Winter evening in the sky. The scenario of the meeting in the literary living room "Behind the fairy tale tale ..." "Winter evening wanders in the window ...". Sad time! Ocho charm ...

Sealants 10.02.2021

Sections: Extracurricular work

Purpose: To form cognitive interest and love of reading.


  • Develop an interest in the subject of reading, to literature.
  • Develop interest in the work of writers-storymen of Russia.
  • Develop creative imagination, thinking, vocabulary, speech students.
  • Develop imagination, memory, auditory perception, associative thinking of children.
  • Rail interest and love for nature.

Preparatory work.The organizers need to prepare a premises where a meeting will be held, pick up visual and musical design, to learn with the children of the poem and prepare the retelling of the fairy tales.

Participation in the event contributes to the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination of children, their communicative abilities, expands the horizon of pupils, develops their common culture, activates the cognitive interest of children to the phenomena of the surrounding world, helps to fix students' knowledge of winter phenomena in nature.

Event flow

Sounds of calm music.
The slide "A. Gerasimov" in winter in the forest "is demonstrated.


One day, the autumn burned,
Winter invited to visit.
Two girlfriends met,
Young people, and as an old woman.
By autumn, winter came,
Snowflakes brought a handful,
They are all playing with them,
Who is first to decide.

Leading: Late fall. Behind the city was the fight two seasons. Winter fell, autumn defended. At first, the winter conducted intelligence. She sent frosts, winds and snowy at short time. Shrubs and larchs were denied. The herbs are completely silent. Then the decisive offensive of winter began. Clouds thickened on the gray sky. Everything froze in anticipation. And here is the first snowfall. Everything around quickly wielded. Roads prevail. Trees were covered with heavy snow caps. Coming winter has come.

The illumination of "Snowflakes" is included.


At the Mother Tuchi, behind the White Horny,
Snowflake is born coldly sometimes.
Study storm daughter drank,
In the fogs of her night pelenal.
And the daughter rose and asks Tuchi:
- Ah, Mom! Lean I am mountain wheels!
Ah, Mother's cloud, I will fly down
I want to touch the land with his palm.
V.Bestes "At the Mother Tuchi, behind the White Horny ..."


A month with the sun began to be considered
Who earlier,
One, two, three, four, five,
The wind came out to fly.
He scored birds of the winged,
Cloud of gray and shaggy.
Launched the sky
In the afternoon, the snow goes.
And between the cloud, under the closure
Crying bitter month with the sun:
One, two, three, four, five,
Who climbs to overclock?

S. Rodetsky "First Snow"
The host reads an excerpt from the tale T.Kryukova
"Why in the year four seasons."
Songs the phonogram of the song "Winter"
(Muz.E.Hanka, Sl.S. Odrovoye) - instrumental option.


In the forest on the edge there lived the winter in the hut.
She shed in Birch Kadushka,
She sued yarn, she cansola fabrics,
Kovala icy yellows over the rivers bridges.

Ice ceiling, screen cream,
For the rough wall of the darkness of the Tarry.
How to step for the threshold - everywhere else,
And from the windows of the blue-blue parks.

Went hunting, koval silver,
Sit down a thin month in a crystal bucket.
The trees of fur coats Shila, thoril the sledge,
And after the forest hurried, to relax in the hut.


In the forest thickener quietly
Winter-dressmaker entered.
Birchings are very glad:
- Thanks for the outfits!
Fluffy and white
Winter outfits made
And for forests, and for fields -
Let them be warming!
Trees to everyone in the List
Winter gave handkerchiefs
And in the coats they were dressed -
Had fun! A.OSostrovsky "Winter-Portnikha"

The slide "Y. Clever" Winter Landscape "is demonstrated.

Leading: Beautiful, wonderful Russian forest in winter. Deep, clean lying under the trees of drifts. Over forest paths lace white arches bent under the weight of the fucking trunks of young birch. Heavy white snow caps are covered with dark green branches of high and small fir trees. High vertices of fir trees are minisanged with lilac cones necklace. I.Sokolov-Mikitov

The presenter lights the candles.


All freezes
In winter evening.
Do not hear crunch outside the window,
In the living room
did not go out candles
And breathes a fairy tale a quiet house.
Fluffy snow earth cover
I sparkled bronze in the light.

Cold wind
Good word
I met beautiful - winter.

Katya Minakova, Nizhny Novgorod

The phonogram of the play of PI Tchaikovsky "Nanina Tale" sounds.
The Slide "V. Maxim" Babushkina Fairy Tales "is projected into the back of the scene.


Behind the window wanders the winter evening.
Shadows disperse on the spot.
- Tell me, native, like Ivan-Tsarevich
On the forest grew on a gray wolf.

Grandma will postpone your handicraft.
And instantly brilliant face ...
And go to Emely furnaces,
And takes off over the cloud of the firebird.

Listened and adults and children,
Let the plot long ago sign.
And the chest baby absorbs these
Fairy tales with maternal milk.

Fits the mouse over the ceiling,
And cricket behind the furnace shutters.
Only the blizzard is working outside the window,
That it is not allowed to listen. A. Shachev "Babushkina Fairy Tales"

The slide "A.Vasnets" Winter Sleep "is demonstrated.

Leading: The whole forest is like a magic winter fairy tale ...

Again in the concerns of winter-needlewoman -
Let the warmer dress up.
Many winter prepared yarn,
White things without tired knits:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Herringbones - mittens knit on the paws.
Sheil, knit and very tired!
- Ah, soon the spring would come ...
E.Ovetskaya "Winter-Needlewoman"

Winter evening in the sky blue
Stars bright lit.
Branches raw snow fluffy
On the pushed snowball.
The tale quietly knocks on the door.
You let her, friend!

Children retell T. Marshal fairy tale
"About the spider who did not know the web to weave."


White, delicious snow goes,
Falls right in the mouth
If I want to
Snow all the time I swallow!
And then what will happen, brothers! ..

M. Spring "I and Snow"

What do you think guys what will happen? Let's see the cartoon and learn about the adventures of a cute and fun bear.

Demonstrated by the cartoon "Winter Tale" (on the fairy tale S.Kozlov).


This is how much snow fell,
What covered the whole earth carpet?
And trees, as in fabulous nonsense,
Struck solid silver ...
I am going with this fabulous morning,
And around white forest, white forest ...
Who is life in this fairy tale,
Showing so much winter miracles?
All bushes are dressed ...
And on pine flies fur,
And admire the tale of children
Yes, rings with overflows laughter. L. Solma "Winter Morning - Fairy Tale"

The leading reads the fairy tale N.Sladkov "How Bear turned over".


Quietly wandering the evening
Winter Late Sometimes.
Sleep the noisy wind
Under the snowy mountain.
The month of silver looks into the window.
Winter handicraft folded in Lukoshko.
Night inconspicuously goes to the house,
It's time to say goodbye to the fairy tale. N. Denisova

Goodbye friends! Before new meetings with a good and wise fairy tale!


  1. "Big Book of Nature." Moscow, Drop-Plus, 2008.
  2. "Walking through the Tretyakov Gallery with the poet Andrei Usachev", Moscow, Drop-Plus, 2007.
  3. T.Kryukova"Tales of Higher Powered", Moscow, Akviliagia-M, 2008.

Winter spell

Russed winter:
On the jacket of fros
From transparent ice
Stars snowflakes.
All in diamonds, pearls,
In multicolored lights,
Pouring around the shine
Whispering spell:
"Lie, soft snow,
On the forest and on the meadow,
Shutter trails
Fall branches!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scattering crystal roses
Light visions,
Clear plexes.
Concerned the heart of people
Beauty of their clauses:
Let the eyes deliberate
In bright patterns.
You, Metelitsa, Cui,
Horics Creek,
Jumping whirlpool white
In the field of the head!
Sleep, my earth, alloy,
Dreams Magic store:
Wait for passing,
A new heyday! "

(M. Foirov)


Not the wind rages over Born,
Not from the mountains ran streams -
Frost Voivode Wort
Own owners.

Looks - Lee Levels
Forest trails have explored
And there is no crack, cracks,
And is there any naked land?

Li pine fluffy peaks,
Is there a pattern on oaks?
And the ice floes are firmly
In great and small waters?

Goes - walks on the trees
Cracks on frozen water
And bright sun playing
In the beard of his beard.

(N. Nekrasov)

Frost on glass

Saw artist
In a frosty window
As deer wanders
By a magical country

In sparkling air
Birds pair
Colored lanterns
In the windows are burning

And where above the sea
Forest forests,
Deployed sail ...

(Y. Kushak)

Meeting of winter

... Hello, Guest-Winter!
We ask mercy to us
Songs of the North sing
In the forests and steppes.

There is a detriment of us -
Anywhere walking;
STROY Bridges on rivers
And pallium carpets.

We do not get used to -
Let the frost be fusing:
Our Russian blood
Frost burns! ..

(I. Nikitin)

Blue evening

Evening winter
In the sky blue
Stars Blue lit.
Branches Syzhalut
Blue frost
On the pushed snowball.
Pains Xiano Moroza
In the windows of forget-me-not
And yawning blue dog
Near the blue booth.

(A. Fetisov)

All white

All white, oh, everything is white,
White bloomed.
White bunny light trail
On Birch Bel takes,
And on the groves alder
White-Bel Shawl Pooh!
In Ryabin Bela Oracle,
Mil handkerchiefs red ...
Good running with a hill
Little Nastya.


White snow covered:
And trees and houses
Swisthe the wind is light o'clock:
"Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

The trail is conceived
On lowline to the hill.
This hare printed:
"Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

Again for bird feeders put
Fall in them.
And sing pichugs in flocks:
"Hello, Zimushka-Winter!"

White snow, fluffy
In the air spinning
And on the ground quietly
Falls, falls.

And in the morning snow
The field was glad,
Exactly pellenium
All his dressed.

Dark forest that hat,
Drank wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Hard, incombusably ...

I. Surikov

There is a wizard winter.
Came, crumpled, clocks
Hung on the bitch oaks;
Lay down wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Return Break
Compare Pullen Pelube;
Blushed frost. And we are glad
Ramazam Mother's winter.

A. Pushkin

Here is the hostess itself
It goes to us, goes winter.
Dissailed ...
Decreased ...
In bright stars-earrings
Yes silver boots!
And boots will creak
Spit white to toe.
Sleeve wax left -
And the glade coil.
The hand is the law waving -
Mountain snow will erect.
Slightly pee up the heel -
The river lies the ice.
The village of Dashished,
Brew the fur coat gave.
Twitched all at home
Ah, yes winter-winter!

V. Tomilina


Frost. Opali with birch past leaves,
Frost imperceptibly tipped to the window,
And overnight with your silver brush
Magic drew the country.

Now I do not end the morning,
And winter sizzle comes to my house.
Flower-blooming Busta Mother of Mother
And they were covered with thick silver.

What if this miracle miracle melts?
Frost it is sensitive from heat.
And even the fire-bird flies over the forest,
Running two white radiant wings.

P. Kirichansky


Under the bridge, the streams rush,
Fist on ice knocks: -
Well, why do you, Santa Claus,
Does the door closed and the key burned?

E. Kohan.


Snegiri, bullfinch,
Like fragments of dawn,
Ride on the track.
- You, frost, do not take them -
Burn your palm!

E. Kohan.

Already that day in a row
Whistling, aucid blizzards.
Trees naked stand
They are from the already blackened.

And only oak called the winds
Foliage cast iron thieves
Her he will relieve himself
When he wants himself.

A. Markov


Night ... not sleeping
Sits under the Christmas tree
Embroiders Santa Claus.
He has a Christmas tree
Took a needle
Bought in needle
Light from stars.

Pulling thread
Through the shutter in the curtains -
The whole window is already in the patterns ...

Tomorrow morning
Early stand up
And see: on the window
Mchat silver sleigh
On a silver country.

V. Stepanov

Blizzard, Snowy Purga,
Strain us yarn
Bump fluffy snow,
Like the fluffy fluff.
You, agile weaver -
Whirlwinds and snowstorms
Give rainbow boxes
For the burst firs.

S. Marshak


Not going and does not eat
Because an iceman.
Why none
Does not rejoice?

B. Berestov

Street walks
Santa Claus,
Inay is scattered
According to branches birch;
Walks, the beard of white shakes.
Grows nail
Only crackling goes.

C. Yezhin

Rajlets, Snow Snow Snow Okhapki.
On the fields winter.
Brings covered with caps
In the courtyards at home.
At night, the blizzard was smolecified,
Snow pounded in glass,
And now - looked
so funny
And white-white.

S. Marshak

Until March was ponds,
But as warm at home!
In drifts Kunt gardens
Carefully winter.
Snow crepes with birch
In a dormant silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov

Everywhere snow

Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -
Brought him winter.
We hurried to us as soon as
I brought the bullfight to us.

From dawn to dawn
Snagger winter.
Santa Clauslike small
Pleaches Zavalinki.
I can also
So dance in the snow.

A. Brodsky


At the entrance cried a boy:
- Someone's finger biting me!
And the other baby screamed:
- Some ears died to me!
The third torn her nose and cheeks:
- Who sick so hurt me?
It became clear to the defector -
Invisible in the yard.

L. Sandler


Winter came fun
With skates and sleds,
With skiing sorry,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the Christmas tree decorated
Flashlights are swinging
Let the winter cheerful
Later does not end.

I. Chernitskaya

The most important of the guests

- Who is in the elegant warm fur coat,
With a long white beard
In the New Year comes to visit,
And ruddy, and gray?
He plays with us, dancing,
With him and the holiday of fun!
- Santa Claus on the Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

I. Chernitskaya


On our Christmas tree
Funny toys:
Funny hedgehogs
And funny frogs
Funny deer
Funny frosts
And funny seals!
We are also a little bit
Masked funny.
Funny we
Santa Claus is needed
So that it was happily
To be heard laughter -
After all, the holiday today
Merry all!

Yu. Kantov

Lights Fires Christmas tree

Lighting the Christmas tree,
Under her shadow blue.
Spiky needles
As if in white more.
She felt in warmth,
Played needles.
And with songs fun
We came to our Christmas tree.

L. Nekrasova

Blue evening

Evening winter
In the sky blue
Stars Blue lit.
Branches Syzhalut
Blue frost
On the pushed snowball.
Pains Xiano Moroza
In the windows of forget-me-not
And yawning blue dog
Near the blue booth.

A. Fetisov

Christmas tree on the street

The tree looks proudly up
Knows - Holiday soon!
The lights on it were lit,
Like traffic lights!

Snow over the Christmas tree goes
Snow on it sparkles
And in the branches it lives
Yellow tit.

Near the Christmas tree game, laughter,
Cat under the Christmas tree bursts -
This Christmas tree for all,
Christmas tree on the street?

V. Viktorov

New Year festive

Did not cut the church
We are under New Year.
Near our house
The Christmas tree is growing.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, green needles,
All of you are in white more than
Only the sky is blue!
Decorate the Christmas tree stars and flags,
And burn miracle lights on the Christmas tree.
Near the church itself, drive dance.
Hello, hello, Christmas tree!
Hello, New Year!

I. Vekhegonova

New Year's guests

Look, ka, guys
Ride birds and animals
Ride from the forest, hurry,
And twitched, and frigate.
The doors crowded animals:
- Call, children, doors!
We are in a rush to the Christmas tree,
All fun, laugh!
We answered guests:
- We are all very glad to you!
We will have fun together,
Near the Christmas tree spin!

V. Kudlachev

Winter pictures

Sun earth warms weakly,
At night, frost cracks.
In the courtyard in the snowbab
Plait carrot nose.

Under the birch on the hill
Old hedgehog arranged mink,
And under the leaves lie
Two small hedgehogs.

Squirrel hid in the hollow -
In it and dry and warm
Establish mushrooms and berries
So much not to eat and for the year.

Under cigor
Sleep the bear as if in the house.
He put a paw in his mouth
And, like a small, sucks.

Careful Fox.
Creep to get drunk.
Leaned and water
Mobility and hard.

There are no burgoots,
He does not need Nora:
Feet saved from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

On the clearing of Kuropkka
Snow is digging without a blade.
And cunning enemy
Do not notice them in the snow.

The grains want a blue
But in the feeder it is afraid.
"Be bolder, not Roby!" -
Invites Sparrow.

Cat all day at the battery
Then the sides, then the paws warms.
It from the kitchen in the cold
It does not go anywhere.

Like Snow Maiden, in a white coat
Masha from the slide rides boldly.
Vasya rolls a snowball
He decided to build a house.

Under the window of Tamara with Fedi
Bold a polar bear.
Brother them, little Oleg,
Snow wears a teaspoon.

Lena rolling on skis,
Leaving a smooth mark
And for her bobka redhead,
Only bobki skis.

On the pond rink good,
The ice sparkles like glass.
Alyosha runs on skates
And in the frost it is warm.

G. Ladonchikov


In warm fur coats and ruins
Snowy winter sometimes
Fast Sledge Death
Swirl rush with a cool mountain.
In the wind guys face
Cumaches broke out.
Let the prickly snow dust,
Let the frost angry angry
All the guys are nicking!

N. Belyakov

Meeting of winter

Hello, guest winter!
We ask mercy to us
Songs of the North sing
In the forests and steppes.
There is a detriment of us -
Anywhere walking;
STROY Bridges on rivers
And pallium carpets.
We do not get used to, -
Let the frost be fusing:
Our Russian blood
Frost burns!

I. Nikitin

Released to expanses
Walk frost.
White patterns
In Koshi at Berez.
Snow paths,
Naked bushes.
Snowflakes fall
Quiet from height.
In white blizzards,
In the morning to dawn
In the grove, flew

E. Avdienko

Sypt, Syplet.
White snow.
As in a dream.
And thick.
Let's say to him:
Everything is already white
Circle -
White forest
And white house
White field
Slopim We.
In Sankah
Shot from the mountain ...
For defensions.

X. Habitov

Snowflakes fly
Snowflakes fly.
Covered snow
Forest paths.
From the cold Galka
They hid in the pipes.
And hares hit
White fur coats.
His hung on naked
Mushki trees ...
Snowflakes fly
Snowflakes fly.

A. Tettivkin


So frost so frost!
Month to the cloud example!
Smoke example to the chimney,
Someone sledges - to the river,
Even boots in the hut
Heat around the stove.

V. Shulzhik

On the courtyard of Metelitsa
White snow is stele.
Very proud
Baba snowing stands.
In the apparel festive
Silver, fabulous
She stands on the snow
Beside our window.
Important, angry,
She threatens with all the broom.
The eyes of black are burning:
"Departure," say.

O. Maruni.


Fresh frost. Frozen rivers.
Birch trees near the river.
It is warm here. In a hot stove
Crack carcers.
They burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warm
Thin patterns melt
On the painted glass.

P. samples

White grandfather

Santa Claus slept in bed
Stood up, links links: -
Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?
Well, don't you wake me up?
Disorder in the yard -
Dirt and puddles in December!
And from grandfather in fright
Blizzards were smelled to the fields.
And blizzards ran
Groaned, witnessed,
All earth scratches
White snow was offended.

N. Artyukhova

Skyrplay steps along White streets

Skyrplay steps along White streets,
The lights away;
On the walls of glacedeniele
Shine crystal.
From the eyelashes hung up into the eyes
Silver fluff,
Silence of cold night
Occupies the Spirit.
The wind is sleeping, and everything is not
Just to fall asleep;
Clear air Robeth himself
Frost to die.

A. Fet.


Now white blizzards
Wanted wanted
And the drifts are headed -
Hundreds of white bear.
And ring from the already ate
Walniki people put on,
In the sky stars cried
And from the cold tremble.

N. Kehlibareva (Translation M. Sergeeva)

Everywhere else silver
The branch each shines.
Jumps jumping tit
And in place is not sitting:
Like feathers blue
Not covered with the other.

E. Chumicheva


Winter holiday!
It has been raining since morning.
Cringed, droke
Snow mountain.
Sparrows tweet
Warm wind circles.
In winter holidays
Study in puddles.
The streams jumped.
Birch came to life.
Winter holiday...
At Grandfather Frost.

B. Erukhimovich


One sister hair -
Golden heavy spacing
In another in tight braids
Thunderstorms and dews are woven.
Third with fiery oblique
Wreath wreath with foliage.
And the fourth - blonde
Slopolok Lokon Wtinka

Round year

I n in a r b
Open the calendar -
January begins.
In January, in January
Many snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
Sun in the sky blue.
In our house, heat the stoves,
In the sky smoke goes post.

F e in r and l
Blow winds in February
Wait in the pipes loud.
Snake rushes on earth
Light gown.
Rising, rushing away
Slit aircraft.
It celebrates February
Army Birth.

Loose snow darkens in March,
Melting ice on the window.
Bunny runs on the desk
And on the map
On the wall.

April, April!
Drops rings on the courtyard.
Brooks run through the fields,
On the roads of the puddles.
Anti will come out soon
After winter jellows.
Bear breeding
Through the forest dog.
Steel bird song sing,
And bloomed snowdrop.

Blossomed lily of the valley in May
In the most holiday - on the first day.
May the colors are accomplished
Frams lilac.

And y n b
Came June.
"June! Jun!" -
In the garden, poultry chirped ...
On dandelion only Dun -
And all it will split.

And u l b
Senokos goes in July
Somewhere thunder grumbling sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

And in g y with t
We collect in August
Vintage fruit.
Many people joy
After all works.

Sun over spacious
Nivami stands.
And sunflower grains
Black nabe.

S e n t i b r b
Clear in the morning of September
Bread hammer sat down,
Rush birds for the sea -
And the school opened.

About k t i b r b
In October, in October
Fresh rain in the yard.
On the meadows dead grass,
Silent grasshopper.
Firewood harvested
For the winter for the stoves.

N o i b r b
November seventh day -
Red calendar day.
Look in your window:
Everything on the street is red.
Walk flags at the gate,
Flame with dusty.
See, music goes
Where trams were going.
All the people - and young and old -
Celebrates freedom.
And my red ball flies
Right to the sky!

In December, in December
All trees in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
During the night, the poorer
Updated skates, sleds,
The Christmas tree from the forest brought.
Christmas tree crying first
From home heat.
In the morning I stopped crying,
I breathed, came to life.
Slightly trembling her needles,
On the branches of the lights were lit.
Like on the ladder, on the Christmas tree
The lights are whipped up.
Gold flap glue.
Silver star lit.
Preferred to Makushki
The most bold light.

The year has passed like a day yesterday.
Above Moscow at this hour
Beat the watch of the Kremlin Tower
Your salute - twelve times.

Four colors

In your magic

And you
Inclined -
In water

At the bottom stores
Food Sypt

Transparently clean
Spring Pond -

Pond changed
Four colors.
Again summer?

Poems about winter.

Blowing wind behind the window.

Blowing wind behind the window
From the roof the snow sweats,
In the late sky a month's crumb
Star shakes.

Sleeps baby, sleeping her dreams
In it she smelly
Everything flies, everything spins
Tiny snowflake.

And around in the snow, the tops,
Ate coarse
They were decorated with girlfriends
Blizzards and blizzards.

Wonderful picture
How do you like you:
White plain,
Full moon,

The light of heaven is high
And shiny snow
And Sanya Daligih
Lone jogging.

Sings Winter - Aukets

Sings Winter - Aukets,
Shaggy forest Bayukiet
Pine wroring.
Circle with longing deep
Floating to the country a distant
Gray clouds.

And in the courtyard
Carpet silk stele
But it hurts cold.
Games playing
As children are lonely,
Pressed at the window.

Drinking mutter small,
Hungry, tired,
And squeeze meal.
And blizzard with the roar rab
Knocking on shutters risen
And getting angry with stronger.

And dreamed ptashchi tender
Under these whirlwinds
At the murzed window.
And dream of them beautiful
In the smiles of the sun clear
Beauty spring.


White birch
Under my window
Snapped with snow
Precisely silver.
On fluffy branches
Snezhoy Kaima
Brushes bloom
White fringe.
And worth Bereza
In sleepy silence,
And burn snowflakes
In gold fire.
And dawn, lazily
Coming around
Sprinkle branches
New silver.

Not the wind rages over Born,
Not from the mountains ran streams -
Frost Voivode Wort
Own owners.

Looks - Lee Levels
Forest trails have explored
And there is no crack, cracks,
And is there any naked land?

Li pine fluffy peaks,
Is there a pattern on oaks?
And the ice floes are firmly
In great and small waters?

Goes - walks on the trees
Cracks on frozen water
And bright sun playing
In the beard of his beard.


The snowball flies, spinning,
On White Street.
And turned the puddle
In cold glass.

Where in the summer they sang angles,
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
On branches of bullfinch.

Snow is cut by skis,
Like chalk, creaking and dry
And catches the cat redhead
Merry white flies.

All white, oh, all white.
White bloomed.

Bel bunny light trail.
On the birch of Bel takes,
And on the Roshchez Olkhova
White-Bel Shawl Pooh!

In Ryabin Bela Oracle,
Mil handkerchiefs red ...
Good running with a hill
Little Nastya.

How many color of the water lily -
So on Nastya Puffs.
How much scrap among the yard -
So on Silver Nastya!

Frost on glass

Saw artist
In a frosty window
As deer wanders
By a magical country

In sparkling air
Birds pair
Colored lanterns
In the windows are burning

And where above the sea
Forest forests,
Deployed sail ...

Meeting of winter

... Hello, Guest-Winter!
We ask mercy to us
Songs of the North sing
In the forests and steppes.

There is a detriment of us -
Anywhere walking;
STROY Bridges on rivers
And pallium carpets.

We do not get used to -
Let the frost be fusing:
Our Russian blood
Frost burns! ..


Rajlets, Snow Snow Snow
On the winter fields.
Brings covered with caps
In the courtyards at home.

At night, the blizzard was smolecified,
Snow pounded in glass,
And now - looked like fun
And white-white!

Blue evening

Evening winter
In the sky blue
Stars Blue lit.
Branches Syzhalut
Blue frost
On the pushed snowball.
Pains Xiano Moroza
In the windows of forget-me-not
And yawning blue dog
Near the blue booth.


Snow, snow is spinning,
White all street!
We gathered in a circle,
Completed like a snowball.


Magic fairy tale making
Trees and houses
Came to the guys white-
Promed winter.

Cheerful, desired
Frosty time -
From the cold ruddy
Laughs a defector.

Skates flashed we
All pond
And want -
Eagles quickly
Ski flying.


On sledding I came out
From the mountain ride.
And cold-shameless
Can't wait -

Immediately run up
And for my nose
With runway grabs
Lost of fire.

Not an Orobel I -
Rushed to the slide.
And the cold angry
Under the slide stayed.


White snow fluffy

In the air spinning

And on the ground quietly

Falls, falls.

And the next snow

The field was glad,

Exactly pellenium

All his dressed.

Dark forest that cap

Drank wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Hard, incombusably ...

Steel days short

The sun shines little

Here came freezers,

And winter has come ...


Here is my village;
Here is my home;
I'm rolling in sledding
Grief cool,
So we curl sledges,
And I'm on the side - clas!
Kubarem Kachsya
Under the mountain, in a snowdrift.
And friends - boys,
Standing in me
Fun laughing
Over my misfortune.
All face and hands
He shoved me snow ...
I'm in a snowdrift grief,
And guys laughter!

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Here is the north, clouds catching,
Got drunk, overwhelmed - and here herself
There is a wizard winter!
Came, crumbled; Clokami
Hung on the bitch oaks;
Lay down wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills,
Return Break
Fired a plump pellena;
Blushed frost. And we are glad
Granasam Mother Winter.

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Winter! .. Peasant, triumph,
On the woods updates the path;
His horse, snowing sneaking,
Risk risk somehow;
Fluffy bluffing bras
Chibiot flies removed;
The yamper sits on the irradiation
In Toulup, in Krasnaya Kushak.
The yard boy runs
In Salazki bug puts,
Himself in the horse transforming;
Shalun froze his finger:
He and hurt and funny
And the mother threatens him in the window ...
(Brazdes - furrows.)

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Tidy fashionable parquet
Shines the river, ice dressed.
Boys joyful people
Skates doubt the ice cut;
On the red legs goose heavy,
Thinking to sail along the waters,
Steps gently on the ice,
Slips and falls; happy
Flashes, the first snow goes
Stars falling on the Breg.

Winter evening

Buru Millet Heaven Croot
Whirlwind snow twist;
How the beast she will win
Then pay like a child
Then on the root dilapidated
Suddenly straw covers,
How the traveler traveler
To us in the window will chase.
Our old lach tug
And sad and dark.
What do you, my old woman,
Did a window at the window?
Or storms overestimated
You, my friend, tired,
Or dormant under the buzz
His spindle?
Let's drink a good girlfriend
Poor youth my
Heart will be fun.
Sing me a song like a tit
Quietly over the sea lived;
Sing me a song like a maid
Behind the water in the morning went.
Buru Millet Heaven Croot
Whirlwind snow twist;
How the beast she will win
Then pay like a child.
Let's drink a good girlfriend
Poor youth my
Drink with grief; Where is the mug?
Heart will be fun.

Poems about spring.

Wives the winter janitor.

Under the window in the morning

The knock is heard

- Knock-Knock!


This is a matter of good hands.

Wanted winter janitor,

The puddles are small our courtyard.

The sky has become pigeons.

Looks at the puddle of the sparrow

In the courtyard of spring walks,

Soon brown snow melts.

There and here

Nests make gri.

First thunder.

Rushed angry thunder a little

And then, a moment of the weather,

Knocked each window

Thin fingers of rain.


Snow melts, streams run,

The window did the spring ...

Sulfate Solovyi soon

And the forest will dress foliage!

Chista Heavenly azure

Warm and brighter

It's time for the blizzards of evil and storm

Again for a long time passed.


Grass green
Sunlight shines;
Swallow with spring
In the sense to us fly,
With her sun paint
And spring miles ...
Pasting with expensive
Hello soon!
I will give you a grain,
And you spell a song that from countries of distant
Brought with me ...


Bluish clean
Snowdrop - flower.
Or beside a density
The last snowball ...

A.N. Mikes


In the sun Dark Forest Zaina
In the Valley of Couples Belleet Slim,
And the song is early sick
In lazori lark
He is naked in the embroidery
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring came to us young
I here sing the arrival of spring;
Here it is so easy for me, so welcome,
So impossible, so air;
I see the whole world here.
And I felt my song of my song.

Spring is coming

In the morning it was sunny
And very warm.
Lake wide
The yard flowed across the court.

At noon tested
Again the winter came,
Lake lake
Crust glass.

Salted I am thin
Ringing glass
Lake wide
It flowed again.

They say passersby:
- Here Spring goes! -
And I work,
Slimming the ice.


Verba, Verba, Verba,
Verba bloomed.
This means, right,
That spring has come
This means - right
What winter end.
The very first
Sklistela star.
Sklistela in the trunk:
Well, now I am local.
But spring does not believe
The wind is heard whistle.
Wind, wind, wind
On the roads of Vertit
Last year's leaf.
All April jokes!
Rural kindergarten
In the morning threw the fur coats,
At noon - snowfall.
But not so bad
Things are going,
If the willow, the willow
Verba bloomed.

Spring arithmetic.

From all streams and rivers
Remove both ice and snow.
If you find it snow and ice,
There will be a bird flight!
Moving the sun with the rain ...
And wait a little ...
And get herbs.
Are we wrong?


Leave, winter gray!
Already beautiful beauty
Golden chariot
Rolls from the mountain embroidered!

... she has no bow, not arrows,
Smiled only - and you
Pick up your savanna white
Crawled into the ravine in the bushes!

May they find on ravines!
Vaughn swarm roe noisy,
And flies a victorious flag
Penter butterflies detachment!


Awakened from sleep,
Brush soft spring
On the branches draws kidneys
In the fields - routine chains,
Above the revived foliage
- the first stroke of the thunderstorm,
And in the shade of a transparent garden
- Lilac bush with a fence.


You see, replacing a non-residential yesterday,
It was today in the appearance of the new.
It's time, it's not time - I go out from the courtyard:
On the will, on the search, for sound and the word.

You see, the spring comes again.
On us comes, goes on the offshield.
Even her distance is imperative-mud -
But her population arises:

From the pores, from cleft, from the cracks of the crust
The light is selected, white and burning.
Hurry up, curses yards and worlds,
Lives - and does not know the fate of the best.

What a cool winter behind!
In which languages \u200b\u200bwe dwell frosty!
Everything in the past, and no matter, no judge,
We are south, and warmly to us - like food and air.

We are the south, but still intensely south.
Here is a bush, shaking with chills:
"Rather, rather!" - Patience, my friend!
How long have you been a bush, but a snowdrift?

"Rather!" - Although life is not very long, -
"Rather, rather!" - Soul repeats,
Time is worn - and only spring
With his frequency, we reconcile us ...<;/p>

Spring water

Still in the fields white snow,
And the water is noisy in the spring -
Run and beat a sleepy brag
Run, and shook, and say ...
They say to all ends;
"Spring goes, spring comes!
We are young spring messengers
She sent us forward! "
Spring goes, spring goes -
And quiet, warm, May days
Ruddy, light dance
Walks fun behind her!

The month of May

Now in the branches of birch
Sing and nightinga
Dragonflies sing in the meadows
In the fields sing the streams.
And a lot, in the sky,
Sings feathered flocks -
All months call
Cheerful month May!

So the snow is the last

That is the snow last in the melting field.
Warm steam rises from the ground.
And the pitcher is blooming,
And call each other cranes.
Young forest, in green smoke dressed,
Warm thunderstorm is impatiently waiting.
All spring breathing was warm,
Everything around and loves and sings.

Song of spring

Go out, frost is a cosmot!
Do you hear old, or not?
And over the garden and over the hut
Blue spring light.
The sun gently laughs
Shines brighter, hot.
And with a hillside beside a lingers
Talkative stream.

Gonimy rays

Gonimy rays,
From the surrounding mountains already snow
Fucked with muddy streams
On across the meadows.
Smile clear nature
Through the dream meets the morning of the year;
Shine, shies shook.
More transparent, forests
As if the fortune is greine.
Bee for tribute field
Flies from Celi wax.
Valley dry and motley;
Herds are noisy and nightingale
I sang in silence nights.

Poems about summer

A good day

To what HoPosh Denek:

Veins light veterals,

Summer Summer Lychi

So puppies!

Do not need

Hi tyzhyka

Hy Kalosh ...

What is the day of Hoo!


- What will you give me, summer?
- Many sunlight!
In the sky Padygy-Dygy!
And chamomile on Lygy!
- What else will give me?
- key ringing in silence,
Pines, marshes and oaks,
Strawberry and mushrooms!
I will give you kykyshky,
To coming out on the ophshky,
You have a pity to her:
"Rogs me quickly!"
And she is in response to you
Passed for many years!


All splamen from the heat.
In the garden now cool,
But so biting mosquitoes,
What though run from the garden!

Marina, older sister,
Fight with mosquitoes.
Stubborn temper at mosquito
But she stubborn!

She will tear their hand,
They are circling again.
She screams: - What a shame
They attacked the thoracic!

And sees mom out of the window
As brave marina
In the garden fights one
With a comlar squash.

Two mosquitoes are sitting again
At the kid on the finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Claw on a blanket!


And summer on the threshold:
Demisse bees-notch,
Major Karaulu
Attractive hives,
To any alarms
Potted in the measuring gule,
How to work drown in Blagovest
And in June,
And in July
And especially
In August.


Sun split ball
From the head of his earth, Ruffled,
And peaceful evening fire
Sea wave swallowed.

Already the stars bright rose
Heavenly arch raised
With their wet heads.

Airy river full
Flowing between heaven and earth
Breasts breathe easier and free,
Freed from knowing.

And sweet thrill like a jet
On the veins ran the nature,
As if hot legs
Touch the key waters.


Summer long-awaited!
Sun, river and sand,
Shadow birch, rods,
Mosquito ringing and squeak,
Orioles fucking whistle,

Trepid wings dragonfly,
And satin silk grass,
Bells bouquet,
Nightingry night sonnet

Strawberries and raspberries,
Stump bocery
Blue web
At the dawn at the beginning of the day,

The heat of the midday sun
The smell of hay and herb,
And well water
Drunk glass to the Donette

Quiet rustling from rain
Rainbow arc over the field,
Karavella clouds
On the heavenly blue sea!


I'm lying on Lygy.
In heaven neither gygy.
The clouds float into the distance
As a mute river.
And in the grass, on earth,
On the flower, on the stem -
Everywhere singing and whistle,
And every sheet lives:
Here and fly and beetle,
And green spider.
Bee flew
And in the flower crawled.
Here the grasshopper mustache
Cleans the sake of the sake of the sake
And groachtit mypaway
For his work.
Bumblebee shaggy buzzing
And angrily looks
Where is the flower at the time
Where is the middle of the database.
A Compare cannibal
As if DPYG Il Negro,
As if the guest hit
Flew to me in the pyack.
Will stupid and sing.
What! We must endure:
I kill on Lygy
I can not.

What someone likes

"Hey, look - in the river
Removed the skin of the little man! " -
Shouted Chizhik young.
Flew and sat on the tower -
Watching: Naked kids
With a screech splash with water.

Chizhik Beak revealed into the Vicenis,
Chizhik full surprise:
"Ah, what a defector!
Legs - Long Chats,
Instead of wings - two sticks,
There is no fluff, no pen! "
Because of the willow looks hare
; And pumps like a Chinese
Surprised head:
"Here's dying! Here is fun!
There is no tail, no fur ...
Twenty fingers! Oh my God…"
And a crucian in Oskok hears,
The eyes have downloaded and breathe:
"Stupid hare, stupid chizh! ...
Fur and Pooh, say perhaps ...
Here the scales would not bother!
Without scales, brother, shawl! "

Summer half

Silence in the garden and in the house
Sleeps the calf at the shoulder.
Near the cellar in straw
Sparrow from.
Behind the fence
Dusty canopy
Be breeze breeze
Soft air,
Like a cloth
From the river ...

Summer shore

Summer shower Lyzhi poured -
Dacha got up y pried
Fell with a wave
And no matter what a bype
Pupys need me.

About hot summer

Day hard -
Before the stop
Lift up
Have to…

Used pod

Udll from the neck
Mesat pod,
Usami opened
On the wicket hook!
And here truck
On the road arose
And got on the mustache
Naughty in a truck!

- I'll come to the city
And I will walk,
Green mustache
With the help of these
Beautiful mustache
I still have a lot
Wonderful wonders!

- but still
Not miracles, and miracles! -
Corrected the driver
And in the body climbed. -
And who are you
I'm answered pleased:
You are uncle Gorok.
Or aunt beans?

- Poda I'm pretty! -
Replied the pod,
And the ringing rang
And immediately jerked
Many faces
At all not sweated
And very funny!

- Oh, how you yourself
Solid guide! -
Told them

Yunna Moritz


Clover ripen,
In the field of the Spirit -
As if honey spills around.
Deftly bee each ball
and examine and oblash
And heavy bumblebees
Clover clone to the ground.
All sorts of flies
and fleets are different
The cloud is clouded.
Sweet - Sweet Clover Red,
like raspberry raw.


Ruddy Zarya
Coved east.
In the village of the River
Rosya frozen
Flowers in the fields.
The herd awakened
On soft meadows
Gray fog
Flow to the clouds.
Gusey caravan
rushing to the meadows.
People woke up
Hurry to fields.
Javle Sun.
Refines the Earth.


Good guest,
Say straight, no
On the first day of vacation
Summer comes to us
Naughty summer
Young summer
Everything in freckles summer,
Golden color.
Guys generously
Give June cool,
And July, Wow, hot!
Augustus will give us
Warm and rainy
And teach to fry the first mushroom

Poems about autumn


Autumn raw - crazy girlfriend.
The wind leaves chases in a circle.
All in golden beautiful colors,
Here I climbed the ray on the pants.
Hedgehog puffs cooking for wintering.
Protein will put a blank in the hollow.
In the sky there is a wedge of cranes.
That bread all removed from the fields.
Children put on shoes, windbreakers.
To school hurry -
Rustle leaves deftly!
And in the bazaar of mushrooms, the parade.
Autumn each, beautiful is glad!

Mushroom autumn.

Autumn, tricky cheer.
Here in all we need a snarling.
Here entered the magic forest.
Well, in it the country of miracles.
Gudget, Ryzhik, Oily
We have a little basket.
Looked all the clearing
Here is a king - mushroom, but the whitening.
Podberezovik big
Waving a hat as hand.
Headiness friend
Polished as check box.
We are from a fabulous country
They came out all full full.
Ah yes autumn, here is the beauty.
That's what miracles!

Complaint of trees

In baskets, fruits contribute to the house,
When summer passes,

And leave in the rain
Outside the door of the garden.
And there will be banks until spring
Jam pink full of

And there will be apples in Lara
Fresh, as if in September,
And drunk cherries scarlet juice
Paint sugar.

And the garden remained there, outside,
Stand on the belt in a black puddle.
Cold whirlwind of him -
Card the garden and groaned.

Trees hurt, hoarse,
Shake from head to toe:
"We used felt everything now,
Yes, on one leg with us!

Oh, badly shy in the rain,
And take us in a warm house! "
Well, how to help trees?
And suddenly the frost will be night,

Carry rogers and bags -
Trees for winter stockings.
Legs warm, dressed everyone
And the head will force the snow.


Here on the leaf of the maple.
Now he is just like a new one!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

There are initial autumn ...

There is an initial autumn
Short but wonderful time -
All day costs as crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
Empty air, birds do not hear more
But far from the first winter storms
And pour clean and warm azure
On the resting field ...

In autumn

When through the web
Drawing a thread of clear days
And under the window at Selyanin
Distant worst heard,

We do not be sad, scared again


Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful, pesting the wall
It is standing over a light polar.
Birchie yellow threads
Shine in blue lazuries,
Like tows, chips are darker,
And between klyans blue
Then there, then here in the foliage
Summets in the sky, that shell.
The forest smells oak and pine,
For the summer he dry he from the sun
And autumn quietly widow
It comes to the Pierce Terem ...


A Christmas tree became noticeable in the forest
It fell climbed and empty.
And curtain, like a mellowka,
Scored by mud away
Blown by hoarfish
Tremble, whistles a lose bush.

Sky in the autumn breath ...

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise naked.
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard.

Autumn has come ...

Autumn has come
Dried flowers
And look sad
Naked bushes.

Flusted and yellow
Grass on meadows
Only green
I fame in the fields.

Cloud sky touche
The sun does not shine
The wind in the field is how
Rain drizzles ..

Water awesome
Rapid stream
Birds flew away
In warm edges.

Sad time! Ocho charm ...

Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.


Heaven is transparent
As a river stream.
Spinning leaf.
In the Paulinka field
Like string
And bears a blasting
Winter is close.


Fall! Outbred our whole poor garden ...
The leaves are wandering in the wind fly;
Only in the distance they bang, there, at the bottom of the valley,
Brush brightly red dried rippers.


Speaks a lingonberry,
Became colder days
And bird scream
In the heart is only sad.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away for the blue sea.
All trees shine
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun is less likely laughing
No in the colors of the glory.
Soon the autumn will wage -
And pay asking.

Autumn - Yellow Time

Loves autumn yellow color:
With a yellow rain of dawn,
Yellow grass
And fallen foliage
Leaf yellow pages,
Fly away when birds
Sink loves in the morning
Autumn - Yellow time.

When autumn comes

Here burns rowan fire,
Bugs and aspen,
Cleaning grapes,
Apples ripe aroma,
Leaves Yellow in the garden,
Clouds float in the pond.
Every year it happens
When autumn comes to us.

Multicolored autumn

"It's time" - autumn decided
All folded all
Abandoned the bottom basket
Golden rains,
Yellow paint put it
And I did not forget about the Red
Gray wind covered everything
And the road hurried.


With summer, autumn said goodbye
In the forest, the owner remained.
A lot of her work -
Care begin:
Need a forest to calculate
Mushrooms and bumps to gather all
Birds spend on the road
Winter invite to visit.

Sad rain

Here September suddenly buried
Rain invited to visit
Birds south spent everyone.
Rain something naught
Walking on puddles,
And no one is needed.
Crying now in the morning
Autumn - sad time.

Golden autumn

Leaves yellow circling,
Birds are fussing in the garden
The sun hid behind clouds -
Does not play his ray
Looked over the river
Willow with yellow oblique.
Only the wind only walks,
In the pack leaves collects.


Quiet, warm, tender autumn
the leaves of wondered everywhere
Colors in lemon, orange
On sidewalks, lawns, alleys
They are a raplet, without spare, -
Over the window in the web
Nasty window. And gullible bird
I'm on my palm, concerned, sits down,
lung and cold, gentle and clean
Wind gust. Sheet takes off with palm,
Here it is already on the next balcony,
MIG - and, bypassing a wide cornice,

Autumn - Funny fortune teller, smoky ...

Autumn - Funny fortune teller, smoking
Fan leaves, like cards, scattered,
The birds are the road to the south,
A wind with a birch to meet a cute.

Rain - at dusk - fast troubles ...
(Wind, do not last contemptuous laughter.)
Red fortune tellets are true prediction,
The maple leaves fell to farewell.

As hand, in the lounge learned:
Meetings and separation will be a lot in life,
Gloomy sky today without a request,
So the predictions of autumn came true.

Autumn in the forest

Bear hid in Berlogue,
White frost on the road.
Fly to the sea of \u200b\u200bbirds,
Boring, cold fox,

Hedgehog is grieving sad
Along the path is sulfur, stal.
Laste cranberries in the swamp,
Wind branches in flight.

Between clouds window:
The sun looks a little
Immediately hide the slim ray
In a soft cotton clouds.

Steel days are still shorter
Colder nights
As a harbinger of winter already
The first ice was handled the puddles.

Hedgehog autumn

Autumn has come
Birds fly away.
Make a pack of bird
Hedgehog dreams.

Fly in those countries
Where is the heat all year,
Where are their brother of a second-hand -
Yozh Sea - lives.

Sit on the palm
Shy banana;
View a span
To other countries.

It is a pity that they do not know how
Hedgehogs fly,
They have at home
Winter wintering.

Soon again blizzard
Warm tracks
Will be near the fireplace
Hezhart's legs.

// December 2, 2008 // Views: 93 186

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