

The Luscher test in the original is presented in two versions: a full study using 73 color tables and a short test using an eight-color series. The first of them is quite cumbersome and is most likely of value in cases where the color test is the only tool for psychodiagnostic research. At the same time, the final result of the research is not so extensive information compared to the time and effort spent. The brevity and ease of use of the eight-color range is a big advantage of the shortened version, especially since when applied to a battery test methods The reliability of the obtained data increases. Full version of the Luscher test

The full version of the CTL - “Clinical Color Test” consists of 7 color tables:

  1. "gray"
  2. "8 colors"
  3. "4 primary colors"
  4. "of blue color"
  5. "Green colour"
  6. "Red"
  7. « yellow color»

To table 1“gray color” includes - medium gray (0; it is similar to gray from the 8-color table), dark gray (1), black (2; similar to 7 from the 8-color table), light gray (3) and white (4).

table 2 The full version is similar to the 8-color table of the short version of the Luscher test.

Table 3: dark blue (I1), blue-green (D2), red-yellow (O3) and yellow-red (P4). Each color is presented in the table 3 times (as well as the colors of subsequent tables) for the purpose of pairwise comparison of colors by the subjects. The colors are similar to the 4 “primary” tones in Table 2.

Table 4: dark blue (I1), green-blue (D2), blue-red (O3), light blue (P4). In this table, the dark blue color (I1) is similar to the dark blue in tables 2 and 3. The use of the same color (“main”) in several CTL tables allows, from Luscher’s point of view, to more deeply study the subject’s attitude towards it .

Table 5: brown-green (I1), blue-green (D2), green (O3) and yellow-green (P4). Here, for the third time, blue-green (D2) is present.

Table 6: brown (I1), red-brown (D2), red-yellow (O3), orange (P4). The first of these colors is similar to 6 from Table 2, and red-yellow (O3) appears the 3rd time.

Table 7: light brown (I1), green-yellow (D2), orange with a greater proportion of red (O3) and yellow-red (P4). In the last CTL table, the yellow-red color (P4) is repeated for the third time.

CTL colors, starting in Table 4, refer to specific “color columns.” There are four of them - according to the number of “primary” colors. The “blue” column (I1) includes colors designated I1, the “green” (D2) column - D2; “red” (O3) - O3; “yellow” (P4) - P4. Short version of the Luscher test

The short version is a table of eight colors:

  • gray (conditional number - 0)
  • dark blue (1)
  • blue-green (2)
  • red-yellow (3)
  • yellow-red (4)
  • red-blue or purple (5)
  • brown (6)
  • black (7)


The examination procedure proceeds as follows: the subject is asked to choose the most pleasant color from the tables laid out in front of him, without correlating it with the color of the clothes (does it suit the face), or with the upholstery of the furniture, or with anything else, but only in accordance with the fact that how much do we prefer this color in comparison with others when given choice and in this moment.

When laying out color standards in front of the subject, you should use an indifferent background. The lighting should be uniform and bright enough (it is better to conduct the study in daylight). The distance between color tables must be at least 2 cm. The selected standard is removed from the table or turned face down. In this case, the psychologist writes down the number of each selected color standard. The recording goes from left to right. The numbers assigned to the color standards are as follows: dark blue - 1, blue-green - 2, orange-red - 3, yellow - 4, purple - 5, brown - 6, black - 7, gray - 0.

Each time the subject should be asked to choose the most pleasant color from the remaining ones until all colors have been selected. After two to five minutes, having first mixed them in a different order, the color tables must be laid out again in front of the subject and the selection procedure must be completely repeated, saying that the study is not aimed at studying memory and that he is free to choose again the colors he likes the way he likes. it will be whatever.

Instructions (for a psychologist)

Shuffle the colored cards and place them with the colored surface facing up. Ask the subject to choose from eight colors the one he likes best. In this case, it must be explained that he must choose the color as such, without trying to correlate it with his favorite color in clothes, eye color, etc. The test subject must select the most pleasant Color out of eight. The card with the selected color should be set aside, turning the colored side down. Ask to choose the most pleasant one from the remaining seven colors. The selected card should be placed with the colored side down to the right of the first one. Repeat the procedure. Rewrite the card numbers in laid out order. After 2-3 minutes, place the cards again with the color side up and do the same. At the same time, explain that the subject should not remember the order of the layout in the first choice and consciously change the previous order. He should choose colors as if for the first time.

Processing the results

The first choice in the Luscher test characterizes the desired state, the second - the actual one. Depending on the purpose of the study, the results of the relevant testing can be interpreted.

As a result of testing, we get eight positions:

  • the first and second are a clear preference (denoted by + +);
  • third and fourth - preference (denoted x x);
  • fifth and sixth - indifference to color (indicated by = =);
  • seventh and eighth - antipathy to color (indicated - -)

Based on an analysis of more than 36,000 research results, M. Luscher gave an approximate description of the selected positions:

  • 1st position - the color you like the most, indicates the main method of action, i.e. a means to achieve the goals facing the subject.
  • 2nd position - usually the color in this position is also indicated by a “+” sign, and in this case it means the goal that the subject is striving for.
  • 3rd and 4th positions - usually the colors in these positions are indicated by the sign “x” and indicate the true state of affairs, situation or course of action arising from this situation (for example, the blue color in this case will mean - the subject feels that he is in a calm environment or that the situation demands that he act calmly).
  • 5th and 6th positions - colors located in these positions and indicated by the “=” sign indicate specific features that do not cause hostility, are not associated with the existing state of affairs, currently unused reserves, personality traits.
  • 7th and 8th positions - the color in these positions, marked with a “-” sign, means the existence of a suppressed need or a need that should be suppressed because its implementation would lead to unfavorable results.

Election markings

When reselecting colors, if two or more colors change position, but still remain near the color that was their neighbor in the first choice, then the group exists, and it is this group of colors that should be circled and marked with the sign corresponding to the function. Very often these groups differ somewhat from simple grouping into pairs.


1st choice - 31542607

2nd choice - 35142670

Grouping is done as follows:

3 1 5 4 2 6 0 7
3 (5 1) (4 2 6) (7 0)
+ X X = = = - -

When making notes in the protocol of such a test, you should be guided by the following: rules:

  1. The first group (or one digit) is marked “+”.
  2. The second group (or one digit) is marked with an "x".
  3. The last group (or one digit) is marked “-”.
  4. All other colors are marked with a “=” sign.

Where there are pairs of colors, interpretation should be made using these rather than individual colours.

Sometimes the same colors in the 1st and 2nd choice will be supplied various signs. In this case, each choice should be marked separately:

+ + X = = - - -
5 1 3 4 2 6 0 7
3 5 1 4 2 7 6 0
+ X X = = = - -

Usually the second choice is more spontaneous and therefore more valid than the first, especially in cases of doubt. In this regard, when using tables, you should first take into account the grouping and notes made during the second choice.

It may turn out that some numbers are common to two functional groups and then both groups should be interpreted with the corresponding notes in the protocol:

+ + - -
+ X X = = = = -
5 1 3 4 0 6 2 7 1st choice
3 1 5 4 0 7 2 6 2nd choice
+ + X = = = = -

In this case, you need to look at the following groups in the tables: +3+1, x1x5, =4=0, -2-6 (there are also additional groups: +3-6 and +3-2).

Interpretation of results

One of the methods for interpreting the selection results is to evaluate the position of the primary colors. If they occupy a position further than the fifth, it means that the properties and needs they characterize are not satisfied, therefore, there is anxiety and a negative state. .

The relative position of the primary colors is considered. When, for example, No. 1 and 2 (blue and yellow) are located nearby (forming a functional group), their common feature is emphasized - the subjective orientation “inward”. The combined position of colors No. 2 and 3 (green and red) indicates autonomy, independence in decision-making, and initiative. The combination of colors No. 3 and 4 (red and yellow) emphasizes the “outward” direction. The combination of colors No. 1 and 4 (blue and yellow) enhances the representation of the subjects’ dependence on the environment. When colors No. 1 and 3 (blue and red) are combined in one functional group, a favorable balance of dependence on the environment and subjective orientation (blue) and autonomy, “outward” orientation (red) is emphasized. Combination of green and yellow flowers(No. 2 and 4) is considered as a contrast between the subjective desire “inward”, autonomy, stubbornness and the desire “outward”, dependence on the environment.

Primary colors, according to Max Luscher, symbolize the following psychological needs:

  • No. 1 (blue) - the need for satisfaction, tranquility, stable positive attachment;
  • No. 2 (green) - the need for self-affirmation;
  • No. 3 (red) - the need to actively act and achieve success;
  • No. 4 (yellow) - the need for perspective, hopes for the best, dreams.

If the primary colors are in the 1st - 5th positions, it is believed that these needs are satisfied to a certain extent and are perceived as being satisfied; if they are in the 6th - 8th positions, there is some kind of conflict, anxiety, dissatisfaction due to unfavorable circumstances. A rejected color can be seen as a source of stress. For example, the rejected blue color means dissatisfaction with the lack of peace and affection.

Max Lüscher took into account the possibilities of assessing performance during the analysis of color choice based on the following premises.

  • Green color characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions, which ensures the maintenance of performance.
  • Red color characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance.
  • Yellow color protects hopes for success, spontaneous satisfaction from participation in an activity (sometimes without a clear understanding of its details), and orientation towards further work.

If all these three colors are at the beginning of the row and all together, then it is more likely productive activity, higher performance. If they are in the second half of the row and separated from each other, the prognosis is less favorable.

Anxiety indicators. If the main color is in 6th place, it is indicated by the sign -, and all the others that are behind it (7th - 8th positions) are indicated by the same sign. They should be considered as rejected colors, as a cause of anxiety and a negative state.

In the Luscher test, such cases are additionally marked with the letter A above the color number and the sign -, for example: Compensation indicators. If there is a source of stress or anxiety (expressed by any primary color placed in the 6th and 8th positions), the color placed in the 1st position is considered as an indicator of compensation (compensating motive, mood, behavior). In this case, the letter C is placed above the number occupying 1st place. It is considered a more or less normal phenomenon when compensation occurs due to one of the primary colors. At the same time, the very fact of the presence of an indicator of stress and compensation always indicates a suboptimal state. In those cases where compensation occurs through additional colors, the test results are interpreted as indicators of a negative state, negative motives, and a negative attitude towards the surrounding situation.

! !! !!!
2 1 4

Indicators of anxiety intensity are characterized by the position occupied by the primary colors. If the primary color is in 6th place, the factor causing anxiety is considered relatively weak (this is indicated by one exclamation point); if the color is in the 7th position, two exclamation marks are placed (!!); if the main color is in the 8th position, three signs (!!!) are placed. In this way, up to 6 signs can be placed characterizing sources of stress and anxiety, for example:

Similarly, the Lüscher test evaluates cases of adverse compensation. If the compensation is any of the primary colors or purple, no marks are placed. If gray, brown or black occupy the 3rd position, one exclamation mark is placed; if the 2nd position, two marks (!!), if the first position, three marks (!!!). So there can be 6 of them, for example:

!!! !! !
+ + +
6 0 7

It is believed that the more “!” signs, the more unfavorable the prognosis. Taking into account the test results obtained, it is advisable to organize activities for the regulation and self-regulation of mental states and autogenic training. Repeated testing after such events (in combination with other methods) can provide information about reducing anxiety and tension.

Especially important when interpreting test results, has a color rating in the last 8th position (or in the 4th functional group if there are two colors with a “-” sign). If the colors in this position are marked with exclamation marks, then the likelihood of the subject developing a state of anxiety is quite high.

Pay attention to the ratio of the first and eighth positions, is there compensation, is it built according to a normal scheme?

The relationship of colors in the second and third positions (desired goal and actual situation) can also be analyzed. Is there any conflict between them? For example, red in the second and gray in the third position symbolize the conflict between goals, motives and self-esteem of one’s actual state. When analyzing and interpreting the results of the Luscher test, the obtained psychodiagnostic information should be compared with materials from questionnaires, observations, conversations, and study of documents about the subjects. Only with such a comprehensive study of personality can one make any serious conclusions about personality traits and its psychological characteristics.

The same should be said about the prospects for using test results to assess state, in particular emotional state, tension, and anxiety. However, the coincidence of the indicators of the color test (choice of colors No. 6, 7, 0 in the first position) and the data from the questionnaire and observation allows us to judge with greater confidence the development of various negative states in the subjects.

Stimulus material



  1. Lusher M. The color of your character. - M.: Veche, Perseus, AST, 1996.
  2. Luscher M. Personality assessment through color choice

Luscher test- This psychological test color psychodiagnostics of personality allows you to measure subjective states of a person, namely his communication abilities, stress resistance and activity. Based on the results of the Luscher test, recommendations can be given on how to avoid stress and identify professional qualities of an individual.

Since the choice of color set occurs unconsciously, we can find out what the character and personality traits of the person being tested are in reality, and not how he imagines himself, or how he wants to appear in society.

You might also be interested in taking it online.

This complete Lüscher Farbwahl Test includes 72 color shades, 7 shapes and consists of three subtests. But besides this, there is another short version, the so-called Luscher eight-color test, which is divided into two subtests and, as the name implies, 8 color cards. The author of the original test, Max Luscher, claims that the short version cannot give accurate results. However, in psychodiagnostic practice and on the Internet on websites online tests the short version is used most often. Therefore, we will further consider this particular version as it combines simplicity and speed of testing and an acceptable degree of information content of the results.

The psychological interpretation of the resulting series of subjective color preferences is based primarily on the theory that each color can be associated with a certain symbolic meaning:

  1. Blue color. Means calmness, contentment, gentleness and affection.
  2. Green color. Symbolizes determination, perseverance, self-confidence, self-respect.
  3. Red color. Symbolizes activity, willpower, aggressiveness, assertiveness, desire to dominate, sexuality.
  4. Yellow. activity, tendency to communicate, curiosity, originality, positivity, ambition.

Secondary colors and their associative meaning:
No. 5 - purple; No. 6 - brown; No. 7 - black; 0 - gray
These colors are a symbol of a group of negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear and grief.
In this case, the number of the position occupied by the color is important.

Take the Luscher test online

Select a color that suits you by left-clicking on it. Do not tie the choice of color to anything, your clothes, etc. Just choose the color that suits you best. It is important.

First sample of two.

Luscher color test is a psychological test invented by the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher in 1947 and belongs to the projective methods for assessing personal qualities.

More details

Luscher color diagnostic technique is based on the subjective attitude of each person to various colors, which allows a fairly accurate and objective assessment of his condition at the time of taking the test. Since color liking is based on unconscious processes, the Lüscher test is significantly superior in accuracy to survey projective tests.

The Luscher technique allows you to determine your level of stress resistance, how satisfied your needs are, your typical problem solving methods, hidden sources of stress and nervous tension, and give recommendations for leveling them out.

Why is the lmlnews website the most accurate Luscher test?

It is important to understand that Max Luscher honed the eight-color test method on Swiss patients, who are very different in cultural, historical traditions and customs from the Slavs, which undoubtedly leaves its mark on color preferences.

That is why, in interpreting this test, we relied on the work of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Sobchik, a Russian psychologist, scientific director of the Institute of Applied Psychology, which made it possible to adapt the test results to the realities of modern Russian and post-Soviet space.

And here is the Luscher test itself online:

Now relax, forget about all your color preferences, about the most fashionable color of clothes this season, forget what color is your favorite and what color you want the car and just choose the most pleasant color for you from those offered. After your selection, this card will disappear, repeat your steps until you select all the proposed colors:

Test procedure

There are two types of test - full and short. The short test uses a table with a set of cards in eight colors - dark blue, grey, green, red, yellow, purple, brown and black. The test taker is asked to select colors twice from the most subjectively pleasant to the least pleasant to increase the accuracy of the results. In the full version of the test, the subject is alternately offered seven color tables - “8 colors”, “4 primary colors”, “gray”, “blue”, “green”, “red” and “yellow” .

Features of implementation and methodology

Max Luscher suggested that human color preferences are not constant, but are formed at a specific moment in time under the influence of psychological factors. The peculiarity of the test is the need to convince the test taker to distract himself from any possible color associations, fashion trends, public opinion, traditions and choose the most pleasant colors based solely on personal preferences.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Luscher test

The main advantage of the Luscher test is its undoubted usefulness as a source of additional information for an experienced psychotherapist or psychologist. The “unconscious” choice of preferred colors allows one to significantly reduce the threshold for intentional manipulation on the part of the test taker compared to other cognitive tests that require a conscious choice of answer. In this way, the specialist receives more information about subconscious anxieties and fears, about what character traits a person actually has and what he would like to have. The speed of obtaining and processing data and the depth of possible analysis are also an undoubted advantage of its use.
The disadvantages of the Luscher test include the need to correlate the results with available statistical data for a specific region, because the traditions of each country have an undeniable influence on the color preferences of an individual.

Among projective techniques, color tests are highlighted in separate category. They are included in the list of mandatory methods for the personality analysis procedure and compilation psychological portrait. The psychological color test, invented by the French psychologist Luscher, allows one test to identify character accentuations and suppressed needs.

Features of the Luscher psychological test

In psychology, the Luscher test is one of the most accurate color techniques that help determine the leading personality traits. It can be performed with adults and children aged 5 years and older.

To carry out the test, you will need 8 colored cards of the same size. In some versions of the test, clarifying color options are added, but this is not a prerequisite.

How the test works

To take the test, a series of colored cards are laid out in front of the test taker. The color scheme and display order must remain unchanged, otherwise the interpretation of the results will be incorrect. Next, the subject is given instructions for taking the test. He must take turns choosing the color he likes best. You can’t choose and think about cards for a long time. Having chosen the first color, you need to put the card aside and choose your new preferred color from the remaining ones.

You need to take the test until only one card remains. Next, the cards are collected again, shuffled and laid out in front of the subject. The selection procedure is repeated. All sequences of elections are recorded by a psychologist. The observer should also note bright emotional reactions test subject, which may accompany a specific color - this is necessary for the correct interpretation of the results.

Choosing the right color

Sometimes subjects misunderstand the test conditions and choose not the color that they liked, but the one that they think is preferred by the psychologist. Sometimes they choose colors that are associated with their social image: women choose red, and men choose blue, even if they actually dislike it.

In such a situation, it is impossible to obtain correct test results. The subject must understand that he should be guided only by his preferences. He should not try to choose colors that the psychologist will like, ask clarifying questions, or try in any other way to figure out the “correct” sequence of colors. In this test, it is the personal choice of sequence that matters, which reveals the personality traits of the subject.


The meaning of the key colors of the test can be determined using the psychological interpretation of colors: they correspond to personality traits. The meaning of the main colors of the Luscher test:

  1. Grey. A neutral color from a psychological point of view. It characterizes a person who seeks to hide, distance himself from others and limit his territory. Gray does not correspond to either bad or good qualities character, but emphasizes reluctance to participate in the diagnosis. By choosing gray, a person can demonstrate his fatigue and apathy. Anyone who puts him in last place is often hyper-emotional and has inflated demands on himself and others.
  2. Blue. It symbolizes peace and contentment. This color is liked by people who are completely satisfied with their life, do not experience stress, and easily find mutual language with others. If blue is in last place, the person needs acceptance and a feeling of affection. He avoids communication with colleagues, constantly strives for new sensations, but does not receive satisfaction from them.
  3. Green. Those who choose green put health, willpower and self-affirmation first. Such people tend to consider any phenomenon from a logical perspective. They rely on their memory and analytical skills. Green in the last position means lack of faith in one’s own strengths, refusal of responsibility for one’s actions.
  4. Red. The color of vitality chosen by leaders. They strive to enjoy all aspects of life. They often have a wide circle of friends, but do not get close to people. Prone to manipulation and selfishness. Red in the last position speaks of a passive attitude towards life and a tendency to submit.
  5. Yellow. Choosing yellow in the first place speaks of a positive attitude towards life, calmness and love of change. Such people are friendly to others and are not prone to conflicts. They do not like tension and emotional unrest. Yellow in last place is an indicator of disappointment. A person feels isolated, deceived in his hopes. Therefore, he subconsciously avoids surprises so as not to receive new disappointments.
  6. Violet. This color forms a combination of red and blue - colors with opposite qualities. It is chosen by people with magical thinking, who tend to fantasize and dream about ideal relationship. Teenagers often put purple first. Neglect of this color speaks of isolation and alienation, a rationalistic approach.
  7. Brown. People who need physical comfort tend to choose it. They value comfort and often need rest and a cozy home environment. If brown comes last, the person is rejecting his need for comfort. This can lead to loss of the capacity for pleasure and destructive compensation.
  8. Black. The color of complete negation. It is chosen by people who crave changes in their lives and refuse to put up with the reality around them. If black is in last place, the person is satisfied with living conditions or is afraid of change.

When interpreting the results, you need to take into account that all color methods give only an approximate result, which needs to be clarified using other methods.

Basic Rules

When taking the test, the subject must follow the rules so that the results obtained are as close as possible to his real experiences. The subject has the right:

  • ask clarifying questions before starting the procedure;
  • receive paper instructions that remain on the table while taking the test;
  • refuse to undergo it if the technique causes him discomfort.

The subject is obliged:

  • carefully follow the order of the test procedure;
  • be as clear as possible when choosing your preferred colors;
  • do not change the color choice after it has already been made.

The basic rule is that the subject must be in an adequate state, otherwise conducting a technique with the need to choose does not make sense.

Processing the results

Having completed the Luscher psychological test, the psychologist interprets the results in accordance with the transcript of the results. The subject does not have to be present. If, according to the terms of the test, he has the right to familiarize himself with the results, then they are transmitted to him in writing. When processing the results, the psychologist takes into account not only the order in which the colors are placed, but also the mental state of the subject, his life situation and other circumstances that may affect it.

Useful video

By watching this video, you will learn what the Luscher test is and will be able to pass it yourself.

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