Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Pyatnitskaya Church (Chernihiv). Pyatnitskaya Church in Chernigov: photos and history Paraskeva Friday Church in Chernigov architectural features

for welding 06.12.2020
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The Pyatnitskaya church was built by the townspeople of Chernigov on the Pyatnitsky trading field, which was previously used to sell various goods. The construction project was developed by the architect Peter Miloneg.

The construction of the church was carried out at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, so the Pyatnitskaya church belongs to the ancient buildings. However, over the entire period of its existence, the church in Chernihiv was destroyed many times and repeatedly burned during the period of hostilities in response to enemy attacks on the city, so the buildings were repeatedly changed.

After that, the Pyatnitskaya Church was repeatedly restored, but at the same time it was rebuilt and significantly changed its appearance. Therefore, on this moment According to the style of architecture, the temple belongs to the style of the 17th-18th centuries. A high bathhouse, numerous stucco decorations and modern proportions - this is what fully characterizes the exterior of the building.

In 1941, a Nazi bomb hit the church, and as a result, the building was completely destroyed. However, according to another version, the church was destroyed as a result of a Soviet air raid.

After that, only one remained intact - the only bell tower, but after 20 years it was dismantled for building materials, which it was decided to use to restore the church building. But despite this, the Pyatnitskaya church remained destroyed for a long time.

Later, the restoration of the original appearance of the Pyatnitskaya Church was entrusted to the famous Soviet and restorer of historical monuments P. D. Baranovsky. After studying all the existing remains of the destroyed church, restoration work began, which continued for a long time.

Studies show that the church was not like all known ancient Russian places of worship. The building is small, only 16m x 11.5m in plan, with four octagonal pillars inside, three apses and a tall bathhouse.

The composition of the Pyatnitskaya Church is extremely dynamic: pink color the exterior wall decoration is harmoniously combined with the white fields of decorative niches and multi-colored ornaments on the portals.

Inside the church resembles a tower, and this has influenced the uniqueness of the design. The artistic effect of fresco painting is enhanced by multi-colored flooring from ceramic tiles green, dark cherry and yellow color. The whole building was built in one breath.

At the moment, the Pyatnitskaya Church is a small building, a four-pillar one-domed temple building. Pyatnitskaya Church has similar features with the architecture of the Middle Ages.

To date, the church is active - services are held in it. Pyatnitskaya Church is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Patriarchate.

Pyatnitskaya Church in Chernihiv (late 12th - early 13th century)

The fate of this monument is unusual. There was a small Pyatnitskaya church on the trading square of Chernigov. (Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has long been considered the patroness of trade). The high dome, numerous stucco decorations, elegant proportions of the church - all these features, no doubt, gave reason to attribute the building to the Ukrainian Baroque style of the 17th-18th centuries. Only its central ledge composition was unusual. Researchers argued that under the baroque cover, the forms of an ancient Russian building were hidden.

During the Second World War, after the bombing in 1941, the Pyatnitskaya Church was badly damaged; during the restoration work, it was possible to reproduce with great certainty all forms of the building, one of the most outstanding monuments of ancient Russian architecture.

The church was not at all like all the old Russian buildings known to us. Everything testified that this is a monument of a new architectural style, which was formed in Russia at the end of the 12th century, during the time of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

It is known that at that time, ancient Russian cities entered the historical arena, handicraft and trade flourished in them, there were handicraft and trade corporations, that is, the same socio-economic process took place that led to the development of the Gothic architectural style in Europe.

elegant Pyatnitskaya Church stands in the center of the ancient Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. The three-nave single-dome building has a tower-like composition directed upwards. The church is small in size (16 X 11.5 m in plan), with four octagonal pillars inside, three apses, a high dome, exceptionally slender in proportions, with an unprecedentedly refined and harmonious composition. Unlike the static forms of buildings of previous times, the composition of the Pyatnitskaya Church is dynamic. Its walls rapidly grow upward in three rows of arches above the main volume. The verticality of the structure is emphasized by profiled pilasters. The vertical and curvilinear elements that dominate the composition are balanced by the horizontal tiers of windows on the second floor, rows of decorative niches of various shapes and scales, a meander frieze reminiscent of 11th-century architecture, and mesh ornamentation on the apses. Vertical profiled pilasters at different heights are completed by short but vigorous strokes of cornices.

The most important new feature of this structure is the picturesque nature of decorative techniques - mesh ornaments made of brick ("towns") and meander friezes, which again appeared on the facades instead of the dry Romanesque arcade. Extremely interesting are the rational brickwork in "boxes", quarter-circle arches and vaults, the transfer of the main vertical thrust from the walls to the outer pillars, which resembles the principles of the Gothic structural system. The researcher of the monument, P. D. Baranovsky, put forward a hypothesis that the builder of the Pyatnitskaya church could be the Knev architect Peter Miloneg. This idea has been repeatedly repeated in the literature. According to one version, the building was built by local Chernihiv masters, although it is likely that they were influenced by the work of the famous Kyiv architect. According to another version, the church was erected at the beginning of the 13th century by a mixed Kiev-Smolensk artel, which worked in different cities. Ancient Russia.

The pink color of the walls is combined with the white fields of decorative niches and colorful ornaments on the portals. Inside the church resembles a tower.

The interior, distinguished by harmony and dynamism, is dominated by the central domed space. The internal structure is reflected in the articulations of the facades, but there are also deviations in individual elements, indicating the emergence of decorative trends. The artistic effect of the fresco painting is enhanced by the colorful floor of yellow, green and dark cherry glazed tiles. Unlike Kyiv Sophia, where the compositional theme develops into a whole symphony, in the Pyatnitskaya Church everything is built on one, so to speak, melody. This is a joyful song about beauty, where the engineering genius of the builder was combined with poetry. folk art. Pyatnitskaya Church in Chernihiv is sometimes called "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" in architecture. Indeed, the ancient Russian architectural landmark is not only a contemporary of the ingenious poem, but also close to the "Words" in the nature of its poetics, in the perfection of form, in the folk spirit and ideological orientation (

Pyatnitskaya Church
A monument of ancient Russian architecture of the pre-Mongolian period.

Pyatnitskaya Church. Story
The Pyatnitskaya Church was built at the end of the 12th - at the beginning of the 13th century by Chernigov townspeople on the Pyatnitsky field, which has been a trading place (trade) since ancient times.

The Pyatnitskaya church was named after Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, the patroness of trade. Until 1786, the church was the main building of the Pyatnitsky Monastery.

The Pyatnitskaya Church differed from other churches in Chernigov by the complete finishing of the facade with all kinds of architectural ornamentation and the composition of the vaults under the drum.

Throughout its existence, the church was repeatedly destroyed and burned during enemy attacks on the city.

For the first time Pyatnitskaya church was destroyed during Tatar-Mongol invasion to Chernigov in 1239

During the restoration work at different times, it was significantly rebuilt and changed its appearance. Until 1941, from the point of view of the architect, it looked like a temple of the 17th century in the Ukrainian baroque style of the 17th-18th centuries. Only its centrist ledge composition was unusual. The researchers argued that under the baroque attire, the forms of the ancient Russian building were hidden.

First Restoration. 1670

The first restoration work was carried out in 1670, in the Ukrainian baroque style and at the expense of the Chernihiv colonel V. Dunin-Borkovsky. In the 90s of the 17th century, baroque pediments were built on the eastern and western facades, and the bathhouse received a multi-tiered completion. The coat of arms of hetman Ivan Mazepa loomed on the eastern baroque pediment.

In the 17-18 centuries. acted at the church convent which burned down in 1750. Significant were the reconstructions after the fire of 1750 and the 19th century, when the Pyatnitskaya church turned into a seven-bath church. In 1818-20, according to the design of the architect A. Kartashevsky, a rotunda-bell tower was added (1963 was dismantled).

During World War II, the church was seriously damaged by aerial bombardments.

In 1941, the church was almost completely destroyed. Miraculously, the bell tower survived, but later (in 1963) it was dismantled - according to one version, it interfered with the construction of the regional drama theater named after. Shevchenko, according to another - on a brick to restore the temple. For a long time the church was destroyed.

Restoration. 1943

Immediately after the German troops were driven out of the city of Chernigov (in 1943), a thorough study of the remains of the Pyatnitskaya Church began with the aim of further restoration. The result of the research was sensational - archaeologists found a temple that embodied the highest achievements of ancient Russian architecture of the pre-Mongol era. Everything indicated that this is a monument of a new architectural style, which was formed in Russia at the end of the 12th century, during the time of the "Tale of Igor's Campaign". It is known that at that time, ancient Russian cities entered the historical arena, handicraft and trade flourished in them, handicraft and trade corporations were formed, that is, the socio-economic process that led to the development of the Gothic architectural style in Europe took place. For a long time it was believed that Russian architecture proper began to develop only in the XIV century after the Mongol-Tatar invasion, when architects Kievan Rus departed from Byzantine traditions. But the study of the same age as the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" - the Pyatnitskaya Church - showed that the processes of formation of national architecture took place a century and a half earlier.

In 1943-45 urgent conservation and anti-emergency work under the guidance of the architect-restorer P. D. Baranovsky saved the architectural monument from final destruction. The church was thus restored to its original form.

During the restoration, the side vestibules and extensions of the 18th-19th centuries were not restored, and the rotunda-bell tower was also dismantled.

For 10 years, P. D. Baranovsky restored the Pyatnitskaya Church, carefully folding brick to brick. As a result, the researcher was able to reproduce with great certainty all forms of the building, one of the outstanding monuments of ancient Russian architecture. Subsequent research uncovered many other structures of this architectural style.

In 1962, the restoration of the Pyatnitskaya Church was completed according to the project of the architect P. D. Baranovsky and M. V. Kholostenko. Restored in its original form, the building reproduces the highest stage in the development of the architecture of Kievan Rus.

Architecture In this way modern look The church is a reconstruction of the temple architecture of the times of Kievan Rus. Its plan is based on a four-pillar cross-domed temple. The constructive and compositional feature of the Pyatnitskaya Church is that the pillars, which carry the high bathhouse with the help of girth arches, are widely spaced, and the side naves are narrow, so only the central zakomara has arched completion on the facade, the side ones have quarter-circular coverings. Thus, the facades are completed with a three-lobed curve. The transition from the main massif to the pedestals is developed into a complex composition of three tiers of stepped vaults, due to which the temple is perceived as an amazing pillar-tower. This impression is reinforced by beamed pilasters and semi-columns of the dresser. The facades of the building are decorated with all kinds of architectural ornaments. Inside the church resembles a tower. The artistic effect of the fresco painting is enhanced by the colorful floor of yellow, green and dark cherry glazed tiles. Unlike Kyiv Sophia, where the compositional theme is developed into a whole symphony, in Pyatnitskaya Church everything is built on one, so to speak, melody. This is a joyful song about beauty, where the engineering genius of the builder is combined with the poetry of folk art. The Pyatnitskaya Church in Chernihiv is sometimes called the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" in architecture. Indeed, the landmark of ancient Russian architecture is not only a contemporary of the brilliant poem, but also close to the "Word" in the nature of its poetics, in the perfection of form, in the folk spirit and ideological orientation. The architectural features that first appeared in the Pyatnitskaya Church were further developed in Russian , Ukrainian, Romanian temple construction. The Pyatnitskaya Church was erected much earlier than all the Moscow hipped churches of the 16th century. It is very similar to the Moscow Church of the Ascension, built in 1532 in the village of Kolomenskoye, which is the first hipped stone building in Muscovy. In Russian architecture, zakomaras turned into kokoshniks. Zakomara is a constructive architectural element, the outer arc of the vault. The kokoshnik is a purely decorative element, it is a flat plate similar in shape to a flower petal or a headdress of Russian women (hence the name). And one more interesting and important detail. In the construction of the building, the decorative possibilities of brick were perfectly used, the ornamental masonry of the Pyatnitskaya Church is an early example of decor, which was later developed in Novgorod and Pskov. A contemporary of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, the Pyatnitsky Church embodied the lofty ideals of the people, the consciousness of the strength and spiritual beauty of the people, their artistic and aesthetic views. In 1972 Pyatnitskaya church was opened as a museum.

The Cathedral of the Chernigov Monastery, better known as the Pyatnitskaya Church, is one of the most ancient architectural monuments of the Chernihiv region, built in the 12th century.

The architecture of the temple gives scientists reason to believe that it was built by Peter Miloneg, an architect of the times of Ancient Russia, the founder of the Grodno school of architecture. One of the four architects of the pre-Mongolian period, whose names are preserved in written sources.

The temple looks like a fortress - very thick walls, loophole windows, massive columns. There is a legend that when the Tatar-Mongols had already captured the city of Chernigov, only Pyatnitskaya church remained standing, in which monks, women, and children locked themselves and defended themselves. Despite all the attacks, the invaders could not take it in any way, and most of the troops had already gone to Kyiv. When the last supplies of bread and water ran out, the monk-defenders climbed to the upper part of the temple and threw themselves on the spears of the nomads.

The temple is characterized by a rapid elongated composition, dynamically “flying up” upwards. For the sake of this, the architect radically changed the constructive system of vaults and arches. This was an unprecedented innovation in the traditional ancient Russian temple architecture. The master decided to lay out the arches thrown over the pillars, not lower, as usual, but above the vaults. Thus, the drum, resting on the arches, rises significantly above the walls.

The church is distinguished by the emphasized elegance of the facades and the general harmony of proportions. The apses are decorated with vertical rods, at the top with a decorative lattice belt and a frieze of niches. There are three windows in the central apse and one each in the side windows. The portals of the Pyatnitskaya Church are made with a profiled frame, with brows above them. Above is a frieze of a brick meander, even higher are decorative niches in which remains of plaster have been preserved. Above them is a belt of "runners". Triple windows complete the central strands.

Skillful use of brick gives the building a special expressiveness, plasticity and beauty. The laying of the temple was carried out with two brick walls with filling the gap between them with stones and brick battle on the mortar. After 5–7 rows, the masonry was made solid, after which they again switched to the backfilling technique.

The monument irrefutably proves that already in the pre-Mongol era, Russian architecture not only departed from the recognized Byzantine canons and embarked on the path of independent development, but by the end of the 12th century. She has already produced works of a well-established original and independent style. The emergence of such a monument as the Pyatnitsky Church is an organically natural event precisely in Southern Russia, where interactions of different cultures were naturally created at the crossroads of paths: from northeastern Zalessky Rus to Western Europe through Galich and from northwestern Novgorod Russia to Byzantium and the Caucasus through the Polovtsians. Chernihiv in the XII century. was no less a cultural center than Kyiv. In this regard, the emergence of new forms and a new architectural type is natural here.

The cathedral is one of those monuments of ancient Russian architecture, which, as a result of later major reconstructions, changed their appearance many times. Luxurious processing of the 17th century, involuntarily attracted attention with its spectacular, pompous style of Ukrainian baroque. This type of cathedral acquired at the end of the XVII century. during the restructuring at the expense of the well-known philanthropist and figure in the restoration of monuments of Chernihiv antiquity, colonel, general convoy Vasily Dunin-Borkovsky. Prior to these reconstructions, there is very scarce information about the Pyatnitsky Monastery and its cathedral, and that only refers to the middle of the 17th century.

End of the 17th century was an era of cultural and national revival in Ukraine and especially in Chernigov, the city closest to the Muscovite state. Pyatnitsky Cathedral, which had a traditional plan of a cross-domed building, was surrounded on three sides by extensions during the alterations. The head was built on (which increased the original height by 8 meters), massive and magnificent baroque jagged pediments were superimposed over the walls, the windows were expanded and new ones were pierced, the pylons inside the temple were made thinner by trimming, and the walls were plastered, the facade processing was cut down, and on the outside of the wall , as well as the head, received facing and plaster in the forms inherent in the Baroque. All this significantly enlarged the temple, but almost completely erased the external traces of its antiquity.

From the further history of the monastery it is known that the building of the temple was subjected to changes after the fires that occurred in 1750 and 1862.

In 1786, the monastery was closed, all its buildings, except for the cathedral, were demolished, and the cathedral already existed as a parish Pyatnitskaya church with a bell tower added in 1820 and in 1850 - new aisles.

On August 23, 1941, during the German offensive, the Pyatnitsky Church burned out from incendiary bombs. On September 26, 1943, after the liberation of Chernigov, three-quarters of the western and southern walls of the building were destroyed by bombardment, two western pylons, most of the vaults and the dome collapsed. The bell tower survived, but in 1963 it was dismantled.

For a long time the church remained in ruins. In 1962, it was restored in the original Old Russian style according to the project of the architects P. Baranovsky and M. Kholostenko. In Soviet times, the temple was used as a museum "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Currently, the temple is active - transferred to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

The Church of Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa, or Pyatnitskaya Church, the former cathedral of the Chernihiv Monastery, is one of the most ancient architectural monuments of the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. Built in the 12th century, the church with very thick walls, loophole windows and massive columns resembles a fortress. Its architecture gives scientists the opportunity to assume that the architect of the church was Peter Miloneg, an architect from the time of Ancient Russia.

As a result of numerous reconstructions, the cathedral changed its appearance many times. It was rebuilt and built on in the 17th century, the building underwent changes after the fires that occurred in 1750 and 1862. In 1786, the Chernigov Monastery with all the buildings was demolished, but the cathedral remained and continued to exist as a parish Pyatnitskaya church.

During the war, the church was destroyed. It began to be restored in 1943-1945, in 1962, under the guidance of architects P. D. Baranovsky and M. V. Kholostenko, it was restored in its original form, representing an example of architecture from the times of Kievan Rus.

Inside the temple is decorated with frescoes, the floor is lined with colorful glazed tiles.

The church is currently active.

Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Vvedenskaya Church is part of the Trinity-Ilyinsky Monastery. The refectory was erected in 1677-1679, even before the construction of the Trinity Cathedral - the main building of the ensemble. The church is a true masterpiece of Ukrainian architectural style, which influenced other later monuments.

From the west, a dining hall with a kitchen and warehouses adjoins the main building of the temple - everything is located in one line. The interior space of the two-domed church is made using the techniques of wooden architecture. One chapter is for the altar, the other is reserved for those who pray. The refectory hall with a barrel vault is a unique example of the interior of buildings of the 17th century. The harmony of the main façade is created by its energetic vertical rhythm, deep window openings and characteristic triangular pediments above them.

The original iconostasis was lost during the Soviet period, the modern one was created in the late 80s of the last century. Today the church performs the role of "student" - it belongs to the religious school of the regents, classes and tests are held here. At the same time, the temple is also a refectory.

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