Horoscope - Taurus. Horoscope - Taurus Horoscope life zodiac sign Taurus

colorful compositions 21.08.2020
colorful compositions

Inexorable circumstances remind Aries that everything in the world has its financial side. You may have to save on the essentials in order to fulfill your main desire. It is possible to visit a retail outlet from the second-hand series. Do not spend more money than your savings allow and debentures Otherwise, you will get into new debts. Be smart about your purchases. Make an important material plan decision today, otherwise people or harsh circumstances will make it for you.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Taurus

Not everything is going smoothly between Taurus and their partners. Perhaps alienation, cooling of feelings, temporary separation, or even a break in relations. Taurus, living with their soul mate, may face the betrayal of a business ally or the cunning of a competitor. It is possible that the list of your clients, students, fans will become shorter. This is not the right moment to conclude contracts, as well as to start activities related to consulting and mediation.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Gemini

Take care of your financial security. Approach as responsibly as possible to matters related to the payment of debts and other mandatory deductions. At this time, Gemini may have problems hiding the true size of their income, as well as secretly doing charity work. If you work (and receive a salary) informally, it is worth remembering the possible price you pay for it. For example, you may find it difficult to pay for medical, insurance, or banking services.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Cancer

In the foreground today things are material. All Cancers should think about their future, professional or financial. Fear of poverty can force you to conduct all money affairs with redoubled scrupulousness, even if everything is in order. You may also decide to save for the sake of the children. Reliability at this time is more important than fabulous profits. If you have not yet insured your life (business, property), it's time to seriously think about it. It is possible that one of your friends will ask you to become his guarantor.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Leo

Not the most cloudless day for Leo, especially those born in July. Financial problems can become a source of despondency and overwork: for example, repayment of a loan, insurance, drawing up a balance sheet, division of territory or property. If the job (position, profession) does not suit you financially, start thinking about looking for a new place. If you don’t want or can’t go into free swimming, gather your will into a fist and take your duties more responsibly, otherwise you will face punitive sanctions and even the collapse of your career.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Virgo

Pay attention to the state of your wallet. It is recommended to be especially careful for Virgos who are going to another country, as well as having a business abroad, foreign currency accounts or savings in foreign banks. It is clearly time for you to look for new sources of income or otherwise update your old financial policy. At the same time, don't ruin everything to the ground. Conduct all financial affairs consistently and accurately. Money (or possessions) can be a reason for you to communicate more closely with your relatives.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Libra

If you do not like thrills, decide financial questions according to standard rules. Pay your taxes and sleep well. All Libras need a thorough audit of their wallet. It is better not to get into debt at this time. This is not the right time to buy. However, you may be forced to make some important acquisition or invest somewhere out of necessity. It will not be superfluous to review the strategy and tactics in the intimate sphere. Become more picky in choosing a sexual partner, especially a permanent one.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Scorpio

Your relationships with others may become cooler or too formal. You run the risk of not meeting understanding with a regular partner or client. Married Scorpios should be more responsible in their personal responsibilities and show a little indulgence to the needs of their spouse. This is not the best day to sign a long-term contract, professional or marriage. The true basis of a lasting union at this time can be an overt or hidden material dependence.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Sagittarius

Inspiring freedom is replaced by harsh everyday life. The most important issues on this day can be nutrition, earnings, taxation, security. The most wise and far-sighted Sagittarians today will hide their secret plans, especially in the field of finance and profession. Routine work will become more effective when you systematize your actions. The material return from labor will be higher if you clearly imagine how much money and why you need (in this moment and in the future).

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Capricorn

The heart of any Capricorn warms the right plan for the future, and you are most likely no exception. Make it your new goal to secure future stability, material or creative. Pay more attention to the reliability of calculations and the safety of funds. If you have children, consider protecting their financial and property rights. At this time, you are able to delve deeply into the subtleties that interest you. You may have to start by studying tax laws, the pension system, credit policy your bank.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Aquarius

You cannot do without discipline and self-control today. Your craving for the comforts of home may come up against the need to clearly meet professional or financial obligations. Relations with the family will be strained if there are monetary (property) disagreements between you and your loved ones. January Aquarius should be more careful about their health and stick to the golden mean in nutrition. It is necessary to observe maximum correctness in communicating with parents and with other people older in age.

Horoscope for October 29, 2017 Pisces

In order for the financial situation of Pisces to be strengthened, do not rely on a miracle and turn on common sense. There are people around you who will willingly help you financially, but they are unlikely to agree to fully support you. Buy what you need, but cut out the frills. Do not deprive yourself of pocket money, but do not forget to save money for a rainy day. Fantasy, characteristic of all Pisces, use only as an additional option. For example, dream of a time when you can buy whatever you want.

Lunar calendar for October 29, 2017

-11 lunar day
Waxing Moon in Aquarius
The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start things that are well thought out and carefully planned, otherwise you may run into problems. You should not make appointments with those who are not related to you by family ties, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.
Haircut - a haircut will lead to an improvement in material condition and general well-being.
Hair coloring - to strengthen your health, you can dye your hair only in natural colors.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure is not recommended, because later they will grow worse, exfoliate and break.
Facial care - natural masks made from fruits and berries will be the most effective.
Body care - it is better to give preference to relaxing treatments.

Name day October 29

Viola, Dementy, Domnin, Eupraxia, Euphrosyne, Leonty, Longinus, Mal, Terenty.

Folk calendar October 29

Longin Sotnik is a healer of eye diseases.
In the old days, on this day, winter clothes were taken out into the morning frost; it was believed that sunlight, though short-lived, was healing, kind and expensive.

Signs October 29

At sunset, the sky is clear - by a fine day for tomorrow.
A pillar is visible above the moon - to the bucket.
The trees are frosty - for the upcoming frosts.

The horoscope promises Aries great opportunities in the work area, so cling to everything that your bosses offer to implement. It's time to get out of the house and do some serious business. Moreover, the financial situation of Aries cannot be called smooth and cloudless. Set aside hobbies and meetings with friends for a while, they do not lead to prospects.

October 29, 2017 Taurus needs to work more in a team, and not retire. If you are used to relying only on yourself, then today such tactics will not help you. Exchange plans and ideas to realize your plans. Taurus has a priority in his personal life, in which there are enough gaps. Look for new ways to connect with your partner.

The horoscope strongly recommends Gemini to take up financial matters. You are so indebted to one of your friends that it is already beyond all limits. Today you are in such an excited state that you can say a lot of nasty things. close person. The twins themselves will have to clear up their mistakes, and also be the first to go to reconciliation.

Mid-autumn is a very important period for the personal life of Taurus. Planetary influences are such that they push you to take a closer look at love or marriage, try to figure out how things can be improved, what expectations you have from a loved one or he has from you.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter enters the house of Taurus partner - the planet of good luck, where it will remain until November next year. The generosity of Jupiter will make the next thirteen months favorable for love and marital relations, it's time for your wishes to come true. Cheerfulness, optimism and a sense of humor will help you make your dreams come true.

In the first half of the month, the love atmosphere promises to be sensual and passionate. Fiery Mars is in the love house of Taurus, and the love planet Venus remains here until October 14. If you are already in a relationship, your lover will become the center of your universe. For lonely Taurus, the stars promise a romantic meeting, which can turn into a long-term relationship.

An interesting time awaits you in the second half of the month, although it is unlikely to be calm. Mercury enters the house of Taurus partner on October 17, 2017, on October 23 the Sun joins it - such a planetary influence makes personal life more diverse and, at the same time, hectic. Events may occur that require you to react quickly and be able to make decisions without delay.

The position of Venus in the house of work hints at the possibility of an office romance, or you will be carried away by someone from your professional circle. Relationships are unlikely to be full of romance, but they will allow you to gain valuable experience that will be useful for work.

Career and finance horoscope for Taurus for October 2017

You will have an active period in terms of career development: you will make important decisions, make plans, take actions that will affect your status, reputation and even financial condition.

It is quite possible that you will be entrusted with more duties and work than usual. This should not be avoided, your merits will certainly be appreciated. Also, the period is suitable for changing jobs, if you have such plans, and for considering responsible steps, designed for the future.

In October 2017, relationships with other people will improve: work colleagues, business partners. Communication with management is positive for you, you can count on understanding and support. At the same time, one must beware of hypocrisy or deceit on the part of a certain person.

The financial situation is becoming more certain. Favorable cooperation, participation in joint projects. You may have additional sources of income.


Planetary influences activate the Taurus house of health, so you feel more interested in medical matters. Perhaps you will schedule visits to doctors, passing a medical examination, starting treatment. If you decide to make changes to your diet or lifestyle, do it gradually. Take care of yourself, avoid risks and excesses, and don't overdo it. It is good if you find time to practice various relaxation techniques.

Do not overspend the budget, as you will have a desire to purchase beautiful things, jewelry, and spend money on entertainment during this period.

Taurus horoscope for October 2017

In October 2017, Taurus will be as calm as a boa constrictor! Yes, you will be calm as a boa constrictor ... as you will be ready to strangle anyone who gets in your way. But, do it calmly and coolly. And then you settle down, digesting the victim and the events that took place for a long time. So the best thing that Taurus can do in October 2017 is to remember the behavior of the boa constrictor Kaa from the old fairy tale about Mowgli. Come to the aid of your friends or those you love, ask your enemies to come closer and eat them, and most importantly be wise and strong! Since, judging by the horoscope, in October 2017, many Taurus are just waiting for some fabulous events! That is why the horoscope reminds you that grabbing your head with your hands does not mean knitting your mind! Try to weigh not only your actions, but also your words. Since October will very often remind the Taurus of a music video, where the video sequence has nothing to do with the lyrics of the song. So be on the alert all the time! But not in the sense that you need to wait all the time for a catch. And in the sense that you, like a long, long boa constrictor, will need to be in several places at the same time and think and make decisions that are sometimes completely incompatible and mutually exclusive. Some solutions for the head, others for the tail or for the ass, depending on your erogenous zones.

Given the above and the location of the planets, we can confidently say that the search for compromises and reality in the real world will occupy Taurus not only throughout October, but even part of November. Features of the search for reality.

Nonetheless, Horoscope for October 2017 for Taurus, especially for Taurus born in April, suggests that the bustle and bustle in mid-autumn can cause you to miss something "important". So try to be more attentive not only to events, but also to people, especially to ill-wishers. Sometimes enemies need to be given even more attention than loved ones. It's like when crossing, across the road, you need to look not at the traffic lights, but at the cars - traffic lights have not knocked anyone down yet! And given that in October 2017 you will be in the role of a boa constrictor, then immediately calculate how much time you need to crawl from one side of the street to the other. Especially if you're crawling across someone's path.

Well, since the boa constrictor Kaa is a character in a children's fairy tale, then Taurus in October 2017 should also try to behave “correctly and well”, as everyone behaves in childhood with teachers or parents, and then they are so supportive of you in October 2017 stars will become supportive not only to you, but also to the people around you.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus auspicious days- 1, 3, 5, 7, 16, 19, 24 and 30.

bad days- in fact, in most cases, unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who just need something from you and urgently!

In October 2017, Taurus will be as calm as a boa constrictor! Yes, you will be calm as a boa constrictor ... as you will be ready to strangle anyone who gets in your way. But, do it calmly and coolly. And then you settle down, digesting the victim and the events that took place for a long time.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus work, career and business. Basically, in October 2017, Taurus at work will need to, like negligent students, “tighten their tails”. Try to quickly close old questions, as in October 2017 you may have many new tasks and assignments. October's key issues professional field there will be communication and understanding with the authorities. For the most part, any bosses, as well as long-lived spouses, having tried all positions, invariably stop at the brains. Therefore, do not forget that nothing is more contagious than the laughter of the chef! Smile at your superiors and seek their favor.

For Taurus managers and businessmen, the horoscope advises to pay more attention to communication in a team, with colleagues and clients. In addition, the horoscope advises checking the work done by your subordinates or partners or the information provided. There may be errors or miscalculations.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus. Free money - that's the most trouble-free jack to cheer up. It is likely that in October 2017 this trouble-free jack may appear in the hands of the Taurus.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Taurus. Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus Love. In October 2017, you will be able to see once again that everything that irritates us in others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. In the next month, you will be able to clearly feel what exactly you want from a relationship or from your partner at this moment in your Life. And it is likely that your partner will feel it and be able to give it to you. That is why family Taurus in October 2017 are waiting for warm hugs and declarations of love. And although in return, you will have to give up something, from rest, fishing, bachelorette party, hunting, parties, etc., on the other hand, if someone ate your cookie, it’s certainly a shame, but on the other hand, it means you are not alone. Although, of course, it would be better if this cookie was not eaten, but brought to you, along with a cup of coffee. Well, as we have already hinted, this is quite real in October 2017.

Lonely Taurus in October 2017 will not feel lonely either. Here is such a pun. Yes, and amorous puns, in October 2017, your life will be enough. And given that in October 2017 Taurus will be charismatic and charming, you are guaranteed increased attention from the opposite sex. The only thing that can interfere with your success with the opposite sex (and this applies to even the most gloomy male Taurus) is complexes of failures and doubts. Meanwhile, even in the most awkward situation, you can always find a way out, for example, take out your phone and poke your finger on the screen...

Instead of a summary, the October 2017 horoscope for Taurus suggests that next month the most important events for you will take place next to those who love you. Agree, sometimes even such a simple word as “hello”, in which there are only 6 letters, can lift you up to heaven with joy if it sounds from right person! This is how October will give you love, energy and positive, most often next to your loved ones. As the boa constrictor Kaa said: “Good hunting to everyone, to us!”

The day promises to be successful if you do not follow your negative emotions. Try to find an enjoyable activity. It has come good time to chat with friends. Try to spend more time outdoors during daylight hours.

Don't do anything now that you don't have a heart for. You can return to the necessary things later. In a relationship with a loved one, show more warmth, tact and compliance. Otherwise, conflicts may arise. The body will be weakened. There is a risk of catching a viral disease.

This day can make you nervous. The stars are advised to complete the previously started business. New projects should be approached with the utmost caution. Show mercy, do not refuse requests for help. Pay attention to the state own health. Save yourself.

Now you should not enter into verbal battles. Your ability to convince people will weaken for a while, and you yourself may be exposed to someone else's influence. Do not rush to solve personal problems in a hurry - you can harm yourself.

Avoid changes in any areas of your activity, as they may turn out to be completely different from what you are counting on. Rely on old connections that will suddenly open up new perspectives. All issues should be resolved amicably.

On this day, you need to act first, and then think. The first impulse will turn out to be right, and the more you think and analyze, the further you will go from the right path. Listen less to the opinions of others - your head will be brighter.

Now you may find yourself in a twofold position. On the one hand, a lot will work out at work, and on the other hand, difficulties can be observed in relationships with a loved one. Try to avoid quarrels and be more tolerant. Do something you won't regret later.

At this stage, try to forget the word “I want”, let the word “must” come to the fore. If you do not become lazy, the result will be worthy. The day is suitable for negotiations and reaching agreements. Although if you want to relax and have a good time, you won’t regret it either.

You will be like a small flame that can not only warm those around you with its warmth, but also kindle a spark of enthusiasm and optimism in them. In love, pleasant surprises await you, and some representatives of this constellation - promising acquaintances.

On this day, your schedule needs to be filled with important matters and meetings. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting entertainment events. If you are not only an outside observer, but also an active participant, you can get much more positive emotions than you suppose.

Don't plan anything big. It's time to take a break. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do only the most necessary things and do not take on increased obligations. Try not to avoid interesting events, do not refuse meetings.

Try to plan more interesting things for the day. It is worth meeting people who are dear to you. Pleasure can be delivered by working with information, reading, chatting with friends or chatting on the Internet. Someone decides to go shopping, and someone just needs to sleep.

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