Taurus horoscope for November December. The love horoscope for the sign of Taurus for November. Stars promise love

Heating 21.08.2020

Will November be a long-awaited event on the personal front for single and married Taurus? Love horoscope for November 2017 will help many Taurus find answers to their innermost questions.

The end of autumn for most people born under the sign of Taurus may not be a very favorable period for their personal life. The stars this month add up in such a way that single Taurus will find it difficult to find a common language when dating and romantic meetings with representatives of the opposite sex. People belonging to this sign of the zodiac will not be able to determine the reason for the difficulties in communication that arose in November, so they risk taking the events to heart. The stars tell Taurus that it is worth waiting out this period without hasty conclusions and actions.

A temporary lull in the Taurus family life in November may be reflected by a slight cooling of feelings in a couple. For those people representing the constellation Taurus, who during this period will understand that their mutual emotions with a partner have ceased to burn with passion, the opportunity to quickly sort out their feelings and establish intimacy will be quite large. Other married couples are at high risk of losing control of the situation and discord with their loved one. The exact love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus advises them not to immerse themselves in everyday life and problems, forgetting about attention to their loved ones.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for November 2017

The interest in choosing their soul mate among many free Taurus girls in November may decrease after several not very successful acquaintances and meetings with young people. Some of these girls may decide to take a break in search of love and personal happiness. The star forecast does not recommend that single Taurus girls in November be too categorical. There are still many opportunities to develop feelings and romantic experiences ahead. So as not to lose good mood due to difficulties in their personal life, Taurus girls in November 2017 should devote more time and attention to friendly meetings and fun get-togethers.

The emotional component of the family life of Taurus women in November may weaken significantly compared to previous months. At the end of autumn, married Taurus, against the background of a decrease in overall activity, may also have long conflicts with their other half. They most likely will not become the cause of the gap, but they will force many Taurus women in November to take the initiative for reconciliation into their own hands. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like protracted clarifications of relationships, so they will try with all their might to return understanding to the family.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for November 2017

For those single Taurus men who have already begun to think about the prospects of permanent love relationship, the end of autumn will not be the most favorable period for bringing your plans to life. The stars in November 2017 recommend that they take it easier on failed attempts to start a serious relationship. But for single Taurus men who are not in a hurry to find a permanent pair at the end of autumn, their expectations from this month will fully correspond to reality. In November, representatives of the Taurus sign will not feel heightened interest on the part of girls in November, which will not affect their mood too much.

The closeness of married Taurus with their spouses in November can change significantly. Spending time together for them will no longer be as desirable as in previous months, which may be reflected in the sexual side of marriage. In order for men born under the sign of Taurus not to test the patience of their wives, they will have to more actively engage in family affairs and pay attention and time not only to their spouse, but also to the rest of the household. Do not refuse to help a child with homework or older family members.

Taurus horoscope for November 2017

Common horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

Horoscope for November 2017 warns the representatives of the sign zodiac Taurus, oh the likelihood of loss of credibility. Be more careful: do not trust important information to unfamiliar people. Otherwise, the personal can become public. Also, before cooperating with someone, make sure that the reputation of these people is "transparent". If it is doubtful, it is better to refuse interaction, no matter how profitable and promising it may seem initially.

The stars advise you to exercise control and self-discipline. Moderation and a rational view of things will save you from problems and troubles. Surely, your help and support will be needed by your loved ones. Try to be more open towards them. Also, many representatives of this zodiacal constellation will show excessive pride, which can harm themselves. Do your best to avoid this.

Horoscope work and finance Taurus for November 2017

The most successful in November 2017 for representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign will be collective work. But only if there is unconditional trust between you and your business partners. There is a good chance that there will be situations in which you will need to compromise. Your communication skills are now at their best. Use them for your own good. At the same time, you shouldn't go ahead. If you understand that the interlocutor is not in the mood for dialogue and does not hear you at all, it is better not to insist on your own (at least for now).

Taurus can suffer material losses, who will ignore the instructions of their superiors. Listen carefully to what the boss has to say. Otherwise, if you misunderstand it, you can do wrong actions accordingly, because of which, for example, you will lose your bonus, or even “fly off” from your position. It is better not to make large purchases in the middle of autumn.

Love horoscope and Taurus family for November 2017

Lonely Taurus have a great chance of changing the current state of affairs at the end of the month. If you are in the mood and want to know mutual feelings, go out more often, and in general - be in society. Surely, "the same" person will appear there. The same representatives of this zodiacal constellation who are already in a relationship (and even more so - live with the chosen one or are married), the stars are advised to spend more time doing so-called household issues. So, for example, joint purchases and even basic cleaning will significantly bring you closer together. Connect a sense of humor and problems will be solved faster and more pleasant.

Taurus health horoscope for November 2017

In the second month of autumn 2017, Taurus should be especially careful with their limbs. Serious injury is likely. Do not forget to take another look at your step, just walking down the street, not to mention those who do sports and lead an active lifestyle. Also at this time, it is advisable to check the organs of the excretory system. It is recommended to "cleanse" the body, but it is better to do this not on your own, but with the help of a qualified specialist.

Favorable and unfavorable days November 2017 Taurus

Auspicious days Taurus November 2017 - November 2, November 6, November 11, November 16, November 21, November 27, November 30, 2017.

Bad days Taurus November 2017 - November 1, November 12, November 18, 2017.

Live in the moment and enjoy every minute. You can even lower the bar of your claims a little, because chance and fate themselves will raise it to the desired height.

November 2017 Tips for Taurus

Pink colour
Talisman: quartz
Lucky: 8, 12, 23, 28
Dangerous: 3, 15, 20, 30
Motto: "The quieter you drive, the further you will be"

Taurus mood in November 2017

It's time to create, get inspired by new ideas and bring long-forgotten projects to life. And to keep love and understanding in family relationships, try not to ignore the requests and wishes of loved ones.

To feel good, exercise a lot, eat well, and don't be discouraged. Pay special attention to your hands and feet when taking care of yourself. Do not run your nails, do manicure and pedicure regularly.

If you are overweight, you can easily lose it if you decide to do it in the first half of the month. Just don't torture yourself with diets. Just move more and lean on vegetables and fruits. Massage will give an excellent effect. With its help, you will achieve a double result - both kilograms will go away, and the skin will tighten.

Taurus job in November 2017

In working matters, the situation is favorable and stable, if nothing is changed, if you do not look at the top of the career ladder and avoid disputes with colleagues in time. In the second half of the month, wait for encouraging news and your brainchild that has long been awaiting its release. In the near future, there is every chance to give it a swift move. Do not think for a long time, harness the work with your head.

Everything is in order with finances. There will be enough money, provided it is properly distributed, enough for everything you need, and a little will remain. The most generous in terms of money will be mid-November.

Taurus love in November 2017

If your relationship is frozen in uncertainty, then you need to do something about it. Just in November, there will be an opportunity to clarify and dot the i's. Take proactive steps, challenge your beloved to a frank conversation. Don't let the innuendo hang over you.

A powerful emotional hurricane can sweep over those who have a complete idyll in a relationship: one of you will become very jealous. But all is well that ends well. The clouds will disperse and the sun of your love will shine even brighter.

About the same scenario for November, the stars prepared for the family Taurus. To prevent something from happening, listen to your soulmates more often, trust them, take an interest in their affairs, support and give good advice if necessary. The fact is that possible disagreements and conflicts can arise from a lack of your attention and care.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes for November, you received the symbol It's not over yet... He says that luck is on its way to you. However, for active action the time has not come yet: do not rush things, refrain from initiatives, trust the natural course of life. Then the circumstances will develop better day by day, and pretty soon you will enter a happy period of life. If you have any specific desire, then it will come true in the near future.

You got a card Seven of Cups, usually signaling an emotional disorder. You may be somewhat confused by the need to make choices about something. The map warns that things are not really what they seem. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and postpone the decision until you have collected enough information. Find the courage to explain yourself to the dark side of your self and your subconscious. Any creativity and spiritual practice will provide invaluable help in this. Get to know your uniqueness and originality.

Behavior style: contemplative and psychological.

Personal qualities: the ability to control your emotions.

People mascots: sane and rational individuals.

Wise of the month for Taurus for November 2017

Master the mudra Knowledge and in difficult situations do it. It activates thinking and improves memory, relieves emotional stress and anxiety, relieves depression and melancholy, lowers blood pressure, and normalizes sleep.

Bring the pads of the index and thumb of both hands together, keeping the rest of your fingers straight.

This month's success will depend entirely on your efforts and actions. The month promises to be cheerful and cheerful, filled with bright events and emotions, and some representatives of this sign will be lucky in their careers.

In November, your progress will largely depend on authority and a desire to stand out. Do not be afraid to show what you are capable of, but do it beautifully. An inappropriate outfit, elaborate adornment, or an accidentally thrown phrase can change your opinion about you, which may question your ability to achieve what you want.

It is for this reason that the representatives of the sign will be able to take the wrong step and harm their career. Remember that jealousy and an excessive desire to stand out from the crowd where it is inappropriate can greatly harm you in moving forward.

Taurus Woman: Job and Career Horoscope for November 2020

This time, success will come into your own hands. The main thing is to act competently and correctly calculate your own strength. Remember that luck will be on your side only if you calculate everything correctly. You may need to think over your image and words several times for an important conversation with your boss or business partners.

However, you should not even think that nothing will work out, even if the first attempt to prove yourself failed. November will force you to take action to achieve the desired result. Try to use the free time to good use.

Your relationship with your boss can suddenly get warmer. Many will feel that there is something more hidden behind the friendly looks and heartfelt conversations. To keep luck on your side, try to prioritize clearly. For example, weigh what a fleeting office romance can give you and how exactly it will affect your career and further advancement. And, if you have something to lose, then you can really lose a lot because of a fleeting affair. Therefore, try to weigh the pros and cons to make the right decision.

Taurus Man: Job and Career Horoscope for November 2020

Representatives of the sign will be able to make a very beautiful career if they show activity and artistry. The stars are conducive to active promotion and change. life situation, independence. You will have to show activity and life qualities that you have not used before.

Try to be diligent, but don't take on unnecessary work. This will not only increase your own authority, but you will also be able to discover new and interesting qualities in yourself that will help you achieve success. Those who are dissatisfied with their job or position will be given the chance to change a lot in their own lives.

When dealing with your boss, you should be careful not to show interest in the promotion. You may be able to achieve more by being tactful and gently showing your the best sides... Colleagues will treat you kindly if you take part in common affairs and conversations. But at the same time, you should not engage in gossip and set people against each other, even if this is necessary in your situation.

Taurus this year has gone through a difficult period, so they have high hopes for November 2019. Representatives of this zodiac sign dream of a miracle. Whether it will become a reality, only the exact love horoscope for Taurus for November knows.

Taurus love horoscope for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus will have many love goals. The horoscope promises them the full assistance of the stars in a number of issues, however, throughout the month, representatives of this sign will have to put in a lot of their own efforts.

In November, Taurus may have new romances. Life will give them loyal fans, and it is no exception that among them there will be a faithful future spouse or companion. Family life Taurus in November will bring them a lot of new emotions. People of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to realize their most intimate intimate dreams.

Lonely Taurus will also end the period of failure in November. They will be able to plunge into the fire of passion with their new partners. Taurus, who prefer tenderness and love in a relationship, will have to endure a little more. Perhaps in November they will not meet their soul mate.

In November 2019, Taurus, who previously experienced the bitterness of betrayal, will finally open their eyes to their unfaithful partners. New feelings will not keep you waiting. Sagittarius will find happiness in November with the most unexpected people. In the last month of autumn, they will be able to charm, impress and stay in the memory of the partners they like.

Taurus woman love horoscope for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus girls who have recently experienced unrequited love with all the ensuing consequences have the right to start new life... Many pleasant surprises await them in the love sphere. In November of this year, Taurus girls will be able to feel a pleasant sense of significance for the object of their sympathy.

Those Taurus girls who do not yet have a person in their immediate environment claiming to be a spouse or groom are quite objectively waiting for a romantic acquaintance in November. For this to happen, Taurus needs to pay attention to their appearance in November. Dye your hair a different color, buy an original outfit or do a bold make-up - everything is used to help you transform.

If the Taurus girls are not married, then nothing needs to be changed in November. The end of autumn is not best time for this sign of the zodiac to acquire status married women... But Taurus has time to enjoy freedom and walk freely, so that there is something to remember after the wedding.

The love horoscope guarantees Taurus a quality intimate life in November. In a pair of two partners passionately wishing for each other, there will be mutual passion, and the head will go dizzy from so many pleasant moments. In the love sphere in November, Taurus girls will be especially lucky with Libra and Aquarius men. But the relationship with the signs of Capricorn and Leo will not develop very favorably. All such intrigues will ultimately lead to a final break.

Love horoscope for Taurus man November 2019

Taurus men will receive tremendous satisfaction own life exactly in November 2019. They won't worry about small failures. In the Taurus family, everything will develop harmoniously. Beloved women will never cease to delight you with surprises and delicious dinners.

Lonely Taurus, dreaming of a fateful meeting with beautiful girls, the stars recommend flirting more. You have little chance to remain unnoticed, so the long-awaited event in the form of acquaintance will not keep you waiting.

The highlight of November for Taurus will be a secret date. In a love triangle, a tense atmosphere will persist for a long time. It is no coincidence that the stars warn their Taurus wards to be as careful as possible in dealing with married women.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019

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