Calendar garden vegetable garden for April. Sowing calendar for April. Rising and descending moon

Interior Design 01.07.2021
Interior Design

Gardeners and gardeners have long noticed that there is a direct relationship between planting dates and subsequent harvest. There are favorable and unfavorable days for planting seedlings and sowing seeds. To make it easier to determine these favorable planting days, the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners was compiled for April 2018. Open this calendar often and use its recommendations.

Moon phase in April 2018

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Auspicious landing days in April 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

culture culture favorable days for sowing seeds
cucumbers 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29 tomatoes 20, 21, 27, 28, 29
eggplant 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 radish, radish 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
Sweet pepper 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 hot pepper 4, 5, 24, 25, 26
onion 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 potato 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 29
garlic 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 carrot 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
cabbage 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 different greens 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

Auspicious days in April 2018 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

culture favorable days for planting seedlings rooting cuttings, dropping shoots graft
fruit trees 4, 5, 20, 21, 29 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 29
grape 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 24, 25, 26
gooseberry, currant 2, 3, 20, 21,22, 24, 25, 26, 29
raspberry, blackberry 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 29
Strawberry wild-strawberry 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25

Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. Nothing should be planted in prohibited days.

The calendar was compiled taking into account the fact that during the passage of the moon through various signs Zodiac, it does not have the same effect on plants.

On certain days it is better to plant, transplant, and on others it is preferable to water, weed or treat the garden from pests.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2018 gardener and gardener (table)

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

the date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended works.
April 1, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Libra
  • Scales - zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse, garden- planting root crops, sowing seedlings for open ground cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower. Planting kohlrabi seedlings, thinning seedlings, transplanting plants, loosening, weeding. Sowing in the soil of asparagus, petiole and leaf celery, watercress, leaf mustard. Watering, loosening, top dressing.
  • flower garden- a favorable day for planting any flowers (annual, perennial, bulbous)
  • In the garden- tillage, plant transplantation. You can cut the shoots, root cuttings, sow lawn grasses.
  • Not recommended graft and spray plants.
April 2, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The sowing calendar recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, in the greenhouse- sowing cucumbers, planting cucumber seedlings. Sowing under the film of seeds of celery root, cauliflower, broccoli, sowing radish, green. You can plant eggplant, peppers, tomatoes. Watering, mineral dressing,
  • In the garden- planting and sowing seeds of onion, chives, onion, parsley, carrots, planting spring garlic cloves.
  • In the flower garden- an auspicious day for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers and roses.
  • In the garden- planting raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries. Mineral supplement.
  • Not recommended pruning and division of roots, tubers.
April 3, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
April 4, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sagittarius
  • In the garden- sowing seeds of onions, cloves of spring garlic, herbs, beans, pumpkins. Planting early potatoes. Sowing seedlings of hot pepper.
  • In the flower garden planting corm plants.
  • In the garden- you can plant rose hips, strawberries, honeysuckle, grapes, plums, apple trees. Rooting cuttings.
  • Not recommended pruning, watering, pinching, pinching, transplanting, germinating seeds, diving seedlings,
April 5, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Sagittarius
April 6, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)
  • in the greenhouse- picking seedlings, transplanting, top dressing root and foliar. Sowing on seedlings of late cabbage, cucumbers. Watering.
  • In the garden- sowing early radish, parsley, sorrel, planting potatoes, spring garlic. Sowing carrots, onions on a turnip. Digging the soil, loosening, applying organic fertilizers, thinning seedlings.
  • In the flower garden- good days for sowing perennial flowers.
  • In the garden- planting fruit bushes and trees. Pest and disease control, pruning of branches and shoots. Graft. Overgrowth clipping. Powdering the ground layering of berry bushes.
April 7, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Capricorn
April 8, 2018 Sunday Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn
April 9, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius - infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the greenhouse and garden- sowing, planting is not recommended. You can dig up the soil, loosen it, in a greenhouse - hill up plants, weed, thin out seedlings, stepchild, form lashes of cucumbers. Seeds should not be germinated.
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning, undergrowth cutting, lawn mowing. Pest and disease control.
  • Not recommended feed and water the plants.
April 10, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Aquarius
April 11, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Fish- fertile zodiac sign (leaf days)
  • In the garden- sowing beets, chicorn lettuce, early carrots, radishes, chard, onions, broccoli, root parsley, lettuce, peas, beans. Planting seedlings of white cabbage, planting early potatoes. Organic top dressing, moderate watering.
  • In the flower garden- Favorable days for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers.
  • In the garden- planting raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, dividing berry bushes. Tree planting is not recommended.
  • Not recommended cut plants and treat from diseases, pests. Top dressing and watering are very moderate.
April 12, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Pisces
April 13, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Pisces
April 14, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Aries
  • Aries- unproductive sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the greenhouse, garden- sowing seeds with a long germination period: carrots, parsley, celery, asparagus. Refuse planting, sowing, transplanting, picking and other operations associated with damage to the roots. Plants absorb potassium supplements well. Can control pests and diseases
  • In the garden- clipping overgrown, cleaning the site.
  • Not recommended water and feed the plants, dive, stepchild, replant.
April 15, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Aries The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the new moon.
April 16, 2018 Monday New moon Moon in Taurus
April 17, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Taurus
April 18, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Gemini
  • Twins- unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- sowing beans, beans, peas, melons, Chinese cabbage, onions, planting seedlings of leeks. Sowing dill, parsley, zucchini, squash. Sowing green manure, loosening the soil.
  • In the flower garden- good days for planting ampelous flowers.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries, grapes, berry bushes, lemongrass. You can remove extra thin shoots.
  • Not recommended dive and transplant seedlings.
April 19, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Gemini
April 20, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer - the most fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The Lunar Seed Calendar recommends:
  • In the greenhouse, garden- sowing and planting of almost all vegetable plants. Planting seedlings of early tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers in a greenhouse or film greenhouse. Sowing in the garden of beans, zucchini, zucchini, squash, pumpkin. Sowing radish seeds white cabbage late, red cabbage, broccoli, beans, dill, watercress, planting potatoes. Watering. Mineral supplement.
  • In the flower gardenauspicious time for planting flowers, annuals and perennials.
  • In the garden- grafting, transplanting and planting berry bushes, grapes, dividing bushes. Sowing green manure. Mineral supplement.
  • Not recommended pruning and the use of pesticides.
April 21, 2018 Saturday Waxing Moon in Cancer
April 22, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Leo
  • a lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of the Fetus)
  • In the garden- sowing bush beans asparagus, lettuce, scorzonera, fennel, basil. Loosening dry land, preparing beds, weeding.
  • In the garden- sowing lawn grasses, trimming strawberry whiskers, cutting cuttings of berry bushes for planting. Graft. You can plant berry bushes, except for raspberries.
  • Not recommended watering and fertilizing.
April 23, 2018 Monday First Quarter Moon in Leo
April 24, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo - zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the garden- thinning seedlings, preparation of beds. Planting cabbage seedlings. Sowing dill, parsley, fennel, artichoke, hot pepper, cucumbers. Weeding, picking, watering plants, fighting diseases and pests.
  • In the flower garden- a favorable day for sowing annual flowers, ornamental shrubs, dividing perennials.
  • In the garden- formative pruning, grafting, planting cuttings of berry bushes, strawberries, grapes, gooseberries, layering powder. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers.
  • Not recommended seed soaking.
April 25, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Virgo
April 26, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Virgo
April 27, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Libra
  • Scales- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- planting seedlings of bitter pepper, cabbage, asparagus. Sowing lettuce, spinach, celery, leaf parsley, peas, beans, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes. Planting potatoes. Bed preparation. Mineral supplement.
  • In the flower garden- a good day for planting roses and climbing plants, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden- sowing green manure, lawn grasses, berry bushes, fruit trees. Shaping and rejuvenating pruning.
  • Not recommended graft, transplant, spray plants.
April 28, 2018 Saturday Waxing Moon in Libra
April 29, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) in the Lunar sowing calendar this is an auspicious landing day.
  • In the garden– sowing and planting most vegetable plants (eggplants, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin) Greens: basil, mustard, watercress, parsley, chicory, horseradish. Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
  • In the flower garden- planting roses, annuals, perennials and climbing flowers.
  • In the garden- planting fruit trees and shrubs. Vaccination, mineral feeding.
  • Not recommended dividing roots and tubers, pruning plants.
April 30, 2018 Monday Full moon Moon in Scorpio

The lunar calendar of flower growers and gardeners does not recommend working with plants on a full moon.

Garden work in April

It's time to finish pruning trees and shrubs. Pruning only in dry weather, so as not to expose the skeletal branches of trees to the danger of contracting diseases: cytosporosis, black cancer, etc.

Cut branches, pieces of bark do not leave for a long time in the garden, remove immediately and destroy.

Examine the tree trunks. Lubricate wounds from mice with garden pitch and tie with a dark film.

Close the hollows: rake out the dust, fill it with gravel or broken bricks, fill it with a solution of cement and sand. In the future, when pruning, do not leave stumps - they lead to hollows.

In April, we will hasten to plant trees and shrubs until the buds open. When choosing seedlings, check the condition of the roots: they should not have thickenings of root cancer, and the branches should not be dry, broken.

Do not save on food area, it will be difficult to replant mature trees.

In areas with high standing groundwater, plant plants with a superficial root system: sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, and other berry bushes. For dwarf and columnar trees, mounds will have to be added.

Sprinkle berry layering to get new bushes. Plant blackcurrant cuttings. Try a fairly simple rooting method: stick a cutting into a raw potato and plant it in the ground, leaving 2 buds on the surface.

Before the leaves begin to grow, clean the strawberry plantation from dry leaves and other plant residues and burn them, as gray rot pathogens accumulate in them. Correct the rows with strawberries: add earth to the bare roots, dig deep plants, free the hearts. In the middle of the month, you can plant new sockets in places of attacks.

Removing plant residues, cut branches, along with them, you remove the wintering stages of many pests and pathogens.

At the very beginning of April, weevils-flower beetles climb into the crowns of trees, feeding on swelling buds. You can block their path with non-drying adhesive belts, put on trunks, closer to the ground. It is necessary to cut ribbons from thick paper or cling film. Fix them tightly on the stem and grease in the middle with ALT glue.

The scutes of the California scale insect are dark gray, rounded. Under them are the larvae. On boles and bases of skeletal branches under exfoliating areas of the old bark, adult individuals of the pear sucker hibernate. The eggs of the apple sucker, despite their small size (0.3 mm), are noticeable on the dark bark, annelids, fruitlets, at the base of the side branches.

Aphid eggs are laid on annual growths, near the buds, under the scales of the bark. There are many of them on the branches of currants and gooseberries. Old 5-b-year-old branches of blackcurrant are most often inhabited by glass-box, currant gall midge, their ends are affected by powdery mildew. When pruning, they are removed first of all.

In the spring, with the resumption of the active life of plants, their pests are also activated. Spring development and pathogens begin. April is a very important time to protect the garden from them. The most suitable time for this is the beginning of bud break, the “green cone” stage.

Green cone.

If there are an alarmingly large number of pests and pathogens and they cannot be dealt with by agrotechnical methods, you will have to spray trees and berry bushes with insecticides: fufanon-nova, kemifos, alatar, actellik, kimmix, sempai. Against diseases, fungicides can be added to them: rayok, abiga-peak, hom. For stone fruits from fungal diseases, “blue spraying” with a 3% Bordeaux mixture (300 g of copper sulfate + 400 g of lime) is effective at this time.

In a cold, lingering spring, when the leaves begin to unfold, and the roots are not yet working (the earth has not warmed up), it is very useful to spray the trees with a solution - for 1 liter of water - 2 drops of epin-extra, 2-4 drops of zircon, 4 drops of uniflor growth and fitoverm: (4-5 drops).

During the budding period, the drug Ovary or Bud can be added to this solution (according to the instructions).

These drugs strengthen the immunity of plants to diseases, stress, accelerate the development and ripening of fruits, and improve their taste.

Lunar seed calendar for May 2018

The southern regions have already begun sowing, and in the Middle lane, the Urals, Siberia, the North-West, everything is just beginning. Seedlings of flowers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants grow on windowsills and in greenhouses and are “preparing” for transplanting to a permanent place. The hottest time begins - it's time to cut and graft trees, prepare beds for planting vegetables.

Our Lunar calendar of a gardener and flower grower will help determine the best days for planting and sowing, as well as for grafting and cuttings of an orchard. It was compiled on the basis of the influence of the position of the moon in the sky on plants, because it differs in different phases. But whether or not to adhere to the lunar-sowing calendar is up to you.

Moon phases in April 2019

  • April 1-4 - waning moon
  • April 5 - new moon
  • April 6-18 - growing
  • April 19 - full moon
  • April 20-30 - decreasing again

Knowing on what days the moon is waxing and waning, you can make a planting plan yourself. You just need to know that when the night luminary grows, plant crops in which the crop is formed above the soil, and when it decreases, root crops. This is how you will get the greatest harvest, of course, following the basic agricultural techniques of these crops.

Favorable landing days in April 2019

Best landing days:

  • cucumbers 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • radish 2, 3, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • greens 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • cabbage 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12
  • eggplant 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • pepper 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • garlic 7, 8, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26
  • onions 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • carrots 2, 3, 7, 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • tomatoes 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • potatoes 2, 3, 7, 8, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers in April
  • for annual flowers - 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • for perennials - 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • for bulbous and tuberous - 2, 3, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30

Prohibited days for landing in April

bad days April, in which it is not recommended to plant and sow - 4, 5, 6, 19

auspicious days for planting trees and shrubs in April 2019

  • plant fruit trees 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • grapes 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 29, 30
  • gooseberries, currants, raspberries 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • strawberries, garden strawberries - 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th

Saplings of apple, pear, cherry, plum and others garden trees buy in nurseries, so you are guaranteed to get excellent plants. When buying trees in markets and other similar places, you run the risk of buying a wild game, or a variety that is completely unnecessary to you. On the site you can see where in your city or region you can buy good seedlings.

Lunar calendar for a gardener, gardener and florist for April 2019

A table of favorable days for planting and sowing plants, as well as for other garden work for each day of the month, is compiled on the basis of the phase of the moon and its location in one or another sign of the zodiac. The planting days calendar is very convenient, as you can always plan when to plant and do in the garden.

April 1, 2019. The waning moon is in the infertile sign Aquarius. Auspicious day for tillage, loosening, mulching plantings. Good results will give the fight against pests and diseases of the garden. Pruning of trees and shrubs is recommended. Feeding plants, planting and transplanting are not recommended.

April 2, 3, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. The lunar sowing calendar recommends sowing and planting carrots, beets, root parsley, radishes, onions, horseradish. You can sow any kind of cabbage for seedlings, plant seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in heated greenhouses in the middle lane. Potatoes can be planted in the southern regions. Feeding and watering of plants is recommended. Florists have good days for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers, perennials and annuals. Spraying garden plants from pests will not give the desired effect. These days you can plant fruit trees and shrubs, they will grow well. In warm areas, it's time to deal with strawberries - peel them from old leaves, feed them.

4, 5 and 6 April 2019. New moon. It is not recommended to work with plants, as during this period they are very vulnerable.

April 7, 8, 2019. Waxing moon in the fertile sign Taurus. The lunar garden calendar recommends planting Beijing, white and cauliflower. It is also recommended sowing radishes, greens, planting garlic. Engage in picking seedlings. These are favorable days for sowing tomatoes and peppers for open ground, as well as early varieties of cucumbers. You can plant zucchini, squash, pumpkins on warm beds. Feed the plants with mineral fertilizers - they will be well absorbed. We advise flower growers to plant annual and perennial flowers. In the orchard, pruning, planting and grafting of trees is recommended.

April 9, 10, 2019. The growing moon is in the unproductive sign Gemini. Excellent days for planting cabbage, leeks, peas, beans, beans. Feel free to sow leafy parsley, cilantro, any salads. Good seedlings will give sowing green manure. You can do weeding and loosening the soil. In flower beds, it is desirable to plant curly and ampelous flowers. It is better not to dive seedlings on these days. Recommended planting strawberries, grapes. The effectiveness of plant pest control these days is high.

April 11, 12, 2019. Waxing moon in the fertile sign Cancer. Favorable days for sowing seeds of cabbage, black onion, lettuce, dill, leaf parsley. The dive of seedlings will take place with minimal losses. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes in greenhouses. Plant cucumbers and zucchini in greenhouses. Not suitable for planting seeds. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends planting flowers and ornamental shrubs. Good effect from fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. The use of pesticides is not recommended. In the orchard, grafting and cuttings can be done. Excellent days for planting berry bushes.

April 13, 14, 15, 2019. The growing moon in the barren sign of Leo. We advise you to plant bush beans, asparagus, basil, coriander. As well as weeding and loosening the soil, preparing beds for planting vegetables. It is undesirable to stepson and pinch plants, transplant seedlings to a permanent place. The grafting of trees, forming pruning is shown.

April 16 and 17, 2019. The growing moon in the sign of medium fertility Virgo. We recommend doing thinning seedlings, picking, transplanting plants. If you have warm - plant seedlings in an unheated greenhouse or under a film in the ground. Spraying against pests and diseases will give good results. Feeding and watering will also not be superfluous. Flower growers can safely plant flowers and ornamental plants. We advise gardeners to form pruning, planting and transplanting trees and shrubs.

April 18, 2019. The growing moon is in the sign of medium fertility Libra. Auspicious day for planting seedlings of cabbage in the ground. You can plant legumes, onions, beets, potatoes, greens. Seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants can be taken out into the greenhouse. Sow green manure. Do not treat plants for diseases and pests, as the effect of this is negligible. Grafting of trees is not recommended, but pruning is quite appropriate. Florists can plant any kind of flowers and ornamental shrubs, including wild roses and roses.

April 19, 2019. Full moon. Moon in Libra. The lunar landing calendar does not recommend planting and transplanting plants on this day.

April 20 and 21, 2019. Waning moon in the fertile sign of Scorpio. Good days for planting seedlings of cabbage and celery in a permanent place of cultivation, planting potatoes, carrots, root parsley and onion sets. You can transplant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in a greenhouse, and in the southern regions in open ground(or under covering material). Also, these days are favorable for fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers, watering. You can plant any flowers. We do not recommend dividing corms. Spraying against pests and diseases will give a good result.

April 22 and 23, 2019. The waning moon is in the unproductive sign of Sagittarius. In the garden, you can plant onions, potatoes, radishes, carrots. It is also good to loosen the ground and prepare it for planting vegetables and herbs. Plant tuberous and bulbous flowers in flower beds, and apricots, cherries, plums, apple trees, pears, raspberries and other fruits and berries in the orchard. These days, the cuttings take root perfectly.

24, 25, 26 April 2019 a. Waning moon in Capricorn. Favorable days for sowing peas, parsley, carrots, potatoes, radishes, as well as planting seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes. Good results after weeding and fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizer. Recommended planting corm and ornamental shrubs, including roses. Do not work on plant roots, do not damage them - plants may get sick or die. We advise you to do sanitary pruning of the orchard, as well as grafting.

April 27 and 28, 2019. The waning moon is in the infertile sign Aquarius. You can work with the earth - dig, loosen, prepare the beds for planting. Unfavorable days for sowing and planting, as well as transplanting plants. It is recommended pruning trees and bushes, cutting out shoots on raspberries and other shrubs, processing strawberries.

April 29 and 23, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. We advise you to plant seedlings of cabbage and tomatoes in the ground, plant potatoes, radishes, zucchini, pumpkins, all kinds of salads, beets, peas, beans, peanuts. Cucumbers can be planted in greenhouses. Tuberous and bulbous flowers planted these days will grow well and give good flowering in the future. Do not process plants from diseases and pests in these numbers - there will be no result. Plant strawberries, raspberries, grapes, and other berries. Take up tree grafting.

Garden work in April

  • In the middle lane, this is the most favorable time for planting seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes. Plant trees before the start of sap flow, that is, before the buds swell. The seedlings must be good quality and acclimatized to your conditions. If you get them in a nursery nearby, then so be it. If you have suburban area groundwater lies close, then give preference to trees and shrubs with a superficial root system - sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc.
  • Cultivate garden strawberry plantations. To do this, you need to remove the material or spruce branches with which you covered the plantings for the winter. Then remove all the old foliage, trim last year's mustache. If you decide to propagate good varieties, then plant new rosettes on your mustache on a prepared garden bed. If everything is done correctly, then next year you will already harvest from them. Feed strawberry plantings with any nitrogen fertilizer and spray from pests.
  • Trim the raspberries - remove all unnecessary shoots and old fruiting shoots. They are easy to distinguish - they are brown and coarser. Cut the remaining bushes to the first living bud or at the height you need.
  • In April, cold-resistant plants can be sown in the ground - dill, parsley, spinach, parsnips, lettuce, radishes, carrots. You can also plant green pea. It is much tastier than planted in May.
  • Prepare seed potatoes for planting. Pull it out into the light to germinate. Treat with wireworms and other pests.
  • It's time to plant cucumber seedlings. At the age of 1 month, the plants can be transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  • Tomato seedlings, if necessary, can be fed with complex fertilizer. In the ground, it is fed only 2 weeks after disembarkation.

A good day for sowing on the root, transplanting and picking seedlings. The day is fruitful, but it is tedious to be more careful with watering. You can do digging bulbs for drying and bookmarking for storage.

Today, harvesting, pruning trees and shrubs, pinching, processing strawberry whiskers are favorable. Favorably mowing the lawn. Be careful with watering.

Now it is favorable to store corms, cut the lawn in order to radically improve it, and also engage in pruning, cuttings and pinching plants.

A very good day for sowing or collecting root crops and laying them for long-term storage. For the rest it is better to refrain from too active work with tools due to increased injury.

Time disposes to sowing and harvesting root crops. Grafting, pruning and cuttings will be favorable. It is better to postpone transplanting and hilling plants. Follow a moderate watering regime.

Today, take care of the bulbs and tubers of flowers, laying out flower beds and rabatok, pruning and plucking ornamental plants. It is better to postpone sowing and transplanting other crops. Be careful with watering.

Today is an auspicious day for cleaning and design planning of the site. It is better to postpone work in the garden, vegetable garden and houseplants. You can do digging and weeding.

Today is a good day for canning and drying crops. Sowing and transplanting must be postponed. It is good to make deep digging of the earth in order to destroy weeds, top dressing and spraying from pests.

Now it is favorable to soak the seeds for subsequent planting. Pruning plants and cleaning the area will give a good result and bring satisfaction - get rid of everything that is superfluous and withered.

Today is favorable cleaning of the territory and preparation of inventory. For the purchase of inventory and planting material, it is better to choose another time. All other things are also better to postpone, especially sowing or transplanting.

You may now have extensive plans for rearranging or acquiring exotic crops, but keep in mind that these will need to be adjusted over time to bring them to a more realistic look. It is better to postpone planting and other work directly with plants.

The right time to prepare the site for future crops. Favorable weeding, fertilization and pest control. Sowing is better to postpone. You can transplant bushes and trees, harvest cuttings.

A good day for sowing herbs, soaking pepper and nightshade seeds. You can pick seedlings and harvest if it is not intended for long-term storage.

It is better not to plant indoor plants, because they can grow capricious, the same applies to garden crops. You can transplant and trim trees and shrubs both in winter and in autumn.

The time is favorable for gardening - plant trees and shrubs. Now it is necessary to check the soil moisture in the area and in indoor flowers, because the plants have started to grow and painfully endure drought.

The day is moderately favorable for planting winter-hardy late-flowering plants in pre-prepared flower beds and beds. Digging and weeding is better to postpone. Favorable winter sowing.

A favorable day for sowing almost any plant, the edible part of which is above the ground. Plants from which you will not expect a quick harvest will develop especially well - on this day, sow late-ripening varieties of green vegetables and flowers. Favorable winter sowing.

The day is not suitable for planting and picking seedlings, but you can do pruning of shrubs, and the formation of tree crowns, soil preparation and pest control.

Today is a moderately favorable day for working with the earth, but you need to work only with good mood. Useful pest control, fertilization and watering. It is better to postpone landing and transplantation.

A good day for pinching, picking and cuttings, weeding. Sowing and transplanting are unfavorable, the plants will grow weak, and the fruits may be substandard.

The day is very good for almost any work, except for cutting cuttings. For sowing, any fast-growing plant varieties are suitable, except for bulbs and root crops. Seedlings and seedlings need to be watered especially carefully - a lack of moisture now can lead to a serious inhibition in the development of plants.

A suitable time for planting any crops not intended for long-term storage. It is better to sow plants in which the aerial parts are used for food and are not intended for long-term storage.

Harvest leafy, cereals, berries, mushrooms and aboveground vegetables - the time is favorable for processing and preserving the greatest amount of nutrients. Cuttings and plucking are also good.

Our Earth is only a part of the universe, which is subject to this most complex organism and its systemic cosmobiological rhythms. Stars and planets influence each other, and the stronger, the smaller the distance between space bodies.

The eternal satellite of our native planet, the Moon, due to its location, has an explicit and implicit, but rather strong influence on all earthly existence. Every 12.5 hours, under its influence, the gravitational field shifts, causing a tidal effect - an increase and decrease in the water level in large reservoirs (seas and oceans).

The movement of juices and other processes in plants are also subject to the influence of the moon. It occurs through light and electromagnetic impulses, as well as other planetary interactions perceived by plants. Therefore, the gardener's actions in accordance with these processes or contrary to them can both significantly increase the return of planted crops, and nullify their own efforts.

The sowing lunar calendar for 2018 was compiled taking into account all the nuances and provides an opportunity to optimally carry out agrotechnical work on the site without the need to conduct your own calculations and look at the moon in the sky.

With the advice provided in lunar calendar, you can find out which days are favorable, and which, on the contrary, are not suitable for gardening.

In April 2018, the new moon falls on April 16th. The full moon will come on April 30, 2018.

The sowing calendar for April 2018 indicates the most favorable dates for sowing seeds, transplanting plants and caring for them.

There are days in the month when planting is generally not recommended. They fall on the 15th, 16th, 17th and 30th.

care days fruit trees and bushes should also be checked against the lunar calendar.

Experienced people always notice the weather in April, because some natural processes can predict what the upcoming harvest will be like.

If the end of April is rich in warm rains, you should expect a bountiful harvest.

The frogs begin to croak - it's time to sow the oats.

April melt water flows on clear nights - there will be good weather when harvesting wheat.

If there were thunderstorms on the Annunciation, get ready to collect a lot of nuts, if there is frost, wind or fog - for a high-yielding year. On the day of the holiday it rains - in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms in the forest.

If no swallows arrive in April, the spring will be cold.

The lunar month consists of a rhythmic change of two main states of the moon: growing (arriving) and waning. The beginning of each new phase of this process is the new and full moon, respectively. Full moons occur when the Moon is in that position with respect to the Sun, when it receives sunlight at its maximum and when its surface is at its maximum. New Moons occur when the Moon is on the same line between the Sun and the Earth, and therefore it is impossible to see the sunlight reflected by the Moon. The waxing moon is observed between the new moon and the full moon, and the waning moon is observed between the full and new moon. The growing Moon corresponds to the first and second quarters (phases) of the Moon. The waning moon is the third and fourth quarters of the cycle.

The influence of the growing moon on plant growth is positive: it good time to stimulate the growth of plantings, as well as their reproduction. The phase of the waning moon is the ideal time for all types of plant care, as well as for the fight against garden pests.

In addition, from centuries of experience and many traditions, it is known that the bioelectric field of plants fluctuates, that they grow and absorb water with irregular intensity. A rapid growth rate is often followed by a dormant period. So, the dormant period necessarily occurs immediately after fruiting. Having these ideas about the influence of the Moon on the growth and development of plants, it is easy to understand that competent "synchronization" of plant growth phases with the phases of the Moon gives both healthier plants and a more abundant harvest.

It is not for nothing that the lunar gardening calendar is compiled in such a way as to sow seeds on the full moon: our ancestors knew very well that seeds would germinate at this time at a faster pace. However, there is another approach: you can sow on the new moon to ensure germination before the growth spurt of this plant, which falls on the full moon.

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